The New Girl (A Niall Horan F...

By UsedToKnowYou

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Cover made by: thishairaintnatural (Check her out, she's simply amazing)  More

Chapter 2 : Cat's crew
Chapter 3 : Be myself
Chapter 4: Hiding behind a mask.
Chapter 5: You don't know a thing about me
Chapter 6: Poochy
Chapter 7: The storm
Chapter 8: secrets
Chapter 9: Party
Chapter 10: Did it?
Chapter 11: Sudden change of hearts
Chapter 12: Unexpected
Chapter 13: Zayn to the rescue?
Chapter 14: It better be worth it
Chapter 15: The Operation
Chapter 16: A week later
Chapter 17: The truth
Chapter 18: Eventful night
Chapter 19: Help me, please
Chapter 20: Make a choice

Chapter 1 : New school, new life

4.5K 82 12
By UsedToKnowYou

*Beep beep beep*

"Ugh." I groaned. It's monday, the first day of a long school year. A long day ahead off me. First day at my new school. This was going to be fun. Note my sarcasm? I always get bullied just because, well, I don't fight back, I don't have an attitude and I just take what comes in my way. But this year I'll make some friends, this year I'll show people what I'm really made off.

I hopped in my bathroom, took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I was just about to put my lenses in, when my dog barged in and made me drop one off them. SHIT Where is it? I need to find it. I need to! "Lauren sweety, time to go." No no no no no, ugh. Oh well nerd glasses or lenses, I still have my new and improved attitude, right?. I looked into the mirror. Sighing, I left my room. I still looked my nerdy little self and I was okay with that. Only, the other people weren't exactly happy with me or my looks. Mariah tells me that they feel threatened by my beauty. Yeah right, I'm no beauty.

"Honey ready for your new school?" I sighed. "I guess, I don't really have a choice do I now." She parked the car infront off the huge building that was London Arts. "Baby, you'll do just fine. Make some friends, have some fun. Everything will be alright." Alright now that we've had that peptalk, let's prepare for a long day full off torture. I know what you're thinking: How can you know they'll torture you? They could be nice? Wrong. I know that people never like me, only when they need something. Then I'm suddenly their bestfriend and once I've done it for them, I'm back to nothing. "Thanks Mariah, I'll see you later." I said as I gave her a kiss on the cheek. I took a big breath and stepped out off the car, walking towards the building.

Tons off teenagers were sitting on the stairs, jamming on their guitar, catching up on what they missed or just hanging around with their friends. I couldn't help but notice somewhere around the back, in the corner, there was a group off girls. They looked very intimidating, I wonder if they were the next bullies off mine or are there other bitches around here? You know the one's that look like the worng version off barbie. I snapped out off my thoughts and walked inside towards the information desk. A nice lady around 40 was sitting at the desk, typing away on her computer. I cleared my throat and she looked up.

"Hello dear, can I help you?" She asked sweetly. "Uhm well yes, I am Lauren, Lauren Mc Shawnfield?" She typed a few things into her computer. "Ah right, Miss Shawnfield, well here's your class schedule." I took the schedule and looked at it. First two lessons was ... writing. I could handle that. After that came 1 hour off dancing and then I had a free period. The afternoon was filled with gym and another free period. The bell rang and I saw everyone hurrying to their first class. I gulped, I had no idea where I was going. "Listen Hun, I'll take you to Mister Anderson's class. You look lost already." She said winking and gestured to follow her. We walked into a big classroom. Teens were shattered all over the place. A few off the girls I spotted earlier were in this class, then you had these loud guys in the back and a lonely girl near the front. A man around his 30's walked in and the nice lady from the desk walked over to talk to him. He nodded and looked in my direction. After that the lady left and he walked up to me.

"You must be Lauren, welcome! You can sit near Tanisha, she's in the second row." I looked over in her direction. It was the lonely girl who sat by herself. I nodded and walked over to her. "Hi" she chirped happily. "You new here?" I nodded shyly, damnit, where's the attitude I thought I had. Maybe I just needed to get used to the people before I do anything. "I'm Tanisha, what's your name?" I felt more comfortable talking to her so I loosened up a bit. "I'm Lauren, how come you sit here by yourself? You seem like a nice girl." She smiled. "My friends have a diffrent schedule so I'll only see them when I have a free period. Since your new here, maybe I should show you around a bit? This is my second year at London Arts." I nodded happily, a little help could never hurt.


