Witch Academy | TaeKook ✓

By pohpih

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Considering his past, it had never been Jungkook's intention to put himself at risk, or to get involved in da... More



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By pohpih

Haneul pulled his head up to fix the curtains as a long sigh left his mouth.
He had been feeling down... because of certain reasons.
But he would've never tought that seeing Taehyung's face again would make him feel even worse.

"Man- you look lonely. Now i wonder why..."

The familiar yet not so familiar voice spoke in a sarcastic manner as it came closer.
To that, Haneul turned around to face the one and only Jeon Jungkook.

"Did you come to mock me? I regret it enough- so no need-"

Jungkook crosses his arms, a bit taken back by his choice of words.

"What- now you're trying to play the good guy? But well, i knew you weren't aiming for Taehyung."

Haneul's eyes widened as he looked back up at him.

"You... do?"

Jungkook shrugged, taking a walk around the room to look around.

"But Taehyung doesn't. And despite not knowing- he still told me to keep away from you. Isn't it interesting?"

This fact couldn't help but Haneul think that there might still been a chance- which.. got shut down eventually at Jungkook's next words.

"But that doesn't mean there is a chance for you. I can see that you yearn for him- but he doesn't. So i would advise you to give up... Haneul."

Haneul frowned, feeling conflicted.

"How... how do you excpect me to? You know what loving someone is like. Feeling like you can't stay apart from them... when they get hurt- it hurts you more-"

Jungkook frowned back as he stopped at his steps. Now he stood right before Haneul, only a hand away from his face.

"That is exactly why you should let go. He is happy with me- but he won't be with you. He loves me- and so do i him- so leave it if you love him that much."

Haneul couldn't answer back as he stood there, speechless. Jungkook was right with every word he said and it annoyed him.
But letting go would admit his defeat- and his ego wasn't that fragile to break.

But then again... when he reminded himself of Taehyung's smile and his warmth... there was no way he could continue this.
When they kissed, the way he looked at him with disqust... that hurt him. No- that had hurt them both.
So maybe... this should've been the best.

As he watched him immerse himself in the conflict of his emotions, Jungkook sighed.

"Isn't there someone else you like? Maybe that would help change your mind."

At that- Lucas came to mind. But then he brushed off the toughts as quickly as he could and shook his head. He didn't deserve him- he couldn't.

"No no... you're right. I... i- i will let go. That's what's best for Taehyung after all.."

Jungkook hummed, now turning around.

"And apologize to Taehyung. Or i will make you myself."

After he left the room, Haneul sighed.
He had bought this upon himself after all. Not that he was scared... it was just his guilt that made him miserable.

𖤐𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢𖤐

Taehyung tilted his head to the side to get a better view of the decorations he had just put on the stage of the main hall.
It seemed fine yet... something seemed rather off.

"Hm... something is missing."

Yoongi raised his eyebrow, curious as to what he meant by that.

"I don't... think so. It seems fine to me. It's simple."

Taehyung shrugged. Maybe it needed someone else's touch, that's all.

Turning around to find someone else, his eyes lit up at Jungkook who had just walked in to the main hall.
He started to slowly walk up thim but then stopped at his steps when he saw the group of girls behind him.

"Hey Jungkook!"

Jungkook turned around, curious.

"Oh... hi. Do you girls need something?"

One of them giggled, pushing the girl beside them forward.

"Well- since expressio amoris is coming up- Ayeong here wanted to give you something! Cmon-"

The girl seemed pretty shy as she handed a letter to Jungkook before looking back down.

"U-uhm... p-please give it a consideration.. b-bye now!"

After that she ran away. Meanwhile her friends apologized to Jungkook before walking away as well.

And after they went away Jungkook slowly turned around and made his way to Taehyung.

"Hey Tae-wow... you've done a good job."

Taehyung hummed, glancing at the letter in his hand.

"Y-yeah... who were you talking to?"

Jungkook shrugged as he continued to look around while Taehyung couldn't help but stare at his hand intensely.

"I'm not shure... i think they were our underclassmen- probably wanted to... oh, why do you ask?"

And that's when he realized that Taehyung was rather jelous.

"No reason really.. just curious."

Oh did he find that adorable. If he tought back- this was his first time seeing Taehyung get jelous. It was cute.
And to enjoy himself a little more, he decided to drag it further.
It would just give him thrills to think about the expressions he would make if he became the more jelous.

So he put the letter in his back pocket before getting close to him.

"Well then let's forget about it, how was your day?"

Taehyung swallowed, feeling Jungkook's hand slide up his waist.

"It was pretty average really... i finished decorating the green house with Yoongi and then i went to-"

At that moment Jackson peaked from the door, yelling across the huge hall.

"Jungkook! Here is someone calling for you! A secret admirer or something- if you won't come i'll take the chocolates for myself-"

Jungkook smirked at the perfect timing as he gave Taehyung a sift kiss on the forehead.

"I guess i should go. I'll be back in a bit-"

Taehyung wanted to stop him but words didn't come out at the end. So he ended up looking at Jungkook's back in ave.

