Darkness [Neal Cassidy || OUA...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The darkness escaped the sorcerer's hat and has found a new host, Alana Swan. She is the new Dark One, can he... More

1 - The Dark Swan
2 - The Dark Swan
3 - The Price
4 - The Price
5 - Siege Perilous
6 - Siege Perilous
7 - The Broken Kingdom
8 - The Broken Kingdom
9 - Dreamcatcher
10 - Dreamcatcher
11 - The Bear and the Bow
12 - The Bear and the Bow
13 - Nimue
14 - Nimue
15 - Birth
16 - Birth
17 - Broken Heart
18 - Broken Heart
19 - Swan Song
20 - Swan Song
21 - Souls of the Departed
22 - Souls of the Departed
23 - Labor of Love
24 - Labor of Love
25 - Devil's Due
26 - Devil's Due
27 - The Brothers Jones
29 - Our Decay
30 - Our Decay
31 - Her Handsome Hero
32 - Her Handsome Hero
33 - Ruby Slippers
34 - Ruby Slippers
35 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
36 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
37 - Firebird
38 - Firebird
39 - Last Rites
40 - Last Rites
41 - Only You
42 - Only You
43 - An Untold Story
44 - An Untold Stories
Next Book

28 - The Brother's Jones

477 20 4
By bethanyjanebooks


The ship was now sailing and heading straight for a hurricane. The men were shouting in panic. Liam was looking at the oncoming storm through a spyglass, whilst Captain Silver looked relatively calm.

Killian ran up to Liam, "Liam! I'm sorry. I dragged you into this voyage," Killian said.

"We have other demons to confront. Look" Liam said as he handed Killian the spyglass and motioned for him to look at the storm.

Killian looked through the spyglass and the look of fear spread across his face.

Liam approached Silver, "Captain Silver, are you aware this ship is pointed dead into a storm?" Liam said.

"Back to the rigging, Jones. Leave the navigation to the officers," Captain Silver said.

"Well, your officers are doing a piss-poor job! We're 30 degrees off course, headed into a hurricane!" Killian said.

"We're aware. Carry on," Captain Silver said.

"Are you mad?! What kind of captain sails into a hurricane?!" Liam said angrily.

"The kind that earns his namesake! The king offered a mighty reward for what's inside that storm," Captain Silver said.

"This voyage was never about the grain in the hold, was it? You're going after that cursed sapphire... 'The Eye of the Storm'!" Liam said.

"So, you've heard of it," Captain Silver said.

"Well, every sailor's heard of it. Countless men have sailed into that storm looking for that bloody stone, but none have survived!" Killian said.

"If you don't like how I run my ship, you should've left when you had the chance. Now, move almost before I string you up for mutiny," Captain Silver said.

"Easy, Captain. I have always abhorred the idea of mutiny," Liam looked at Killian and drew Silver's sword, "But if that's what it takes to save these man, then so be it!" Liam said.

"Now, shall we do this the easy way... Or the bloody way?" Killian said.

Captain Silver gave the order for one of his men to drop the sword, surrendering.

"The ship is ours, men!" The men cheered and Liam approached Killian, "Tie these bastards up. I'll go find the captain's charts and plot a course out of this bloody typhoon," Liam said.

"Thank you, Liam. There's no one I'd rather follow into a storm," Killian said.

End of Flashback

Alana, Neal, Regina, Emma, Henry, Killian, Liam and Calla made their way through the house. It appeared unlived as well as needing a good clean with cobwebs and dusty.

"Wonderful. I love what they've done with the place," Killian said.

"We should split up... Move fast," Liam said.

"Uh, yeah. I guess. Henry, Calla, uh, you two got to stay here," Alana said.

"But this was my idea. I'm not gonna stand behind and do nothing," Henry said.

"You're not doing nothing. You're the lookout," Alana said.

"Lookout?" Henry said.

"Don't argue with your mother," Regina said.

"But..." Henry said.

"Or your mother," Regina said.

Henry looked at Neal, "Dad," Henry said.

"I'm not getting involved with your mothers," Neal said.

Henry looked at Emma, "Same, kid, sorry," Emma said.

Neal, Regina and Liam walked in separate directions, whilst Killian, Alana and Emma go together in another, leaving Henry and Calla alone in the room.

"Last time you leave me behind," Henry took hold of Calla's hand, "Alright, pan. If you're in here, give me a sign," Henry said and Calla watched him quietly.