I survived the first two periods, no bullying, not just yet. I walked out off the classroom and Tanisha walked behing me." We have a 15 minute break you know, I could show you a bit around. Show you the people and stuff?" I nodded happily. "Alright then." She smiled as she linked arms with me.

She was having real fun in this, she already showed me the nerds, the parties or something like that and the goths. "Alright, we have 5 more minutes left. I'll show you the 2 most dangerous groups in our school." She said as she walked towards the front yard off the school. She pointed over to the stairs, the girls who I noticed earlier were there. "That's Cat's crew, Cat their leader is the dangeroust of them all. If she likes you, you'll be respected by the whole school. But if you get on her bad side, you better run." She said giggeling. "And are you on her goodside?" I asked curiously. She shook her head. "I'm on no side, she ignores me and I ignore her. A good thing if you ask me." I nodded, everythings better then getting on someone's badside.

Tanisha turned around and pointed towards the outher end off the stairs. The loud boys and annoying girls sat there. "Those are the populars, no matter what you do, you'll always be on her badside because your pretty and your not even wearing makeup. She sees every girl as comeptition since she's trying to get Harry Styles as her boyfriend." I looked at her confused. Who's Harry? As if she could read my mind she answered. "Curly over there, aka the player off the school can get any girl he wants by just flipping his hair. He has an amazing voice and can act. Chelsea is trying to get him as her boyfriend cause then she would be the one who could tame Harry's wildness or something like that." I nodded understanding. "In his group are Harry, Chelsea, Zayn the one with the black hair and Niall the one with the blond hair. You also have the back-ups, those are the girls who follow Chelsea like  a dog. You'll never hear their name much." I looked around, I know pretty much everything. "An who's that? I asked, pointing towards a loner walking up the stairs. "That's Louis Tomlinson, he's the school clown, bad boy and can make the girls melt with only one look. He flies solo because he can talk with all the groups. He's everyone's friend, except Harry's. They avoid each other. Don't ask me why." The loner was a hottie, I thought to myself. "Alright then, I need to get to dance, can you help me?" She shook her head. "Sorry boo, I don't have dance next maybe you can walk with Louis?"

What? Where did that come from? "HEY LOUIS!" Tanisha screamed and the hottie looked up smiling. "Hye Tanisha, long time no see, what's up?" She grinned deviously. "What's your next lesson?" He took his schedule and sighed. "Dance." My head shot up, I see where she's going. She trying to get me and him to be friends. I don't mind, but around boys I'm really awkward. "Lauren has dance to, mind if you walke with her to the studio? She's new." He looked over at me and smiled softly. "Hello there." I smiled shyly. "Hi" I told you I was awkward. I could mentally already facepalm myself. "Come on love don't be shy. I'll walk you to our class." I nodded and said Tanisha goodbye.

We were walking down the hallway and all the girls looked up at me, giving me death glares. "What's with the staring? Are you some kind off celebritie I don't know about?" I joked. He giggled and then let out a sigh. "All the girls here are the same, they want a boyfriend who's popular, one who they can show off. Some girls picture me as that guy and so they claim me. Right now, your stealig 'Their' man." I giggled. "Seriously? You're nothing special." I smiled playfully and ran a little bit infront off him. "Oi, you're a meanie!" I giggled. Suddenly the whole hallway went quiet and everyone started at me. "Ugh what now?" Someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to find Chelsea, that mean blond girl, staring at me with sweet eyes. The bell rang and evryone huried back to their classes. Everyone but me and her. "I'll cover for you." Louis said as he walked into the studio.

