Crooked Destinies | An ONC202...

By iced-nostalgia

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✨𝘖𝘕𝘊 2021 𝘙𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘸𝘰 𝘘𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘦𝘳 + 𝘈𝘮𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘳 𝘗𝘪𝘤𝘬 ✨ Heroes are idiots. That's... More

𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐬
••storm•• [continued]


37 7 56
By iced-nostalgia

I crack up, laughing louder than I should have. "S-so Father sent you here?"

My brother hides a smile. Yep, Denim. In all his blue-eyed, dark-hair, I'm-too-cool-for-you aura glory. "I think he was just done with me. Who knew all it would take is 23 failed deal- I mean marriages to get the job done?" he boasts, calling my father out.

Only Denim could do that. I wasn't sure if it had anything to do with him being male or first-born. I couldn't care less. Not being under the spotlight was the one thing I loved about my family.

I smile. It's nice having him back. I can't help as my thoughts wander to Storm. What's he doing right now? Could he be thinking about me?

"Who're you thinking about? And before you lie, don't forget who I am. Denim, your super cool, I-know-when-you're-lying older brother," he says, raising his eyebrow. Leave it to Denim to never leave a chance to compliment himself.

I make a face. "Older doesn't mean wiser. Especially in this case," I say, with the fakest innocent smile I can manage.


"Anyway, how long are you staying?" I ask.

"Not sure, until Marcus decides I'm worth another try. I'd say three weeks maximum. Why? Sick of me already," he says, wiggling his eyebrows.

I push him. "Yes," I say. "And there's no way in shitty hell you're staying here."

Shit. I have to tell him about Storm. Can a lightning bolt from the skies strike me now? Pretty please.

"Yes, I am. Marcus's orders. He wants to make sure there aren't any shady boys in your life," he says, teasing me.

I push him playfully, making him fall off the bed, laughing. "Bullshit. You want to make sure there aren't any shady boys in my life."

"Maybe I do. Is there anyone you want to tell me about, daughter?" he says, suggestively.

"You're so weird."


"Seriously though-," I start when a knock comes at the door. "Hold on."

I swear to freaking holy-whatevers if it's Storm...

I open the door and make a face when I see who it is. "Storm."

"Blaise," he says, his eyes meeting mine.

I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding in. Without another thought, I wrap my hands around him in a hug.

He's surprised at first. Probably wondering why I'm not murdering him. That's next.

He wraps his hands around me in a moment though, with a smile.

"Darling, I don't like to be kept waiting," a high-pitched voice calls from inside the room.

I laugh.

Storm raises an eyebrow at me.


I bite my lip before saying, "I'll talk to you later okay." Even I can hear the desperation in my voice.

Pushing Storm out the door, ignoring his very confused and adorable look. I slam the door on his face.

Denim raises a suspicious eyebrow from the couch. I thank the skies for the wall making sure he didn't see Storm.

Another knock comes at the door. I huff. Why can't he just take a damn hint? Returning to the door, I poke my head out and say, "I'll call you later. Okay?"

Not giving him a chance to respond, I slam the door on his face again.

Denim gets up. "Okay, what's going on?"

A wave of panic goes through me. "Nothing, just the mailman," I say. Too late to overthink now.

"Did you just call me a mailman?" Storm's muffled voice says from the other side of the door. He pounds the door again. "Just open the door, Blaise."

"LATER," I call.

Denim shoots me a look before walking to the door and opening it.

Storm and Denim freeze as they see each other.


"Random stranger in Blaise's room?"

"You know him?!" I exclaim, confused. I shouldn't be surprised, Storm knows pretty much anyone.

"Sort of..." Denim says. He pinches his nose. "How..." he starts, before shutting up. He stumbles back a little bit, sitting down on the bed. His eyes get a little pink.

I panic. I know I've never dated before but this was not the reaction I expected. I haven't even told him we're dating yet. I shuffle from side to side, unsure of what to do.

Storm looks between my brother and I with more adorable confusion. He shuffles awkwardly as we wait for Denim to say something.

Denim looks up for a moment. "I need to go," he says.

Pain strikes my heart. Why couldn't he accept that I had made a friend-slash-boyfriend thing? He didn't even know Storm. Did he?

My head buzzes with questions, but I grab Denim's hand as he pulls on his leather jacket.

"Wait...what's going on? How do you know Storm? Why are you leaving?" I say as unwanted desperation seeps into my voice.

Denim looks at me, into my eyes. "I'll call you later," he says, cold.

My eyes narrow. Something was very wrong. I knew that voice, it was the one he used with people he didn't know. Strangers. What had I done to make myself a stranger?

Without looking back, Denim strides out of the room. All traces of him gone. He isn't coming back.

You don't know that.

I shake my head. I do know that. I know him well, but not well enough to be able to read his mind.

I blink my eyes, processing the last few moments, before turning to Storm, who just looks very, very confused.

