The Adventures and Trials of...

By Adamwashereith

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This story series is public domain. It is a series. It's about a tspace traveling hero named Zone Captor who... More

Zone Captor and the Tribe of Abeo
Zone and the Author
The Fury of an Orion
Aaron Burr and the Court of Fae
Zone and the Lair
Zone and Color
Zone and Athena
Zone and The Princess
Hailey and The Show of Ocanta
the number of sphinx
Zone and the adventure of Nigil
Zone and the trenchcoat
Zone and the dimension of Snowflakes
zone and the lily
Zone and the new Face
Closing Remarks for Zone Sugar! As we enter the world of Zone Lolit
Zone and the tape
Students, and their apearences [References]
pgr the myth of pedojala
zone and the pandrolica
zone and the charriot of bioterrorism
Zone and Haileys Price

Zone and Pangea

6 0 0
By Adamwashereith

Zone sat in his study. Chan came out. He was wearing a padded suit. "How do I look. American enough?" Chan asked. "More British than anything else!" Zone said closing his book and placing it on his table, nightstand with a red velvet chair in the middle of the pocket dimension. A galaxy spliced between rooms that held his home, held inside the key wrapped around his neck only accessed via the doors the key draws and opens, each one marked with it's signature question mark. "I can't wait to see more planets!" Chan said excited. Chan was Zone's friend. His apprentice. His go to. A young boy age 13 though they had been traveling together since the boy was 7 in the tribe of Abelio. Zone never aged. He was a human golem. A sorcerer's trick. But his friends...They age without him.

"I can't believe last trip doe!" Chan sometimes added a "doe" sound to the end of his sentences. Despite learning perfect English he kept some alien traits. He was Black in race and presently male. Outside of a few pinchers on his stomach he was human in anatomy. His gender identity is not something we're diving into this story. "Today we're visiting the forest people" "The people of the storm!" Chan asked excited but with a tone of challenge in his voice. "You know" Zone said solem. "I'm really glad you chose to travel with me. Time moves strange for me. It means the world. You have no idea..." Even though they had been together time worked strange for Zone. He was a god in some places. A god of time. It was one of the reasons Zone shared a distaste for mythology and the resembles of it.

For him it was as though it was their second adventure despite being together for years. Years for the boy milenia in reality. Time never moved so strange before Zone. But now it does. Everywhere Zone's concept of it being a meer victim of everytime period congruently happening at once. Zone was a marvelous thing. Truly and utterly astounding. "Any time professor!" He gave a giant smile and thumbs up. "But my makeup" "You can keep it but they'll see it as odd face paint" "I'll wash it then. Where's the bathroom again?" "Third planet sphere to your left in the bubble" "Ah right!" he walked across the galaxy like room to an invisible dorm and came out without his skull makeup washed off. "Let's go professor!"

Soon Zone opened a keyportal to a back alley. A giant wooden yellow door with a question mark appeared from the brick in the alley. It melted it's presence secure. Out of the door sauntered the two young men. "This looks like England" Chan said in broken English. "Ah must be here too early! Tch never know where I'm going to end up" "It's okay you always park in the same place!" Soon Chan was running away ahead of Zone. "Wow!" There were blimps in the sky. And droids with painted flags flying overhead. Plains carrying political foughter taglines behind them. "Must be in the middle of an election" Zone commented unamused. Zone was a pacifist. When triggered a shoot first kind of man. He avoided human politics whenever possible but he also knew by his very nature as an outsider his existence was deemed political. He had views many to the left of the scope, but he wasn't one to talk of them, lest he be meddling in those conflicts entirely. "Must be so!" Chan was always so excited during their travels. Seven years so far had felt like nothing. Never missing that excitement.

They went up to a mime. "Oh I love these things!" Zone said. Tossing him seven yen. The mime then made a box and pretended to get crushed. Chan clapped his hands. The mime then unboxed himself. "Tell me are you from Ishtar?" the mime asked in hand. "Zone what is he?" "He is quite he's a mime!" Zone said enthusiastically. "I wish I spoke hand" Chan said defeated. "You can" the mime mouthed the words. Taking Chan's hands. "Just move them in a way that feels natural" he lipped. "Can I pretend to be in a box too!?" Chan asked. "Sure!" Zone spoke, the mime then guided Chan's hands so he felt like a physical box was there.

