
By xella_writesx

208K 4.3K 1.4K

"Iᴛs ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴜʀɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴡᴏɴᴛ ʙᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ sᴛᴏʀʏ ᴍᴜsᴛ ɢᴏ ᴏɴ" -- CO... More



1.9K 44 9
By xella_writesx


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN they got loose!" my voice boomed as my poor guard had to break the news to me.

"I gave you one job, one fucking job! Do you remember what is was?"

"To not let t-them get away," The man stuttered fear overtaking his entire voice, I would normally grab my gun and kill this man right now, but i'm feeling a bit nice today.

"get out of my sight, trust me if I ever see you again you will regret it," I said dismissing him. I ran my hands threw my hair ad I leaned forward on my desk. I got up and made my way to the elevator where I made my way down to the basement.

After all the security measures you need to get in here, I don't know how its even possible for them to get out. There is no doors or window's leading outside down here. You also need a code or a badge to get out.

I went into a random stall where a middle aged guy was there, sitting in the corner blood coating his gray hair. I walked over to him and placed a strong kick right on his ribs. He jolted awake and when he eyed me he tensed.

It wasn't really fair for him to have to get beaten just because something another prisoner did, but i'm Leonardo Rossi, and I don't play fair.


I was slowly eating my now soggy cereal. Picking it up and then letting it fall from my spoon over and over again. My entire body felt numb, it was an entire task to even get up from the couch and walk to this table.

Although Im used to this feeling, kind-of. The feeling like you have nothing life, like you were just drained of all the emotions you used to hold. I know how it feels to cry in the shower making sure no one could hear me, because they would ask the one question the they felt like they had to ask.

Are you ok?

no. i'm not, i'm really not but i'm not going to tell anyone because I don't want their attention and worries to fall down on me.

I know how it feels to wait for everyone to be sleeping so you can just fall apart, and for everything to hurt so bad, physically, mentally, emotionally, that you just want everything to end. I could feel silent tears start falling from my eyes, but I was to numb to wipe them away.

I could feel the spoon drop from my hands and fall loudly on the floor, but I was to numb to pick it up.

I could hear someone crouch next to me and pull me into a hug, but I was to numb to look at who it was.

I hated it, so much, why couldn't I just be stronger? My brothers would tell me how strong I was all the time, but Im not. I can handle when they raise there voices at me because it reminds me of him.

I can't handle sudden movements and always flinch, because it reminds me of him.

Everything reminds me of him, when I make breakfast for myself I think of how I would make it for him, when I hear the door slam shut I would think of him.

He ruined me, ruined my happiness, but someone has to endure pain for another to be happy right? Did I take the pain away from everyone else just so I had to suffer instead of them?

I was now crying harder as someone placed their hand on the back of my head and gently brought it to the crock of their neck. We just sat there, neither of us moved, they just let me cry. All the betrayal and heartbreak away.

The worst crying is always when your in bed at night with a hand over your mouth, because your worried about being to loud. Your tears are staining your pillow, and your heart is slowly shattering. Your other hand is placed over your stomach or heart, because your also hurting there.

I back away from the hug, that brought me so much warmth while it was still happening. I looked up and Metteo's face was looking straight back at me. It wasn't necessarily pity, but was something so close to it.

"Are you ok?" He asked looking into my eyes, feeling uncomfortable with it stare I adjusted my vision to my feet.

"Im fine."

Lie. i'm not fine, i'm breaking down into a million pieces. Wishing someone would notice and try and put them back together.

"Brea is coming later today, so you don't have to go to our office for you session," He told me. I nodded, and walked out of the room and up to my bedroom. When I got there I layed on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Looking at every little detail that now seamed so interesting to me.


"So Bella how have you been lately," Was the first questions Brea asked me, well I found out my mom is dead, and my brothers are in a mafia, doing great I guess.


"I heard about your mom i'm sorry to hear that," She said, which immediately gained my attention so I quickly looked up and a small bit of pity was shown on here face.

"I heard Hunter and chase got loose," she said looking at me, I froze.

"what!" I yelled jumping out of my seat.

"Hey just calm down, you'll be fine," She mumbled, "How about we go somewhere? Just a little girls day?" she asked looking at me.

"Where?" I responded, not being to fond of this 'girls day' idea.

"We can get our nails done?" She asked, I slowly nodded my head, not enthusiastic about this. Just as we started getting up Mattia walked into the room.

"Where at you guys going?" He frowned looking at us.

"Going to get our nails done," Brea responded before exiting the room, me slowly falling behind. We walked out of the front doors and I watched as she hopped into a light blue jeep.

"You getting in or what!" She yelled rolling the window down, snapping out of my shock at the beautiful car in front of me, I hopped in.

