( Editing ) Anime x reader On...

由 Emely_cooper

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One shot book 更多

• TPN Ray - Your the dense one
• Zen Wisteria - Surprise
• Sugawara Koushi - Love
• Takumi Usui - I hate you
• Karma Akabane - From annoying to interesting
• Mikaela Hyakuya - Important
• Shin Amnesia - Start over
• Todoroki Shoto - Forbidden desire
• Kyojuro Rengoku - Last battle
• Yuliy the sirius - My second reason
• Manjiro Sano - Save you - part 1
• Manjiro Sano - Save you - part 2
• Manjiro Sano - Save you - part 3
• Manjiro Sano - Save you - part 4
• Manjiro Sano - Save you - part 5
• Manjiro Sano - Save you - part 6 final
• Manjiro Sano - Intrigued - part 1
• Manjiro Sano - Intrigued - part 2
• Manjiro Sano - Intrigued part 3 final
• Chifuyu Matsuno - Sorry for not protecting you - part 1
• Chifuyu Matsuno - Sorry for not protecting you - part 2
• Chifuyu Matsuno - Sorry for not protecting you - part 3 final
• Osamu Dazai - A step to far
• Yuki Sohma - You, in the end
• KH Vanitas - Strange feeling
• Shunsuke Otosaka - Care
• Shinichiro Sano - Anniversary
• Chifuyu Matsuno- I'm horrible - part 1
• Chifuyu Matsuno - I'm horrible - part 2 final
• Manjiro Sano - Misunderstanding
• Mitsuya Takashi - Husband material - part 2
• Mitsuya Takashi - Husband material - part 3 final
• Rindo Haitani - Mine
• Manjiro Sano - Arrested
• Ryota Kise - Everything but her
• Tamaki Amajiki - My wish
• Mitsuya Takashi - Husband material - part 1
• Ken Ryuguji/Draken - My honest answer
• Manjiro Sano - Save us - Part 1
• Manjiro Sano - Save us - part 2
• Manjiro Sano - Save us - Part 3 final
• Kyo Sohma - Scared - part 1
• Kyo Sohma - Scared - part 2 final
Toge Inumaki - Jealous
• Shun Kazama - I like you too
• Hirano Taiga - Lap pillow
Kyotaka Ayanokoji - My tool
• Xiao - I Promise
• Yuno Grinberryall - Happy to see you
• Satou Ryusei - Prank
• Xiao - It's the thought that counts

• Tamaki amajiki - First Experience

1K 32 5
由 Emely_cooper

Being in a relationship with one of UA's big three didn't really matter to you. You didn't date him because of his status. You where with him because you admired his strength and personality. And his shyness was never really a problem for you.

Well maybe for one thing...

For the past year that you had been together, you and Amajiki never really did something physically. To put it simple you never kissed. And that was actually starting to bother you.

You loved him and you wanted nothing more than to prove that with a simpel kiss. Heck you where yearning for it. You even had dreams about it.

But every time you brought that up, Amajiki's face would flush red and he became a stuttering anxious mess.

You guys even tried it ones, but he ended up fainting before your lips even made contact.

Since then you didn't bother trying again. You figured that he needed time and eventually it would happen. But for how long remained a mystery...

While you struggled with finding a solution, Amajiki was starting to feel miserable and guilty.

He found it really sweet that you had so much patience with him but he became afraid that you might leave him sooner or later if he didn't kiss you.

He loved you very much and hoped with all his heart that that wouldn't happen. Because even tho he wasn't really used to be in a relationship, he truly treasured every moment with you.

You where his second comfortable place. A place where he could be himself. Both his good and vulnerable side. You never made fun of him in a bad way. Well sometimes you would tease him but he didn't mind. Because he knew you meant it playfully.

" Come on cheer up Tamaki! I'm sure you're worrying over nothing" Mirio patted his back " You and her have been together for so long and she told not to worry about it right?"

Amajiki nodded " Then stop sulking about it. If you two lasted this long without any physical interaction than I'm positive she'll wait till you're ready." Amajiki wished that his best friends words where true, but he wasn't so optimistic. 

Despite being afraid of kissing you he was secretly starting to get interested. Curious on how it would feel. But every time he mustered up the courage it quickly vanished when he began to overthink it. Like how to start, what to do, how much was allowed, what did you expect from him, all those questions filled his mind making him crazy.

" M-Mirio how did you do it?"

" I just did it" Mirio joked

Amajiki let out a groan and slammed his head against the wall

" Alright alright, um..well I can't really tell you how but I remember being alone with Nejire and something just seemed to click. Like the timing and ambience was perfect? If that makes sense.."

Amajiki looked at him from the corner of his eye " Not really "

Mirio's shoulders dropped " Look I know you must be nervous, but you'll know when the time is right. Just trust your instinct. And if you mess it up I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Because you at least tried it, and thats what counts"

Amajiki turned so he didn't fase the wall anymore and smiled gratefully at his friend " Thanks "

Mirios lips curved up into a smile " Now go. Class is over and I thought hers to" he nudged his friend

" R-right, see ya tomorrow " he waved and walked to the exit of the school while texting you on his way


The both of you walked in silence towards your apartment. Although you where fairly young, you already lived on your own. The reason was simpel. When you wanted to attend UA, the school was pretty far from your home. A four hour long drive with the trein. Your parents weren't poor, just average but the though off how much money the travel would cost concerned you. So your parents decided that buying an apartment that you could later live in after graduation would be a better idea. Of course that costed a lot to but at least you had a permanent place to stay.

