The Quirkless Twin

By mini0nguy

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Y/N is Deku's twin sister. After idolizing All Might her entire life along with Izuku she decided to try to g... More



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By mini0nguy

Clenching Izuku's notebook to your chest you found yourself wandering. Nervous for the next fight to begin. Endeavour seemed upset earlier looking for Izuku, and Todoroki didn't seem to be in a great mood today either. My guess is that it's because his dad is here. I couldn't imagine what he's gone through being the number two hero's son. He seemed hell bent on defeating Izuku and I earlier because we have ties to the number one hero...

You walked through the halls weaving in between people to get to your classes section of seating. Finally you made it just in time to plop yourself in your previous seat, and kicking your legs up to relax on the vacant seat in front. Present Mic started their intros, and you started quickly flipping through the pages in the notebook with the pen hanging loosely out of your mouth. There it was. Todoroki's page. It had a lot more detail written about his quirk. It made sense though. The guy basically had two quirks just merged into one body. The sketch was again atrocious, but there were more important things at the moment. It was your job to help collect information. Especially for one of the strongest people in your class. 

They stood on opposite sides of the concrete platform as Present Mic was still talking, about to give the countdown. He's going to start with an ice attack like he used with Sero. Izuku's gonna have to counter with something.

"Are you seriously taking notes for that damn nerd again?" You heard the familiar raspy voice laugh at you before sitting down. "Lemme see." He plucked the book from your hands, and started to examine it.

"Stop. Give it back." You ordered. The round was about to start, and you could hear Present Mic's loud voice counting down. "Katsuki give it to me."

He gave a weird psychotic laugh before putting one hand on each side of the book threatening to rip it. With his weird amount of strength it wouldn't surprise you if he could rip the entire book in half. "He takes notes on everyone, and sends you to do it when he cant? What a creep." He laughed again, and pulled it away when you reached for it.

"Just give it back." The pencil fell out of your mouth, and it dropped to the floor. "I said I would keep it safe for him. Just give it. Now." You held out your hand demandingly.

"This thing is so old and gross. You need to really put that damn nerd in place."

"Shut up! Just give it to me!" You reached for it quickly again, but he pulled it away.

"Pay attention to the match." He told you.

"I am! Just give it back!"

"Then how has that damn nerd been avoiding those ice attacks?" You looked to your side to see Todoroki sending another ice attack towards Izuku who countered it by flicking his finger. The wind force from his power was enough to push and break the ice back, but it broke his finger each time he used it. 

"Damn it Katsuki give it back you asshole!" 

He glared down at you before throwing it behind him. "No. There's a chance you might fight him, so you need to watch. You need to win, because it doesn't look like Deku will."

"If Izuku can't then I can't." You rolled your eyes, and got up to go retrieve the notebook. Bakugo kicked up his legs to block your path though. You tried to push them out of the way, but they wouldn't budge this time. 

"That's the problem you idiot! You're not allowed to just lower your esteem just because you feel like it!"

"I'm not! It's the truth get out of the way!" You shot back.

"No! You're going to beat him. Don't act like that quirkless loser is better than you!" He had firmly grasped your arm to keep you from swinging at him. "Quirkless people are powerless, and you-"

"Wouldn't you like to know." You said between gritted teeth as you firmly yanked your arm out of his grasp, and hopped over his outstretched legs. He turned back towards the fight as you walked up the steps to grab the notebook. Of course the rest of the class that was spectating hear you guys, but they were so used to you guys arguing and yelling they didn't pay it any mind.

"Hey Y/N!" You looked over, and sighed as you gripped the notebook in your hands.

"Hey Kirishima." You responded getting a relaxed smile on your face. 

"Wanna sit over here?" He asked.

You looked down at Bakugo, and Kirishima did too. It looked like he didn't care, and he probably didn't. "Yeah sure. Better than sitting next to that ticking bomb of anger. Do you have a pen by chance?"

"Oh, yeah sure!" He reached in his pocket, and pulled out a Crimson Riot themed pen. What are the chances he would actually have a pen in his pocket?

You gently grabbed it from him, and started looking at it. "Dude, I love your pen." You told him. "Where'd you get it?"

"Thanks," He got a huge toothy grin. "I don't remember actually. I've had it forever."

