Girlfriend Corporation

By IntoItCC

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Shin Ryujin.. the epitome of a perfect girlfriend. Would teach you a lot of things; including how to love. A... More

Girlfriend Corporation: One
Girlfriend Corporation: Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Ten
Girlfriend Corporation: Eleven
Girlfriend Corporation: Twelve
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Fourteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Seventeen
Girlfriend Corporation: Eighteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Nineteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty One
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty One
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty One
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Two
Gilfriend Corporation: Forty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty One
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty One
Hello, beautiful people.
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty Five

Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Six

818 48 54
By IntoItCC

GFC Thirty Six

Lee Chaeryeong's Point of View..

(This was the whole phone conversation where Yuna eavesdrop. Lol.)

After I finished picking the dress that I was going to wear on Lia's birthday, I walked down to the kitchen to drink some water. I need to replace the gallons of sweat that I've released the whole afternoon. I kind of understand Lia's mother for making such a fuss over this. I mean, she's their only daughter. I get the intent on showing off.

What I don't understand about them was the feud and the lack of support towards Lia's genuine happiness. It was just a mess. But anyway, it was none of my business. I'll just let Ryujin handle it.

What I should be thinking about now was how am I going to impress Yuna. I've been doing a lot of things that disappoints her. And it wasn't in the contract to hurt her.  It was frustrating for my part as well. I'm not used at being torn like this.  My ethics are being all mixed up. My emotions are getting the best of me these past few days. And I don't even have the guts to tell Ryujin. She has enough on her plate. I don't want to add up on her problems.

And also, I don't want to tell her that right now. I don't know how she's going to take it. I don't want to lose the only person who was always been there for me all my life. I don't want to lose another best friend.

So I dialled the President's number. It's been a while since I talked to her and the last time that we had a conversation, it was also about me and Ryujin. I don't know how the president's brain works. Mina Unnie and her was nothing alike when it comes to a lot of matters. It was odd to say the least. Like Lia and her Mom. It was disgusting how money can make people have that much greed that they would disregard their own loved ones' happiness. Aside from we're nothing but an employee for the president and not her loved ones. I'm talking about her and Mina Unnie. We're just an employee. An employee who makes a lot of money for the corporation.

But.. I'm more worried about entirely something else. And I know the president can answer some of my questions.

After a few rings, the president picked up. Good thing that I have her personal number not her secretary's hotline.

[Ms. Chaeryeong, what a surprise.] Her voice was laced in boredom and the authoritative tone was there. No wonder most people are scared of her.

"Hwang Yeji. Do you know that she attends the same school as us?" I asked without beating around the bush.  It went quiet on the other line for a few seconds  and I heard her hissed.

[That's the reason why you called your boss, Chaeryeong?] I heard the familiar cold tone again.

"I just wanted to know why you didn't tell us.." I pressed irritated.

[Does she know?] I know that she was talking about Ryujin. She was so obsessed with Ryujin that she's willing to do all the measures that she can do to make her stay at the corporation.

"No. Ryujin doesn't know. And I don't have plans on telling her.. at least not now.." I answered annoyed.

[Why? Don't you think she deserves to know?] The audacity of this.. how dare she just say that when she already know about it even before sending us at the university.

"She's coping up with it, okay? I won't ruin it for her this time." I answered back extremely annoyed.

[Oh. What a very nice thing for a best friend to do. You are a real sweetheart, Chaeryeong-ssi.] She said her voice overwhelmingly sarcastic.

"Do you think this is just some bullshit for you? You're playing with my best friend's life! Because of what? Fucking money?! How much do we owe you? Enough to mess up with my best friend's head? I won't let you, okay? I swear.."

[You swear what? Are you now really going to do something for your best friend? Or this is just another empty threat? I've had enough of this.]

"No. This isn't a threat nor an empty one. This is a mere warning."

[Should I be scared?] Then she freaking chuckled. I swear, I'm doing my very best not to drive off to the company and push her off from the 26th floor where her office was located.

"Sure. After my contract with Yuna, I'm quitting.. And I'll drag Ryujin with me.." I muttered through gritted teeth.

