Darkness [Neal Cassidy || OUA...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The darkness escaped the sorcerer's hat and has found a new host, Alana Swan. She is the new Dark One, can he... More

1 - The Dark Swan
2 - The Dark Swan
3 - The Price
4 - The Price
5 - Siege Perilous
6 - Siege Perilous
7 - The Broken Kingdom
8 - The Broken Kingdom
9 - Dreamcatcher
10 - Dreamcatcher
11 - The Bear and the Bow
12 - The Bear and the Bow
13 - Nimue
14 - Nimue
15 - Birth
16 - Birth
17 - Broken Heart
18 - Broken Heart
19 - Swan Song
20 - Swan Song
21 - Souls of the Departed
22 - Souls of the Departed
23 - Labor of Love
24 - Labor of Love
25 - Devil's Due
26 - Devil's Due
27 - The Brothers Jones
28 - The Brother's Jones
29 - Our Decay
30 - Our Decay
31 - Her Handsome Hero
32 - Her Handsome Hero
33 - Ruby Slippers
34 - Ruby Slippers
35 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
36 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
37 - Firebird
38 - Firebird
40 - Last Rites
41 - Only You
42 - Only You
43 - An Untold Story
44 - An Untold Stories
Next Book

39 - Last Rites

477 17 6
By bethanyjanebooks


Zelena and Hades were back in Storybrooke and they were standing on a bridge, Zelena had hold of her daughter.

Hades chuckled softly, "The land of the living. I never thought I would see this world again... Not without a beating heart," He placed Zelena hand over his heart, "And I owe it all to you. Do you feel this?" Hades said.

"Yes," Zelena said as she chuckled.

"I'm finally becoming myself again," Hades said.

Zelena giggled, "I'm so glad," Zelena said and looked around.

"Something's troubling you," Hades said.

"It's my sister. She's still not here," Zelena said.

"I wouldn't worry. I'm sure she made it back safe," Hades said.

"Then why are we still in the woods? We should go back into town and check," Zelena said.

"I can't. Snow White still thinks I'm a villain. These people are always looking for villains to blame," Hades said.

"I'll tell them you've changed... That love changed you," Zelena said.

"It certainly did," Hades said.

Zelena began walking away but stopped and turned back to face him, "But...In case they don't believe me, would..." She walked over to him, "Would you mind taking the baby?" She handed him her baby, "Just take her to my sister's office. You'll be safe there," Zelena said.

"What, you...You would trust me with your daughter?" Hades asked in slight surprise.

"I trust you with anything," Zelena said and walked away.

King Arthur in shackles came running from the other direction, and he slipped in front of Hades. Hades turned and looked down at Arthur, "Hello there," Hades said.

"Don't let the shackles fool you. I'm King Arthur of Camelot. I was unjustly imprisoned. Please," Arthur said.

"Hmm. Unjustly imprisoned. That, I understand," Hades said as he helped Arthur to his feet.

"Thank you," Arthur said.

"But tell me, what happened to land you in such an awful predicament?" Hades said.

"Well, that I understand as well. I, too, was destined to rule a kingdom," Hades said.

"Who are you?" Arthur asked.

"My name is Hades, God of Death. And I think I was destined to rule this very kingdom, right here, but..." Baby Hood started to cry and he tried to soothe her, "Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. I will need your help," Hades magically snapped Arthur's neck, "And that will do nicely," Hades said.


A shadow was flying through the air of the Enchanted Forest and it started to fade until Delphinia was falling from the sky and she screamed.

Her eyes glowed gold trying to turn back into a shadow and failing, she closed her eyes bracing herself for impact. 

"Oh!" She said as someone caught her and she looked at Hades.

"Are you alright?" Hades asked.

"Yes...Yes, thank you," Delphinia said and he put her down on her feet, she stumbled and he steadied her.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm just practising... My Papa can teleport, but I turn into a shadow and fly... I should practice closer to ground," Delphinia said.

"You have shadow magic?" She nodded, "That's rare... It's been a long time since I've met someone with your magic," Hades said.

"How long was that?" Delphinia asked.

"About 800 years ago," Hades said.

"You don't look that old," Delphinia said.

