Fear and Love Part II (Kakash...

By AnotherKakashiSimp

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COMPLETED Sequel to my first story called "Fear and Love Pt. I" in which Kakashi falls in love with Tsuki Kur... More

Getting Old
Kanari vs. Kakashi
Kai vs. Tsuki
The Exit Exam
Proud Parents
Genin Team Assignments
Big Brother....Sensei?!
Date #256 (fluff)
Dirty (πŸ‹)
Shadow Clones (πŸ‹)
Celebrate (fluff)
Author's Note
Team Seven's First Mission
Flashback: Nightmares
Flashback: Kakashi's A-ranked Mission
Shadow Clones Again Pt. 1 (πŸ‹)
Shadow Clones Again Pt. 2 (πŸ‹)
Author's Note
How Can I Go On?
My Love (πŸ‹+😭)
Meeting Again
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 1
Kanari's Timeline Pt. 1
Author's Note
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 2
Flashback: The 3rd Night in the Hospital (fluff)
Flashback: Suck My Dick (πŸ‹)
Kai's Timeline Pt. 1
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 3
Kanari's Timeline Pt. 2
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 4
Author's Note
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 5
Kai's Timeline Pt. 2 (fluff)
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 6
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 7
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 8 (πŸ‹)
Author's Note
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 9 (πŸ‹)
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 10 (πŸ‹)
Kanari's Timeline Pt. 3
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 11
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 12
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 13 (pre-πŸ‹)
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 14 (πŸ‹)
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 15
Shikamaru's Timeline Pt. 1
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 16 (fluff)
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 17
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 18
Flashback: Princess Kakashi (very fluffy)
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 19
Author's Note
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 20 (πŸ‹)
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 21
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 22
Kai's Timeline Pt. 3
Flashback: Curse Mark Pt. 1
Flashback: Curse Mark Pt. 2
Kanari's Timeline Pt. 4
Kakashi's Afterlife Pt. 1
Kakashi's Afterlife Pt. 2
Kakashi's Afterlife Pt. 3
Kakashi's Afterlife Pt.4
Kakashi's Afterlife Pt. 5
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 23
Tuski's Timeline Pt. 24
Flashback: Phone Sex (πŸ‹)
Flashback: Kakashi's Birthday
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 25
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 26 (lil πŸ‹)
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 27 (πŸ‹)
Flashback: Comfort (fluff)
Flashback: Tsuki Big Mad
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 28 (πŸ‹+fluff)
Flashback: Kakashi-sensei Pt. 1 (πŸ‹)
Flashback: Kakashi-sensei Pt. 2 (πŸ‹)
Flashback: The Sixth Hokage
Flashback: Training
Shikamaru's Timeline Pt. 2 (😭)(Final)
Kanari's Timeline Pt. 5
Kanari's Timeline Pt. 6 (😭) (Final)
Flashback: Punishing the Twins
Author's Note
Kai's Timeline Pt. 4
Kai's Timeline Pt. 5 (Final)
Flashback: The Drunkage (fluffy)
Flashback: First Date
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 29
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 30 (πŸ‹)
Tsuki's Last Day
Kakashi's Afterlife Pt. 6
Author's Note
Naruto's Timeline
Final Author's Note/Readers Reviews

The Bell Test

1.3K 41 20
By AnotherKakashiSimp

"How has Kakashi-sensei never done this with you?!" Naruto exclaimed, shocked that the twins never heard of the bell test,"This is like, his thing! Everything he ever taught me about being a ninja came from this test!"

The twins shrugged.

"He has them hanging in his office at the Hokage's tower but I thought they were like Christmas decorations or something." Kai said.

Naruto sighed,"Okayyy, well, here goes nothing."

The truth about why Kakashi never did the bell test with his own kids were because he wanted to teach them the importance of teamwork and putting friends and comrades above the mission throughout their lives. He knew that when they became genin, that they're sensei, who he had always secretly hoped was going to be Naruto, would do the bell test with them. Then Kakashi would be able to see how much his kids had learned over the years.

"Your mission is to take these bells from me." Naruto explained holding up a finger,"If you don't get them by nightfall, you go without dinner."

Mitsue raised his hand,"But Naruto-sensei. There's only two bells."

"Exactly." Naruto said with a mischievous grin.

'So there are only two bells but three of us?' Kai thought to himself,'This must be a competition to see which two out of three of us can get them first. It must be a test of strength!'

Kanari thought the same thing as Kai, but she wasn't as sure that was the answer.

Naruto walked over to a tree stump and set down a timer.

"Okay ready.....steady.......go!" Naruto yelled.

The three new genin students dispersed into the trees to prepare their attacks. Naruto stayed out in the middle of the field.

The twins activated their Chojougan and were about to attack when Mitsue, who's natural affinity chakra is wind, ran up to Naruto and started fighting him with his chakra blades. He was actually holding his own against Naruto.

The twins were shocked,"Whoa, Mitsue's actually kind of strong!" Kanari said.

Kai reluctantly agreed,"Who knew that idiot wasn't just all talk."