"C-can I help you?" I said nervously. "Listen up nerd, you're not in trouble just yet. But let me explain some rules to you. Firts rule: Stay away from Harry, Louis or anyone from our group.  Secondly: you stay as far away from the Cat's crew and lastly : you mind your own business. Follow them and you'll be just fine." She grinned evilly. "And what makes you think I would listen to whatever you say?" Wow, where did that come from. She narrowed her eyes at me. "Girl, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. You don't wan't to be on my badside." Alright attitude on, she wants to play, let's play. "Firstly I don't care about what you say, I can do whatever I want. Secondly I hang around with who ever I want to hang out and lastly, Mind you own business." She glared at me and I swear, if looks could kill I'd be dead right now. "Listen up nerd, this school has more battles then you think. We fight things out with our talent! I happen to be amazingly talented so please don't make me diss you infront off everyone", she said smirking. I huffed.

"Leave her alone Chelsea or I'll diss you infront off the whole school like last time." Someone hissed from the othersider of the hallway. I saw that Cat girl walking up towards us. Chelsea shot me and her a glare and then walked off."Hye girl, I love your attitude. Keep it up and you can join our crew. I could really use someone who has your attitude. The others have the dancing and singing skills but they don't have an attitude towards the populars. You do. Show me your talented and you'll be a leader, just like me." She smiled nicely. "How can I show that I have talent?" I asked confidently, as Tanisha recalled. Everyone feared Cat's crew and let's just say anything's better than getting bullied. "That's easy girl, diss one off the populars. The moment we hear you sing we'll back you up. That's a promise." And with that she walked away. I'll get on her goodside, I just have to.


Dancing went pretty smooth and the free period was used to talk to Tanisha baout Cat. She told me if I wanted to I should take my chance. And now here we were me and Tanisha were sitting in the middle off the cafetaria, eating our lunch. Cat's crew was right next to us. She eyed me carefully. I looked over at the populars who were bullying this cute kid. It think his name was Liam. Poor kid. Tanisha cleared her throat as if to say look up. Right infront off me stood Harry with his friends Zayn and Niall. "Hi there babe." He said cheekly. Tanisha seemed to have an idea as she grabbed her ipod and held it close. She showed me a song and mouth 'When the time is right' I nodded. "I'm Harry but you can call me anytime." I stood up and glared at him. "That's the best you can do, pathetic." He seemed taken back by my comeback, but quickly regained his courage. He puts his hands around my waist and pulled me close. "Don't be like that babe." I looked over at Cat, she saw me looking and nodded as if to say I got your back, go on. I pushed him away. "Back off, don't you get the hint?" His friends seemed to get slightly annoyed by me. "Playing hard to get ey?" He winked at me. I walked away, Tanisha following me, but I was pulled back by a hand. Alright enough. I pulled out off his grip and nodded towards Cat to come over and towards Tanisha to start the music. I'm gonna set him straight.

The music started booming and evryone's eyes were on me. Cat walked up to see me clearly. I looked Harry straight in the eyes as I started singing

L: Why am I always hit on by the boys I never like
     I can always see ‘em coming from the left and from the right.

Cat butted in, showing me she got my back.

C: I don’t want to be a priss, I just try to be polite
    But it always seems to bite me in the –

I sung again starting to do my dance moves. Cat danced along and her crew followed.

L: Ask me for my number, yeah you put me on the spot
    You think that we should hook-up, but I think that we should not

Harry, whi was clearly amused by me just stood there smiling.

L:You had me at hello, then you opened up your mouth
L& C: And that is when it started going south Oh!

Harry didn't get the message and putted his arms around my just to annoy me. I took off my glasses and let my hair loose, seeing I could dance better with loose hair. His eyes widened a little.

L & C: Get your hands off my hips, ‘fore I’ll punch you in the lips
Stop your staring at my— Hey!
Take a hint, take a hint
No you can’t buy me a drink, let me tell you what I think
I think you could use a mint
Take a hint, take a hint
La, La, La….
T-take a hint, take a hint
La, La, La….

His blond friend backed up a bit, clearly thinking this would backfire on him completely But Harry just stood there, grinning.

L:I guess you still don’t get it, so let’s take it from the top (I sung this while pushing him back a little)

C:You asked me what my sign is, and I told you it was Stop. She sung as she pushed her hand into Zayn's face, I couldn't help but smirk, he deserved it.

L: And if I only had a dime for every name that you just dropped

L&C:You’d be here and I’d be on a yacht Oh!
Get your hands off my hips, or I’ll punch you in the lips
Stop your staring at my— Hey!
Take a hint, take a hint
No you can’t buy me a drink, let me tell you what I think
I think you could use a mint
Take a hint, take a hint
La, La, La….
T-take a hint, take a hint
La, La, La….

