The Unusual School Life of Si...

By BSilverheart1

170 67 0

The final book of the series. If haven't read The Adventure of Silver Bloodmoon and The Bloodwolfs please rea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Thank you!

Chapter 8

3 1 0
By BSilverheart1

A week later.....
My mom asked,
"You got everything for school? Are you forgetting anything?"
"No mom! I checked multiple times already! Also shouldn't you be at work? I remember you telling me multiple times that being an elder is very important. You also said you are pretty busy because of all the paperwork you have to do!"
I agree with Silverheart! Why are you even here? I don't want someone to annoy right before school!
Well I'm happy that she's here. It's always fun to talk to her! You have to deal with it.
Soul groaned and said,
Whatever, fine! It's not like I can stop you from talking to her in the first place!
"I can be a little late. There is no way I'm going to miss your first day of school! If I get a little behind schedule it's not a big deal!"
"I'm pretty sure it is a dig deal but I guess I'll drop it for now!"
My mom laughed and said,
"So are you excited?"
"Yes I am! Hopefully it's going to help me not be as bored. So what should I be expecting when I go into the classroom?"
"There will be one teacher and twenty people in the classroom. The teacher will announce that there is a new student and then you will come in and tell them your name. Make sure when you do this not to say your last name. I think you know the reason why."
"Yep I know. I'll make sure not to use my last name. I'm guessing there will be a lot of different supernaturals there?"
"Yep but there could be some humans there too. I know some humans go to Hopeheart but I don't know if there are any in your class."
"Oh okay. Also I was going to ask what the school was called but now I know."
"I would think you would already know the name by now. I bet I told you the name of the school before! I was the one that started it after all!"
"You might have told me but you know how my memory is. I probably forgot about it or I wasn't really listening when you talked to me about it. I never thought school was important. I've always heard that school wasn't fun so whenever the school topic would come up I wouldn't really listen."
My mom sighed and said,
"That's true I guess but I wish you listened some when I talked about it! I was the one who created the school after all."
"Sorry if I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to!"
"I know you didn't and that's why I'm not angry at you. I get why you didn't listen so I'm not to upset about it!"
"Okay that's good. I don't like when you're sad!"
I then said to Soul,
So are you excited for school?
Why would I be?
Well, you probably are going to be less bored, right?
OF COURSE I WOULD BE AS BORED AS BEFORE! The only reason you're going is because of the people right? You will already know everything they are going to teach us there after all! You know how I feel about being around other people!
Well I know but you never know you could like some people there!
I doubt it! Whenever we would travel around the world I've never found a person I liked! EVERYONE IS SO FREAKING ANNOYING!
That's true but remember what happened to Shadow when he fell in love. Soul was affected and he even liked Silver!
Well of course I remember that, I lost count of how many times you read that book! But what is the chance you actually fall in love? You never fallen in love before!
That's because I tried not to and I didn't see anyone I liked in the first place! You never know it could happen.
Maybe but wouldn't that be pretty bad if that happened?! You know what will happen if you fall in love! If something bad happens to him your emotions would go everywhere and your magic would go out of control!
I know it would be bad and I don't think that will happen either, it's a very small chance. To be honest I'm just trying to make you feel better. I want you to have fun too!
Thanks for trying to help. But if you're happy I guess it would make me feel better knowing that at least you are having fun.
Well that's at least good. I wish you liked everyone else, not just me!
Well it's your fault I'm like this. You did create me to be like this after all!
Don't remind me I still feel bad about that! I wish my childlike mind was smart enough to see how that was such a bad idea!
Well if it makes you feel any better I see why you did it. You really loved that character when you were younger so you wanted them to become real so that's what happened. Most kids don't really think about things until they actually do it!
I guess that's true I was only a kid. Kids do stupid stuff most of the time! Thanks for saying that it makes me feel a little better.
That's good. I'm glad I can help!
I then continued to say to my mom,
"I'm curious though, why did you name the school Hopeheart?"
"Oh that is a pretty good question. I was thinking of the name Supernatural School at first but I wanted humans to also learn there. So that name would only make sense if only supernaturals were there. When I saw that wasn't a very good school name I was thinking of another name. I decided I wanted the name to do something with the future. I thought of Hopeheart because it could mean hope for the future or having a hopeful heart. Either one sounded pretty good to me and that's why I named it like that!"
"Oh I see why you named the school that! I love the name!"
"I'm glad. I think you should get going though. I don't want to make you late to your first day of school! I would come with you to school but I know you would hate that."
"Yep I really would! It would be so embarrassing."
My mom laughed and said,
"Good luck and have fun!"
"Thanks mom."
I turned around and headed out the door to go to school! I'm super excited! Hopefully it won't be to boring.

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