Girlfriend Corporation

By IntoItCC

63K 3.1K 4.3K

Shin Ryujin.. the epitome of a perfect girlfriend. Would teach you a lot of things; including how to love. A... More

Girlfriend Corporation: One
Girlfriend Corporation: Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Ten
Girlfriend Corporation: Eleven
Girlfriend Corporation: Twelve
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Fourteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Seventeen
Girlfriend Corporation: Eighteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Nineteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty One
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty One
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty One
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Two
Gilfriend Corporation: Forty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty One
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty One
Hello, beautiful people.
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty Five

Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Seven

795 49 64
By IntoItCC

GFC Thirty Seven

Chaeryeong's Point of View..

Hwang Stuffs. Been a while since I came here. Actually, this is only the third time that I have been here. The first time was back when we were in junior year in high school and the second time was.. two and a half years ago. A lot has changed from the exterior of the huge building that their family owns. The Hwang Empire was one of the biggest and most influential family in the country. They own chains of art galleries across the continent. They're also the most prestige and most trusted security company out there. Most artists and entertainment companies personal bodyguards are from the Hwang Stuffs. Weird company name, I know.

So, I know that she would be able to help Ryujin and I. We used to be best friends anyway. I smiled bitterly at the time of us three together when we were young. A lot of things happened before we decided to part ways. Though this might be a little bit pretentious of me to even think of coming to her for help. After.. after what I've done to her.

You sure one of a fucked up, Lee Chaeryeong. How are you going to ask her to help you get Ryujin out of the corporation? Would it make you conscience free if you would tell her that it's okay with you if it's only Ryujin who will manage to get away from GFC, Chaeryeong? Would it make you feel better if Ryujin would lose her living in exchange of other people getting hurt again? Was Lia and Yuna more important than Ryujin, Heejin Unnie and Zephora? Was it even a question? I've known the latter for years. Since we were in middle school, Ryujin and I have always been inseparable. And I've met Heejin Unnie in the process. And I have been there ever since Zephora was born. I watched her grow up.


Ryujin and Lia.. I've never seen Ryujin act like that with anyone aside from before she started working at Girlfriend Corporation or ever since Zephora was born. She smile more often before. She was more easy and outgoing. She doesn't have a lot of friends but it was enough for her. She hates being surrounded but also loathed being alone. So it was always Yeji, Ryujin and I before. Always has been the three of us. Not until.. the corporation and fate fucked us three over. I hope Ryujin realizes that soon enough. Before she lose the opportunity of being genuinely happy with Lia. Because little by little, I'm seeing the old Ryujin when she's together with her.

But, I don't know what's going on inside her head. The only thing that I'm certain about was that, she feels something towards Lia. And I want her to get away from the chains that was holding her back towards her happiness. And.. ruining someone elses life in the process? I think Ryujin suffered enough. Zephora and her deserves to be free from all of these bullshits.

Do you have a say in Ryujin's decision making and how she should live her life, Chaeryeong? What if in instance, you'd manage to get away at GFC with Ryujin, what's going to happen after that? Have you ever think of that? Ryujin would not accept any financial help from any of us. Trust me, I've tried before.

"May I ask what brings you here, Chaeryeong?" I jolted and immediately turned around to see where the voice came from.

The person I came here for was standing firmly and was looking at me intently. Her fierce gaze was just as intimidating as before. Not until you've got to know her better.

"Do you have time for a cup of coffee? I need to talk to you." I tried my best not to falter while saying that. I'm nervous as to how she's going to take my request. And the way she kinked an eyebrow didn't helped my nerves that everywhere. I knew this was a bad idea.

"Did you tell your girlfriend that you're going to meet me?" Her question baffled me and made me gasped. I bit my lip and shifted my gaze somewhere else not finding the courage to tell her that I  did not. "You should at least tell her that. She looked like a nice person, you know? And she seemed to took a liking on you. A lot." I cleared my throat and was still avoiding her gaze. That's exactly the reason why I didn't tell her I'm seeing you, Yeji-ya.

"I know." I heard her chuckle causing for me to look at her. "What? Why?"

