Feels Like Home


1.3K 179 17

Working her ass off everyday and no time for anything else, Andy wasn't your average girl living on her own... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 66

Chapter 65

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Two days before the wedding, everyone was starting to fly into the city. Some were staying at the house and some were in bed and breakfasts close to the house. Because of the amount of land they had, they were fortunate to have the wedding at their house. Things were already starting to get set up, flowers were beginning to fly in and her wedding planner was always at her house going over any last minute details.

"Andy, have a minute?"

"Yeah sure."

Andy was currently feeding the babies and so she was able to talk to her.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing I just wanted to let you know that a large shipment of wine is due to arrive today."

"Wine, but I thought we already had it?"

"We did, but this is from Victor?"

Andy's heart dropped and she swallowed back tears.

"Do you know him?"

"Yeah, he's Shiloh's dad. Umm... we used to date."

"Oh, well do you want me to send it back?"

"No!... Sorry, no. I'll call him and thank him later."

"Okay, well I'm going to have them put it down in the cellar for you."

"Thank you."

They went over the delivery of the dresses, the tuxes and arrival of music and food. They were just finishing up when Blaine and the guys walked in. Andy looked up and just as fast, she looks away.

"Can I get the key to the cellar?"

"Blaine has it."

Blaine goes up to her and kisses her on the head then kisses the kids.

"I have what?"

"The key to the cellar."

"I thought we already had all the wine?"

Andy doesn't say anything and continues feeding the babies.

"We did, but someone sent more as a wedding gift."

Blaine looks at Andy, but she's avoiding his eyes.

"Just let one of the guards know and they'll have it opened for you."

"Great, thanks. See you two tomorrow."

Andy says goodbye and gets up, cleaning the babies off.

"Who sent the wine Andy?"

Hating how he made her feel, she tries to ignore him, but she knew how much he hated her ignoring his question, even though she's been doing it a lot lately.




Andy lets out a breath and looks up at him.

"Shiloh's dad."

She could instantly see the jealousy in his eyes and she kept herself from smirking.

"Since when is he sending you anything? Last time I checked he never wanted to talk to you again."

"Well then I guess he changed his mind."

She looks away and picks up the babies.

"Is he coming to the wedding?"

Andy just shrugged and walks away, avoiding any more questions.



Andy was getting dinner ready when she heard her baby girl. Cleaning her hands, she runs towards her as she's running through the door.

"Oh, my baby girl!"

"Mama! I missed you."

"Oh I missed you too."

Andy cried, but of happiness. She had missed her little girl so much.

"Hey Andy."

Andy smiles up at Austin.


Wiping her tears she looks down at her baby girl.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yup! Dad let me ride by myself!"

Austin knew already what Andy was thinking and he stopped her before she opened her mouth.

"No totally by herself, relax."

"I thought we were going to talk?"

"I know... Baby girl go take your bag to your room."


Taking her doll and her bag pack, she goes up stairs. Once she was far enough Austin looks at Andy.

"Where's Blaine?"

"Working, why?"

"Because I think we should talk."

"About what?"

She went back into the kitchen and went back to what she was doing.

"Andy, Blaine called me and told me what happened."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Andy, look at me."



Austin goes up to her and tries to hug her, determined to get her to talk to him. When he finally had a hold of her, he held on and she cried. When Shiloh had told him, he was pissed that first she was still talking to Blaine and second, that he had lied to Andy. Andy had suffered more than he had wanted to know and for Blaine to keep this from her, he understood her and her unwillingness to talk to any of them.

Andy cried for a good amount of time just letting him hold her until he pulled her away and lifted her chin.

"It's over, this time for good. You saw it with your own two eyes and from what I heard you did a number on them."

They both laugh, pulling apart as Andy wiped her tears.

"Feel better?"

She looks up at Austin and shakes her head.

"He lied. I understand what happened, the reasons, but Blaine was supposed to be..."


"No, just not you."

Austin's heart sank.

"For so many years, I forgave you and kept forgiving until finally I realized I wasn't good enough for you."


