Myriad Colors Phantom World:...

By BlackvoirYanderevoir

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Phantom Catchers are Legendary catchers for Catching Phantoms, but what if Hosea gets one? Kyle Torihiki, son... More

Kyle Torikara and Denwa Genjitsu Bio's
Chapter 1: The Legendary Phantom Catchers
Chapter 2: Phantom Field Day
Chapter 3: Two Battle Styles
Chapter 4: Dimensional Camping
Sekai Rifuko Bio
Chapter 6: Dynamaxing
Chapter 7: Invoking Legendary!
Chapter 8: Kurumi and the Eternal Dragon
Toko Kashima's Bio
Chapter 9: Phantom Dynamax Adventure
Pinni BajjiTochi Bio
Chapter 10: Hot Spring Sprang Sprung
Chapter 11: Kyle's Ability and Secret
Chapter 12: Opera Phantom Catchers
Chapter 13: Little Ruru's Big Crush
Chapter 14: Sister Meeting
Hanako Izumi Bio
Chapter 15: The Phantom Prince
Chapter 16: Facing the Fear
Chapter 17: New Phantom Catchers
Chapter 18: Where did Kyle go?
Chapter 19: Farewell, Phantom World

Chapter 5: Parental Rivelry

69 2 0
By BlackvoirYanderevoir

Kyle is showing everyone his Family Photo, while Ruru was aww-ing him when he was young.

Kyle: Being in a family is the best thing, but it's not as it seems.

Ruru: your so cute then you were young.

Kyle: this chapter will be based with my friend and fellow Phantom catcher: Code Name Rift, A.K.A Sekai Rifuko. He is the cousin to Reina Izuki.

Ruru: Wait a minute, He's Reina's cousin?

Kyle: yep, but he doesn't talk about to others.

Ruru: alright, but why doesn't Reina's parents talk about him?

Kyle: because He really hates Reina's parents.

Ruru: oh...ok.

*Insert intro*

After catching the bus Phantom with Denwa, Kyle was taking Reina back to her home.

Reina: I still can't believe you both went back through time just for two Phantoms.

Kyle: not two, three. that bus was a phantom too.

He brings out a card with the bus on it, which was an Objectu Phantom.

Kyle: well if the train station is not open, we'll take this thing.

Reina: if it doesn't take us anywhere else again.

Kyle: deal.

*Timeskip, Brought by Chibi Reina throwing Haruhiko.*

Kyle and Reina makes it to Reina's house. Kyle saw two people at the door, thinking they are Reina's parents, and also seeing the camera is gone.

Kyle: classic Sekai, conversating cameras from others.

Reina's father: Reina, come in now.

Kyle: wait, what?

Reina: it's just how they are.

Reina goes to her parents. Kyle was about to leave, until Reina's mother saw his card summoner.

Reina's Mother: what are you wielding?

Kyle: oh, this is my card summoner. I'm a Phantom catcher.

Reina's mother: Phantom catcher? ha, their more fake and catching those despicable Phantom's!

Kyle: look, all Phantom's are not cruel!

Reina's father: hey, watch who your arguing with!

Kyle: well at least, Sekai does have Phantom's!

saying 'Sekai' triggered both of them.

Reina's father: Sekai is a shame to our family! you must be taught a lesson!

Reina's mother: Reina, who is this boy?

Reina: K-K-Kyle Torikawa.

Reina's mother: Torikawa? as in...the Torikawa family? heh, we are going to have some words with them...

Kyle: heh, alright...well I better get going and...

Reina's mother: ...Tomorrow!

Kyle froze from what she said.

Kyle: Tomorrow?

Kyle looked back at them and worried.

Kyle: what have I done?

*Timeskip, brought by Chibi Sekai stealing security cameras*

The Next day, Kyle and Reina were both ashamed for tonight.

Haruhiko: what's wrong, guys?

Kyle: ...I got into a fight with Reina's parents...

Mai: what?

Kyle: I said 'I got into a fight with Reina's parents'. and now they are coming to my house and talk to my parents.

Haruhiko: what? why would you do that?

Kyle: *Sighs* I think then I said Sekai, It must have triggered something in them and I'm not looing forward to tonight!

Mai: did they see Mesmo or Punimellia?

Mesmo: no, we went back to the house then we caught that Bus Phantom last night.

Punimellia: Kyle said we earned it.

Ruru: he's soft with Phantoms.

Kyle: my family has a soft spot for Phantoms.

Mai: what did your parent's say then you told them?

Kyle: Reina's parents called first and they were first upset, but they said everyone makes mistakes and some people don't like Phantoms.

Mesmo: so, in that story, it's Reina's parents fault!

Reina: it's not that. they don't like Phantom catchers that much, so I'm guessing this talk will be about that.

