Darkness [Neal Cassidy || OUA...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The darkness escaped the sorcerer's hat and has found a new host, Alana Swan. She is the new Dark One, can he... More

1 - The Dark Swan
2 - The Dark Swan
3 - The Price
4 - The Price
5 - Siege Perilous
6 - Siege Perilous
7 - The Broken Kingdom
8 - The Broken Kingdom
9 - Dreamcatcher
10 - Dreamcatcher
11 - The Bear and the Bow
12 - The Bear and the Bow
13 - Nimue
14 - Nimue
15 - Birth
16 - Birth
17 - Broken Heart
18 - Broken Heart
19 - Swan Song
20 - Swan Song
21 - Souls of the Departed
22 - Souls of the Departed
23 - Labor of Love
24 - Labor of Love
26 - Devil's Due
27 - The Brothers Jones
28 - The Brother's Jones
29 - Our Decay
30 - Our Decay
31 - Her Handsome Hero
32 - Her Handsome Hero
33 - Ruby Slippers
34 - Ruby Slippers
35 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
36 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
37 - Firebird
38 - Firebird
39 - Last Rites
40 - Last Rites
41 - Only You
42 - Only You
43 - An Untold Story
44 - An Untold Stories
Next Book

25 - Devil's Due

573 18 5
By bethanyjanebooks

Emma was still sitting on the floor in Hades's lair as Hades stood in front of her, waiting for her to chose who stayed in the Underworld.

Hades sighed, "Oh, come on. All you need to do is choose four of your friends and family to stay here. Carve their names. What's the problem? Is it the chisel? Not the Saviour's style or writer's block?" Hades said.

Emma threw the chisel on the ground, "I'm not doing it," Emma said.

"I must say... I'm not angry. I'm disappointed," He walked to Emma and leaned down, "And on second thought... I'm angry. I guess it's off to solitary," Hades grabbed Emma by her hair and she screamed in pain as she was dragged onto her feet, Hades led her to the River of Lost Souls where a boat waited for them, "Now, listen carefully. This is the River of Lost Souls. Tough it and it will make you lost. Reducing you to a mindless, tormented husk. So please, keep all arms and legs inside the boat," Hades said.

Meanwhile, at the pawnshop, Mr Gold walked inside, "Father?" Mr Gold called out as he closed the door.

Mr Gold walked further into the shop, only to discover a piece of parchment with a note written on it, he picked it and began to read it.

"My son and daughter... This shop is yours to do with as you both wish. And my offer stills stands. Use what's in the case when you two want to accept it and we can be a family again. Your father."

Mr Gold picked up his father's old flute and examined it. He put the flute door then locked the door before he walked into the back to a brewing substance in a black pot. He opened a jar that contained fluid and an eyeball, and poured the fluid away before walking over to the bubbling potion and dropped part of the pan in, followed by the eyeball. He turned and picked up a glass ball and held it over the potion.

"Show me... Show me those I seek," Mr Gold said.

The glass ball revealed Neal and Alana, helping to clean up Charming's loft after the Cerberus attack. Neal brushed his hand through Alana's hair, getting something out of it, they smiled at each other before David interrupted them and they continued to clean the loft. The image changed to Belle having lunch with Leroy and after a few more moments, Mr Gold dropped the ball and it smashed and he scrambled to the ground, trying to gather the smashed glass.

"Oh, no! Oh, Belle. Oh, Belle," Mr Gold said.

At the Charming's loft, Alana, Neal, Henry, Amy, Killian, Calla, Regina, Robin, David and Mary Margaret were cleaning and examing the damage that was left behind by Cerberus.

Regina was holding an arrow, "Found more arrows," Regina said.

Robin sighed and walked down the stairs, "You do not want to see what the hell dog did upstairs," Robin said.

"So, we think we're ready?" Alana asked.

Mr Gold walked into the apartment and looked at the group, "What are you doing?" Mr Gold said.

"We're gonna get Emma. What's it look like?" Neal said.