Chan was surprised. It wasn't a trick. He could physically feel the box. "Ah how strange!" Chan panicked as the mime undid the box, Chan "ah I'm back" he said worried, "Come along then" Zone snatched Chan by the hand. "Off we go to find the little shop" he was soon guiding Chan like a father before he could continue with the mime. "Ah the Queen's Closet, love this one!" "the queens what?" "It's a shop. They have it back home in Zel where I was made from clay." "Ah back in Orion?" Chan asked. "You never speak about your former life professor. You only told me of the snobs who hurt your sister there" "Well let's just say the hunger wars were victorious now come along" soon the two were in the shop. "I recognize you" the woman said to Zone. "What year are you?" "25!" Zone said with a smile. "Same drink the purple one?" "No never liked that bit do you have ginger bear?" "Of course!" The woman went up to the drinks and gave them to them.

"Consider it on the house. And we don't do underage. That was a filthy lie" "Oh I know I was testing!" "You really don't wear a trenchcoat" "I do can't you see the blue?" "You've....po-" "Yes and do I look like a bum?" "No more canon than I thought. Tell me thoughts on Jorel?" "Oh she's brilliant!" "Your son isn't from around these parts is he?" "Another planet whole other sanctuary" "He's an alien?" "Well technically so I am I?" "How do you know each other" Chan spoke up. "Oh I used to live near the square. I was a regular here as ......a friend" "Oh!" The young boy spoke, "My planet is your equivalent of a town in...well....he saved me from the rabbit plague and now we travel through a key" "I thought it was a..." "Well they never get me right" he smiled towards the cashier. "Here it's yen do you take it?" "Just this once I think we will" she smiled.

"And keep the extra pounds" he handed her a pound of gold. "Tell me Zone Captor where was it are you from?" "The Orion nebula known as Mialka here in your parts" "Mailka" she smiled. "Yes I know that planet. We do have a regular here who is a crack of you" "Allow him. But never the yod" "Why is that?" "Because he'll get the key one day and we can't be having that.." and like that they were out of the tiny shop in England.

They were soon on a trolly. "What is this thing?" "Oh it's public transportation" on the bus they saw three mimes sitting in front. Each making fun of the couple of men. One was being quite lewd.
"Pay her no mind" Zone said to his friend. "She's funny though" soon she mimed a giant hammer and one of the mimes which started oozing pink from his head. "Uh oh" Chan looked with caution. The train started moving bizarrely as one of the mimes pretended to drive as pink began to ooze from his hands and the head of the trolly driver. "Zone!" Chan screamed. "On it" Zone mimed a vine. "Chan grab on" "but professor theirs nothing there!" "Trust me" Chan clung to him and he mimed swinging from a vine to landing in the square ofLlondon as the red bus trolly crashed. Pink ooze looking blood but discolored and flame arose many people were injured. "Looks like theirs aliens afoot" Zone muttered. "Visitors from another world!" Chan was shaking with excitement. "Fraid so"

Chan and him booked a stay in an inn. "ah a queen?" "No two twins" Zone muttered irritated at the assumption. "Sorry I assumed the worst" the woman flirted with Chan changing the tone of her voice. "So new to London?" "Quite, from around other parts" Zone said montone putting his hands in his light blue trenchcoat. "Mm I see. What parts?" "Ghana!" Zone lied. "We're from Ghana" "Actually I am from the rain peoples of-" "Ghana!" Zone continued. "We're west African" "ohhh" she said surprised. "Yes you do have an English accent. It must be similar over there. But the boy you're with sounds American" "He's from another tribe its African you wouldn't understand" Zone said talking out of his bum moving his hand away with excuses. "Well here's your keys that will be 42 pounds for three nights" "why so cheap?" "Because we know missionaries. And we have special arrangements for them. You two despite not claiming such fit the bill" as they moved their things to their room they passed a sad clown mime on the elevator. He mimed a tear as his eyes watered. "I will" Zone said noticing the sad clown. "But no fangs to do it" The crying clown burst out in a silent laugh. It was astounding to Chan.

