Sinclair (2)- ๐“ฃ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ ๐“—๐“พ๐“ท๐“ญ...

By danysdefender

11.4K 271 77

"Legends never die" Thea Sinclair, Daughter of Jacapo Sinclair a Engineer from Mecha Station and one the lea... More

Wanheda Part 1
Wanheda part 2
Ye who enter here
Go for Sinclair
Bitter Harvest
Terms and Conditions
Stealing Fire
Join or Die
Red sky at morning
Perverse Instantiation, Part One
Perverse Instantiation, Part Two
Heavy Lies the crown
The four horsemen
A lie guarded
We will rise
Gimme Shelter
God Complex
The Other Side
The Chosen
Authors Thanks !!
Next book!!


418 9 0
By danysdefender

Thea looked around Polis as she stopped behind Bellamy and Clarke, everywhere there were people crying, in pain, mourning or helping the loved ones.

"She'll be okay." Clarke said as she saw Bellamy look around for Octavia, "Octavia can take care of herself."

Bellamy nodded then said, "That's not what I'm worried about."

"She won't be charged, everyone will say Pike had it coming and he did." Thea said

Bellamy looked down at Thea and said, "Maybe we all do."

The group looked around at the people in Polis before Clarke said, "How do we tell these people that the world is ending, after everything they've been through?"

The world was ending. The radiation levels were rising and soon Earth wouldn't be survivable again.

"We can't not yet." Thea said

Bellamy nodded in agreement and said, "Not until we know if A.L.I.E. was telling the truth."

"It was the truth." Clarke argued

"Still, keep it to ourselves until we know what we're dealing with and how to stop it." Bellamy said as he looked between Clarke and Thea

Clarke then realised something when she said, "You're afraid of how people will react."

"Can you blame him? You gave them back their pain Clarke don't add to it by telling them they're gonna die in six months." Thea said and Clarke nodded

Once Bellamy had seen Clarke nod he said, "Good, once everyone's down, we go home, we get to work. We didn't survive this long just to let a little radiation take us out."

"Thank you for keeping me alive." Clarke said.

"You don't make it easy." Thea said

Clarke nodded and Bellamy said, "You know, Arkadia needs a new Chief Engineer."

Thea looked up at Bellamy realising what he wanted from her, "You want me to take over my dads job?"

Bellamy nodded, "You're the best engineer I know."

"Raven would disagree." Thea said as she walked over to Murphy and Emori who walked out of the tower.

"You okay?" Murphy asked as he put his hands on her shoulders, "You look like you're thinking about something huge."

Thea nodded and said, "Bellamy wants me to be the new Chief Engineer."

"That's amazing." Murphy said

"What does that mean?" Emori asked

Murphy turned to Emori and said, "It means that Thea would be in charge of engineering in Arkadia."

Thea nodded and said, "It was my dads job before he died."

"I'm sorry, how did he die?" Emori asked

Thea took a deep breath and said, "He died protecting me."

Suddenly a crackly voice came through Thea's radio

"Hello? Thea please come in."

Thea quickly picked up the radio and said, "Raven? You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah we're all in one piece."

Thea looked over to Bellamy and Clarke, "Guys it's Raven."

Bellamy and Clarke quickly walked over to them as Thea said, "There's something we need you to look into."

"First tell me how everyone is. Did everyone make it? Clarke?"

Clarke took the radio and said, "I'm here, thanks to you. Raven did A.L.I.E ever tell you why she created the city of light?"

"No why?"

"Fill Raven in." Clarke told Bellamy and Thea, handing the radio to Bellamy before she turned to Abby, "They need a doctor."

Abby nodded as the pair ran off to find Roan.

. . . .. . .

A few seconds later Thea heard a familiar voice order something, "You have got to be kidding me." Thea said

"What, what is it?" Murphy asked

"Echo." Thea said as she ran towards teh voice followed by Bellamy, Murphy and Emori.

When Thea got there she saw Echo holding a sword to Clarke's throat whilst Azgeda warriors stood behind her.

"Echo." Thea said as she and Bellamy walked towards her.

Kane pulled Thea back, "Don't."

Thea got out of Kane's grip and walked over to her, "Let her go Echo, let her go." Bellamy said angrily. Thea understood why he sounded so angry. Thea had saved Echo and she repaid her by lying to them and making them leave the Mountain whilst her people, her brother was blown up.

