Caught Up

By Xiangxin__

37.2K 1.3K 312

Seventeen year old, Cavonte Carter has a dream of becoming the next big thing. The goal of becoming a rapper... More

Cavonte| One
Two |Santana
Cavonte| Three
Four |Santana
Cavonte| Five
Cavonte| Seven
Eight | Santana
Cavonte| Nine
Ten |Santana
Cavonte| Eleven
Twelve| Santana
Cavonte| Thirteen
Fourteen| Santana
Cavonte |Fifteen
Sixteen | Santana
Cavonte | Seventeen
Seventeen | Santana
Cavonte | Nineteen
Twenty | Santana
Cavonte | Twenty-One
Epilogue | Santana
Extras: 1
Extras: 2
Extras: 3
Caught up Remake/ Caught Up 2 Coming Soon

Six |Santana

2K 67 22
By Xiangxin__

"Do you really think it's a good idea to drink another bottle? I can tell you're a light weight." Nicki took the Heineken out of my hands. Popping the top open using the edge of the counter before taking a sip herself. It's Saturday night and Jay decided to throw a party for Cavonte to celebrate his first time actually recording a song. Rolling my eyes-if it wasn't for me he wouldn't have had a chance- I looked back over where Raven is grinding against Cavonte in the crowd of people dancing. I forgot all about her. His first love, his ex girlfriend, his best friend. Raven is cool don't get me wrong but I just don't get their relationship. They still have sex with each other and she's totally cool about him talking to other girls. No strings attached. She needs to get herself a boyfriend so she wouldn't have to be cuddled in his bed all the time. Even Jay's cool with her. Jay is barely nice to girls. I know it's wrong of me to secretly hate the girl but I just do. I'm jealous because she has the one thing that I want.

"Are you okay? You look like someone ran over your puppy." she joked.

Facing Nicki I sighed, "It's nothing. Just bored."

"Bored? Iggy is singing about being fancy and there's hot guys all over your living room. Plus the food is good too."

Shrugging I just didn't seem interested. I just wanted to continue sitting on my kitchen island and watch everyone else have fun.

Nicki crossed her arms, "What's really up with you? You know you can talk to me right?"

"Yeah I just don't want to talk about it. Trust me it's nothing."

She looked skeptical but she smiled anyway. Patting my thigh she said, "Dance with me? I love this song!"

She did some weird thing where she wiggles her legs. I couldn't force back a laugh. She grabbed my hand and I hopped off the counter, "Okay. Just one dance."

Weaving through a few people we found a good space to let loose.

Nicki couldn't dance to save her life but that's what made it even fun. "I'm so fancy! You already know!" We both sung together. She grabbed my right hand and spun me around. The both of us laughing. Then she started doing some Egyptian dance with her arms. I imitated her and it was just hilarious.

"It should be illegal to dance that horribly Nicki. You're so lucky you're hot enough to pull it off honey." Anthony appeared. Making me laugh harder.

"Oh shut up Ant. You wish you had my moves." she twerked.

Anthony covered his eyes. "Boo please. That's just not right."

Nicki stopped twerking and laughed herself. Anthony pulled me into a hug, "Hey girl. Don't you look sexy tonight."

"You don't look to bad yourself." I complimented him.

He grinned like a little boy. "Girl stop before you make me blush in front of all these people."

Anthony is gorgeous. He has this Justin Bieber & Josh Hutcherson swag going on. Tonight he wore simple camouflage Khakis, these green and orange KD's, and a white Calvin Klein V-neck shirt. His brown hair cut on both sides and his hair styled like Justin Biebers with blonde highlighted tips. Not to mention his gold rolex he's sporting tonight. He looked straight but he was anything but.

"Where's Chantell?" Nicki asked.

Anthony slightly touched his hair making sure it wasn't out of place even though it's perfect. "She's out with Morgan and Keisha. Morgan's cousin got them into KOD tonight. They practically can pass as twenty year olds anyway."

"True. Morgan and Keisha dress older than their age."

Morgan is beautiful but man is that girl disrespectful. She has it out for everyone it seems.

"Where's that fine cousin of yours? He owes me ten bucks." Anthony looked around.