"Hey kid, your chakra affinity is wind?! Me too!" Naruto said excitedly.

Mitsue didn't respond, he just kept throw hits that were all being met with a block as he stretched out his hand to try and grab one of the bells.

Nope, no way in hell Naruto was gonna let that happen so quickly, instead Mitsue got kicked in the stomach and was sent flying back on the training grounds.

"Okay, I'm gonna try now." Kai said as he ran out of the trees.

He made his hand signs as he shouted,"Water Style: Freezing Water Bullets!"

Kai shot out several bullets of water from his mouth, attempting to freeze Naruto's feet to the ground to no avail. Until the last one hit and Naruto was stuck.

Kai snickered as he ran to attack him with a fire blade, a jutsu style stronger than wind.

As soon as Kai made contact, Naruto disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Seriously?! A shadow clone?!" Kai said disappointed.

Tsuki and Kakashi, who were watching the new team seven on the training fields from the Hokage's Tower, chuckled.

"Think they'll figure it out?" Tsuki asked Kakashi, who was so adamant about every genin going through this bell test to teach them the importance of teamwork.

"I sure hope so, otherwise I'll feel like I failed as a father.." Kakashi said intently watching the fight,"I mean, the importance of teamwork is something my father and Minato-sensei taught me, I could only hope I can pass it down to my own children."

"Don't worry dear, they'll get it. At least Kanari will, she's got your brains, Kashi" Tsuki said rubbing his back,"And if they don't get it, Naruto will make sure they do."

"Well, it's almost five. You ready to head out?" Kakashi said smiling at his wife,"Shizune booked dinner for us."

"I'm ready. Let's go home and change first though." Tsuki and Kakashi left for their date.

Kai's attacks were to no avail, he couldn't overpower Naruto. So he stepped back to formulate another plan while Kanari made her attempt at the bells.

She darted forward, dodging multiples of Naruto's shadow clones, trying to get to the original one. She activated her signature fire kunai and swung at the bells, trying to cut the string so that they'd fall from his waistband.

"Come on guys! You're gonna have to do better than that if you're gonna get these bells!" Naruto taunted

This song and dance went on for hours. Each new genin trying their best to take a bell from Naruto to no avail.

It was like a revolving door as each person switched and made their attempt. Kai was attempting once again while Kanari ran over to Mitsue who was getting up from another kick that resulted in him being launched back.

"Mitsue!" Kanari whispered,"Are you okay?" She reached a hand out to him. He scoffed and stood up without her assistance.

"What do you want?" Mitsue said shortly.

"Listen, I know we don't really like each other but I think this bell test is meant to trick us."

"What do you mean trick us?"

"I mean, he's purposefully only holding two bells to make it seem like a competition between the three of us. I think the objective is to work together to get the bells. I mean, have you thought about it? There's no way we would be able to individually take the bells from someone as strong as Naruto-sensei. We're way outmatched-"

"But we might stand a chance if we work together.." Mitsue finished her sentence.

"Right!" She said holding up her hand for a fist bump.

Mitsue slowly and reluctantly raised his fist and bumped it against hers.

"Can you do a Wind Release Breakthrough?" Kanari asked. Mitsue nodded.

"Okay, we can do a combination jutsu of wind and fire. Then maybe it'll be strong enough of an attack to trip up Naruto-sensei."

Kanari made hand signs and performed a Jutsu that her mother had invented,"Wind Style: Message Delivery Jutsu!"

She whispered her messaged into the cupped hands to send directly to Kai's ear.

"Brother, this test is a trick. Think about what dad taught us about teamwork. Grab the bells when Mitsue and I attack." She sent the message off. Once Kai received it, he nodded.

Despite the twins' dislike for Mitsue.

Despite Kai's competitive nature.

Despite all their qualms.

The new team seven was ready to work as a team.

Kanari and Mitsue yelled their jutsu in unison,"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!/Wind Style: Breakthrough!"

The combo attack of the wind fanning the flames sent a large fireball Naruto's way causing him to turn all his attention on dodging it.

Kai used this as an opportunity to jumped forward and grab both bells off of his waistband and jump back towards his sister and teammates.

They stood there, proud of completing Naruto's test. They weren't even sure if they passed or not, but they had gotten the bells.

"Ha!" Kai said smugly,"We got the bells Naruto-sensei!"

Naruto walked up to his three students and smiled,"Took you long enough to figure out the point of the exercise! It's dark outside!"

Kanari held up her pointer finger and recited a line her father said to her and her brother all the time,"In the ninja world, those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum."

"I see Kakashi-sensei taught you two well." Naruto said ruffling her hair,"Come on guys, let's go back to my house for dinner. Mitsue, do you need to ask your mom if you can go?"

Mitsue, who had the smallest smile on his face from passing the test returned to his normal flat look,"My mom died when I was little." He admitted,"I....live alone."

"Oh..." Naruto knew the pain of not having parents was like,"Well come on over then, my wife will have a big dinner ready for all of us!"

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