The Quirkless Twin

Oleh mini0nguy

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Y/N is Deku's twin sister. After idolizing All Might her entire life along with Izuku she decided to try to g... Lebih Banyak



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Oleh mini0nguy

The next few days were an absolute hell. Healing, and basically laying in bed all day is what killed you. You wanted to get up, draw, listen to music. Because of Recovery Girl's orders you weren't allowed to move much unless it was to go to the bathroom. Izuku made sure of that. He cancelled all of whatever little plans he had, and asked you to keep your door open just in case you needed anything. In reality it was to make sure you stayed in bed and didn't do anything you weren't supposed to.

"Izuku!" You called out to him, and just like a servant he was there in the doorway. "Can we go to the gym?" You smiled, because you knew he wouldn't let you.

He sighed, "Y/N, you've asked to go to so many places today I can't keep track of all of them. I told you that once you're healed we can go to some of those places."

"But you're injuries were bad too, and you get to walk around."

"Yeah, but I didn't get as hurt as you either." You ignored him, and started to get out of bed. Letting all your sore muscles sit there for so long made it difficult to move, but you could walk. "Hey, sit down." He told you worriedly. "You're not supposed to move yet."

"I'm fine. Just sore." Since you finally got into the sitting position you went to stand, but once you stood your ears rang. "Ow." you gripped onto your ears and fell into the side of the bed.

"Hey... what in the world were you thinking?" Izuku asked as he made sure you weren't hurt. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's just my ears." He slowly helped you stand, and then blocked your path once you were standing.

"You are supposed to be resting." He told you.

"Sure. I will, but I just want out of here." You whined. He sighed, and sat on your bed next to you.

"I know, but you were really hurt. I think your body just needs to heal." He told you, getting a sad look on his face.

"Are you okay Izuku? You look sad or somethin." You looked ahead at your desk that sat vacant with just a few papers on it before looking to your left at Izuku. "Ever since we got home after the sports festival you've seemed kinda down."

"Huh?" He looked up, and at you, "No nothing's wrong. Everything's the same, and normal. What do you mean?"

You shrugged. "I might not be the smartest," You grabbed his ear, "But I'm still your twin, and my bull shit sensors are going off. What's wrong?"

He laughed and looked up, "Really, nothing is wrong. It's just that you got really hurt, and honestly it scared me. I knew Kacchan wouldn't hold back, but-"

"If that hot-headed loser held back against me I would've never forgave him. Plus, I expected an outcome like this anyways, because of many reasons. He's had more time to use and get to know his quirk, and he's physically strong too. His reaction time is amazingly good, so it's fine." You put your hand on his head and ruffled his fluffy hair just like he did for you when you were upset.

"You put up a really good fight." He told you with a smile. "Need anything before I go back to my room?"

"Nah I don't think so. I'm going to Katsuki's tonight though. Just thought I'd tell you that." He stopped at the door, and sighed.

He looked at you in disbelief, "Seriously? You're never going to heal if you move around. You can't go there. I mean, you can barely stand, and-"

"I can stand. Plus, Mitsuki is making soba today. It sounds yummy."

"How do you know that?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"She told me. She tells me what's for dinner every night unless they're having a business meeting in which she still tells me I can come over." You got a giddy smile on your face. "Soba sounds so good, plus mom won't be home tonight anyways."

"Fine, but only if you let me push you there in the wheelchair, and then call me when it's time to come get you."

"That's the only way you'll let me go isn't it?" He didn't say anything, and just looked at you. You sighed again, "Fine."

"Okay, what time are you leaving?"

"Well, it's 3:00, so probably in thirty minutes."

"Okay, just don't do anything dumb please, and make sure your phone is charged."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." You shooed him off, and he finally went back to his room. You laid back on your bed, and grabbed your phone. You started scrolling through social media when a text came through.

Manliest Man🤜🤛, Buzzed Boi⚡👀

Manliest Man🤜🤛: Hey Y/N how are u doing?

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: Yeah, how ya doin

Smartass 😎🙄: Pretty good how about u guys?

Manliest Man🤜🤛: Good!

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: Pretty swag

Smartass 😎🙄: Good good

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: Wanna hang out and get dinner with us tonight?

