Verbatim [h.s]

By harrysugar_png

778K 17.4K 40.4K

Underground, deep in the centre of London lies Verbatim. A super exclusive club that hosts elite rap battles... More

Ten *
Fifteen *
Seventeen *
Twenty *
Twenty-Two *
Twenty-Four *
Twenty-Seven *
Twenty-Eight *
Thirty-One *
Thirty-Three *
Thirty-Seven *
Thirty-Nine *
Forty-Two *
Bonus Chapter *


13K 292 544
By harrysugar_png

After our, well, time in the elevator, we both headed into Harry's apartment completely spent. For about an hour. Until we got horny and fucked again. And again. But then that was it, we truly were dead after that.

We had food and a shower then cuddled in bed.

Both of us seemed to completely forget about the events of the day and only now when we are cuddling in bed do we both seem to reflect on it all.

"What are you going to do about the note?" I ask, peering up at Harry from my spot leaning on his chest. We're both naked wrapped in the sheets, my body is leant half on Harry with my arm around his waist and leg hooked over his hip. He has one arm around me, stroking my side that keeps sending goosebumps all over my body and then the other is lying on my thigh, casually squeezing and massaging the flesh.

He looks down at me, breaking from the TV that is still playing Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Harry really likes it, although he argues the fact he isn't like Holt but I guess we agree to disagree.

"I texted the boys at the time and sent them a picture but I've been a bit occupied-" he reaches down and pinches my ass which makes me squeal and he laughs. "-by a certain someone so I haven't got them caught up on everything yet."

"Am I safe?" The words come out breathy as a moment of fear strikes me. Now the adrenaline is over, I don't feel safe. I mean yes in Harry's arms I feel the safest ever, actually as safe as I do in my family home but outside of these four walls, I'm scared the anxiety of leaving my safe space is going to be overwhelming.

Harry must sense it because the hand on my thigh, rises to hold the side of my head, his thumb stroking my cheek and I flutter my eyes closed.

"I won't let anything happen to you. Ever. You hear me, baby?" He whispers, his lips so close to mine.

"I hear you." I gulp and nod my head.

"Good, you've gotta trust me." He places a soft kiss on my swollen lips from how much kissing we've already done today and tonight.

"I do, with my whole life." I nod my head again, leaning forward to place another kiss on his lips.

"Who do you think it was following us though? The same as whoever left the note?" I ask.

"I doubt it. the note seems personal to you and the car chase, well I think it's to do with me."

"Who do you think it is then?"

"Zur, I don't want to get you involved in my mess. Just know that I will sort it." He seems short with me and I want to get the huff with him too but after today, I really don't. I'll let him have his way now but I won't let this go. I will find out what he knows.

"Will you tell me one day?" I murmur, trying to catch his eyes as he has moved to look back at the TV.

"One day." He murmurs back and I take it that that is the best I'm going to get.

For now.

The next morning, we both woke bright and early as Harry had lots he needed to get done considering what happened yesterday. His phone kept buzzing all night and he silenced it, dropping Niall a text saying he will update him tomorrow.

So today.

He dropped me off at work with a kiss and a see you later.

But I didn't see him later. He actually sent Zayn to pick me up, without Niall. It was nice speaking with Zayn and getting to know him more. I asked about the djing and rapping he did at Verbatim. He said how he and Liam were kind of famous in the whole scene although he hated the attention that came from it. Well with the ladies he didn't mind but with other gang members, he wasn't big on the whole 'oh my god you're a huge inspiration to me' because he doesn't know what to say back.

Zayn was saying how much he loves rapping though, he wishes he could do it more but that his role in the gang now was far more important. He may have murmured under his breath about maybe going professional once he's done with the gang.

I had to then ask about that, taking that as my opening, about how you can leave the gang if there were any terms and conditions. He told me that it wasn't like the mafia that you hear about with the whole you can never leave unless it's in a body bag kind of thing. If you have done your job and your leader, aka Harry says it's okay then you can leave.