[Do you really think that Ryujin will leave the corporation just because you told her to? What kind of sorcery can you do, Lee Chaeryeong?] I know how precious Ryujin is to the company. She's the one who brings them most money anyway. I come second but, it never come close to what Ryujin's future 'clients' give off to the company. Most people who are after Ryujin are as obsessed as Hyunjin. They would literally pay every single penny they have just to have a chance with her.

"You think I'm not capable of bringing Ryujin with me? I'll just have to do my best to convince her that you're fucking with us." I said mimicking her sarcastic remarks.

[Oh, please. Do you think Ryujin is stupid? She knows. Trust me. No matter what you do, it would be in vain. A futile try. And you think I would let you leave? Not gonna happen.] I heard her chuckled.. madly. This woman, was obsessed.. with money.

"You can't stop me." I disagreed strongly.

[You think so? You think I can't? You think Ryujin will leave the company that helped her through all of the mess she was in before? The person who gave her shelter? The person who gave her all that she have right now? A good life for her daughter and for herself? Ryujin will not agree with you to leave, Chaeryeong. She's not as shallow as you.] I chuckled at her comeback. Me? Shallow? Pfft. I was naive back then. And Ryujin has prided herself not to accept any help from me. I would have gladly lended her all the things that she needed to survive and live with Zephora.

But.. there are also things that I've never regretted when I entered Girlfriend Corporation. And it was Hwang Yeji. The original reason why I've called her was because of Yeji.

"No. Ryujin might not agree with me but.. I'll make sure of it. And if I have to pay for all of the things you've helped her with, I would. You can just tell me how much." I pressed obviously stressed out. I even was pulling my hair while speaking to her. She has the audacity thicker than Donald Trump. And she has the pride deeper than the Mariana Trench.

[You sure does know me well, Lee Chaeryeong. But I can't and will never accept your offer. Ryujin is only 21. She still has a lot more years in the corporation. She would bring more money than all of you combined. I know you know that. Especially when you're not as open and adventurous as Ryujin.] She was mocking me. It was as obvious as daylight. She thinks I'm a prude when Ryujin never even slept with any of the people that the president hooked her up with. Ryujin can give anyone a slight smile exclusive for them and they would literally pay thousands of won for it. That's how the corporation works.  But of course, sleeping with them is a whole lot of another thing. A lot more money is involved. Though, Ryujin is not like that. She knows her limits but the president thinks otherwise; she thinks that Ryujin was sleeping around that's why a lot of people donates at the poll on the corporation's site. It's not Ryujin's fault that she had such huge impact on all of those people to kneel after her.

"I only agreed to be an employee in your corporation because--"

[Because Ryujin signed up, right? And as a very good best friend, you joined as well. Because you don't want to leave her alone by herself considering her situation. And then you enjoyed the attention from people.. and you realized that you would get to date Hwang Yeji even if it's just for three months when you sign under the corporation. Right?] I felt my eyes widened and I bit my trembling lip. I don't know why I'm embarrassed. I know why I'm nervous at the mention of Yeji and I though.

"How much do you fucking know? Seriously, I'm telling you politely to fuck off. I'm not playing this time." I was about to cut off the call when I heard her speak up again.

[You don't have to worry about Yeji showing up in Ryujin's face. Mina talked to her before you two transferred at their university. No need for you to be so worked up about it, Chaeryeong. You can have her all to yourself. But, I just want you to know that none of you two are getting away from the corporation. There's no way in hell I would let that happen.] Just like that, the line went quiet without me even having a wittier comeback. 

With a heavy breathing, I sat down on the chair in front of the dining table.

It's starting to make sense why we've never ran into each other all this time. Considering the fact that their building was just next to ours. I've made my own investigation though. I found out that she's in Operations Management and Supervision department. That's all I've garnered earlier though. I don't want to know everything about her. Not anymore.

I just want to know some things. If fate was playing with us again.. I don't know if I would be able to get over it. Again.

Hwang Yeji, when will you make my life at ease? As I'm genuinely thinking about Yuna.. you have to enter on the picture.. and I want to know why? Does the heavens really hate me about what I did before that they won't let me live a peaceful life?

But.. I can't keep on thinking about her. I have to worry about Ryujin this time. And how we're going to terminate our contracts on that damn corporation after Yuna and Lia. I have to do this for Ryujin. She deserves to get free from all of these, Chaeryeong-ah. She deserves a break from all of these bullshits.

