
By xella_writesx

216K 4.4K 1.5K

"Iᴛs ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴜʀɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴡᴏɴᴛ ʙᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ sᴛᴏʀʏ ᴍᴜsᴛ ɢᴏ ᴏɴ" -- CO... More



2.1K 41 19
By xella_writesx

I LOOK AT THE water, it wasn't crystal clear by any means, but looking out there sprung a spark of happiness in me. I wasn't really thinking about anything in particular, or that I could recall.

Just sitting outside, enjoying the fresh summer air. Everything always feels more happy in the summer, to just enjoy the sun and relax. Luckily here you never experienced snow so I wouldn't have to worry about that when winter came back.

In Germany the winters would get very cold, you would have to always dress in multiple layers. I would always use this as an excuse to stay inside. My mom would always want me to go skating or sledding with her. I did sometimes I just didn't ever enjoy stuff like that.

I would always get snow puddled into my boots which would get my socks all wet and my toe's freezing. Although I did always enjoy when we would get home, Josh would make us hot chocolate and put on a movie. We would put on our little fire-place and would all huddle around it. Blankets suffocating us, we would also always put some Christmas movie on.

I loved Christmas movies, it didn't even have to be around christmas they would just bring so much positive energy.

I got up from my place, where I had my feet dangling over the edge and letting the semi-cool water on them. I was always scared to put my feet in large bodies of water, in the back of my head there was always a though that something was just going to come up and bite me.

I walked into the back doors, which lead right to the dining room, we rarely used this one. It had a big chandeleer in the center and a long table with chairs all around it. We always ate in the less formal one, this one was located by the living room area which I enjoy because I could put on a show while eating.

I heard voices coming from the kitchen, no one could see me and im guessing they couldn't hear me come in either because of how loud they were talking. I made my way to the door making sure to tip-toe and not step anywhere which would make noise.

"Just tell her some details, she already knows somethings up, she went in the weapon room!" someones voice boomed, it sounded like Matteo and I quickly debated staying here due to the very high risk of being caught.

"I agree, we can't tell her everything because thats dangerous, but she needs to know some of the basics Leo and you know it!" Another voice said, I could clearly recognize that it was Mattia's.


Im guessing that was Leo, due to his lack of talking, he was probably sipping on his coffee unbothered by the debate that he was the center of. I took this chance to walk in, before they had the chance to walk out and catch me in my little act.

They all glanced at me before looking away, turns out I was right Leo was there sitting at the counter his computer in front of him and a coffee cup in hand, unbothered.

Mettia was leaning on the fridge sharing glances between Leo and I. I looked away after the small bit of eye contact we managed to make.

Metteo was sitting at the table some freshly made buttered toast and a bottle of water in front of him. He looked all sweaty and gross, guessing he most likely just got back from his morning runs he does.

The awkward tension filled the air, I wanted so badly for someone to break it someone to just say something, anything! It would be nice if any of the youngest three brothers were here. They would defiantly crack a joke or just try to make small talk. I walked to the pantry grabbing a granola bar, everyone seamed focused on what there were doing, other than Mattia who was still sharing glances between Leo and I. He looked to be just waiting for one of us to say something.

I tried sneaking out of the kitchen before I heard Leos emotionless voice, "Come to my office please, all of you," He said glanced at all of us, then he stood up grabbing his computer and elegantly walked out. I looked around not wanting to make the next speck of movement, luckily the other too quickly followed. I could see some relief in there eyes, I follow closely behind in no rush to get there.

Remembering last time I was there, snooping, breaking a rule and getting yelled at. I quickened my pase, trying to keep up with my brothers not wanting to have them waiting at the door for me. Once we arrived we all walked in I hurried to the couch on the side, not wanting to have to sit in the dreaded place in the very front of Leo.

He sat down took glance at me before pointing to one of the chairs, I send him an annoyed look to which he raised his eyebrows. I quickly obey'd and sat in front of him, still staring down at my feet. I could see Metteo's feet standing to the side a little bit, leaning very close to where the secret door was. Mettia looked to be sitting on one of the couches where I was previously.

"Bella," Leos voice sounded sending shivers up my spine with only this one word, "First I would like to discuss the issue that we had the other day."

I already knew what he was talking about, I was keeping my head down not wanting to have to meet his emotionless eyes. I slowly nodded my head, In all honestly I gave up on the whole 'verbal answers' rule. No one every seamed to get to mad about it anymore and most of them didn't even obey it themselves so I didn't really see any point.

"I wanted to say that i'm very disappointed, you had no right to invade my privacy like that. There will be a small punishment for your actions, just a small one shouldn't be to hard," He started, "Look at me," He said this time, I quickly looked up at him, trying to avoid his chilling gaze.