"If you're here to apologize for what happened years ago, you don't have to. I've moved on." Yeji was smiling now. A sad one. Like she was reminiscing the good times. "Do you want to go to that place?" It was my turn to kink an eyebrow. Did she just asked me to go to the place where.. never mind. She said she already moved on. Of course there's no reason for her to not go there.

"S-sure. Let's go." I hastily said and opened the door the shotgun seat as she mouthed a low thank you. I walked towards the driver's seat and started the engine of the car then drove off.

"How's your family?" I took a side glance at Yeji who has her eyes fixated on the road. I focused on driving again.

"They are doing just fine. Thanks for asking." I answered swiftly. I heard her hum as an answer. "How about you? Have you been well and your family?"

"Have I been well? A question one lies to." Yeji chuckled humorlessly and felt bad for asking. "Just kidding. We're fine. Same old same old. You should pay them a visit though. They are looking for you every time I go home." I sighed and didn't insist on pushing on through what's bothering her.

"Were they really looking for me alone?" I saw in my peripheral vision that Yeji turned on my direction because of my question.

"Pfft. You already know the answer to that." She shifted on her seat and leaned comfortably again.

"Why are you so scared of mentioning Ryujin?" I asked seriously.

"I lied to her girlfriend and I feel bad." I pulled over at the near bridge where we used to hang out. The three of us. But, what does she mean by she lied to Lia? "She's working at ArtStuff. You didn't-- right. Two years ago, the arts department was given its own strategic name." I nodded my head but didn't said anything so she would continue. "I mean, I told her we were just school mates before. I didn't tell her that we actually knew each other. I also used the council as an excuse. You might already know this that's why you're here but I'll say it anyway, when Mina said that your next client is studying at the same university as I do, she requested for me not to show myself at you or your current girlfriend. I didn't know that Ryujin was also having a client in there. Turned out Lia was a day later than Yuna to  signing up a contract. I don't understand the intention for me to hide from the two of you though. It's not like we're getting back together." Then she opened the door of the car and got out without waiting for me to say anything.

Wow. Where did that came from? It took me a few seconds to recover from what she said. But I eventually got out of the car and sat down a few inches away beside Yeji who was calmly watching the sun to set. This is our favorite place here. When we visit her on Hwang Stuffs or we're just up for a ride, we always have our stopover in here. This place holds a lot of memories way back when we were young and naive. This is the place where we drank our first can of beer (tho Ryujin stopped drinking when Zephora came), this is the place where we cried our hearts out every time we're devastated (tho Ryujin doesn't really cry and she's always the one who comforts Yeji and I), this is the first place that we've gone to after we graduated high school, our monthly picnic happens here.. my first heartbreak also happened here. Wondering why I said yes to go here? Because despite that one bad memory here, I still treasure those good times that we've made at this certain place.

"This place haven't changed a bit." Yeji said while still looking at the sun. She was hugging her feet while her chin was resting on her knees.

"It didn't." I agreed immediately and lied down completely. I used my arms as my pillow.

"But you two did. So much." I looked at her when she said that. She was also looking at me. Our gaze locked for a few seconds before she looked away.

"I did. A bit." I'm still a coward but I'm working on it. "Ryujin though, I don't blame her for changing that much." I smiled bitterly as I looked at the sky.

"If you say so." Yeji muttered not believing me. Well, if there's someone who didn't change a bit, it was her. She can still see through me without even saying anything. "A lot of people used and hurt Ryujin. It was understandable that she ended up being as guarded as now. She was taken advantage too many times. I can't blame her." She added with a humor less chuckle.

And it happened that we're one of those people, Yeji. How can you still say that so casually?

"We might have not talked for almost three years but I seriously don't hold anything against you, Chaeryeong-ah." I heard her say her voice filled with sincerity.

"I wish I can tell you the same thing, Yeji." I smiled sadly as I heard her sigh heavily.

"I don't blame you as well." I didn't have the words to reply on that. We were both at fault. But she chose not to get involved. That's what she meant when she told me not to leave Ryujin alone. "But, what is it that you want to talk about? Was it about Ryujin?" I hastily sat up and faced her with a sincere expression.

