Darkness [Neal Cassidy || OUA...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The darkness escaped the sorcerer's hat and has found a new host, Alana Swan. She is the new Dark One, can he... More

1 - The Dark Swan
2 - The Dark Swan
3 - The Price
4 - The Price
5 - Siege Perilous
6 - Siege Perilous
7 - The Broken Kingdom
8 - The Broken Kingdom
9 - Dreamcatcher
10 - Dreamcatcher
11 - The Bear and the Bow
12 - The Bear and the Bow
13 - Nimue
14 - Nimue
15 - Birth
16 - Birth
17 - Broken Heart
18 - Broken Heart
19 - Swan Song
20 - Swan Song
21 - Souls of the Departed
22 - Souls of the Departed
23 - Labor of Love
24 - Labor of Love
25 - Devil's Due
27 - The Brothers Jones
28 - The Brother's Jones
29 - Our Decay
30 - Our Decay
31 - Her Handsome Hero
32 - Her Handsome Hero
33 - Ruby Slippers
34 - Ruby Slippers
35 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
36 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
37 - Firebird
38 - Firebird
39 - Last Rites
40 - Last Rites
41 - Only You
42 - Only You
43 - An Untold Story
44 - An Untold Stories
Next Book

26 - Devil's Due

498 18 10
By bethanyjanebooks

Emma was being lowered closer to the pool of the River of Lost Souls when Alana, Neal, Amy and Killian ran in.

"Emma!" Alana shouted as she saw her being lowered some more.

"Oh my God," Amy said.

"Wait here," Alana said as she saw the narrow beam leading to the platform.

"Lana..." Neal said.

"I'll be back, I promise," Alana stepped on the beam, "Hang on! I'm coming, Emma," Alana said.

Amy, Neal and Killian watched as Alana always along the narrow beam, Alana breathed heavily and steady as she crossed. Alana almost stumbled and fell, Neal's eyes widened and stepped forward but saw Alana regaining her balance. She got onto the platform, just as Emma was about fall into the water, she reached out for her and pulled her to safety, helping her to sit up.

"I got you!" Alana looked at her sister bloodied and bruised face, "Oh, Emma..." Alana said.

Emma looked at her, "I told you to let me go. You shouldn't be here. Nobody should," Emma said weakly.

"I never listen," Alana said tearfully.

Emma gave her a small smile, "You're impossible," Emma said.

"I've been called worse," Alana said.

"I know," Emma said.

Alana chuckled softly before hugging, "You're safe now," Alana said.

Back at the boat, Mr Gold, Milah and Delilah were waiting for the others to return with Emma.

"So... You're married now. That's real," Milah said.

"Look, about your, uh, unfinished business..." Mr Gold said.

"As I said it's not Killian and definitely not you," Milah said.

"Then why..." Mr Gold said.

"It's Baelfire our son. I should have been there for him. Not... Punished him because I'd... Grown to hate his father. I was selfish. I thought if I could... Change that, do something generous... Maybe I could finish what I need to," Milah said.

"So you want to talk to him," Mr Gold said.

"Yeah, so I can really apologise to him," Milah said tearfully.

"He'll forgive you. I betrayed him, as well, a lot of times. He re-entered my life, and he forgave me and keeps trying to build something, but I always fail," Mr Gold said.

"That hasn't changed," Delilah said.

"At least I don't try to kill him," Mr Gold said.

"No, you try to kill his family, his love and deny it all... At least I owned up to what I did," Delilah said.

"So what is your unfinished business?" Mr Gold asked.

"Not being the aunt I always wanted to be... Not being able to serve my realm with honour. I'm here because I deserve to be here," Delilah said.

"I never thought I'd hear that come out of your mouth," Mr Gold said.

"I'm here for Delphinia's friends and family, you're here because... I'm guessing you lied again to your wife?" Delilah said and Mr Gold glared at her.


Fendrake was asleep and Rumpelstiltskin snuck in with the dagger. Instead of killing Fendrake as Milah told him to, he decided to just search for the potion that could save Baelfire and he accidentally woke Fendrake up.