Smartass 😎🙄: Sry I would but I have plans maybe next weekend

Manliest Man🤜🤛: Oh dang. Oh well yeah fs next weekend

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: *sends sad cat meme*

Smartass 😎🙄: lmao I said I'm sorry next weekend ok? Don't whine abt it

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: Okay next Saturday?

Smartass 😎🙄: Sure

Manliest Man🤜🤛: Sounds fun

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: rq Y/N do u play video games?

Smartass 😎🙄: Yep

Manliest Man🤜🤛: No way. It's so manly

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: sick wanna play later?

Smartass 😎🙄: yeah sure depending on what time I get done with dinner

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: well that shouldn't be an issue Bakugo said you go to bed around 3:00 even on school nights

Smartass 😎🙄: You got me there 😃🔫

Smartass 😎🙄: Yeah I'll be on later

Manliest Man🤜🤛: never played video games with a girl before

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: Don't worry Y/N I'll carry you don't worry abt dying

Smartass 😎🙄: Nah you should just worry abt staying alive I'm pretty good at like gun games and stuff

Manliest Man🤜🤛: Oooo you just got told Kaminari

Manliest Man🤜🤛: I'm curious to see how good she is tho

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: we'll see

Smartass 😎🙄: u guys play with Bakugo?

Manliest Man🤜🤛: nope he won't give us his username

Smartass 😎🙄: what a bum I'll fix that for you guys, and I'll be able to play sooner now. Also, I need ur guys' usernames

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: phonecharger8347

Manliest Man🤜🤛: CrimsonRiotFan193820

Smartass 😎🙄: aight gotcha give me until around 6:30-7:00ish. cya

You plugged in your phone, and slowly got out of bed, and got dressed. Izuku knocked on the door, "I got your wheelchair. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, sure." You answered, and opened the door. "Wait, my phones on the bed, and my bag is hanging up right there."

"I got it. Just sit down please." He moved around the chair, and grabbed your things. You sat down, and he set them in your lap. "Okay, all good?" You nodded, "Alright here we go then."

He started to walk the wheelchair, and waited in the elevator as it took you guys down. When you guys got outside it was getting dark. "Hey Izuku,"

"Yeah? What's wrong Y/N?"

"Nothings wrong. It's just that I'm fine. You don't need to make sure I'm alright all the time you know? I'm not a little kid who can't control myself anymore." You crossed your arms. "Plus, I can take care of myself."

"I know, but in my defense I wasn't the one who tried to pick fights with everyone when we were little. Mom asked me to make sure you didn't get hurt, so now it just feels natural to make sure you're doing what you're supposed to be."

"Yeah, yeah. Point is I can take it from here. Plus, you and Bakugo don't get along well right?"

"Kacchan and I are fine, but still. We're almost there anyways so it's okay. Tell me when you need me to take you back home, and just don't move around a lot. Promise?"

"No promise. I can't sit still forever. I have too much energy. You know?"

"Okay, but still. That doesn't seem like a good idea to move a lot. Recovery Girl said you can participate when you feel better. The more you rest the quicker that will be."

"Don't worry. I don't think that I'll be moving a lot. I'm gonna play video games with Kaminari and Kirishima anyways."

He breathed in relief. "Phew, okay. Well we're here." You looked up, and Izuku knocked on the door. You crossed your arms as you got irritated. Did you have to be stuck in this stupid chair forever? You could walk.

The door opened, and inside you could hear Mitsuki, "KATSUKI! IS SHE FINALLY HERE?!?"

"YEAH SHUT UP YOU HAG!" He yelled back as he opened the door and froze. His eye twitched as he looked right past you, and at Izuku.

"Uh, hey Kacchan." Izuku said, taking a step back. One of Bakugo's eyes twitched again as he looked at Izuku in disgust.

"Yeah yeah you guys don't like each other whatever." You spoke, and grabbed onto Bakugo's arm to move your chair forward. "Mitsuki, I'm here!" You yelled. Bakugo moved, and you went to stand up out of your chair.

"Y/N-" Izuku spoke.

"Sit the hell back down you crazy dumbass." Bakugo said as he pushed you gently but firmly back into your chair. "You're still hurt, and I don't know why that crazy healing lady didn't heal you enough."

