His Protector | DreamNotFound


90.7K 3.6K 2.6K

A DNF Vampire AU Someone is going around killing people in horrendous ways, and however that person leaves cl... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Metaphysical | DreamNotFound (story description)

Chapter 1

9K 215 232

TW: blood, gore, biting

The smell of blood filled his nose, excluding all the other scents. He turned his head inhumanly fast, trying to spot the source while squeezing his eyes. The moon lighted parts of the street he was currently searching on, highlighting all the uneven places. He smiled lightly when he saw a shadow passing by on the other side. With every step towards the human being, he discovered more of them.

After moving across half the street he figured out it was a young woman, probably around thirty years old. He tilted his head in amusement, humans were very interesting to watch. Especially the fact you could influence their next movements or thoughts so easily.

He stopped focusing on keeping the sound of his footsteps as quiet as possible and instead making them just loud enough for the woman to hear. When her ears picked up the noises her heartbeat instantly fastened. He smirked at the hold he had on his prey. Swiftly he speeded across the alley the human was now making her way through fastly. Every inch closer made his crave for her blood larger. He licked his lips at the thought of draining her body from every single drop of blood she possessed.

His fangs pushed into his lower lip annoyingly. He attempted to find a better spot for them but this only led to putting them in an even more irritating position. He groaned, waiting for the human to finally go to the place he was leading her to. He always hated this part of his hunts; the not so perfectly timed moments for his fangs to pop out. He ignored the discomfort and smiled at the woman walking right into his trap. He lived in this city for over 200 years so he knew every place to hide, all the dead-end alleys, every corner to peek around. 

His eyes tracked the predicted path the human took and his feet neared her with caution. When the woman saw a glimpse of him she started muttering random words out of fear. Normal people couldn't hear such quiet sounds, but his hearing was stronger since he wasn't human. It was always something that made him feel dominant, to know he was the superior one. Humans were just toys for their specie to play with, and he didn't understand others trying to keep their world from the humans. It was not like they could stop them from feeding on their blood. Other vampires were not like him, they were way more careful when drinking blood from people. They made sure to not hurt them and to keep them alive. He, on the other hand, was bored after doing that for over 800 years so he decided to make it a game. After living long enough, certain things get boring and you end up doing nothing every single day, in and out. And he wasn't planning on doing that eternally. 

His cold hand grabbed the woman's warm one, turning her around to see her terror-filled features. Her almost white hair was total chaos, sticking out on all the sides. She was breathing heavily from running across the streets, her mouth slightly open to get enough oxygen. It had to be such a pain in the ass to run out of breath within minutes, he was glad he didn't need air to stay alive, only blood. Even though needing blood to survive isn't ideal, it's always better than all the things humans need to do. Drinking, eating, breathing-, he couldn't imagine how exhausting that had to be. The woman's mouth was opening further, signaling him she was going to scream. Before she let out a single sound he had his hand placed on her mouth, standing behind her. With his free hand he removed a loose string of hair from covering her ear. He brought his mouth close to it, nearly touching the skin.

'Don't be afraid, you're going to be okay.'

False hope. It was fascinating to hear her racing heartbeat drop and her breathing slowing. Deep inside she must know she isn't going to be fine at all, that she's going to be dead soon, but his words manage to keep her from panicking. Every time his specie tells a human something, they believe it without questioning. For example, if he would tell her this was all a dream she would close her eyes in an attempt to wake up. It was that simple to affect her body and brain. His fangs follow a vein filled with blood on her neck, finding the best spot to suck it all out. Every inch his fangs crossed leaves a small stripe of blood, not deep enough to lose too much of the fluid. A drop reaches his tongue, worsening his immense hunger. He inhales sharply, even though he doesn't need to, but it helps him contain himself for a bit longer.

'What are you?' The woman whispers while exhaling, her voice filled with curiosity and slight fear. He finds the corner of his mouth climbing up, letting out a small laugh of enjoyment.


He wraps his arm around her stomach firmly, restricting any form of escape. When he finally found the perfect place, he attacked her neck, blood satisfying his body. To be honest, her blood tasted terrible. The fluid was bitter and it wasn't that pleasant to get it through his throat, but his hunger was worse. He only noticed she was attempting to get rid of his arm when he felt her hand weaken due to the loss of her blood and strength. He drained her so fast blood was spilling and dripping along his chin. Once he was done, he let the now lifeless body collapse on the stone-cold streets, leaving it in the open. Other vampires would have cleaned the mess, but he didn't bother. Now his mind was way clearer, he was able to think better. Faintly he heard someone near them. He glanced at the woman one more time before leaving her behind and returning to his home before the sun would take over the dark shades of the night.


