Darkness [Neal Cassidy || OUA...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The darkness escaped the sorcerer's hat and has found a new host, Alana Swan. She is the new Dark One, can he... More

1 - The Dark Swan
2 - The Dark Swan
3 - The Price
4 - The Price
5 - Siege Perilous
6 - Siege Perilous
7 - The Broken Kingdom
8 - The Broken Kingdom
9 - Dreamcatcher
10 - Dreamcatcher
11 - The Bear and the Bow
12 - The Bear and the Bow
13 - Nimue
14 - Nimue
15 - Birth
16 - Birth
17 - Broken Heart
18 - Broken Heart
19 - Swan Song
20 - Swan Song
21 - Souls of the Departed
23 - Labor of Love
24 - Labor of Love
25 - Devil's Due
26 - Devil's Due
27 - The Brothers Jones
28 - The Brother's Jones
29 - Our Decay
30 - Our Decay
31 - Her Handsome Hero
32 - Her Handsome Hero
33 - Ruby Slippers
34 - Ruby Slippers
35 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
36 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
37 - Firebird
38 - Firebird
39 - Last Rites
40 - Last Rites
41 - Only You
42 - Only You
43 - An Untold Story
44 - An Untold Stories
Next Book

22 - Souls of the Departed

580 18 4
By bethanyjanebooks

At Granny's Diner, the Charming family, Robin, Killian, Calla, Henry and Neal were inside and Regina walked in from seeing her mother and told them what happened.

"She'll really do that? She'll throw your father, her husband, into the fire?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Of course she will. She thinks she's giving me my best chance. I can't let my father suffer because of me," Regina said.

"Regina, it's alright," Robin said.

"No, it's not. He's here because I killed him. The only way I've been able to deal with that is by imagining he went to a better place, but... He didn't," She sighed, "Maybe I should get on that boat," Regina said.

"Yes, you all should," Alana said.

"Absolutely not. We're not leaving until we find Emma together," David said.

"It's dangerous here," Alana said.

"Which is why we're not leaving you alone, she's our daughter, we're not going anywhere," Mary Margaret said.

Mr Gold and Amy walked in through the back and walked towards them with the potion vial, "Perhaps we can cut through this little family squabble," Mr Gold said.

"What the hell is that?" Neal asked.

"This is the way to find Emma. The Ale of Seonaidh from the land of DunBroch," Amy said.

"That's a mouthful," Alana said.

"Tell me about it," Amy said.

"It lets you communicate with the dead. Pour this over Emma's grave, and we can stop guessing where she is and simply ask her," Mr Gold said.

"You're saying Emma has a grave here in the Underworld?" David asked.

"Everyone down here has a grave. You'll find the cemetery right where you remember it," Mr Gold said.

"Well, if this works, we could find Emma before the boat leaves. We could all get out of here together," Mary Margaret said.

"A fine idea. I suggest you all get moving," Mr Gold said.

"No way," Alana stood in front of Mr Gold, "You're coming with us," Alana said.

Mr Gold handed Alana the potion, "You can do this part on your own. There's a boat that's leaving soon. You want to find your sister? Fine. But I have no interest in exploring this world further. You can meet me there. But that's entirely up to up," Mr Gold said and moved to leave.

Amy grabbed Mr Gold by the arm, "You better not be doing what I think you're doing, Papa..." She said.

"You have nothing to worry dear, your pirate is safe... For now," Mr Gold said and started to walk off.

"What's that meant to mean?" Killian asked.

"Nothing," Amy said.

Alana goes to stop Mr Gold when Neal stopped her, "Lana. There's no time to argue. If there's even a chance that will work, we have to risk it," Neal said.


Late at night, Henry Senior was waiting in the woods as Snow White approached him from behind, her arrow pointing at him.

"I got your message. Are you alone?" Snow White asked.

"Alone and unarmed, as promised," Henry Senior said as he turned around.

"Well, I'm alone, but I don't go anywhere unarmed. Sorry," Snow White said.

"I'm here because I care about my daughter. And if the war continues, it will destroy the kingdom, but more importantly, her soul," Henry Senior said.

"Snow White."

Snow White turned to see another Henry Senior who looked shocked. The copy Snow White was talking to originally, suddenly ripped out Snow White's heart, causing the girl to gasp and turned to see the first Henry Senior turn into Cora.

"You see? The only way to truly achieve peace is through war," Cora said as she placed Snow White's heard in a box.

"Cora. How... How are you here?" Henry Senior asked.

"Why, because of you, Henry, dear. You played with magic you didn't understand. And I never let a good mistake go to waste," Cora said.

