Roommates // Jenlisa

By sshlalisa

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[ COMPLETE ✅ JENLISA AU ] Lisa Manoban moves in with 3 college girls. In addition to her stress with adjustin... More

1: New Roommate
2: New Job
3: Actually Talking
4: Loose Ikea Shopping List
5: Drunken Apologies
6: New Routine
7: Trying Not To Do That
8: Club Night
9: Couldn't Say No
10: Half-Purple
11: Unexpected But Not Unwelcome
12: Didn't Even Have To Guess
13: We Left Off Somewhere Earlier
14: Confessions
15: I'm Not Going Anywhere
17: When You're Ready
18: Path To Your Heart
19: Hopeless Romantic
20: Happily

16: You Sound Chipper

13.5K 420 91
By sshlalisa

A/N: hmmmm since i don't like waiting for updates, i'm giving you the remaining chapters of this book!! happy reading 💗


Waking up next to Jennie Kim gave Lisa a feeling that she didn't think she would ever be able to describe. This morning, when Lisa's eyes flickered open, it was to a face full of soft, dark hair, and when she inhaled deeply, she smelled a scent that was a combination of sex, and something just Jennie. Her heart skipped a beat, and she wrapped her arms more tightly around the woman she was holding, feeling Jennie's soft, even breathing. She smiled as she relaxed fully into Jennie's soft mattress. Lisa wasn't sure how she'd woken up before the Jennie, but she figured that it meant she was awake early, so she let her eyes fall right back closed and drifted back asleep.

When she woke up again, she was still facing Jennie, but the latter was on her back, her phone in her hand. Lisa blinked a few times and shifted a little, curling into her. "Morning," she murmured.

"Good morning," Jennie said softly, her hand coming to Lisa's hair and playing with it. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mmhmm," Lisa hummed, "you?"

"I did."


Lisa sighed happily, content to fall back asleep for the second time, but then Jennie was saying, "I heard Jisoo and Chaeyoung getting up downstairs. So maybe we should get up."

"Why?" Lisa grumbled, burying her face into Jennie's neck as she rolled partially on top of her. Jennie chuckled a little, bringing a small smile to Lisa's lips.

"So they don't come up here looking for us," Jennie whispered, her hand trailing from Lisa's hair down to her bare back, dancing across her skin and giving Lisa goosebumps.

"Not a good enough reason," Lisa murmured playfully.

"What if I make us breakfast?" Jennie asked, her voice sounding so light and cheerful that Lisa could never say no.

"Fine," she agreed. "What are you gonna make?"

"What do you want?"

"I don't care."

Jennie laughed a little. "Okay. Well, let's get up." Lisa sighed as she nodded, rolling off of Jennie and sitting up, stretching her arms up over her head. She glanced at Jennie as she sat up as well, her eyes falling to her beautiful, exposed breasts and instinctively biting down on her lower lip. "Stop looking at me like that."

Lisa blinked, making eye contact with her. "Why?"

"Because," Jennie said lowly, "we need to get up, and if you keep looking at me like that, we probably never will."

"That sounds good to me," Lisa said with a grin, soaking in one more long look at Jennie's naked body before the other girl playfully smacked at her leg through the comforter. Then, before Lisa knew it, Jennie was up off the bed, going to her closet to pull out some clothes. Lisa groaned and said, "I'm gonna have to go to my room for clothes."

A second later, Jennie had tossed a black tank top and gray sweats onto the bed. They were both plain and with no indicators of who they'd belong to—Lisa was sure she owned almost identical sweats. She smiled a little as she reached for them.


She pulled on her underwear from the night before and then Jennie's clothes, but as the two of them got cleaned up and ready to go downstairs, she quickly stopped in her closet to change underwear. She finished up with that and the bathroom before Jennie, so she headed downstairs first, finding Chaeyoung and Jisoo in the living room, both sipping coffee. She saw no signs that they'd eaten any real food yet.

"Morning, Lisa," Jisoo greeted. "How's it going?"

