πƒπ„π€π“π‡π–πˆπ’π‡; Tom Riddle

By tomzkaban

32.4K 1.1K 383

❝Miss Kane, Do you have a π˜‹π˜¦π˜’π˜΅π˜©π˜Έπ˜ͺ𝘴𝘩?❞ β€· A story in which, Elizabeth Kane, a supposed heir of great p... More

chapter one
character Introduction & notes
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five

chapter twenty-six

800 36 10
By tomzkaban


[mature themes]

It was quite cozy inside the train compartment. It reminded me of home— the Hogwarts express. That's what it reminded me of. Tom and I sat across from one another, in our little abode, in complete and utter silence. I stared mindlessly out a window, while Tom kept his head buried in the pages of whatever book he was fixated on now.

We didn't have much other to do to bide our time. Every now and then I'd take a quick peek at Tom, to only find the neatly styled curls of his head peaking out from behind the book and nothing more.

I tried to read the cover, but I was afraid that he would catch me staring at him, and I didn't want to creep him out.

Perhaps I should just ask him what he's reading like a normal person.

"What do you need?" he uttered bluntly, not taking his eyes off the book he held in between his fingertips.

I guess I stared too long.

He lowered the book just enough for his eyes to peek out, as he stared at me with a narrow glare. I chewed on my bottom lip as he inspected me. I now felt embarrassed.

"I just wanted to know what book you're reading," I expressed, truthfully. "I mean, you're always reading something. I'd like to know what has your attention."

"Why would you want to know what has my attention?" He asked, as he fully tore the book away from his view and placed it on his lap.

"What? I—" I stammered. "No, I meant, I just want to know what book you're reading."

Great. Now he probably thinks I'm fawning over him. Which, I am, but he shouldn't have to know that.

"It's just a spellbook," he said as he held the book up so I could read the cover.

"Don't be so cocky, Tom." I cooed.

Something akin to a smirk almost held his features, as he returned to reading the presumed spellbook once more. I then retreated to my rightful place as well, turning my gaze to the outside world as I watched it flash by me. Every now and then, out of the corner of my eye, I'd catch Tom glaring at me when he thought I wasn't paying attention.

It was hard to keep the flattered grin off my face.

I'd never thought that this would be my future. Running away with my greatest enemy as we spared one another sly glances and soft smiles.

Though I've been grieving, I've learned to romanticize the tragedies of my life. My life doesn't have to be a tragedy. It doesn't have to be a waste.

As my lips parted to speak, Tom quieted me. My ears began to fill with the muffled and crazed ramblings of the train conductor.

Tom leaned in close as we tried to decipher the words we couldn't quite make out. His features were stricken with concentration, as his lip curled and his brows knitted.

I couldn't hear anything, but it seemed like Tom could as he was listening in very closely. I relied solely on his judgment. Suddenly, his face became stone-cold serious.

His posture straightened, and his teeth met his bottom lip. He eyed me with a frantic look before he took me by the shoulders.

"There's been a manhunt put in place to find us by the ministry. They're after us, Elizabeth. They're relentless. Soon, they should start sending their Aurors after us. There's a bounty on our heads." he explained. "They're searching every transportation leaving Scotland."

I panicked, given that we are in fact in transportation leaving Scotland.

"It hasn't even been twenty-four hours, Tom."

"The ministry was prepared. This was easily predicted." He spoke as he took in a deep breath. "Try to cover up as much as possible. They will search our compartment, soon."

"Cover-up as much as possible?" I scoffed. "We need to use magic, I don't know how else we're going to disguise ourselves. Didn't you come prepared?"

His eyes shifted elsewhere, as he worked his jaw with concentration smitten in his features. Suddenly, it seemed everything went quiet.

The only sound that buzzed through my ears was the low growl of the train's wheels colliding with the track. My lips parted as I waited for Tom's grand plan— that seemingly never came. He breathed in a sharp breath.

"Say something!" I whisper-shouted.

"Quiet. I cannot focus, with your pointless bickering!" he snapped with an icy glare, as his fists collided with the seat.

I groaned. "I hate you. I'll pitch myself off a tower before I ever spend a night alone with you!"

"Be quiet." He seethed.

"Make me." I challenged, and his eyes twinkled with determination.

He leaned over, putting his cold hands over my mouth. I shoved him back into his seat, toppling over him, by complete accident. I owned it, though.

"You're pathetic." I provoked.

His eyes grew wide with anger, and his jaw clenched in temptation. Our chests heaved and our shoulders rolled.

"How dare you speak to your lord in such a way." He scowled, in such a way that almost made me believe it had sexual undertones hidden behind it.

It made me take a step back, mentally.

I straddled his hips as he fumed, reaching for his wand. As he was about to hex me, our compartment door flew open.

The both of us stopped our impetuous, angry, actions at once, our eyes flying open in horror. However, just as fast as the door had opened, it had also slammed shut, followed suit by a timid and embarrassed voice.

"I am terribly sorry. I did not mean to walk in on—" the train conductor's muffled concerns from behind the compartment door came to an abrupt halt, followed by the heavy tap of his shoes waddling away in sheer embarrassment.