"Thank you and do you know where your magic came from?" Hades asked.

"I don't know... My friend told me I'm from a dead realm, but I don't know... Papa won't tell me," Delphinia said.

Hades smiled a little, "Hades," He said.

"The only Hades I know of is the God of Death," Delphinia said.

"Glad you know me," Hades said.

"Aren't you meant to be in the Underworld?" Delphinia asked.

"I get a limited amount of time out, and I have business in this world... Can you help me I'm looking for Zoso," Hades said.

"Oh, he, hmm, he's dead," Delphinia said.

"Really? The Dark One?" Hades said.

"The last Dark One, yes," Delphinia said.

"Who is it now?" Hades asked.

"Rumpelstiltskin, my Papa," Delphinia said.

"I see, thank you... Miss..." Hades said.

"Delphinia," Delphinia said.

"Lovely name, good day Delphinia," Hades said and disappeared in blue flames.


At Charming's apartment, Calla and Grace were sat at the table looking through the storybook quietly as Mary Margaret was stood with Merida and Walter.

"What do you mean Arthur escaped? I thought you were guarding his cell," Mary Margaret said.

"It's not my fault. This useless lump fell asleep on watch," Merida said.

Walter was holding an ice bag on his head, "You put Sleepy on guard duty?" Mary Margaret questioned.

"You left for weeks. It was the best I could do with who I had," Merida said.

"Alright, well, we can blame each other later. Right now we need a search party. Gather the dwarves. Go," Mary Margaret said.

"Let's go, Sleepy," Merida said as she walked away.

"I told you it was Walter," Walter said as he followed her out the door.

Mary Margaret was holding Leo and she walked over to the two young girls, "You two okay?" They nodded, "I know, we all need our families back soon," Mary Margaret said.

"Thank you for letting me stay," Grace said.

"Not a problem," Mary Margaret said.

"How soon is soon?" Calla asked.

The door opened and David walked in, "Soon enough?" David said.

"David," Mary Margaret said as she smiled, they walked up to each other and kissed.

Killian and Amy walked in, "Mummy! Daddy!" Calla said as Killian picked her up instantly, the three hugged.

"We've missed you, sweetheart," Amy said and kissed Calla's cheek.

Jefferson walked in, "Papa!" Grace said and ran over to him and they hugged.

Alana, Neal and Henry walked in and saw the families hugging, "Hey, mom," Alana said as Neal shut the door.

"Alana, Henry, Neal! Did everyone else..." Mary Margaret said.

"Regina and Robin are here, too," David said.

"Grandpa came back with Belle. At least, we think he did," Henry said.

"If he hasn't, I'm sending him back to get her," Amy said.

"And Emma, where is she?" Mary Margaret asked.

Alana shook her head tearfully, "I'm sorry," Alana said.

"Oh, Alana..." Mary Margaret walked to her and they hugged, "You have nothing to apologise for," Mary Margaret said tearfully.

"I made so many mistakes, mom. I should never have gone down there," Alana said.

"It's okay, look," Mary Margaret pulled away and cupped her daughters' cheeks, "We all made it back. And we helped so many people move on. We all got to see Emma one last time," Mary Margaret said.

"Well, there's more to it. We weren't the only ones that came through the portal. Hades and Zelena... They made it back, too. They have Robin's baby," David said.

Elsewhere, Robin and Regina were by the lake, looking for Zelena and Baby Hood.

"Don't worry. We'll find her. I promise," Regina said.

Zelena came walking up to them, "Regina!" She sighed and chuckled, "You made it back," Zelena said.

"Where the hell-," Robin began to say.

"Wait. We need some answers," Regina said.

"Where the hell is my daughter?" Robin asked.

"With Hades. Look, I came to explain to everyone that he's changed," Zelena said.

"I hate to be the one to break this to you, but no, he hasn't!" Robin said.

"What are you talking about? He helped you. He took your names off your graves. He told you how to get Emma back," Zelena said.

"No, it was a trick so we'd trust him. He tried to trap us down there," Regina said.

"What? No, no, no. I was with him the whole time. We waited for you," Zelena said.