"Good," Lisa answered, hoping she didn't look too peppy. "How was your guys' night last night?"

"It was fun," Chaeyoung told her with a nod. "We hung out with Mino and his friends. It was a nice break from school last week."

"Yeah, the end of the semester has been kicking my ass especially," Jisoo admitted with a dramatic groan. "I just want to be done. Thinking we have one more semester after this still is so depressing."

Lisa smiled in understanding. "I get that. But next semester will probably go by in a flash, really."

"God, I hope so."

"I think we're going to miss it," Chaeyoung admitted. "You know? I think we'll be glad it's over, and then we'll think back to how much fun we always had on campus and stuff."

"Maybe," Jisoo agreed, although she didn't sound fully convinced. Lisa chuckled a little, and then she heard feet coming down the stairs behind her. She forced herself not to turn around and look at Jennie, who walked past her a second later headed toward the kitchen. Jisoo looked at her and said, "Morning, Jen."

"Good morning," Jennie chimed back, and she was doing a very poor job of hiding how peppy she was this morning.

"You seem to be in a good mood," Chaeyoung commented, and Jisoo also looked interested to hear what Jennie had to say, both of them facing her.

"Do I?" Jennie asked back.

"Uh, a little," Jisoo agreed with a laugh. "I bet even Lisa can tell."

Jennie met Lisa's gaze, and Lisa actually froze for a second, not sure what to say. Finally, she said, "Yeah, I guess you do sound... chipper."

"Chipper," Jennie repeated, looking a little amused.

"Did anything especially good happen?" Jisoo wondered.

Jennie just shrugged. "Do you all want breakfast? I was thinking of frying some eggs and bacon."

"Ooh, yes!" Jisoo exclaimed. "This is why my instincts told me to just do coffee first!"

Chaeyoung chuckled. "I'll take some, sure."

Jennie looked back at Lisa, who blinked and was frozen again for a second before she finally forced out, "Yeah, I won't pass up breakfast." Jennie's lips twitched slightly into a small smile, but then she was turning away and starting on breakfast. Lisa felt her heart racing, and she didn't know why she was being like this. Something about seeing Jennie so carefree around their other roommates, maybe, was doing it.

As Jennie started cooking, Lisa looked back to Chaeyoung and Jisoo and suddenly remembered that she needed to ask them about Lucas and Bambam visiting. "Oh hey. I was wondering if you guys would mind if my two best friends—Lucas and Bambam—crashed here for a couple nights during the break? They want to come visit me and see the city, and they were hoping to not have to grab a hotel."

Jisoo shrugged. "Sure, I don't care. Where are they gonna sleep?"

"I was thinking about pushing the coffee table aside and blowing up my air mattress down here, and one could take that, the other could take the couch. I'll have them bring sheets to use," Lisa explained.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo both nodded. "Yeah, that's totally fine. But Jennie's gonna be the only one still here... is that cool with you, Jennie?" Chaeyoung asked, everyone glancing into the kitchen.

Jennie didn't say anything for a second, and then she asked, "What nights are they going to be here?"

Lisa knew that Jennie had already said she didn't care, so she figured she was just putting on a show. Or maybe she really was just curious—after all, the nights that her friends were staying did affect Jennie and Lisa's nights together. "Probably Thursday and Friday. They both work in the early part of the week, same as me."

"Okay," Jennie said, "that's fine."

"Cool. Yeah, they'll obviously stay out of all of your guys' spaces. And I think they really wanna see the city, so we'll probably be out and about a lot of the time."

"I'm not worried about it," Jisoo insisted. "If they're your friends, we trust them."

"Awesome," Lisa said with a smile, getting on her phone to text the guys.

Group Message: Lucas and Bambam

Lisa: All my roommates are totally fine with you guys staying here around Thanksgiving! Two of them will be home for the break, though, so it'll only be four of us total when you guys visit.

Bambam: Sweet!

Lucas: Which one's staying??