"Please, I beg you. Don't do this," Henry Senior said.

Cora lifted the box up, "Now... Forget this ever happened and go enjoy your last few hours," Cora said into the heart.

Snow White forgot what had happened and she walked away, leaving Cora and Henry Senior behind.

"Come along, Henry. Regina needs her birthday present," Cora said.

End of Flashback

The group were now at the cemetery, Alana was holding Neals hand as she fiddled with Killian's ring as they looked out all the graves.

"You ready?" Neal asked.

"Let's do this," Alana said and they walked into the cemetery, looking at the different graves until they found Emma's.

They stood in front of Emma's grave and Alana looked at it as she walked towards it a little.

"You okay?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Never felt so empty before..." Alana said.

"Want me to do it?" Amy asked.

"No, I got this... Regina..." Alana said.

Regina walked over and they held hands, "You good?" Regina asked.

"I just hope she is," Alana said and she poured the potion over Emma's grave. After a few moments, Emma appeared in front of them, but she kept glitching in and out and was battered, bruised, bloodied and burnt.

Amy and Killian shielded Calla from the sight as Neal and Robin did with Henry. Alana gasped and Regina squeezed her hand.

"Emma. Emma, we're here to help you. We just can't friend you. Where are you?" Alana asked and Emma kept glitching.

"Alana... The spell's not steady. She can't hear you," Amy said.

"Just tell us where you are," Regina said to Emma but she glitched out more.

"Something's happening," Robin said.

"It's not holding," Killian said.

"Talk to us. Talk to me," Alana said.

Emma suddenly disappeared back into the ground, the potion wasn't successfully. Alana fell to her knees, "Alana," Regina said as she knelt down.

"Emma! She doesn't know we came for her. We... She doesn't know we're here. She doesn't know that we care," Alana said.

Regina took a deep breath and brought Alana into her arms, "She knows, she always known," Regina said.

"Alana, Regina, we will find her," Mary Margaret said as she walked up to him.

"Will we?" Alana looked at her mother, "Did you not just see that? She's in pain. She's suffering and it's all my fault. And look at this place. We have half an hour," Alana stood up looking at her parents, "You have half an hour. Cora has a boat coming. You have to take it, or we might all be stuck here," Alana said.

"If she can arrange a way out, so can we... after we find Emma. We are not giving up on you both," David said.

Alana turned to Regina, "They're staying, but you should go. Get Henry out of here. I'll bring Emma home, and I'll bring her straight to you," Alana said.

"No... I...I..." Regina said.

"Take our son, take Calla," Alana looked at Killian and Amy who nodded before she turned back to Regina, "Because if you don't, whatever your father is going to face..." Alana said.

"It probably looks a lot like what.." Regina sighed, "What Emma is facing," Regina said.

"And I know having them both harmed will devastate you. So, it's settled. Get them out of here. Get yourself out of here. I made Emma the Dark One, this is my fault, I'm going to sort it," Alana said.

"Alana, you don't have to do everything alone, that's what got us into this... This mess," Neal said.

"I know between me staying or my family staying and possibly getting trapped, I'd rather it be me," Alana said.


It was The Evil Queen's birthday celebration, people gathered to celebrate, she was glaring at her birthday and the Jester was trying to get her to smile.

"Make a wish! Make a wish!" The Jester said.

The Evil Queen glared at him before she angrily blew out the candle whilst she continued to glare are him.

"What did you wish?" The Jester asked.

"That you were amusing, Jester. And it didn't come true," She flicked her wrist, breaking his neck with her magic, "Let's wind this up. I've had enough revelry," The Evil Queen said.

"Oh, don't go yet," Cora said as she walked in and the crowd parted as she walked in and she approached Regina.

"Mother. How did you get out of Wonderland? Where's Daddy? Did you do something?" The Evil Queen asked.

Cora stood in front of her and held a birthday present, "Oh, I lost track of him hours ago when I had him wrap... This," She held out the present to her, "Happy birthday, darling," Cora said.

"I don't want anything from you," The Evil Queen said.

"Oh, you'll want this. I did what no one else could do, Regina. I've brought you your revenge," She opened the box to reveal Snow White's heart, "Snow White's beating heart," Cora said.

The Evil Queen leaned forward as she inspected the heart, "Really?" She said.

"Crush it and she dies at last" The Evil Queen looked at her, "You don't believe me. Let me show you. Bring the Magic Mirror," Cora said.

Two Black Knights brought over the Magic Mirror as the Evil Queen picked up the heart and she laughed evilly as she turned to the mirror.

"Show us, Snow White," Cora said.