"That was a show for your benefit. You cannot trust him with your daughter," Regina said.

"You're wrong. Hades is different now his heart is beating. Love has changed him. I've changed him," Zelen said.

"I know you want to believe that," Regina sighed, "Sometimes the truth really hurts. Why don't you just tell us where he is?" Regina said.

"And what are you planning to do when you find him?" Zelena asked.

"Well, that depends on him. But we'll do whatever we have to, to protect this town," Regina said.

"You mean imprison him," Zelena said.

"We'll do whatever we have to. I know this is hard to hear, but he is not the man you think he is," Regina said.

"Actually, he's not a man at all. He's a god. And if you try to hurt him, you do so at your own peril," Zelena said and she disappeared in a cloud of green smoke.


Arthur walked into the diner, he looked around confused as he sat down at the counter. He turned to face a little boy who was sat next to him, "Excuse me. Can you tell me where I am exactly?" Arthur said.

The Blind Witch walked up behind the counter, "He stopped talking centuries ago. Coffee?" The Blind Witch said.

"No, I don't want coffee. I want to know what this place is!" Arthur said.

"I think that's quite obvious, Arthur," Emma stood up from her table, walked over and placed her cup on the counter, "A refill," Emma said.

Arthur grabbed a knife off the counter, shoved Emma against the door and held the knife to her throat, "You got lucky last time we met. Now, you tell me where I am or I run you through," Arthur said.

"Well... As fun as that sounds, sadly you can't kill someone who's dead," Emma pushed him off of her, "Are you having a hard time accepting it? So sorry, but you know where you are," Emma said.

"No... But I had so much left to do," Arthur said.

"That makes two of us. I promised someone that I would move on from his place, but I still bloody can't, so I need to hell is going on up in Storybrooke. Who killed you?" Emma said.

Arthur got angry and turned away from her, "Oh, no! No! No!" Arthur said.

"Denial, grief, anger," She rolled her eyes, "Can we just get to acceptance? Who killed you?" Emma asked.

Arthur looked at her, "He said his name was Hades," Arthur said.

Emma's eyes widened, "Did you see Alana and the others? Have they any idea how to stop him?" Emma asked.

The Blind Witch put Emma's cocoa down and sighed, "Haven't you learned anything? Hades never reveals his weakness," The Blind Witch said.

"Did I ask..." She looked at her and realised something, "You know what?... You're right. Hmm. Hades protected his secrets well. But now, now he's not here," Emma said and looked at Arthur.

"Why are you looking at me?" Arthur asked.

"How about it Arthur, fancy going on another quest?" Emma said.

Arthur scoffed, "With you? Not a chance," Arthur said.

"I wasn't asking... Let me put it this way for you. Do you have any idea why you're down here and not in some blissful afterlife or fiery hell? I'll tell you, you were a terrible king with loads of unfinished business," Arthur looked at her, "When you leave here, you're either going to the better place or a far, far worse place," Emma said.

"I think I prefer the first option," Arthur said.

"Oh, and you're gonna need a really good deed you know, to make up for the bad ones," Emma said.

"If I say yes, what exactly are we questing for?" Arthur said.

"An answer to defeating Hades, you can call it my Holy Grail," Emma said.


The Charming's and Jones's family, Neal and Merida were gathered by Arthur's body on the bridge.

"This is where I found him. I always thought I'd be the one to put him in his grave, but now that I see him like this, I can't help but feel sorry for him," Merida said.

"Hades did this," Alana said.

"How do you know?" Neal asked.

"I know. If we don't stop him, this is just the beginning," Alana said.

"What do you mean by stop him?" Merida asked.

"I mean kill him and send him back to where he came from," Alana said and she started walking away.

David goes to stop her when he saw Neal walking over, "Lana, wait...Wait! Slow down!" Neal grabbed her arm and she turned to him, "This is a god we're dealing with, and we still have no idea how to hurt him," Neal said.

"Doesn't mean I can't try," Alana said and she turned around again.

Neal rushed around her, stopping her again, "Look, I get it. Emma's gone, you're in pain, a pain I loved with for centuries, the loss of a sister," Neal said and Amy looked at him.