"Sick." You told him as you uncapped it, and found Todoroki's page. You could feel Kirishima reading over it as you wrote, but unlike loudmouth he just sat there and observed until you took a break from writing to look back up.

"Is that yours?" He asked motioning towards the notebook.

"Huh? Oh, no. This is Izuku's. I wouldn't be able to do this I would get too bored." You laughed, and he started laughing too.

"Yeah, I believe that. You're like the opposite of Midoriya huh Y/N?"

"I mean, yeah. Kind of at least." You looked back up, and they stopped fighting. It looked like Izuku was yelling something at Todoroki who stood there frozen. 

You could hear the end of his yell, "yours's not his!" Before Todoroki's left side lit up with flames. Your eyes widened as you watched. You never saw him use his left side, and the way the flames danced in the wind was mesmerizing. Todoroki got a huge grin on his face it almost looked unnatural before they started fighting again. They went back and fourth, and it looked like some of Izuku's fingers were completely shattered as they were a darker purple and had more internal bruising from using them more. You watched as the pros tried to stop what looked like both of their final moves. Cementoss put huge concrete walls in between them both, and Midnight started to let out some of her perfume gas. It was a huge explosion. Not like Bakugo's but it was so bright you covered your eyes along with the rest of your class before a huge wind carried around the entire stadium. You felt like it was going to tear your head right off it was so strong. Holding onto the notebook was another chore, but you managed.

When the smoke cleared they were both still standing, except... "Izuku Midoriya is out of bounds! Todoroki advances to the next round!" You shut the book, and quickly put Kirishima's pen back in his hands before turning to leave.

"He's fine." A voice came from the only entry you were trying to leave from. Izuku fell after Midnight announced that the round was over, and now the paramedics were rushing in. 

"Get out of the way Bakugo! I need to go make sure!" You immediately started yelling at him.

He stepped in the way, and as you tried to fight your way through he just stood there acting as a barrier. "They aren't going to let you see him until he's fully examined anyways just sit down."

"No!" You let out, irritated. You didn't even care that the rest of your class was staring at you now. 

"Use your damn brain you idiot! They aren't going to let you go see him, and your match is coming up anyways! He needs healed from Recovery Girl, so just sit!"

As you pushed against him trying to get through you could feel your thoughts overtaking yourself again. Was Izuku actually okay though? Mom's probably crying at home worried about her baby. He didn't look okay though. His arm was almost completely destroyed, and stupid Bakugo won't let me through! You gave a big shove this time, but he still didn't budge. "Dammit let me through!" You yelled starting to try to hit him to get him to move. He just stood there, and took the flimsy hits though.

"Uh, Y/N." Kirishima grabbed one of your wrists, and brought it down slowly. "It's okay just relax. Let's just go sit."

You stopped hitting with your free arm, and angrily hit your fist into Bakugo's chest one more time before letting your head fall onto it's center right next to your fist. "Just let me go through. You said it yourself my round is starting soon."

Kirishima looked up at Bakugo who rolled his eyes. "Tch. No. You're just going to run straight to that damn nerd, and then get even more upset when they don't let you through! Use your head!" 

Kirishima put his hand on your shoulder, and you shrugged it off before standing back up fully. "Y/N if you just wait a little we can all go together." Kirishima suggested.

Bakugo put both of his hands on your shoulder. "Let's go sit down. You can check on him in a little bit." As he walked you back to your first seat the notebook slid out of your hands, and Bakugo nodded at Kirishima. Instead of yelling at him to just leave you guys alone or to pick it up he was actually acting calm for once. "God! You're like a little child I have to babysit!" He barked once he sat you down in a chair, and took the one closer to the walkway.

You ignored him, and just stared mindlessly at the stadium. Sure, he would be okay, but is he okay right now? Was he being healed? How was your mom holding up all alone seeing her precious baby get blown away? Iida and Shiozaki's round was quick, and once he started to push her out of bounds you stood up, and walked past Bakugo. There wasn't an open time window to check on Izuku now, and unless you wanted to disappoint all your friends, and Izuku by missing you had to go. Your mind felt fuzzy as you walked. You were up against Tokoyami, and his Dark Shadow. Why am I so upset? He's fine and I know that, but still. It feels like something is weird.