Katsuki grabbed the back of the wheelchair, and swung you forward into the house. "Kacchan, please don't let her get out of that chair. She'll try to get out. Like a lot."

"Yeah, yeah stubborn ass." He kicked the back of the chair, and it pushed you forward. "I'm wondering how the hell you've handled her for this long. Tch."

"Hey Katsuki, can I-" You started.

"Shut the hell up you damn idiot! Go away Deku!"

"Uh, okay. I'll just come back and get her when it's time."

"KATSUKI IT'S TIME TO EAT!" Mitsuki appeared from around the corner. "Y/N! There you are! Oh, you're still in a wheelchair? No worries sweets I got you." She pulled the wheelchair into her grasp, and looked over her shoulder. "Oh hi little Izuku, would you like some soba?"

"Oh, uh, no thank you ma'am." He put his hands out. "Thank you though-" He got cut off by Bakugo slamming the door in his face.


"OH SHUT UP!" He yelled, and between both of their yelling your ears started to tense, so you covered them. When you realized they finally stopped you let go, and looked at them. "You look like shit."

"I could say the same about you." You glared at him.


"Yes they're ready. Is Y/N here?"

"Yeah I'm here!" Mitsuki wheeled you into the kitchen, "Wassup Masaru?"

"Oh! Y/N!" He laughed, and you did too.

"Dinner smells great." You told him.

"What happened to you?"

"Oh, haha you're son. Didn't you watch the festival?"

"I watched some of it, but I had a meeting. I watched when I could though, and you were doing great!"

"Thanks." You smiled as Mitsuki rolled you up to the table, and dished out your food. When everyone sat down you were talking with Mitsuki, and Masaru while Bakugo sat there picking at his food. "What's wrong Boom Boy you afraid of your parents cooking?" You asked teasingly as you slurped the noodles.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He asked glaring up at you as he poked his food with his chopsticks.

You were confused at first. He usually would just say something like, "AS IF!" And then continue to eat and finish before you as if it was a competition. Instead he looked at you like you were an idiot that intruded his house.

You ignored him, and dipped the noodles into the sauce before putting them in your mouth. "So, Y/N how is little Izuku doing?" Mitsuki asked before starting to eat.

You looked up at her with noodles hanging out of your mouth, "Oh, he's good. Just tired from working himself all the time. He's busy with some training or something like that." You told her.

"Well that's good. We haven't been able to all have dinner together in a while huh? How has Inko been?"

"She's good. Working hard too."

"That's great to hear. What have you been up to?" She asked with a smile. If she wasn't screaming and hitting people she was actually really delightful to be around. She was pretty, and her skin was so perfect all the time you were almost jealous of her.

"Me?" You clarified.

"Tch. Please like she's been doing anything actually helpful to herself recently." Bakugo scoffed at you as he finally started to eat.

"Dude! That's not true." You objected.

"Staying up til at least 3:00 a.m. every night? Hiding in your room and isolating?"

"I'm not just laying down all the time or anything. I'm creating things. You've seen them!"

"They need work. It looks like a toddler drew them."

"You have no room to talk about my art. This is coming from the same guy who literally has a secret collection of romance manga hidden in his room. Don't think I haven't noticed dude."

"I don't read that shit!" He slammed his hands on the table and stood up.

"Bull crap!" You responded.

"YOU TWO IDIOTS KNOCK IT OFF! GOD YOU'RE LIKE A BUNCH OF CHILDREN!" Mitsuki yelled. "KATSUKI SIT DOWN! NOW!" He angrily sat down, and pulled his chair in.

You stopped talking, and started to pick at the few noodles left. "I'm working on them okay? Maybe I can create something amazing one day ya know?"

"Don't tell me you got all butt sore because-"

"I don't care what you say. Just telling you so you can finally get it in your thick skull one day that you're not better than me at this at least."

Masaru cleared his throat, "What have you been drawing?"

"Eh, just random things. Recreations so hopefully one day I can add my own things, and-"

"She's making a damn series. She's trying to learn to draw to create her own manga. But you know you need to train if you want to become a hero." Bakugo grunted.

"I think that's an amazing idea Y/N."

"I don't know. It's more fun than training that's for sure."