Liam managed to find the book. He opened it and tore at the pages with Hades's story in and pocketed them, "I'm sorry brother," Liam said quietly.

At Auntie's Diner, James and Amy were eating cheeseburger and fries.

Amy looked at him, "You know," James looked at her, "I never thought I'd ever see the day you would eat a cheeseburger... Mainly because you stabbed in the chest and never got cursed," Amy said.

"Well, it's not my go-to... How's my father?" James asked.

"Hates me, but the feeling has always been mutual... He...He's good, yep," Amy said with a nod.

"That's good," James said.

"Yeah," Amy said and ate a fry as she looked out the window.

"So, why did you erase my memory?" James asked.

"Because I wouldn't be allowed to leave otherwise, had to look out for myself and get to my brother, which I did a lot faster when I was engaged to you," Amy said.

"Yeah... I couldn't get you the bean, apologies," James said.

"I don't need your apologies, James, and to be honest and I don't want anything from you," Amy said.

"So tell me... You married your pirate," Amy nodded, "You've got a child with him?" Amy nodded again, "Why risk it all, just to come down here?" James asked.

"Because family is important, blood or not, everyone in my family is important to me and I will protect them," Amy said and James looked at her.

At the Sheriff's Department, Cruella and David were still inside, Cruella was trying to get him to drink the champagne.

"Come on. Drink you like a good boy," Cruella said.

David refused to drink, "I have to get up for an early patrol," Cruella scoffed and continued to kiss his face, "Fresh souls arriving. Always someone new to shake down," David said.

Cruella sighed, "Is Mummy boring you, James? Normally you're so much more enthusiastic when I come to visit you in your dungeon," She gasped, "Oh. Maybe we need to try spicing things up with a little hardware, hmm?" Cruella said as she picked up a pair of handcuffs before kissing him.

David pushed her off of him, "Does this act really work on him? Because, frankly, I find it repulsive," David said.

"Oh, boo! Couldn't you have pretended to be Jimmy a little while longer?" Cruella said.

David looked at her surprised, "Wait. You man all this time, you knew?" David said.

Cruella sighed, "Well, of course, I knew. I mean, you might look like him, but you have none of his unique, delicious damage," Cruella said.

"What damage is that?" David asked.

"The damage you're responsible for, darling," Cruella said.

"Me?! I never even met the guy!" David said angrily.

"Oh, sure you have. When you were infants, curled up safe in your mummy's arms, until she had to choose which one of you went to live with the king and who stayed with her. She had to pick her favourite and she picked you," Cruella said.

"That is not my fault," David said.

"Well, your brother disagrees. He's spent his whole life and death wondering why you and not him," Cruella said.

"Well, I don't have the answers for him, okay?" David said angrily.

Cruella smirked, "Oh, there it is. That same damage I see in James. One of these days, you two are going to meet and it's going to be... One hell of a reunion," Cruella said.

At the Sorcerer's Mansion, the group were all stood around the book, and Alana started flicking through the book and they found nothing on Hades, all looked a bit defeated as Alana got up and walked away then Regina continued to flick through.

"There's no mention of Hades's story anywhere," Killian said.

"Why am I not surprised," Regina said.

Alana noticed the ripped pages, "Yeah and look," She brushed her fingers across the remaining edges of the pages, "There's some pages that are missing," Alana said.

"Back during the first curse, I tore my story out of Henry's book so he wouldn't know I was the Evil Queen," Regina said.

"Well, if Hades has done the same, we don't stand much chance of finding it," Killian said.

Alana looked at Liam suspiciously, "What do you think, Liam? You found the book. Was there any evidence it had been tampered with?" Alana said.

"No, and until I find any, I'll choose to have hope. Those pages could have fallen out and still be in this house, and I, for one, won't give up without trying to find them," Liam said as he walked out of the room.

"I see what you mean about self-righteous," Regina whispered to Alana and followed in the same Liam went with Emma.

Killian and Neal turned to leave but they noticed Alana hadn't moved, "What's wrong? Aren't you coming?" Killian asked.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry. Let's go," Alana said and she started to leave.

Killian stopped her and Neal watched them, "No, wait. Wait. Not until you tell me what's going on. I know when something's bothering you," Killian said as he smiled at her.

"Nothing is bothering me," Alana said.