Fendrake inhaled deeply, "Who's here?" He saw Rumpelstiltskin and recognised him, "You. I can kill you with a single spell," Fendrake said.

"Oh, I-I don't need a spell. I've got a knife! Rumpelstiltskin said as he pulled out the dagger and moved towards Fendrake but he doesn't strike.

"Then do it," Fendrake said.

Rumpelstiltskin toiled over it for a few moments but he couldn't bring himself to kill him, "I can't. I just can't," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Of course not," Fendrake said.

Fendrake got off his bed and Rumpelstiltskin sat down as Fendrake got him a glass of water and handed it to Rumpelstiltskin.

"Thank you," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"How much does your son mean to you?" Fendrake asked.

"Everything," Rumpelstiltskin said.

Fendrake held the potion out to Rumpelstiltskin, "Then you can leave here with the cure," Fendrake said.

"But I-I-I-I don't have any gold. I've just got a knife," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"There will be a terrible price to pay, but not in gold. If you're interested... We can make a deal," Fendrake said.

"I don't know much about deals, but... If I can save my son's life, I will trade anything," Rumpelstiltskin said.

End of Flashback

Milah, Mr Gold and Delilah were still waiting for Alana, Neal, Amy, Killian and Emma as they watched the River and the Lost Souls.

"They should be back by now," Mr Gold said.

"They all look so lost," Milah said.

Delilah and Mr Gold looked back at the lost souls, "Yes. Yes, they do," Mr Gold said.

Hades appeared and froze Milah and Delilah, Mr Gold took out his dagger and pointed it at Hades.

"Get your hand off that squiggly little thing. I'm not here to fight," Hades said.

"Yeah, well, perhaps I am," Mr Gold said.

"Oh, even when I'm here to talk about a deal," Hades said.

"A deal?" Mr Gold said.

"Let's chat," Hades said.

Elsewhere, Regina and Mary Margaret were at the cemetery, Mary Margaret was reading off a map as they searched for Daniel's grave.

"Thank you for coming," Regina said.

"Of course. I couldn't let you do this alone. Two... I found him," She looked at Regina who was looking away, "It's okay, you can look," Mary Margaret said.

Regina looked to see Daniel's headstone had been tipped over, "It's tipped. He's not... Here," Regina said.

"He's moved on. He's happy," Mary Margaret said as she patted Regina's arm before walking away, to give her some privacy.

Regina took a deep breath and she crouched down, "Daniel... I'm so glad you're somewhere better. But I'm also sorry I missed the chance to see you," Regina said as she placed her hand on the stone.

"You were my first love, Daniel, and you will always live in my heart. I just needed to know you were okay," Regina said.

Mr Gold and Hades were in Hades's chambers. Mr Gold was sat in a red leather chair and Hades handed him a glass of wine.

"You knew we were there the whole time," Mr Gold said.

Hades laughed as he was playing pool, "Yes, you betcha. You know, I'm a fan of yours I mean, there are Dark Ones and then there is you. You're quite the worthy rival to my hot throne," Hades said.

"So, is this how you treat rivals?" Mr Gold asked as he held up his glass of wine.

"Did I say 'rival'? I meant 'supplier'. You've sent so many lovely dead people my way. I mean, Regina does okay, but you've been at it longer and she's gotten, you know, ugh lately," Hades chuckled, "So, what I really need is you back up there doing your thing, and your friends... I want them down here, not doing their thing because frankly, they piss me off. So, I need you to sink that boat you found because it's their way out of here," Hades said.

"Well, I was gonna use that, too," Mr Gold said.

"No problem. I'll just wave my manicured hand and boom, you will be back in bed with Mrs Dark One by ten. You in?" Hades asked.

"Well, you can destroy that boat yourself, I have no doubt," Mr Gold said.

"I could do it myself, yes, but I want you to do it. So, are you a man I can do business with, or do I simply have to kill all of you?" Hades said.

