Darkness [Neal Cassidy || OUA...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The darkness escaped the sorcerer's hat and has found a new host, Alana Swan. She is the new Dark One, can he... More

1 - The Dark Swan
2 - The Dark Swan
3 - The Price
4 - The Price
5 - Siege Perilous
6 - Siege Perilous
7 - The Broken Kingdom
8 - The Broken Kingdom
9 - Dreamcatcher
10 - Dreamcatcher
11 - The Bear and the Bow
12 - The Bear and the Bow
13 - Nimue
14 - Nimue
15 - Birth
16 - Birth
17 - Broken Heart
18 - Broken Heart
19 - Swan Song
20 - Swan Song
21 - Souls of the Departed
22 - Souls of the Departed
23 - Labor of Love
24 - Labor of Love
25 - Devil's Due
26 - Devil's Due
27 - The Brothers Jones
28 - The Brother's Jones
29 - Our Decay
30 - Our Decay
31 - Her Handsome Hero
32 - Her Handsome Hero
33 - Ruby Slippers
34 - Ruby Slippers
35 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
36 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
37 - Firebird
38 - Firebird
39 - Last Rites
40 - Last Rites
41 - Only You
43 - An Untold Story
44 - An Untold Stories
Next Book

42 - Only You

541 15 0
By bethanyjanebooks

New York City...

Mr Gold drove up to the toll booth at New York, he had Pandora's box in the passenger seat.

"Welcome to New York. It'll be $15," The Security Guard said.

Mr Gold waved his hand and placed the Security Guard under a chokehold until the guard pushed the button to allow him into the city. The gate opened, Mr Gold released the guard and drove into New York.

Elsewhere in New York City, Henry, Violet and Calla, they were all eating pizza as they walked down the streets of New York, Henry held Calla's hand.

"I can't imagine living here, it's overwhelming," Violet said.

"We thought the same thing when we first went to Camelot... Until you showed us around," Henry said and Calla nodded.

"Well, I want to see this place, Henry, truly, but, uh... What does this New York City have to do with destroying magic?" Violet asked.

"It's got to do with my dad," Henry said.

"Uncle Bae-Bae?" Calla said

"Magic has been tearing his family apart for over two centuries when our grandpa first became the Dark One," Henry said.

"And does he want to destroy magic, too?" Violet asked.

"The truth is, my dad did..." Calla looked up at him, "For a really long time. No one else knows this, not even my moms or aunts. He made me promise not to tell anyone," Henry said.

"It's safe with me, I promise," Violet said and Calla nodded.

"See, that's why he was in New York. He was trying to find a way to protect himself in case his dad found him," Henry said.

"Right, and he thought the best way of doing that was by destroying magic?" Violet asked and Henry nodded.

"Did he ever figure it out?" Calla asked.

"He found my mom and saw the light magic she and Aunt Em possessed before he could, but I know he got close. He kept everything he found in a journal. It's got to be in my dad's apartment. Come on," Henry said.

Another Realm...

Zelena, David, Mary Margaret, Dylan and Killian looked around at where they ended up, as they walked in the direction of the house.

"If this isn't Storybrooke or the Enchanted Forest, then where are we?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Well, wherever we are, I'd rather not stick around long enough to find out," David said.

Killian looked at Zelena, "Can you use the wand and get us back to Storybrooke?" Killian asked.

Zelena held up the apprentice wand, which was now broken, "Now quite," She said.

"So, we're trapped in this mysterious realm, wherever it is," Dylan said.

"You can fix it, right?" David asked Zelena.

"Of course, do you happen to have any duct tape?" Zelena mocked, "We're not affixing the bumper to the God-awful truck of yours. This requires the proper portions, none of which I have with me," Zelena said.

"Well, then we're just gonna have to go find them," Mary Margaret said.

"Then we'll have to move quickly. If we don't find Regina, Alana and Emma before Henry destroys magic, fixing this wand won't matter. We'll be cut off from Storybrooke for good," Zelena said.

