All I Want - Sequel

By calliebode

1.4M 23.4K 22.5K

Amelia Holland is married to rich and famous businessman Tom Holland. Two years after their marriage things a... More

Book 3


16.9K 384 728
By calliebode

The plane ride was brutal. Mostly because I was freaking out the whole time. Even once I do explain what happened to Lia, she's still going to be upset that I confided in Lydia. Or even worse, she might not believe me that all we did was talk. This is the one time I wish we had cameras inside the house as well, so I could have evidence that nothing happened. Sadly all she has proof of is Lydia coming to the door, and me allowing her to come inside. That's on me. I shouldn't have let that happen but I was stupid.

I ride in a cab through the city. Portland is a strange place compared to our home. Americans are odd. I don't know why of all the places she could have gone to get away, she came here.
"Right up here please." I say to the driver.
He pulls over to the large white home with a white picket fence to top it off. These are the kind of homes Lia loves, and I would move into one in a heartbeat if it meant she would stop being mad at me. Too bad it's not as easy as buying a house though.

I get out, and start walking up to the door. I can only hope she will answer, and I can just pull her into me and tell her how much I love her. I lift my hand, knocking on the door and wait anxiously. Disappointment sets in when the door opens, and I come face to face with Noah.
"Hey, is Lia awake?" I ask.
"Do everyone a favor, and take your stupid jet back to the UK." He says, slamming the door in my face.

I need to find a way to talk to her.. I need to explain. I walk around the house, and jump over the fence to the back yard. My eyes connect with the window to her bedroom, and realize it is closed. I look down to my feet, seeing a few small pebbles. This is going to become a romance movie real quick. I grab the pebbles in my hands, and I throw one at her window, a loud clanking sound coming from it. Nothing.. guess I need to throw another..

I toss the pebble, and right as it leaves my hand the window opens, and it hits Lia right on the forehead.
"Ow! What the fuck!" She exclaims and my hand flies over my mouth.
"I'm so sorry!" I apologize quickly, dropping the third pebble from my hand to the ground.
"Tom what are you doing here?" She asks.
"I came for you." I state.
"Don't act like you give a shit about me." She shakes her head, and shuts the window.

I grab the third pebble once again, throwing it a bit harder this time to cause a loud clank. She's quick to open her window again with a scoff.
"Stop throwing rocks at my window!" She exclaims.
"Not until you let me explain." I say.
"What is there to explain? You had her over as soon as I left Tom. That's all I need to know." She sighs.
I feel so bad.. she shouldn't have to worry about me with other women. That's the last thing that I want. She deserves to feel secure and know that she is the only girl on this planet that I want.

"You're right. She shouldn't have even been at the house. But please know that I didn't ask her to come over, and nothing happened." I explain.
"What so you just talking?" She asks.
"Yes. We just talked. That's it." I nod.
"Whatever Tom. Leave me alone." She says and slams her window again, this time shutting the curtains along with it. That's alright.. I will give her some time to calm down.. and I'll come back later. I won't stop trying until we go back to normal.

•Lias Pov•
I can't believe Tom actually flew all the way down here. He had to of flown all night.. I'm so fucking pissed off at him and now he decides to show up? This is not the time I need to see him. I need time and space, and he's not respecting that.

I quickly grab my phone to text Haz, knowing he had to have talked to Tom. Otherwise Tom wouldn't know what was going on.
Lia: Haz.. what did you do?
Haz: hear him out. I promise it's okay.
I take a deep breath, knowing that Haz is right. I need to hear out my husband and allow him the chance to make this right. I jump up from my bed, and quickly make my way down the steps and towards the front door, hoping to catch him before the Uber drives off. He looks up, seeing me standing in the middle of my front yard, and a big smile spreads across his face.

"I've missed you." He says as he gets out of the car, walking towards me and allowing the Uber to drive away. He reaches out to hug me but I take a step back. I know that hurt his feelings, but I'm not hugging him or anything until he explains.
"Why was Lydia there?" I ask.
"She showed up out of nowhere, she talked with me for a while about everything going on, and I realize now I should have sent her away and for that I am sorry." he explains. "But I told her that you are my life, my world, you are the woman I want to be with and I don't have room for her in my life."

There's not one doubt in my mind that he said all of that. Tom is honest with me. But something feels off.. something is wrong and I can't figure out what it is.
"What else happened?" I ask.
"Well.. we have another lawsuit." He sighs.
There it is. I knew there was something.
"Lawsuit? Why?" I question.
"She's threatening to not let me see my child, so I'm going to fight for legal custody."

Tom wants full custody over the baby.. as in the kid will be with us straight after birth.. for the rest of their life.
"And you didn't think to talk to me about this?" I ask.
"Well it's my kid, I didn't think I would have to." He states.
Oh my god..
"Tom, you're saying you want us to practically adopt another child." I say.
"Can you stop acting like this is just some random baby? It's my baby. My kid. I'm sorry you hate the fact that it's not with you but that doesn't change that they are mine." He raises his voice.

He doesn't understand. The reason I'm upset isn't even just because it's not my kid. I am upset because it's going to be hard enough raising one baby, but now he's expecting me to mother a child that isn't even mine? That's unfair.. I could handle the weekly visits, but I didn't sign up to be this child's mother.

"Tom.. I don't want this." I say.
"Well I don't know what to tell you. It's going to happen whether you like it or not." He states.
"We can't even talk about it?" I ask.
"It's my child, Lia." He scoffs.
"And so is the baby in my stomach yet you haven't talked about them is weeks!" I yell at him.
"I'm sorry I've just been distracted-" He tries.
"Exactly Tom. You're distracted. I deserve more than that. My baby deserves more than that."
I turn around, and walk straight into the house. This conversation is getting us nowhere and I honestly just need a break from his excuses.

A/N: based off the Instagram poll yesterday a lot of you thought they were going to make up😂 it's cute how you guys think I'm nice.

Also: we are nearing the end!! But I do want to formally announce that there will be a book 3♥️

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