Darkness [Neal Cassidy || OUA...

By bethanyjanebooks

29.7K 814 167

The darkness escaped the sorcerer's hat and has found a new host, Alana Swan. She is the new Dark One, can he... More

1 - The Dark Swan
2 - The Dark Swan
3 - The Price
4 - The Price
5 - Siege Perilous
6 - Siege Perilous
7 - The Broken Kingdom
8 - The Broken Kingdom
9 - Dreamcatcher
10 - Dreamcatcher
11 - The Bear and the Bow
12 - The Bear and the Bow
13 - Nimue
14 - Nimue
15 - Birth
16 - Birth
17 - Broken Heart
18 - Broken Heart
19 - Swan Song
20 - Swan Song
21 - Souls of the Departed
22 - Souls of the Departed
23 - Labor of Love
24 - Labor of Love
25 - Devil's Due
26 - Devil's Due
27 - The Brothers Jones
28 - The Brother's Jones
29 - Our Decay
31 - Her Handsome Hero
32 - Her Handsome Hero
33 - Ruby Slippers
34 - Ruby Slippers
35 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
36 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
37 - Firebird
38 - Firebird
39 - Last Rites
40 - Last Rites
41 - Only You
42 - Only You
43 - An Untold Story
44 - An Untold Stories
Next Book

30 - Our Decay

444 18 5
By bethanyjanebooks

Belle made her way to the library, Baby Hood still in her arms and she looked at the changed decor.

Belle sighed, "God. What is this place?" Belle said.

The elevator suddenly started coming up and Belle hid behind a bookshelf, she watched behind the books as Mr Gold stepped out of the elevator.

Belle gasped, "Rumpel," Belle said as stepped out of her hiding place.

"Belle. What are you doing here? Y-Y-You're not. Y-You didn't..." Mr Gold said as he started to panic.

"Oh, no, no, no, no. I'm...I'm alive. A portal brought me and... And the baby and... Zelena," Belle said.

"That's why the spell didn't work as I thought. Brought over three bodies instead of one," Mr Gold said.

"Wait... You...You did this. Who were you trying to bring if not me and you didn't know Zelena was back and...No! Why would you steal a baby?" Belle asked.

"No, no, no. It was... It was Hades. He used leverage to force me. Look..." He sighed, "A long time ago, long before we even met... I made a deal... One I never thought would rear its head," Mr Gold said.

"What did you do?" Belle asked.

"When Baelfire was a child, he was sick. In exchange for Baelfire's life... I made a deal to give up my second-born child," Mr Gold said.

"But you don't have a second-born child," Belle said.

"It happened, Belle," Mr Gold said as he motioned to her stomach.

"N...I'm...I'm pregnant?" Belle questioned.

Belle sighed and sniffled, "W...We're gonna have a baby? A...A baby that you've already sold!" Belle said.

"Yes, but... But w...we can fix that. I'll use all my power. W...We can fix this," Mr Gold said.

"P...Power? What..." Mr Gold looked at her guiltily, "You're the Dark One again. No," Belle said as her face widened.

"Yes," He pulled the dagger from his coat pocket, "See, the thing is... I love this dagger. And I also love you. Both are possible. Look, y...you wanted me to be a... A better man. A...A...And you've done that. But if you want me to be a different man... I'm sorry. This is who I am," Mr Gold said.

"You weren't always," Belle said.

"Yes, I was. Even when I was a coward, I craved power. The only difference is, now I have it. And I won't let it go. Not again," Mr Gold said.

"Right. Not even for me?" Belle said.

"Belle, there's something you must realise," He took a deep breath, "Falling in love with the man behind the beast... Isn't really what happened to you. You fell in love with me... Because there was a man and a beast. Neither exists without the other," Mr Gold said.

"No. No. I...I can't condone you being like this. Not again," Belle said.

"Yes, you can. You just have to choose to. And if you do... We can have what's important... Family, happiness. It's your choice," Mr Gold said.

"No, I'm, uh..." She sniffled, "I'm not making any choices... Not now," She inhaled shakily, "Not until you get me back to our friends... And you've fixed... All of this," Belle said.

"Then that's what I shall do. But you'll see I'm right. You'll see," Mr Gold said.

Meanwhile, Mary Margaret and David were in line for the phone booth.

"I mean, how does this even work? I don't know how much time it gives us. Do we just talk, or... Oh! Maybe we should sing a little song. He likes our singing," Mary Margaret said.

"I don't think it really matters. I think it's just about Leo hearing our voices," David said.

"Yeah, but how does that work, anyway? Does it go directly into his ears? Does it repeat on a loop?" Mary Margaret said.

David turned to the man behind them, "Uh, excuse me. Do you know how this works I mean, on the other side?" David asked.

"No idea. I don't even know if the messages get through. I hope so. Or I've wasted a lot of time these past 30 years," He said.

"Alright, come on," David said and he guided Mary Margaret into the booth.

Mary Margaret took a deep breath, "Okay," She said and picked up the phone.

Elsewhere, Regina, Robin and Zelena were looking for Belle and Baby Hood in the woods.