"Back off Bellamy." Echo said

Murphy walked up behind Thea and put his hand on her back and whispered, "Who is this?"

"Probably the reason I'm still alive." Thea said, "Also known as Echo, Azgeda spy." Murphy nodded

"Your king is my friend let us help him." Clarke said

"I saw you in the City of Light, I know you destroyed it. Thank you for that." Echo said as she pushed Clarke forwards and Bellamy caught her, "Look around you, Skaikru did this to us. Because of them Ontari your rightful commander is dead. This imposter stole her flame." Echo said

Kane stepped forwards and said, "No Wanheda saved us, all of us. Grounder and Skaikru."

Echo shook her head and said, "There would have been nothing to save us from if not for you."

"Azgeda has no authority here." Kane said

Echo smirked and said, "We do now. In the name of King Roan as rightful caretakers, of the throne of the commanders  Polis is ow under Azgeda rule."

"Like hell is is." A voice from behind Thea said. A woman walked passed her and approached Echo, "Where's your war chief girl?"

"Our war chief is dead Ambassador, as a member of the queen's guard, command of the army has fallen to me, until the king awakens." Echo responded

"If he awakens." The ambassador corrected, "Until a new commander can ascend Polis is to be ruled by the ambassadors of the coalition. If Azgeda wants it, they must take it by force." As soon as she finished talking Echo had already swung her sword and sliced the ambassadors throat.

"Consider it taken." Echo stated, "No Skaikru leaves this city!" She then raised her sword and shouted, "Gon Azgeda!"

Echo then turned and left, "Looks like saving the world will have to wait." Bellamy said

. . . . . . .

Thea walked into the temple following Indra and Octavia. Bellamy shut the door behind them as Kane walked over to Indra. Thea watched as they looked at each other for a bit before Indra pulled Kane into a hug.

"Well?" Clarke asked Bellamy

Bellamy sighed and said, "You're not gonna like it."

Indra pulled away from Kane and said, "When you destroyed the City of Light. There were a thousand Azgeda warriors inside the city of Polis."

"Good timing." Octavia said

"Only way to remove them is by force." Indra said

Thea nodded and said, "Okay, then let's remove them."

"Slow down." Abby said, "You're talking about a war."

Indra nodded and said, "Yes, Flokru, Broadleaf and Rockline will joi Trikru without question but we'll still be short."

"This is madness we should be leaving with the others while we still have time." Abby said

Kane shook his head and said, "They know where we live. If we run, they'll follow." He turned to Indra, "There are eight other clans. How do we get them to join us?"

"I can do it, but I'll need the flame." Indra said as she looked at Clarke

Clarke shook her head, "No."

"Clarke the clans will follow whoever has the flame-"

Clarke cut Thea off saying, "Azgeda won't."

"Then we fight." Octavia said, "That's the point."

Clarke shook her head, "No it's not. The point is there's no time for a fight. We have to save Roan."

"Save him they won't let us near him." Octavia said

Thea, Bellamy and Clarke all shared a look

Abby saw this and said ,"Wait a second, what don't we know?"

"The reason A.L.I.E created the city of light." Thea said

Kane looked confused as he asked, "Why?"

"I'm not saying it. Clarke." Thea said

Clarke sighed and said, "Nuclear reactors inside power plants that survived the bombs are melting down. Radiation levels are already rising. If we can't figure out a way to fix it, all of us will be dead in six months."

"A.L.I.E told you this?" Kane asked

Clarke nodded, "Yes."

"And you believe her?" Abby asked

Clarke nodded as Bellamy said, "Raven is looking into it."

"Why would she lie, it makes sense." Thea said

"Even if it's true it's six months away. There are a thousand Ice Nation warriors on the street who want to kill us today." Indra said

"They won't kill us." Clarke said

Octavia looked at Clarke and said, "How could you possibly know that?"

Clarke shrugged and said, "Because we're gonna surrender."

"Have I mentioned that all your plans suck." Thea said

Bellamy nodded and said, "But most of them work."

"Most of them. Key word Most." Thea said

. . . . . .

Bellamy and Thea walked towards Echo as Clarke, Abby and Octavia tried to save Roan

They stopped when Echo walked towards them saying, "Before you say anything remember I saved your lives by taking you out of Mount Weather."