Just once you leave you can never come back so you have to be sure you can handle yourself outside of the 666. You lose all protection and rights, all income and the only thing you take with you is your friendships but even then, if you talk about the gang outside of it in any way incriminating then you paint a large red target on your back.

Zayn had also told me how worried he was when Audrey and I first got introduced to everyone, as much as the 666 is open to the people knowing about them, he was concerned about how deep our involvements would be.

He said he could see how Harry was with me and didn't want him getting in too deep to the point where he would drag me in and risk the exposure of their inner workings. But he soon changed his mind when he saw how crazy Harry was about me, apparently, and knew that wouldn't be his biggest concern now. His biggest concern is me getting hurt and that really warmed my heart to know that Zayn, someone I have only known for such a short amount of time, I genuinely concerned about my safety.

In that car ride, I knew that these boys would protect me with all they had, I trusted Harry obviously but the others? I barely know them but having that conversation alone with Zayn told me more than anything. They're a family. And family fight for one another. They protect one another. And they love one another.

And I think I might just be a part of this family now.

Putting the key in the door, I turn the handle and before I can get the door all the way open it is ripped from me and a body is launched my way. Arms wrapped tight around my shoulders but I still stumble backwards with my hands held up in surrender. Only when I see a large sum of red hair in my face, and I puff out some air to get it away do I realise it is Audrey.

I instantly wrap my arms around her waist, balancing myself and hug her back, both squeezing for dear life and laughing because of it.

"I missed you, Zur." She pulls back, grabbing my head in her hands and placing a kiss on my lips.

"I missed you too, so much. Please don't leave me again." I pout jokingly.

"Oh I know you haven't missed me, and there's a certain Mr Styles I've got to thank for that." She rolls her eyes and walks back into the apartment. I follow in after, shutting the door and placing my keys on the table. Audrey throws herself down onto the couch with her arms behind her head.

Only now do I notice she is wearing light wash blue skinny jeans with some fluffy socks that have candy canes all over. And then on her top half, she wears her large oversized Christmas jumper that has a cringe-worthy snowman with a 3D nose on it.

"You better get yours on too. It's tradition." She nods her head, so I turn on my heel and head for my room.

When I got the Christmas décor out of storage, I also got our jumpers. I had led Audreys on her bed and mine too because I knew we would be wearing them. As she said, they are our tradition.

First-year of uni, we decorated our flat because no one else wanted too and so with our student sized bank accounts we headed out to find the ugliest Christmas jumpers to wear. And we've held onto them ever since, making sure we wear them every year.

This is our second Christmas in this flat, so when we did move out we did go and buy a proper Christmas tree and decorations instead of our shitty uni ones.

I exit my room wearing my jumper and a matching pair of light wash blue skinny jeans; my jumper has a large Santa Clause with a huge belly stuffed with fluff I presume. It's awfully ugly but that's the point.

Audrey laughs when she sees me so I strike some poses for her.

"God these never get old, now let's begin." She stands to attention, shouting for Alexa to play the Z & A Christmas Goldies playlist from Spotify. The first song to fill the space is Fairytale of New York, possibly one of the most iconic Christmas songs. Well in our book that is.

I left all our boxes of décor all over the living room floor with the tree already assembled in the corner by the TV. I hadn't put the baubles on it yet, obviously, just stuck all the branches together because we have a plastic tree, not a real one.

"How have your days away been there?" I ask as I take my seat beside Audrey on the floor, taking the first box and riffling through. This one is all our gold baubles.

"It was good, much needed. It was nice to get a fresh outlook on everything that happened."

"Yeah, and what do you feel now?"

"Stupid. I feel stupid that I ever stayed with him after everything-"

"Hey, no you're not stupid Audrey." I stop what I'm doing to look at her with a stern furrow on my eyebrow but she doesn't match my stare. She keeps her eyes on the box in front of her that has a bunch of tangled lights for the tree. "Please don't blame yourself, you were manipulated and abused. There is nothing to feel stupid about."