"I need your help." I saw how Yeji frowned at my request.

"What makes you think that I can help you? I never did before." I looked at her in the eye and saw the subtle sadness in the depths of her brown specs. I can feel and hear the nervousness in her voice as well. And this is the first time that I've seen her so torn up.

"I want you to help Ryujin to retract and terminate her contract at the corporation. It doesn't matter if it's only her and I won't. If we can manage to get out, the two of us the better. But I just hope Ryu--"

"Did you tell Ryujin your plans on leaving the corp?" Yeji cute me off with a worried expression. I slowly shook my head as an answer. I don't have the guts to tell her.

"Please." I basically begged.

"May I ask why you desperately want to get her out even if that means hurting the most important people in Ryujin's life?" I bit my trembling lip at the sudden mention why I was also contemplating if should really do this.

"Ryujin suffered enough." I answered simply while diverting my eyes but her direction. She just hummed and as I took a glance at her, she was plastering a faint smile. I always told her how fascinating her smile was before. But, I can't tell her that anymore. Not now and not ever.

"I can't do that I'm sorry." All of my hopes cramped down when I heard her answer. I don't think I can do this alone. Without a help with someone who has tons of connections. "Think about Zephora. Did you seriously disregarded the fact that Ryujin was sustaining a child? I'm sorry but I can't help you. If Ryujin would be the one to tell me that, I probably would think about it."

Of course you would. I doubt you even would have to think about it. You'll say yes in a blink of an eye. You've always been a sucker to her.

Lia's Point of View..

Ryujin fell asleep from crying so much earlier. And I think it's been over an hour since I've felt her stopped shaking and heard her sobs and sniffs. And found out that she fell asleep. I've never once let go of the tight hold. I was caressing her hair while I was resting my cheek on the top of her head. I don't know if the programme at the gym was already finished because I don't have my phone with me and I can't make a call with Yuna.

I don't know why Ryujin cried like that earlier. I've never heard someone cried that way. She was having a hard time breathing from sobbing so much which made it even more heartbreaking to hear. Her fists was still clutching on my shirt and I still can feel the remnants of her tears on the crook of my neck.

Bottling feelings up was never a good thing. I think Ryujin has never had the chance to cry on someone before. She was enduring her emotions from far too long that it just exploded when I hugged her. Seeing and hearing her while was crying her heart out made just as emotional. Was it really a good thing that I found out? I just feel like more inclined to Ryujin than ever before. I like her. And.. as much as I don't want to admit it, I still am confused if she feels something towards me as well. Though, relationships is not her top priority considering that she's still a student, has to work.. and have a daughter.

I do understand her situation but.. where do I stand? Now that I found out a huge part of her life, the feeling of just staying beside her grew even more and I don't know how to take it all. I shouldn't tell her how conflicted I am right now. But I just assured her that I'm here for her and I'm going to make sure to keep that promise as long as she want me to.

Even after our contract expires. Am I willing to risk it all to be with her though? There's a huge chance that we're not going to end up being together after this and.. why did I admitted that I like her by the way? And.. I've never received a response. Was a kiss an enough reassurance on how she feels? But, Ryujin absolutely needs all of the support system she can have especially right now. I can't be thinking about myself when she just opened up her heart to me. I can't be selfish about this.

Ryujin doesn't have to say anything. Her eyes alone tells me that Zephora is a part of her life and she won't leave her for anyone. That's what a decent mother would do. Neglecting their children is not something a good person would do. I don't know though. I have this weird feeling that was pulling to get close to Zephora not just for Ryujin but for mine as well. I absolutely adore her even though it was just the first time we've seen and met each other.

And when she asked me if I want to be her Mom? My heart almost swell in happiness. I've always had a soft spot for children but Zephora's charm was the most irresistible thing that I've encountered. I just.. have to ask Ryujin if I can keep seeing her daughter.. right?