Kyle looks at the clock, seeing it was almost home time.

Kyle: well, its going to be a long night, it will be cool if I had some...

He looked at Ruru.

Kyle: ...Little company.

Haruhiko: of course I'll keep you company.

Ruru: you had to ask.

Kyle: thanks guys.

*Timeskip, Brought by Chibi Ruru eating pasterys*

Kyle, Haruhiko and their Phantoms went back to Kyle's house. Kyle's parents let Haruhiko stay because they were friends.

Ruru: why didn't Reina come with us?

Kyle: her parents are coming, means Reina is coming too.

Haruhiko was looking around his room, until he saw two pictures, one of Kyle and his parents and one with his friends.

Haruhiko: you and your friends were really close?

Kyle: Yep, they are the best friends and Team I ever had.

Mesmo goes out of Kyle's room.

Haruhiko: hey Mesmo, where are you going?

Mesmo: oh, Kyle's parents want to show some Phantoms are very helpful.

Kyle: it's ok, I have another...guest...coming...oh no!

Haruhiko: what is it?

Kyle: I have another Phantom catcher coming tonight and guess what? He knows Reina and her parents!

they heard a car door close outside.

Kyle: well, that's it! it's over!

Meanwhile, a male walking on the streets with two Phantom's. he was walking to Kyle's house, until him and his Phantoms saw Reina's family car. one of the Phantom's pointed at the car plate.

Sekai: oh yeah, thanks for the lesson, Sensei! I can read!

Sekai looked over the wall, seeing Kyle kept one of the windows open.

Sekai: well at least he kept the window open. time to rift!

meanwhile inside, Haruhiko was asking questions about Sekai.

Haruhiko: why did you bring him here tonight?

Kyle: I thought I was free tonight, turns out, I'm wrong!

then a orange rift appeared in his room.

Haruhiko: what is this?

Sekai: ladies and gentlemen! boys and girls, Phantom catchers of all ages, introducing code name Rift! Sekai Rifuko!

Sekai comes out from the rift and drops onto the floor.

Haruhiko: who are you?

Kyle: Haruhiko Ichigo, this is my Friend and fellow Phantom catcher, Sekai Rifuko.

Sekai: I'm code name rift!

Ruru: oh, see the resemblance!

Meanwhile, Reina was heading into Kyle's room, until she heard everyone's voices.

Haruhiko: so your the third member of Catcher team Alpha?

Sekai: yep, the full thing! but I'm more to Reina and her Parents!

Haruhiko: what? what your saying?

Sekai: well you see, I'm...

Reina then comes into the room.

Reina: I know why! He's my cousin!

*Insert Mothios' Bio*

*Insert Ketar's Bio*

a few minutes earlier, Reina and her parents came into Kyle's house. they were both greeted by Kyles mom and dad.

Kyle's Mother: Welcome, Izuki's to our little home. I hope you all will feel comfy.

Reina's Father: we don't like this as much as you both do.

Kyle's Father: well, shall you come in, make yourselves at home.

Everyone comes in and goes to the living area.

Reina: is it ok for me to go to Kyle's room?

Kyle's Mother: your free to go into his room. He won't mind.

Reina goes into the hallways and looks for Kyle's room.

*Small timeskip*

Reina was in Kyle's room, looking at Kyle, Haruhiko and her cousin, Sekai.

Sekai: well well, how was life for, niece!

Reina then pouted at him.

Reina: why are you here?

Sekai: I didn't know you are your *Coughs* Parents were coming. I heard about your sister leaving them and I thought I could hang out with the best Leader ever, Kyle and his Phantoms!

Ruru was hanging with Ketar as she was riding him as a horse.

Kyle: looks like Ruru is making more friends.

Sekai: Ruru, that's her name huh? I remember Punimellia and Mes playing around with Mothios.

Haruhiko: Mothios? you mean like the Kaiju?

Kyle: no, that's Mothra!

Sekai: named him after the Kaiju and because he looks like a moth.

Haruhiko: so, when did you find him?

Sekai: Don't thank me, Kyle was the one who found him! Ketar is my starter!

Reina: Mothios was found by Kyle? so I'm guessing one of the two Phantoms Denwa owns was found by Kyle as well?

Sekai: Oh yeah, B00st! She was jumping up and down like crazy!

Meanwhile, Kyle's parents were talking with Reina's parents.

Reina's Mother: as you don't know why we came, we had a little fight agains your son.

Kyle's Mother: I mean he doesn't fight with other parents.

Reina's Father: We knowist he was handling...Phantoms!

Kyle's Father: heh yeah, He's a natural born Phantom catcher.

Kyle's Mother: He told us you both don't see anything in Phantoms.

then Mesmo came in on a serving trolley. after he stops, he put some treats on the table and served tea for everyone.

Mesmo: enjoy!