His mismatched steps as he hightailed away was a comfort to me.

As we froze in our position, we exchanged confused glances. I could see the thoughts pop in and out of his head, as his eyes lit up with the idea of each thought.

Then, one thought in particular that we both shared, almost made me burst out in uncontrollable laughter, but I bit my tongue with a sharp glare. As soon as the thought entered his mind, he knocked me off him, pushing me away.

He quickly squabbled back to his seat, his chest heaving as he trifled to catch his breath.

I can only imagine what the train conductor must've thought— finding the two of us on top of each other. Thank god for our hatred for each other, it's saved us. Had I not been tackling him, I'm not sure we would be safe from the eyes of the ministry.

I stared up at him, doe-eyed.

"You stupid girl." He growled.

I struggled to stand, propping myself up onto the soft cushion of the seat. Just then, his features softened. His mouth opened to speak.

"Save your apologies. I'd much rather we stick to hating each other. Besides, look where it's got us." I professed.

"Bold of you to assume I'd apologize." He hummed, returning to his usual cold self.

I exhaled sharply.

His eyes suddenly became alert, as he rushed toward me. "You're bleeding."


I watched as a single drop of blood fell to the ground, staining the rough ivory carpet with its crimson complexion. I explored my face with my hands, in which I found I had a nosebleed.

The blood crinkled down the lower half of my face, falling into my mouth. The sour and metallic taste flooded my tastebuds. I grimaced at the salty pang. I wiped the blood away with my sleeve— not caring that it would seep into the fabric and stain.

"Why do you care, anyway?" I questioned.

Though I knew the very likely answer to that question, I hoped that he would say otherwise. I hoped that he truly did care for me.

Tom stared at me for a moment, a glimmer of curiosity growing in his hues. My brows knitted together as I tried so desperately to figure his thoughts and read his features. He looked like a god in the dim light of the single candle that held this room from the darkness.

One side of him was shrouded in the shadows, and the other half was perfectly contoured with the light.

The breath in his lungs hitched, as he came closer. My lips parted with a sigh, and when they closed again, I held my breath.

My cheeks became hot as he inched closer to my face. Our lips were so close— there was nothing stopping them from connecting except us. Finally, the coldness on his face faltered into one of uncertainty.

I hate him— no, I loathe him. So why do I want this so badly?

He was staring daggers, switching between both eyes of mine and occasionally gazing down at my lips. Staring down at his lips, I wanted nothing more than to kiss them. Perfectly fair and pink—nothing had ever been more tempting.

Then, finally, a moment that I'd seemingly been waiting for since my entire existence occurred.

I finally released my breath as his lips collided with mine. A strange taste of caramel was peppered in his kiss— that's what he tastes like. This single kiss from him was enough to make me want more. He kept his hands to himself, atlas, pulling away, but I wanted more.

My eyes still connected with his grey ones, I pulled him in for another kiss.

My entire body began to heat up as his hands traveled across me, and we kissed even more passionately. Hatred is powerful, and that's what made this single kiss so passionate.

It was never anything I'd ever felt with Abraxas, no, this was something completely different. Something I'd never felt before, and it felt so good. It made the hidden emotions that I tried so desperately to bury come up in a rush.

The butterflies in my stomach grew as he pulled me closer. The tension that always radiated between us, for years, was building up to this single moment.

As I pulled away, the reality of it all finally settled in. What am I doing?

"Tom," I whispered, but he only brought me in closer to him.

His signature scent of cologne engulfed me, swallowing me whole. A single touch from him made me shake— it wasn't anything I'd ever expected. It surprised me.

He peppered sweet, short kisses, all along my neck. It made me shutter. Then, he paused, eyeing me for confirmation.

"What?" I blinked, cluelessly.

"Do you want me?" he questioned, his hand traveling up my thigh.

My breath hitched as I nodded.

"Use your words, Kane." he implied, his hand reaching a halt.

"Yes," I murmured, and after that, he wasted no time in pulling me closer.

Heavy breaths exited my chest as his touch crawled in my skin. I've never really been sure of anything in my life, but this, I am certain of. I do want it. I'm tired of pretending I don't.

His hand snaked up my skirt, and I squealed, taking his hand in my own. I crawled on top of him, straddling his hips once more. His chest heaved. I could feel him hard already from underneath my thin skirt.

"What are you doing?" he said in a low growl.

I could feel myself getting hot, as I rubbed up against his growing bulge. The desperation in the air thickened as we clung to each other like magnets— we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. I'd never taken it this far with anyone, before.

His hands guided my hips as they swayed slowly. He wanted to do more, I could tell by the daring look in his eyes. He tried his best to be gentle.

His fingers delicately peeled off my shirt, revealing my bare chest since I wasn't wearing a bra. My eyes went anywhere else but him, which I could tell somewhat annoyed him.

He grabbed my face with one hand, forcing my eyes to meet his eyes.

He let a gasp slip past him as my movements slowed. I could feel him pressing up against me; my thin underwear being the only barrier keeping him from sliding inside. The pleasure washed over me in waves, as he repeatedly rubbed up against the perfect spot. I couldn't help but roll my hips in circular motions.