Lisa: Jennie.

Lucas: HOLY SHIT! We get to meet her?

Bambam: Wait, Jennie? The one who you were with last night while we were playing? Why is this a big deal?


Bambam: Told me what?? I'm coming over to your room, Lucas, you better tell me!!

Lucas: I would never betray Lisa's trust!

Lisa: Go ahead and tell him, sorry Bam. I was gonna call you later today and give you the updates. Just remember that Lucas is probably overexaggerating everything.

As she sent the last text, she looked up and realized that Chaeyoung and Jisoo had launched into discussion of Chaeyoung and Mino's upcoming weekend getaway. Lisa did her best to participate in the conversation, but a few minutes later her phone buzzed with another text message.


Lisa: What did I say about Lucas overexaggerating!!!

Lisa: Lucas!!!!!

Lucas: :)

"Breakfast is ready," Jennie said, drawing everyone's attention. Lisa purposefully locked her phone and left it on the coffee table as she, Chaeyoung, and Jisoo walked into the kitchen to get food.


"You seem upbeat this week," Seulgi told Lisa on Tuesday while they were sitting in the office building café having lunch and coffee, "which is weird, considering how draining last week was. So what gives?"

"Oh, no reason," Lisa lied, although she didn't do a great job of hiding her smile.

"So the reason is Jennie, huh?" Seulgi asked with a smirk. "What happened? Did you two profess your love to each other or something?"

"Oh shut up," Lisa muttered. "We just talked a little about what exactly is going on between us, and we... progressed, I guess, toward telling people."

"I'm still shocked that your other roommates have no clue about you two," Seulgi admitted, "it seems obvious to me."

Lisa shrugged. "Well, hopefully in a couple weeks, we'll finally tell them and then it will be easier."

"I guess that would be hard, living together but not being able to be all over each other in your own home," Seulgi said thoughtfully. "And judging by the way you two were eye fucking on Halloween, it's obvious that you'd like to be all over each other all the fucking time."

Lisa flushed. "It's not my fault—have you seen her?"

Seulgi snickered. They were quiet for a second as they continued eating, and then Seulgi said, "Oh, by the way, I'm having a little Friendsgiving thing on Thanksgiving, around lunchtime, if you're interested. It's a casual thing, there's gonna be maybe ten other people here. And you can totally bring Jennie, if you want."

Lisa blinked in surprise. "Oh, yeah I'd totally be down. But my two best friends are also going to be in town, is it cool if they come too?"

"The more the merrier," Seulgi insisted with a grin. "I'll text you details. And my address because I'm pretty sure you don't remember from when you were there before."

"Ha. Yeah, no. Never been to a Friendsgiving, though, sounds fun," Lisa admitted.

"But you're not close with your family, right?" Seulgi asked, sounding a little surprised.

"Yeah. Usually my friends and I would just go out drinking or something," Lisa admitted, "or play video games."

"Well, Friendsgiving at my place is a potluck. So you can feel free to bring something—some drinks or food or whatever—but nothing too big. A few of my friends go hard with the traditional dishes. Wait until you try Tzuyu's sweet potatoes, damn."

"Tzuyu," Lisa repeated, "she was the one who your other friend—you've mentioned him since then... Jimin, right? He said she'd sleep with me." She smirked a little. Since that night out, she'd paid a lot closer attention when Seulgi talked about her friends, trying to remember all their names and match them up to who they were that drunken night.

"Right," Seulgi confirmed with a laugh. "She probably would, but she'd sleep with a lot of people. No offense."

"None taken," Lisa said, amused, "I'm not looking for anyone to sleep with anyway."

Seulgi snickered. "Isn't that the truth?"


When Lisa walked out of work on Tuesday, she was in a pretty good mood. She'd had a pretty chill day at the office, and she'd gotten a bit excited at the idea of celebrating Thanksgiving with a Friendsgiving party at Seulgi's place. She was also a little nervous to invite Jennie, but maybe it could be a good way for them to get comfortable being together in front of other people before telling Chaeyoung and Jisoo. Plus, it could be a good ice breaker since it would be right after Bambam and Lucas arrived that morning.