You waited in the same room as before as Present Mic did his announcements, and you were allowed to walk forward. Once your foot touched the concrete it was almost like you got more irritated, but felt already defeated. What if I just let him beat me? Break every bone in my body if that was what it took to go into the infirmary. At least then you could see Izuku, and Bakugo and Kirishima would know what it's like maybe. It wasn't the worst idea. Then be done, and Bakugo wouldn't be able to beat you. He would send you to the infirmary anyways, so might as well lose to someone who was actually nice to you.

You stood there as Present Mic started to count down to begin. Your arms were folded as you just stared at this bird guy in front of you. "You can just push me out if you want. I don't really want to win. Make sure to like give me a cut or something if you do though because I need a reason to go to the infirmary."

"Why do you say these things?" He asked, summoning Dark Shadow.

"I want to see my brother, and they won't let me. It's pretty simple ya know?" 

"If that's what you really want then I guess so." He said getting into a ready stance.

"Don't you dare give up the round! I can tell by the way you look!" You heard someone in your class yell. It didn't sound like Bakugo, but of course after all these years there was no doubt in your mind that he knew what you were thinking. He always seemed to know before you anyways. 

You sighed, and looked up at Tokoyami. "I will only accept victory if you fight." He told you suddenly changing his mind after that comment.

"I don't want to fight. I'm irritated, and if I fight I'll either suck, or put all my anger on you. If it's option two I'll feel bad, because you didn't do anything wrong." Present Mic had already given them the okay to start, and was now commenting on how they were both standing there.

Tokoyami just stood there staring at you, and you knew he wouldn't fight unless you agreed. I'm so sick of doing what others want. "Fine." You agreed, and you felt the power course through your veins. If he wanted to fight then so be it. If I fight good then I'll probably be sent to the infirmary regardless for checkup.

"Dark shadow!" He called out. 

He started running at you, and you launched yourself into the air to dodge Dark Shadow, but he just followed you. He hit you back into the ground which cracked the concrete. You shakily stood up trying to catch your breath, and used your arms to block just in time. Dark Shadow came at you with so much force that even with the support of your left arm you felt your right shatter into pieces. 

"OH! AND THERE GOES HER RIGHT ARM AFTER TOKOYAMI'S QUIRK WAS USED! THIS IS NOT LOOKING GOOD FOR Y/N!" Present Mic yelled over the loud speakers. It hurt your ears, and it took dodging another one of Tokoyami's attacks to keep you from plugging them.

Damn, I need to up the power percentage. I don't have enough power to over power them both, but to suddenly change the percentage takes time. I haven't trained that enough. You leaped out of the way, but stayed closer to the ground to avoid dark shadow hitting you too hard to the ground. How am I going to beat him?

You stayed low to the ground as you started running towards Tokoyami. As you ran you happened to snag a few pebbles, and as Dark Shadow came at you, you threw them at him. "Got you now." You whispered as you leaped at Tokoyami who jumped out of the way just in time to avoid your attack. Dark Shadow would recover from your unharmful diversion any second, and he'll be back. No chance would he fall for that again either. "Ugh!" You stopped moving for a second. 5% to 9%. It was the only way. You felt the power course through more vigorously. Seriously? It was only 4% more and there was this much of a difference? You moved your foot, and when you realized you could still move you sighed in relief. "It's over for you Bird Boy."

You leaped into the air, and when Dark Shadow flew at you, you charged your feet to send an air current towards the ground to dodge it. "DID SHE JUST DODGE THAT IN MID AIR?!?" Present Mic yelled into the mic. You covered your ears this time just for a second before snapping back to reality. 

You allowed yourself to fall, and once you landed surprisingly on your feet you planted them into the ground, and started hopping around using your quirk. The little zaps of electricity left behind by the friction caused after images, and Dark Shadow soon became confused with which was the real one. He huddled back by Tokoyami, and taking that opportunity you stopped, planted your feet, and used your power as an extra boost to push, and knock him out of bounds.

"Tokoyami is out of bounds! Y/N Midoriya advances to the next round!"

You fell backwards on the concrete, huffing out of breath before you stood up, and helped Tokoyami up with your good arm. "Good job." You told him. "That was actually kind of difficult.

"As to you." He bowed his head, and you both left through separate sides. When you got back into the hallway your arm was aching, and the people that stood to make sure no one that wasn't supposed to come in stopped you. 