"That's probably why you got so hurt." Bakugo rolled his eyes. "You don't train, so your combat skills are terrible." He folded his arms, and set his chopsticks on the napkin.

"I train with you sometimes. If I can pull this off, and it gets popular then I won't need to become a hero for money." You ate what was left, and set down your chopsticks.

"What are you talking about? Don't you want to be a hero? That's what you and that Damn Deku have been talking about for as long as I've known you two idiots."

You shrugged. "I don't know." Bakugo snarled, and he looked at you in disgust, but his eyes has confusion written all over. "Anyways, Mitsuki, do you need me to help with anything? Dishes? Clearing the table?"

"No honey it's okay Masaru will take care of that while I go on a work call. You and Katsuki can go hang out or whatever works. You're not allowed out of that chair though unless it's to just sit somewhere else. I heard you're brother say you aren't allowed to move much."

You groaned, "But-"

"Y/N! No but's! You're not leaving that chair unless it's to move and sit somewhere else, understood?" She yelled at you, and you sighed.

"Boom Boy I'm gonna play online with Kirishima and Kaminari, so you can do whatever else you want."

"Then why don't you just go back and play at your own house?"

"Izuku probably won't let me play there. I have to do it here while I have the chance. He's like a crazy mother, it's scary. I move to sit up, and he basically forces me to lay back down." Mitsuki started laughing after you said that. "I'm not lying." You laughed out.

"Okay, Masaru. Can you lift her on your back, and I'll take the wheelchair up for her?"

"Sure, I will." Masaru came over, and leaned over. You gripped into his shoulders as he hoisted you up. Honestly, being moved did sting a bit, but it was fine.

"Mitsuki you can just leave the chair if you want. I'll sit on the floor or the bed or something."

"Promise you won't be walking?" You nodded in response.

"I'll make sure she won't move a ton. The idiot has to heal to train."

Masaru followed behind Katsuki as he went up to the room. You slid off his back, and plopped down onto the bed. "Thank you." You told him.

"Yep, just let me know if you need anything. I'll be doing the dishes."

You nodded. "Okay Hot-Head. Controller, gimme." You ordered with your hand out.

"No, go get it yourself."

You grinned, "I mean okay, if you insist." You started to get up, and when he remembered you weren't supposed to he pulled you back down.

"You would do something stupid like that. You're so annoying." He got up, and threw the controlled at you already knowing to turn on the TV. "Anything else while I'm up you royal pain in the ass?"

"Oh yeah, your romance manga are in your closet. Top shelf."


"Dude, you're not sneaky. Okay, that sounded weird out of context, but you're closet was open last time. You basically screwed yourself."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"Mhm, sure." You pulled out your phone, and typed your password in.

Manliest Man🤜🤛, Buzzed Boi⚡👀

Smartass 😎🙄: Oki getting on

Manliest Man🤜🤛: Ok we're on just send a friend request

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: Yeah we're in the middle of a round

Smartass 😎🙄: That's fine, gives me time to friend u guys with Bakugo's acc

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: How are you doing that?🤨

Smartass 😎🙄: I'm at his house sooo ya I'm doing u guys a favor

Smartass 😎🙄: So we have more people too for future rounds and stuff

You logged on, and started to search their usernames. When they accepted not even a few seconds after sending them friend requests you grabbed his headset off the wall, and plugged it in.

"Hey guyysss." You said once you joined their voice chat.

"Sup Y/N."

"Hey beautiful!"

"Who the hell are you talking to?" Bakugo asked raising an eyebrow. He was laying on his bed behind you scrolling on his phone.

"None of your business." You turned back around towards the screen.

"Yes it is! It's my account!" He barked.

"Hush, you're hurting my ears dude."

"Tch. I can just turn off the console, and then you can't play at all."

You rolled your eyes, "Bakugo no need to be so harsh man." Kaminari said.

You knew he heard that. "Who the hell is that?" He asked as he leaned forward and attempted to snatch the headset off of your head.

"Back off dude!" You yelled as you shoved him. He didn't move much though.

"Is his username actually LordExplosion#1Hero?" Kaminari asked before breaking out into a hysterical laugh with Kirishima, and you couldn't help but laugh either.

