The Quirkless Twin

By mini0nguy

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Y/N is Deku's twin sister. After idolizing All Might her entire life along with Izuku she decided to try to g... More



589 20 16
By mini0nguy

Hello, yes it's me I wanted to say thank you for all the reads and especially for the people who comment and vote. I really like to know what you are thinking while reading, and if you enjoy it because it makes me happy lol. Also for this part, and possibly continuing into the series I'm going to try writing using words like "you". I don't really know how to explain it, but you'll see what I mean. This is my attempt to make the readers feel like they are in the story more than just reading about someone else. If you would prefer the other way, or like this way better please let me know. As always, please enjoy!

When you peered in through the door you saw your classmates. Some more serious than usual, and others as happy as they could be. Bakugo walked in as proud as he could be with a straight posture almost as if he owned the place. You looked over to see Izuku sitting by Ojiro, and everyone else just talking about how excited they were or wishing others good luck. When you looked up you saw Bakugo glaring at you giving you a clear sign to get your ass in there. With a sigh you slowly walked in.

Choosing a table with no one sitting besides Todoroki you took a seat. Of course, on the opposite diagonal side to get as far away as you could. Being pretty much as anti-social as you he didn't mind. After all he would rather be by himself too. You sighed as you layed your head down on your arms that were resting on the table. When you felt a tap on your shoulder you looked up to see your brother. "So, you're fighting Aoyama?"

"I am?" You asked, reluctantly raising your head.

"Yeah. Did you not see the brackets?" You shook your head, "Oh, were you busy doing something else?"

"Not really." You responded, laying your head down again. "Just tired that's all."

"What time did you go to bed last night?" He looked into your eyes and when you gave him the 'really? you know this' look he continued, "Knowing you you probably went to bed about 3:00? We needed to be here at 7:00ish. That means you got about maybe if not less three hours of sleep."

"That's more than I've gotten all week." You said while yawning, and stretching your arms back.

Izuku sighed, "That's not good you know? I read that for a typical sixteen year old it's healthy to get between eight to ten hours. That's barely making it halfway Y/N." He sounded really concerned.

"I'm fine. It's not a big deal anyways. Not like-"

"Don't you say you can't beat people here again. You can." It had been a while since he's cut you off. Honestly, since he's been doing special training with All Might you haven't been able to spend much time with him. You're mom was usually working so you would just go to Katsuki's house after school to study and hang out with his mom. It kind of dawned on you then though, why don't I ever train with All Might? I mean, I inherit some of his power too. Why am I always left to train alone or with someone else while Izuku get's special help from the number one hero? Who am I kidding, Izuku only gave me some power because he felt bad probably. It's not like All Might originally wanted to give the power to me or anything. You sighed, I don't want to fight Aoyama. That would be too easy. I feel bad for acting like I can't beat anyone here, but I could probably make it into the top three if I really wanted to. All I have to do for Aoyama is dodge his lazar until his stomach hurts. Then I can probably just drag him to the edge of the boundaries and toss him out.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." You breathed out leaning back and stretching. "Who are you fighting?"

"Someone named Shinso. I don't think he's a part of the hero course." He looked behind him, probably at Ojiro or someone else and then back towards you. "We all need to start heading back to spectate, or just being prepared don't you think? Plus, I'm first so I should probably go."

"Okay. I'll go with you as long as I can. Then I'll spectate. There's a lot of people here, and the energy is different than usual." You told him as you stood up to follow him out. You noticed Todoroki stand up, and block your path once Izuku almost made it to the doorframe. Once Izuku noticed you weren't following he stopped and turned back.

"I know you and your brother have some connection to All Might. I'm sure you know that my father is the number two hero, and if you are somehow connected to the number one hero in any way that makes you my enemy." He looked backwards towards Izuku, "I will beat both of you." Then he started looking around, "I will beat all of you if that's what it takes." Then he tilted his head back down towards you, "With only my right side. I'll show him that I don't need his damn quirk." The fact that he was moving his head so much made him seem weird to you.

Izuku, and everyone but Bakugo and you looked wide eyed. Almost like that was the scariest thing they've heard. Breaking the tension you put your hand on his shoulder as you walked forward to be even with him. "Someone's daddy issues finally getting to them? Don't worry you can have the win from me if you really want, but if you fight Izuku he's not going to just give it to you like I will. Keep that in mind." You kept walking, and Bakugo who was sitting on top of the table slapped the top of your head as you passed through the door.

"You're not going to just hand over the win!"

"Obviously not, but have you ever thought to keep your mouth shut for once?" You left through the doorway, and as you walked down the hallway with Izuku they could all hear you say "Damn!" as it faded away.