Soon they were in their room. "I have never stayed in a hotel before~" Chan plopped onto the bed. "Yes well we have the keys to our home worst case scenario" "Yes why rent?" He made a face and put his finger to his chin "Why not?" Zone asked. "Reminder we're here to explore and possibly save a few folks you do remember the talk I gave you about my pandorla?" "I remember! Always the wrong place wrong time. Theirs always someone you need to save or untie with~ I remember well" He pulled out some creme from his pock

"May I wear my cherub markings in private" "Oh this is a hotel they can't stop you here" "He painted a mint green and white skull on his face with curly cheeks. "I was always given the villain in my tribe but you Zone" Chan paused "never saw me in that light. Why? This character he's evil" "No he's misunderstood" "How you do you know?" "Because if I had markings like yours" Zone passed a brush he pulled from his pockets seemingly out of nowhere "they'd be pink and I'd be the same person just seen as a lesser ill" Chan smiled. "I knew you good of heart" ""And I know you good of soul. So what do you think is up with the clowns?" "I think they are kids" "Kids as in aliens?" "That is correct"

He said finishing his makeup. A light green and white half skull was painted on his face with blue swirls for cheeks. "My dreads may I keep them." "some microaggressions will occur they may assume your hair isn't healthy we both know it is" "I am wiling to deal with that. I am not naive" "No but it's only been 5 years for me. And this is your anniversary trip which means its a repeat of your first" "Do you have the list....of music. I requested a repeat in time?" "Yes of course here you are"

"Thankyou" "Here its a cd and a walkman ancient but uh..." he handed Chan the cd. A portable cd player. Quite an outdated toy running on double a batteries "First times forever right!" He smiled wide. "Of course partner!" Chan and Zone slep in their twin beds that night. In the middle of the night Chan was tossing and turning from night terrors as he called them.

"Zone, Zone wakeup" "Hmm Pardon?" Zone asked. "You aware?" "Yes" "I think theirs a mime event tonight I had a bad dream" "Ah well where was it" "The eiffel tower" "Ah." Zone and Chan snuck out past curfew in England. They found a protest ralley via pamphlets and signs arranged around the city. The political faughter all pointed here. "Your makeup will make you blend in but I cannot paint my face" "How come?" "It's insensitive" "How so?" Chan asked. "It just is. But I hear theirs a play they're performing. Let us simply watch!" "Zone then unlocked a tiny door in the bedroom. And pulled out an umbrella and a flute. "The flutes for you the umbrella for me" "why an umbrella?"" "Old times old gizmos you'll see" Zone said smiling a certain secret.

Zone and Chan rushed to the crowd. Several mimes all gathered round. Not a single word spoken by any of them. They all wore the same outfit. Red Overalls, clown makeup, and striped shirts. It was like they were all of the same ilk, all a complete product Zone thought. He put his hand to his chin. "Tell me have you been to one of these before on your planet?" "Nope. The paint was used by ranking where I'm from. It was mandatory during the holidays but..." Zone raised his hand telling Chan to stop. He gestured as they side slid into the rally. A man in light blue and red mime makeup came forward.

His makeup was that of a normal mime with blue substituting white and red substituting black. "GREETINGS ENGLAND!" he had a loud voice and the mimes raised their hands expressly as he spoke. "Play along" Zone whispered moving Chan's hands to mimic. "As you all know our revolution has been going splendidly" His voice was swav. Melting. Like you could fall in love with it. The kind you wouldn't mind to hear a lecture on. Zone put his finger to his chin in thought. "The mark of Cain is coming. Pretty soon, we'll have more" their were silent screams from a few mimes. Some fell down crying. The energy of the room was like that of a sermon gone awry.

"Zone this worries me" Chan hushed. Holding his hands together. "I know" Zone remarked. "Now then to take over paris!" The king mime continued. "But first let us welcome our new guests" A spotlight shined on Zone and Chan. Chan sweated panicked. Zone adjusted his bandana the one he wore around his neck always and then smiled. "Yes don't mind us. Just travelers"

"Come to the stage" the ring leader gestured. Zone grabbed Chan's hand. "Trust me worst case scenario touch the left button of my trenchcoat" he hushed toward Chan.

The two men made their way on stage. "Now then lacking makeup I see" The king mime took his staff and pointed it's curled head towards Zone. "It would be insensitive" Zone stuttered out. "Insensitive! Hah! You come to our rallies as nothing more than a stranger! Have you any plight for our cause?"