"WHO THE HELL IS THAT?!?" Bakugo erupted, and finally successfully snatched the headset from you. "WHO IS ON HERE?!?"

"Oh, hey man!" Kirishima's light tone came from the headset.

"Sup dude." Kaminari said.


"Give it back!" You ripped the headset off his head again, and put it on your own. "Dumbass. Okay I'm ready guys." You heard Bakugo launch himself back on the bed in anger, and the bed creaking from the change of weight. Seriously? He's that mad that our friends want to play with him? What a loser.

~After playing for a bit~

"Y/N guy to your left!" Kirishima yelled, and you could hear the poor buttons on his controller getting hammered into the plastic that kept them in place.

"Whole squad on me." Kaminari informed.

"It's all good." You proceeded to take cover, firing at two at the members, "Knocked two of them. They won't have time to rez." Their teammates came from behind a corner, and you gunned one down, taking a lot of damage before finishing them off. "Squad wipe. Easy." You took a second to brush your shoulders and laugh.

"Okaayy." Kirishima laughed, "I see you."

"Bruh, you have no idea how bad they were though. They didn't even take cover they just ran out. There's only five squads left by the way guys, so watch out."

"Alright captain Y/N." Kaminari said, making his character do a salute emote. Kirishima's ran over, and did it too.

"Too bad these kills are going on Bakugo's record. He can't even get two kills usually. I'm doing him a favor." You said, glancing over to see if he was paying attention or not. At first he didn't look up, but after the fool thought the coast was clear he looked up to see you giving a sly smirk. "Yeah, saying he's a noob is being nice."

"Shut the hell up!" He grabbed a pillow and threw it at you."

"Hey! That's not nice!" You told him, laughing before putting the mic closer to your mouth and whispering, "I think someone's a little bit salty he's not the best at something for once."

"I am the best! I was ranked number one for the tournament!"

"I was too. It was a duo's tournament." You raised both of your hands, and shook them like jazz hands when you said duo's. "Plus, I got like twenty kills that round. That's almost a fourth of everyone in the game."

"I got five!"

"Yeah, and that means I got four times as much as you. Math, you should try it."

"Says the idiot who can barely get a good grade on literally any test she takes."

"I can get good grades. I just don't want to."

"You literally can't even-!"

"Kaminari, guys to your right!" You interrupted.

"I'm down!" He responded to being shot, and knocked to the floor.

"Got one..." You informed.

"I got the other." Kirishima finished. "I'll rez Kaminari."

"Okay here's the last squad. When you're done getting him up go ahead and come help." You ran forward, and crouched the character behind a piece of rubble before standing and shooting one of them. You ran forward a barricade, and knocked another two. "There's one left."

"Badass." Kaminari said. You quickly put on the other ear of the headset, and turned up the volume. Full 360° sound. Every gunshot piercing through your ears. A better reaction time ensures victory.

"I don't see him anymore." You told them. "Going into building C I think I heard footsteps there." You made your character take a sharp left turn into the entrance. The building was starting to get covered in the barrier that moved the players together. "Yeah there's footsteps, but they stopped. I think he's a floor above."

"Okay I just got Kaminari up we'll be right there."

You started to run up to the third story, but there was also proximity sound, so the closer you were to the gun the louder it was. The guy was hiding behind a stack of flower sacks, and when he started shooting at you it was really loud. Your ears started to hurt a bit, but you ignored it as you started to shoot back at the guy. You were gonna win, "I found him he's almost dead." You told them.

Suddenly you felt a sharp pain on your head as the headset was violently ripped off of your head. "Are you stupid?!? That's way too loud for your ears!"

You looked over to see your character knocked, and the opponent was finishing you off. "Dude! You made me die!"

"Too bad. You're going to go deaf with it that loud! You're still healing!"

"Well maybe if someone didn't injure me that bad I wouldn't be." You tried to grab it back, but he held it in place. "Give it back. Kaminari, Kirishima he's on the top floor. I'm dead."

You could make out a muffled, "Got it." and "Okay." Respond from the mic.

"Fine I'll turn it down." You told him, and rubbed your neck that was now sore. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize. Just stop doing stupid things!"

He loosened his grip, and you took it back and turned the volume down as you put it back on your head. "How did you guys lose? It was a two v one."