I should really start to get used to all this expensive stuff with this life, but I still get amazed every time I see it. Brea rolled all the windows down and blasted music throughout the ride. We didn't do much talking I was just looking out the window humming softly to the tune.

After about 10 minutes she pulled up to this small cute building, window's all over giving a view to the inside. We both got out of the car and started walking in, Brea held the door open for me as I walking inside.

"Brea! Its nice to see you!" A lady says running up and giving her a hug, I couldn't help but smile at the kind gesture.

"And who would this be?" He lady asked nodding her head to me, we were both about the same hight, compared to Brea who was almost towering over both of us, but not like my brothers could.

"This is the Rossi's little sister," She said, placing both her hands on my shoulder and she squeezed them.

"Nice to meet you," I said smiling kindly at her.

"Nice to meet you to dear," She said as she reached both her arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I wanted to cry so bad right now, I felt so safe and warm in this woman arms even if I haven't even known her for a few minutes. She pulled back still with a small smile coating her face.

She walked away with Brea and I following behind where we both sat down big comfortable chairs, I felt myself sinking into it from how soft it was. The kind lady from earlier sat in front of me as another sat in front of Brea. I picked out the color, which was a light blue, the color I wish all the oceans looked like. Most of them are so dark, and show sadness from them.

From all the pollution in them its like they are crying out for help, but it can't do anything to stop it. Like me, I was always crying out for help, knowing I couldn't do anything so I was depending on others to help me. They never did in the end maybe because I was so bad at hiding it, or maybe because they were to scared to say it.

The ocean and its animals are always screaming out of help, but we just ignore it act like we don't hear it. I watched carefully as the lady started doing my nails, amazed on how someone could keep the hand so still and them so concentrated.

I have tried doing my nails multiple times, yes it is probably easier to do it on another person. I would always get it all over I could never be able to keep my hands still, and in the end would get frustrated with myself on how I failed at yet another thing.

I looked over at Brea, she was getting a dark red, with black painted at the tip, the nails she got were really long. I don't know how she would be able to do anything in them, unlike the ones I got, which made my nails get a teeny bit linger. I finished before her so I went and sat on the other chairs in the front where a few other people were waiting.

"What are you thinking about little one," Someone said making me look to the side, where the lady who did my nails was sitting.


Before anything else could be said she leaned in and gave me another one of her nice, warm hugs.

"Something inside is hurting you, I can see it in your eyes, so just focus on yourself, no ones else. Take a deep breath and exhale everything that is hurting you. Leave that all behind, and live a happy life, without the sadness you already endured," She said backing away from the hug and walking away, leaving my to process the words she told me.

Brea finished with her nails shortly after and we both left and got into the car. The breeze felt so good as it blew back my hair, flying into my face.

"Thanks," I said, having to slightly raise my voice so she could here me.

"No problem! This was a lot of fun," She responded back, still looking at the road. A smile tugged onto my face, this reminded me of my mom, she would always have the coolest designs on her nails. She would have a different color every time she would go, she wanted to get every color she had there.

now she can't.

"How about we go swimming when we get home? Or just sit by the pool?" She asked me, this time sparing me a quick glance.

"Sure," I responded looking back out the window.

Once we got home I quickly went to my room to change into a bathing suit, I picked a Light-blue one matching my nails. I walked downstairs, the house was pretty cold making goosebumps go all over my skin because I wasn't wearing anything over the swimsuit.

"What are you doing?" Mattia asked as I was about to walk outside.

"Brea and I are going to the pool," I answered back, opening the doors and walking outside.

The hot breeze hit me, I could her birds chirping from all around me. Brea was already sitting there lounging on one of the chairs, she has a really pretty butterfly tattoo printed on her stomach. It was orange and red a pretty similar color to her hair which was very vibrant and fun.

I took a seat next to her and started applying sunscreen so I didn't get burnt. Once when I was out here I didn't do that and got burnt very badly. My brothers didn't really do anything to help me, they just said how 'this can be my lesson'z

Once I finished putting it on I jumped into the pool making a huge splash, Brea turned away so the water didn't get it all over her face. The water provided and instant relaxing feeling throughout my entire body, I close my eyes taking a deep breath of the fresh air.

Brea was on the side just putting her feet in so I swam over to her.

"Where do you live?" I asked her, seeing he around all the time, but she never stayed her.

"I have an apartment about five-minutes away from here," She responded as she put sun glasses on due to the sun the was blaring right into her eyes. After a while of us talking and we seeing how long I could hold my breath it started to get darker.

We both walked over to the oceans edge looking at the sunset. It was beautiful a range of all colors filling the sky. Its like the sky was a faucet, slowly draining all the colors out of it and on to a canvas. Making it a beautiful painting. We watched as the last bit of the sun went under the water, thought of how other people are getting a chance to live a new day.