"You've been on edge for ages, what's going on? Talk to me," Killian said.

Alana sighed and looked at Neal who was shaking his head and Killian looked at Neal, "Just leave it, Hook," Neal said.

"Have you two had a fight?" Killian said.

"No," Alana and Neal said.

"Then what is it?" Killian asked.

"It's Liam," Killian looked at Alana confused, "I've had a bad feeling ever since we met, and at first I thought it was just because he didn't like me, but some of the things he's said... I...I think he's hiding something," Alana said.

Killian looked at her shocked, "That's preposterous. My brother wouldn't lie," Killian said.

"Maybe there's stuff about him you don't know. Maybe he does know what his unfinished business is down here," Alana said.

"No, you're wrong about him. I know who my brother is. I'm gonna go help him find those pages," Killian said.

"Then go, I'm not stopping you, go, I don't even want to look at you right now," Alana said.

Killian scoffed and walked away out of the room, Alana turned around, gripping the table and took a deep breath, "I told you not to," Neal said as he walked up to her.

"I know, I messed up," Alana looked down and her hair curtained her face, "My sister wants to move on, if she wants that after Hades even after she forgives herself, I'll be with her when she crosses... But I'm not gonna let some navy captain who I don't know, who I know is lying about something, convince my sister she should do it... I want it to be her choice," Alana said.

Neal rubbed her back and Alana turned into him, they hugged each other, "I know, I don't want that either, no one here wants her to be manipulated into doing that," Neal said.

Emma was stood by the door watching them and she walked away, Regina looked at her, "Emma, are you okay?" Regina asked.

Emma walked over to her, "Does... Does Liam seem off to you?" Emma asked.

"You're the lie detector, what do you think?" Regina asked.

Emma looked back at the room Alana and Neal were in, "I don't... I haven't felt myself since I've been here," Emma said.


In the Captain's Quarters, Liam is looking at a map, in an attempt to try and find a way to avoid the hurricane. Thunder continued to crash outside and he didn't notice that Hades had appeared into the room.

"You know, reading without proper light can do a real number on your eyes," Hades said.

"Who are you?" Liam asked.

"Who I am isn't important. What is, is I'm here to help you. Here. Allow me," Hades lit a candle, "Ahh. Yeah. Yeah. There," Hades chuckled, "That's better. You know, this mutiny isn't going to look good for you. Your dreams of captaining a ship in the King's Navy are over," Hades said.

"My dreams? How do you know about them?" Liam asked.

Hades laughed and sat down at the table, "I know a lot about you, Liam. Is it still dark in here? Let's try this," Hades said as he snapped his fingers and he set his hair a blue fire which magically lit all the candles in the room

Liam jumped back in shock, "You! You're a demon!" Liam said.

"Technically, I'm a god, but a lot of people make that mistake. I'm Hades, Lord of the Underworld," Hades said.

"What do you want?" Liam asked.

"I want the precious cargo aboard this ship. The beautiful, shiny, new souls you're trying to save," Liam grabbed a sword and pointed it at Hades's chest who just chuckled, "Don't bother with that. You can't hurt me. I'm immortal. Lucky for you, I can't hurt you, either. At least not up here, not in the Overworld. That's what I call this place. My power has its limits here, which is why I came to offer you a deal. You agree to let this ship sink as I want, and I promise to use my magic to ensure you and your brother survive. And to sweeten the deal, I'll even throw in this..." Hades said as he magically produced the stone that Silver had been after.

Liam looked stunned, "It's the Eye of the Storm," Liam said.

"You deliver this to your KIng and he'll give you anything you want, including that Navy job you've always wanted. Your dreams can be fulfilled," Hades said.

End of Flashback

Alana walked out of the room she was in with Neal and Emma walked over to Alana.

"Hey, can we talk?" Emma asked.

"Sure," Alana said.

"Outside?" Emma said and they walked outside.

"What is it?" Alana asked.

"You're right I haven't forgiven myself," Alana looked at her, "But you are my little sister, I'm meant to be protecting you, not the other way around. Here you are trying to save me, everyone is even after... Even after I almost dragged them all here... I don't believe I need saving, but I don't want you to blame yourself either... After Hades is gone, you, me and Regina will all sit down and we'll talk," Emma said.

"Okay," Alana said and she looked over at Liam who was by the well.

"We need to talk to him," Emma said and walked over to him.