"Miss, please sit down. Someone will be here in a second to take you to the infirmary."

Delighted by hearing this you took a seat, "Okay." you told him. While you waited he examined your arm. you couldn't even hold it up, and it acted like mush, the only thing that still had some kind of normal structure was your hand, and above your elbow. He didn't touch it, because when he tried to you winced. 

Soon the paramedics came, and picked you up. You were draped over one of their backs, and asked not to move your arm at all. The stretcher was unnecessary, and if you walked on your own there was a greater chance that people would bump into it. So what did they do? They had someone give you a piggy back ride. When they got into the infirmary they set you down on the bed. "Recovery Girl is in the middle of surgery with another student at the moment. She should be in very son. As to not do any more damage all we are going to do is take x-ray's and wait for her to come in so we don't accidentally do more damage."

You shrugged, "Okay." You responded, and when they took the X-rays your whole forearm was shattered. It would be a huge puzzle piece to put it back together. After about ten minutes Recovery Girl walked into the room.

She poked your arm, and you immediately pulled back. "I see. It kind of looks like your bone blew up inside your arm. We will need to go into surgery just like your brother. To the people at the door," She looked behind. "I know you are there. You can see her afterwards." She waited a second. "Her classmates. The one peeping by the door, come back later!" She ordered before shutting the door, and drawing the curtains.

Being put out cold to have your arms sliced so they can do whatever before it healed completely wrong + felt weird. Almost like you were in a foggy reality. When the anesthesia wore off you forgot where you were. Your arm was bandaged, but it seemed to be fine. "I have two good news, and one bad news."

"Can I have one good, one bad, and then good?" You asked with a crooked smile.

"Sure sweetie. Good news is that you can fight in the next rounds to come, but you have to be careful. Bad news is that I drained most of your energy so don't over do it. And, your bone was so damaged that your arm is going to be severely scared. Once this thing is over you are not allowed to take part in any other training for two weeks. This is to give it time to heal, and I'm only allowing you to continue because this festival is how you help your future. Last good news is that you can have visitors now. You aren't allowed to leave until your match is about to begin, so I hope you enjoy watching the others from a screen." 

"Where's Izuku?" You asked.

"Midoriya? He's in the other room with All Might honey." 

"Can I go see him? Please?"

"If it's to see if he's alright he is. Just like you though, he'll have scars. He'll be okay though. Relax, and get some sleep if you can. You'll need the energy. I myself, or one of your friends will wake you up if you fall asleep and it's time." She waddled out of the room, and you laid under the sheets staring up at the air. It was Bakugo and Kirishima's fight next. Then Iida and Todoroki.

You turned to your side. It hurt a bit, but once your body got used to the sudden change it relaxed. I need to stay up right? What if they don't wake me up. Would that even be a bad thing? To get some rest. Sounded good. Eventually, you found your consciousness fading in and out before you fell asleep.

When you woke up your eyes fluttered before you became aware of where you were. You groaned when you tried to turn because your body was sore. When you managed to turn you almost fell off your bed when someone was laying with their arms supporting their head as they leaned on the bed. "Kirishima?" You barely made your words form.

His head shot up almost as if he wasn't sleeping, but instead just relaxing. "Oh, you're awake?" He asked smiling.

"Yeah. I was just taking a nap." You responded, and looked up at the screen. "What are you doing in here?"

"Oh!" He sat up in the chair. "Recovery Girl said she was allowing visitors, so I wanted to come see how you were doing. I know you're arm was just broke but still. Bakugo is outside the door." He has his arms crossed, and pulled one away to tilt a thumb towards the door. 

"He can stay outside for all I care." You huffed out, and leaned back. You started feeling your arm. It was fine, but still tender. I can work with this. It's still healing but I just need to take it easy.

"Boy, are you just going to stand out here forever! You've been out here for about fifteen minutes! Go in, or leave!"

"Ow! You hag! Stop hitting me!" You heard Bakugo yell from the doorway.

Recovery Girl waddled in, and firmly gripped your right arm. "The platform is fixed. Go fight Bakugo, and then come right back after. I'm sure you're probably going to need to be healed regardless if you win or lose." She rewrapped your arm, and sent you off.