They get their chance to live it how they wanted to live it. Brea wrapped her arms around me, providing some warmth in a now cool night. Now the canvas was filled with a dark background, with white freckles to replicate the stars the were glaring above us.

All the vibrant Sunset colors was washed away my the faucet again and cover with the night sky.


I woke up hearing the birds chirping outside my bedroom. I growned, rolling over to try and block out the sound so I could get back to sleep. Unfortunately my attempts at that didn't work and I found myself lazily getting off my bed and heading towards my bathroom.

The floor was very cold sending shivers throughout my body and making me wrap my arms my around myself for a little bit of comfort. I washed my face and brushed my teeth before dragging myself downstairs.

I ended up pausing in the middle of my journey down the stairs and leaned my head against the railing. Someone walked passed me, giving me a small confused look before continuing downstairs and to the hall where all of the locked rooms were. One thing I have figured out while living here is you will always see a bunch of random people walking around.

Im sure my brother's know them, they just have no effort to introduce me to them. Its honestly scary sometimes when your just trying to get food and all of a sudden someone you don't know is in the pantry doing the same thing as you. My brothers trust them though, so that means I should to.

"Uh what are you doing?" A voice sounded from behind me, it was Enzo a phone layed flat in his hand as he looked at me.

"The kitchen it just- just so far," I said leaning my head back dramatically.

"Mhm," He muttered as he continued his journey downstairs to who knows where. I took this as my chance to finally get up and make my way to the kitchen. It was empty when I got there, I made my way to the freezer and grabbed some waffles and plopped them into the toaster.

I scrolled though my phone as I was waiting, looking at my friends social media. They didn't look like they were up to to much, Grey had posted pictures of him skateboarding. Alana has posted pictures of her nails. The others haven't posted anything yet. I never posted anything, not that I think my brothers would care i'm just to afraid of being judged when I do.

My thought were interrupted as my waffles shot up, they were made perfectly showing a golden brown color. I went to the pantry grabbing some nutella and smearing it all over them.

"Healthy choice," Mattia said making his way into the kitchen and giving me a kiss on the forehead. I had a disgusted face but when her raised his eye brows at me it turned into a big smile.

"What are you up to today?" He asked taking a seat next to me on the counter.

"I don't know," I said taking a bite out of my waffle. He nodded his head and continued to scroll through his phone. Riccardo entered the room and made his way to the fridge opening it.

"Bella want to go the a state park with me today?" Riccardo asked, grabbing an apple and taking a bite out of it.

"No not really," I responded taking another bite out of my food. He looked at me, giving me a small intimidating glare.

"Fine! Fine! I'll go," I said rolling my eyes.

"We leave in 20!" He yelled before exiting the kitchen.

"What are you up to today?" I asked Mattia who stayed silent during Riccardo and me's entire conversation.

"I have a few meeting to attend," He said taking a big sight and getting up.

"Have fun with that!" I yelled as he exited the kitchen. Without looking back he flipped me off, putting his hand over his head. I open my mouth wide in shock before running up behind him and giving a hug.

"I love you to," I said to him making him chuckle. Come to think of it this was one of the first times I have said that to one of my brothers, yes I was thinking it but never really said it.

"I love you to piccolo." (Little one)


Riccardo met me by the front door right when he said he would, he grabbed his skate board and walked outside with me trailing behind. We walked up to the gate and waited for it to open, once it did we walked though and made out journey there.

The roads were quiet today, only seeing a car drive by every once in a while, also no people where out on walks or playing with there families.

After about a 20 minute walk, which could have really been 10 but Riccardo was walking really slow, we finally made it. It was empty, there were little hills and rails all over.

"Shit I forgot my phone," He said checking his pockets again to see if it would just magically appear.

"Im going to teach you how to do this," He said smirking at me.

"No," I responded.

"Come on! I would let you fall."

"tell me why I dont believe you when you said that."

"I don't know, that sounds like your problem," He said putting the board on the ground and signaling me to get on. He grabbed my hand making sure I didn't fall, once I was somewhat sturdy on it he told me how to put my leg down and try to push off.

On my first try I ended up falling but ended up shaking it off. By the end of this little 'lesson' I finally got it, I was sure I got a few bruises on the way but whatever.

We started walking back before we could get anywhere far though two people came behind us, putting both their hand on our mouth making sure were couldn't make any noise.

"So is this the princess," One of them said, his voice very cold and serious, much like Leo's. Riccardo tried to wiggle out of his hold but in the end couldn't do it. I didn't even try to knowing this guys was much bigger and stronger then me.

Riccardo finally broke free and went to try and grab me from the other ones hold, but a bang interrupted it. I saw Riccardo fall to the floor clutching his stomach and my eyes went wide when I finally registered what happened.