"Alright?" Alana walked over to him following behind Emma, "Find anything out here?" Alana asked.

"Alana," Liam turned to see them, "Emma. I'm afraid a ship's captain can only be cooped up for so long. I had to come out and get some air. What brings you both here?" Liam said.

"I wanted to show you something," Emma said as she pulled out the ring Alana gave back to Killian.

"Oh. It's the ring I gave Killian. I noticed he wasn't wearing it, then he was and now... You have in your hand," Liam said.

"Because I took it... He gave it to Alana, a few weeks back when she needed hope," Emma said.

Alana looked at Emma then Liam, "He told me that it belonged to a much better man than him. You're his hero. He doesn't think you can do any wrong... Which is why we can't figure out..." Alana said.

"Why you would lie to him," Emma said.

Killian walked up to them, "Liam, Lana, Emma, what's going on?" Killian asked.

"They think I lied to you," Liam said.

"He took the pages. We can prove it. Ask him to show you his hands. He's been hiding them since we got here" Alana said.

"That won't be necessary. I don't need proof to know what's really going on here," Killian said.

"Really? You seem pretty dumb as of lately," Alana said and Emma nudged Alana.

"Alana, when are you gonna admit that this isn't really about my brother?" Killian said.

"What else would you think it was about?" Alana asked.

"You and your sister," Killian said.

"Don't bring me into this," Emma said.

"Alana, you think if you can prove that Liam is a villain, then somehow me and your sister will feel less like one. Then you can convince your sister that she is worth saving," Killian said.

"Are you saying she isn't worth saving?" Alana said.

"No, I'm not saying that," Killian said.

"Why bring her back if she should just move on? After we defeat Hades, it's up to your sister, not you. Her fate isn't in Storybrooke. It should be determined here," Killian said.

Alana scoffed, "Wow... You know, before your brother was around you were all for saving Emma, saving others but the minute he's here... You are the Killian Jones I know," Alana said.

"Alana, this is me, but ever since you became the Dark One your moods have been all over the place and you haven't been thinking straight," Killian said.

"You know what... If Emma wants to move on, I want to hear it from her, not him," Alana pointed to Liam, "And certainly, not you," Alana pointed to Killian, "How about this, you go back to Stroybrooke, take the Jolly Roger and get the hell out of my way... Because I'm done with you, forever," Alana said and walked past him, rushing back into the Sorcerer's Mansion.

Regina and Neal looked at her, "Wh...What happened?" Neal asked.

Alana looked at him tearfully and walked away, "I got it," Regina said and followed after her.

Neal walked out and walked over to Killian, Liam and Emma, "What the hell did you three say to her?!" Neal asked.

"What do you mean?" Killian asked.

"She's nearly crying, Regina is trying to calm her down," Neal said.

"I'll go talk to her," Emma said.

"Yeah, maybe you should, because she's and all of us are here for you," Neal said and Emma walked back into the Sorcerer's Mansion.

"She's crying?" Killian asked.

"Yeah and I'm guessing, it's because of you," Neal said angrily.

"I'll talk to her, I didn't mean to upset her," Killian said and goes to walk inside.

Liam stopped him, "Let her go, Killian. It's for the best," Liam said.

"For the best?" Neal repeated in disbelief.

Killian noticed the ink stains on Liam's hands, "Your hand. You are hiding something," Killian said.

"Oh, so Alana was right... Shocker," Neal said.

"I didn't mean to upset her!" Killian snapped.

"You still did," Neal said.

"It's nothing," Liam said.

"It's ink from the pages, Hook," Neal said.

"The twins were right. Why would you lie to me?!" Killian said.

Silver walked up with his crew members, "Because... He's got much bigger secrets than what's in some book. Like the truth about what he did to us," Silver said as they surrounded them.

"Friends of yours?" Neal asked.


Killian was not attempting to steer the ship safely as they drew closer to the storm and the crew members were panicking more now.

"The storm is upon us, men! Raise the mainsail! Hurry! Look alive for your captain, men!" Killian turned to Liam, "You're just in time. We can't take this battering much longer. What course should I have the men chart?" Killian asked.

"Continue on our present course. Dead ahead," Liam said.

"Into the storm?" Killian asked confusedly.

"I'm afraid we've no choice. According to Silver's charts, there's rocky shores on either side of us! Trying to turn her around in these winds would tear us apart," Liam said.