"We know Hades will have her in some sort of isolation. Meg told us there's an entrance nearby," Amy said.

"So, all 45 of you are gonna slip down into the deepest level of detention in the Underworld. Hades knows you're here. He'll have put up barriers to keep the living out of all the places he doesn't want us going. You walk into his domain, you'll all be puffs of dust," Mr Gold said.

"So, we get a new plan," Alana said.

"Correct. Eight of you occupy yourselves as you will. Perhaps cleaning?" Mr Gold turned to Alana and Neal, "You two and I will go in with the assistance of a helpful dead person. I can extend their aura if you will so that three living souls can get through Hades's barrier," Mr Gold said.

"Wait a minute. Yesterday, you hid in your shop. Today, you're gonna lead the charge to find a man that you hate?" Neal said.

"Yeah, because I...I realised that if I don't step in, we are never gonna get home and I want very much to get myself home to my wife," Mr Gold said.

"Okay. So, how do we get a helpful dead person to loan their aura so we can confront the god of the Underworld himself?" Alana asked.

"You leave that to me. I've got someone in mind. Someone I've known a long time," Mr Gold said.

"It won't be just you three, I'm going to," Amy said.

"I can only extend aura to two people," Mr Gold said.

"You think you're the only person who knows dead people? I have another in mind, I'll meet you on Main Street," Amy said.

"Who?" Neal asked.

"You'll see," Amy said.

"You're not going into Hades's lair without me, love," Killian said.

"I'll be fine," Amy said.

"Yesterday I wasn't with you and you spent some of the day with Pan, and you still won't tell me why," Killian said.

"Fine," Amy looked at Mr Gold, "Oh, and if you're bringing who I think you're bringing, I'm definitely going to be there," Amy said.

"And who do you think I'm bringing?" Mr Gold asked.


Milah was carrying an armful of sticks, whilst Rumpelstiltskin followed behind her, limping, and Baelfire was carrying a net to catch frogs and butterflies with.

"Milah. Milah! You don't have to be doing this yourself. I said I would help," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"You said that. And somehow, it still didn't get done," Milah said.

"Well, I was chasing dragonflies with the boy," Rumpelstiltskin said and Baelfire walked away.

"Did he protect you from the big ones?" Milah asked.

Baelfire walked away, having heard enough of his parents arguing. He came across a snake and curiously, he bent down to look at it.

"I know my leg slows me down around here, but I...I can do better. I can change," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"You're never going to change, Rumpel," Milah said.

"I can. I can be whatever you want me to be," Rumpelstiltskin said.

Baelfire was now reaching out to touch the snake and the snake in return was poised in a threatening manner, ready to bite him.

"Just go play with the boy. That's one thing you can do, at least," Milah said.

Baelfire screamed in the distance, "Bae! Bae?" Rumpelstiltskin and Milah ran around the bush to see Baelfire on the group in pain. Rumpelstiltskin knelt with Milah and rolled him over, "Bae what's wrong, son? What's wrong?" Rumpelstiltskin asked.

Milah heard the snake hissing and she used a rock to kill it as Rumpelstiltskin examined the snake bite on his son's hand worriedly.

End of Flashback

Amy and Killian were walking down Main Street following a cloth with blood on it.

"Did you really have to cut yourself?" Killian asked.

"I'm healed, stop worrying my darling husband," Amy said.

"You're being sweet... Who have you picked?" Killian asked.

"I'm always sweet and her," Amy said and pointed to the elementary school to a blonde woman.

Killian looked to see Delilah, "The woman who tried to kill you?" Killian questioned.

"Tried being the keyword in that statement," Amy said.

"How do you know she will help us?" Killian asked.

"I'm very scary when someone threatens me and my daughter," Amy said and walked ahead of him.

"Aye... That I know," Killian said and followed her.

"Been a while... Aunt Delilah," Amy said.

Delilah turned around and looked at them, "Considering you tried to kill your niece, finding you here... Is..." Killian said.