"I seen Jameson over by the couches with his girlfriend. They were kissing one minute then arguing the next. I don't know where he went but Alicia stormed off." I told him. I wasn't spying but it was obvious they were fighting. I see them arguing during school sometimes but they end up being the perfect couple again. Alicia is most likely in the top five for prettiest girl in school. The both of them are dominant in the relationship. They can have anyone they wanted but they choose to still be together.

"I'll text him to see if he's okay. She usually is always doing something to piss him off." Nicki took out her phone.

"Like what?" I asked.

"She does these petty little tests. Like telling him he could kiss anyone he wants and she wouldn't get mad. Or like make him take her to all these places so he can spend most of his money." Anthony told me. Rolling his eyes in the process, "She's spoiled and can be a real bitch to him."

"Why doesn't he just dump her?"

"Have you seen Alicia? Who would want another guy hitting that?"

"Plus he loves her." Nicki included.

Our school should be renamed Drama High because that's all that goes on at that school. I would rather move back to North Carolina if I knew I would have to deal with this drama. Fighting was enough already.

"Santana can you go check on him he says he's upstairs?" She asked me. I didn't really consider Jameson a friend.

"Why can't you?"

"This really cute guy has been checking me out all night and I really don't feel like being in the middle of their drama again."

"What makes you think I want to?"

She placed her hands on my shoulders, "Please Santana just this once?"

I turned around to ask Anthony to do it but he was no longer next to me. Groaning I faced my friend, "Okay I will."

"You're the best!" She kissed my cheek before turning and walking away. She's lucky i'm a good friend.

Rejecting a few guys trying to talk to me I finally made my way up the staircase. A couple stood in the middle of the hall making out. Crossing my fingers I'm hoping no ones smashing in my bedroom. I stopped at Jay's door first. I've barely seen him all night. Opening the door I regretted it. Jay's on top of this girl and their having sex on his bed. I noticed the girl from my new first period class her name is Ciara.

She screamed at the sight of me catching them. Jay turned around, "What the fu-"

Quickly slamming the door shut I tried to erase the image of my naked brothers butt and a pair of A cups out of mind. Ew.

Checking the bathroom Jameson wasn't in there. Knowing that Dad's room is locked I checked my bedroom where non other than Jameson himself was looking around. Touching my things.

"Now you're officially a creep! What the hell are you doing in my room?" I yelled at him. The audacity of him to come into my room and touch my stuff.

He opened his mouth but I didn't give him time to speak. "What is your problem seriously dude? You think you can come into my house and go into my room without permission! Would you like it if I did that to you? You creepy pantie sniffing ass weirdo!"

Jameson burst out laughing and I didn't think it was funny. Just because i'm friends with his cousin and he's friends with my brother doesn't give him the right to think we're close. "I did not look in your dresser and i'm certainly not going to sniff your panties."

Furrowing my eyebrows a frown still crossed on my face, "Why are you in here then? Jay strictly told everyone rooms are off limits."

Jameson's amusement washed off his face. "I was hiding from Alicia and I promise I wasn't in here long. I got curious and wanted to know a little about you."

"What could you possibly learn about me by looking around my room?"

Jameson slightly grinned. I couldn't deny his attractive features but man this boy is weird. "All of your things are placed just right. All neat and organized. You still sleep with stuffed animals on your bed so i'm guessing you haven't let go of your youth just yet. Mostly everything is pink and blue so that must be your favorite colors. You haven't unpacked some of your stuff so i'm guessing your missing your old home. You have-"

"Santana!" Jay's loud voice interrupted Jameson's little speech which I thought was cute. He's very observant and everything he just said was right. Snapping out of it I got alarmed.

"Oh my god if my brother finds you in here he'll kill us both." I hissed, grabbing Jameson's left wrist I led him towards my closet.

"I'm not scared of your brother and we aren't doing anything."

Does he ever shut up? "Well I am so unless you want a bleeding nose you'd do as I say. Now get the hell in the closet!"

Opening it I shoved him in there. I could hear him stumble just as my door was slammed open.

"You ruined it!" Jay yelled at me. Closing the door behind him so no one would hear.

"It's not my fault you didn't lock the door! Anyone could have walked in."