"I know Zur, it's just how I feel though. I will get past it eventually but it is just a part of the process I guess." She shrugs her shoulders. "God, I'm going to need some wine if we're going to be talking about his."

"Well lucky you." I climb up off of the floor and head to the kitchen. "I went shopping, got us our favourite White Zinfandel and snacks." Grabbing two wine glasses and then the bottle out of the fridge, I head back to where we were sat, places them on the coffee table.

"You're the best, you know that right?" She gushes, snatching the bottle and getting it open in record time.

"We're not getting drunk, chill. And yes I do know that thank you very much."

"I know, I just need to take the edge off that's all."

I'm not pushing on the matter, I know Audrey can handle her drink. If anything I'm saying it for myself. We're not on Friday just yet and the last thing I need is a hungover day at work, especially on a Friday when it will be busy.

"Have you spoken to Tim at all?" I wince when even saying his name. I haven't seen him or heard from him since then which I'm glad. I don't know what I would do if I saw him. I am kind of dreading going back to Verbatim, if I do again because he will obviously be there. And I will not be friendly.

Not at all.

"I had a weak moment but let me explain first." She clarifies just as I went to say something but I soon closed my mouth. "I messaged him a huge ass paragraph, I said how much I loved him and trusted him." My frown deepens. "How happy he had made me but I also went on a rampage of anger with a lot of tears, saying how much he hurt me and that I will never forgive him. There is nothing he can do to ever get me back." She takes a deep breath.

"Well, I'm proud of you, that must've been hard to do."

"Yeah, it took me a good 3 hours to write and rewrite." She nods.

"Did he reply?" and I see her visibly gulp. "What did he say, Audrey?" I can feel the anger bubbling inside of me.

"He said, and I quote, we will see about that."

"What?" I explode shouting a little too loud as she winces so I calm down immediately. "What the fuck? You should've told me."

"I'm telling you now, I don't think he means anything by it." She tries to play it off, standing to her feet moving towards the tree with the lights.

"I know but Aud, I need to tell Harry. That was a threat."

"An empty one." She deadpans, I go to argue back but she sends me a stern look. "Now can we stop talking about he who shall not be named and get back to our Christmas festivities?" She raises her eyebrows. I want to push it further but I know it's pointless. I make a note in my mind to tell Harry, I will not let Tim anywhere near her ever again. and I know Harry won't either.

"Fine, have it your way stroppy pants." I laugh, lightening the mood and walk over to her to grab the lights too. We work on the tree, getting the lights around it which ended with me around the back of the tree getting trapped between it and the wall and I couldn't get out.

I started getting claustrophobic and was close to tears but Audrey laughed too hard recording me saying she was going to show Harry. That led to me screaming you better fucking not and then when I eventually got out from behind the tree without knocking it over, I chased around the apartment trying to get her phone. I managed to tackle her to the floor with a loud thud that we both groaned at and then I saw she had already sent the video to Niall.

"Traitor!" I screamed and threw the phone onto the couch. Audrey laughed rolling on the floor, tears streaming down her cheeks as she held her belly. "It's not fucking funny Audrey." I tried to scold her but my laughing broke through and eventually both of us were in tears and sat on the couch watching the video back.

It was funny.

Although I know Niall will show Harry.

And that's embarrassing.

Within the hour, the tree is fully decorated with an array of gold and white baubles and thankfully all the lights are working. Audrey gives me a piggyback so that I can put the star on top of the tree, she is tall enough to do it but I am not and I want to be involved. Also, I don't think I could give Audrey a piggyback, not to say I'm weak but... I am weak. So there's that.

"Now it's Christmas." I cheer once the star is on and Audrey lets me down to the ground again.

"Yeah babyyy." She cheers throwing herself onto the couch to watch the tree. "Can we put a film on now?" She whines.

"We haven't even put up the other decorations yet." I laugh sitting beside her, also watching the tree as the lights twinkle. There really is something magical about Christmas.