"I wonder what that was all about." Izuku told you as you guys walked through the hallway.

"I kind of expected it. It was directed towards you too, so prove them all wrong okay?" You guys reached where you needed to separate, and he looked at you with a smile and nodded.

"I will. Also," He started fumbling in the gym uniforms pockets, "Can you-" He held out his notebook with a pen.

"Yeah." You interrupted him as you took it and held it tightly. The last time you held this thing was when it flew out the window. The notebook was pretty much his lifeline. "I'll take notes of Shinso for you."

He smiled, and nodded again. "Thank you, and feel free to look at any of the other pages. I've taken notes on everyone I could. Including you. Please... keep it away from Kacchan." He said before disappearing from behind the corner.

You nodded before putting the pen in your mouth, and holding it in place between your teeth. You started walking back to where the spectating area for your class was, and while you were walking you started flipping through the pages. It was getting full, and for a few moths that was fast for him. Maybe he was adding less detail since there were so many other people? The further you flipped the sooner you noticed people you recognized from your class. Mina, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Tsu, etc. Bakugo was in there again which surprised you, because he was in almost all the other volumes. Let's see, Bakugo. 'Always starts with a right hook.' That's right, and I try to get him to change it once in a while. 'He has the potential to make explosive shots directly lined at a target to help lessen damage.' 'His gauntlets store his sweat to increase his explosions to release an even more powerful blast than his body would be able to take.' Your eyes widened. Now that, is interesting. I thought something like that, but maybe that it was an add on and it had a cool down time thing. I didn't think it stored his excess sweat. That's smart. How did a dim bag like that come up with something that could actually aid him in fighting? I'm gonna ask Izuku how he found that out later. You made it up to the spectating area, and most of your classmates were already sitting.

You peered down to see Bakugo sitting with no one by him by at least five seats in every direction possible since he was sitting close to the aisle. You started walking down, and flipped the page so Bakugo wouldn't see his own page with all his weaknesses written out. You went down to his row, and pushed his feet off of the back of the chair in front, and made your way to the seat next to him. "What took you so damn long?" He asked with his arms crossed not even making eye contact with you.

"Just talking with Izuku why?" He didn't say anything, "Did someone miss me?" You asked teasingly leaning closer. He put his hand over the front of your face, and pushed you away from him.

"As if I would care about an extra like you!" He yelled.

"Oh, there he is. Mind toning it down a little? You hurt my ears when you yell into them idiot." You crossed your arms, and mocked his posture for a while until Present Mic started announcing that the round would be starting. You started trying to flip through his notebook to try to see if there was already an existing page, or if you had to make one.

"What the hell are you doing?" Bakugo asked looking down at the notebook.

"Taking notes." You replied.

"So you can take notes on this, but not for class?" He asked.

"They're not for me. It's for Izuku." You told him holding the notebook further away from him easily sensing his intention to take it.

"You're doing stuff for that damn nerd?"

"He is my brother." You protested, "How is it going to affect you? It has nothing to do with you, so just let him be." You saw a page with you on it, but flipped past it pushing down your curiosity since the round was starting. You finally found a page with the guys name on it. 'Hitoshi Shinso'. There was already a small rough sketch of him too. There were some major details left out though such as simple things like a nose and eyes.

"It's annoying."

"Fine, then leave or just hush up and deal with it." You're attention turned back to the stadium as you saw Izuku walk onto the cement platform along with Shinso. He had purple hair, and huge eyebags you could see from all the way where you were sitting. Naturally without even noticing you started correcting his sketch. Adding the guys fluffy hair, and shading it to show it's darker color. Adding in the eyebags, and glare along with his slouched posture and hands in his pockets. You added the small bridge of his nose along with his deep squinted eyes. By the time you were done adding details you looked up to notice everyone yelling, and Izuku. He was walking, but headed straight towards out of bounds.

"Ugh! I warned him!" You heard Ojiro yell as he threw his hands in the air frustrated.

"Once Deku talked to him he couldn't control himself anymore." Bakugo told you once he looked down and realized you were just fixing details and not actually taking notes. The sketch looked almost exactly like Shinso, and clearly resembled him unlike Deku's chicken scratch sketches.

"He did?" You looked over, and he still didn't make eye contact. You furrowed one of your eyebrows before making a dash mark, and writing down 'takes control from opponents when they talk/answer a question'.

"You're handwriting is disgusting."

"Well so is you're gaming set up, but here we are." You turned back towards the stadium, and saw One for All activating Izuku's finger to flick a shot at the ground just in time to save him from walking out of bounds.

"Hitoshi Shino! Quirk, Brainwashing. When his opponent talks to him, or answers a question he can take full control over them!" Present Mic announced.