"Are you sure?" Killian asked.

"I need your trust, brother. I want you to have this," Liam said as he handed Killian his ring.

"This is your lucky ring," Killian said.

"The one that always gets me home safe. That's how sure I am," Liam said.

Killian turned to face the rest of the crew, "Men! My brother, Liam, is a true hero! A better man and a better sailor than I could ever wish to be! I would gladly trust him with my life, and if he says that there's a chance that we can be saved, then he will save us! But we have to trust him. Are you with me?!" Killian said.

"Aye!" The crew said.

"Chart our course dead ahead!" Killian said.

End of Flashback

Amy and James left Auntie's Diner, they walked down to the street to the car.

"Stand here," James said.

"You going to leave me here?" Amy asked.

James chuckled, "No," Amy rolled her eyes as he got into the car and turned on the radio, "There," James said as he got out.

"Underworld has a radio station... Interesting," Amy said.

"I want to tell you something, something no one knows," James said.

"I really should be going back to my husband," Amy said and started to walk away.

"You made me feel like a normal man," Amy stopped walking, "Like I wasn't a prince or the son of someone who was like my father, someone who was worth spending time with," Amy turned to look at him and she sighed, "I know what I say means nothing to you, because it shouldn't. My father used your goodwill to help our kingdom, I deserved what you did," James said.

"Okay, who are you and what have you done with my ex-fiancee?" Amy said.

James chuckled, "Trust me, he's still here... I do want to make my brother pay," James said.

"Even though it wasn't his fault, no one chose who King George got," Amy said.

"Doesn't make it any easier... Do you remember... My 20th?" James said.

"You mean the dinner we had after you slept with Jack?" Amy asked.

"Uh, yeah, that one... Do you remember after the dinner?" James said.

"We argued, you want to argue with me again... I'm pretty sure I won," Amy said.

"No... Not that... At the party," James said.

"Oh... The dance? Oh... Oh! Oh! No! No," Amy said.

"Come on, one last dance, forever?" James said.

"Why?" Amy asked.

"For over 30 years I've felt angry and betrayed but when you're around... I don't know, I just feel normal... Don't tell Cruella," James said.

"Oh, you and Cruella? That... That's... Great," Amy said.

"You forced yourself to ay that didn't you?" James said with a grin.

"I did... Yep, she gave my daughter nightmares," Amy said.

"Come on," James held his hand out to her, "Then I'll take you straight to your husband and brother-in-law," James said.

Amy sighed and took his hand, he pulled her closer, "Fine, one then I'm going," Amy said.

James lifted their joined hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles as his other hand was on her back, "I know," James said and Amy placed her hand on his shoulder.

"This is weird..." Amy said.

"Close your eyes," Amy rolled them instead, "Close them," Amy closed her eyes and James closed his, resting their foreheads together, "Remember the music," James said and the two of them soon started to sway to the music in their memory and the music on the radio.

Killian, Liam and Neal were still at the well, while Silver and his crew stood off to the side.

"What trust is he talking about, Liam? What does it have to do with those missing pages?" Killian asked.

"Your brother is not the hero he pretends to be. I found that out when I stopped by his tavern for my usual drink. He had a rather... Unexpected guest... Hades," Killian and Neal looked at Liam, "Your elder brother, he traded our souls for the Eye of the Storm. Hades threatened to reveal the truth unless your brother destroyed the pages from that book," Silver said.

"Liam... Please tell me there's another explanation for this," Killian said.

"I'm sorry, Killian! But I didn't have any other choice. I had to do what I could in order to save us," Liam said.

"You lied to me," Killian said.

"And now the three of you are going to pay. Men!" Silver said.

The crew stepped forward and placed sacked over Liam's, Killian's and Neal's heads.

Killian grunted, "No!"

In the fire room, Neal, Killian and Liam stood on the edge of the ledge with the sacks over their heads.

"You can remove than now," Silver said.

Three crew members removed the sacks from their head, the three siblings looked shocked at where they were before the crew members retreated back to safety.

"It's time to walk the plank," Silver said.

"Why have I been dragged into this drama?" Neal asked.

"I'll gladly walk it. Just spare Killian and his friend, please. They have nothing to do with this," Liam said.

"Your drunk brother should've gone down along with the ship, like the rest of us and now he finally will," Silver said.