It was midday, and yet it was completely dark in the living room. The only source of light was the TV next to the closed curtains. The news was reporting another dead person, being the only sound to be heard.

George turned off the device, closing his eyes. With a deep breath, he leaned back into the warmth of the couch. This was the fifth time another murder was announced, and they became more frequent every day. Every minute professionals were looking for clues to unmask the killer, but they hadn't found a single thing. And however they should have found the murderer's blood or at least a fingerprint on the corpse, nothing had been discovered. He quickly opened his eyes when the image of the dead body that was just shown started forming behind his eyelids. White skin without the usual blood flowing through the veins, a huge crater filled with blood covering the woman's neck. He almost had to throw up from disgust.

With no light to keep him awake he nearly passed out on the couch, but he knew he couldn't. His parents expected him to have a full meal ready when they came home, which was in about twenty minutes. Twenty minutes of peaceful quietness before his day turned into a horror movie once again. His parents, especially his dad, were very strict and didn't like disobedience. So when he had done wrong the tiniest thing or refused to do something, he would have to accept the consequences. Hurriedly, he grabbed the food already placed on the counter and started preparing it. He had done this a million times before, so he didn't think at all during cutting the vegetables and cooking the steak.

Before he had comprehended, the door got unlocked, his mother stepping in followed by his father. Neither of them greeted him or asked him about his day, but he didn't expect otherwise. Instead, the first thing his father told him was to hurry up and serve the food, so George did. He sat down on his usual seat, making as few as possible noise while positioning the chair correctly. Small things like that could trigger his father easily, and he didn't feel like dealing with that.

Halfway during their meal, his younger sister Sarah came home from work, overloading the room with the expensive perfume their parents bought for her for Christmas. She wasn't his real sister, since he was adopted and she wasn't. He always wondered why his parents had adopted him to treat him like shit all the time, but he didn't ask questions. Unlike him, she had received high-quality presents for the holiday and however George didn't care for value, he didn't get why his parents disliked him so much. Surely his sister was the perfect image to the world; great-looking brown hair, light blue eyes shining off her beauty, a well-paid job at the high-class part of the city-, the complete opposite of him. To his parents he was just a piece of disposal garbage, only to be used for chores at home. It wasn't like he disliked his sister, but how his parents treated him differently confused him many times.

'So, how was your day honey?' His mother's voice interrupted the silence. Of course she would get asked that question, she was worthy in some way.

'It was great! They liked my presentation, and maybe want to give me a higher position!'

George smiled at her, receiving a smile back. He was happy for her, she deserved it. She was the only one he could have nice talks with, the only one caring for him and sometimes even standing up if his parents screamed at him. When his father saw his smile he gave him an irritated glare, causing him to wipe it off his face and lean further into his chair, staying in the background in the conversation.

'So, have you made the grocery list?' Sarah asked their mother, resting her head on her hand. She was just about to grab the list when their father grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down.

'I don't want you to go to the store with the killer being outside,' he looked from his sister to him, tilting his head slightly to the right, 'George goes.'

His mouth fell open, they really didn't care for him, did they? He didn't even know how to drive a car, he had to walk to get to the shop.

'Dad, it isn't that big of a problem-'

'No further questions, he goes,' he spoke firmly, pointing in the direction of George. A pang of panic and anxiety shot through his body, speeding up his heart rate. He glared at the now opened curtains, showing the sky getting darker by the second. He swallowed loudly, he had never liked the dark, especially when he was outside and anything could happen to him. And with the murders going around that chance was dangerously high. His sister had apparently acknowledged his reaction and wrapped him in a hug. Tears started forming in the corner of his eyes.

'Oh come on George, don't be such a baby.' His father's words only made him cry more as he clamped onto his sister.

'Dad, you know he doesn't like the dark. Can't he go tomorrow? Don't-'

I said,' he began quietly, 'NO FURTHER QUESTIONS!' He slammed his hand on the table violently, making all of them jump.

'Don't go if you don't want to, George,' Sarah whispered.

'It's fine, I'll be okay.'

Deep down, he knew he was going to be everything but fine. But he didn't want to bother them anymore. Everyone profited if he got killed anyway; he didn't have to live this pathetic life and his family wouldn't care if he died. He unwrapped his sister's arms and took the grocery list his mother was sticking out in his direction. Full of hesitation he left the house, unsure of the things that might happen.


New story pog, I had this idea in my head for so long so I basically had to write it :)

Updates on the story are going to be all over the place, depending on my motivation to write. I mostly write in the back of the classroom where no one can see my screen because for some reason I get most of my inspiration there lol.

Thought on the first part?


(2092 words)

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