"L-Let go of her!" Riccardo yelled, his voice slightly shaking.

"Lets leave before someone see's us," The one still holding me said to the other. I was thrown to the ground hitting my head in the process. I started feeling dizzy but snapped myself out of it and made my was to Riccardo, watching as the to men drove away.

"Listen to me B-Bella, I need you to run back home and find- find Leo, A-And get him here as fast as you can o-ok?" He told me.

"Will you be ok," I asked, tears welling up into my eyes.

"I'll be ok, now go, I-I love you," He said as his breathing became heavy.

"I love you to!" I yelled as I started running, this was the fastest I have every ran. It was like the feeling when you run so fast its starts to feel like you're running on clouds. I also fell over a few time but still managed to get to the house quickly.

"Let me in!" I yelled to the guards, they quickly scrambled over and opened the gate for me. I ran to the front door and through the halls before making it to the locked rooms. I first went over to Leo's office and started pounding on the door, but there was no answer.

I went to the next door over, I have never been in there or knew what was in there, but there was no answer. I went to the third door, tears now spilling out of my eyes and frustration taking over me. I pounded on the door before someone finally opened it. I looked at the man before walking in and seeing my three eldest brothers sitting at the head of the long table.

All of the attention in the room was on me and I felt slightly uncomfortable, but then remember what I came her for.

"I-I need help," I chocked out.

"What happened to your head," Mettia said getting up and rushing over.

"Excuse us for a moment," Leo said, all of the guys nodded there heads as Metteo followed the three of us out of the room.

"What is so important that you felt the need to bang on the door while we were in a meeting," He said, his eyes flickered to my head and they started to darken.

"R-Ricardo! They shot him!" I yelled chocking on my sobs.


"I-I don't know!"

"Where?" Leo asked me as he placed a hand on my back and started leading me to the garage. He hopped into the front seat as I went to the passengers, Metteo and Mattia were in another car, a medical kit in hand.

Leo rushed out of the garage, "Where?" He asked me.

"T-The skatepark," I answered. He zoomed out or the driveway, his car roaring as he soared down the road. When we finally got there Riccardo was there laying in a pool of his own blood. Mettia rushed over to him and started applying pressure on the wound.

I heard sirens in the distance, and getting louder as time went by. Shining lights started to cloud my vision, being mixed with the tears. Leo walked over to me, from where Riccardo's body was now being treated by a bunch or paramedic's.

He led me over to an ambulance and lifted me up, laying me on the bed. A lady was there giving me a small smile.

"Hey honey can you tell me your name?" She asked looking into my eyes.

"B-Bella," I stuttered out.

"Ok Bella I want you to follow my finger for me ok?" She asked, I looked at Leo him probably noticing my fearful eyes took ahold of my hand and started rubbing circle's on the back of it. The lady put her finger in front of my face and started to move it all over, with me following it with my eyes.

"Nice job, now I just want you to look at me, and i'm going to shine this into your eyes, ok" I nodded, she started to shine the little flashlight into my eyes. Once she was done she started to bandage my head, it hurt badly but Leo's grip helped me feel calm. My head felt like it was throbbing and I was fighting everything to not cry out in pain.

But i'm used to doing this so I managed. Leo nor the kind women who was taking care of me read the pain I was in, I was surprised Leo hadn't because he seams to know me better than myself at times.

Once we got to the hospital I refused to let them wheel me out, I managed to convince them somehow and stubbled out Leo having to grab my arm to catch me from falling. Once we walked in the doors the mood changed, it wasn't like the mood outside was happy, but inside I felt like the walls were caving in on me.

Someone was being wheeled past us, doctors swarming them, I got a glimpse of their face it was pale but still had a little ounce of life in them. I clung onto Leo side seeking comfort, he didn't say anything making me relived.

We walked past on of the waiting rooms, a mother had tears streaming down her face as she was holding two little boys. The one was sleeping next to her side as the other was eating some cereal. I didn't even want to imagine why they were here.

I also walked past an old man and old lady, she was leaning her head against his shoulder she look tired. She wanted, no needed sleep but was fighting it every time she felt her eyes close. We made our way up to a desk where Mettia and Metteo were standing, somewhat pale faces as they were talking to a young lady there.

"Call the other two and get them here," Leo ordered interrupting the conversation the two were having with the woman and as I still had a firm grip on his arm.

"I-Its he ok?" I asked Mattia, he crouched down in front of me.

"He's a fighter, im sure he will be just fine," He told me standing up again, he took me away from Leo's side and wrapped a arm around me, and walked into the waiting room.

We sat on a small couch they had in there, it wasn't really comfy but with how exhausted I was got asleep in just a few minutes.


WOW. so uhhh hey guys how did you like the chapter!?

Go drink some water<3

(4561 words in the chapter)🤞

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