"Before we find my daughter, would you do me the courtesy of sharing with me whatever horrid name you've saddled her with? Probably something dreadful like Brittany or Nancy or... Oh, God, not Marian!" Zelena said.

"Zelena... I haven't named our child because I need to know her first to find out who she really is, which I haven't been able to do because I've been too busy protecting her from you!" Robin said.

"You weren't protecting her at all! You just left her so you could go on some heroic quest. I mean, how is finding some Saviour more important than our child?" Zelena questioned.

"Helping friends, setting an example of heroism... That is important!" Robin said.

Regina turned and faced Zelena, "You know, Zelena, I used to be just like you," Regina said.

"Oh, please. Don't flatter yourself," Zelena said as she rolled her eyes.

"When I was the Evil Queen, I spent every day not giving a damn about anyone. And in return, no one... Cared about me. I thought all I needed was my vengeance to keep me warm at night. But then something happened. My enemies... Became my family. And that when I finally felt happy. That is why I'm here. Emma needs my help, Emma's a part of my family, and when family needs help, you step you," Regina said.

"In case you've forgotten, there is someone I love who need my help, my daughter!" Zelena sighed, "So if we could get on with finding her, that would be just brilliant!" Zelena said.

Belle was walking down a lane by the woods, she carried Baby Hood and Belle kissed her forehead.

"Belle?" Regina called out.

"It's okay," Belle said to Baby Hood.

"Belle is that you?!" Robin called out.

Belle rounded a corner and Robin and Regina ran up to them, "You have her?!" Robin took Baby Hood, "Hey," Robins aid.

"Yeah, here. Yeah, she's fine," Belle said.

"Are you okay?" Robin asked his daughter.

"She's fine," Belle said.

Robin continued to look at his daughter, "Are you okay? Daddy's got you. Daddy's go you," Robin looked up at them, "Oh, thank you," Robin said.

Zelena walked up, "Yes. Thank you," Zelena said.

"Wait. What are you doing here?" Belle asked.

"Helping them," Zelena said.

"She stole your baby," Belle said.

"My baby, which was stolen from me and now I'm helping," Zelena said.

"It's alright, Belle. She won't hurt anyone," Regina said.

"But..." Belle said.

Baby Hood began to cry and Robin tried to soothe his baby, "Oh, shh!" He said but she continued to cry.

"I've got a bottle. Give her to me," Zelena said as she held up the bottle.

"No. Give it to me. I'll do it," Robin said.

"I don't have any magic here, Robin. The worst thing that can happen is some mother-daughter bonding. It's alright. There's nothing nefarious in feeding," Zelena said.

"Okay, fine," Robin reluctantly handed the baby over, "As soon as she's done... You're handing her back," Robin said.

Zelena chuckled as she fed her baby, "There, there, my little sweet pea. There, there. Are you hungry? Yes, you are. Your mummy knows exactly what you need, doesn't she? Yes, she does," Zelena said.

"Okay," Robin sniffled, "That's it. She's done. Hand her back," Robin said.

Zelena discovered that she still had her magic, "Now, Zelena," Regina said.

"No, sis. Not now. Not ever!" Zelena said and she then magically knocked them out.

At the Charming loft, Alana was looking through the Underworld Storybook and Neal walked up to her.

"And I thought the Evil Queen could hold grudges," Neal said.

"I'm not holding any grudges," Alana said.

Amy walked up to her, "Sweetheart," Alana sighed and looked at her, "Talk to him, you two are a pretty good team, remember?" Alana glanced at Killian who was sat on the couch, "Go on," Amy said.

Alana closed the storybook, "You two are the annoying team," Alana said and walked away from them.

"Love you," Amy said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Alana said.

"Them two are better as friends than ignoring each other," Neal said.

"That they are," Amy said.

Leila walked over, "Is Killian okay?" Leila asked.

"He will be, mum," Amy smiled, "Just missing his adopted little sister," Amy said.

"That what you calling her to him now?" Neal asked.

"Yep, like it?" Amy asked.

"Yeah," Neal said and chuckled.

Alana walked over to Killian, "We, uh... Can... Can we talk?" Alana asked.

Killian looked at her, "Sure, love," Killian said.

Alana sat down next to him, "I... I'm sorry... You're right, I have been all over the place since the darkness... It's just... I feel like I'm still fighting it, but Neal says it's grief," Alana said.

"Aye, it is," Alana looked at him, "I became a pirate with me, a cold-blooded pirate... Why do you think I'm here?" Killian said.

"You wanted to help Emma?" Alana asked.

"Well, yes... But to make sure you didn't go down the same path I did," Killian said.

"I get seasick, pirate life isn't for me," Alana said.

"Alana... I mean the cold-blooded side, I took what I wanted and I didn't care who got hurt... I'm here because I don't want you to slip into the darkness again. You're like a sister to me, I don't want you to end up like me, alone," Killian said.

"I'm sorry," Alana said.

"I'm sorry, too," Killian said and they hugged.

Mary Margaret and David walked into the apartment, "Emma, Alana," Mary Margaret said.

"Everything okay mom?" Alana asked as she pulled away from Killian.

"Yeah, we talked to Leo," Mary Margaret said.