As Lisa pulled her coat tightly around her, walking out of the building, and started for the bus stop, her phone suddenly started ringing. She glanced at the number and saw that it was an unknown number from Oregon. Furrowing her eyebrows, she declined the call as the bus pulled up just then—perfect timing.

A little more than halfway through the bus ride, after she'd managed to grab a seat after standing for the first half, her phone rang again from the same number. Deciding that she should answer it in case one of her best friends was calling them from someone else's phone, she answered the call. "Hello?" she chimed.

"Lisa," the voice said in relief, and Lisa clenched her jaw when she realized who it was. "Before you hang up—found out where that new gig of yours is. You ever heard of LinkedIn? You've got an awful lot of your information up there, kid."

"Tristan, the fact that you're literally stalking me online is creepy as all hell," Lisa growled. "What the fuck do you want?"

"Listen. I know you been talking to your grandparents and saying shit about me. I don't really appreciate that. Your uncle deserves a little love, right?"

"Yeah, because you totally gave me love when I was living with you," Lisa muttered, standing up on the bus and deciding to get off a stop early so as not to have this conversation surrounded by strangers.

As she got off the bus, Tristan argued, "Don't say that like it ain't the truth, Lisa! And you runnin' to your grandparents—my parents—complaining about me, that's fucked up. I'm the one who gave up so much to raise you."

Lisa feet hit the sidewalk concrete and she pulled her coat around her even more tightly as cold wind blew by her. "I get it, now what the fuck do you want?"

"Been in and out of work lately. I'm a month behind on utilities and two months on rent. Figured that since you've got your new gig, and since you owe me for six ass years, that it's the least you could do."

Lisa scoffed. "Fuck you, Tristan. I'm not giving you any money. Also, whose fucking phone are you using right now?"

"Why's that matter? Fact is that you blocked my damn number as if we aren't family!"

"You're not my family," Lisa growled.

"You don't get to decide who's your family, Lisa!" Tristan shouted suddenly, and Lisa's heart clenched as she suddenly flashed back to when she was thirteen, hiding in her room as Tristan yelled and threw things in the living room. She'd been sobbing underneath her covers, pleading to the universe that he would pass out from drunkenness before he could wander into her room. "I sure as hell didn't get to choose you, so you don't get to un-choose me!"

Lisa didn't realize that tears were streaking her cheeks until another cold wind blew past her, all but freezing them against her face. "Yes, I fucking can, you piece of shit. You can call me all the fuck you want, stalk my work, come all the way fucking here for all I care, and it won't change that I'm not giving you shit, and that you are not family to me. You even think about coming near me, and I'm calling the fucking cops, you fucking hear me?"

"You got real guts calling me a piece of shit. I'm the only fucking one who would take you in when my sister and her good for nothing boyfriend died!"

"Only because of the fucking courts."

Tristan laughed harshly. "You think that's what it was? You're so fucking stupid. My mom was so fucking disappointed in your mom for having a baby out of marriage, especially when she continued to not settle down even when she kept going back and dating her stupid baby daddy. She was ashamed of her, and of you, Lisa. Even if my dad would've taken you in, your Nana didn't want you. I'm the only one who could be bothered!"

Lisa had stopped walking by now, her back pressed against the brick of a random building as tears rolled down her cheeks. Thankfully, the sidewalks were too busy due to the cold weather, but a few people were giving her glances as they hurried past. "Wow," Lisa growled through her tears, "you think that's the shit you need to say to get money from me? Delete my fucking number."

"Lisa Manoban, don't you—"

Lisa hung up, immediately blocking the number and then going into her phone settings to silence calls from all unknown numbers. Tears were still streaking her cheeks, and she wiped at her face quickly, sniffling as the cold and her tears made her nose run a little. "Fuck," she muttered under her breath. Suddenly, droplets of cold rain were coming down above her, and she sobbed quietly as she glanced around and then ducked into a little, mostly empty coffee shop.

