The First Daughter (A RWBY Fa...

By Technodude168

22.2K 516 375

Thousands of years ago, there was a young princess named Elise with her three younger sisters and her parents... More

6. The Inquisitor
6.5 Cinder
9. Breach
10. Joint Task Force
11. Winter
12. Traitor's Demise
16. Motives Revealed
17. The Relic of Choice
18. Methuselah vs Elise
19. Battle of Vale
20: Fall of Beacon
Intermission 1/3: The Angel of Death
Intermission 2/3: The Colonials
Intermission 3/3: Life Day Truce


1K 23 20
By Technodude168

General Ironwood is sitting behind his desk in his office aboard his flagship. In front of him were holographic screens with three people on them. One is a dark skinned and gray haired woman, another is a somewhat skinny man with light skin and graying black hair, and the last is a man with brown hair and yellow eyes. All three are Councilmembers for the Atlas Council alongside the General.

Camilla: So, with the business on the payment for the Schnee Dust Company concluded, I suppose we can end this meeting.

Ironwood/Sleet: Agreed.

Ironwood leaned forward to press the button to end the call. However, he was stopped by the third Councilmember's voice.

??: Hold, if you will. I think there's something else we need to discuss.

Sleet: Hm? And what would that be, Councilman Clay?

Ironwood also raises an eyebrow towards Clay's screen.

Clay: According to your reports, I understand that there are Mimarans in Vale right now, including their Queen, is that correct?

Ironwood: That is right.

Clay: And their purpose is to partake in the festivities?

Ironwood: So they claim.

Clay: Right, "so they claim." General, I must say that I am concerned that their very presence in Vale coinciding with your arrival is far too convenient. I don't think they're over in Vale because of the festival, especially given that they have never shown interest of joining in the past.

Ironwood crosses his arms and leans back on his chair. He already knows where Clay is going with this. The Councilman will want to request that he try to keep the Mimarans under close watch or to maybe try to remove them from the Kingdom if possible.

Ironwood: Councilman Clay, if you are wishing me to have my troops restrict the movements of Mimaran citizens without permission from Vale's government, I-

Clay: Oh you misunderstand, General. As much as I would want to have the Mimarans thrown back onto that blasted continent of theirs, I think this may be more... beneficial to us.

This surprises Ironwood. Usually Clay is about as blunt if not blunter than him. He wasn't expecting actual political strategy from the Councilman.

Camilla: Beneficial?

Clay: The Mimarans wouldn't come to Vale unless there was something they wanted. I think they're using the festival as an excuse for their presence. I think we should play along for now and keep an eye on their activities to see what it is that they're actually here for.

Ironwood sigh and closes his eyes at the Councilman's suggestion. Clay has been an avid war hawk against Mimar ever since he started running for the Council ten years ago. He's part of the reason so many Atlesians hate and distrust Mimar. And if he had his way, there would be a war between the two Kingdoms. So it's quite odd that he is calling for observation rather than action on his hated enemy.

Ironwood: If you say so, Councilman.

(Author's Note: Councilman Bruno Clay is based loosely off of United States Senator Henry Clay, who was one of the leading War Hawks in the US Government advocating for war against Great Britain before the War of 1812.)


Ruby sits in the RWBY dorm room on Weiss's bed with Weiss sitting next to her with Blake and Yang sitting on Blake's bed in front of her. Blake is sitting with her arms crossed.

Blake: You what?

Ruby: We want you to go to the dance.

Blake: That's ridiculous.

Yang: Blake, we're worried about you. This investigation is starting to mess with your head.

Weiss: *counting the facts on her fingers* You can't sleep, you hardly eat, and to be honest, your grades have been suffering.

Blake: You think I care about grades?

She shrugs and then gestures out the window.

Blake: People's lives are at stake!

Yang puts her hand on Blake's, lowering it.

Yang: We know, and we're all still trying to figure out what Torchwick is up to.

Ruby: Thanks to you and Sun, we know they're operating somewhere outside of southeast Vale.