Liam looked at Killian, "I'm sorry, Killian. I wanted to be the perfect example for you both... To inspire you, to guide you back to normality from whatever world you were forced into," Liam said.

"All you did was raise the bar so high, the only thing I could do was fail," Killian said.

"No more talking! Time to face justice, boys," Silver said as his crew members laughed.

Hades appeared in blue fire, "Did someone decide to have a party and forget to invite me?" Hades said.

Silver turned to look at Hades and looked shocked, "Lord... Lord Hades," Hades blew Silver off the cliff into the fire, "No!" Silver screamed before he landed in the fire.

Hades chuckled, "And now for the Brothers Jones. One of them kept up his end of our bargain and gets to live, while the other helped his best friend's sister escape my dungeon and for that, he has to pay. At last, we'll see the end of Captain Hook. And this time, you won't be able to protect him," Hades said.

"No. I won't let you hurt Killian, no matter what kind of deal we made," Liam said.

"Fine. Have it your way, Liam," Hades said and blew Liam over the edge.

"No!" Killian managed to grab Liam's hand trying to stop him from falling, "Liam, please, hang on," Killian said and Neal grabbed Liam's arm, helping Killian to keep Liam from falling into the firey pit.

Outside, James pulled up the building that led to the firepit, "If you go in there, it'll lead you to the fire pit," James said.

"And why are they there?" Amy asked.

"I had to keep you busy... Someone wanted to make Liam pay, and with your husband being here... Well... They wanted them both," James said.

"You allowed someone to try and harm my husband?!" Amy asked.

"Like I said, your ex-fiancee is still in here... You should hurry before they're gone forever," James said and Amy rushed out of the car.

Back inside the fiery pit, Killian and Neal were holding onto Liam were was hanging off the edge, "I'm sorry, brother. Can you forgive me for what I've done?" Liam said.

"Yes, but that's not what's important. You need to find a way to forgive yourself," Killian said.

"I can't. Not after what I did to you both. The only way to make amends is for me to pay the price," Liam said.

"No. No! Liam!" Killian said.

Liam let go of Killian's hand and fell into the fire, "No," Killian exhaled sharply. 

Killian was shocked and he turned to face Hades with neal when the room became brighter and the other side of the bridge turned into the ocean with a ship. Neal and Killian looked at it, "What's happening?" Neal asked.

"You will pay for this," Hades said before he disappeared in blue fire.

Liam was now standing on a rowboat that was being lifted back up to safety by water, he was unharmed.

"Liam. You're safe," Killian said in relief.

"Yes. It appears I am," Liam chuckled, "I suppose this is a sacrifice I should have made long ago and now I can finally depart," Liam said as the boat docked him by the ledge.

Killian turned to the rest of the crew, "Then go. All of you. Now, that you finally know the truth, your unfinished business is complete as well. Get on board, men," Killian said and held the rowboat. The remaining crew members climbed into the small lifeboat.

Amy ran in, "Killian!" She called out.

"I'm fine, love," Killian said.

"I'm fine too!" Neal said as Amy rushed over to them and brought them both into a hug.

"I'm okay, I promise," Killian said.

Liam smiled at them, "Sister-in-law," Liam said.

"Hi again," Amy said as she let Killian and Neal go.

"You going to be okay?" Killian asked Liam.

"Yeah, seeing you married and happy with a family, that's all I've ever wished for you," Liam smiled, "And about Alana... Tell her I'm sorry and I was wrong. She does want what's best for you, I can see her being a Jones," Killian chuckled, "And don't worry about reaching that bar anymore, Killian. You've become a true hero in a way I never could. Goodbye," Liam said.

"Goodbye, brother," Killian said and they clasp hands. 

"Oh, and tell my niece her uncle loves her," Liam said.

Killian smiled, "We will promise... I think I know who to give your ring to... And the ship," Killian said.

"Excuse me?" Amy said and looked at her husband.

Liam chuckled, "I think you're in trouble, brother," Liam said.

"I believe so too, I'll see you again," Killian said.

"I know you will," Liam said.

Killian, Amy and Neal watched as the lifeboat took Liam and the crew members away. Amy linked her arm with Killians, "Had a good day?" Amy asked.

"I need to talk to Alana," Killian said.

"You do," Neal said.


The ship had become shipwrecked, Liam and Killian were the only survivors and they climbed onto dry land, coughing and panting.