The more you approached your destination the more Amajiki grew anxious. Because this time he planned to do something. He wanted to do something. He just hoped that he wouldn't screw it up like last time

Opening the door you both made your way to the living room. Amajiki sat on the couch while you got some drinks and a snacks.

Amajiki watched you the whole time, and even when you didn't look you felt his intense gaze on you.

You took a peck over your shoulder making his face flush red when you caught him starring " Amajiki is something wrong" you asked, your voice sounding concerned

He frantically waved his hands up in defense " Aaah N-No N-o t-theres n-nothing w-wrong " he stammered

" Well there has to be something since you seem more tense than usual " you remarked walking to him and putting two cups on the table

"  You know you can tell me" you went back to get the snacks

Amajiki lowerd his head " I-I "

You came back and sat down shoving a chocolate bar to him on the table.

You opened yours and took a bit waiting for his answer

" I-I "


" I-I w-want"

" ...."

" I w-want t- to Oh god " he abruptly slammed his head on the table, wrapping his arms around his face so you wouldn't see how flustered he was

You shewed on your food and swallowed it before talking " Amajiki " you softly whispered

" I-I' m s-sorry " you heard his muffled voice " For what" you rubbed his back gently for comfort

He slowly looked up " I'm sorry for not d-doing a-anything "

You stopt your movement, understanding what he was referring to " Is that troubling you? " he nodded not looking you in the eye

" Amajiki I told you its fin-"

" But its not" he snapped

" I want to do something r-really. Because if I don't then you...m-may leave m-me and I can't have that " his voice cracked

You starred at him, your heart aching at his confession. You never knew that it was bothering him this much. So much that even tho you reassured him it was okay you made him feel more miserable. Which was never your intention.

Not only that, but he was also worried  that you might leave him.

You started to feel guilty for thinking about a way to kiss him. When he tried so hard to move out of his comfort to do the same

" Amajiki..." you whispered

He glanced at you from the corner of his eye. You shifted towards him and gently engulfed him into a hug.

The boy tensed " Sorry if I made you feel that way. But you have to know that I would never leave you over something like this "

You pulled back and took his face in your hands " I care about you way to much and I like you for all kinds of reasons. So for the last time don't worry about it. I'm not planing on going anywhere , believe me" 

Amajiki felt a sudden warmth go trough his body by your words that he didn't realize that he leaned forward and gave you a quick peck on the lips

Your eyes widen and Amajiki ones did to when he realized what he just did. It was only then that he understood Mirio's words.

Without thinking he leaned in again and put his trembling lips against yours.

You couldn't help but smile and flutter your eyes close kissing back slowly, not wanting to scare him

It took some minutes before Amajiki stopped shivering but when he did and felt more comfortable he wrapped one arm around your waist while he put his other hand against your face. Gently rubbing your cheek with his thumb.

You where enjoying the moment, it may have been slow but you didn't care, you where happy with this

When your boyfriend heard you humming he assumed that it was a good sign. And this made him a bit more confident.

So he decided to kiss a bit harder

He carefully moved closer to you making you lean back, your lips never leaving one another.

But the more he leaned in, you suddenly found yourself with your back on the ground. You two separated for a minute looking at each other with red faces and uneven breathes

" T-tamaki " you mumbled caressing his cheek

He took your hand and kissed your palm before capturing your lips again, only this time it was more rough

You smiled against his lips and tugged at his collar bringing him closer


" So Tamaki, I guess it went well with L/N hu? " Mirio snickered

" Y-yeah" the elf rubbed his neck nervously " We had a n-nice time"

" I bet you did" the blond wiggled his brows playfully making Amajiki look at him puzzled

" Hey Guys! " A happy and always bubbly Nejire greeted them. She hopped over to Mirio and gave him a peck on the cheek linking her arm with his

She then turned her head wanting to ask Amajiki something but stopped when she noticed something

She let go of Mirio's arm and moved her face closer to the purple haired boys neck squeezing her eyes 

When she realised what she was saw her face lit up with excitement " You guys did it!!" She exclaimed

" W-WHAT " Amajiki shrieked

Mirio pointed at his neck grinning " You got something there"

Amajiki touched his neck confused. He didn't feel anything weird

" I feel nothing "

The blue haired chuckled " That's because its a hickey you silly"

" A w-what?" He questioned

" L/n gave you a hickey. Which is almost the same as a kiss only that she bit or sucked on your skin leaving a mark. " Mirio explained at his friend who was only a beginner to this stuff

Amajiki eyes widen in horror when he remember what you did yesterday and how he recalled enjoying it. He slammed his head against the nearby wall " Oh g-god"

From a distance you watched your boyfriend getting teased and snickered into your palm.

You felt a bit bad for not warning him about the blue spot but didn't feel to guitly.

After all you treasured what happend yesterday

Feeling content you walked away


Tamaki Amajiki is my ultimate favorite anime character! 

QOTC: Describe Amajiki in one word


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