I sighed heavily. But then, I was startled when I saw Yuna pulled out a chair in front of me diverting my attention to her. She smiled worriedly after she sat down. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Just thinking about something. Do you want to go out? I can't breathe at these people in here." I answered swiftly. It was true. All of these people around the apartment was making me dizzy. So much for the preparation for Lia's birthday.

"I still have to help Lia Unnie, I'm sorry. You can go out alone if you want?" Yuna replied with an apologetic smile as I nodded in understanding.

"Okay. I understand. I'll go out for a few minutes, okay? Call me if you need anything." I said as I stood up and walked towards her. Planted a swift peck on her cheek. As I was about to storm off the kitchen, Yuna called for me.

"I think you'll need this." She said and throw something on my direction. Thanks to my quick reflexes, I managed to catch it. And I smiled as recognized the car keys of Lia's car.

"Did you just let me borrow a car that wasn't yours in the first place?" I chuckled and smiled endearingly.

"Quiet. She wouldn't need it anyway." Yuna playfully answered. I smiled genuinely at how adorable she was. But, these days, she look more grown up as she cut her bangs and settled on her black wavy hair. She's definitely stunning.

"Thank you, love. I'll be right back, okay?" I bid goodbye and walked off the apartment.

Before entering the car, I sighed and looked back at the apartment thinking about Yuna and I after this. Is there a chance for the both of us? Honestly, I'm confused as heck. Especially now that I'm going to need a certain someone's help.

And that certain someone.. is Hwang Yeji.

Lia's Point of view..

"Mommy!" I hastily turned around to see who Zephora had addressed that. And yeah. The child ran up to Ryujin and hugged her legs. Ryujin bent down and picked up Zephora and walked back towards me.

My eyes bulged in shock. And my nerves had even surpassed through the roof. My heartbeat was probably that loud that it echoes around the corridor. Did I heard it right? Did the child just called Ryujin 'Mommy'?

Who's this child? And who's Heejin?!

Ryujin looked at me but walked past me and addressed the Heejin girl who was smiling cunningly. Ryujin was slightly taller than her so she was slightly looking up when they came face to face.

"What are you doing here? I told you to take care of Zephora on the mean time." I overheard Ryujin scolded Heejin. They weren't that far away from where I was standing so I can easily hear their conversation.

"What's the meaning of mean time for you? Whole two months or until your contract with your current client expires? I have a life as well, you know?" Heejin replied slightly annoyed. Seriously, I'm so lost right now I couldn't even blink.

"That's all what I'm asking you, Unnie. What kind of life do you seriously have? Get your a--" Ryujin contemplated and looked at the child on her arms. "If your life means getting drunk every night and flirting with all of the living creatures, you have to create a new one. I'm serious, okay?" I saw Heejin rolled her eyes and put her arms up in surrender.

"Chill, sis. You're starting to sound like Mom." Heejin chuckled humorlessly. And.. oh. They are siblings? For real?! "I'm sorry. My exams are next week and I haven't reviewed anything. And I haven't drink a drop of alcohol since you left Zephora with me. Calm down. I'm busy with my books so.. and I kind of need money. Hehe."

"Seriously? Where does the profit of your books going?" I can hear the slight irritation on Ryujin's tone.

"She buys me pizza every night, Mommy. She even bought me a bike and tons of crayons and books. We're doing some shopping every weekend and she brings me to other far places." The little cutie on Ryujin's arms bragged enthusiastically. "We even went out of town when you also did." The toddler whispered on Ryujin.

"Unnie, I told you not to spoil her." Ryujin scolded her older sister who just shrugged off and chuckled. It's weird. It's really strange. And I can't wrap my head over the situation that I am in. I couldn't absorb this information right now. I just can't.

"I'm having a real hard time saying no to her. She's too cute. She's totally a toddler version of you, Ryujin-ah." Heejin chuckled and looked over me. "Oh. I forgot about your girlfriend. You're.. Choi Lia, right? Again, I'm Heejin. I'm Ryujin's older sister. We've been meeting each other at ArtStuff." The attractive woman said as I walked towards them. Ryujin looked at me as well but.. I noticed that she was.. a little bit nervous?

"Ah. Uhm. Yeah. I'm.. Ryujin's girlfriend." I awkwardly introduced myself and took a side glance at Ryujin.