I forget my anger against him and wrap my arms around him again. I just needed a hug. With someone who won't walk out the door. Right now, Storm, the boy I hadn't even known until a few weeks ago, was the only person who I believed wouldn't.

He hugs me back, instantly, sensing how much I need it. Holding back all of his questions, he just holds me.

After a moment, I pull away. Instantly missing his warmth, I curse at myself for not holding on for longer. I can't go back now.

Sighing, I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and convincing myself to put on a brave face. I force a smile. "So you've met my brother now," I say, with a bitter laugh.

He surprises me by pulling me into another hug, knowing how much I need it. "You don't have to do that, you know," he murmurs. "Put on a brave face. It's okay to be weak sometimes."

I close my eyes as I breathe him in, not bothering to nod. He smelled good. I didn't know what it was, but it was good.

After another moment, I finally pulled away. I was done moping. Maybe there wasn't anything to mope about. Maybe Denim just really needed to use the bathroom. I giggle softly at the thought.

Storm cracks a smile. "Were you really sniffing me?" he asks.

My eyes widen and I blink. Once. Twice. "No..." I say slowly, elongating the word. "You just smell really bad. I was just making sure it was you, not me. I mean it couldn't be me. No...I smell amazing. Right?" I ramble out.

He smirks and says, "Sure."

I make a teasing face at him.

He returns it, earning a smack from me.

It was weird how a week away from each other made us more comfortable with one another. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Bald guy, sure knew his shit.

The silly smile on my face fades when I remember how he left.

I punch him on the shoulder. Hard.

Storm jumps. "Ow!" He rubs the spot I punched. "What was that for?"

"Hmm...let's see. Kissing me, leaving a bullshit note, and...LEAVING!" I exclaim, half-joking. I look at him expectantly for an answer.

"So...I shouldn't kiss you?" he asks, feigning innocence.

I make a face and cross my arms.

"That's what you got from all that?" I ask. Shaking my head, I smile at him.

He nods slowly, earning another punch.

With a goofy smile on my face, I look at him. "It was a good kiss though..."

"It was," he admits, moving closer to me.

"Nope," I say, moving away. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Who's the tease now?" Storm says with a smile. "Also, question. What are all these files?"

I wince. Shit. I couldn't tell him. Could I? "Just a school project, nothing major," I quip, a little too quickly. That wasn't a lie, was it?

If he notices my nervousness, he doesn't comment on it.

"Sit down. I'll get us some shit to eat," I say, changing the topic.

He shuffles across the hundreds of files awkwardly, before plopping onto the couch. With a grin he lays down fully, taking up the whole couch.

In about two minutes, I move into the room with a bowl of popcorn and some candy, Skittles and Starbursts. Universally loved candy, cannot go wrong candy.

Storm hums in appreciation, as I huff.

"Sure...make yourself right at home. No need to give the owner of the house any space," I say with mock annoyance.

He flashes me a grin. "Thanks."

I kick his thigh. "Move."

Storm sits up, making space for me with a huff. "I only did what you said," he says, joking.

I plop onto the sofa, realizing that I was wearing shorts again. I need to stop this.

Lifting my feet up onto the sofa, I put them over Storm's warmer legs.


He makes a face but doesn't remove them.

Grabbing the remote from the ground, I pass him the food.

"So what do you want to watch?" I ask.

He hesitates before shrugging.

I narrow my eyes at him. "Just pick a movie," I say.

"No, you."

I make another face at him before huffing and turning back to the TV. Clicking on the Netflix icon, I watch as the logo appears and extends into the word Netflix. Not bothered enough to carefully examine the choices, knowing I won't be able to choose, I click on the first thing that pops up.

"Yes!" Storm exclaims, making me giggle a little.

I cuddle closer to him, as we lay curled up on the couch, our legs tangled up, and our hearts beating loud enough that the other can hear it. At that moment, I know. We were in complete agreement.

I look at him sideways, studying his slightly crooked nose and sharp jaw. He's perfect. No, he's perfect for me. His clean white t-shirt and jeans. 

He tears his eyes away from the screen, looking at me with his usual gaze, that I was getting used to, and I see it in his eyes.

This was meant to be.


As the opening credits disappear, I sit back and enjoy the beginning of Hotel Transylvania. 


HELLOOO!  (wtf was that omfg)

ONC Results should be coming out today, AND FALSE ALARM I HAVE TIL MAY 2ND TO FINISH MY ENTRY. I should probably hurry though if I want to be able to do a thorough editing session. I don't even know if I'll pass though so there's that. Stress. 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed that fairly long (1800 word-long) chapter. 

WTAF was Denim's reaction? Do you like Denim, and want to give him the benefit of doubt? What's his problem with Storm? Ugh, Storm and Blaise are so cute- Blaise especially. *awkward bi troubles*

Thank you so much for reading! Love you too much.


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