"Fine, then can we watch a film?" she looks to me, laying her head on the back of the couch and I nod. "I vote on-" she drags out the word on as she squints her eyes, obviously thinking. "-The Polar Express." She smiles brightly.

"Good choice,-" I sing as I climb up off the couch, patting her thigh. "Let's get the kitchen done and then we can watch and order some food." Her smiles grow as she jumps up, grabbing the box titled kitchen and rushes into there.

We begin hanging the different garlands and the wreath, along with some smaller things like the ceramic Santa cookie jar and our matching mugs from the Christmas markets.

"How're things with Harry going?" Audrey speaks as she stands on the dining room chair to hang one of the garlands.

"Good yeah, we err-" do I tell Audrey about the car chase and note? I don't want to scare her. I also don't want to worry her about mine or her own safety. but she is my best friend, the closest thing I have to a sister. So I know I have to. "- we were actually in a car chase." I try to pass it off non chalantly but Audrey spins around, standing on the chair which wobbles and I shoot forward to still it before she falls.

"You what?" She shouts so loud I have to cover my ears.

I begin telling her about the whole ordeal with the note, which she had to climb off of the chair and sit on with her mouth held open the entire time I was speaking.

"Yeah and then Harry shot at his car and made him spin out so we could get away." I nod my head.

"Holy fuck-" She whispers loudly. "Sorry, but did you just cast in an action movie or something? That shit is mad."

"I know, I don't know what my life has become." I take a seat at the dining room table.

"Who was it? The same as the note or-"

"No clue, Harry said he's going to look into it. Could be two separate people just coincidentally happened on the same day." I shrug my shoulders.

"That's a pretty big coincidence. Are you okay?"

"I wasn't but I am now. I trust Harry to figure it out."

"I suddenly don't feel safe here though." She looks around the apartment, shivering slightly.

"Really?" I ask.

"You do?" She frowns.

"Well, I mean yeah kind of. You're here."

"Yeah but Zuri, someone got to our apartment without us authorising it. The note was stuck to the door. They know exactly where we live." I don't even know why I hadn't really thought about that. just like the flowers that day, with the other note, they were straight to our door without any approval from our side.

"Shit, you're right. What're we gonna do?"

"Find somewhere else?"

"We were lucky to get this place at this price." I huff out of annoyance. I hadn't felt unsafe in this home and when Harry and I had argued over it, I thought Audrey would've felt the same. "Harry did say he was going to have some men tail me. Maybe I could ask for security on the door instead?"

"I don't really want some men I don't know hanging outside my door."

"I know but if what if we move and then the same person finds us there anyways. They clearly know their way around to get to us without anyone stopping them."

"They must already live in the building." Holy shit. She is right. They must. Or know someone that does.

"Fuck you're right. I think we need to get out of here."

"Yeah, we do." She nods.

"Can we wait till the new year? It's going to be mad trying to find somewhere new during the holidays."

"Okay, but we get Harry to perch his men on the door until then? I'm sure I could handle that for a month." Audrey nods her head.

"Yes okay, I will talk to Harry tonight then and get it sorted. Fuck Aud, I really hadn't thought that far into it."

"Why hadn't you? You got a creepy note covered in blood claiming you're theirs. How have you not thought more into it?" She questions me like I'm crazy, and truth be told I have no idea why didn't. I think it was just a lot going on at once and then with the car chase I didn't exactly have time to ponder.

Only now I do.

And now I am freaking out a little.

"I don't know Aud, I'm overwhelmed I guess."

"It's okay, we will just stick together yes?" She comes over to me, pulling me to my feet and hugging me.

"Yes, always."

We finish decorating then order some food, burgers to be exact. The Polar Express is playing, we've changed into our matching Christmas pyjamas which are red and have tiny little deers dotted all over them. I grabbed two blankets and laid them out over us whilst we feasted on some chocolate and wine before our food arrived.