"Mommy, your girlfriend is really pretty!" Zephora squealed excitedly and cupped my cheeks using her tiny hands. It was too endearing and she was too adorable and irrestible. She has the distinct whisker dimples of Ryujin. Damn.

This isn't a dream, right?

"How old are you, cutie pie?" I asked with a genuine smile.

"I'm three." She replied while holding up three fingers. Ahh. That makes sense. "Your smile is so pretty. Can you be my Mom too?" I felt my smile slowly faltered and my eyes widened in shock. I look at Ryujin who looked genuinely.. anxious now. She was biting her lower lip and she was sweating.


"O-of course." I answered swiftly cutting off Ryujin's failed protest. I know it was a very dangerous territory. I know that I shouldn't have said yes and let Ryujin handled it. But.. there was this little tiny feeling of courage inside me that said to intrude. To get more involve with Ryujin's life. To get to know her. To get closer.

I know should've been drawing more lines not to cross right now since there's only less than a month left on our contract. But.. you know that slightest hope? That slightest hope that keeps on telling me to hold on just a little bit more and wait. Because eventually..

Eventually what, Lia? Do you honestly think that Ryujin and you will happen if you do all of this? You're just making the matter more worse. The chance of you getting hurt at the end is getting larger and larger. Have you completely lost your mind?

And there's that contradiction inside my head that I've been constantly getting ever since I've confessed to Ryujin that I like her. It was getting out of hand. And out of my head. I couldn't seem to take a grasp on it. It's invading my whole system. Sometimes, I feel like I'm dreaming only not to be awaken. And to know that I'm forgetting about our whole ordeal most of the time is just an evidence that I'm going insane.

"Zephora is right. Your girlfriend is really pretty, Ryujin." I looked at Heejin who was smiling endearingly at me. I offered a shy smile not knowing how to respond on her complement. Geez. She's really pretty. Ryujin is pretty and no doubt that this little cutie would grow up a heart breaker as well. Without her even knowing.

"I know." Ryujin smiled sadly at me. It was a strange sight. Ryujin carrying a three year old on her arms. Never once in my imagination that I would see the day Ryujin on this situation. I've never expected her secret to be this..

To be what, Lia? To be that disappointing? I looked at Zephora and thought that she's not a disappointment at all. She's out of this. She's innocent. She doesn't know how adults lives works. And.. she's too adorable.

"Okay. Goodluck on your exams, okay? Thought you'd be here to watch me." Ryujin chuckled and leaned in to hug Heejin who also giggled.

"Geez. I really do need that luck, Jin. I'm not as smart as you." She said after backing away from the hug. They really have a good relationship with each other.

"Pick Zephora up after your exams, please. I have a lot more things to do at the corporation." Ryujin then take a look at me for a second and drifted her gaze on Heejin once again.

"Sure. Try not to traumatize Zephora then." Heejin looked at me and Ryujin with a smirk plastered on her face. "I remember when--"

"Hey. I told you not to say anything like that when Zephora's around." To be honest, I've never thought that Ryujin was younger than Heejin. The first time I've seen them together outside the ArtStuff, I thought they were.. more of ex lovers or something. And the way Ryujin acted when I saw them was just like earlier. Now I understand why she never mentioned it again.

If I've never looked for her today, I would have never find this out because she's going to avoid this subject at all cost. And I understand the intent. Ryujin doesn't want me to get involve too deep. I don't know if that's a good thing or the latter, worse.

"Don't say something about what when I'm around?" Zephora tilted her head to side when she asked the question. It was the same habit as Ryujin when she's genuinely curious about something.

This is starting to sink in.. and make sense.

"I told you not to interfere when adults are talking, right?" Ryujin softly said and kissed the child's cheek. I couldn't even bring myself to call her.. her daughter. Zephora whole heartedly laughed and kissed Ryujin's cheek as well. They were endearing to watch to be honest. Not until you realize that Ryujin had her when she was freaking 18.

Why I have said that it's starting to make sense? Because her first client was a guy.. right? And she was 17 that time. She started working at the corporation when she was in high school and Chaeyoung said that she became a test run subject without her knowledge. So, when she was just starting, Ryujin also had that 'pretend' client. Which I ended up in the conclusion of the girl that she confessed that she have dated when she was in high school. The girl that liked her for a while and eventually she ended up 'liking' as well. Then her first client backed out, which was the guy. And I assume that they didn't finished the three month contract was because.. Ryujin got pregnant.