David sighed and suddenly the sound of clippers being used came from the distance, "Hold on, I hear something," They followed the sound to a man wearing glasses, they saw him clipping some flowers," Excuse me, can you tell us what land we're in?" David said.

The man looked at them and dropped the clippers before he took off running but Dylan grabbed the man in time, "Whoa, whoa whoa! No need to run," Dylan said.

"Please, don't hurt me," The man begged.

"We just want to know what land we're in," David said.

"I'm not supposed to talk to strangers," The man said.

"It's okay, you don't need to be afraid of us," Mary Margaret said.

"No, you don't understand. You shouldn't be here, you have to go," The man told them.

"Well, that's what we want to do. We're trying to get home to our families, to a town called Storybrooke," Mary Margaret said.

"That's a s-strange name," The man said.

"We need magic to get back there. Can you help us?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Magic? N-No, no, no, m-magic is dangerous. If I help you, I'll be punished," The man said.

"Punished? By who?" David asked.

"By me," Another man said and walked up, he held up a prod and electrocutes the adults, knocking them out.

They all woke up in some sort of dungeon, that looked like a large cage.

"I guess now we know what the groundsman was so afraid of," David said.

"This isn't like any dungeon I've ever seen," Dylan said.

Zelena walked up to the bars, she brushed her hand over them and the bats glowed, "These bars are enchanted, magic won't get us out of here," Zelena told them.

"What about the wand? Do you still have it?" Killian asked.

Zelena check her pocket, the wand is there, "Should I be offended that he didn't frisk me? Not that this is any use to us in here," Zelena said.

They heard someone coming, "Hide it, someone's coming," Mary Margaret said.

They heard the lock turning as a man with black hair walked in, "There you are. The prisoners who attacked my groundsman," The man said.

"No, no, no. We didn't attack anyone, this is just a big misunderstanding. We just want to know where we are," David said.

"All you need to know is that you don't want to be here and that you're the ones who are going to be answering my questions," The man had a scar on the right side of his face and his eyes were different colours, "Like, why are you really here?" The man said.

"We just want to go home," Mary Margaret said.

"You must think me so naive, I know you're lying. I know who really sent you, so tell me... What does the Dark One and Enchantress want?" The man asked them as he walked up to the cage.

Killian's and Dylan's attention was quickly gathered, "You know the bloody Crocodile and Phinia? Who are you? What do you really want?" Killian asked as he walked up to the bars.

The man began to strangle Killian, "Don't lie to me," The man warned.

David tried to get Killian out of the man's drop, but the grip was too strong.

"Look, we get it. You're powerful But killing him isn't gonna change the truth, which is that we don't work for Rumpelstiltskin. He's our enemy. He's the whole reason we're here. He tried to steal magic from our town to wake the woman he loves. She's pregnant," Mary Margaret said as Killian gasped and breathed heavily when the man released Killian.

"You expect me to believe that the Dark One has found love? You going to tell me the Enchantress has as well?" The man asked.

"Aye, me," Killian said and he rested his hand on Dylan's shoulder.

"You alright, mate?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah," Killian said.

"What did Delphinia do?" Dylan asked the man who just ignored him.

"Well, whatever grudge you have against them, we have nothing to do with it. Let us go and you won't have to worry about us ever again," David told him.

"In my experience, if you really don't want to worry about something, you lock it into a cage. A strong cage, like this one. It's when you unlock the cage, that's when the trouble starts," The man said and turned around before he began to walk away.

"Why do I have a feeling my sister's past is a complicated one?" Dylan asked.

"Because it is," Zelena said.

New York City...

Alana, Neal, Emma, Regina and Amy were inside Neal's old apartment.

"Should we take this back?" Neal asked as he held up the dreamcatcher.

Alana looked at him surprised, "Uh... Sure," She said.

Emma picked up a record from the floor, "Looks like Henry and Calla were here," They all looked at her, "But I don't think they were alone," Emma said with a smile.