The older woman working the counter immediately looked at her in concern. "You okay, sweetie?"

"Fine," Lisa answered quickly, sniffling.

"How about a hot coffee, on the house?"

Lisa sniffed again. "That would be really great, thank you."

When she was seated at a little table with her coffee, her tears at bay now, she called the only person she thought might be willing to go out of her way to come pick her up, so she wouldn't have to walk in the cold rain the rest of the way home.

"Hey," Jennie chimed brightly when she answered the call, "where are you, I thought you'd be home by now?"

"About that," Lisa muttered, sniffling again.

"Lisa—are you okay?" Jennie demanded.

"I'm fine. I'm at a coffee shop, um... like three blocks from the house, but it started raining. Do you think—"

"I'm leaving now. Text me the address, and I'll text you when I'm pulled up."

"Thank you."

The call ended, and Lisa sent her location to Jennie, taking another sip of coffee out of the paper to-go cup the woman had given her.

Just a few minutes later, Jennie's text came through that she was outside, and Lisa stood up, looking at the woman at the counter. "Thanks again," she said softly.

"No problem."

Lisa ducked out of the café with her hand wrapped around her coffee cup and immediately headed for the red BMW pulled over on the side of the road. As she got into the passenger side, Jennie immediately asked her, "What happened, are you okay?"

"Fine," Lisa insisted, setting her coffee in the cup holder and buckling her seatbelt. "Tristan—my uncle—called me from a random number while I was on the bus. I got off a stop early, not realizing it was going to rain, so I could walk and talk to him. I should've just hung up, god."

"I'm sorry, Lisa," Jennie said softly, frowning and reaching over to squeeze Lisa's hand before bringing her hands back to the steering wheel and pulling out back onto the road. They drove in silence for a couple of minutes before Jennie asked, "He wanted money again?"

"Yeah, but when I said no, he got all pissed about how I need to help him because he's family, and I told him that he's not my family..." Lisa sniffed, shaking her head. "God, he is so stupid. I was terrified of him as a kid, even before he took me in. He was always drunk—and he's an angry drunk. Threw things, yelled. My mom had to send him home in the middle of the night countless times, and sometimes after she locked him out, he would pound on her door for an hour, and I would be in my room terrified. When he took me in, it was like that every time he was around. The only solace I got was when I went to Lucas', Bambam's, or my grandparents' place. But anytime I was around him, I couldn't relax. And he started shouting on the phone, and it just triggered me for a second. This is why I don't fucking talk to him anymore."

They were already pulling into the driveway now behind the house, next to Chaeyoung's car, and Lisa sniffled as Jennie put the car in park but made no move to get out. She reached for Lisa's hands. "Lisa... did your uncle ever... hurt you?"

Lisa cast her gaze away from the girl sitting next to her, choking up when she tried to answer, but finally forcing words out. "He hit me a couple of times. When I was thirteen and fourteen. One time, Lucas found out, and he was determined to never let it happen again. He and Bambam spent every day after school with me, teaching me how to fight." She laughed a little despite the tears trailing down her face again. "I never hit Tristan, though, because he was always wasted, and it didn't matter how much I practiced—he was way bigger than me, and if he was unhinged enough, he might've gotten mad enough to really hurt me, so. But thankfully... when I got a bit older, fifteen or so, I learned how to stay away from him better."

"I'm so sorry, Lisa," Jennie whispered, squeezing her hands. "That is so horrible. He doesn't deserve any kindness from you."

"No, all he does is make me feel like shit," Lisa agreed. "But this time... fuck, he told me something he's never said before. He said the reason that my grandparents didn't take me in is because my Nana was ashamed that her daughter—my mom—had a baby outside of wedlock and that she never settled down with my dad. And she said that she was ashamed of me—bastard kid, I guess."

"Oh, Lisa... that can't be true, can it?" Jennie asked softly.