But my longing thoughts was interrupted when I saw Yuna and Chaeryeong walking towards our direction while carrying Ryujin's duffel bag where our belongings were. They were both having a perplexed expression and was looking at the gray head on my arms worriedly. Ryujin was motionless and still sound asleep. I just watch the other two quietly approached me.. or us.
Yuna sat beside Ryujin while Chaeryeong just stood next to her while her gaze was fixated on Ryujin's sleeping figure. As I look at Yuna, she was looking at me questioningly and I just offered a half smile.

"What happened to her?" Chaeryeong asked lowly. Afraid to wake Ryujin up.

"You probably should ask her that personally. I don't want to.." Then Ryujin shifted on her sleep so I stopped talking. "Ryujin-ah?" I called her name instead. But she just tightened her hug on me groaning in complain. "Chaeryeongie and Yuna are already here. Aren't you feeling numb yet?" Ryujin didn't answered and adjusted a little bit more as I gasped. Her warm breathe was touching the side of my neck. I just sighed and looked at Chaeryeong.

"It's okay. I'll just talk to her later. Just tell her that we have a game at exactly 1 pm, okay?" I nodded my head. "Thank you." Then she held Yuna's hand as my best friend stood up.

"Babe, call me, please." Yuna offered the same smile as I posed earlier. Then they hand in hand walked away. Those two.. I feel like they've been distant with each other these past few days. I mean, ever since that day where they had a fight. I still don't know what's going ln between them. I don't want to intrude and I can't find the right timing to have a lone time with Yuna.

I'm still worried.

"I think you slept enough, Ryujin." I said as I wrapped my arms over her neck.

"I don't want to face you." I bit my lip when Ryujin spoke up. Uhm.. her lips had a little tiny bit of contact on my neck. What the fuck am I thinking at this type of situation? Geez. I need to go to the church again.

"W-why though?" I cleared my throat to cover up my stutter.

"I'm embarrassed." Ryujin then pulled me even more closer. Now, this is dangerous. We're on a public place. "I can imagine myself looking so gross while crying. I'm sorry you have to see me like that." I sighed in relief when she pulled away from the hug and she was now looking up at me. Her eyes was a little bit swollen and red proof from crying earlier.

I cupped her face and wiped the dried tears on her face using my thumb. "There's nothing embarrassing about crying, Ryujin. I'm glad that.. I was the one that you confided in. I won't judge you or anything so you don't have to worry, okay? It's a.. good thing that you let it all out. You can talk to me regard everything if you want to. Absolutely anything. Don't hesitate to ask. I'll be here." I said sincerely while looking into her bloodshot eyes. I smiled when her eyes widened slightly and her cheeks heat up. Was my words blush-worthy?

Ryujin then held both of my wrists and smiled endearingly. "You're not.. weirded out?"

"Weirded out? By what? Zephora?" Ryujin nodded and bit her lip and she was starting to tear up again. What the heck? "No! Of course not! Why would you think that? I mean it, I'm glad that I found out, okay? And if it makes you feel better, I immediately adored her. She's too cute not to love her. You don't have to be embarrassed about that, Ryujin-ah." Ryujin hummed and nodded while maintaining our eye contact.

"Thank you.. baby." Ryujin said with a genuine smile this time. "I was.. worried. I guess because.. because." Ryujin stammered like crazy as she bit her lower lip.

"You don't have to force yourself to tell me anything. It's enough that you've let me see a part of your life. I won't force you. Take your time and when you're ready, feel free to come to me. I'm not going anywhere." And then I squealed in surprise when Ryujin suddenly pulled me in as she stood up. Now I was the one who's looking up because she was towering over me.

I instinctively closed my eyes as Ryujin lead the kiss. As my surprise slowly faded, I reciprocated the consuming affection. There goes the wild thumping of the little organ inside my rib cage. Then Ryujin deepening the kiss when she put her hand at the back of my neck.

Yes. So much for showing public display of affection.

I've been reading a lot of skeptics here in GFC and some of it are quite interesting. Or totally I might say. Also, as you can notice, I reply to almost all of the comments. And some of it are spoilers. Some people might have already read into those cryptographies that I've put in the comment section but I decided to delete some of it. Lmao.

There was this certain comment that I actually found out some important parts of this story so I've deleted it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry. Whoever you are.

Anyway, hope you had a great hair day with Palmolive.


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