"This isn't about Emma," Alana said.

Killian walked up, "Yes, it is, love. You are grieving and it's completely natural," Killian said.

"I am trying to protect Storybrooke. And you both are telling me I shouldn't fight Hades?" Alana said.

"No, of course, we're gonna fight him," David walked up, but I need you seeing clearly before we do that," David said.

"Maybe it's time you start dealing with death the way other people do," Killian said.

"What become a cold heart pirate?" Alana countered.

"And that is proof you're not thinking clearly," Killian said.

"I'm fine," Alana said and tried to leave again.

"Alana," She turned back to her father, "You need to deal with your loss," David said.

"And how do other people deal with death?" Alana asked.

"They grieve," David said.

At Regina's office, Zelena and Hades were inside, Zelena was holding baby Hood.

"I thought Regina trusted me. She threatened you to my face. They're going to try to hurt you. I know she's hurt that it didn't work to bring Emma back, but..." Zelena said.

"If anything happened to you...Or the baby, I couldn't live with it. I have to turn myself in," Hades said.

"You'd really give up your freedom... For me?" Zelena said.

Hades laughed softly, "For you... I would give up anything," Hades said and he started to walk to the door.

Zelena turned to him, "Wait," He stopped and looked at her, "I can't let you do this. I won't risk losing you," Zelena said.

"Well...Well, then we have only one other option..." He walked towards her, "We have to defend ourselves," Hades said.

"Yes, of course. I'll put up a protection spell," Zelena said.

"What if they breakthrough?" Hades asked.

"Well, then we'll make them see the truth!" She sighed, "Or we'll fight back," Zelena said.

"I hope it doesn't come to a fight, but if they force us into it, I do have something," Hades said.

"What?" Zelena asked.

Hades pulled out a broken crystal that was wrapped up in a cloth, "A family heirloom. The Olympian Crystal. It belonged to my brother Zeus. Very powerful. Very dangerous," He chuckled softly, "And I've waited a long to use it," Hades said.


A few hundred years later, Delphinia was sat on her balcony looking through a book of the Shadow Realm when Hades appeared in front of her.

Delphinia looked at him, "Hades, been a while," Delphinia said.

"Yes, it has," He took the book and looked at it, "Origin of the Shadow Realm?" Hades said.

"Yeah, it's where I'm from," Delphinia said.

"Rare magic indeed," Hades said.

"I think you mean extinct... I'm the last one," Delphinia said.

"What makes your say that?" Hades asked.

"When I was... Born, my realm killed by Zoso," She sighed, "He attacked and my mother... Well, she sent me to this realm to save me," Delphinia said and walked into her room.

"You don't sound too happy about that," Hades said and followed her.

"My mother thought it was best to send me away, to be alone with magic I don't understand... I wish she never let me be alone, why didn't she come with me..." Delphinia said as she put the book on a shelf.

"I'm sure one day she'll get what's coming to her," Hades said.

"She probably already has, as I said... The realm is dead, meaning everyone is dead, I'm the last one," Delphinia said.

"I wouldn't be too sure of that," Delphinia looked at him confused, "What I mean is, I haven't seen her, your mother in the Underworld," Hades said.

"Are you saying she escaped and hasn't come back for me?" Delphinia said.

"It's a possibility, Delphinia... As far as I know, anyone that dies travels to the Underworld before they find their ending whenever it is," Hades said.

Delphinia's eyes glowed gold in anger and the windows exploded, Hades glanced at the window unfazed, "Apologies," Her eyes turned back to blue, "As you can see, it was very hard to accept," Delphinia said and sat down on the cushioned bench in her room.

"I understand," He sat beside her, "More than you know... My family they... Sent me away as well, but instead of living a life I want, I was sent to the Underworld where I am to remain... Luckily for the years in my prison, I have learnt to visit the land above for several hours," Hades said.

"I see..." Delphinia said.

"How about... I make you promise... When your mother enters the Underworld, I'll make sure that she suffers," Hades said.

"Why would you do that for me?" Delphinia asked.

"Because I need something from you," Hades said.

"So not a promise a favour?" Delphinia said.

"Yes... I need you to get me something from my brother," Hades said.

