Darkness [Neal Cassidy || OUA...

By bethanyjanebooks

31.7K 824 167

The darkness escaped the sorcerer's hat and has found a new host, Alana Swan. She is the new Dark One, can he... More

1 - The Dark Swan
2 - The Dark Swan
3 - The Price
4 - The Price
5 - Siege Perilous
6 - Siege Perilous
7 - The Broken Kingdom
8 - The Broken Kingdom
9 - Dreamcatcher
10 - Dreamcatcher
11 - The Bear and the Bow
12 - The Bear and the Bow
13 - Nimue
14 - Nimue
15 - Birth
16 - Birth
17 - Broken Heart
18 - Broken Heart
19 - Swan Song
20 - Swan Song
21 - Souls of the Departed
22 - Souls of the Departed
23 - Labor of Love
25 - Devil's Due
26 - Devil's Due
27 - The Brothers Jones
28 - The Brother's Jones
29 - Our Decay
30 - Our Decay
31 - Her Handsome Hero
32 - Her Handsome Hero
33 - Ruby Slippers
34 - Ruby Slippers
35 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
36 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
37 - Firebird
38 - Firebird
39 - Last Rites
40 - Last Rites
41 - Only You
42 - Only You
43 - An Untold Story
44 - An Untold Stories
Next Book

24 - Labor of Love

526 18 5
By bethanyjanebooks

Alana, Neal, Amy, Mary Margaret, Regina and Hercules were in the tunnels that lead to Hades's prison.

"This is the tunnel she said she came out of... Looks creepier than the one back home," Neal said.

"Doesn't everything?" Amy questioned.

"Emma's in here somewhere," Alana said.

"Alright, wonder boy, are you sure you can do this?" Regina said.

"Regina!" Mary Margaret placed her hand on Hercules's shoulder in a supportive manner, "I know you can do this," Mary Margaret said.

"We'll find your daughter. Don't worry," Hercules started walking, "Wait for me here," Hercules said as he began walking into the tunnel.

Hercules held his sword as he walked through the mines looking for Cerberus. A loud growl came and Hercules dropped the sword as Cerberus came into view.

Hercules turned and ran back the way he came, "Herc!" Mary Margaret yelled.

"Come on," Alana said.

The group stopped when they saw Hercules run around the corner, stopping behind them.

"That is ugly," Amy said as they saw Cerberus snarling at them.

"Really, you just had to insult it," Neal said.

Amy shrugged, "Blame the males who raised me," Amy said.

Mary Margaret went to draw her bow when someone whistled, the dogs growling stopped, "What the hell was that?" Regina asked.

Hades stepped into view, in front of them, "I called them off," Hades said.

"Who are you?" Alana asked.

"My uncle," Hercules said.

"Hades?" Regina said surprised.

"Don't look so surprised," He stopped in front of them, "Who'd you think was in charge of this place... Your mommy? Delphinia, always a pleasure," Hades said.

"Displeasure," Amy corrected him and Neal looked at her confused.

"Well, if this is your realm, maybe you can answer a few questions. Like why does this hell-hole look like Storybrooke?" Regina asked.

"I have my reasons, and I don't have to share them with you," Hades said.

"Imagine you're asking Papa a question but triple the smugness... You never get answers," Amy said.

"Aww, and I thought we were friends," Hades said with a smirk.

"Leave them alone, Uncle," Hercules said.

"There's that famous courage people love to talk about. Oh, Hercules, did you really think you could face Cerberus, again?" Hades said.

"Again?" Mary Margaret asked.

Hades fakes gasped and Amy rolled her eyes, "You mean he didn't tell you?" Hades asked.

"Cerberus killed you," Mary Margaret said as she looked at Hercules sadly.

"Yeah, I didn't want you to know... Snow, I couldn't let you down," Hercules said.

"Well, it's nothing to be ashamed of, my nephew. After all, losing your life to my little pet is what finally brought us together as family," Hades said.