"No, it's not like that anymore. I know we're better as friends and co-parents, but it took us so long to get here that now just seems like the cycle is repeating itself."

"Blaine loves you."

"So, did you or at least I thought you did."

"Andy I never stopped, but like you said we're better off as friends and co-parents."

She nodded, grabbing a tissue, and cleaning her nose.

"He's not me."

Andy looked up and sighed with tears threatening to fall.

"He had them in our basement, just feet away from the kids and me and all I could think about is what if, what if they had gotten out? What would have happened if they saw the kids? Thank god Maddy wasn't here, but what if she was? What if they got them, taken them? When I saw them, I didn't even think twice. I knew they had to go."

"You were protecting your family."

Andy nodded.

"Yeah while everyone just pretended like they didn't exist."

Austin then understood. Blaine didn't protect her, she protected them.

"Have you told Blaine how you feel?"

Andy shook her head, wiped her tears and went back to cooking.

"Andy, you have to tell him, tell him how you feel."

"For what? You think he cared about how I felt?! You know what the fucked-up part is?"

Austin shook his head.

"That they were here because they were going to get raided at one of the houses and this was a safe place they could keep them. This house was their safe place. Ironic isn't it? My house, well at least it was, now I just live here wondering if he's got another hidden place that I don't know of. Do you know that I have stayed awake for the last couple of days going through every door, every wall and have walked basically the entire surface of what he has of land?"

"Andy, just talk to him."

"What, just like he did with me?"

"So, you're just going to do what, not talk to him for the rest of your life? What about the wedding?"

Andy looked up at him, then back down.

"Andy, you're still marrying him right?"

Andy didn't answer because she wasn't even sure yet if she was or not."

"Andy, it's in two days!"

"I know!"

"Then talk to him! For once just talk before you do something stupid. Blaine isn't like me or any other guy you've been with, he loves you and as much I hate to say it, I know you'll regret it if you don't."

Andy stopped and looked at him.

"This isn't about talking, it's about feeling safe and I don't feel safe anymore. As much as I love him and god do I love him, it's just more than that. Since the minute I met him, I knew and when we got together it was like I was home again. I was happy, content and even after what happened with my grandfather, I still loved him, still felt safe, but now... now I just lay awake and wonder. I can't look at him when he talks to me or even ask a simple question because I feel anger. I'm angry with him, with the situation and I hate it. I hate not trusting him, not being able to look at him and feel the same kind of safe I did."

"I get it, but you have to tell him that and maybe you two can come up with something to fix it."

"I don't think he can fix it. I don't trust him anymore and you know that for me, that's big."

Austin understood, he understood perfectly. Now he was afraid of what was going to happen.

"So, what are you going to do?"

She was about to answer when she heard the front door opened. Austin saw Andy's reaction and it hurt to see her so hurt.

"Hey man, did you just get in?"

They shook hands as Andy called Mady down.

"Mady, Blaine is home!"

Blaine looked at Andy and went up to her.

"The babies?"


Blaine nodded and gave her a kiss on the head just as Mady came running down.


"Hey baby girl!"

She ran into his arms and Andy looked at Austin who was looking at her. Andy knew secretly what he was telling her, but she couldn't. Blaine, Mady and Austin talked about her newfound hobby, played with the babies while Andy finished dinner.

When the food was done, they all sat down and ate. Austin saw that Andy hardly looked at Blaine or spoke to him. She focused everything on the kids and Blaine watched. The poor guy looked miserable.

"Hey Andy mind if I take Blaine out for a drink?"

"He doesn't need my permission."

Andy hated feeling angry, but she did and when she did, her sarcasm was harsher than usual. Austin patted Blaine in the back and got up.

"Come on, let's get that drink."

Once they left, Andy relaxed and was able to finish her dinner, take the kids a bath and put them to bed with a story.

"I missed you mommy and Blaine."

Andy smiled.

"I missed you too baby."

"I'm happy."

"I happy you're happy."

"Me too."

Mady yawned and snuggled into her blankets.

"I'm glad you met Blaine; I love him."

Andy's heart sank.

"Good night baby,"

She gave her a kiss and let her sleep.

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