"Well I have to go. Thanks for visiting me. I'll be looking forward to visiting Bakugo with you." He laughed at your comment, and so did you as you walked out. Obviously it was a joke, and just like Recovery Girl said if you won or lost you would still need medical care. It wasn't even an option to not get it at this point. You met eye contact with Bakugo, but ignored him and walked away.

"You're not gonna beat me." He said confidentially.

"That's fine."

"I am so much better than you! My quirk is better than yours too!"

"Yeah, I know." You responded calmly with your hands in your pockets as you walked. "You wanted to fight me, so here you go. You can go ahead and win.

"I will! Use all of your power you hear me?!?" I'll maybe use 9%, and more if I'm desperate though. You thought, and scoffed at the request.

"Yeah sure whatever." You mumbled. You walked off, and he stopped following you to go to the other side.


You had covered your ears the entire time, but once you heard him say begin and Bakugo launched himself at you, you turned quickly dodging the explosion that rang out. Shit. I didn't power my quirk yet. You groaned, leaping to the side again just barely dodging his power. Should I try to do what Uraraka did to buy time with the jacket? No. I need to activate it on the move or he'll get even more of an advantage. 

He went for a punch, and you scooted back. Come on, feel your surroundings Y/N. You closed your eyes, and felt the quirk activating as you kept backing away and barely dodging off of pure instinct. Just 9%. When you opened your eyes you were met with Bakugo's fist coming at you. There wasn't enough time to do anything but slightly turn your face so it wouldn't hit head on. Man did it hurt though. You felt the contact, and then your jaw started to burn almost as if it just ignored your skin and went right to the bone. You flew backwards, but didn't have time before you had to dodge again. With your quirk activated now though you felt your stamina increase, and reflexes get faster than they were. When you went to turn him onto defense though you notice his hand fly right next to your face. You made eye contact as he grinned and an explosion went off right next to your right ear. 

You flew to the side, and cupped it in your hand. Ow, ow, ow! It was bleeding badly now, and you could feel the burns starting to settle and bring even more pain. Seeing as you couldn't really do too much to your right arm the only defense and offense was your left one unless it was an emergency need. You let go of your ear to get out of the way, and rolled to the side. You could feel the tension in the crowd as they all watched in horror and suspense. When you landed you planted your feet and launched yourself, but he quickly stepped out of the way. That's all he had to do but no. He put his hand on your lower back almost like if he were to catch something, and shoved you into the ground. 

" Told you I was better that you." He smirked down at you as he placed his foot on your back and stood triumphantly.

"You asshole. I'm not going down that easy." You used all the strength left in your arms to push yourself up. His foot dug into your back, but you created enough momentum just to escape him. You threw an uppercut punch from where you were except he caught it. Quickly, you stood to your feet. Even after all the training you two did you still had no match against him in terms of combat. However, you knew his fighting style better than a lot of people. It was calculated, but some times it seemed random. You still didn't know all of it, but you had a general idea. 

Once you saw that his right hook was right on cue, you threw all your weight down on his left arm. He was going to hit you with so much momentum and power he couldn't stop his arm before it had made contact with his other. It wasn't loud, but you heard him made a little sound of pain. You quickly let go, and ran into more open area away from him. If he wasn't pissed before he was now. He started chasing you, and you put your hands up to your ears as you moved them back and fourth mocking him, daring him to come closer.

Usually when you trained you didn't use quirks. Especially since they weren't allowed to be used in the city without a reason. Fighting him there and now was completely different. I need to get closer. Knock him on his feet or something. How does Deku do that huge blast of air? If I can do that I can for sure blow away his explosions. While he was running over you did two practice swings on the air. You could feel your body getting tired. Not only from the treatment, but also because you had upped the power percentage. For all you knew you could pass out any second, and it would end like Uraraka's except he might actually kill you.

Suddenly it hit you like a brick. That was what Izuku was doing. You mentally changed the power to 75%, all of the sudden it felt like your legs weighed a hundred more pounds. You couldn't move, and Bakugo was headed straight at you. Your veins burned at the sudden change of power, and it felt like they were going to explode. You punched towards the air with your left hand. It was stupid, sure. But if it did work like you thought it would it would cause major damage. Especially to your right arm if you used it. He started a huge explosion that went out by the wind, and pushed Bakugo backwards to the other side. Your left arm suddenly stung in pain, and you looked down to see it just like Izuku's. Damn. How did he do this and then continue to use the broken parts of his body? You're hair fell in front of your face, a few strands in your mouth as you spit them out, and grasped your arm. Holy shit that hurts so bad. You winced at even the thought of moving, but Bakugo didn't seem to notice or not care because he was coming back. Please lessen the percent back to 5%. Quickly. It seemed like your thoughts and body were begging for less power, and once it obeyed you felt relieved. It didn't feel like your arm was going to explode, and you could move now. You ducked as his fist flew by your head except this time it wasn't to the right. You felt a huge ringing in your left ear as that one dealt with Bakugo's explosions and rage. 