Jay looked pissed off. He always gets pissed when he doesn't get his way. "If it wasn't for you I could've got laid tonight before you scared her off. Now she thinks you're gonna tell everyone we slept together."

Furrowing my eyebrows I scoffed, "Don't play like you were just making out on the bed. I saw your flat ass cheeks which was disgusting. You had sex with Ciara tonight. Just because you couldn't get a quick nut you mad."

Jay groaned, "I barely had sex with her. If it wasn't for your nosy ass maybe I could've finished."

"Whatever get out of my room."

"You're annoying as fuck I swear. Why aren't you downstairs at the party?"

"I had to piss now get out."

Jay cracked a smile, "Or your lame ass can't hang. Drunk already sis?"

Picking up the nearest book I tried to throw it at him but I missed. He laughed as he ran out the room.

Ugh. I wish I didn't have a brother sometimes.

Opening my closet door I looked down at Jameson who looks like he's been trying to hold in a laugh for the longest. He burst out laughing. "Now I really see the resemblance. You both have no filter."

I had to laugh myself. We really didn't. Locking my door I sat on my bed and Jameson sat in my computer chair. "Your cousin wanted me to check on you. What happened with you & Alicia? Thought you two were the perfect couple."

Jameson twirled around in my computer chair. Slowly coming to a stop he sighed, "That's the image she portrays. As if we're the perfect couple. When we met I thought she was the most beautiful and sweetest girl. It was an instant connection you know? We did everything together. Clubs, sports, you name it we did it. I fell in love with her. Now it seems like she's purposely trying to push my buttons and when I explode she makes me feel like the bad guy. The one at fault. Tonight, she started an argument with me because she thought I was looking at another girl. She was the one that asked if the girl had a nice body and I said 'yeah not as good as yours though' and she started saying 'so u think she has a nice body?' and we started arguing. She walked away afterwards."

From the way he's describing his girlfriend it sounds like she's insecure but psycho at the same time. I understand that he loves her but does he have to risk his happiness? "Maybe you two should go on a break? If you're so unhappy just end it."

Jameson shook his head, "It's not that simple. I don't want to break up with her. She's my baby. I just want her to see that she has nothing to worry about. I'm not gonna lie I've had my eyes on a couple girls for a week now. It's only because we're fighting and she's forcing me into that direction."

Rubbing my temple I nibbled on my bottom lip. Trying to think of some good advice. A light bulb went off in my head. "Take her on a date. Not just any ole date to the movies or a restaurant but somewhere special. Show her that you only have your eyes on her. Compliment her. Tell her what she wants to hear. Be in your feelings!"

Jameson laughed, "I don't know how to be in my feelings."

Patting the space on my bed, "Okay imma show you."

Getting up he took a seat on my bed. Raising his perfect eyebrows, "Okay. Show me."

Pointing at him I said, "Okay ill be you and you be Alicia."

Awkwardly nodding he laughed, "okay"

Getting out a quick laugh I turned on my serious face. Jameson waited patiently. Speaking in a manly voice I said, "Alicia can we talk baby?"

Jameson burst out laughing. Not taking me seriously at all. I shoved his shoulder, "Omg. I'm serious. Stop playing."

Jameson inhaled a large amount of air and rubbed his eyes. "The fact you were serious made it even funnier."


"Okay okay. I'll stop," he calmed down his laughter. Jameson twirled his invisible long weave, "Boy I dont want to talk to you unless you gonna apologize." he even popped his lips too. Making me crack up.

Putting on my manly voice again I said, "I'm sorry baby. Can we talk now?"

"After you buy me some chipotle nigga." he flipped his invisible weave.


Chuckling under his breath he said, "Okay we can talk."

Satisfyingly I smiled. Turning serious again I thought of what I was going to say. What would I say to Cavonte? I know. Staring into Jameson's eyes and talking in my regular voice I said, "I just want you to know that I see you and only you. That you're my half and without you i'm incomplete. We've been through so much but you've always been here. All of these other girls don't compare to what you have. You're my Alicia. My girl and I love you. I know it may not seem like it sometimes but I just want you to know you have nothing to worry about. We've been together for some years and we can go a few more. I'm not going anywhere."