Weiss: And, the Schnee company records singled out Vale as the primary target for Dust robberies over the last few months.

Yang: Don't forget about their missing military tech too.

Blake: But there's still unanswered questions!

Ruby: Blake, you won't be able to find anything if you can't even keep your eyes open!

Yang: All we're asking is that you take it easy for one day.

Weiss: It will be fun! Yang and I will make sure of it.

Yang: Yeah! We're planning the whole event!

Yang pumps her fists which causes the bed to bounce Blake.

Blake: Excuse me?

Weiss: Team CFVY's away mission lasted longer than expected.

Yang: So, Weiss and I were asked to pick up where they left off. And now we can make sure you have the perfect night.

Weiss: And once it's all over, we'll return for our search, rested and ready.

Ruby: So what do ya think?

Blake: I think this is a colossal waste of time.

Blake walks away from the group and opens the dorm door.

Blake: I'll be in the library.

She walks out of the room.

Yang: Great.

Weiss: She can't keep going on like this.

There's a knock at the door and Weiss approaches and opens it. Jaune appears at the door with a guitar.

Jaune: *singing* Weeeeiiiss!

Weiss slams the door in his face.

Jaune: Oh, come on, open the door! I promise not to sing.

Weiss opens the door.

Jaune: *singing* I liiiieeed! Weiss Schu-nee, will you accompany me, to the dance on... Sunday!?

Weiss: Are you done?

Jaune shrugs

Jaune: Yes?

Weiss: No.

She shuts the door in his face. Turning around, she sees the others staring at her.

Weiss: What?

Both Ruby and Yang are standing precariously.

Yang: And that is why they call you the Ice Queen.

Ruby finally collapses onto Weiss's bed.

Weiss: All my life, boys have only cared about the perks of my last name. Besides, I already have a date in mind.

Ruby: Date or no date, none of this will matter if we can't get Blake to go.

Yang: We'll get her to go, don't worry so much, sis! Also, on a side note, we got Queen Elise coming to the dance!

Weiss: Huh? How did you manage that?

Yang: She said she was interested, and that she doesn't go to parties often.

Weiss: Huh, that's surprising for royalty. I guess Mimarans really are a bunch of killjoys.

Yang: Sounds familiar.

Weiss: Hey, what's that supposed to mean?

~Meanwhile, in Vale~

Elise is sitting at a table on the second floor inside a bar in downtown Vale. Her guards, including Claire are standing near the stairs to the floor. Elise takes a sip of a tea with a kettle and extra cup sitting at the middle of the table. She then hears wings flapping by a window behind her that she opened before sitting down several minutes ago.

Elise: Tea is better when it is hot, isn't that right, Raven?

She hears the flapping noise turn into footsteps as she sees a fair woman with long black hair and red eyes wearing a black and red outfit that also has a sheathed sword attached to her belt step past Elise's side and sits down in front of her.

Raven: That is true, Elise.

Elise lifts the kettle and pour its contents into the extra cup and slides the cup over to Raven.

Elise: I understand that your brother is currently in Anima right now, is that right?

Raven: Yes, he is. Doing an errand for Ozpin as usual.

She sips the tea that Elise gave her.

Elise: Most likely a matter regarding Salem. Hm... Well, anyway, what have you been doing as of late, Raven?

Raven: Keeping an eye on you and what information you are giving out.

Elise leans back on her chair and crosses her legs while holding her cup.

Elise: You're referring to me chatting with your daughter earlier, yes?

Raven: What is your game, Elise? Why are you taking an interest in Team RWBY?

Elise sips her tea.

Elise: I am interested in Weiss Schnee. There's something familiar about her that I want to investigate.

Raven raises an eyebrow.

Raven: Something familiar?

Elise: I'm not sure exactly, she has something about her that I can't explain.

Raven: Huh, weird.

Elise: Plus, I also want to get to know your daughter a little bit. She really does look like you.

Raven rolls her eyes.

Elise: So, how's your magic these days?

Raven flinches, Elise is among the few people that knows she is the current Spring Maiden. It's hard to hide magical traces from someone as experienced as Elise.