"From Zeus, you insane?!" Delphinia questioned.

"You won't be harmed, that I promise... I just need something of my mothers," Hades said.

"Okay..." Delphinia said.

"A family heirloom, it's useless and holds no value but it's hers and I would like it back," Hades said.

"Alright, what is it?" Delphinia asked.

"It's called the Olympian Crystal, been in our family generations... Always goes to the eldest, which is me, but Zeus he's taken it for himself," Hades said.

"I see... I'll get it on one condition," Delphinia said.

"What's that?" Hades asked.

"You don't hurt my mother, you just make her regret her decision," Delphinia said.

"It's hard to believe you're the Dark One's daughter," Hades said.

"Phinia... Who are you talking to?" Rumpelstiltskin called out as he walked in and Hades quickly disappeared in blue flames.

"Papa, uh... No one, you're hearing things... Shall we find something for my dinner?" Delphinia asked as she walked out, pulling him with her.

End of Flashback

Outside the town hall, the heroes saw the whole building shimmered green as Zelena placed a protection spell over the building.

"My sister cast a protection spell on the building," Regina said.

"We can't just stand here and do nothing. As a matter of fact, I know exactly what to do. There's a secret tunnel that goes right under the town hall. We don't know how to defeat Hades, but maybe we can get your daughter back and talk some sense into Zelena if you're with me," Regina said.

"Of course I am," Robin said.

"Then I'm going, too,"  Alana said.

"No offence, Alana, but..." Regina sighed, "You're too emotional. I...I understand, you had a loss, but..." Regina said.

"You're not thinking straight," Amy said bluntly.

Alana glanced at Amy, "Is that you th...Is that what you all think?" Alana asked.

Amy looked at her, "Yeah," Amy said and ignored the hard glance Neal gave her.

"Lana. We still don't know how to stop Hades. Until we do..." David said.

"So then we figure it out," Alana said.

"So, well, then do it quickly. Because once we get that baby back, Hades will be coming for us," Regina walked past Alana, squeezing her shoulder in support, "You got this, Emma would want you to have a plan, you know that," Regina said then she climbed down into the secret tunnel with Robin.

Robin and Regina walked through the tunnel, "Look, I'm...I'm sorry I trusted Zelena with your daughter," Regina said.

"Glad to finally hear it," Robin said.

She sighed, "Just for once, I was trying to be optimistic and give her a second chance like Emma gave me," Regina said and quickly wiped away a stray tear.

"You deserved it. She doesn't," Robin said.

"All she wants is what I have. I made her think love was possible," Regina said.

"So you're... You're not actually apologising. You're defending her again," Robin said.

"Robin, no..." Regina said.

"No, forgive me if I don't care to listen. I have a daughter to save," Robin said and walked away.

At the Game of Thorns Flower Shop, Mr French was walking inside when he came face to face with Mr Gold.

"What the hell do you want?" Mr French asked.

"No need to be testy. I'm here on Belle's behalf," Mr French said.

"She can't, I'm afraid. She's trapped under a seep curse. There's only one way to wake her. True love's kiss," Mr Gold said.

"And yours didn't work. Glad to hear some good sense for her at last," Mr French said.

"She needs her father," Mr French said.

"You're right. And that's why I'm not gonna do it. Not for you," Mr French said.

"What, you hate me so much, you'd leave your own daughter trapped under a sleeping spell?" Mr Gold said.

"Better that than the spell you put on her, convincing that beautiful girl to love you. So, until you're gone for good, she stays asleep," Mr French said.

"Yeah, you know, I was afraid you were gonna say that, so, uh, I brought along an old friend," Mr Gold held up his cane and banged it on the counter, "Remember the taste of this?" Mr Gold said.

"I don't care what you do to me. I'll die before I give in," Mr French said.

"Well, I'm more than happy to test that theory," Mr Gold said as he hit his cane on the counter again and Mr French looked at him frightenedly.

Alana walked in, "Enough!" She looked at Mr French, "Get out, Moe. Go!" Mr French quickly walked out of his shop and Alana looked at Mr Gold, "What are you doing here? I need your help," Alana said.