Jameson seemed to think about my words. A sly smile crossing his face, "That's good. I mean I feel that way kind of but I know maybe that's just what she needs to hear."

"What girl doesn't want to hear that?" I played with my fingertips. Forcing out a small laugh. If only Cavonte actually felt some type of way about me.

"You good?"

Laying on my back I looked up at him. Admiring his features. "Yeah."

"Don't tell me you insecure Santana." He laid beside me. Propping himself on his elbows.

Rolling my eyes I wanted to say 'as if' but deep down I knew I was lying. "I mean I know i'm pretty but sometimes I just feel inadequate you know? I feel like no one sees me."

Jameson looked down at me. For a moment I thought he was going to laugh at me. Instead he just smiled, "Wanna know a secret?"

"Sure." I propped myself on my elbows. Curious to know what he had to say.

Jameson furrowed his eyebrows before leaning down to whisper in my ear, "I think that you're the prettiest girl at school."

"Yeah right."

"Deadass. Almost all the guys on the basketball team talk about how pretty you are and how they would hit that. You don't know how many boys would be chasing you if it wasn't for your brother."

I could tell from the way boys looked at me they were interested. I'm not blind but I don't care about the boys at school. I only want one boy and it's impossible to get that. I'm just going to have to get over him. Sitting up. I think it's time for Jameson to leave my room. He's been in here way too long. Anthony and Nicki are probably talking about us. "I think it's time we go back to the party."

Jameson sat up as well. His eyes telling me he wanted to stay but his mouth said another thing. "Yeah we've been in here for awhile. Alicia's probably looking for me."

"I hope you take my advice."

He gave me an irresistible smile, "Trust me I will. Thanks Santana. Can we hangout again sometime?"

"Of course, and the next time Jay or me throws a party my bedroom is off limits. Okay?" I told him seriously. I don't like people snooping around in my stuff.

Jameson opened my door, "We'll see." he said before leaving. Ugh. He's so difficult.

Getting out of my bed I decided to change out of a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Changing into my green skirt that stopped at my ankles and had the side of my right leg showing. I pulled a white crop top that showed my bare stomach, my belly ring beautifully in place. My door opened just as I was placing on my beige sandals.

In walking Cavonte. He looked as if something was on his mind.

I caught my breath a little. He is so fine. He has on some Hawaii print shorts, a black shirt with Marilyn Monroe half naked and biting her lip on the front. He stood wearing his green and orange KDs. His dress code is on point and today he's rocking some diamond studs in his ears.

Teasingly I said, "If you're thinking of having sex with Raven in my bed you might as well turn around."

Cavonte licked his bottom lips and I had to refrain from biting mine. This boy kills me I swear. "Nah but why was Jameson in here?"

Are you kidding me? I almost hit myself for being so stupid not to check if anyone was in the hall. Jay probably knows now and then they're going to fight which will lead to me fighting Alicia. Then i'll be talked about for breaking up the "perfect" couple. "It's not what it looks like trust me. I came up here and Jameson was in my room."

"Why was he in here?" Cavonte crossed his arms and leaned against my door. I hate when he does this to me. Play the big brother role.

"He was hiding from Alicia because they had a fight. His cousin told me to check on him and I gave him advice. Please don't tell Jay you know how he is."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "I aint no snitch. When have I ever told Jay the things i've caught you do?"

Thinking back I remember three times Cavonte had caught me kissing boys or that one time I snuck out the house. He didn't tell on me. "Never."

"Ight then," he got off the door. Tilting his head to the side his eyes raked up my body. Not in a brother sister way. He was checking me out. I was about to say something but he beat me to it.

"You a virgin or nah?"

His question caught me by surprise. I didn't think he would ever ask me that because my sex life is none of his business. Cavonte raised his eyebrows waiting for me to answer him. A curious but serious expression on his face.

Shifting my eyes to the floor I can feel my cheeks heating up. "Yeah I am."

"Nah. Don't lie to me Santana."

Furrowing my eyebrows I looked up at him. No amusement on his face. "Why would I lie about losing my virginity? I've never had sex."

His eyebrows raised as shock was held in his eyes, "C'mon you can't have a body like that and not be doing sum. You didn't look like this two years ago."