"There are so many things I wanna do to you," he whispered, nearly a moan. "Tell me not to."

I moaned as he pressed himself up against my heat.

"I want you to." I hardly managed to whimper. "Don't stop."

"You're the most perverted enemy I've ever had." he mocked with a grin tugging at the corner of his lips. "There are so many things I could teach you, Elizabeth—"

His hands moved from my hips, to underneath my skirt. I paused for a moment.

"Go slow." I plead.

"I wouldn't dream of hurting you, miss Kane."

"I'm serious, Tom."

Suddenly, his features softened. An emotion unbeknown to me flashed through his grey hues, as his lip curled and his brows furrowed.

"I won't harm you." he consoled, but the hunger in his eyes continued to grow.

For the first time in my life, I felt like his words were genuine. I could always kind of tell because behind his tongue I always heard another voice that was deceiving, untruthful, and harmful—A voice that no one else heard, but one that I always recognized, even when I tried to deny it.

It was the way he delivered his words, but this time, It seemed genuine. Was I just falling in love with him, or was it the truth?

"Okay." I accepted, taking in a sharp breath. "I trust you."

My heartbeat grew faster as I felt his hand press against my heat. He gave a curt nod, and I lifted off him as he slid off my knickers.

I'd already created a pool in the fabric, and I'd assumed he'd noticed since he had something almost akin to a smirk on his features. However, the smirk wiped off his face as I came down to his level.

His breath hitched, as did mine. The tension in the air was on the rise, as we stared each other in the eyes like we could see each other's souls. He could see right through me, but I couldn't see him.

"You are the first person I've ever truly cared for, Elizabeth—" he huffed, hissing as I pressed against him. "You understand that, don't you?"

I couldn't read into his intentions. I didn't know whether or not he was lying this time, either way, I felt myself falling in love with the lies. The butterflies in my stomach almost made me want to throw up.

"Yes—I do." I nodded.

Something that I did know, however, is that this was never a part of his plan. I don't think so. I'm uncertain of what he could gain from this. He's doing this out of his own free will; he's doing this out of desire.

His thumb grazed over my bottom lip before he pulled me close. We both released quiet gasps as his tip slipped inside me. Then, without warning, he fully indulged with ease. He was larger than I ever could've imagined—not that I was imagining him before this.

I winced in pain, as a sharp and stinging sensation ran across my insides. His brows knitted together in confusion, of course, he doesn't feel the pain that I do. I'm sure he realizes that I am in fact in pain, though.

He seemed stiff and uncomfortable. He always is, when it comes to physical contact.

As soon as the pain subsided into something somewhat bearable, my hips began to grind, slowly. The pain wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and once I became comfortable, I began to feel pleasure. It seemed that way for Tom, as well, as he guided my hips with his hands.

"Be good for your lord." he asserted, in somewhat broken sentences.

I'd honestly forgotten that he was in fact, my lord, and I was his knight. That's why I have a dark mark permanently imprinted into my fragile skin, isn't it?

I moaned quietly as he slid in and out. My entire body began to heat up. I bounced on him slowly as his member rammed deeper inside me with each small thrust.

 I moaned even louder as he put me on my back so he could take the lead. My breasts bounced with his thrusts. I shut my eyes tight, whimpering his name.

His motions were fast and unhinged. It made me ache with pain, but the pain was imperative for the pleasure. I watched as his head fell back, and his shoulders tightened.

He was so good. He made me feel so good.

My desperate moans and pleas were the only sound that filled the little compartment. As he leaned over me, he placed his cold hand over my mouth so that my pleas that threatened to spill out remained locked behind his palm.

"Should you want to announce to the whole train that my name is Tom?" he asked, not seriously, but rather making a statement.

"Do you want me to?" I asked, pulling him in closer, with a smirk pursed tightly against my lips.

My words muffled behind his palm, however, this did not stop me from moaning even louder than I had before.

"—Tom." I cried.

His hand remained glued to my mouth, pressing even tighter as his thrusts became desperate. He groaned. We were both nearing the edge. There are no words to correctly encapsulate the way he made me feel. Mentally, and both physically.

"I need you," he confessed.

He pounded, hitting my deepest spot several times. The sensation of pleasure grew over me, growing so tall that it fell over the edge. My eyes rolled back as my eyes shut.

"Don't stop, Tom." I keened, shakily.

My finish hit me like a truck, making me moan and shake. It overpowered everything. My entire body, once again, began to heat up. I felt on fire. I'd never felt more powerful. Tom let whimpers slip past his lips, as he desperately clung to my shoulders.

He shuttered, pulling away just at the right moment. His throbbing member lay on my stomach as he finished on my chest.

A feeling of euphoria washed over me, as my chest heaved. Tom's chest was also heaving just as much as mine. I couldn't help but smile. The sex was just right— it was nothing I'd ever experienced before, and judging by the look on his face, I could tell this wouldn't be the last time. I knew we would tear each other's clothes off whenever the opportunity arose.

After all, our hatred leads us to this path, and we have more than enough of it.

Tom brought me in, kissing me softly, his hands cupping my cheeks.

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