Alana walked over, "Only You... Henry's and Violet's song," Alana said.

"Like father like son," Neal said with a smile and Alana looked at him and she smiled back at him.

"They have a song?" Regina asked.

"He really likes her. She's a nice girl," Alana said.

"You're just saying that because you feel bad about ripping her heart out in Camelot," Regina said.

"I did apologise and return it... I got her lots of flowers and she hugged me. Well, I like her," Alana said.

"I'll like her a lot better when I know where she's taken my son," Regina said.

"Well, I think I might be able to figure that out," Alana walked over to the laptop on the table and began typing as Neal stood behind her watching her, "Yep, he has definitely been here. He tried to wipe the search history clean," Alana pulled out a USB flash drive, "But, I can get it back," Alana said putting it into the machine.

"I won't hold my breath, maybe there's something else in here that can tell us where they've gone," Regina said and walked into the other room and then she spotted a book on Robin Hood on the bookshelf.

"Did you find something?" Emma asked as she walked up to her.

Regina walked back into the room with the book, "One of Robin's books," She chuckled and they all looked at her, "He must have brought it with him from Storybrooke when he came here. I know because I gave it to him, it's a collection of this world's legends about Robin Hood. He used to laugh at everything they got wrong," Regina said.

"Sounds like Killian, with Peter Pan except he didn't laugh he gets annoyed and threatens the TV with his hook," Amy said.

Regina nodded and opened the book then found a letter addressed to her in Robin's handwriting, "What is it? Are you okay?" Emma asked her.

"It's a letter from Robin to me," Regina said.

"He must have written it when he was trying to make things work with Marian or your sister," Emma said.

"So, what do I do?" Regina asked.

"You have to read it, it's addressed to you after all," Emma said.

Regina sighed taking hold of Emma's hand and they sat down and began to read the letter. 

"My dear Regina, I know I shouldn't be writing this, but I had to let you know how proud I am of you. You opened your heart to love and let it change you. And no matter what separates us, I know you'll always be the heroine woman I fell in love with. We don't know what the future holds for me, but I want you to be happy, with whoever makes you smile and continue to grow. I'll always be proud of you... Robin."

Emma lightly held Regina's hand and squeezed it. Regina got up and put the letter back in the envelope.

"Regina? Are you okay? What did it say?" Alana asked her.

"Please, Alana, don't," Regina said.

"Look, I'm sorry about earlier and last night. I was so wrapped up being happy Emma came back that I...I wasn't there for you about losing your friend when I was so closed down. I'm sorry for that," Alana said.

Regina looked at her, "You want to know why I got so angry? Because I'm afraid," Regina said.

"Afraid of what?" Alana asked as she walked up to her.

"Of the Evil Queen... She is inside me... Always trying to get out," She scoffed, "I can't expect you to get it," Regina said.

"Well, we fought the darkness. You know we do understand," Emma said.

"I have the battle too, the Enchantress was not a nice person to begin with, but it's slowly getting easier," Amy said.

"See, you're surrounded by three women who understand," Alana said.

"All due respect Alana, but you don't. You went up to the precipice, but you got pulled back before it consumed you. We were consumed and I have to live with it every day," Regina said.

"I can't imagine how that feels," Neal said.

"It's exhausting. I'm constantly at war with my instincts, as with Hades. My first impulse... Was to rip his throat out because it's not fair that he got to have a happy ending with Zelena and Emma got a lifetime in the Underworld... I said you didn't cope with Emma's death, truth is yours was a natural reaction, you were right, I cursed a land and I would've done it again just to get back at Hades," Regina sighed, "But now I know that's wrong. As much as I want to give in to evil, I don't. So I do good and hate every moment of it," Regina said.

"You hate doing good?" Emma asked.

"Yes... It's complicated. I know it's right, but it always leads to loss for me, you're back and that's wonderful, but... What's the price? Is there one? Was Robin's life the price? Roland and baby Robin don't have a rather anymore," Regina said.