"You didn't save my brother." Thea said and Echo looked at her with a look a sympathy and almost remorse

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you to bring him and the girl but I was following orders." Echo said

Bellamy and Thea looked at each other before Bellamy said, "I wish it was that easy."

"I know what it feels like to loose someone you care about to war, but we do what we do for our people. You slaughter us we slaughter you. That all went away in teh City of Light but it's back now." Echo said

"So why didn't you kill me when we first met, because I saved your life? Kind of wishing I didn't right now." Thea said

Echo nodded and said, "So here we are. What are the terms of our surrender."

"We recognise Ice Nation rule and you honour Lexa's coalition including the thirteenth clan." Thea said

"No." Echo said simply

Bellamy sighed and said, "We'll give you guns and show you how to use them

Echo looked confused as she asked, "Trikru accepts this."

Thea nodded and said, "They're not happy about it."

"Not much they can do now though is there without an army." Echo said

Thea sighed as she saw Bellamy turn away

Echo realised what that meant and said, "You were there? Then you know why everyone hates Skaikru and why we can never accept your terms."

"The alternative is war is that what you want?" Thea asked

"No one wants war. Lay down your guns, your weapons and we'll let your children live. I'll give you time to decide." Echo said

She then turned around but Bellamy grabbed her arm, all of the Azgeda warriors drew their swords and Thea did the same.

"We weren't done talking." Bellamy said

Echo threw Bellamy onto the floor and put a knife to his throat, "You are now." Echo then looked up, "Guns on the ground or he dies."

A few seconds later all the Skaikru put the weapons on the ground. Thea looked over to Kane and he nodded to her.

Thea sighed and put her sword onto the floor

. . . . . . .

"At least we're not gagged, I really hate that." Thea said as they were all locked up in a cell. Her wrists were chained to the wall next to Octavia.

All she could think of was where was John. If he was still alive. She almost laughed at herself of course he was alive.

Murphy always escapes death, but she knew deep down she knew that he had gone again. Left again. But this time she wasn't sad about it because she expected it. She knew that he didn't feel safe around Bellamy and the rest of the group.

This time she just wished he had given her the chance to go with him. If he had given her the chance she would've said yes.

. . . . . . .

A few hours later Clarke, Bellamy the rest of their people and Thea stood in the courtyard of Polis whilst Roan was addressing the crowd

"I know you've all come here for an execution but no one else will die here today. The city of Light has fallen and there is no commander left to rule us. Until another Nightblood ascends, I King Roan of Azgeda, Eldest son of Nia grandson of Theo am caretaker of the throne." Roan then held up the flame, "And keeper of the flame

This didn't sit well with the Grounders as someone shouted at Roan that he was a king not a Priest.

Roan called his people to Order and said, "Until another ascends Azgeda honours and will defend. The Coalition of the last true commander, Lexa Kom Trikru, including the thirteenth clan. Let it be known that an attack against Skaikru is an attack against us all."

. . . . . . .

"Someone doesn't look happy." Thea said to herself as she saw Echo walking towards her.

Echo stopped in front of her and said, "From your king." She held out a Azgeda seal, "With this you'll be safe in any of our lands."

Thea went to take it but Echo didn't hand it over, "You think we'll ever be able to trust each other again?"

"I doubt it." Thea said

Echo looked almost sad at this as she stepped back and said, "Welcome back to the coalition

Thea nodded as she walked back to the group, "Time to go."

"We'll do our best to keep the king on his throne." Kane said

Clarke nodded and said, "We'll find a way to beat the radiation."

"If you screw this up, we die." Octavia said

"Optimistic as always." Thea said as

Bellamy turned to Octavia and said, "This is serious if anyone finds out why Roan helped us it'll be every clan for itself the king will fall and they'll come after us."

"It's almost dark let's do this." Clarke said as she walked over to Abby and said goodbye

Kane shook Bellamy's hand before he moved over to Thea and hugged her, "I'm sorry about your father he was a good man."

Thea nodded, "I know."

"I'm sure Bellamy has already asked you about the engineer spot." Kane said

Thea nodded, "He has, big shoes to fill."

Kane chuckled as Clarke, Thea and Bellamy all walked off.

"Okay princess now what?" Thea asked

"Now we survive." Clarke said

Thank you for reading

So, they have six months to save the earth,

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