At the top of the page you scribbled down, 'Quirk: Brainwashing'. you also decided to add, 'seems to only be let out of stance if he releases it, or an external force wakes them up'. By the time you looked back up you saw them fighting near the boundary before Izuku grabbed his arm, and threw Shino over his shoulder onto the ground out of bounds.

"Hitoshi Shinso is out of bounds! Izuku Midoriya advances to the next round!" Midnight announced as she waved her whip in the air. The brackets that you could see clearly now showed his picture and name move up on the bracket.

"You're fighting Uraraka?" You asked as your gaze never left the displayed on the screen.

"Who the hell is that?" He asked.

"The girl who can make things float?"

He shrugged, and you groaned. "You'll see." You turned back to the page with you on it as Cementoss started to repair the floor, and Izuku got rushed off to Recovery Girl to help fix his finger.

'Y/N Midoriya' 'Quirk: Quirkless' Your sketch he did had better detail compared to the rest, but it made sense since you pretty much looked exactly like him except a girl version. There was a category that was labeled exceptional skills. 'Amazing reflexes' 'Amazing physical skills for a quirkless girl' There was other things written, but as you went to shut it because you had already heard all of it from him Bakugo's hands stopped it, and forced it back open.

"Why does it say quirkless?" He asked sounding stricter than usual. You shrugged. "You know, don't lie to me."

"No I don't. stop being so nosy." You rolled your eyes, and pulled the book away, and shut it.

"What's going on?"

"What do you mean?" You asked glaring at him.

"Ugh. Nevermind. I'll figure it out eventually whether you tell me or not."

"Uh, okay." You responded, and held the book closely as you started chewing on the pen. It was a habit, but by the time you remembered the top of it was already destroyed. Oops.

The next round was Todoroki against Sero, and the only thing you could add to the notebook was that Sero could use his tape as a capture tool, and to direct people onto other paths. That was, until Todoroki froze it, and then proceeded to freeze half of the stadium. Saw that one coming. He seemed more pissed than usual earlier. Plus when you mentioned his dad he seemed like he got really mad, and tensed up.

When you saw Izuku walk in you pushed Bakugo's feet again as you passed to give him it back. "I added things to Shinso, and Sero." You told him, "We should probably update some others later when we get home too."

"Mhm. Thank you." You both went back to your seats, and Izuku started looking at what you added, but his mouth dropped when he saw Shinso's page. The details... and the way it was organized. He looked behind him to see you and Bakugo both have a leg up pushing each other away while you gripped and pulled one another's hair yelling at each other.

"What's that?" Uraraka asked him pointing to the page, "That picture is amazing."

"Oh- Uh- It- It's nothing!" He nervously laughed, "It's just a notebook I keep, and I asked Y/N to add stuff, and she changed the sketch, and-"

"It looks good." She commented.

"Yeah." He nodded. "I have one for each of our classmates including you-"

"Damn it! Let go!" You spoke from your teeth that were gritted together.

"No, I'm not losing!" Bakugo yelled back at you.

Before you knew it, it was Iida against Hatsume which meant your match would be next. Reluctantly, you let go, and punched his shoulder before running off to the waiting area to go next. As you were walking you saw Endeavor, the flame hero walking through the halls. He was huge, and didn't look the slightest bit approachable. That must be where Todoroki got it. This was Todoroki's dad though? Sure they were both intense and serious but... other than that they didn't seem to similar.

"You." He spoked, and you felt a shiver go up your spine when he approached you. "Midoriya, right?"

"Uh, yes sir." Talking to an adult who was obviously superior, and stronger your voice went up a few octaves because you were nervous.

"Oh, you aren't the boy. I forgot there were two of you. Either way, if you end up fighting Shoto you fight with everything child, you understand? Make him use his flames."

"If he doesn't want to he doesn't have to." You snarled at him, forgetting how intense he was. "It's not your choice. He'll use it when he wants to. Excuse me I have to pass this way." You rolled your eyes as you passed, but then reality set in. I just talked back to the number two hero! He'll send me to prison, and then I won't be able to become a hero, and I'll for sure not get to talk to my brother. They'll disown me, and I'll be kicked out of my house and school, and-

You're thoughts stopped when your body stopped walking to stare at the door in front of you. You were there, and chances were you were probably late. You pushed open the door where there was a guy who held his hand back motioning for you to wait before walking further.

"Y/N Midoriya?" You nodded. "Perfect, just in time."

"In the next match we have Yuga Aoyama against Y/N Midoriya!" You heard Present Mic announce, and the guy let you walk forward. You almost froze when you noticed all the lights, and how many people were actually watching you alone this time. Sure, there was Aoyama, but you were supposed to fight him so he wasn't technically there to put your mind at ease.