"I get it," Emma said.

"And yet I keep doing it now and I keep suffering. But I know that Evil Queen can't return, so... That's how it has to be. I'll never be at peace with myself," Regina said.

"That's not true. You fell in love with me, and you and me can be happy," Emma said and took hold of her hands.

"Yeah and look at what I am. Many years ago, I had a choice, Snow White told a secret and I could've chosen to forgive her. Instead... I did terrible things. Unspeakable things. That will always hang over me. I've tried to be the hero," Regina scoffed.

"And you have been," Emma said.

"What if it doesn't matter? There's no redemption for me. There's only suffering because now I have a curse. That curse of knowing the difference between good and evil and I'm caught between them. If I revert, I lose everyone I love. Henry... You... My friends... Everyone and if I go forward trying to be good, I have to live with my past darkness and all its well-deserved consequences," Regina said.

"I don't believe that, I believe in you," Emma said.

"I believe in you too," Alana said.

"Same here," Amy said and Neal nodded.

"That's because you guys are good, but for me, it's a simple choice, really. I'd rather suffer than see that pain on the people I care about. This is my fate, I'm trapped," Regina said.

"Stop it... Regina, Zeus gave me a second chance, let's not waste it on worries about who you were... The Evil Queen, yes, she may be a part of you, but she is not who you are. You are so much more than that... Last night when my magic came back, I panicked and you calmed me down instantly, if you were still her you would've let me go out of control but you took my hands and you said... Well... You calmed me down, you're not her anymore, you're Regina Mills," Emma said.

Suddenly, the computer beeps, Alana walked over to it while Regina, Emma, Amy and Neal watched her. Alana looked at the computer, "He's at the Midtown Library," Alana told them, unknown to them Mr Gold was outside until he heard Alana mentioning the location.

"What's he doing there?" Emma asked.

"Oh crap," Neal said.

"What now?" Regina asked.

"I know what they're looking for," Neal said.

"Why do I feel like I'm going to get annoyed?" Alana asked.

"It's my plan... It's what I told him once, that I was looking for a way to destroy magic," The four women looked at him, "I searched for different ways so my dad couldn't find me, that's why I was here in New York," Neal said as he walked across the room.

"You did what?" Regina asked.

"I didn't go through with it after," Neal looked at Alana, "You showed up, I found out you and Emma had magic... Amy told me about your destiny, break the curse and fight the final battle," Amy looked away, "I saw your bright and beautiful magic, Lana, I couldn't destroy it... I kept everything I found in a journal that I kept..." Neal looked through a drew by the couch, "That he took," Neal said.

"Do you remember what's in it?" Emma asked.

"I haven't looked at it for two years," Neal said.

"Come on, we need to go to the library then you and I are going to talk about you keep secrets from me with our son," Alana said as she pointed at Neal, walking past him out of the apartment and the others followed her.

At Midtown Library, Henry, Calla and Violet were walking to a librarian.

"You want to go to the Rare Reading Room? Really?" The Librarian said surprised.

The librarian took the three children into the Rare Reading Room.

"Well, here we are. No one's been back here in ages. Most folks just come for the Y.A. stuff," The Librarian chuckled as Calla looked confused, "Well, good luck with your term paper," The Librarian said and she walked out of the room.

"My dad's journal said he had an appointment here. Whatever he was looking for to destroy magic must be in this room," He handed them a book each, "Start with these. Read every page and then re-read it. Because watched my dad was looking for, he never found it," Henry said.

"And you really think we can?" Violet asked as Calla sat down on the floor and noticed something.

"We have to," Henry said.

Calla crawled over to Henry and she pulled out a book, "Storybook?" Calla said.

Henry looked down at her, "Calla, what did you find?" He asked as he picked her up as she put the book down. Henry sat her on the table and he took out a set of storybooks that were identical to his storybooks and placed them on the table.