"Well O was just....seeing if there was a cause" Chan began to speak but Zone shushed him. "I see. I see. We're fighting for Pangea!" Bam! A flight ton of memories crashed Zone's mind. A map. A planet. A war. All flashing before his eyes he was frozen. Trigger Warning Pangea.

Zone snapped out of it. "Ah yes" he was trying to maintain a calm demeanor. "You are followers of the Queen Zontar no?"

"Correct!" The king mime put down his staff.

"Tell me what can you offer my plights" he gestured to his audience. Chan almost spoke but Zone again shushed him. Chan had a tendency to talk them into a corner regarding their adventures together. "I was there you know" Zone piped up. "You were there for Zontar? Impossible. It was ages ago" The king mime insisted. "Tell me mr mime do you have a name?" "They call me King" He smiled taking a bow as the mime followers snapped. "I am the leader of our revolution" then it hit Zone like a flash of lighting.

Where he was. The time period. Where they landed. "Oh. Oh dear" Zone mumbled. Sweat on his brow. "Is there a problem Mr.Blonde?"

"I have a name. Zone captor!" Some mimes mimed booing him. Other snapped. "Zone Captor. Interesting name for a traveler" The king mime said. "And who's the boy your keeping quite?" "That would be my assistant" Zone said pulling on his red bandana. He went with red today. Real life foreshadowing.

"I-I am Chan..."

"Tell me Chan. You a fan of this narrative?"


"This world. The interference. Are you a fan?" He swirled himself towards Chan.

"Aren't you tired of being nice. Bowing down to the Lito. Zontar can set you free" He said that holding a fist to himself.

"I don't know of these places or peoples" Chan said looking at his feet.

"Maybe not" the king mime said.

"You see these people before you" his attention now warped towards his audience.

"They know not of our kind nor our struggle!" audible boos though few in number could be heard amongst the crowd. "I say we feed them to the hens!" Two men grabbed Zone by the trench coat and grabbed Chan second. "There will be a revolution!" he screamed. Zone and Chan soon found themselves in chains in a dark room they couldn't make out.

"I'm sorry professor it's all my fault if I hadn't spoken-"

"no Chan you did fine. It's these idiots that are the problem"

"What were they fighting for"

"Something akin to the right of the view" Zone mumbled.

"Think worst case scenario for comparisons

" "My makeup did they-"

"No I feel you unnoticed" Zone said. Zone felt around his chains. Him and Chan were tied up via classic lock and chain against a pole.

"I sorry I couldn't reach for your coat Professor"

"No worries. It was a mear teleportation line. Good thing my key disappeared before they could find it"

"Your key it's been years but I yet to have discovered how it works"

"You have yet to ask"

"Well I'm asking. We have time."

"It fades in and out of existence. It's tied to an ethereal pull. A thing of pure magick. A thing of time. It's connected to my home which itself is sustained in the astral. We don't technically exist here. All I can tell you is that alt of a rally....we were lucky to get away without paint"

"How does it work professor what is Pangea?"

"A long time ago the planet earth the planet we're on now...was segregated into 7 different kingdoms all connected through a sort of stone you would walk to. There were no oceans only one nation until the gods got involved"

"The gods are real!"

"given our travels I thought you'd be aware by now"

"fascinating!" "yes it was. But there was an old nation thought to be the best race. The ultimate. They were the kingdom of Zontar. Golden human beings crafted by the elder gods themselves. These creatures were given the epithet of perfect. But far from it"

"So what are the mimes planning?"

"If I had to guess given their leaders guise a mass extermination in order to embrace the kingdom Zontar becoming under the privilege of the kingdom of Zontar. They paint themselves like what we would consider mimes what would others would consider a replication of the perfect gold! They're not mimes. Their replicas! Replicas planning a mass extinction"

"We can't let that happen!"

"you know how I feel about interfering"

"Professor you have done nothing but interfere for as long as I've met you"

"you got me there" Zone said in his posh accent.

"Please professor, we must stop it somehow"

"I don't think such evils can truly be stopped. But we can certainly put an end to their plans" "That's all I ask Zone."

"You used my name"

"It called for it doe"

"Very well" Zone said.

"I suggest we escape these chains"

"And how do you suggest we do that."

"let me invelop my key" Zone closed his eyes and winced in a meditative states, he glowed blue and then the ropes surrounding the two men collapsed as though magick.