Just what was this tightening feeling in his chest? It almost felt like his stomach was going to come up his throat. And he hated it.
And little did he know that he was going to face this feeling more in the coming days.

Because after that, whenever he tried to talk to Jungkook he ended up either getting taken away or their conversation would just end up getting interrupted because someone wanted to give him a gift/letter or just have a talk. And that was becoming rather annoying.
Too annoying in fact, that even some- Jimin in particular had noticed his behavior. And Jimin being Jimin he just had to put his nose in there.

𖤐𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢𖤐

Lucas sighed and so did Taehyung. He was decorating the bar with some roses and white cecilias -which was a horrible pair- while Lucas sat there behind the bar, feeling as gloomy as ever.

"It seems that i'm not the only one who's feeling like shit."

Taehyung looked back at him as he took a seat on the top of the stepladder, which was high above from the ground.

"Why, why happened to you?"

Lucas groaned, leaning his head on the counter.

"Let's just say that i got rejected even before something started. But from the looks of it your case seems even deeper-"

At that moment Jimin slammed the doors open and then leaned against the bars of the staircase.

"And! He will tell me all about it! I saw Jungkook searching for you so come on tell me fast!"

Lucas furrowed his eyebrows knowing just how much Jimin loved gossip while Taehyung bit his lip, unshure if he could open up to him.
But then again who better to five love advice than the sex-queen himself?

"Well... i got this really awfull feeling in my stomach after seeing soo many people talk to Jungkook... and confess..."

Lucas' eyes widened, shook.

"Wait- they did that in front of your eyes? Hey- doesn't anybody know that they're official?"

Jimin shrugged while Lucas glanced at him in confusion.

"Not sure really... maybe people tought they were friends with benefits- but whatever! So Taehyung is jelous. I can see that much."

Lucas oh'ed while Taehyung looked down. He couldn't deny that he was jelous since it was soo obvious but he just didn't know what to do about it.

"Hmm... knowing Jungkook he's probably teasing you. He likes that kind of stuff doesn't he?"

Jimin nodded to Lucas in aggreement as he stepped down the ladders and walked over to Taehyung.

"I'm sure he does. Well- as a seduction and releationship expert- i would be perfect to help you out.~"

Taehyung looked down at Jimin who was now leaning at his stepladder with pride.

"You would help me? You sure you don't want something in return?"

Jimin shook his head. But then a couple seconds later he shook the ladder a couple times as he jumped up.

"Actually i do! Could you maybe ask you father if we could throw a party in the academy?? All that decoration would be for nothing!"

Lucas hummed, sitting up straight.

"It would be fun actually."

Taehyung tought for a bit, unshure.

"Me ask my father? W-well..."

Jimin looked up with pleading eyes as he cupped his hands in a form of praying which Taehyung found to be quiet funny.

"Please please pretty please?"

Taehyung smiled, averting his gaze.


Jimin threw a punch in the air before walking over to Lucas and then taking a seat before him on one of the stools before the counter.

"Then it's settled. Ahem- going back to your problem... lets see... just to make shure first- are you the bottom?"

Lucas rolled his eyes because he was asking the obvious while Jimin covered them with his hand for Taehyung not to see.


Jimin hummed, looking down in toughts.

"Hmm... i see so you are. Well- then knowing Jungkook's personality- and how he seems to be teasing you... i'm guessing that you have never really done anything to please him. Correct?"

Taehyung got confused as he looked at him with big puppy eyes.

"Pleased him? How-"

Jimin hummed yet again as he scratched his chin.

"Hmm... so you haven't. Well- i guess it's time you show your dominant part! You see, in the releationship- you have been under his shadow for way too long that he thinks- he is in charge at all times!"

Lucas furrowed his eyebrows, questioning Jimin's so called 'methods'. Was this really going to work?

"So- you have to show him that you also have a voice in this releationship- and i think i have the perfect idea for that, some come here. And- Lucas- how did that arousing spell work again?"

Lucas's frown fell down as his eyes widened.

"Wait what-"

𖤐𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢𖤐

Jungkook leaned his back on a random tree behind the academy yards as he sighed.
These days shure have been hectic. And the more he tought about it- the more stuffed he felt. Really now...
But remembering Taehyung's face, maybe it was worth it. He got nervous- or flustered every time someone grabbed Jungkook to talk. It was hard for him to hide his jelousy yet he found that to be a good thing. You see... it was a turn on for him.

Pushing his toughts away he exhaled deeply and closed his eyes- only to be woken up again.

"J-jungkook? Could you come with me for a bit?"

Jungkook opened his eyes to see a rather... flushed version of Taehyung. His toughts seemed to be somehwere else as he spoke. Now that was weird.

"Yeah- sure, did something happen?"

Taehyung averted his gaze shyly as he grabbed Jungkook's hand.

"I'll... tell you when we get there."

Without another question, Jungkook let himself be dragged by Taehyung.
He started getting the pink flags when the went up till the 4th floor which was pretty high up.