"We're not afraid of you," Mary Margaret said.

Hades playfully gasped, "Oh. Snow White," He gasped, "Or is it Mary Margaret? My nephew said you were a spitfire, but trust me, you should be quite afraid of me because the next time you interfere with my family, I will come after yours," Hades said.

"Haven't you already?" Alana stepped closer to Hades before Neal could stop her, "We're not gonna rest until we find Emma," Alana said.

"Oh, and that much make you Alana," He chuckled, "Since your big sister likes to send you messages, I told her I would deliver this one personally," Hades said as he held up Emma's bloody circle necklace.

"Emma..." Alana looked worried as she looked back at him, "What did you do to her?" Alana asked.

"It's not what I've already done you should worry about now. It's what I'm about to do," Hades said as he dropped the necklace before disappearing blue fire.

Regina walked towards the necklace and picked it up, she looked to Alana, "Alana?" Regina said.

"Have we just made it worse for her, by coming here?" Alana said.

"No... No," Neal walked to her, "We would've made it worse by not coming here to get her," Neal said.

"He's right... My uncle would've just carried on hurting her, regardless of what you'd do... But when you get her out, you get her away from him," Hercules said.

At the Mayor's Office, Henry kept Calla behind him as they stood opposite Cruella.

"So, darling, this is actually quite fortuitous," Cruella said.

"What do you want?" Henry asked.

"Why, you, of course. I need your help. You see, Hades, the being that runs this place, has set up the most awful conundrum. For those of us in this ghastly Underworld, we have two choices... Leaving for a better place or a worse one," Cruella said.

"I think I know where you'll end up," Henry said.

Cruella sighed, "Charming. Just like your family. And also probably quite correct, which is why I need a third choice... To go back to the real world. Oh, how I miss it. The music, the gin, the glamour... The gin," Cruella said.

"You're already dead. No one can change that," Henry said.

"Actually, one person can... The Author. Oh, yes, that's you now," Cruella said as she walked over to the children.

"No. The Apprentice told me it's impossible," Henry said.

"Because he didn't want you to. But, Henry, you can. The Author'spower is far greater than that breaded old man wanted you to believe," Cruella said.

"I destroyed the quill," Henry said.

"Oh, yes, yes, I know what you did. We hear it all down here. But I'm guessing you don't know much about the quill, do you? The sorcerer bequeathed the quill to all of you, but it is not a simple pen. It is a magical energy. It is a living, breathing entity," Cruella said.

"It's alive?" Calla asked.

"Oh, yes, darling. And when your cousin broke it," Cruella looked at Henry, "Henry, you sent it right down here to the Underworld, its purpose unfulfilled. It epitomised unfinished business. And now you are going to find it down here with my help. And you're going to send me right back to our world," Cruella said.

"Why would I ever help you?" Henry asked.

"Mm, because, Henry, if I come back to life, guess what happens? The woman who killed me... Your mother... Is no longer a murderer. You see? You see, by helping me, Henry, you can restore mommy dearest to the pure soul she once was. You can save her," Cruella said.

"Henry..." Calla said as she looked up at him as he thought about what Cruella had said.

At the Charming family loft, Mary Margaret was sitting on a bed when Regina and Amy walked up the stairs and stopped in front of her.

Regina sighed, "What are you doing? We have to find Emma," Regina said.

"I can't help you," Mary Margaret said.

"We can't have you quitting, this is your daughter," Regina said.

"I'm not quitting, I'm being practical," Mary Margaret said.

Amy and Regina looked at each other before looking back at Mary Margaret, "Since when are you practical?" Amy asked.

"This is all my fault. I thought I was doing the right thing. Hercules was destined to kill Cerberus. I thought it would help us get to Emma. But now..." Mary Margaret said.

"Need I remind you I dedicated years to knocking you down but nothing could stop you?" Regina said.

"You took my kingdom. Cast your curse. I lost my daughters for 28 years," Mary Margaret said.