"Ironic," Amy said.

"Is it?" Delilah looked from Killian to Amy with an amused smile, "Who'd thought you be down here," Delilah said.

"Aww, jealous? Well, don't be, I'm not dead unlike you, now you are going to do as I ask or I'll send to a place worse than here... And as... An old acquaintance of your ruler, I'd suggest you listen," Amy said.

"You still haven't told me about how you know the God of Death," Killian said.

"Oh, it's a boring story," Amy smirked at Delilah, "So, are you listening?" Amy asked.

"What's in it for me?" Delilah asked.

"You're in Underbrooke, not passed into the shadows like our race does... You help me and I will take your soul back home and you will be absorbed into the shadows, just like everyone before us... Your choice," Amy said.

Delilah sighed, "I'm listening," Delilah said.

"We're here to save Emma, you remember her?" Delilah nodded, "You're going to help us save her from Hades," Amy said.

"Thought you were friends with him, why steal from him?" Delilah asked.

"Acquaintances are not friends and traitors are not family, you going to help or not?" Amy asked.

"Just because I hate this place and want to serve my realm," Delilah said.

"Good answer," Amy backed up, "Besides I might need help holding someone back as I beat them to a plump," Amy said as she turned, walking away.

"Who's she beating up?" Delilah asked.

"With your niece... It's a long list," Killian said and they followed her.

"Who's dead that's on the list?" Delilah asked.

"Aside from you? A lot of people," Killian said.

Elsewhere in the underworld, Milah was getting ready to help kids cross the road when her eyes landed on Mr Gold who was standing on the sidewalk waiting for her.

Milah didn't look happy to see him and he waved to her, "Morning, Dearie," Milah didn't reply as she stepped onto the road and assisted the children to cross safely, "Don't worry. I'm not dead. Just visiting," Mr Gold said.

Once all the kids had crossed, Milah walked over and stopped in front of him, "How'd you find me?" Milah asked.

"You are standing in the middle of Main Street, so, you know... I must say, I do love the irony of your job. You watching children, keeping them safe, keeping them close," Mr Gold said.

"What do you want?" Milah asked.

"I have an opportunity for you. An to assist the man you once loved," Mr Gold said.

"You?" Milah said surprised.

He scoffed, "I'm talking about Killian Jones," Mr Gold said.

"Killian... Is here?" Milah said in shock.

"He's assisting people very dear to him and he's here to save his best friend's sister, who is receiving some, uh, special attention from Hade. I need to retrieve the sister," Mr Gold said.

"I'm supposed to watch the kids," Milah said.

"Well, they're dead anyway. It's quite simple, really. Can you stand helping me if it lets you see him, one last time?" Mr Gold asked.

Elsewhere, Emma was travelling in the boat and she looked up at the entrance to where she was being sent.

After a while, she was chained up over a pool of the River of Lost Souls, she was raised up as Hades was walking on the platform below.

"Now, I want you to think about why you're here. You tried to escape. You freed another prisoner. You refuse to do what I ask, and do you know the most important reason?" Hades said.

"You love the sound of your own voice don't you?" Emma said with a strained voice.

"Hope. You and your colleagues brought contraband, hope, into my world, and that is strictly forbidden. And despite some... Creative beatings, I still see hope in your eyes. Now, I would like that to be one before you reach the water," He lowered Emma with his magic so they were eye-level, "You have interfered with my carefully cultivated existence, so... I am going to hurt you. Then I'm going to collect your friends and family and hurt them. So there's going to be no one left to save you," His hair turned into blue flames, "Feel free to go mad," Hades said as he walked away.

On Main Street, Alana and Neal were stood waiting for Mr Gold, Amy and Killian and the two dead people they had chosen.

"Why am I nervous?" Neal asked.

"Because your father and sister are choosing two people to help us and we have no idea who they are picking to help save my sister. All we know they hate Emma, betray us and Hades finds us and kills us all," Alana said.

"Wow... Great hope speech," Neal said.