"What do you mean you spoke to Leo?" Emma asked as she walked up.

"There's a phone booth that lets you talk to people... On the other side," David said.

"You... Can do that? You can talk to the real world?" Leila asked as she walked over.

"Oh, hello? Who... Who are you?" David asked.

"This is my mom, Leila," Amy said.

"Hi, it's lovely to meet you, I'm Snow and this is David," Mary Margaret said.

"Lovely to meet you both... Would this booth work for the Shadow Realm?" Leila asked.

"I... I'm not sure, sorry," David said.

"That's amazing though," Alana said.

"You might be able to get ahold of father, and Dylan, if you say Shadow Realm, mom," Amy said.

"Maybe... Sorry, I interrupted you two," Leila said with a smile.

"It's okay and yes," Mary Margaret looked at Alana, "It's amazing, but I don't know... We don't know if it worked," Mary Margaret said.

"Well, at least we tried," David said.

"I just need him to hear our voices," Mary Margaret said.

Alana stood up, "He will. As soon as we make it back home," Alana said.

"Alana, when will that be? We went through this with you and Emma," Emma walked over to Alana, "For all those years if you two had heard our voices... Would that have made a difference, knowing someone out there loved you both?" Mary Margaret said and the twins looked at each other, silently not trusting their words.

Elsewhere, Zelena was making her way through the forest alone, and Baby Hood was crying again.

Zelen was grunting as she limped, "Oh, this won't do!" She attempted to soothe her baby, "Oh, shh. It's okay. It's okay. I'm gonna find us a safe place, yeah? What is it, sweet pea?" She noticed a cut on her baby's face and gasped, "Oh, no. Oh. Oh, no, it's okay. Let Mummy fix it. My magic did this," Baby Hood started crying herself, "I did this. I'm sorry," Zelena said.

Zelena was inside the Underworld version of her farmhouse, she saw Belle, Robin and Regina approaching from outside. 

"Zelena?!" Regina called out.

"Are you in there?! Zelena, enough! It is not safe for you or our child out here!" Robin called out.

"Zelena!" Regina called out.

"Zelena!" Belle called out.

The door opened and Zelena came out carrying her baby, "I'm right here," She was crying, "It's all my fault," She sobbed, "I can't protect her. Not down here. Not from him," Zelena said.

"You need to tell us exactly what happened with you and Hades," Robin said,

She sighed, "He wants to use her... For a spell. For my time-travel spell. He's got the same thirst for vengeance as I do. You know, he had love in his heart. But because of me, it's gone," Zelena said.

"And she's the ingredient. Symbol of innocence," Regina said.

"Take her," Zelena said.

"What?" Robin said in surprise.

"Take her. You can protect her, and I can't. My magic's unpredictable. I don't care if you never let me see her again! You have to save her. Regina, please! It's more important than what happens to me," Zelena said.

"We'll do everything we can to protect her," Regina said.

Zelena sighed and sniffled, "Goodbye, little one. Mummy has to let you go," Zelena said and she kissed her baby and began to sob. She handed her over to Robin, before retreating into her house.

Belle, Regina and Robin were back in the Charming loft, Robin was fawning over his baby girl, whilst Belle sat at the table with Regina, Emma, Mary Margaret and David while Killian, Amy, Leila and Calla were in the kitchen and Alana and Neal were sat at the couch.

"So, does she have a name yet?" Belle asked as she looked over at Robin.

"No, not yet. I can't. Hades can do things with names," Robin said as Alana and Neal walked over to the table.

"Like put them on tombstones to keep people from leaving here," Regina said.

"I don't even think it's wise to keep her in this apartment. I mean, what if Zelena changes her mind?" Robin said.

"I hate to be the one to offer optimism, but it sounds like she was sincere," Killian said.

"Hook's right, I mean she cried, you can't fake emotions like that," Neal said.

"She was sincere, but that doesn't mean what she knows can't come back to bite us. Robin's taking her to the forest," Regina said.

"Honestly, it's the only place I've ever felt really at home," Robin said.

Henry rushed into the room from the stairs with more papers in his hand, "It happened! It happened again!" Henry stopped by the table and handed the papers to David, "Take a look," He said.

David took the papers and saw that they were of Baby Leo, "Snow, look at this," David said as he handed her the picture of their son.

"It's Leo," Mary Margaret said.

"Why did you write this?" David asked his grandson.

"It's like before. I didn't or I just don't remember. It just... Wrote itself. As it does," Henry said.

Amy took a page, "The infant son of Snow White and Prince Charming looked up at the tiny glass unicorns as they stirred by the wind. But on this night, he didn't hear the chime of the crystal. Instead, he heard the voices of his mother, Snow White, and his father, Prince Charming. They sang a lullaby until he fell asleep as soundly as if he were in their arms," Amy read from the page.

"He heard us," Mary Margaret sighed, "He heard us," She said with her eyes tearing us.

"Thanks, Henry," David said as his eyes were teary.

"I don't know about anyone else, but I am really ready to get back home to my family, my whole family. No more waiting," She looked at the twins, "We're going to take down Hades and we're going to do it now," Snow said.

"And then everyone is going home," David said.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Killian said.

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