"Where are we going exactly? Can i ask that?"

Taehyung nodded as he continued to pull Jungkook by the hand.

"T-the toilet."

Jungkook blinked with a suprised face as they entered the restroom.
The problem was, the restroom on the 4th floor was out of order and was usually used for storing random unused things.

But he got more suprised when, as soon as they entered, Taehyung pushed Jungkook into one of the stalls and then kissed him.
As he did, he felt his hand slide down to his groin and cup it.
At that, Jungkook swallowed, breaking the kiss.

"Hey- what's gotten into you.."

Taehyung breathed heavily onto Jungkook's lips as he started to unbuckled his own belt.

"I want you to suck me off..."

Jungkook felt a little taken back by Taehyung's request as he watched him lick his lips. It was too bold for him, he had never excpected it.

"W-wait now? What if someone comes in?"

Taehyung smiled as he placed his hand on Jungkook's cheek, and then slowly slid it down to his chin. From there, he slid it down to his chest, grabbed his shirt and slid his finger down to open his collar.

"I tought you didn't care about that stuff?"

Jungkook swallowed as Taehyung leaned in and then kissed his chest softly.
After that he looked up at his eyes with his own glossy ones and pleaded.

"Come on... i can't hold it~"

Jungkook's eyes fell as he finally got down on his knees and started to unbuckle Taehyung's belt.

Mooved by the moment, Taehyung held onto Jungkook's hair softly while he finally pulled his pants down.

As his length sprung out, Jungkook swallowed at the sight. He couldn't smiled because of how turned on he was at the moment. Taehyung had never seduced him like this before, so it was new.

"Just how did you get soo wet already... ah-"

He then slowly opened his mouth before kissing the tip softly. After that he took his tounge out and then started to lick it while holding it in its place with his hands.

Meanwhile enjoying himself, Taehyung's grip tightened on his hair.
To that, as response, Jungkook looked up while taking him in his mouth.

As he slowly slid his length down his throat, Taehyung's lips left a soft moan.

Pleased by what he heard, Jungkook decided to go a little harder.
So he removed his hands and held onto Taehyung's hips to hold him in place. After that, he suddenly slid his length all the way in- till the tip hit the back of his throat.

Taehyung felt like he was about to melt as he groaned softly.
So Jungkook glanced up again before startibg to bob his head up and down, sliding Taehyung's length as further back as he could, hitting the tip to the back of his throat each and every time.
This was enough to make Taehyung a moaning mess.

Feeling like he was going to reach his climax, he quickly pulled Jungkook off by pulling from his hair.

"Ah... nh- w-wait... too fast.."

Jungkook smirked at his flushed reaction as he grabbed his length once more and then started to stroke it ever so slowly.

"If that's what you want.."

He liked him being all demanding and cute. It was adorable that he could almsot eat him up. And so he did.

He put the tip in his mouth while stroking the rest with his hands.
He must've felt incredible he tought as he started to lick the tip while pushing into the hole with his tounge.

About to loose it, Taehyung's legs had started to shiver in pleasure. The ecstasy was becoming too much as he placed his hand behind Jungkook's head and then pushed him down, letting him take his length in deeper.

"I'm going to cum- ah! M-more- hnn~"

Jungkook didn't stop just like how Taehyung wanted. Slowly, he could feel his length start to pulse inside his mouth.
Then that pulsating feeling slowly faded away as Taehyung came into his mouth.

As soft moans left his mouth, he rode out his orgasm by moving his hips ever so slowly.

Meanwhile Jungkook's mouth felt soo full, that he was almost about to choke.

So when Taehyung pushed his head back, Jungkook took him out if his mouth to take a breather.
Seeming to want to continue, Taehyung placed his thumb on top of Jungkook's lips and then slid it down to close them.

"Don't let it go to waste... it would be bad... right?"

Ah- just how could he say no to that? Without thinking, he ended up swallowing the whole thing.
After he did, Taehyung smiled and slid his finger between Jungkook's lips to open them up.

"Let me see.."

Jungkook opened his mouth, taking his tounge out.
After doing so, Taehyung started to rub onto his tounge with his thumb and smiled.

"Thank you, Jungkook."

Jungkook then closed his mouth and sucked onto Taehyung's finger with a seductive expression which made Taehyung blush lightly.

"Want to take it further?"

Taehyung bit his lip- but then shook his head upon remembering what Jimin said. He had to hold back.

"S-sorry- i think i have something to do- i'll s-see you later though right?"

Jungkook got confused as Taehyung started to quickly buckle up his belt.

"Wait- you're leaving?"

Taehyung made an apologetic smile before taking his leave.

"S-sorry- Jimin had asked me to run an errand. But i'll see you later!"

Jungkook quickly stood up and then stopped him by grabbing his hand.

"Then... i'll go early tonight. So, i'll wait for you."

Taehyung smiled before leaning in and then giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.
He really didn't want to leave right now. This was literal hell.

"Okay, see you."

After that he left the room, leaving Jungkook with an uncomfortable tightness in his pants.

To be continued...

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