"I'm sorry..." Alana sighed, "I'm just... I think your nerves as contagious," Alana said.

"Nerves are contagious," Neal said.

"Then please explain why I feel so..." Alana said.

"So, what love?" Killian asked.

Neal and Alana turned to see Delilah, "Are you kidding me?" Neal asked.

"I offered something she truly wanted and I can give her it... She won't betray me, not while her soul is on the line, right?" Amy said.

"Yes High Enchantress," Delilah said.

"That doesn't help my nerves," Neal said.

"Nervous, mate?" Killian asked.

"What gave it away? His sweat or pacing?" Alana asked.

"I'm not sweating," Neal said.

"Yet, but if you keep pacing, you'll be sweating buckets," Amy said.

"Hook?" Neal said.

"I'm not getting involved," Killian said.

"Also known as he's on his wife's side," Amy said and smiled the she kissed Killian

"And his best friend's," Alana said with a smile.

"And I thought you and Emma were a terrible duo," Neal said and Alana chuckled taking hold of his hand.

At a distance, Mr Gold and Milah were stood together watching and listening to them.

Milah looked at Amy in shock and surprise, "Her?" Milah asked.

"Yes, her. She's the wife. Come. Let me introduce you," Mr Gold said.

"Wait... Who's that blonde and that other man?" Milah asked.

"Oh, that's right...He looks different to you. Come on," Mr Gold said as they walked over to them.

"Who are they?" Milah asked in a whisper.

"Miss Swan?" The five of them turned to see Mr Gold and Milah, "There's someone I'd like you to meet," Mr Gold said, Neal and Killian, looked at Milah in surprise.

"Milah," Killian said.

"As in..." Alana said.

"The cow who abandoned Bae," Amy said as she looked at Milah in anger

"My mother..." Neal said.

"Miss Swan, this is Milah, my ex-wife. And Hook's ex-lover. She's also Baelfire's mother, of course. Alana knows Baelfire," Mr Gold gestured to Neal, "As Neal. They had a torrid affair, which resulted in a scandalous teenage pregnancy. In prison. Alana is also Hook's best friend, I believe he views her as a little sister. And Hook's now married with a child, his wife is," Mr Gold gestured to Amy, "Delphinia," Mr Gold said.

"As in the farmers..." Milah said.

"Yes... The farmer's daughter, my adopted daughter who also ended up being my sister... That's another story that will never be told," Mr Gold said.

"It wasn't a horrid affair," Neal said.

"This is entertaining," Delilah commented.

Milah looked shocked, "I'm a grandmother?" Milah asked.

"I'd say would've been, to be a grandmother you have to be there," Amy said.

"So... You're with my son," Milah pointed to Alana, "Had a child out of wedlock and..." Milah pointed to Amy, "You're with my former lover and have a child in wedlock?" Milah asked.

"Is wedlock actually that important?" Alana asked as she looked at Neal.

"When I was a kid, yes," Neal said.

Milah turned to Mr Gold, "Is that right?" Milah asked and Mr Gold nodded.

"This is not helping," Neal said.

"Baelfire... You..." Milah said but stopped when Neal looked away and rested his head against Alana's, gripping her hand.

"He goes by Neal now," Amy said.

"Delphinia," Milah looked at her, "You were just a baby when I last saw you... You've... Grown up," Milah said.

"Don't talk to me, you bloody-," Amy said.

"Phinia," Killian said.

Amy forced a smile, "I'm fine, I'm fine," Amy said.

"I'm sure we're gonna laugh ourselves sick about all this one day," Mr Gold said.

"I want to punch you in the face," Amy said.

"Don't you always?" Mr Gold said.

"Yes," Amy said.

"Why bring someone who tried to kill you?" Mr Gold asked.

"Why bring someone who cheated on you, abandoned their son... But... That is both of your things, though right?" Amy pointed between them, "I see the attraction you both had... Yes, you're both similar, find something that means more to you than your children, power for papa and a pirate's life for Milah... No... Not even that  just getting away from Papa, is all you wanted right?" Amy said.