Raven: I'm fine, just exhausted after practicing. I need to get stronger....

Elise: Hm, the reason you are exhausted after practicing is most likely because you are overexerting your powers. It has nothing to do with physical strength or stamina.

Raven raises an eyebrow.

Raven: Explain.

Elise sips her tea.

Elise: Magical traits are influenced by genetics more than Auras. For those with natural magical talent like myself or Salem, our cells can produce Mana that helps power our magic. But everyone else does not have this trait. Ozpin and the Maidens have to draw on their Auras to use their magic. That can exhaust them faster, drain their Auras faster, and theoretically kill them faster.

Raven perks her head when hearing a Maiden could die faster through magic usage.

Elise: I say theoretically, as very few Maidens make it to a ripe old age. Freya, the current Winter Maiden is an exception, not the norm on how long a Maiden can live. But usually Maidens have a target on their backs, so usually they die of unnatural causes. And I doubt typical magic usage could kill them, only extreme overuse of their powers could actually shorten their lifespan.

Raven: I see...

Elise: If you want to use your magic longer, then you have to find ways to improve your Aura. Other than that, I can't help you.

Raven lowers her gaze towards her tea.

Raven: I highly question the legitimacy of that claim. I know you are quite knowledgeable in genetic augmentation.

Elise: You'd be a fool if you did take my word for it. That's why I like you, Raven. You question everything you are told. And you don't allow yourself to be a pawn like Qrow unless you have a plan to get out of it. I do hope that maybe your daughter and her team don't become mere pawns as well.

Raven looks up and smiles.

Raven: Then why not tell them about Salem and let them make a choice?

Elise: I.....Hm, it's difficult to explain at the moment. But let's just say, exposing Salem is part of the reason we are here.

Raven raises an eyebrow.

Raven: That will certainly be interesting then.

Elise: I do have a suggestion for you Raven, if you don't mind.

Raven: What is it?

Elise: I suggest you to keep a close eye on your daughter's team. I have a feeling that Yang will need you sometime soon.

Raven smiles at this heads-up. Over the years, she's come to trust Elise's instincts on foresight. Though she does not fully trust her as a player in this game with Ozpin and Salem, she is more willing to deal with her since Elise is at least less likely to keep necessary information to herself unlike Ozpin or Salem. She can still be deceptive and manipulative, though, and Raven has learned to always be wary of that.

Raven: Thank you, Elise. I'll bear that in mind.

Elise nods as Raven finishes her tea and stands up. She turns and unsheathes her sword to slice through the air, opening a red portal in front of her.

Elise: You know Raven, I still think you should try to meet with your daughter. Given that she's likely going to stumble into this conflict between Ozpin and Salem, you might as well try to connect with her and try to help her learn from your team's mistakes so team RWBY doesn't repeat them.

Raven stops for a moment as she considers her words, she then continues into the portal before it vanishes in front of the Mimarans.

Claire: Do you think she will listen this time?

Elise: Maybe not right away, her survival of the fittest mentality is one of her greatest flaws. She will likely wait until Yang is much further along in this before really interacting with her....that is, if she isn't pushed that is.

Claire looks over at Elise as the queen sips her remaining tea.

Elise: Claire, let Admiral Layton know that we need a Jaeger squad to hunt down Torchwick and the White Fang. As much as I would like to wait to see if Ozpin can find them, we should try to eliminate the threat before it strikes or at least track them down to make the job easier.

Claire: Understood.

~Meanwhile, further inland~

An unmasked female White Fang member with bear ears opens their eyes groggily. They quickly find themselves tied up and hanging upside down with a rope dangling her from a tree branch somewhere in the woods.

White Fang: W-what the?!

??: Oh, you're awake, Miss Aurora.

The White Fang member hears a female voice coming from a helmet nearby. She turns her head to see four heavily armored Jaegers with red illuminated eye lenses standing by a small cliff next to the tree. She furrows her eyebrows upon seeing them.

Aurora: Oi! Get me down from here ya Jaeger bastards!