"But my ex-wife and adopted daughter's aunt saw you just now. They'll tell everyone," Mr Gold said.

"I'm sure that's a puzzle you can solve. Now, just how eager are you to get home with your lovely wife?" Hades asked.


Milah was watching over Baeflire, who was slowly dying and Milah looked worried as she held her son's hand. The door opened and Rumpelstiltskin arrived home.

"Milah! I got it!" Rumpelstiltskin said as he held out the potion to her.

Milah looked at him happily, "You got it?" She took the potion, unscrewed the life and lifted it to Baelfire's lips allowing for him to drink from it, "Bae, drink it up," She and Rumpelstiltskin chuckled and she turned to look at him happily, "You did it," Milah said.

"I just thought about what mattered," Rumpelstiltskin said.

Milah stepped away from Baelfire and the nursemaid to talk to Rumpelstiltskin quietly, "Well, the healer... Do we have to go back and hide his body?" Milah asked.

"No, alive and well. Milah, this worked out better than we thought. I didn't even have to steal it," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Tell me more," Milah said.

"Well, I had him. He was half asleep, I had the knife at his throat, a-and then it came to me in a flash. I thought, i-if I kill to save my son, then my son grows up with a murderer, a monster as a father. Well, I-I couldn't do that," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"What are you talking about, Rumpel?" Milah asked.

"He gave me the cure because we made a deal. He wanted something else instead of gold," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"What did you give him?" Milah asked.

"I signed a paper promise him my second-born child," Rumpelstiltskin said.

Milah looked at him horrified, "You... You sold our child?" Milah asked.

"No. No, no, no. Th-That's it. I mean, I didn't. W-We don't have a second-born child. We just have to make sure we never do," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Because you sold them! You sold out future," Milah said.

"No," Rumpelstiltskin said.

Milah was heartbroken, "Our family, Rumpel..." Milah said.

"Papa?" Baelfire said as he woke up.

"Bae!" Rumpelstiltskin made his way over with Milah, "Oh, Bae!" Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Bae. Oh! Bae, you're alright," Milah laughed in relief, "You're alright. You're alright," Milah said.

"You go back to sleep," Baelfire nodded and went back to sleep, "Everything's gonna be fine. Oh, Milah. Bae can be all the future we need," Rumpelstiltskin said.

Milah was angry and upset, "Well... Thank you very much... For deciding the rest of my narrow, little life for me," Milah stood up, "I'm going to the tavern, Rumpel," Milah said then walked out.

End of Flashback

Mr Gold arrive back where Milaha and Delilah were still frozen, then he unfroze them and they looked confused and.

Milah looked confused and suspicious, "What the hell?! Hades was just here. What's going on, Rumpel?" Milah asked.

Mr Gold destroyed the boat, "Congratulations, Dearie. I've finally become the man you always wanted me to be," Mr Gold stood up and looked at her, "The one who takes what he needs," Mr Gold said and Milah looked at him scared.

Mr Gold looked at Delilah, "Too bad you will never serve your realm, terrible news," Mr Gold said and Delilah glared at him.

"Baelfire!/Delphinia!" Milah and Delilah yelled in unison.

"Milah! Delilah!" Mr Gold yelled as he used his magic to throw Milah and Delilah into the River of Lost Souls. 

Mr Gold inhaled deeply and purposely injured himself, "Hades!" He yelled as he heard footsteps.

Alana, Neal, Emma, Amy and Killian came out of the tunnel to just see Mr Gold injured.

"Papa? What happened?" Neal said and rushed over to him.

"Hades!" Mr Gold turned to them, "I tried to stop him. He blew my magic right back at me. Milah and Deliliah... I couldn't stop it. They're gone," Mr Gold said.

"Delilah was here? And Milah as in...?" Emma said weakly as Killian and Alana kept her upright.

"They helped us get to you," Alana said.

"Death changes people..." Emma said.

"Hades has much to answer for," Killian said.