Feeling offended I almost snapped but I held myself together because it's Cavonte. "So you thought I was ugly back then? Good to know." I scoffed.

He groaned as he shook his head. Cavonte walked over and sat beside me. "You get hot headed too fast chill. I never thought you was ugly. You was always cute. So cute and innocent. Now," his eyes seized me up. "cute is nowhere near to describe you. You bad but I don't even think you know it. You can't trust these guys Santana. Don't get mad at Jay for ruining things for you because he's only doing it to protect you."

I'm feeling some type of way. You bad but I don't even think you know it. He saw me. I feel so inadequate about myself because I feel as if i'm not getting attention like the rest of the girls at school. I wanted to be noticed. I wanted to be seen. I wanted to be loved. Jay isn't superman and I didn't need to be swooped up and rescued from everyone.

Biting my lower lip I stared back at Cavonte. "I don't need to be protected." I said in a sexy way. I'm done playing games and beating around the bush.

Cavonte licked over his lips and I noticed he seemed to do that a lot. Maybe it's a habit but at least it's a sexy one. I can see in his eyes that he was getting vulnerable.

"You do." he said.

I was crossing a danger zone but I didn't care. Leaning over I looked him straight in his eyes. Our faces merely inches apart. "Why can't you protect me?"

Cavonte didn't say anything at first and I can feel as if he was holding back. There's something between us. I know it. It has to be. "Santana... we can't. You're my best friends sister. Nun gonna happen between us ight?"

I wasn't going to take no for an answer. I know he feels something for me. He's just trying to be a good friend and let me down easy.

Leaning closer he quickly grabbed my waist to hold me in place. "Santana stop. Have you been drinking or sum?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

Rolling my eyes I forced back the tears. He's rejecting me. I'm not delusional and he's not gonna make me feel as if i'm the only one who has feelings. "I see the way you look at me. I see the way you be checking me out. We've known each other for a long time and we use to be close. Yeah I drunk one Heineken but i'm not drunk. I like you Cavonte. I always have since I was eleven years old. Don't push me away."

His grip on me tightened and I know I was easing into his vulnerable state. I know him. Cavonte looked down. Avoiding my eyes. "I can't. I can't do this to Jay. You know how he feels about you. I can't be the guy you deserve. I fuck girls and I leave. I know there's always been sum between us but I never acted on those feelings because of Jay."

He didn't even stop me when I eased on to his lap. Of course I loved Cavonte but I wasn't going to tell him. I know he doesn't love me more than in a sister way. Even though he said he has always liked me it didn't hurt that he didn't love me. Cupping his cheek I lifted his chin so he can look at me, "Jay doesn't have to know."

I know he was going to object so I just kissed him. For the first time I kissed him. His fluffy pink lips felt good against mine. I felt chills in my lower area and I just wanted to do everything with this boy.

Cavonte kissed me back and I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck. My whole body felt like it was going to explode if I didn't get what I wanted. "I want you Cavonte." I pulled away from the kiss to look into his soft eyes for a moment. Lust beginning to form in them too. Cupping his cheek I slowly licked his lips before biting his lower.

I didn't expect for him to aggressively flip us over and pin my arms against the bed. His jaw clenched. "You're barking up the wrong tree Santana."

Giggling I decided to tease him. He's hovering on top of me which made it easy for my left leg to go in-between him. My thigh brushing against his erection. That fast? "I think I know what i'm getting myself into."

Cavonte hates being teased and the way he's looking at me I can tell he wanted to do some very bad things. I wanted to squeeze my thighs together but Cavonte managed to hug himself in-between me. Making me feel just how hard he was. "Girls always wanting to play games but still don't get that I can play it so much better." he let go of my hands and roughly pulled off my skirt. Leaving me in my pink lace panties.

Cavonte closed his eyes, "Why do you have to be so fine?" I know he was trying to control himself and as he reopened his eyes I can tell it wasn't going to be much longer. I wanted to lose it to him.

I bit my lip as I stared at him. "Cavonte i'm ready." I grabbed the hem of his shorts and pulled them down. Cavonte stared down at me and I wanted to know what he was thinking. He leaned down and kissed me. It was tender and passionate. I wanted more.