"No fucking clue. But maybe I don't want to know if it's true," Lisa whispered. "Because that would mean that my Grandpa let my Nana get her way, even in something that was clearly such a huge, life changing thing for me. I know my Nana is a bitch, but I don't want to think that my Grandpa went along with something like that..."

Jennie sighed, lifting a hand and running her fingers through some of Lisa's hair. Lisa could tell that she didn't know what to say, but Lisa was just happy to have someone to talk to.

"Thank you," Lisa said quietly after a second, "for coming to get me. Didn't realize it was going to rain."

"Of course," Jennie insisted. "Do you wanna go inside?"

"In a second," Lisa murmured, leaning across the center console and resting her head on Jennie's shoulder. She didn't want to see her other roommates yet, and she hoped that Jennie would have the mental energy to explain Jennie leaving and returning with Lisa, because Lisa sure as hell didn't. After a second, she said, "Sucks that this had to happen today. I was having a good day."

"Murphy's Law, I guess."

"Guess so. I hope I didn't ruin your day, too."

"You didn't," Jennie promised her. "I actually have some good news, do you want to hear it?"


"So I had that follow up call with the clinic, and they told me that they would love to have me back after I graduate, to finish all my internship hours that I need before I can get certified as a dietician."

Lisa pulled her head off of Jennie's shoulder to look at her excited grin, and Lisa smiled effortlessly, despite how shitty she felt right now. "Oh my god, Jen, congratulations, that's amazing."

"Thanks," Jennie said softly. "I'm really excited, and it's reaffirming to hear stuff like that."


"You know, affirming that changing my major was a good idea. Losing my family was worth it. That kind of thing."

Lisa nodded in understanding. "Well, if I've learned anything from my uncle, it's that your blood relatives aren't always the family that you need."

Jennie sighed, rubbing her thumb over Lisa's hand. "You can say that again."


Friday came quickly after Tuesday ended, and there was nothing eventful that occurred in between. Namely, since Lisa had silenced calls from all unknown callers, she didn't even have to deliberately avoid any calls potentially from her uncle. It was the break she needed after getting so upset on Tuesday.

She felt a little weird about having been so upset in front of Jennie, but she'd seen Jennie just as vulnerable before, so she knew that the girl was probably not fazed. Lisa felt like she was just still getting used to having Jennie be like this with her, after having been so hesitant up till now. Even still, she was feeling mild nerves for the conversations they would have once Jisoo and Chaeyoung were officially gone for a week.

When Lisa got home on Friday, it was to a house full of people—Irene, Mino, and Chanyeol were all over and lounging in the living room, and Jennie and Chaeyoung were seemingly cooking something. "Hey," Lisa greeted when she arrived, walking into the living room instead of upstairs, "something special going on?"

"Oh!" Jisoo chimed, from where she was also seated in one of the chairs in the living room. "We all have a tradition of hanging out the night before break since most of us won't see each other all next week."

"Definitely feel free to join us, Lisa," Chaeyoung said from the kitchen, smiling at her. Lisa returned it.

"Cool." She looked back at the people in the living room and said, "I'm gonna change into something less business casual and then I'll be right down." As she turned to go upstairs, she glanced into the kitchen again and suddenly made eye contact with Jennie, making her heart skip a beat. She bit on the inside of her lip and forced herself to head upstairs.

After changing into some jeans and a sweater, she went back downstairs and found herself sitting on the arm of the couch chatting with everyone. She found out that Jennie and Chaeyoung were making some foods that were reminiscent of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Lisa wanted to offer to help, just to be able to be around Jennie, but she knew she was useless in the kitchen and it wouldn't make any sense for her to want to help.

"So, Lisa," Irene said at some point, "what's your plan for Thanksgiving? You're staying in the city, right?"

"Yeah. A couple of my friends are gonna visit from home for a few days. And Seulgi invited me to her Friendsgiving lunch next Thursday, so I'll go to that," Lisa answered, feeling Jennie's eyes land on her. "Honestly, it's the most I've ever done specifically for Thanksgiving, so."