A man approached them with some naval sailors, "Ahoy, there! By the king's name, what's happened to you two sailors?" The man said.

"We're survivors of the tempest... That plagues these waters," Killian told him.

"Let me guess. You went in search of the Eye of the Storm? If you ask me, you got what you deserved," The man said.

"You may be right, but that gem is no legend," Liam said as he was breathing heavily and he pulled out the gem to show the Captain.

The Captain looked at him shocked as he looked at the stone, "You found it," The Captain said.

"But how?" Killian asked.

"In the bedlam, my brother was knocked unconscious. I managed to swim us to a few planks of wood. Providence did the rest," Liam said.

"Young man, your brother is a hero. My ship will bring you to the king, who has offered a great reward for this stone," The Captain said.

"We do not seek wealth, only honour. Perhaps His Majesty might grant us a naval commission?" Liam said.

"Why wait for the king? I would be honoured to offer you both commissions on my ship. She's the flagship of the Royal Navy," He said and gestured to a navy ship, blue and yellow paint.

Killian looked at the ship, "She's very pretty. What's her name?" Killian asked as he smiled happily.

"The Jewel of the Realm," He said and the sailors turned and walked away.

"Thank you, Liam... For being the hero that I always wished to be. I won't squander this second chance you've given me," Killian said.

They chuckled before they followed the Navy Sailors down the beach.

End of Flashback

Alana and Emma were still in the sorcerer's mansion, they had been looking for Henry, Calla, Neal and Killian who had all disappeared. Neal, Amy and Killian walked in.

Alana looked at the two men breathless, "Neal, Killian, where the hell have you two been?! First you two and Liam left then Henry and Calla ran off somewhere!" Alana said.

"I'm sorry Lana," Killian walked up to her, "You were right about Liam. He destroyed those pages because of a deal he made with Hades years ago... A deal that almost got us thrown into that boiling sea," Killian said.

Alana rushed to Neal concerned and Killian looked hurt, "Are you okay?" Alana asked.

"I'm fine... I just got dragged into a situation," Neal said.

Alana looked at Killian, "And your brother, where is he?" Alana asked.

"He, uh, sacrificed himself, but his sacrifice helped a crew we once sailed with. They finally moved on, thanks to him," Killian said as he looked at her.

"Did he move on, too?" Emma asked.

"He did..." Killian looked at Emma, "Emma, you may not believe it, but you deserve saving, most down here do... If you want to move on, you can, but it has to be your decision," Killian said.

"Well, being with Alana and trying to keep her calm when everyone disappeared, it made me remember something," Emma said.

"What's that?" Amy asked.

"The sister I wanna be," Emma walked up to Alana, "It's time I start being her again... After hearing Hook, maybe I do deserve saving after all... I mean if one mistake determined everything in our family, we wouldn't be who we were... When we defeat Hades, I want to come home," Emma said and Alana smiled at her and they hugged each other.

Killian walked over to Amy, "So, do I want to know where you've been?" Killian asked.

"Catching up with an old acquaintance," Amy said.

"Anyone, I know?" Killian asked.

"No... But I have a feeling we're all going to see him again... I was just saying goodbye," Amy said.

"James?" Killian asked.

"Yeah, to James... But being with him made me remember something," Amy said.

"Yeah, what's that?" Killian asked.

"That I love you, more than I've ever loved anyone before," Amy said.

Killian smiled and pulled her closer, "I've not been myself since I've seen Milah and I'm sorry," Killian said.

"It's okay... When I was with James I couldn't get you out of my head... And I want to tell you something," Amy said.

"What's that, love?" Killian asked.

"Real love, true love, is so much better than fake love," Amy said.

Killian smiled, "Are you saying?" Killian asked.

"You're my second chance Killian, my second chance at true love," Amy said, Killian smiled before pulling her closer and they kissed.

"I wonder where our son has gotten to," Neal said.

"Calla's with him right?" Amy asked.

"Yeah," Emma said.

"They always are," Alana said.

Elsewhere in the mansion, Henry and Calla were looking for the pen, Henry found the pan and ink hidden in a lampshade.

Everyone was back at the Charming apartment, David, Mary Margaret, Amy and Killian were looking through the storybook.

Alana was getting herself a glass of water and Neal walked up to her, "Hey, you feeling better?" Alana asked.