"Phinia, calm," Killian said as a gently pulled his wife backwards into him.

"This... Uh... This is all very... Strange, and complicated and I'm sure a lot of things are wanting to be said and asked and yelled and faces to be punched, but my sister is in danger, can we get on track, please? Then you all can talk, ask, yell and punch without her soul in danger," Alana said.

"Fine," Amy said.

"Okay, babe," Neal said.

"Aye, love, whatever you need," Killian said.

"Thank you," Alana said.

"Follow me, before it gets even more awkward," Mr Gold said and he walked away with Milah.

"Too late," Neal said and the others followed them.

Meanwhile, Regina walked into Granny's Diner alone, and she was looking for the Blind Witch. She walked up to the counter, where the mute maid was working.

"Hey, where's your boss?" The mute maid signalled to Regina that she didn't know where Hades was, "No, not some deity... Your boss here. The Blind Witch," Regina said and she noticed Cruella trying to sneak out the back.

"Nevermind," Regina chased after Cruella and managed to catch up with her, "You," Regina said.

Cruella sighed and turned around, "Hello, Darling," Cruella said.

"You can help," Regina said.

"I can? I mean, of course, I can," Cruella said.

"Tell me about the graveyard. I need to find someone," Regina said.

"Oh, it's just a chat you want. Well, if you're looking for someone, simply use your magic," Regina stayed silent, "Oh. Having trouble, are we? Magic's a little tricky down here, isn't it, darling? Let's sit down and be civilised," Cruella said.

Alana, Neal, Amy, Killian, Delilah, Milah and Mr Gold were making their way towards Alana's and Neal's house.

"The way is in here?" Neal asked.

"So, what, the gates of hell are in our house?" Alana asked.

"As was the Stone of Excalibur. My son has a knack for targeting real estate with hidden value," Mr Gold said.

The seven entered the house, it was abandoned, a baby cradle was in one of the room, with a stuffed toy bear and tiger underneath.

"My cot..." Alana said.

"The unicorns... Are... Adorable," Killian said.

"The cobwebs really bring it all together," Delilah said.

Amy chuckled softly, "Basement door?" Alana asked as she looked towards the door.

"Basement door," Mr Gold said.

Neal walked up to the door and he unlocked it, opening it, then attempted to put his hand in but he got repelled by magic and turned to Amy, Delilah, Milah and Mr Gold, "It's a barrier, alright. So, what are they going to go?" Neal asked.

"Joining hands?" Amy asked.

"Joining hands will be fine," Mr Gold said.

The seven of them joined hands and Milah entered first, followed by Mr Gold, Alana, Neal, Delilah, Amy and then Killian. Milah and Delilah had successfully got them through the barrier and into the tunnels of hell.

"It worked," Alana said.

"Indeed. One step closer to Hell," Mr Gold said.

Unknown to them, as they descended deeper into the underground tunnels, the basement door closed.


Milah and Rumpelstiltskin hurriedly approached a man, who was looking at pots on a table.

"Ex...Excuse us. Fendrake the Healer? S...Sorry to bother you, sir. I-It's our son. Oh, my... We... We... We left him at home, thinking it might be too dangerous to move him," Rumpelstiltskin said.

Milah reached into her bag and pulled out the dead snake that bit Baelfire, "We need the antidote to this," Milah said.

"Atlantean rat snake. It's a 24-hour poison. Your boy will die tomorrow," Fendrake said.

"No! No," Rumpelstiltskin said in distress.

"Unless you're willing to use magic," Fendrake said.

"Magic! We... We'll pay anything! What magic?" Rumpelstiltskin said.

Then inside the healers' tent, Milah and Rumpelstiltskin watched as Fendrake picked up a small vial of potion.

"There is a potion to cure your child. It's very rare," Fendrake said.

"How much?" Rumpelstiltskin asked.

"100 gold pieces," Fendrake said.