Sorry. Even in my mind, it sounded messy and kind of ridiculous. But, you get my point, right? That's why Hyunjin became her first official client. Her second one, I've yet to meet. I wonder what kind of person she is. And I don't know if.. wait. I also remember Ryujin saying that her first relationship became her second official client as well, right? Who could that be?

But, I think she would be an unnecessary piece in Ryujin's life. I doubt that she's an important part of Ryujin's past. Or was it just a wishful thinking because I can't handle all of these information at once? Seriously, if I get to know Ryujin's second client, I just hope that she's different from Hyunjin.

And another question that is living inside my head. Where's Zephora's father? When we were dealing with Hyunjin, Mina mentioned that when Hyunjin found out that Ryujin's first client was reaching out as well, she threatened him too. Gosh. My head is throbbing by these new found information. I don't know what to think about first.

What makes it more worst is this feeling deep within me.. I don't know how to explain. It was all mixed up. But I can feel the subtle.. pain. Not for myself but for Ryujin. Imagine being an orphan having to deal with all of these things alone. She said that the corporation helped her through it. Was it a good thing?

You can't be selfish about this, Lia. Of course it was a good thing. Ryujin wouldn't have survived until now without the help of GFC. And you? What did you do for Ryujin until now? Slap her face? Push her off the floor? Boss her around? You've never been any of help to her, Lia. Just accept it. Accept the situation and accept Ryujin. That's the least you can do.

"Considering the time you've spaced out, I think some of your questions were already been answered by that pretty head of yours." I snapped out of my train of thoughts when I heard Ryujin's soft voice. I looked around the corridors to see that there's no one but just two of us. I think they're all at the gym now but, where's Zephora and Heejin? "I told them to watch at the gym first. I'll catch up on them later." She added when she noticed me looking around. I looked at Ryujin who was plastering a soft smile. "Mind to accompany me somewhere else more private? We still have three more hours til' lunch and before the games start."

I looked at Ryujin straight in the eyes and noticed the subtle hint of sadness on her eyes. She looked just as conflicted as me or far more than me. Ryujin looked.. devastated and I don't know why.

Ryujin quietly held my hand and walked around the building where the wood benches was located. The same table where we used to hang out when Yuna would ask for my help on her plates. The place where she casually watch me draw and would give me the ridiculous chocolate drink that has a drawing of a dog that look like Snoopy. Why the fuck was all of our memories together in this certain place was flashing before my eyes? I hate seeing these kind of signs.

I let go of Ryujin's hand and sat down on the table instead of the bench in front. I looked over at Ryujin who slowly walked towards me and sat in front of me. So I was slightly towering over her. Especially when she has her head down. Her shoulders defeated and the obvious frustration was hovering her being. I can feel the heavy air just by looking down at her.

Now I regretted being so nosy. I now know why she was desperate on hiding so many things about herself. She doesn't want anyone to find out about her past. Was that because she was.. ashamed of it? We all did our fair share of mistakes before but, I really don't want to consider Zephora as that. I can see and feel that Ryujin loves her so much. The way she was holding the kid earlier was the most precious thing I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing. She was holding her delicately as if she was scared to even cause a scratch.

But at the same time, it was a heartbreaking sight. Ryujin's continuous fidgeting was unpalatable. I bit my lip and slowly lifted my hands to put it over Ryujin's shoulder blades. That's when she looked up at me. And I've never expected to see her on that kind of state.

She was biting her trembling lower lip like me, and her eyes was glistening from tears. I've been holding back my emotions as well. The lump on my throat was getting harder and harder to resist the more I look at Ryujin's face. Slowly, I pulled her towards me and engulfed her on a tight hug.

And it just exploded. Ryujin's sobs was so heartbreaking to hear. The way she was clinging to me so tight just proved that she was also holding it in all this time. And I can feel my shirt getting soaked from her tears because she was burying her face on my chest. I couldn't help but cry with her. I just don't know what to say to ease her pain. To console her. To make her feel a little bit better.

I don't know. But one thing for sure.. "I'm here, Ryujin. I'm here."

Do you hear that sound? That's the sound of my heart breaking for Ryujin and Lia. Lol. Jk.

Anyway, thoughts about the turns of events?


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