"Miss Swan, nice to see you made it acknowledge from the Underworld... My condolences about your sister," Mr Gold said.

"You took her sacrifice away from her, I don't want your condolences, just your help... As I'm not the only one who made it back. Hades is in Storybrooke. I have to stop him. So I was hoping... You could tell me how to kill him," Alana said.

"Well, even if I knew, why would I tell you? You're the one that got us into this mess," Mr Gold said and walked towards the door.

"At least I try and fix my messes, which have you fixed... Also known as your son, does he see you as a father or a problem?" Alana said, Mr Gold glanced at her before walking away and Alana looked forward and shook her head.


Emma and Arthur made their way into Hades's lair and Arthur looked around as Emma walked ahead of him.

"If there's a way to defeat Hades, the answer will have to be in here," Emma said.

"What is this place?" Arthur asked.

"It's his throne room, or dungeon, depending on his mood. The last time I was here, I spent most of my time at the end of a lash," Emma said and they started looking around.

"Sounds like this Hades was an even worse king than I was. What exactly is this Holy Grail we're looking for?" Arthur asked.

"It's pages from a storybook..." Arthur looked at her confused and she looked at him, "I know it doesn't sound like much, but the one at home got me and Ana to believe and we were able to save our family for the first time. And this one down here, Hades has gone to great lengths to keep them from us. And I think these pages can tell us his weakness. All we have to do is find them," Emma said.

They quickly searched everywhere including inside objects to try and find the pages but coming up blank, "There's nothing here. Maybe you were wrong about this," Arthur said.

"I can't be wrong! Hades is out there now, threatening my little sister, my baby brother and Regina, and I bloody well need to find a way to save them!" Emma said.

"I get it now," Arthur said.

"Get what?" Emma asked.

"Because of what you did in Camelot," Emma looked at him, "You want to make up for it, for women, your sister and your love," Arthur said.

"Yeah. They risked everything for me, and the last promise I made my sister was that I would move on from this place, and I can't do that... Not while they are still in danger. Now, please... Come on, you were a king once. Where did you hide something you didn't want anyone to find or to protect?" Emma said.

Arthur glanced around before he walked over to Hades's throne and started feeling around the throne, as if he was looking for something while Emma watched him, "The most important stuff, I hid in a place no one would dare touch. My throne," He touched the armrest of the throne and a secret compartment opened up and the pages fell out then Arthur picked them up as Emma walked over, "Well, look at that. Your Holy Grail," Arthur said and handed them to her.

Emma took them and read them, "I have to get this to Alana and Regina," Emma said.

"What have you found?" Arthur asked.

"The one answer they've been looking for most of all... The way to destroy a God... You want to help destroy Hades?" Emma said.

"He killed him, only natural I return the favour," Arthur said.

"Good because I may need a bit of back up," Emma said.

"Alright. Where are we going?" Arthur asked.

Emma and Arthur walked back into the Granny's Diner, the Blind Witch sniffed the air from behind the counter.

"I thought you two would come back soon. I smelled a friendship," Emma rolled her eyes, "Table for two?" The Blind Witch said.

"We're not here for a meal, we're here for her," Emma said as they walked over to Cruella, who was sat down in a booth with a drink.

Cruella looked up and her eyes were on Arthur, "Oh, back up... Seriously, back up," Cruella leaned back into her seat, "Let me take a gander at this handsome new addition to the Underworld. You and your sister know the best people to be close to," Cruella said.

Arthur and Emma glanced at each other before looking at Cruella, "We have to get a message to my family in the world above and you ripped out the phone booth that can do that. Now, where it is?" Emma asked.

"Oh, as appealing as this stubble charmer is, I'm pretty certain lying won't get me what I want. You'll eventually work out the truth, so here it is and on your way, I destroyed the phone booth, sorry," Cruella shrugged.

"Why would you do that?" Arthur asked.

"Because, darling, I can't have anyone resolving their unfinished business. That would be no fun and if I'm going to be trapped in here so will everyone else," Cruella said.

"My sister killed you with her magic and if you want to take a trip to the fire pit, I'll gladly end your existence, or how about the River of Lost Souls, either way, you're gone..." Cruella looked at Emma, "So, one more time before I decide where you spend eternity... The book, where is it?" Emma asked.