"He ambushed us!" Kaminari explained. "Ugh!"

"Seriously though, we don't usually rank further than number 15, so this was a good round anyways."

"For real. Y/N, you're like really good. I didn't think you'd be this good." Kaminari told you.

"Of course she is you idiots. This is what she does in her free time." Bakugo made a 'tch' noise, and rolled his eyes.

You looked back at him and raised an eyebrow, "Did you just compliment someone other than yourself?" You asked getting a funny smile on your face. "The oh so great Katsuki Bakugo... just complimented someone?" You giggled a bit.

"Oh shut up!"

"Aight well it is currently about 10:00 at night, so I can tell Izuku to come and get me. Then I'll have to go. We have school tomorrow anyways. So gentlemen, I will have to take my leave." You told them. "I'll friend you guys on my account when I get home though."

"Aww, alright." Kaminari whined. "We'll be on if you change your mind.

"You guys aren't allowed to give out my username though once I friend you okay?"

"You got it." Kirishima responded. You guys all said bye, and you turned off the console with the controller, and fell backwards onto the bed.

"If you're done playing at least turn off the TV." Bakugo said through gritted teeth as he got up to turn it off, and put the controller away. "You're wasting power."

"I would if you would let me do it myself." You rolled your eyes, "I'm gonna tell Izuku to come and get me okay Boom Boy?"

"Would you stop calling me that?!?"

"Do you always have to yell? You're going to make me go deaf or something one of these days y'know? It won't be the game it will be you."

"Whatever. Let's go."

"Go where?" You asked, sitting up.

"I'll take you home. I don't trust that weakling to make sure you get home safe." He rolled his eyes, and walked back over to you. He knelt over, preparing his arms to hold your weight. He motioned for you to grab onto his back so he can bring you downstairs. Surprised, you hesitantly wrapped your arms around his neck, and he hoisted you up.

"This isn't just a scheme for you to drop me is it?" You eyes him suspiciously.

"It crossed my mind, but then you wouldn't be able to train for longer. You are so lucky to have me as a superior?"

"Uh, no but sure Boom Boy. You do you." He started walking down the stairs, and when he reached your chair he turned and slowly let you fall off of his back and into the seat.

"You have everything? If you leave anything I'm throwing it away." You felt your bag and you're phone, and nodded. "I'm taking her home!" He announced to his parents.

"Bye Masaru, please tell Mitsuki I said bye when she's done with the call. It must be important if it's been for the past four hours, so I don't wanna intrude."

"I sure will kiddo. Be safe." He told you as he looked over his shoulder from the couch.

Bakugo rolled you out of the house, and shut the door behind him. He started walking, and the only noises were the wheelchair aching with a sound that threatened it to fall apart with every crack it went over, and the crickets hiding in the bushes and cracks all around chirping. He grunted, "When are you getting out of this chair?"

"Hopefully tomorrow."

"How are your grades?" You groaned.

"Can we not talk about this?"

"Yeah, sure." He responded, and you felt your wheelchair stop moving as he walked forward with his hands in his pockets. You watched as he turned the corner.

"Guess I'll just... get up then!" You announced as you braced your arms ready to stand up when you noticed his head peaking back from around the corner.

"Don't you dare, or I'll kill you!"

"Katsuki, we're in a place where people can hear you. Don't be an idiot and say you're gonna kill someone out here!" You hit him upside the head, and when he raised his hand to hit you back he stopped when he remembered he shouldn't even really touch you at all. You were still healing after all. It sucked, but it did have it's perks.

"We're not going anywhere until you tell me how your grades are."

"Fine, but I want to go home so start rolling the chair." He listened, and started to push you along the path, "I have a D in Math, Science, and Geology. Then I have a C in English, B in History, and an A in gym/training."

"How do you have a D in those three classes? They're so easy! Even Dunce Face is probably doing better than you!"

"Whatever! I don't care. Grades are pointless in the end if you think about it."

"Do I need to tutor you again?"

"No way. I don't wanna get hit with paper."

"Whatever. We're here." He typed the pin in to get inside the apartments, and then clicked your apartments floor number in the elevator. When it opened you saw Izuku walking out of your apartment.