"And then you found them. You defeated me in a way no one thought was possible. You made us your friends by never giving up on us. So what's the difference this time?" Regina asked.

"And how am I supposed to help anyone stand up to Hades when all I have is... Speeches about hope?" Mary Margaret said.

"You're right. Mary Margaret can't help. In fact, we don't need her anymore. We need Snow White," Amy said.

At the Underworld docks, Hercules was back doing his job when Mary Margaret walked up and dropped his sword on the ground.

"Pick it up," Mary Margaret said.

"It's pointless, Snow," He carried two anchors over to a boat and put them down, "I can't defeat Cerberus. We're just going to antagonise my uncle," Hercules said.

"Well, that's a chance we're going to have to take. Herc, how did Cerberus kill you?" Mary Margaret said.

"Why does it matter?" Hercules said.

"Because... Because this is the only way we're gonna figure out how to defeat him next time," Mary Margaret said.

Hercules sighed, "He has three heads, Snow. Okay, when I would face one, no matter how valiantly I fought, the other two would attack. I never should have fought that beast alone," Hercules said.

"Well, that's it. That's why you're going to win this time. You're not going to fight him alone," Mary Margaret said.

"You want to face Cerberus with me?" Hercules asked.

"Herc, I became that hero you always believed I could be. And we are going to fight that three-headed beast, and we are going to win," Mary Margaret said.

Alana and the young woman sat on the couch while Neal, Amy, Regina and David were keeping an eye on things. David was looking at the window when he saw something that concerned him.

"Amy? Regina?" David said as he quickly stepped away from the window.

"What is it?" Amy asked.

"Did Mary Margaret talk Muscles into giving it another go?" Regina asked.

"I don't think so," David said.

Suddenly, glass shattered from upstairs and Emma's bed came crashing down onto the kitchen counters. David, Amy, Neal and Regina turned to the destroyed kitchen as Alana and the young woman stood up.

"Run! Just go!" Alana yelled and they all quickly ran out of the apartment, into the landing before they quickly began fleeing down the stairs.

"Let me guess... Cerberus?" Neal said.

Just as the group managed to clear the landing, the Cerberus burst through the door, growling and snarling at the fleeing group.

It was night time, Alana, Neal, Amy, David and Regina met Mary Margaret and Hercules on one of the main streets of the town.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Cerberus. He found us," David said.

"Where's the prisoner?" Mary Margaret asked.

"She ran when the hellhound attacked," Neal said.

"We gave her a head start, but there was only so we could hold it off," Alana said.

Mary Margaret sighed, "We should split up. We have to find her before that monster does," Mary Margaret said.

"Go," David said and he, Alana, Neal, Amy and Regina ran off in one direction.

Mary Margaret and Hercules made their way towards the clock tower, "Come on," Mary Margaret said.

The prisoner was crouched by the clock tower, clearly scared. Mary Margaret saw her and drew her arrow, both she and Hercules made their way towards the young woman.

"You shouldn't be here," The young woman said.

"We're here to help," Mary Margaret said.

The growling got louder and suddenly Meg's eyes widened and she pointed to Cerberus, who is now in full view, "He found us," The young woman said.

"What now?" Hercules asked.

Mary Margaret looked at the library, "We get her in there," Mary Margaret said.

Hercules helped the young woman to her feet, "Come on," Hercules said.

The three of them ran into the library to hide from Cerberus and they try to keep away from the windows. Cerberus prowled outside looking for them.

"Any bright ideas?" Hercules asked.

"We hit all three heads at once," Mary Margaret said and one of the windows shattered and the young woman screamed.

"How are we gonna do that?" Hercules asked.

"With her help. Give her your dagger," Mary Margaret said.

Hercules held his dagger out for the young woman but she didn't take it, "No, no, I can't do that," Hercules said.

"Yes, you can," Mary Margaret said.