"Come on Y/N kick some ass!" You heard Kirishima's familiar voice barely make it to where you could hear. Although you couldn't hear the rest when the rest of your class looked at him he laughed nervously. "I know he's our classmate, but she's one of my close friends you know?" He asked them with a toothy grin.

After hearing that someone was routing for you, you raised your head as you walked onto the platform. "You think you can really beat mwah?" He asked as he held his hand up to his chest.

You shrugged, and once you heard the go to start you felt One for All rush though your body. You got out of the way just in time to dodge his lazar as you started making your way closer to him. Just as you thought he started leaning over to clutch his stomach after a series of the lasers were shot followed up by a really long shot. You took that opportunity, and grabbed onto his shoulders before lifting him up, and using all your weight to toss him out of bounds. Just like Bakugo had taught you when you trained with him.

"Aoyama is out of bounds! Midoriya advances to the next round!"

When you looked over you quickly looked away when you realized his gym pants flew off because of the force. "Ew! Sorry..." You said using your hand to act as another barrier just in case.

You could hear the little purple guy, Mineta was it? "I asked you to blow away her pants to show some panties! I didn't want to see yours!" He cried out before you could barely hear Bakugo screaming at him, and Kirishima trying to calm Bakugo down at the same time telling Mineta that was seriously messed up. You sighed, and walked off of the platform. They wanted you still to check in with Recovery Girl even though you didn't have a scratch. Thankfully you got back just in time for Bakugo's fight, and you sat down where you did before. You put your feet up on the back of the chair in front of you, and layed back.

Bakugo versus Uraraka. She must have felt pretty nervous. There was no way he was going to go easy on her, and that was obvious. At least in your eyes since you did train with him. Even after training the only thing that got better for you was reaction time to avoid being hit. You only ever hit him once, and that was just last weekend when there was an open offensive spot. He corrected it right away though, and you haven't got a hit since. She had to have a solid plan in place to have a slight chance to possibly win, because there was no way she could beat him in combat.

When they received the go ahead to start you found yourself at the edge of the seat. She was smart. Staying low to the ground so he would tear up the cement. It was hard to see, but you started to notice the rubble floating above their heads. When she threw her jacket off as a diversion she almost touched him which would have ended it. His reflexes were so insane though, that he put a stop to that immediately. You watched as he kept blowing her backwards time after time again. She was starting to look pretty beat up, and people started booing him.

"You are a monster kid! Going full out on a girl like that!" "Boo!" People were starting to go against him, but he wasn't doing anything wrong. He was treating her like he would any other opponent. "He's going crazy." You heard one of your classmates say. "Yeah... it's hard to watch." You heard Izuku add on from in front of you.

"He's treating her like he would any other opponent. What's wrong? Are people really that blind?" You thought out loud, and your classmates started to look at you. "I'm not wrong."

"Who is the man that started this uproar? Are you a pro, because if so you might want to think about retiring early. He's treating her like he would any other opponent. He keeps knocking her down to give her a chance, because she's deserved to make it this far." You heard your teacher announce. He explained it better than you ever could.

You watched as she wiped her mouth, and put her hands together. The pile of rubble started to fall, and you almost fell off of your seat watching. Your anxiety rose as it got closer to him. He can counter it right? He always manages to pull it off. I mean, it was a solid plan, but it seems desperate almost.

When he raise his hand though, you knew. With a huge explosion Uraraka was flown back, and everyone covered their eyes as the rocks were blown back, and rubble started flying everywhere. When the smoke cleared you saw Uraraka on the floor. It looked like she barely had energy, and as she made one last attempt to stand up and run at him. It seemed almost as if it was in slow motion as she fell back onto the ground, and Midnight signaled Bakugo to lower his guard.

"Uraraka has been K.O.'ed. Bakugo advances to the next round."

That was it. That was the last part of the first bracket rounds. She would probably take a little bit of time to heal, and you figured everyone would go when they could to see how she was doing. Cementoss started repairing the severely damaged platform, and after a little while it was killing you inside. You got up to go see how she was doing while Kirishima, and Tetsutetsu had their tie breaker.

You were glad to see her in the waiting room fine with a few bandages. She seemed happy as ever, and just mentioned how she didn't think of a back up plan if that failed. While you never were close with her or anything you were really close to the person that hurt her so it only felt right.

Next round would be Izuku against Todoroki. Considering Endeavour earlier he was probably looking for your brother. The disappointment when it was the girl was clear. It was safe to assume he probably found him. This round was probably going to be very interesting, and it almost felt like you had to get Izuku's notebook from him. Almost like it was a gut feeling to be there to write something down if anything. It was time. Time for it to begin.

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