"That's quite a trick!" Chan stated.

"I am a sorcerer this is the first thing they teach you on planet Eei"

"Now what do we do?" Chan said adjusting his arms and feeling the air.

"We trick the guards and maneuver out. I hear theirs a party tonight. We don't want to miss it"

"A party! How absurd after what they're planning"

"It's two in the morning we can be a late crash"

"But Zone people's lives are at stake!"

"Yes that is the implication but like I said it's two in the morning. We're travelers so let's travel. There's a certain importance to this party and this time period I don't want to miss it"

A few scene changes later and we cut to Zone and Chan entering a bar in Ishtar. A town over from London in this time period. About 3 hours away only a thirty minutes with the help of Zone's key. Zone had seen the hebrew "shi" advertizement pamphlet for this party around town. Hebrew was a language quickly gaining traction in Ishtar despite the hatred of the Jewish population there. He saw pamphlets for it back in London only a few blocks from Ishtar. It was a fools game trying to guess the location but good thing Zone always considered himself a fool. As soon as he entered he noticed everyone in costume, and all gods and goddesses or aliases of chosen heroes from time passed. He saw a detective, a Sherlock Holmes type chatting up a slightly eccentric red haired man. He ignored them and continued to the bar. He took a seat. "What will it be?"

"I'll have the cotton candy drink" Zone murmured.

"And the boy?"

"To young" Zone winked.

"Soda" Soon a man in stereotypical egyption costume garb entered. He was Black and had dark skin. "Is this seat taken?"

"No it's not" Chan stared at his soda as the men conversed.

"I'm Rave nice to meet you"

"Zone. Zone Captor"

"The Zone Captor at a place like this?"

"A friend of mine is hosting the party. Why not?"

"What's going wrong?"

"Nothing you need to concern yourself about"

"I'm Egyption you know"

"As the bird head didn't tell me otherwise. Tell me who's the redhead chatting up Sherlock over there?"

"I believe the mad prophet"

"Oh shut up" Zone said stirring the cotton candy into his alcoholic beverage.

"Just like that detective you don't seem to be a fan of the gods"

"I hate it." Zone said waving his hands.

"Tell me have you met Sherlock? You know he's the real one" The Egyption man said. Ordering a hot chocolate.

"I'm Rave again by the way"

"Zone as stated before"

"Who's the boy"

"My entourage"

"Why no costumes? It's standard for this party"

"Didn't get the memo"'

"You're tough to crack"

"I hear that often" Zone took a sip of his strong drink.

"So is the party a danger?"

"You know its quite exhausting being asked that all the time"

"Sorry Sorry my sundisk was curios"

"Tell you what. Here's my card" Zone pulled out a card from his vest. It read "Zonewashere" it was the link to a wordpress with a phone number on the back and some strange holographic hieroglyphic like writing on it.

"This is your card?"

"yes" Rave laughed.

"Could've gotten more creative"

"It's my own business. Just in case you ever need a hire"

"Why are you giving me this?"

"Because I've met you before"

"I don't recall....unless your speaking of aspe-"

"NO!I mean I have literally from my perspective met you before"

"Tell me how"

"Time" Zone said slurping up the last of his drink.

"Now forgive me mr.Rave but my assistant and I must get going" Zone hopped down from the bar. "You can take the soda" he said to Chan as they moved towards a couch at the disco like setting.

"Professor I am worried about the rally"

"We're three towns over there's no need for fear"

"But honestly.....I fear the rally" Chan said clenching his fists tightly together. "I shouldn't be afraid yet I am...."

"There's no trial that isn't of fear" Zone said somber. Trying to make out the scenery under the changing lights.

"There's no trial in fear" A chubby man in a red suspender skirt sat next to the boys.

"And who would you be...." The Black wavy haired man with blue features in his hair color, lipstick, and eyes spoke.

"I'm Aaron Burr. The real one" Zone let out a laugh.

"And how was his impression of you?"

"Spot on if a bit manic" The man said looking off to the side. Eyeing the red head in a tacky trenchcoat speaking to people nonstop.