Jaeger: After you tell us the source of your weapons. The White Fang have been smuggling a lot of armaments through here in the past few weeks, and we want to know why and from who.

Aurora: Like hell I'd know! And if I did, I wouldn't tell you fucks!

The Jaeger crosses her arms. Aurora then hears growling from behind her. Her eyes shrink from fear as she sees multiple Ursai Grimm walk around her, eying up their next meal. Thankfully she is high enough from the ground that they can't touch her, but that makes her quickly realize what the Mimarans were planning.

Aurora: W-w-wait! You can't do this! This sort of treatment violates the Argus Accords!!

Jaeger: Mimar never signed those Accords. So unless you want to become Grimm grub, I suggest you start talking.

(Geneva Conventions? More like Geneva Suggestions)

One of the Ursai make a jump for Aurora, causing her to scream in panic. She doesn't want to die over this!!


Jaeger: When?


Jaeger: Hm, this doesn't entirely explain the weapons. But it does explain the explosives we found. Perhaps the guns are meant for guarding the tunnels while they prepare the explosives. Hawk, what do you think?

One of the Jaegers looks at her.

Hawk: That seems logical, Crane, and the Dust robberies in Vale were probably meant to increase the explosive magnitude necessary to make sure the tunnels collapse and create the hole the Grimm need to invade Vale. They may also have a secondary use to provide a quicker and cheaper source of ammunition as the black market can overcharge and even sell defective rounds.

Crane nods while Aurora screams in terror again.

Aurora: Okay! I gave you the information you wanted! Now get me down!!

Crane glares at the terrified Faunus through her cold, emotionless mask. Aurora couldn't tell if the Jaeger was going to kill her or not, which scared her even more. She then sees Crane draw a pistol and aims it at the rope holding the Faunus up, which makes her panic even more.


Crane fires a shot towards the rope, causing Aurora to fall right on top of the Ursai, screaming in the process. The rope unraveled pretty quickly but one of the Ursai pins her to the ground and roars at her as she screams in pain and terror. Suddenly, she hears something hits the ground next to her head. She and the Grimm look at it and see what appears to be a cylinder grenade that unleashes a smoke. Wait, not smoke, GAS!

Aurora quickly holds her breath as the gas is inhaled by the Ursa pinning her and spreads to the other Ursai. She sees them start coughing as the Ursa on top of her gets off and starts trying to leave the area. However, the coughing quickly starts producing blood and she sees the Grimm begin to even cough up their own organs as they roar in their own terror and pain. Aurora begins to have trouble holding her breath as she was never good at that and the gas was hurting her eyes before she feels a hand grab her outfit and drag her out of the gas vicinity. Once she is out, she exhales and inhales fresh air as she then feels a pair of handcuffs being placed on her wrists.

Hawk: Thank you for your cooperation. Instead of the death penalty for supporting a terrorist group, you will be spending your time in a Mimaran prison.

Aurora sighs, at least she isn't going to die. But she has no idea how Mimar treats their prisoners, so this might actually be worse.

Aurora: Bastards...

Crane: I suggest you keep that mouth of yours closed. I can easily change my mind.

Aurora: .......

Crane: Fixer, call in for extraction. We will deliver the prisoner to the ship and then head to Mountain Glenn.

Fixer, a Jaeger with an extra visor attached to his helmet that he has raised, is already listening to something on the comms through his helmet.

Fixer: We're in luck, Lieutenant, command wants us to spearhead the hunt for Roman Torchwick and the White Fang.

Crane: How convenient that we already have a lead. Scorch, put the surviving Grimm out of their misery while we wait for transport.

The other Jaeger, Scorch, silently nods and places their rifle behind their back, which magnetically attaches to the backpack attached to his armor. He then readies a flamethrower attached to his right gauntlet and walks towards a pair of Ursai who are weakly wheezing with blood flowing out of their mouths and noses. Their eyes look over at the approaching Jaeger as he aims his flamethrower at them, and the last thing they see are flames.

~End Part~

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