"Hey Izuku, what are you doing out here?" You asked.

"It's past ten, so I was coming to get you because it's late, but I see Kacchan brought you home."

"Yeah. Thanks Bakubitch catch you later." You reached out your hand, and Izuku grabbed it and pulled you closer to him.

"Thanks for bringing her home safe Kacchan." Izuku spun your chair around, and hugged you. "I was starting to worry."

The sudden feeling of contact startled you, and it took you a few seconds to process and put your arm around him. You nuzzled your head into him, and the warmth started to calm you for some reason. You didn't expect to be hugged, but it had been forever. Bakugo was just looking at you guys before rolling his eyes.

"Whatever." He responded before getting back in the elevator. "Also, don't call me Bakubitch you Damn Nerd 2.0."

"Again, that's not an insult Bakubitch." Before he got the chance to respond the doors shut as they sent him back down to the first floor.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Izuku asked starting to examine your arms, and face.

"I'm fine, why?" You asked taking his hand, and lowering it. His eyes were wide, but quickly returned to normal.

"It's just that Kacchan doesn't ever do something nice for others."

"Heh, no kidding." Izuku opened the door, and rolled you into the house. "You'll never believe it. He actually complimented my video game skills today when I was playing with Kaminari and Kirishima."

"Oh really?" He asked as he proceeded to roll you into your room. "I think you should rest now though."

"Wait, I have to friend Kirishima and Kaminari on my account. Can you just move my chair and turn the monitor. I'll hook up the controller and headphones if you give them to me. I just need the monitor and console on."

"You can't have the sound loud, but sure. Make sure you do go to bed though okay?" He asked as he started to do what you asked.

"I won't be up long. I'm just adding them."

"On you're real account?"

"Yeah sure. Why not?"

"Nothing just asking. You usually don't want people to add you on your real account, because you have a ton of followers and friend requests. Not to mention your stats are unreal."

"They already said they wouldn't tell anyone else. It's okay I trust them, and even if it does get out then oh well." You turned on the controller, and started to look up their usernames. When you sent the requests they got accepted right away, and then you turned everything off. "Plus, then I can have some friends to stream with if I want."

"Okay, if you say so. If you need anything let me know." Izuku told you before starting to shut the door. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." You responded, and he shut it.

Manliest Man🤜🤛, Buzzed Boi⚡👀

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: Dude someone with 10M followers just added me

Manliest Man🤜🤛: Same man

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: Fr? That's crazy! Who do you think it is?

Manliest Man🤜🤛: It would make sense that it's the only person who said they would add us tonight?

Smartass 😎🙄: What's going on?

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: Oh! Y/N someone with 10M followers added us! They also have an average of 8M viewers every stream!

Manliest Man🤜🤛: Actually I remember this username somewhere, but I can't remember exactly

Smartass 😎🙄: quirky_gal8537?

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: Yeah! u know them? 🤔

Manliest Man🤜🤛: Dude...

Smartass 😎🙄: Yeah actually I do lol

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: Really? Who is it?

Smartass 😎🙄: u are so oblivious haha it's me lmfao

Smartass 😎🙄: Fr tho u guys can't say you know me or anything

Smartass 😎🙄: u guys can be in some of my streams if you want though

Manliest Man🤜🤛: Seriously?!?

Smartass 😎🙄: Yeah ofc!

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: No way! Marry me! It's heaven... 😭

Smartass 😎🙄: Lmaoo

Smartass 😎🙄: We can talk more at school I'm really tired for once, so I'm gonna let my body heal so I can hopefully be back training soon later

Manliest Man🤜🤛: That's so cool, but yeah goodnight

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: Yeah goodnight Y/N

Your phone kept buzzing with a few more of their messages as you put your phone on the charger, and rolled over to your side, tugging your blanket over you. This was the fastest you have ever fallen asleep, and honestly it was relaxing to get a decent amount of sleep for once. Relieving to say the least, and hopefully you could be back at training tomorrow if you were super lucky, but even the day after that would satisfy you. Anything to not go in the stupid wheelchair.

TYSM I honestly didn't think this story would reach 1k reads, and honestly it made my day lol. I hope everyone enjoyed this little side part. The next part will start up their internships, and hero name selections.


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