"Did Tim ever talk to you about Amsterdam?" The thought popped into my head and the words were out of my mouth before I knew it. Audrey turned her head looking at me puzzled.

"No, what's going on in Amsterdam?"

"Harry mustn't have invited him then. Harry and the boys are going there between Christmas and new year, well they're staying for New Year's eve."

"Is it for work or pleasure?" She winks at me.

"Both I think."

"And you're worried about letting little old Harry out in the wild with the single lads on the red light district."

"Actually no I'm not." I laugh. "He invited me to go too."

"Really?" She's surprised.

"Really. And I think I am going to go." The surprise on her face grows more until she is just blinking at me.

"You. You, Zuri Michaels, are going to go to Amsterdam with your none boyfriend and his friends." This makes me laugh loudly.

"Yes, and I want you to come too."

"Are you allowed to invite me?"

"I'll say we're a package deal if Harry argues otherwise." I shrug my shoulder.s

"You must think you have him wrapped around your little finger-"

"What? No-" I begin to interrupt her but she interrupts me first.

"Which you do by the way and I am totally down. I need a vacay."

Shaking my head, I ignore the Harry comment, "Okay good because I don't want to be outnumbered with all that testosterone, plus you know I hate clubbing and I have a feeling they're going to drag me out."

I hadn't really thought much into it purely because I know if I do then I won't go. And I want to. I want to travel and see more of the world, and I want to do that with Harry. He makes me safe so if there was anyone I truly wanted to do it with it would be him.

I trust Audrey too, I really do but she doesn't and can't offer me the certainty that can protect me. She there emotionally and that is enough but Harry has manpower and experience with violence, I know I can trust him to fight for me and protect me if needed.

Well, I hope I can.

"How's it going with the whole gang and gun things with Harry? Didn't think you'd last this long if I'm honest." She reaches forward to pause the film, clearly, we're having this conversation now.

"I mean it's not my preference of career for the guy I'm dating but it doesn't seem to get in the way."

"Have you seen his gun?" I don't know why but I blush instantly. I know she didn't mean it as an innuendo but I instantly think of his cock and then what he said about fucking me with his actual gun. And now I'm thinking about being fucked by Harry and I'm horny once again.

Good going, Zuri.

"Not that gun, jeez what has he done to my sweet and innocent best friend?"

"Stop now, nope I'm fine-" I try to convince myself and her. "I have seen his gun, yes, and it didn't scare me."

"Did it not?"

"Nope, I know I'm surprised too. Niall pulled one out the other night and it freaked me the fuck out, I nearly ran the hell out of there but Harry came and hugged me and suddenly everything was... okay you know." Audreys face is soft and the eyes she is giving me are screaming Aw.

"I'm so happy for you, Zur." I see tears rising in her eyes but I will not let her cry so I pull her forward into a hug.

"Thank you, we will find you your prince charming."

"I don't know if I want prince charming, I think I want whatever you have."

"Well, harry certainly is no prince."

"No, he is not." We both laugh together and then are interrupted by the buzzer, I get up and go over to hear that our food has arrived.

Another hour passes by and we've eaten our food, finished the movie and now we're getting wine drunk.

I said I didn't want to get drunk.

But here we are, music blasting from the speakers. Were dancing and singing. Laughing and crying. We're having fun. And I've missed this.

"Oh my god let's ring Niall and Harry," Audrey shouts jumping onto the kitchen counter, still dancing to the music. I am on the dining room table, completely feeling myself with the music.

"Why?" I shout back but not really focusing on the conversation.

"Why not?" She giggles and carries on dancing, I watch her as she reaches into her back pocket and slides her phone out. She clicks a few buttons then she shouts, "It's ringing." She hops off of the counter and saunters over to me. I climb off the table and lean over to see her screen to see that she is face-timing Niall.

It rings for a long time and for a moment we think he won't answer but then a gorgeous head of blonde hair fills the screen with piercing blue eyes.

"Well hello, there ladies." He sings through the phone which makes us both laugh. "Are you two drunk?" he smirks.