"Your family didn't celebrate it?" Chanyeol wondered.

Lisa tried not to snicker, because it wasn't like Chanyeol knew anything about her life. "My family didn't really do much of anything for any holidays. In high school and college, I spent every Thanksgiving either playing video games with my friends or getting drunk."

"Hey, that sounds like celebrating," Jisoo joked with a chuckle.

"I guess?" Lisa said, laughing as well. "Seulgi's Friendsgiving is a potluck, and apparently some of her friends are going to make like a whole Thanksgiving feast or something, so I guess I'll get the full experience."

Jennie snickered suddenly and asked, "What are you going to bring? Frozen dinners?"

Lisa begged herself not to blush as she looked into the kitchen at Jennie. Chaeyoung looked a little worried all of the sudden, like she thought Lisa was going to be offended by the comment. But Lisa just laughed a little and said, "I'm probably gonna buy a pie or some shit."

"You could always make pancakes," Jisoo joked, like she was trying to break some tension that Lisa didn't even feel. She tried not to sigh as she found herself wishing that their friends could just know what was going on with her and Jennie already.

When dinner was ready after a while, everyone served themselves in the kitchen before coming back to the living room and eating as they talked about their plans for the break. Chaeyoung and Mino told Chanyeol and Irene about their plans for the weekend, and Jisoo ranted about having to spend her week with her overbearing parents and her half-sister, who Lisa hadn't ever heard about.

When they all finished eating, Lisa decided to clean up everyone's dishes, insisting that they all stay seated. Jennie, however, didn't listen, and she got up to help Lisa do the dishes and clean up the leftovers in the kitchen. Jisoo turned on a comedy special from Netflix and everyone in the living room was sufficiently distracted when Jennie leaned over, bringing her lips close to Lisa's ear, and whispered, "Chaeng and Mino are leaving tonight, and Jisoo is probably going to sleep somewhat early so she and Irene can leave early tomorrow morning."

Lisa gave her a sideways glance, lifting an eyebrow at the implication. "My room?" she whispered, barely audible even to herself. There was a twinkle in Jennie's eye as she nodded, and Lisa felt her heart skip a beat. Maybe this secretive thing was fun sometimes, as much as lisag wanted it to end.

Awhile later, everyone had said their goodbyes for the break and gone home. Chaeyoung and Mino left first, not able to stay through the whole comedy special Jisoo had turned on since they had to head to their hotel for the weekend. Chanyeol and Irene left after the comedy special ended, apparently having carpooled together. Then Jisoo complained about not having anyone to hang out with, and Jennie and Lisa were roped into spending the rest of the evening with her. It was fun, though, and Lisa was glad to hang out with her before she would be gone for the week. She'd officially decided that any worry she'd had about Jisoo having feelings for her were unnecessary, and that brought her a lot of relief, thankfully.

When Jisoo ultimately decided she should sleep to brace herself to travel early the next day, she said goodnight to Jennie and Lisa and wished them a good break before heading into her and Chaeyoung's bathroom to get ready.

Jennie and Lisa didn't hesitate before heading upstairs, and when they entered into Lisa's room, Jennie immediately pulled her close and pressed their lips together firmly, Lisa kissing her back without any hesitation. "Mm," Lisa hummed, before murmuring against Jennie's lips, "I can't believe after tonight we have a week to not think about keeping anything secret."

Jennie hummed in agreement, her hand coming to Lisa's face and then sliding back into her hair, holding her face in place as she slid her tongue past Lisa's lips. Lisa felt herself melt against the younger woman, her hands coming to Jennie's hips and pulling their bodies close together.

They ended the night in Lisa's bed together. Since Jisoo was just downstairs, they didn't have a particularly eventful night, but since Jisoo would be leaving early in the morning without waking them up to say goodbye, they didn't hesitate to share a bed to sleep.

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