"Mhm, yeah, I'll be okay..." Alana sipped the water and looked at Neal, "I'm sorry... I've not been myself since the darkness, I feel like I'm..." Alana said.

"Like you're... What?" Neal asked.

"Still fighting it... I go from being happy to being angry in a heartbeat..." Alana said.

"It's more than like grief over your sister," Neal stepped up to her and smiled softly, "I'm not worried about your moods, I went through the same when my papa told me my mama was killed by a pirate... Even though it was a lie, it was so real to me... I knew the signs, why do you think I half moved in with you?" Neal said with a smile.

"What did I did to deserve you?" Alana asked.

Neal smiled, "You were you, and this you right now, is a part of you, I've seen it and I love it, you, everything," Neal said and he pulled her into a passionate kiss.

Emma and Regina were sat on the couch talking, "So, you're coming home?" Regina said.

"Yeah, I'm coming home, and I was wondering... If you'd help me with something," Emma said.

"Anything," Regina said as she took her hand.

"It's too early for us to move in with each other, but would you help me find a place of my own?" Emma asked.

"If this, you and Alana becoming the Dark Ones and you dying has taught me anything, is that... That is too short if you want to move in... I have space for some red leather jackets," Regina said.

"Are you saying?" Emma said.

"When we all get home, I want you to move in with me, I do have a spare room if you feel it's too soon," Regina said.

Emma smiled, "I'd like that," Emma said and Regina smiled and they kissed.

At the dining table with Mary Margaret, David, Killian and Amy, "There's nothing in this entire book about hades," Mary Margaret said.

"Liam ripped out every page. On behalf of my brother, I'm sorry," Killian said.

"Maybe there's something else in here that can help us," Alana walked up with Neal, "Our storybook had all kinds of secrets in it," Alana said.

"Well, Henry's kind of the expert on storybooks," Neal said as Emma and Regina walked over.

"Where is he?" David asked.

"He's upstairs going full emo teenager," Alana said.

"But happily watching Calla," Neal said.

"And doesn't want to talk to anyone right now,"  Regina said.

"Well, maybe he just doesn't want to talk to his parents," David said.

"Have at it super gramps," Alana said.

David smiled and walked upstairs were Henry and Calla were sat on the bed.

"Hey, there. What's my favourite grandson up to?" David said.

"Nothing. Just thinking," Henry said.

"Mind if I think with you?" David sat on the bed and sighed, "So... What are we thinking about?" David asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," Henry said.

"Okay. Let's talk about me," He sighed, "I had a... Pretty bad day today. I learned that my twin brother resented me his whole life," David said.

"I thought he grew up a prince," Henry said.

"Guess he wanted something else, what I had... A loving mother," David said.

"Please don't make this a lesson," Henry said.

"Too late. See, some people would give anything to have a family like yours, Henry. Because, whatever's going on with you, you know you always have someone you can talk to. Or if you just want to stay up here and be a teenager, that's... Cool, too," David said and he stood up.

"I want my mummy," Calla said and climbed off the bed, before going downstairs.

David smiled at Calla and he walked over to the stairs, "Wait," David looked at Henry stood up, "I need to show you something," Henry said.

A few minutes later, Henry had joined the group downstairs, and he was telling them about the author's pen.

"The Authors pen? I thought you destroyed it," Regina said.

"I did, but that just brought it here. The Apprentice told me where it was I thought if I used its power, I could be a hero," Henry told them.

"Henry, what made you think you needed to do this?" Emma asked.

"At first, it was Cruella. She wanted me to use it to bring her back to life," Henry said.

"Why would you help her?" Alana asked.

"To help you," Henry looked at her, "She said you have all this guilt about killing her, and that's when I realised I have all this power and I ignore it. I just like in everyone's shadow. I want to be the hero instead of the one the heroes rescue," Henry said.

"I understand that, but that's not the way to do it," Alana said.

"I know and that's why I'm telling you now. I finally understand what the Apprentice meant. I'm gonna write the stories as they are and I'll start with Hades. I'm gonna use the pen the correct way... To re-created his story," Henry said.

"Hades went to a lot of trouble to keep us from learning his story," Neal said.

"Which means we're onto something," Regina said.

"Question is, what is Hades trying to hide from us," David said.

At Hades private chambers, he bent down by a smoky pool as he magically produced the pages that Liam had gotten rid of.

He looked at them and sighed, "Zelena... Our secret remains safe," Hades said.

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