There was a bang on the library door, and the three jumped back in shock, as Cerberus found where they are hiding.

"You can. You have to try," Mary Margaret said.

The young girl finally took the dagger from Hercules, and Hercules quickly searched for another weapon. He ended up snapping a pipe off an air vent.

"Ready?" Mary Margaret asked, the door to the library burst open and Cerberus entered, "Now!" Mary Margaret said.

Mary Margaret shot one of the heads with her arrows, while the young girl and Hercules stabbed the other two heads with their weapons. After a moment, Cerberus disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. The young girl began chuckling before she started to fall to the ground.

"Whoa. Hey, hey. Hey," Hercules said as he caught her, before she stood back up, breathing heavily.

"I guess I'm not used to all that excitement," The young girl said.

"I'm Hercules," Hercules said.

"Megara. But my friends call me Meg," Meg said.

"Thanks for the assist, Meg," Hercules said.

At Granny's Diner, Meg was sat at a table and Hercules placed a blanket around her shoulder before he sat in front of her. Alana, Neal, Amy, Mary Margaret, David and Regina watched them from the counter.

"I...I think we've met before," Hercules said and Meg looked at him confused.


Meg was being chased by Cerberus, and she crashed into Hercules who was out hunting Cerberus.

Meg was panting, "Please! Please!" Meg said.

"Hey, what is it?" Hercules asked as he held her by the shoulders.

"It's the monster!" Meg said.

End of Flashback

"You're... You're the boy that tried to save me," Meg said.

Hercules exhales deeply, "Tried?" Hercules said and chuckled sadly.

"I'm afraid Cerberus got me... Right after he got you," Meg said and Hercules looked down.


Hercules and Meg were still talking while Cerberus approached them.

"Run. Run," Hercules said.

"No, he'll kill you," Meg said.

"I don't care. Now, go!" Hercules said.

Meg ran and Cerberus stood in front of Hercules, who charged at the hellhound.

End of Flashback

Meg and Hercules sitting together at Granny's diner, "I'm so sorry, Meg, I..." Hercules said.

"What for? You may not have saved me back then, but you made up for it now," Meg said as she took hold of his hand.

"Thank you," Meg said.

At the counter with the others, "Looks like Herc found a new friend," David said.

"Mm... Maybe defeating Cerberus wasn't Hercules' only piece of unfinished business. Maybe he needed to save her, too," Mary Margaret said.

"You okay?" Alana asked.

"Yeah," Mary Margaret sighed, "You didn't know me in the Enchanted Forest, Alana, but... I was someone who took risks even when she was afraid. I was someone who... I guess, inspired people. An old enemy and a very good friend," Regina and Amy looked at her, "Reminded me of that. I just don't want to ever run the risk of forgetting who I was again," Mary Margaret said.

"What are you saying, Mary Margaret?" David asked.

"I'm saying I don't want to be Mary Margaret anymore. I want to be Snow White again," Mary Margaret said and Emma smiled.

"That's the answer we want," Amy said.

"Well, it's about time," Regina said.

"I think we can make that happen... Snow," David said.

Alana smiled, "Whatever you want, mom," Alana said

"You okay with it?" Mary Margaret asked her.

"Of course, it's who you are and who you want to be...I can't stop you, I'm not your mother," Alana said.

"No, but I'm yours and I've not done a very good job lately. Hiding stuff, nearly giving up on you when you were the Dark One, nearly giving up on Emma... I'm so sorry," Mary Margaret said.

"Emma was right about one thing," Regina said.

"What's that?" Alana asked.

"You're probably the strongest amongst us," Alana looked at David, "You took the darkness to save your sister, controlled the darkness to get rid of it... Even though you did it alone and we'd never advise you to do it again... So, as your father, I tell you not to dabble with the darkness again," Alana chuckled, "And... As your father I need... Who's idea was it for you two to move in with each other?" David said as he glanced between Alana and Neal.