Minutes later, the doors of the healers' hut banged open and Milah and Rumpelstiltskin walked out, not looking happy as they began to walk away.

"100 gold! We won't see that in our lives," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"No, but we'll get our cure anyway," Milah said.

"How?" Rumpelstiltskin asked.

"You'll go back and take it," Milah said.

"Take it?! He'd kill me for sure," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Oh. Now, there's a puzzle you'll have to figure out. He can't kill you if you get him first," Milah said before she turned and walked away.

End of Flashback

Alana, Neal, Amy, Killian, Delilah, Mr Gold and Milah had made it into the tunnels and off the staircase. They were no longer hands but just looking around.

"The spell's gone. We'll be able to pass through on our own now. Thank you, Milah, Delilah. You can run back to protecting the dead children and whatever it is you do," Mr Gold said.

Alana looked at Milah and Delilah, "Milah, Delilah... uh, thank you so much for helping us get here to save my sister," Emma said.

"I'm only here for my soul, dear," Delilah said.

"Still, thank you," Alana said.

"You're welcome," Milah said.

Neal looked at Alana, "Ready?" Neal said.

"Yeah... Let's save my sister," Alana said and she walked away with Amy.

Neal turned to follow, "Baelfire," Neal turned around to his mother, "I, uh, I'm so sorry I left you..." Milah said.

"Did you ever think about me?" Neal asked.

"Bae-," Killian said.

"I'm not asking you, Hook, I'm asking her," Neal said.

"Every day... I was coming back for you, I regretted leaving you the minute we set sail," Milah said.

"But you never did," Neal said.

"Bae..." Milah said.

"No, mother, you left me, you allowed me to believe Papa's lies were true, that you were dead!" Alana and Amy looked over, "Yes, my Papa killed you, and I'll never forgive him for that, but you abandoned me and if you regretted you wouldn't come back straight away! The only reason why I grew up without my Papa was that he couldn't follow until a damn curse, but you? We were in the same realm for years and you never came back for me!" Neal said.

Alana walked over and took hold of Neal's hand, "Hey, hey," Alana gently made him look at her, "Come here," Alana said and they hugged.

"I, uh, I hear water this way," Killian said and he walked towards Amy.

"That would be the River of Lost Souls. We can take it to where Hades will have Emma," Milah said.

"I'm sorry, uh, we can take it? If you think by helping us you can get the pirate back, I doubt he's gonna swap his wife for the dead woman," Mr Gold said.

"You might be dark, but sometimes you're still an idiot, Rumpel," Milah said.

Amy chuckled, "I like your ex," Amy said.

"That is not a normal reaction," Killian said.

Milah turned to Alana and Neal, "I have my reasons. Let me come with you," Milah said.

Neal and Alana looked at each other, "Your choice," Alana said.

"Okay," Neal said.

Back with Regina and Cruella, they were sat at a table together in the diner.

"I see you're admiring my fur. Doeskin, of all things. I'm saying it's Bambi's iconic dead mother. And I'm not saying it's not," Cruella said.

"Just tell me about the graveyard. If I find a headstone, doesn't that mean that person's here in... 'Underbrooke'?" Regina said.

"Underbrooke?" Cruella chuckled, "Oh, you are clever. No, it just means they're passing through that's all. Who are you looking for?" Cruella told her.

"Well, never mind who. I just... I want to know where they are," Regina said.

Cruellaopened her bag and pulled out a piece of parchment, "I have a map here. Now that I've been made mayor. Oh, thanks to your recently departed mother. It's got a list of cemetery plots, and you have to know how to interpret the headstones. You see, there's three... What would you call them? Settings? If the headstone is upright, it means the person is still here in town. If it's tipped over, it means their soul has gone on to a better place, okay? Happy person, tippy stone," Cruella said.

"And the third setting?" Regina asked.

"If it's cracked... Well, that's bad," Cruella said.

"Bad? They got pulled under to... Wherever is worse than this place?" Regina asked.