This man speaking to Zone had a certain stern way of speaking. Very flamboyant. "I hear you're from the town of London. Quite far from this bar Ishtar" The words were high pitched and shallow. "And I heard Driftwood Academy was a fairytale" Zone murmured "yes" Aaron Burr said adjusting his neck tie. "It's what you've heard" He wore dark black sunglasses and unforeseen wraps. Ace bandages around his neck and around his arms.

"I have a tip for you" He said. "The mimes carry Failor" His words were slow with a knowing grin. Zone looked spooked. "And how do you know that that is our current situation?"

"you see the room of this party. Nothing is as it seems here. So I looked into you via my magical practice and that is what reigned true regarding knowledge you seem to need" his words were slow. "Tell me Zone shouldn't you be off saving a planet or something. Your reputation proceeds you"

"I have heard of you as well Aaron Burr. I heard you were fired"

"I was let go by my own fruition" Aaron said pushing up his pitch black sunglasses. "Just letting you know before you leave seeing as your getting ansy..." Zone stopped shaking his leg. Chan continued to stare at the floor deep in thought. "That the alt Mimircy is coming back. Zontar will live" and like that Aaron burr gave a bow and walked away from the scenery.

Zone sighed. He looked around. Every single person. He recalled the Frost an event you the reader don't need to know about. Clearly this party was front and center for the met. A type of well....I suppose it doesn't matter. We'll cross the bridge when we get to it. Zone took Chan's hand after speaking with a scene girl in a gothic corset. She was collecting everyone's number and introducing herself to every soul she saw. "Enby Way. Hm. Figure that" Zone mumbles as he gets out of the pub.

He takes Chan to a back alley and they key themselves back home. Then back to the hotel transportation aside. Chan crashed on his twin bed completely and utterly exhausted. He wiggles out of his chest binder and lies in bed topless. "Oh Zone...I forgot you were there. Nudity is fine in my tribe but from traveling with you" "Old habits die hard" Zone muttered looking the boy up and down. "Just cover yourself with a blanket".

The next day they explored London. Asking around. Searching for some kind of answers. Answers as to Pangea. It wasn't until Zone and Chan were taking a break at a coffee shop that answers really started to pile on the two.

They saw several mimes. The mimes were mourning the passers by. Several mimes bowed as Zone and Chan entered the dam place. "They seem to be back?"

"What are they fighting for Professor?"

"They want people to be perfect. So essentially they are arguing that....well if your not of Zontar you're not perfect...if you're not a mime....that this isn't the place for you. English for the English. Zontar for the Zontar. Claiming Pangea to be of the Zontar. Just know these men are cowards and fools....dangerous fools" Chan's eyes went wide.

"That reminds me of my character" He felt his washed face, missing his facepaint.

"No your character was a rouse one of Shi's kids" He said quietly.

"Your character didn't feel the need to terminate anyone who wasn't like him. Your character and his motives of his role in your tribe is misunderstood. Chalno the god of chaos is misunderstood. Don't forget that Chan"

"Okay professor" Chan looked at the floor as if holding back tears. Zone ordered two sets of coffee and paid in pounds. "Did you have that the whole time?"

"yes but I prefer to pay in yen if they'll 'honour it'"

Zone and him sat down. "Today is a lesson in observation my dear friend" Zone said. "What do you mean?" Chan whispered though it sounded like he was choking his eyes watering. "I mean..." Zone looked through the corner of his eye. "The mimes are here. Time to spy on them" "Oh right of course!" Chan said eager. For the next three hours they spied on the mimes. Finally a mime walked up to them and did a bow. Chan looked at Zone. The mime then Mimed a hammer. He then walked up to Zone pretending to hide it behind his back and aimed to hit him causing panic among the crowd but Zone mimed a shield last minute stopping the attack. "Professor look out!" And bam! The invisible shield hit the invisible hammer. The mime tried again and Zone doged. The seat behind him became pure and utterly crushed. "Come now Chan let's run!" he grabbed Chan's hand and running they did. When they left the coffee they saw streets infested with Mimes. Mimes running around clearly trying to cause a stir.

A few had taken over blimps crashing them into buildings. "What is going on professor!" Chan asked afraid. "It seems theirs been a designated attack c'mon!" Zone ran into an ally. He took his pandorla the key around his neck and unlocked a magic door in the middle of the alley way. Inside it they were home. "What are we going to do professor?" Chan asked concerned. Inside the galaxies that were his home, Zone managed to find a trunk. A treasure chest full of items. He undid the magic chest and found an old portable tv, in black and white. He proped it up near the milky way in his home. On it were several mimes seemingly out of place.