"Uh, well... Uh... He chose the house... And, um, well... I bought it and, um...." Alana said.

"I just, uh...Couldn't leave her in the state she was in after Emma, and, uh... I'm gonna see where Henry, Calla and the guys are... Bye," Neal said as he backed away and quickly walked towards the back.

"Did he just run away... I think he just ran away," Amy said.

"Like a scared little puppy dog," David said and Alana rolled her eyes at her father.

"Neal... Stop running away," Alana followed after him and he was leaning against a wall, "What's up?" Alana asked as she walked up.

Neal sighed and looked at him, "I don't think your dad will ever get over the fact I left you," Neal said.

"Dad's just being... A Dad... I think, never had one before," Alana said and chuckled.

Neal smiled a little, "You know I regret it," Neal said.

"Hey..." Alana took hold of hid hands, "That was over 10 years ago, I don't... I don't want you to regret it, if you didn't I never would've found my family and we may not have found our way back to each other... And you could've been married to Tamara by now... That's a... That's a disturbing thought," Alana said.

"Yeah, it is," Neal said and chuckled.

"You want to stick with me or go found our son and friends? I honestly have a selfish reason for asking," Alana said.

"Let's hear your selfish reason," Neal said.

"I say I feel alone without Emma, which I do but... When you're around... I don't, I feel whole," Alana said.

Neal smiled and placed his hands on her cheeks before he kissed her forehead, "I'll stay, I'm sure our son is okay, he's got amazing parents," Neal said.

"Calling yourself amazing? You've been around Killian too much," Alana said.

"Says you," Neal said and they chuckled.

At the Mayor's Office, Killian and Robin were waiting for Henry and Calla to come out of the office, they bent down near the air shaft.

"Henry. Calla, are you both alright?" Robin called out.

Calla climbed out of the vent and Henry followed after her, "Yeah," They said.

"Did you find anything?" Killian asked as he helped Calla up.

"Uh, no. Nothing. Deadend," Henry said.

"Okay," Robin said.

Alana, Neal, Amy, Mary Margaret, David and Regina were in the fire room, as Hercules and Meg prepared to cross to the other side.

"Do you think you can to the prison through the tunnels?" Meg asked.

"Yes, thanks to your map," Alana said as she held up a piece of paper that Meg gave her.

"If it weren't for Emma, I'd still be rotting in that cell. you'll tell her that I did the right thing? That she was right to trust me?" Meg said.

"I will, thank you," Alana said and Megara nodded.

Hercules turned to face Mary Margaret, "Are you sure you don't want us to stay and help?" Hercules asked.

"I think you've been down here long enough and if you don't cross before your uncle finds you, who knows what he'll do?" Mary Margaret said.

"I was right. You became an amazing hero," Hercules said as he stepped forward and hugged her.

Hercules and Meg held hand and they began to cross over the bridge when Olympus appeared on the other side.

"What is it?" Meg asked.

"Olympus," Hercules said.

Hercules and Meg both chuckled before crossing over and the clock ticked twice as they passed through.

Inside, Hades lair, Emma was leaning against his clock still looking beaten as Hades walked towards her.

"The prisoner you aided in escape... She moved on from this realm," Hades said.

"Good for her," Hades magically produced a chisel, "Get on with it, then," Emma said.

"Oh, this? No. This isn't for you," He chuckled, "It's for your friends and family," He forced Emma to take it, "Yeah," Hades said.

"What the hell am I supposed to do with this?" Emma asked.

"Simple accounting, really. At first, I wanted your friends to leave. I really had such a smooth-running operation going here before they arrived, but now I've decided they've caused too much damage, so my vindictive side... Did you know I have one? It wants to punish them. So, from now on, for every soul, your friends free, one of them is going to have to stay," Hades said as he made four tombstones appear in front of Emma.

"And, Elder Saviour... You get to decide who," Hades said with a smirk as Emma looked at him shocked, conflicted and saddened.

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