"Im sorry," I muttered. Having him say he was disappointed in me really hurt if i'm honest. It made me feel like a failed him, all of them.

"Mhm." He responded dryly. I looked at the other two, they were both very focused on the conversation, they also looked very relaxed the complete opposite of me.

"As for the other thing I would like to explain a little more of the business, to try to clear up some thoughts that I know are already starting in that head of yours," he said glancing at me. He straightened out the cuffs of his suit, even though they looked perfectly fine to me.

"I won't tell you what exactly it is, because I want to wait for you to find it out. Which should be pretty soon you just have to put the pieces together," He explained still looking my straight in my eyes. He was right ever sense the incident my mind was always overwhelmed with thoughts about why they needed that room. I always felt like my only escape from those thoughts where going by the water, but as much as I hate to admit it, it never really helped.

I would always go out there ready to clear my mind, but then after a while I would be reminded of my mom and all the happy moments I would have with her, even Josh.

"We do some things that are not, let me say legal but i'm on very good terms with the police so there is nothing to worry about," He told me, I had so many thoughts racing in my mind.

"What kinda of illegal stuff?" I asked, my voice still a little shaky from nerves.

"That doesn't matter, now we are done. I'll leave you with figuring out the rest," He said getting up. He walked out of the room very relaxed.

I glanced at the other two who were still present in the room, they again stayed silent looking like they were communicating with there eyes. I took this chance to get up and walked out of the room, walking down the hallway I looked at the many locked doors, with key-pads on them wondering what is inside.

what else they are hiding.

Somehow my feet took me straight to the front door, I don't know why but without hesitation I opened it and walked right out. I didn't really know where I was going or why I was even leaving but I wasn't going to stop myself.

I walked past the rows of houses they were all pretty big, but not as big as my brother'. I would notice some family playing outside laughing with each other. Some were using sidewalk chalk and creating cool designs, and some scribbles. I found myself in the more quiet part of the city.

Where the building started getting smaller and smaller. I enjoyed the silence, although I could still here some voices in the distance of people at a bar. I don't know how long I have been walking but it was starting to get darker.

In an instant my hand was grabbed and someones hand was placed over my mouth. I didn't have a chance to look at this person yet because my back was against there stomach.

"Hey there whats a little girl like you walking alone?" They asked, I couldn't really recognize the voice, quickly they brought me to a wall pinning both my arms against my sides.

"Remember me?" They asked, I got a good look at him, he was the guy that came up to me in school on my first day.

"Let me go!" I yelled, trying my best to kick him but he dodged every chance I had.

"Stop moving you little shit," He gritted out through his teeth. I didn't stop instead making direct contact with his stomach, he winced before throwing a strong punch right to my jaw. He has let go of my by now, making me start to stumble back. I took this chance to run, I sprinted past downtown where there were still family at the restrants.

I could feel myself getting tied but I couldn't stop, I didn't know if he followed me because I never looked back. I finally made it to where all the houses started lining up, where the family's were once playing.

I struggled to get the gate open, not knowing the password. I scrambled over to where a little button was and started pressing it repeatedly.

"Hello?" Someones voice asked at the other line.

"Please open its me Bella, Please let me in," I pleaded, the gate started to open, making me run up the driveway. I swung the front door open, turning around and sliding down it. I looked up noticing Mettia run into the room.

"Bella! where were you!" He asked panic in his voice, running over to me, "Shit what happened to your face," He asked, gently putting his cold hands on my jaw.

After all the running I did to get home I had totally forgotten about my jaw, but of corse now that I was thinking about it, it started to hurt.

"Here get up," he said putting his hands under my arms and lifting me up, he led me over to the couch, and walked through the doors to the dining room and kitchen.

He walked out with an Ice pack in him hand, he gently placed it on my jaw holding it there.

"What happened hun?" He questioned.

"I-I don't know this guy just punched me," I said not giving much detail, he still looked a little bit confused. He sent a quick text then started putting his fingers though my hair. After what felt like hours I heard some commotion in the room, I was to tired to open my eyes so I just listen to their quiet whispers.

"Did you check the cameras?" One of them asked, who im guessing was Mattia due to how close the voice was.

"Yes, the already got the guy," The other responded, the tone and coldness of this people voice made me realize it was Leo right away. I shut all of the voices out and continued to try to get to sleep, which was really no problem with the fact the I was exhausted.


I woke up seeing that I was in my room, someone must have carried me in here after last night. As I was rubbing the sleep out of my eyes a knock was sounded on my door.

"come in!" I yelled sitting against my headboard. Enzo opened the door and peered in, "Leo's in the kitchen he says he needs to talk to you," He said then leaving quickly after that.

I ground and got out of bed, my feet hit the ice cold floor and I quickly scurried to my closed to put some socks on. After I did that I went to my room and brushed out my hair and brushed my teeth. I surly wasn't in any rush to get downstairs but I was running out of things to stall me with so I went down.