"I don't understand?" Chan stated and Zone hushed. Finally after a bit of watching Zone put the headphones back in the box and took Chan's hand and ran with him. They met each of the mimes at the park. The mimes were miming sword fights. The king Mime was there. "I have an idea Chan. It could put a whole stop to this adventure if we're lucky"

"But professor we've only just started with these dastardly mimes!" Chan argued.

"Do you trust me?"

"Of Course I do!"

"Then allow me"

Zone then waltzed in miming a sword. All the mimes were caught off guard. He began to fight and fight and ripped theirs shirts until tears were broken into each of their clothes. They each ran away from him. Finally the King Mime appeared outside of a box. He had mimed a curtain that somehow concealed him. He sauntedred up to Zone.

"We need to talk."

Zone said the following. "No there are no negotiations for your kind."

"My kind mr.Captor. From what I've heard we are on the same side."

"You wish to wipe out anyone who isn't like you. Anyone who refuses to be like you!" Zone snapped. "This planet is my home. It is protected!" He glared into the mimes eyes and held his hand in a choking motion. He reached into the mans heart and felt his soul and let go.

"I'm sorry...I thought..."

"I know what you thought..."

"Why infect people with Failer?" Zone said putting his sword down mozing around with his hands in his pockets around the park.

"Why do that? These are innocent people? They have done no harm to you. Why bring back Pangea? Truly that goddess" he said the words bitterly off his tongue. "Woudn't want "worship" in that way"

"From what I heard you once wore painted stripes"

"But never a bloody arm band"

"We are very much alike Mr.Captor"

"I am nothing like you" Zone said stone cold looking at the man.

"If we plan on taking over earth what could you do to stop us?"

"Alot of things. But I'd let you try it first I supposed'

Several mimes arrived behind him and they all silently laughed.

"No matter what legends they tell of you. You are but one man. One man can not stop Zontar. You are of Zontar! I see it in your blue coat and your blonde hair and your blue eyes. Our leader Adonto Hilatof would worship you"

"And isn't that a dam shame" Zone said smiling evily.

"I'm a golem that mean anything to you bends?"

"We are not bends we are nothing like the stars"

"I'm a star in some places. Always been a man of art"

"Stop it!"

"I think you should be punched in the face"

"STOP IT" the king of Zontar screamed

"Actually" Zone said playfully

"Let's challenge a game for the sanctity of earth"

"Alright" he said smiling showing his fangs underneath his clownish makeup. "Let's do that"

"Rock paper scissors shoot! Or you know Dradel!"

The mimes were spooked and a few bowed their heads in shame.

"We are kings sand queens of Zontar but I will obliged how do we play this rock paper scissors game?"

And like that Zone won the game and the king of Zontar was forced to leave.

"How did you predict my moves traveler?"

"I didn't" Zone said widely.

"I'm just really good at this game" he said coy.

"I helped invent it. Or I atleast watched while they were inventing it." he smirked.

"You are a terrible thief. After 1000 years we will be back for America. We will bring back our swan teh stars will join us and your precious earth will perish" the king with a loud laugh.

"Oh pangea is gona happen but not through your dirt"

"Through our what!?" he screamed at the slur

"It is not a slur my king I-" a childish mime try to speak up

"No I meant it that way. You hurt my people I hurt yours. I'm an eye for an eye kind of jerk!" Zone laughed.

"Now take your little spaceship and get the flip out of my home."

The king of the Zontar bowed his head in shame and then like that the mimes were gone.

Zone and Chan had tea in a Enlgish cafe afterwords takling about it.

"What is a star anyways professor?"

"Oh don't worry about Chan. It's uh...a story for when you're older. They don't have that in Ugala do they?"

"Wrong continent again Professor" Chan chuckled

"Do you even know my centers real name?" Chan asked

"No" Zone lied through his teeth.


"Sorry?" Zone said doing air quotations.

"I know this place is messed up" Chan said.

"But at the end of the day." they put their hand to their chest. "I am so so so glad I chose to travel with you. I wouldn't trade this for anything in time space, or the galaxy"

Zone had one thought. You say that now.

"I'm glad"

And like that the men finished their tea.

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