"Yes. But no one who's anyone goes there anymore," Cruella said and she chuckled.

With the others on their way to Emma, they were on the river going towards where Hades was holding her.

Killian was looking at the souls in the green river, "I hope this boat you found doesn't spring a leak, Crocodile," Killian said.

"This boat is the best thing we could have hoped to find. After we pick up the sister, it will take us all the way home," Mr Gold said.

The boat docked and Alana stood up, "This is it. She's down there. I feel it," Alana said as she got out of the boat as she held Killian's ring.

Neal got out of the boat with Milah, Delilah, Amy and Killian as Mr Gold sat down, "I'm not leaving the boat. It's too valuable. You're capable of getting your sister on your own, I'm sure. And don't even think about using magic. Hades would notice anything this close to his home base," Mr Gold said.

"If he's not moving, I'm not, either. If he tried to steal this thing, I'll give you a shout," Milah said.

"Same, go find her," Delilah said.

"Fine...Mom," Milah looked at Neal surprised, "When I get back... We...We'll talk okay?" Neal said.

Milah smiled and nodded, "Help your love," Milah said.

"Milah," Killian said.

"Go, you're finally happy, and you're not my unfinished business, Killian," Milah said with a smile.

Amy looked at Milah, "Maybe you're not so bad," Amy said.

"Look after them, please," Milah said.

"I always have," Amy said.

"Lead the way, love," Killian said to Alana.

Alana nodded before running down a tunnel towards Emma with Neal, Amy and Killian following behind her. Milah sat back down in the boat opposite Mr Gold and they eyed one another as Delilah stood in front of the boat.


Milah and Rumpelstiltskin were sat in a tavern, planning to kill Fendrake. A dagger was on the table and Rumpelstiltskin was shying away from him.

"For God's sake, Rumpel, it's a dagger, not a dragon. Don't be scared of it," Milah said.

"I'm scared because our son is dying. He should be with us, not some village nursemaid," Rumpelstiltskin said.

Milah got angry, "I didn't spend our last gold coin on a knife to slice the roast at his wake. Bae only has a couple of hours left. Let's spend that time doing something to help him, something... Something brace. For one," Milah kissed him passionately, "Now, go," Milah said.

Rumpelstiltskin picked up the dagger, "Alright," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Yeah?" Milah whispered.

"Alright," Rumpelstiltskin said and got up and left.

Milah stayed behind and goes to finish her ale, when a man bumped into her, causing Milah to spill her drink over her.

"Oh, did I make you do that? Oh, that's a nice dress and a pretty girl," He said as he grabbed a cloth and tried to wipe near her chest.

Milah tried pushing him away, "Stop. I don't need that," Milah said.

"No, I got it. I got it," He said.

"I'm fine," Milah said.

Captain Killian walked up and pushed the man back, "Leave the lady alone," Captain Killian said.

"Or what?" The man said.

"Well..." Captain Killian said and he punched the man unconscious, before taking a drink off a tray and sitting in front of Milah.

"Thank you, Sir," Milah said.

"Captain Killian Jones," He kissed her hand, "At your service, ma'am," Captain Killian said.

"That doesn't look to be the uniform of any navy I've... Oh... You're..." Milah said and Captain Killian smiled at her.

"Well, they call us pirates. We sail where we will and answer to no crown," Captain Killian said.

"I've not seen the ocean much beyond our small port. Is it wonderful to travel so much?" Milah asked.

"Aye. Do you know... There are cities where the air smells of spices... And woman are carried on jewelled chairs? Would you like to see that?" Captain Killian asked.

"W...Well...I would love that, but... I have responsibilities here. Ailing children. Husband," Milah said.

"Ah, a husband. Well... It would appear a better man than I has won. But I am in port quite often... Should that ever change," Captain Killian said.

"It...It won't. But thank you," Milah said.

Captain Killian nodded before standing up and walking to the bar for another drink. Milah watched him walk away before turning back to her drink and taking a sip.

End of Flashback

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