"I can't." I heard him say. Making my eyes flutter open. It was like I was fire and he acted as if he was going to get burned the way he abruptly got off me. Almost tripping and falling on the floor. "I can't i'm sorry." he said again. Pulling up his pants he quickly left out the room.

Leaving me laying on my bed where he left me in just my shirt and my panties. My skirt somewhere on the floor. As I laid on my bed I realized just how asinine I was. Tears clouded my eyes and I began to silently cry. I felt so embarrassed and the thought of what just happened made me want to curl up and die.


It's been half an hour and Jay's still in the bathroom. I needed to take a shower and school starts in less than an hour. Pounding my fists against the door I yelled, "Jay please get out the bathroom! I really need to take a shower!"

"It ain't my fault you got foul ass odor." I heard him say.

Rolling my eyes I sucked my teeth. I just want to strangle him sometimes. "If you get out the shower I'll give you a dollar."

The bathroom door opened just enough for Jay to stick his head out. For a pretty boy he sure takes a long ass time to do his hair. This boy loves money so i'm sure he'll take my offer. "Ha! Yo cheap ass aint getting in here son." he slammed the door in my face.

I literally stomped my feet before banging on the door harder. My annoyance increasing. "I'm so tired of you doing this to me everyday! All I want to do is take a nice, hot shower and do my hair! Get the hell out the bathroom or God so help me I'd f-"

The door opened. Jay stood blocking the entrance. "Five bucks."

"Seriously Jay?"

Raising his eyebrows he wasn't kidding at all.

Reaching into my bra I took out my last five and threw it at him. He laughed as he picked it up off the floor. "Whatcho ass get for ruining shit with Ciara."

Shoving him out the way I slammed the door behind me. "That why yo ass lonely now!"

I still could hear him laughing on his way to his room. I hate him. I really do hate my brother.

After my shower I had no time to straighten my hair so it's in it's natural curls. I applied little mascara to my lashes along with some eyeliner. My dark green eyes standing out more. I pulled on my blue jean jumper, letting the straps hang down. Stretching my arms into my long sleeve, peach shirt I slid my feet into my beige sandals.

Jay's beeping the horn for the fifth time and I know he would leave me. I grabbed my leopard print backpack and slung it over my right shoulder. Applying my neutral peach lipstick to my lips I rushed outside where Jay was backing out the driveway.

"Oh my gawd i'm so tired of you!" I yelled at him. Really ticked off that he was actually going to leave me.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Jay scolded me. Seizing me up as if i'm wearing something so skimpy.

I ignored him and quickened my pace and was about to get into the passenger side but stopped once I realized Cavonte was sitting in the front. His chair leaned back a little and he was texting away on his phone. I quickly rushed to the other side and hopped in.

I haven't seen Cavonte since the party Saturday night. He didn't even come over Sunday or go to school yesterday. Of course I was still embarrassed that he rejected me. That he left me. That I actually believed that he was going to take my virginity that night. Crossing my arms I avoided looking in his direction. Jay didn't act differently so I'm assuming he didn't tell him.

"Now when your pretty lil ass get detention don't come crying to me to pick you up afterwards." Jay said. Turning the radio station to some rap music.

I just continued to ignore him. I don't need his ride because i'm not getting detention.

"Bruh where you was yesterday?" He asked Cavonte who continued to text away on his phone. I was getting annoyed by the minute as I continuously heard the sound of his keyboard clicking.

"I woke up late buh I was gonna come until Rah called me in to work on the track some more."

"It's hot?"

"Yeh. He gonna have me perform at some club tomorrow. Like to start off local. You know he ain't got the right connects for sum big but i'm just happy to be starting somewhere."

"Oh that's good. I'm happy for you bruh. Basketball season is up again and coach letting me back on the team."

Cavonte laughed and it was nice to see him smile. I still felt hurt about Saturday but if he gonna act like nothing happened I'm going to back off too. "Damn I thought he was never gonna let you back on the team after you ran a train on half the cheerleaders and they all was gonna fight you afterwards."

I just shook my head as Jay laughed and began to tell the story of how it happened.

Once at school Jay parked in his usual spot that he has to pay for every month like the rest of the teenagers that drive.