"Indeed he does," Mr Gold said.

Elsewhere, on Main Street, Regina and Mary Margaret were walking through Underbrooke when they heard a horse whinnying and they both stopped.

"What was that?" Mary Margaret asked.

"A horse? Here?" Regina said and she looked around before noticing the horse laying down, it was her childhood horse she had with Daniel.

"What's wrong with it?" Mary Margaret asked.

"It's hurt. It can't stand," Regina said and she used her magic to heal the horse, it got up and trotted off.

"Regina, your magic. You did it," Mary Margaret said.

"I did," Regina said as she made herself a fire in her hand.

Mary Margaret watched her, "Regina, what are you going?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Just checking... I'm back," Regina said with a smile.

"And just in time," David said as he walked up with Robin, Henry and Calla.

"They've got her," Robin said.

Regina smile widened, "Where?" Regina asked.

"Mom and Dad's place," Henry said.

Alana, Neal, Amy, Killian, Mr Gold and Emma made it back to Alana's and Neal's house safely and were waiting for her others. Neal and Killian were keeping Emma standing straight.

The door opened and the others walked in, "Emma!" Mary Margaret said and hugged her.

"Ugh..." Emma groaned in pain.

Mary Margaret let her go instantly, "Sorry! Sorry! I... I'm sorry," Mary Margaret said.

"Emma," David said and walked over, he carefully hugged her and kissed her head.

"I'm sorry..." Emma whispered.

"Aunt Em," Henry said with a smile.

"Hey, kid," Emma said.

Regina saw Emma's injured, "Oh, Emma..." Regina said.

"Regina..." Emma said and she limped forward, Regina walked to her quicker and caught Emma before she fell.

"I've got you, I've got you," Regina whispered.

"I'm okay now," Emma said and closed her eyes, relaxing.

Alana smiled, "How did you do it?" David asked as he turned to Alana.

"Gold and Amy got us in, they got us help. He poofed us back here. He even had a boat to get us all back home. But it's... Gone," Alana said.

"What happened?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Hades attacked. We lost the boat and... We lost a friend and new ally," Killian said, Alana walked over to Neal and they hugged as Amy rested her head on Killian's shoulder.

Regina held Emma steady as Emma turned to look at Mr Gold, "I heard you took away my sacrifice. Everything I did to save my family all went to give you back your power. I should kill you," Emma said.

"Emma..." David said.

"Acknowledged," Mr Gold said.

"But..." Emma limped over to him, "You helped get me out of there, so I should say..." Emma said and David steadied her.

"Thank you. No need," Mr Gold said.

"Stay of execution. We're even for now," Emma said and held her hand out.

"I just wanted to get home. And yes, you're welcome," He took her hand and they shook, "Saviour," Mr Gold said.

"Well, we're sorry you lost her," Robin said.

"She made me who I am," Mr Gold said.

"I just found my mother... And she's gone," Neal said.

"Did you patch things up with her, dad?" Henry asked.

"Not the way I wanted to," Neal said.

"Okay, we don't have a way out, but we didn't have one before anyway. My magic's working now. So, let's do this heart split. That way, when we find an exit, we can get through it," Regina said.

Emma looked at Regina shocked, "Heart split?" Emma said.

"It's a good plan. It'll work. Trust me," Alana stepped forward, sighed and looked at Regina, "Do it," Alana said.

Regina went to remove Alana's heart but got repelled by magic, "Oh!" Regina said.

"What was that?" Neal asked.

"Interesting," Mr Gold said.

"What the hell?" Regina said.

"What is this? Why didn't it work?" Alana asked.

The group were at the cemetery, Regina and Emma stood together, Regina was supporting her and Alana and Neal stood together as the entire group looked at four gravestones which say; Alana Swan, Snow White, Delphinia Jones and Regina Mills.

"Hades told me to pick four names and chisel them onto the headstones. He said whoever I picked would remain in the Underworld. I refused," Emma said.

"Well, it looks like he did the picking himself," Amy said.