The mirror transitioned to Snow White, Prince Charming and the dwarves having dinner somewhere in the woods and they were all laughing.

Snow White held up her tankard, "To my stepmother! May she spend the rest of her birthdays searching for me," Snow White said.

"To the Queen!" Grumpy said.

"Ooo, are we celebrating the Queen's evil reign?" Delphinia said as she walked up to them.

"Just another birthday of her searching for me but never getting me," Snow White said.

"I see," Delphinia said with a smile and Grumpy handed Delphinia a tankard.

"To the Queen!" They all said and clinked their tankards together before drinking.

The Evil Queen began to crush the heart and Snow White stood up, gasping and Prince Charming looked at her worriedly.

"Snow," Prince Charming said.

The Evil Queen watched the mirror as it continued to show Snow White gasping and frantically pawing at her chest while the Evil Queen continued to squish the chest, over her heart. A few moments later, Jiminy Cricket came out of Snow White's shirt and they all laughed.

The Evil Queen looked away from the mirror and down to the heart angrily before squeezing it into dust and one of her Black Knights fell over and died.

"Someone switched the hearts," Cora said.

"Who?" The Evil Queen said angrily.

"I hate that girl," Cora said as she looked at the magic mirror and the Evil Queen looked up to see Delphinia looked at them, she smirked and winked at them before drinking from her tankard.

The Evil Queen was not in an empty dining room, inspecting her apples when Henry Senior walked in, carrying a box.

"You gave Snow White her heart back... No, you gave the Enchantress the heart to return to Snow White," The Evil Queen said as she turned to him.

"I had to for your own good," Henry Senior said.

"How could you say that? She'd be dead right now, and all this would be over. Don't you want me to be happy?" The Evil Queen said.

"Of course, but not like this. If you crush her heart, you could be dark forever, Regina. You'll be just like her... Your mother. That's what she wants. Please. Please, Regina. Please, you have to listen to me. You can be happy," Henry Senior said.

"Killing Snow White is the only way I will ever be happy," The Evil Queen said.

"I'm sorry you think that," Henry Senior said.

"You betrayed me, Daddy. And you know what that means," The Evil Queen said.

"Do what you will, dear. It matters not, because Snow White lives. And now so does your chance at redemption. Whatever happens to me was worth it. This box is as empty as your pursuit. I pray it stays that way," Henry Senior said.

"It won't. Until Snow White dies, I will never be what you want... Let alone what I want," She took the box from him, "And this box was made to hold something precious. And that's exactly what's it's going to do," She used her magic to shrink her father so he can fit into the box, "Don't worry, Daddy. You're safe in here. I just can't let you stop me. But I would never do anything to hurt you." The Evil Queen said as she looked at her father in the box.

"Regina, please. Don't. No!" Henry Senior begged and the Evil Queen shut the lid and sadly hugged the box.

End of Flashback

Regina was stood at another grave, her fathers in the cemetery as Amy walked up to her.

"I thought I might have found you here," Amy linked her arm with Regina's, "You want to do this alone?" Amy asked.

"I don't know," Regina said.

"Alright, I'll stay by you just to make sure he's okay," Amy said.

Regina nodded and she poured the remaining of the potion over Henry Senior's grave. After a few moments, Henry Senior appeared, Amy smiled at him before kissing Regina's head and walking off.

"Regina," Henry Senior said.

"Daddy, I'm so sorry," She cried, "I'm so sorry," Regina said as she sobbed.

Henry Senior stepped forward and placed his hands on her shoulders before hugging her, "It's okay, dear. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay," Henry Senior said.

"Is it? Am I really forgiven?" Regina asked.

"Of course. I love you no matter what. That's what fathers do," Henry Senior said.

Regina pulled back, "I'm not sure they do. I think you're very special. I don't understand how you can be so good," Regina said.

"Oh, I'm not perfect. I have many regrets. I don't even know which one is keeping me in this place," Henry Senior said.

"Well, it doesn't matter. Your suffering will not get any worse. I'm going to see to it," Regina said.

"No, Regina. That's what I came to tell you. Your mother is using me to get you to leave. But I want you to stay. You've got a job to do... Helping the woman you love. She needs you, your friends need you. They need your strength. You finally put vengeance aside to be a hero. I'm not gonna stand in the way of that," Henry Senior said.

"But Mother's going to send you someplace worse. I...I...I can't cause you pain again. Mother made her decision. We both know we can't change her mind. But she's given you a way out. Both of us," Regina said.