"Did I find good?" Calla asked.

"You did," Henry said with a smile.

"What is it?" Violet asked.

"These books, they all look exactly like my storybook. They're magic, what are they doing in New York? Let's look through these," Henry said and they agreed before they picked a book each and opened them to see they were new stories.

"I've never seen these characters in my book," He pointed to the pages, "Look at this. There are so many stories," Henry said.

"Wait, Henry, Calla, you both told me that all the stories in the book are real," Violet said.

"Yeah," Henry said and Calla nodded.

"So, maybe... These are real, too?" Violet said.

Another Realm...

With Zelena, David, Mary Margaret, Killian and Dylan, they were still being held captive by the man with the scar.

David was trying to pick the lock of the cage, but failed then looked at Killian who was holding his neck, "You alright?" He asked.

"Aye, bloody fantastic. Other than that, even in this hellish land, the bloody Crocodile manages to get in my way. What the devil do you think he did to that warden?" Killian questioned.

"Well, with him and Delphinia, it could be anything," Mary Margaret said.

Killian looked over at her, "You make her sound like a villain," Killian said.

"She was... Once," Mary Margaret said.

David broke a piece of the bench in the cell then Dylan saw someone opening the door, "Get ready, someone's coming," Dylan said.

"Okay... Let's do this," David said.

The door opened and they saw the groundsman walking inside, "There you are," The groundsman said as he walked to the cell.

"What are you doing here?" Mary Margaret asked him.

"What... What does it look like? I'm here to help you," The groundsman said.

"Help us? Last time, you wouldn't even talk to us," Dylan said.

"That's because the warden was watching me, I had no choice," The groundsman said.

"If you really want to help us, prove it... Open those bloody bars," Killian said.

"I can't, his orderly, Poole, keeps the key with him at all times. I might be able to get the magic you need... If you'll make a promise to me first," The groundsman said.

"Tell us, anything," Mary Margaret said.

"When you leave this place, promise you'll take me with you back to your home," The groundsman requested.

"To Storybrooke? Why?" David asked.

"Because I wasn't always the gardener here. I-I-I was a doctor, b-before the warden took control and ruined everything. He... He made me a prisoner," The groundsman said.

Zelena stepped forward and took out the wand, "Look, we need magic soI can fix this wand," Zelena said.

"I-I know exactly where to go. The hospital lab, but... I can't take anything without the warden knowing that it's missing. You'll have to give the pieces to me so I can fix it there. Then I'll bring them back," The groundsman said and he reached for it but Zelena backed away then David grabbed the groundsman's arm and pointed the piece of wood he broke off from the bench at him.

"Please understand, that wand is our only way home. Okay, so why should we trust you?" Mary Margaret said.

"You've met the warden. Trust me, I want to get away from him as much as you do," The groundsman said.

"This is a bad plan," Dylan said.

"It's the only one we've got," Mary Margaret said.

David released the groundsman and Zelena handed over the pieces of the wand.

New York City...

The small group were still in the Rare Reading Room of Midtown Library, trying to find answers to destroy magic.

Calla groaned laying on the floor with her face in the book, "So many words," Calla complained muffledly.

Henry slammed a book shut, "Now, I see why my dad gave up. There's nothing in here about destroying magic. We came all this way for nothing," Henry said.

Violet spotted something in a glass cabinet, "Henry! Henry, I know why your dad never finished his quest," They walked over to the cabinet, "It's because he never visited Camelot. Back in Camelot, my tutor used to show me paintings of the Holy Grail. He said it was the source of all magic and it looked like that," Violet said as she pointed to the Dark Grail.

"But the Grail turned into Excalibur. That can't be it," Henry said.

"Not, the Grail as always silver, but... This looks kind of like it... Like it's its twin and if the Grail really was the beginning of all magic then this might be the end of it," Violet said.

"Alright, stand back," Henry said.

"Why? What are you gonna-," Violet began to say as the two girls stood back.