He still didn't seem to get it, but he already backed up a little, seeing that Cat wasn't really happy about him. This is how it feels to stand up for yourself and it felt GOOD.

L & C: What about “no” don’t you get
So go and tell your friends
I’m not really interested (Cat sung She's not really interested)
It’s about time that you’re leavin’
I’m gonna count to three and
Open my eyes and
You’ll be gone

Harry started to walk back slowly as me and Cat came close to him. Looking like we'd kill him if he didn't back up.

C: One
L:Get your hands off my—
C: Two

I cracked my knuckels as to say that I'd really punch him if he didn't move

L:Or I’ll punch you in the—
C: Three
L:Stop your staring at my—
L&C: Take a hint, take a hint
I am not your missing link
Let me tell you what I think
I think you could use a mint
Take a hint, take a hint

We ended leaning on each other and Harry stood there dumbstruck. He just got dissed and I was proud of it. He stormed out off the room and everyone applauded. "Alright girl! You showed him, let's just change your outfit a bit and your a part off the crew. I squealed off happiness. Cat laughed at my enthousiasme. And pulled me to the front gate. "Wait, were going to ditch school?" She looked at me confused. "Girl, we've got some work to do we need to go to your house to see what outfits are good and aren't, we need to shop for other clothes and I need to show you how you do your makeup! That's alot of work , you know! So let's get going!" Mariah wouldn't know so I guess It's okay. "Your right, Let's get going." I said smiling.

Harry P.O.V. (Right after Lauren sang her song)

"HOW DARE SHE!" I screamed in the toilet. I was furious. No girl ever treated me like that. "Harry relax." Niall sighed. "SHUTUP Horan! Wasn't it you who backed away the moment she started singing! You little coward!" I could see him tense up a bit. "Every girl I know swoons when she's in my presence. WHY would she be any diffrent! She doesn't even knowme and already hates me." I growled still furiously. How could that girl diss me like that! I was just trying to have some fun with the school nerd. I should've known she'd hang around with Cat. What I didn't know was that she was such a beauty even for a nerd, a specially for a nerd ! "Not every girl needs to drool over you Styles!" Niall growled towards me. Whe did that come from. But before I could even say anything, the door bursts open revealing the person I really didn't want to see right now. Chelsea. "Harry boo are you alright, that stupid bitch." She said as she went in for a hug. I pushed her off. "Not in the mood Chels, get off of me and just go away!" I hissed. She huffed and turned away. Atleast I'll have some time off from her.

"Hey Harreh, have you heard?" Zayn asked as he looked up from his phone. "What?" I asked curiously. "Cat's gonna be suspended soon, which means Cat's crew won't have a leader which means..." I shot my head up, ofcourse! That's why she's so nice to the new girl. "Which means she needs a new leader to take her place! Ofcourse! That's why she doesn't swoon all over me. Cat's making sure everything will stay the same in school while she's away." Everything makes sense. My history with Cat is a little to long to explain, but I'll keep it short and simple. We dated and I broke her heart, she turned her crew against me an now we've been living in rivallery for 3 years." Or she just doesn't like you! Ever thought off that?" Niall snapped. What's his problem! "Listen up Horan, lose the F*cking attitude. That girl's gonna be mine one way or another. The only problem is that I'm probably not the only who wants her. Since she took off her glasses and everything, she's pretty hot."

I didn't expect Niall to say anything, but he did anyway. "Louis Tomlinson probably wants her to so you've got competition." He hissed. "WHAT'S your problem! You want to date her or something?" He spat: "NO, but atleast I wouldn't date her for her looks! You'd only hurt her and I've had it with the both of you!" And with that he stormed out off the room. "Why is he acting like that?! I treated him like a brother and that's my thank you!?" I looked towards Zayn, who sat there just as confused as I am. "I don't know man, maybe he hates it that you get all the girls while he's waiting for his 'Princess'." I smirked. Niall's so stupid, there no thing like a happy ending. And if he thought that Lauren's his princess, well then he's dead wrong. She's mine and no one gets in my way.

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