"What does this mean?" Alana asked.

"It means we're stuck here and now we can't use your heart to save Emma," Regina said as she and Emma looked at each other sadly.

"Well..." Mr Gold sighed, "I got the sister out in a day. But you lot managed to find a whole new way to fail. I'll be in the shop," Mr Gold said and walked away.


Rumpelstiltskin was now the Dark One and he was looking in his crystal ball and saw an image of him holding a baby, obviously many years in the future. He got up and disappeared in smoke.

Inside Fendrake's hut, Fendrake was organising his potions when a knock came on the door, he opened the door to see no one there but Rumpelstiltskin was already inside.

"Peekaboo!" Fendrake turned to him, "Some places never change, even after all these years. Wouldn't hurt to dust the chickens," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"I know who you are, Dark One," Fendrake said.

"Well, I imagine you do," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"You weren't like this before," Fendrake said.

"That's right. I was a mortal man then, and a moral one. A man in a desperate situation. And you took advantage, and I admire that a great deal. Full points. But I don't like carrying debt," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Unfortunately, Dark One, the contract is binding. Even if I wanted to change it, I couldn't. You owe me," Fendrake said.

"Rumpelstiltskin giggled, "I owe you! That's right, but... I can't owe a debt to a dead me," Rumpelstiltskin ripped out Fendrake's heart, "Now, I don't like debts but I do love a loophole," Rumpelstiltskin said as he crushed Fendrake's heart.

End of Flashback

Hades was reading a book in his lair as Mr Gold walked in alone.

"Oh, there you are," Hades said.

"I destroyed the boat. Now, send me home," Mr Gold said.

"Oh, thank you very much for that. It means so much to me that you took care of it. It shows passion. Was it terrible to do? I think you liked it," Hades said as he walked up to him.

"Stop fishing. I won't tell you that I liked it because I didn't. Not in any way that matters and I'll never do anything like that again," Mr Gold said.

"Wow, you really mean that. I-I'm blown away. Well, I suppose you're ready to go home now," Hades said.

"I'm glad," Mr Gold said.

"Good. Glad to hear it," Hades sighed, "Except... Things have changed," Hades said.

"No, no. A gentleman always keeps his deals. You have to keep..." Mr Gold said.

"Hey, I didn't say I wasn't keeping my deal. Sure, I'll send you home, just not today. Why, you ask? Because you tried to hide something from me," Hades magically produced the glass ball that Mr Gold broke earlier, which is now fixed, "Ah. Let's take a look at your Belle," The ball shows Belle sleeping, "So pretty. I mean, I've been watching her for hours, and she is simply darling. You put this crystal ball together so well. Using the eyeball inspired. And then, Butterfingers, you dropped it. Insane, after all that work. And I couldn't figure out why an image of your wife would affect you so strongly. So I did a little digging and a little thinking, and I realized you weren't trying to conjure an image of her, were you? You were trying to keep an eye on your son as you both had gone your separate ways when you came down here. You asked the crystal ball to show you your child, didn't you? So..." Hade said.

"No, no," Mr Gold said.

"This is an image of your child... Your next child. Belle doesn't know it yet, but... She's pregnant," He laughed, "And guess what. Hmm," Hades magically summoned Fendrake, "Remember him? You two had a contract. You tried to void it by killing him during a certain potentially baby-making liaison with your protege, the Evil Queen's mother, Cora. You rascal!" He chuckled, "Which seemed smart at the time, but it turns out death doesn't actually nullify a contract. Not down here. Because here he is. And... Here's the contract," He produced the contract, "Which he just signed over to me. So, just to be super extra clear, at any time, I can cash in the debt... And take your baby or your son's life and he died, just like he was supposed to all those years ago, he will suffer the same fate as the elder Saviour... All magic comes with a price... And now, Dark One, the price is... You work for me. And there's something I need you to do... That only you can do," Hades said.

Mr Gold looked at Hades shocked and surprised, both his children were in danger and he didn't know what to do.

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