Henry cut Violet off as he smashed the glass with a book then pulled out the Dark Grail. Henry put the Dark Grail on a table then placed the crystal piece next to it and within second the magic from the crystal began to get sucked into the Dark Grail.

"You were right. This will destroy magic," Henry said as he grabbed the crystal.

"What now?" Calla asked.

"Whatever it is, it's not safe to do here," Henry said as he quickly packed the Dark Grail into his backpack and they began to leave the room.

When Calla opened the door, she stopped when she came to face with their grandpa, "Hello, Calla, Henry," Mr Gold said.

"Calla! Violet get behind me," Violet got behind Henry and Calla ran back over to Henry and she hugged Violet, "You're not getting it, not without a fight," Henry said.

"Too bad you're gonna lose," Mr Gold said.

Mr Gold waved his hand, making the three of them fall unconscious on the ground. Mr Gold picked up the crystal from Henry's hand and smiled.

Another Realm...

Later at night, the groundsman had snuck into the hospital lab to fix the wand, once he had fixed it Poole walked into the lab.

"What are you doing in here?!" Poole asked the groundsman angrily.

"The W-W-Warden wanted me to fix this, it's a surgical instrument," The groundsman said as he held up Zelena's wand.

"Well, if that's true, you won't mind me asking the Warden himself," Poole said to the man.

"No, you can't do that. You know he... He doesn't like to be disturbed," The groundsman said nervously before he tried to run from Poole, but the man grabbed the groundsman and hit him, cut his cheek, causing him to fall to the ground and he dropped the wand.

"Now, like I said... It's time to see the Warden," Poole said.

Poole took out a bottle that had blue liquid inside and he forced the groundsman to drink the liquid then he pushed the groundsman to the side. Poole watched as the groundsman began to change into the warden, within seconds the groundsman was gone and the warden was in his place, the warden had the cut on his cheek as did the groundsman.

"Why am I here?" The warden asked.

"Sorry to disturb you, the doctor was in his lab fixing a wand, I can only imagine he got from the prisoners," Poole said.

"And so you did this?" The warden asked as he pointed to the cut on his cheek.

"The doctor was running away, I...I had no choice," Poole said slightly nervously.

The warden walked up to Poole, "But you know the rules," The warden began to choke Poole, lifting him up into the air, "No one hurts Dr Jekyll," The warden threw Poole to the side, "Except me," He looked at the mess around the room, "Oh, what a mess. The doctor hasn't been brave enough to come down here for quite some time. He must think that these prisoners can help him," The warden said.

"Should we kill them just to be safe? I would be happy to do it," Poole said.

The warden picked up the wand, "Oh, yes, I'm sure you would be. The fact is if the doctor is on to something, this place that they told him about, this Storybrooke... Could be the answer we're looking for," The warden said.

"I think that we have been trapped in this land for far too long. It's time that we found ourselves a home and so... I shall allow the doctor to go through with his plan, but I'm going to make one small alteration. The doctor isn't the only one who will be going to this Storybrooke... We all will," The warden said to Poole.

Outside there were all times of buildings of different stories, in some places, it was night time and on the other side, it was day time with different types of flying blimps.

Inside the Midtown Library's Rare Reading Room, there was a book opened to a page titled, 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.'

Alana, Neal, Emma, Regina and Amy ran into the room and saw Calla and Henry on the floor.

"Calla!" Amy said as she rushed over to her.

"Henry! Are you okay?" Alana said as she, Neal and Regina ran to him.

"Mummy," Calla said as she woke up and they hugged.

Henry woke up, "Moms, where's Violet?" Henry asked as he sat up.

Violet sat up, "I'm right here. I'm alright," Violet said as Emma walked over to her and she helped her up.

"What happened to you three?" Neal asked.

"Grandpa. He has the crystal now," Henry said.

"Henry, what were you thinking? Why would you try to destroy magic?" Regina asked.