"When you tore my heart out, it was driven by the worst motives. But if you stay, you spread hope. That's the best thing anyone can do. Let your old man see you doing the right thing. Then I truly will not have died in vain," Henry Senior said and he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Regina stood there for a few moments before she walked away and saw Amy waiting for her.

"You didn't say goodbye," Regina said.

"This was for you two, not me and him, come on, Gina," Amy said.

"You know Zelena called me that," Regina said.

"How dare she, Gina is my nickname for you," Amy said and they chuckled before walking towards the gates.


The Evil Queen was sat at her vanity, Henry Senior was still in the box when Cora walked into her daughter's chambers.

"Where's your father run off to? I still owe him a thank you for spoiling your birthday surprise," Cora said as she walked towards her.

The Evil Queen stood up, picking up the box and walked over towards Cora, "I've already dealt with him," She said.

"Say hello to Daddy," The Evil Queen said as she opened the box.

Cora peered inside the box and gasped seeing tiny Henry Senior, "You've impressed me, sweetheart," Cora said.

The Evil Queen closed the lid, "You know... Daddy may have been wrong to ruin my revenge, but he was right about you," She said.

"When are you going to get it in that thick head that I do everything for you Especially the things you can't do... Like Snow's heart. How long have you been trying to get it? Because it only took me a day," Cora said.

"And it only took you an hour to lose it. When I get my revenge, it will be my victory. You won't be around to steal it away," The Evil Queen said.

"You don't have the power to push me back to Wonderland," Cora said.

"I don't need it. There's someone who'd be happy to lend a hand," The Evil Queen said.

The genies' head appeared in the magic mirror, "Hello again, Cora. Ready for your trip?" The Magic Mirror and magical arms suddenly came out of the mirror and grabbed Cora around the waist, attempting to drag her back to Wonderland.

Cora struggled against the arms, "Don't do this!" Cora said.

"It's done. I've already cast a spell to seal this portal once you're through. Not even I can reopen it. And you'll be out of my life forever," The Evil Queen said.

"Without me, you'll fail. And even worse, you'll be alone," Cora said.

"Better alone than with you," The Evil Queen said.

"You think you're better alone? Let's see how you really feel," Cora said and used her magic to transport the box into her hands.

The Evil Queen gasped and began to run forward to grab it back, but Cora was sucked through the mirror before she could, "No! Daddy!" The Evil Queen yelled, the portal closed and she grunted angrily.

"Well... you always have me," The Magic Mirror said.

End of Flashback

Henry Senior was stood on the edge as Cora stood in the safe section.

Henry and Regina ran in, "Let him go, Mother," Regina said.

"You should be on that boat," Cora said.

"I can't turn my back on those I love," Regina told her mother.

"I know that seems like the right choice, but life doesn't work that way. I implore you, leave this place," Cora said.

"No, Regina. Stay here. Help your friends, help your love. Cora's trying to bait you," Henry Sr said.

"I didn't come back just to help my friends or Emma. I came back to help everyone," Regina said.

"That's not possible, you have to trust me," Cora said.

"Let him go," Regina said.

"Oh, please listen to reason, listen to me. Either way, my time in the Underworld is done. Yours can be, too. Just do what I say," Cora said.

"Henry, stand back," Regina said and Henry stood back.

"Please, don't force my hand. I don't want to do this," Cora said.

"Then don't," Regina said.

"I'm sorry," Cora said as she used her magic to command the fire to surround him.

Regina rushed forward, "No!" She yelled as she was blocked by a barrier or fire and turned to Cora.

"One day, you'll understand," Cora said and she disappeared in smoke.

Regina turned back to Henry Senior, "Daddy!" Regina sobbed, "I'm so sorry!" She said and the fire stopped surrounding Henry Senior, "Daddy?" She stepped forward to walk to her father.

"Stop, stay here. I'm okay," Henry Senior said and the walkway completed itself so that he could cross over to the other side.

"What's happening?" Regina said.

"I don't know. There's... Something down here. It's so... It's beautiful. It's where I belong," Henry Senior turned and walked back to Regina, "I know what my unfinished business was now, it was you," Henry Senior said to her.

"Me?" Regina asked.

"For so long, I let your mother in the way of who you really are. It was the biggest regret of my life. But now... You're free of her and I've never been more proud," Henry Sr said and smile and Regina smiled at him tearfully.

Henry stepped forward, "Hi," Henry said.

Henry Senior saw Henry, "Is that..." Henry Senior said.

"That is your grandson... Henry," Amy said as she walked in carrying Calla and walked towards them.

"Delphinia," Henry Senior said.

"Henry," Amy said with a smile.

"Thank you, Grandpa..." Henry Senior looked at Henry, "For believing in her like I do," Henry said.