Cruella sighed, "In sight, but out of reach, I put it in the River of Souls," Cruella said.

Emma and Arthur walked to the door, "If we can get our hands on that book, I may have a way to get those pages to Ana," Emma said.

"You mean Alana?" Arthur said.

"Yeah, wasn't I clear enough?" Emma said.


Alana walked into the library where the others were, looking through different books.

"Lana, where have you been?" Killian asked.

"It doesn't matter, it ended up being a dead-end," Killian looked at her concerned as Neal looked up to her, "Did you guys find anything?" Alana asked.

"Oh, are you kidding? We're literally drowning in books," Merida said.

"I don't know how Belle does this," Alana said.

"There's got to be something in here about Hades, but we just started, so..." David said.

"Oh, we could really use your help," Amy said.

Alana sighed, "I'm sorry, I don't have time to go through a bunch of books," Alana said and started to walk to the door.

"Alana, wait," David grabbed her hand, "We know you're hurting, so are me and Snow and Regina, you weren't the only one who lost Emma," David said.

"Seriously? You're saying that to me? Emma wouldn't be in the Underworld if it wasn't for me! I turned her into a Dark One to save her life, if I let her die as she originally wanted, she'd be with... I don't know, our grandparents or Cleo or whoever else is in blissful happiness," Alana said.

"And getting revenge on Hades is not gonna bring Emma back," David said.

"This is not about revenge," Alana said looking at David.

"Then what is it about, Alana?" Mary Margaret asked.

"I cannot grieve Emma's death because I know she's still trapped in the Underworld. I know she's still in pain and the last thing I told her was that she needed to move on," Alana said angrily as her eyes watered.

"You're right, we have to help Emma," David said.

"So, why don't you sit down and help us find a way to defeat Hades... For Emma?" David suggested.

"Alana, you need to learn to take a step back when you're emotional," Alana looked at Amy, "I'm not saying you're allowed to not think straight, it is a natural reaction but... We don't need another magic out of control situation again... Sit down and we'll look through books... Together, as a family," Amy said.

"Delphinia," Killian said.

"If anyone knows how you're feeling it's both me and Killian, we both lost as brothers, yes I found Bae, but it was 200 years without him, thinking he could be dead... Take it from me... A book will be your friend more than your magic," Amy said and Alana looked at her silently.

"Phinia, you know Hades don't you?" Neal asked and everyone looked at her.

"Uh... Yeah, for... just over 200 years, I think, why?" Amy asked.

"Don't you know anything or a way to contact anyone who would?" Neal asked.

"No, I don't... When I met Hades it was when I was learning my magic and he actually saved my life," She shrugged, "Contact someone who would know..." Amy thought for a moment and tapped the table with her finger thinking, "I know who could help his brother but getting in contact with Zeus is not easy and I don't want to go through that process again," Amy said.

"And what was that?" Amy glanced at Killian silently, "Oh," Killian said.


Delphinia was asleep in her bed when Hades appeared and he walked over to her, he shook her gently and she woke up.

"Hades? What the... What are you doing here?" Delphina asked as she flicked her wrist lighting the candle beside her bed and she sat up holding the bed covers to her chest.

"I don't have long in this realm," Hades said.

"Right, the Olympian Crystal, your mothers' crystal, that you want me to get from Zeus," Delphinia said.

"There's only one way for you to go to Olympus... The living can't go," Delphinia looked at him concerned, "As the God of Death I can temporarily put you in a state of death, long enough for you to get the crystal," Hades said.

"Too late to back out?" Delphinia said.

"You already made the deal," Hades said.

"Technically it's a favour, not a deal," Delphinia said.

"It's too late to back out," Hades said and ran his hand over her face, making her fall unconscious.

Delphinia woke up on the ground and she looked around to find herself in a light a peaceful place with pillars surrounding her.

"Hades? Where the hell am I?" Delphinia whispered as she stood up, looking around.

Delphinia walked down the path, looking around in confusion, "You look lost," A voice called out.