Every step I took made the nerves in my body grow higher, I didn't exactly know why he needed me but i'm guessing it has something to do with my punishment. I walked through the doors leading to the kitchen, Aundre was Digging through the fridge finding something to eat while Leo was leaning against the counter.

"I heard you needed me," I said gaining both of there attention.

"You have to come to my work with me today," Leo said looking up and grabbing his car keys, he walked out of the kitchen with no further information. I shared a confused look with Aundre but he just shrugged and continued looking through the fridge.

I ran after Leo, "Why do I have to go!" I yelled as he opened the door to the garage waiting for me to enter.

"Because I said you do," He gritted though his teeth, I could tell how frustrated he was getting so with no other sound I walked in. We both hopped into dark black lamborghini, the inside looked the same. Everything being dark black.

None of us talked the entire ride I looked out the window still trying to connect the dots of what exactly my brothers do, I know it was illegal. I also knew it could be a Mafia, I just didn't want to come to terms with that one.

We pulled up and parked and entered the plain building, as we walked in everyone started to slinece their chatter and stare at both of us. Leo kept his head high and unfazed as I took my full attention to my feet. Leo didn't check in like the other times I came her people did, he just walked to the elevator and pressed the basement button.

It was silent the entire ride, I hated every second of it. The anticipation of not knowing why I was here and also standing next to my eldest most intimidating brother scared the shit out of me. Once we arrived and the door opened we were led to a small room, there was a door right in front of us with a key-pad much like the one we have at home.

Leo typed in something and the door unlocked, we walked through it and were led to a long hallway dimly lit with a bunch of doors all over, Leo turned left and started walking. Not even looking back because he knew I was already following him. I tried to keep up to him and stay by his side because the atmosphere was very scary.

"whats wrong?" He asked me in his cold voice, you could tell he didn't really care but just felt opligated to ask because he could sense my fear.

"i-im scared," I mumbled, now grabbing his arm, I could hear him let out a small laugh and some inaudible would left his mouth that I couldn't understand. After what felt like hours of walking we stopped in front of a door, Leo took out a badge and scanned it then typed in a code.

He put a hand on my back leading me in with him behind me. I took a good look in it, there was a small light bulb hanging from the ceiling providing a small bit of light. The corners of the room were almost pitch black because of the lack of light shining. There were two chairs in the center, with two people sitting on them, I could see there hands tied behind the backs with rope.

Mettia and Metteo were both standing in front the the two, barely giving us a glance as we walked in. My eyes widened and I found myself stepping back, but sadly Leo was still standing there making me run into him.

"When they talk in another language all you have to do is translate it," Leo whispered to me. We both sat down in one of the corners behind the two people both out backs against the walls and out feet spread out in front of us.

"talk," Mettia said looking at the two boys.

"these people are stupid if they thing were going to rat someone out like this" One of them said chuckling.

(these people are stupid if they think were going to rat someone out like this)

I was still looking at them when Leo carefully nudged my shoulder, resizing the job I had I repeated what they said in english, "These people are dumb if they think we are going to rat someone out like this," I told him repeating what one of the men said. He nodded before focusing the attention back on the two.

"Who are you working for," Metteo asked.

"haben sie das noch nicht herausgefunden? Die russische Mafia ist nicht so schwer," They both bursed out laughing at this Statement, while my entire body froze, by breathing also coming to a hult. My hands started shaking but I put them behind my back before anyone could see.

(they still havent figured this out? the russian mafia its not that hard)

"Bella what did they say?" Leo asked me, I didn't answer instead keeping my gaze forward, this almost completely confirming by brothers occupation, a mafia.

"Bella," Leo repeated.

"T-they said, they said that they are in the Russian mafia and that you guys should have already figured it out because it wasn't hard," I repeated, my voice shakey. Leo stood up also motioning me to do the same, which I did, I was still looking at the two men when one of the turned there heads making direct eye contact with me.


"why the fuck is she hear!" He yelled, his voice making me flinch back, "Oh bella, just wait and see haven't your brothers told you? They are in a Mafia, they are just as bad as josh is. Just wait until you make them mad they will do the same things he did, probably worse. Do you see all this blood everywhere around this room?" He asked, I could barely proceed what he was telling me.

"This is your brothers fault, they have been stabbing me, beating me, shooting me, just because they want to, watch out bella, they will do the same to you, I will do the same to you," He said finishing his statement. Before I could show an emoting Metteo walked up to him, repeatedly throwing punches at his jaw.

My eyes widened and I didn't even notice the tears streaming down my face until now. My breathing started getting really heavy and before I knew it my vision started getting blurry. The last thing I remember it being picked up and then silence and blackness took over.


love you:)💕

(3435 words in the chapter)😘

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