Changes and Chances(Boschlow)

By LeoBirb

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After the grudgby match with Willow, Boscha's reputation begins to crumble. Everyone begins to hate her and m... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter eight...
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
Chapter forteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Side Chapter
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Not an update but...
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty- Three
Chapter Thirty- Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Nine

1.1K 58 61
By LeoBirb

Another week and a half had passed. Mr. P was currently pushing Boscha while she sat in her wheelchair. The stand was exactly where it had been a month ago.

"Are you ready, Rels? We're about to show someone they were wrong about me!" Boscha smiled happily down at the demon pumpkin in her lap.

Relus responded with many happy yips and yaps. She laughed slightly as she stroked his black leaves. She was far past ready to prove to this guy he was wrong and get her snails back. Then she'd go and buy Relus a new pot, he was getting too big for his current one.

They stopped in front of the stand, and the guy looked at them. He seemed almost shocked that she had returned with the healthy pumpkin. He was skeptical that it was the same one.

He leaned over the counter of his stand and snatched the demon pumpkin from Boscha.

"Hey! Give him back!" Boscha growled slightly.

"I wouldn't be so snobby with me, you little brat!"

Boscha flinched at his outburst.

"You're in a wheelchair," he smirked slightly as she lowered her eyes, tears brimming in her eyes.

"Pathetic, and un-" "I would strongly suggest that you silence yourself." Mr. P growled.

The man at the stand flinched slightly at the usually kind man's tone. "Sheesh. It seems you two have become quite attached." He rolls his eyes and looks the pumpkin over. "Are you sure this is the one you got here? He looks different. One of his leaves seems to be slightly withered. This is usually only caused by depression or extreme sadness. What did you do to this poor thing?"

"She didn't do anything to it; she took perfect care of it. Any creature is saddened when its owner is hurt. She was injured, which resulted in him being feeling sad. Now, please give her Relus back." Mr. P narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Fine." He growled slightly as he all but threw the potted pumpkin back into Boscha's lap. Relus yelped, and the three-eyed witch quickly grabbed hold of his pot, so he wouldn't fall over. "So, you named the thing Relus? Weird name don't ya think?"

Boscha looked up at him, unamused by his comment. She just wanted her half of the snails, so she could head home with Relus. She wanted to wait for these five more days to pass so she could get her leg cast removed and go back to walking around. She wasn't ready to go back to school, but she'd deal with that later.

"What? You're just going to ignore me?"

"I-I'm not here to make small t-talk with you." She glared at him. "I a-am here because w-we made an oath."

"I couldn't understand you with that stutter and all." He laughed slightly.

Boscha balled her fists, clenched her teeth, and looked down again. She fought back the tears that threatened to fall.

There was a loud 'BAM' as Mr.P slammed his hands onto the counter. "I don't know who you think you are, but you are not going to keep taunting her. You are a grown man; act like it. You made the everlasting oath, so give her the money back; that way, we can leave."

"Let me say this clearly to you, the Pumpkin had to be healthy. If you ask me, a withered leaf is not healthy. Not to mention the way the pot and soil look! My goodness, you need to learn some maintenance."

"Th-that's because y-you threw it!" Boscha spoke up.

The man laughed. "Have proof of that? I think anyone would believe my word before they believed a spoilt little bitch's words."

"No, they would believe the people who were there watching her raise Relus. They would believe the people that saw her change. I don't care about money, but I do care about the fact you are taking away an accomplishment. She earned her money back fair and square."

"U-unbind the oath! I- I don't care if I get the money back! You may not b-believe that he is healthy enough, b-but I know he is! I don't need a reward t-to prove that because I h-have him!"

Mr. P looked back at Boscha, a bit surprised that she would step up like that. It's something most witches wouldn't do. They always want the trophy to prove their victory. However, she wasn't most witches.

"Like I would do that. As I said, I don't see the pumpkin as healthy, meaning... I want you to go get me a new one. I'll be nice and give you... mmm... three days?"

"That doesn't sound very fair." A familiar voice sounded from behind them.

Boscha and Mr. P turned around to see Amity standing behind them.

"Now, you are going to unbind the oath or..." The Blight left it at that.

The man at the stand clenched his fists, knowing the power her family had."Fine." He drew a circle and held out his hand.

Boscha took his hand, the cast making it a bit awkward. The circle covered their hands then faded.

"The oath is unbound." He growled. "Now, scram."

Boscha looked over at Amity and smiled. "You were here at the perfect time." She laughed slightly.

"It seems I was. I was here with Luz, but she kinda ran off... I don't know where she went." "You lost your girlfriend?"

"So it seems."

Now that Boscha thought about it, maybe she could talk to Amity now about her feelings towards Willow... no... that wouldn't work. Mr. P is here and she is in town with Luz. She'd need to wait for a better time.

"Well, thank you for helping, Amity." The three-eyed witch smiled.

"Yeah, no problem. It's what friends are for."

"So... I'll see you after I get my cast off?"

"Yeah, see you. I'm going to go look for Luz now." Amity laughed slightly before running off to find the human girl.

"So, you ready to head back?"

"Yeah... just wish I could've gotten the money back. I wanted to buy Rel's a better pot."

Mr. P smiled slightly. "Let's go buy one. Relus needs a new pot."

"But-" "But nothing. Let's go."

Boscha smiled as she looked down at her Pumpkin Buddy. "Okay." 

Boom chapter thirty-nine! The oath is done! Relus is getting a new pot! YAY! He'll be so happy! Well, anywho, it's time I wrap this chapter up. 

Have a wonderful day everyone and know- YOU! ARE! LOVED!"

Published- 4-19-21

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