Delphinia turned around, "Umm... A...A...A little," Delphinia said.

"My name is Demeter, Goddess of Harvest, what is your name?" Demeter asked.

"D...Delphinia," She answered.

"Ah, the next heir of the Shadow Realm, you shouldn't be here... It's too soon and you don't come here," Demeter said.

"I think I'm lost," Delphinia said.

"I believe so... Come, you must meet my brothers and sisters," Demeter said and took hold of her hand, pulling her through Olympus.

"Where am I?" Delphinia asked.

"You're in Olympus, our home," Demeter said and led her towards a large building and they walked inside.

Demeter continued to pull her into a room where two women and two men stood and turned to them, "Demeter, who is this?" One woman asked.

"This is Delphinia... From the Shadow Realm, I think something is wrong... Delphinia this is my sisters Hestia and Hera, my brothers Poseidon and Zeus," Demeter said.

Zeus walked over, "Can you tell us what happened, Delphinia?" Zeus said.

Delphinia looked at him, hesitantly, then noticed the Olympian crystal in the distance of that room.

End of Flashback

Meanwhile, in Regina's office, Zelena and Hades were inside and Hades was trying to put the two crystals together as he sat at Regina's desk.

"My brother didn't want me to have this, so he stopped my heart, broke the crystal. Without a beating heart, I didn't have the power to put it back together, but now, thanks to you... Different story," Hades said and sighed.

Zelena chuckled softly and placed her hands on his arms, "I'm sorry your brother didn't believe in you," Zelena said.

Hades exhaled sharply, "Don't be. I've only had a few thousand years to dwell on it. And once I make this whole, we can show everyone they were wrong about us. We can live any life we want," Hades said.

Zelena breathed deeply, "That sounds lovely," She said.

"We could even rule this place together," Hades said.

"Rule Storybrooke? But I thought we were just planning to live here, you know? Nice little house, my daughter playing in the garden," Zelena said.

Hades chuckled softly, "Yeah. I want that, too, but...These people, they're leaving us no choice. We might have to... Make a show of strength to survive," The telephone rang and he answered it, "Hello?" Hades said.

"Welcome to Storybrooke," Mr Gold said.

"Rumpelstiltskin," Hades said.

"I heard you were in town. Now, how would you like to put our sordid past behind us and make a deal?" Mr Gold said.

"Oh, I don't need your deals," Hades said.

"You certain about that? You're a stranger in a strange land... Full of enemies. I could protect you in exchange for a piece of that Olympian Crystal," Mr Gold said.

Hades scoffed, "How do you know about that?" Hades asked.

"You don't smuggle magic like that into Storybrooke without getting my attention. We're not in your anymore, we're in mine," Mr Gold said.

"Not for long," Hades told him.

"Can't say I didn't warn you... I do hope you remember those friends of Delphinia that you put her into contact with, well then... Bye," Mr Gold said and he hung up.

Meanwhile, Regina and Robin had reached the town hall through the tunnels.

"Welcome to the town hall," Regina said as they reached a door.

"Secret passage indeed. Thank you, Regina," Robin said.

"You're welcome. And I know you can't accept this right now, but I do feel horrible for what I did. I'm sorry has your daughter and I'm really trying to make up for it," Regina said.

Robin sighed, "You're right. We do owe Zelena another chance," He said.

"Oh, don't just say that to appease me," Regina said.

"No, I'm not. If being around you and the others has taught me anything, it's that we all have the capability to change. And the future's not written by our Regina," He looked at her, "I'm really sorry about Emma, I know you're grieving... I can go alone and you can wait here if you want," Robin said.

"This is me grieving... I tell Alana to stay behind because my heart is already black, we don't need the Saviour going dark again..." Regina took a deep breath as she fiddled with Emma's necklace, "Okay, thief. Tell me what the plan is," Regina said.

Robin sighed, "Well, I always follow one rule... Don't go into a job without a good plan to get out, but with my daughter on the line, I have broken my own rule. I...I have no place. So if you want to turn back..." Robin said.

"I'm with you, she's my niece after all," Regina said.

"Good. Well, then let's go save my daughter," Robin said and they smiled at each other before going through the secret passage.

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