This tall, brown skin girl with a big butt walked passed the car. Cavonte wasn't paying attention but Jay was all over that girl. "Zendaya," he shouted. Making the girl turn around and wave.

"You gonna talk to her?" Cavonte looked up from his phone.

"Imma do more than talk to her." he unbuckled his seatbelt and tossed me the keys. "Lock up for me please?"

Rolling my eyes I agreed. Jay hopped out the car and chased after Zendaya whose almost inside the school. Cavonte got out the car and I could careless. Taking out my compact mirror I make sure that my lipstick isn't smeared or stand out too much.

The door on my left side opened and surprisingly Cavonte slid in. He wanted to talk. Honestly I had nothing to say to him.

"I'm sorry about Friday ight? I just did-"

"Save your sob story for a girl that actually wants to hear it. All you do is make excuse after excuse with your troubles with girls. I didn't realize it before but you're really a man whore. You put on this good boy act and you think just because you don't mention being in a relationship with a girl you can do whatever you want with her. Making her look delusional at the end like she was the only one with feelings. I really like you Cavonte and I thought out of all the girls you play you wouldn't play me."

Putting away my compact mirror I looked at him. His jaw clenched and he furrowed his eyebrows as if he was confused but angry at the same time. "I didn't play you da' fuck? You have to realize that you're Jay's sister at the end of the day. He would never approve of us even hanging out together let alone date because he knows how I am. I don't really do relationships I just want to fuck. That's how I am and when I come across a good girl that's not what I want. I couldn't take your virginity. As much as I wanted to I couldn't. You don't want all these problems. I'm tired of you girls being mad at me when all I'm doing is being me. You can't get mad at someone that you already know is one way. Stop being mad at me Santana."

He sounded so cute when he was angry I couldn't help but notice. No longer angry with him. "Okay I'll stop being mad at you. I'm going to still feel some type of way because I really like you but you got your mind on other girls anyway. Like Alyssa and Raven."

Cavonte groaned. He's not the only one aggravated with all this. He moves from girl to girl and then continuously with Raven. His any time booty call.

"You know I aint with Alyssa."

Furrowing my eyebrows I shrugged, "Do I really? You seem to have a lot of toaster stroodles and anytime booty calls. They all popping up outta nowhere."

Cavonte's eyes twitched a little before he burst out laughing. Crossing my arms I wanted to know what was so funny.

He squinted his eyes as if he couldn't see and his lips curled up into a cocky grin. "Jealous na?"

Gritting my teeth I held back the nastiest word I could think of to spit at this boy. I hate when guys try to joke around to avoid the situation. "Yeah I am. I'm so sick of watching you waste your time on these broads and they don't have half of what I got. They just another pretty face and a quick taste."

"You right," he admitted with a straight face. Joking put aside. "but you just too good for me Santana."

He's looking me in the eyes and I'm looking at him. The chemistry is there and i'll be damned if he denies. "Then let me be bad for you." I eased on to his lap for the second time. My eyes not letting go of his. He licked over his lips before biting them.

"You go have to stop teasing me na. You messin' round dangerous territory and if ya brother caught us like this. All hell gonna break loose & I aint tryin lose my best friend over your ass."

Shifting my hips on him from side to side made him bite his lip some more. His vulnerability breaking free no matter how much he thought he could hold it back. My left hand reaching under his shirt as I pressed up against him and leaned close to his ear. The feel of his chest and unsteady heartbeat I knew I had him where I wanted. "Jay's not here and I'm sure not gonna tell him. You sure you not a snitch Cavonte?" I whispered before nibbling on his earlobe.

He grabbed my hips so tight I almost yelped. "Fuck Jay then." his voice raspy as he slammed my back against the back of the front seat and tried to kiss me.

I moved my head out the way but his lips kissed my neck and I moaned a little as he roughly began to suck on it. Oh how much I wanted this but I can't do this. Not like this. Pushing him away I opened the door just as the bell rang. Looking at his confused face I said, "You cant kiss all this until you claim it. I'm not Alyssa, or Morgan, and I'm certainly not Raven. See you in class Cavonte." I eased off his lap and got out the car. I'm not going to be played.


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