"Nooo." We both drag out at the same time, looking at one another and then back to Niall laughing again.

"That's a yes, I thought you weren't getting drunk tonight sweetness." I frown at the pet name, my name is Sugar-

"Yes well, plans change." Audrey gushes as a blush reaches her cheeks. Oh shit. Sweetness is her nickname. Holy shit. I really don't know how close these two are.

"Wait are you two fucking?" I shout before I can even process the words, my hand flies to my mouth covering it with wide eyes.

Audrey goes very red and gives me some very aggressive looking eyes and I hear Niall laugh wholeheartedly.

"No, we are not." She emphasises the not.

"Not yet," Niall says with a cough, Aud spins her head to him now glaring his way and I see him hold one of his hands up in defence. "Joking, joking." But ends it with a wink which she rolls her eyes at.

"I see." I nod my head winking at both of them very obvious and they both laugh. "I invited Audrey to Amsterdam with us." I blurt out.

"Oh really? Does Harold know?"

"Does Harold know what?" I hear Harry in the background. There's loud music and then a door shuts and it's silent again. they must be at the club and by the looks of it, now my blurry eyes focus it seems that they're in his office.

"Audrey and Zuri are on facetime, come say hey." Niall turns his head to the side presumably talking to Harry and soon enough, his beautiful face fills the screen beside Niall.

My heart begins beating so fast and I can't tear my eyes from him. His hair is down and tucked behind one ear, he seems to be wearing his silk shirt that is opened to his mid-chest. His ivy green eyes seem to be staring right back at me as he smirks and I visibly gulp.

Fuck I am falling so hard for him.

"Hi baby." He slurs and I literally melt.

"Hi." I squeak nervously then step away from the camera, looking at Audrey for help. I don't know why I'm suddenly nervous but I feel like a teenager again, seeing her boyfriend for the first time.

"Where'd ya go?" Harry laughs and so does Niall.

I grow my eyes wide at Aud and she laughs a little but covers it up, "She's gone for a wee." She says casually but I speak before I realise,

"No, I haven't." She looks at me as if to say what're you doing. "I err- I stubbed my toe ow." I bend over as if they can see me and rub my toe.

"They can't see you Zuri, they don't know that you actually haven't hurt your toe." Audrey rolls her eyes then they grow wide as she announces that I am in fact lying.

"Audrey!" I shout.

"Zuri what are you nervous about?" Harry's deep voice comes through the speaker.

"I-err- I'm not. I'm fine." Straightening my back, I step back into the frame and he instantly smiles.

"Is it because of that video Audrey sent Niall?" He asks and I furrow my eyebrows confused and then it clicks.

"Oh, my fuck." I cry out and throw myself onto the couch, out of sight and they all laugh at me. "Stop laughing at me." I scream into the couch which muffles the sounds.

"Right I need to get back to doing my job and so does Niall," Harry speaks and my heads pops up off the couch.

"Bye have fun!" I shout.

"Don't I get to see your face before I go?" I know he is pouting without seeing.

"Put that bottom lip away right now-" I hear them all snicker. "I will call you later."

"Yeah, I bet you will." Niall remarks.

"Niall!" I scold him.

"Okay, okay I'll speak to you later my little pocket rocket."

"Bye Harry." I hear him walk away, the music comes on over the speaker and then the door closes.

"Just you and me now baby." Niall then purrs over the phone and Audrey's eyes grow wide as we both look at each other.

"Niall!" It's now her turn to scold him as she runs off into her room.

"Audrey Cole, you better not be sexting Niall Horan right now!" I shout through to her.

"Never!" I hear her then a giggle.

Oh god, what have we gotten ourselves into?

//Aw I just love their friendship so much.

Audrey and Niall- thoughts?

We've added one more to the party in Amsterdam. You guys aren't ready for what's going to go down there.

Also, I've gotten a lot of new readers so hey there, welcome to Verbatim. I hope you're enjoying your time here!//

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