"Do you really have to ask me that? You finally had a chance to be happy and then magic almost took it away from you forever, just like with Daniel," Henry said.

"Henry, the Evil Queen is never coming back. You don't have to worry about me," Regina said.

"I don't because my other mom is doing that for me," Henry looked at Alana, "You thought she was gonna go all Evil Queen again," Henry said.

"No, Henry, I didn't think she'd become the Evil Queen, I told her and Emma to stay behind because they were separated," Alana said.

"It's me who was worried about the Evil Queen, I should've trusted myself better," Regina said.

"But you didn't! Because you know how it goes for us. Every time it looks like we could be happy, magic just comes in and wrecks it," Henry said.

"Is that what you really think?" Neal asked.

"Yeah, in case you forgot, magic almost took you away, and Aunt Phinia killed a man to give you a second chance and it took away Violet's mom then it took away Aunt Em, she's back but for how long until someone else is taken from us?" Henry said.

"Henry," Alana said as she reached out to him.

Henry backed away, "Don't! Just don't!"He said.

"Henry, what were you doing down here?" Regina asked.

"Following my dad's trail to figure out how to destroy magic but we didn't find anything, it was waste of time," Neal looked around the room silently, "So, what do we do now? Because grandpa has the crystal," Henry said.

"Well, we have to find him," Amy said.

Regina took out a map and put it on the table, "Henry, Neal, give me your hands," She said and Neal walked back over.

"Is this really gonna help find him?" Henry asked and held out his hand with his father.

Regina pricked their fingers and droplets of their blood onto the map, "This will tell us if he's still in New York," Regina said and she waved her hand over the droplet's of blood but nothing happened.

"Why isn't it working?" Alana asked.

"Our magic, it's gone," Regina said.

"The crystal, Gold must have done something to it," Emma said.

Elsewhere, Mr Gold walked into a hotel in New York City.

Back at the Rare Reading Room, "What the hell is he doing?" Amy asked.

"He's not gonna give that magic back to anyone... He's gonna keep it all for himself," Alana said.

"Well, we're gonna have to do it the old-fashioned way," Emma said.

Meanwhile, Mr Gold checked into the hotel and had gone to the top floor where his room was.

Another Realm...

Mr Hyde was in the lab, waving the wand around in a circle above him and the whole house began to rumble.

"You're summoning the portal?" Poole asked him.

"Shh, listen," Mr Hyde said and a portal opened up above them.

"Is this how we get to this... This Storybrooke?" Poole asked.

"No, for what we're after, you need to think bigger," Mr Hyde told him.

"Then... Then what are we doing?" Poole asked the warden.

"Taking something that will give us the power we need," Mr Hyde said.

New York City...

Mr Gold was in his hotel room and he began to set everything up to wake Belle. He put the piece of the Olympian Crystal on the counter and Pandora's Box on the bed, he looked at the box.

"Now, when I wake you, I think you'll finally understand that everything I've done, I've done for you and our child...  And Baelfire and Delphinia, even though they are angry with me... And then, I'm gonna give you what you always wanted, Belle. I'm gonna show you both the world," Mr Gold said.

Just as Mr Gold walked about to let Belle out of the box the whole room started to rumble, "A portal," Mr Gold said.

Mr Gold picked up the crystal, leaving Pandora's Box where Belle was still inside. The portal opened up underneath eh box and it fell right through, closing up instantly.

"No!" He gasped, "Belle!" Mr Gold yelled and began feeling around the bed in a panic.

"Belle? Belle!" Oh, no! Oh, no!" Mr Gold said in a panic.

Another Realm...

With Mr Hyde, the rumbling continued and suddenly Pandora's box which contained Belle, fell through the portal into Mr Hyde's hand, he closed the portal.

"I don't understand, how is this box gonna help us find a home?" Poole asked him.

"It's not the box that's important, it's what's inside it, or rather, who. If the Dark One ever wishes to see his wife again... He'll have to do exactly as I say," Mr Hyde said to him.

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