"Thank you, Henry... For being there when I couldn't. You take good care of your mother," Henry Senior said.

Henry Senior looked at Amy and looked at Calla, "Who's this?" Henry Senior asked.

"I thought the dead saw everything," Amy chuckled, "This is Calla Jones, my daughter," Amy said.

"Hi," Calla said as she waved.

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you," Henry Senior said.

"Did you ever?" Amy chuckled, "It's okay... If it didn't happen, Regina wouldn't be here... One good thing came from that sham marriage," Amy said.

"It's lovely to see you two back as friends," Henry Senior said.

"Better than being each other enemy," Amy said.

Henry Senior smiled and he looked back at the light, "It's time for me to go," Henry Senior said.

"Daddy, no," Regina said.

"I love you, Regina. Never forget... Who you really are," Henry Senior said.

"Okay," Regina said.

Henry Dr crossed the bridge into the light, Amy and Regina smiled as tears fell from their eyes, Amy hugged Calla and Henry took hold of his mother's hand.

Amy, Calla, Regina and Henry made their way over to the fallen clock tower and everyone looked at them, "Tell me your father's okay," Mary Margaret said.

"He's better than okay," Regina said.

"He's in a better place now," Henry said.

"Wait. That means everyone here..." Mary Margaret said.

"Can be saved," David said.

"Every soul in this town has unfinished business and chances are, for a lot of them, we're that business," Amy said.

"That doesn't make this pirate feel any better," Killian said.

"I'm sure you'll survive," Neal said.

"You've all deluded yourself if you think these people are worth your time. They're not the dearly departed. They are dead, wretched souls and I want no part of it," Mr Gold said.

"What you want doesn't matter. I wasn't bluffing... I'm happy to tell Belle about your return to Dark One-ness," Alana said.

"And I'll gladly provide the proof," Neal said.

"Our agreement was to find your sister and get the hell out of here. If you want to distract yourselves with this other asinine pursuit, be my guest. I'm out," Mr Gold said as he walked away.

"Why do I try with him... He's never going to change," Neal said.

"Because he's our father, as much as despise him at time, we can't stop wishing," Amy said.

"So... Who's ready for Operation Firebird?" Henry said.

Regina laughed, "Is that what we're calling it?" Regina asked.

"You referring to the mythological bird or the muscle car?" Alana said as she wrapped her arm around Henry's shoulder before leading him away.

The others followed them both but Regina stayed back to watch the clock for a few moments before the clock ticks, Regina smiled before she walked after the others.

The group were unaware the Cora had been watching them, she entered the library. Inside the library, she walked to the elevator, before getting in and she used her magic to send herself underground.

Once at the bottom, she walked through a tunnel before coming out into a private lounge area with music playing. Hades was sat drinking wine and someone was cleaning his feet.

"Mm," He chuckled, "Did you hear that, Cora?" Hades asked.

"The music? Yes. But I've never been very fond of the violin," Cora said.

Hades chuckled again, "I wouldn't expect a miller's daughter to appreciate a virtuoso like Paganini, but, no, I didn't mean the music. I was talking about the clock. Did you hear that little tick up there? It was the sound of your incompetence," Hades said.

"Why do you want my daughter gone? What threat could she pose to you?" Cora asked.

"Ah. Tick, tick, tick. You see, each clock tick means a soul has left my domain. Do I look like I like to lose anything?" Hades said.

"I did what you asked. I didn't want to. I... I jeopardized my relationship with her," Cora said.

"Yes, because you thought you could get her to do what I wanted, which you couldn't. If it makes you feel any better," He chuckled, "She's going to regret her decision," hades said.

"Don't threaten her. Or me. Now... I want what I was promised," Cora said.

"Ah. Really, Cora. I'm surprised you care so much about Regina... Especially after what you did to your other daughter," Hades said.

"How do you know about Zelena?" Cora said.

"Oh, I know about everything. Including why you gave her up. All so you could claw your way out of a miserable peasant life. Which.." He chuckled, "Suggests the perfect punishment," He chimed his glass and turned Cora back into the Millers Daughter, "Look at that. A miller's daughter once again. Hurry now, Cora. You... You have flour to deliver. That's what they do at mills, isn't it? I never paid much attention. It seems like such dull work," Hade said.

"No. No, you... Promised you'd save us. Just..." Cora said.

"And you promised not to fail," He stood up, "Something to think about for eternity. Bye," Hades said.

Cora sobbed before she pushed the heavy wheelbarrow full of flour. Hades watched with an amused look upon his face before his hair turned into blue flames.

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