The smoke it created formed a cloud for you to hide behind. When you saw his shadow move in the smoke you launched at him, and tackled him to the ground. He figured he didn't have to worry about the smoke as much, because you couldn't see him either. He almost stopped you though, but you were smart enough to launch at him lower to the ground. You fell on top of him, and started hitting him with not full swings because your power was still activated. "Just forfeit Katsuki." You said sitting on him now with your arm raised threatening to hit him.

"Get off." He ordered. 

"Forfeit." You shot back. He managed to loosen one of his hands from under your shoe, and being so hurt you didn't notice. The two of you made eye contact, and you could see his fiery eyes soften as they looked at your face. He was looking at all the blood, and burns that would probably leave a scar on the side of your face. You pressed down on his neck with your right forearm more. "Forfeit Katsuki." You repeated again. You could feel your consciousness starting to fade, but you wanted to win. for Izuku, for Kirishima. Hell, even for Uraraka. Feeling your conscious fading started to scare you as you became more desperate. You were taking most of his air, but he didn't even have a reaction?

"It was a good fight." He whispered before pulling his shoulder and arm up. You went to go stop him, but the sudden pressure on your head from his fist hitting the top of it did you in. You fell almost like you were lifeless on top of him. Your head hung off of his shoulder, and as the paramedics rushed onto the platform once they got the go ahead he was already sitting up. All he did was wrap his arms around you to lift you up. He was standing there holding you like a parent would hold a child as the paramedics ran onto the concrete field. "Hurry up, or I'll just take her myself." He ordered. "She's heavy." 

They pulled the stretcher up, and he layed you on it before you were taken. Recovery Girl wasted no time making sure Bakugo was okay to fight, and then going as fast as her legs could take her to your room where you still layed there unconscious. 

When you woke up there was an orange light flooding into the room. It was dim, and calming. When your eyes adjusted you quickly moved back in reaction to the IV in your arm. The stand it was connected to rattled to the sudden movement, and you started clawing at it. "Hey, hey it's okay. You're okay." You quickly looked to your side to see Izuku with both hands out. He was reaching for your hands to make you stop.

"You take that IV out, and I'll really kill you this time."

"Hey man, don't be so harsh. She just woke up." 

"How are you feeling?" Izuku asked, getting closer to you to examine how you were. You pulled away, and curled into a ball sitting on the infirmary bed.

"I'm fine I just want to go home and sleep." You fully sat up, and a huge ringing in both of your ears hurt your head, and when you tried to grasp them in the palm of your hand they just were met with soggy bandages that left red on your hands. 

"Here, don't touch those." Kirishima said, getting up and returning with a cloth for you to wipe your hands with. 

Bakugo grunted, and stood up. "She's fine just like I told you losers. I'm going home it's dinner time."

"You won right?" You asked before he stepped fully out of the doorway. 

He got a smirk on his face, "Of course I did." He said before leaving. You laid back onto the pillow. 

"Thanks for coming Kirishima. Izuku kind of has to be here probably because he's my brother." You laughed.

"No problem." He responded. "We're friends." 

You smiled back, and Izuku spoke up. "Uh, even if we weren't siblings I'd still be here." 

You laughed, "Yeah I know. Just messin with ya."

"How are you feeling?" Kirishima asked as he started grabbing his things to go home and eat.

"Pretty good actually. Just tired that's all. I mean, you fought Bakugo. I missed it, but how was it?"

"I almost won! You see that cut on his cheek? Yeah, that was me!" He exclaimed with a toothy smile, and you couldn't help but smile back even though you didn't notice it.

"That's awesome! Well, thanks for checking on me. Enjoy your dinner." You told him as he walked out. 

"Yeah, we're having Soba tonight if you want some I can bring some to you."