Mesmo jumps back on the trolley as it goes back into the Kitchen.

Kyle's Mother: you see, some Phantoms aren't the same.

Reina's Mother: oh please. ok, I agree he's not a bad boy, but...

Kyle's Mother: I feel like you have a grudge against someone else.

Reina's Father: Fine, we have a grudge against our cousins son, Sekai Rifuko. He's a nuisance then he was with Reina and her sister. If I ever see him again, it will be too soon.

Meanwhile outside, Sekai's Mother were outside the house, finding Sekai.

Sekai's mother: I knew he would be here. he always comes here then he's bored.

She then walks in.

Back in Kyle's room, Reina was still uncomfory with her cousin in the room.

Reina: my parents are gonna freak then they see you again.

Sekai: your parents? what about my parents? they would start a fight if it happens!

Reina: I don't...

Sekai: you know what? I'll go into the living area. their in the living area, right Kyle?

Kyle: ...yes?

Sekai leaves with his Phantoms following him. Kyle, Haruhiko and Reina gave chase to him.

Haruhiko: why is his code name 'rift'?

As he said that, Sekai opened an orange rift on the floor and a blue one on the ceiling at the end. he goes through the orange rift and comes out of the blue one.

Kyle: Does that answer your question?

Haruhiko: yep.

they tried to jump into the rift, but it closes. they then ran again to go after him

after a while, Sekai and his Phantoms won the race and got into the living area first, but had second ideas.

Kyle and the others caught up to him and tried to stop him.

Kyle: Sekai! Don't!

Sekai: Relax, I won't do it!

Reina: you what?

Sekai: I realised you suffered your parents for that long, I realised they can change.

Kyle: what are you talking about?

Sekai: My Mom is here!

Kyle's and Reina's parents were now talking with Sekai's mother. (ok, It's more like arguing with Sekai's mother and Reina's parents.

Sekai's Mother: Why do you both have to be so stiff! this is why your elder Daughter left you!

Reina's Mother: She left because she didn't listen to us!

Haruhiko: she must be mad with both of them!

Sekai: well, it's like this. My Family are Phantom researchers. My ability is to seal Phantom Via rift. but, Reina's family, are a rich family. they don't see anything that Phantoms have in common.

Reina: I didn't know your and my family were bitter rivals.

Reina's Father: Reina, what are you doing with that...wannabe of a cousin!

Everyone's parents saw everyone.

Sekai: Hi, Cousin's, Hi mom.

Reina: Mother, Father, I don't know why you have this thing against my cousin or his family, but it's...not like any family to have a bitter rivalry.

Kyle then pointed his head down, eyes closed and hands on top of each other.

Kyle: and to Mr and Mrs. Izuki, I'm sorry for getting into an argument with you both. but Phantom catching isn't about Phantoms, it's protecting everyone around the place.

Reina's parents accepted his apology.

Reina's Father: if Phantom catching is a hobby of yours, We accept your apology.

Sekai's Mother was interested with the word ' Rivalry'.

Sekai's Mother: you know what, that could be our name for both our family relationship. Rivalry.

Reina's Mother: Don't push it!

Sekai's Mother: I know. that is a bad Idea!

Reina's Mother: Sekai, if you watch over Reina and keep her safe, you can come back to our house anytime you want.

Sekai: you don't have to tell my twice!

*Timeskip, brought by Chibi Sekai playing Portal 2*

After the agreement, Reina's parents and Sekai's mother were going to leave. Sekai and Reina were going to have a talk before they leave.

Sekai: Reina, Niece, Listen, I'm sorry for sending my friend back in tome to keep you safe.

Reina: it's ok, you were just watching over me. I just dreamed that world, but I didn't realised they were Phantoms.

Sekai: Phantoms are not just fact, their fictional too.

Reina: it's just...I missed my sister for so long, I almost forgot about her.

Sekai: your sis? why didn't you say so? She didn't run away, she is living at my house so she could calm down.

Reina: wait, your saying my sister never left the whole time?

Sekai: yep. She said if I found you, you can come by to see her anytime you want.

Reina coulden't hold back the tears and hugged his cousin.

Reina: thank you! your the best cousin I can ever have!

Reina lets go and goes to her parents. Sekai just smiled.

Sekai: Cousin huh? I never heard that in a long time.

Sekai then opened a rift and he goes through it. Sekai's Phantoms were almost left out, but Sekai opened the rift again allowing them to follow him.

*Insert outro*

A/N: Over 2000 words in one chapter? yikes, this was a lot! anyway, I'll be putting in Sekai's Bio and his Phantoms in the next bio. and the next chapter will have Dynamaxing from Pokémon! that's right, Phantom's are going bigger! so I hope you like the next chapter.

Up next: Sekai Rifuko's Bio

Word count: 2283

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