"Haha thanks, but I think my mom will probably have something prepared. See you later. Let me know how good it is though!" He walked away, and your smile slowly faded.

"What's wrong?" Izuku asked when he noticed, suddenly getting worried because your whole mood just changed completely and suddenly. 

"My body... it hurts." Tears started streaming down your face, and Izuku carefully hugged you lightly, because that's why you were reaching out for him. He sat at the end of the bed, and rubbed your head gently as you cried.

"Where does it hurt?" He asked.

"Everywhere. It's sore, and both of my arms... I can barely move them." 

"It's okay, just relax okay? Recovery Girl healed most of it your body just needs to catch up with itself. Please don't cry..." His eyes started to water as you cried. It hurt him to see you like this. Especially because he hadn't seen you cry for a while. You were always so strong, and your pain tolerance was pretty high which meant Bakugo really hurt you.

"My ears too." The tears were steady flows now, and inside you were begging them to stop. For your breathing to go back to normal instead of this breathy hiccup you were currently doing. "They ring every time I move too fast. What if that doesn't stop?"

He didn't say anything for a second before you could hear him take a big breath. "The explosions were right next to your ear. They were already sensitive before, but Recovery girl said that because of the blood loss, and damage that she could barely heal them. she told me you were very lucky to still hear without a hearing-aid."

"R-really?" It shocked you a bit to hear that news, but you were stuttering as well. Unlike Izuku you hadn't stuttered since elementary school it felt like. You're breaths were becoming shorter, and every time your breath rose and fell it send a wave of pain through your body. 

"Mhm. I'm just glad you're okay." He said letting go, and wiping your tears off of your face for you. "Ready to go home?" You nodded. "Alright. Let me go ask for a wheelchair, and for Recovery Girl. I'll be right back okay?"

"Okay." you responded. When did she even leave? I can't remember. Why the hell did I stutter? What is happening to me? You got a tight pain in your stomach, and fought the urge not to clench it. It would only make it hurt more anyways. 

"Okay dearie, what's the problem?" Recovery Girl asked as she walked in.

"Nothing. I'm ready to go home." You told her, and she nodded. Izuku came in with a wheelchair as she was disconnecting the IV, and taking off all the pressure. She changed your bandages one more time before she let you slide into the wheelchair. "Thank you."

"No problem it's my job. Take an analgesic as much as prescribed on the bottle for at least a couple of days. If you start feeling better than you can stop. I also take back what I said. I heard you were trying not to use your right arm even against a powerful opponent like Bakugo, so you have to take off of training until your arm and the rest of your body is healed. If it's before a week great, but if it's longer don't complain. Young man, I assure you will make sure of that."

"Yes ma'am." Izuku agreed.

"Well you two should be off then. Have a nice night." She waved the two of you off as he started pushing you in the chair. When you guys went outside every crack in the sidewalk sent pain up through your spine. 

When you got home your mom ran to you both, but hugged Izuku since he wasn't as hurt before looking down at you in the wheelchair. "My baby!" She wailed, "I'm so proud of you both!" She was bawling, and you looked down in disbelief to see a puddle of her tears forming at your shoulder. 

Izuku excused the both of you as he rolled you into your room, and gently helped you stand and lay in your bed. "Your room looks a lot different." He commented looking around as you tried to find a comfortable spot in your bed. "Those drawings are new." 

"Most of them are." You sighed. "Just because I can't chase you out of my room doesn't mean you can be snoopy." You grinned with irritation, "Thanks, but seriously get out."

"Come on, Kacchan sees your room more than Mom and I, and we live here." He objected, "Plus, these are really good. You should submit them for an entry or something."

"Get. Out." You told him one more time, just in case he didn't get the hint.

"Haha, fine." He teased, and stood just outside of the doorway.

"Beat it, but first can I have a glass of water?"

"Mhm, of course." He stepped out, and brought back water before shutting the door.

As you were laying in the darkness with your phone dead waiting to charge you couldn't help but start thinking, and letting your mind wander. Pain is a funny thing. Depending on who the victim is, and who caused it. It can bloom into hatred, or even spark friendships in others. The art of hunting plays a role too. It all was so... fragile. Meeting your best friend? Getting closer to your brother? Starting your future? Heh. It really is interesting isn't it?

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