𝐓𝐰𝐒𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐧 π“π’π¦πž

By lucid_galaxy

197K 6.2K 972

Bonnie needed both doppelgΓ€ngers blood to try and undo the spell that made vampires but when it goes wrong El... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 41

587 20 1
By lucid_galaxy

Two Days Later

Alexander, Stefan and Rebekah's youngest of their children was late again for his class. As he was speed walking to get to his class he bumped into someone making his things and their things fall.

"I am so sorry." A female voice said as they both bent down to pick up their books.

Alexander looked up at her and was in awe at the girl in front of him. "No, I should've been paying attention." He stood up off the ground and helped her up. 

"Well..I-it's quite alright." Her French accent coming on strong this time. 

"I'm Alexander, but my friends call me Alex." He adjusted his backpack on his shoulder.

"I'm Esme and It's very nice to meet you, Alexander." She smiled politely. 

"Northern France?" Alexander questioned. 

"Pardon?" Esme raised her eyebrows.

"Your accent, your from Northern France, correct?" Alexander asked. 

"You are correct, I was born in Arras and I lived there most of my life." Esme bounced on the balls of her feet. 

"I see, maybe we could get to know each other better over coffee at the Grill, after school?" Alexander asked. 

"Sure. See you at the Grill." Esme walked away to her class. She shook her head and sighed. She couldn't let herself get distracted by some boy. She had to get close to the phantom spirit, so when the time comes she won't be able to hurt her, because they've formed a close bond.


Jenna and Finn were arguing once again. They had been arguing for the past 3 weeks, since the winter wonderland ball. "Jenna, Please let me expl-" 

Jenna held her hand up stopping Finn from finishing. A tear slid down her cheek and her water eyes looked into his. "No, I don't have it in me to hear any more lies from you, Finn."


"Finn, just give me some time to think about everything. I just need space for awhile." Jenna said. 

"I'll give you as much time as you need, because once your ready to hear me out, I'll still be waiting for you. I love you, beautiful." Finn gave her one last look and walked out of their room, shutting the door behind him. He heard her footsteps as they stopped on the other side of the door. 

He set a hand against the door and his forehead rested on the door. Jenna did the same on the other side of the door. 


McKenna skipped classes the second time this week. She snuck through her bedroom window at the Mikaelson Mansion.  She set her backpack on the floor and climbed through. She straightened herself out and fixed her skirt. She looked up and let out a small yelp. 

Hayley stood there with crossed arms. "Shouldn't you be at School, McKenna?" 

"Aunt Hayley, please don't tell my Mom or Dad." McKenna begged. 

"Only if you tell me why you aren't at school." Hayley said. 

McKenna sighed and walked over to her bed sitting on it. Hayley sat next to her. "I feel lost." She looked at her nails, picking at them. 


"I'm sure you know that in order for me to become a phantom spirit, I had to lose someone I cared for deeply." McKenna looked at Hayley and Hayley nodded for her to continue. "There was this boy named Austin. He honestly changed my life and how I looked at things. He was normal, he made me feel...normal." McKenna sadly smiled. 

"I've lost a lot of people growing up. Something I learned is that the longer people stay, the deeper the wound they leave behind. But to get through the pain and hurt you feel, you have to remember the good times and slowly move on. The void you feel will always be there but it won't be as big as it once was. So, just slowly move on because I'm sure that's what Austin would want." Hayley said. 

"Thank you Aunt Hayley." McKenna hugged her. Hayley smiled and rubbed her back.


Jayden walked out of his bathroom with only a towel hanging on his hips. He ran his fingers in his hair and shook them making small water droplets get everywhere.  

"Damn, Jay. I forgot how good you looked without a shirt." A female voice said from his bed. 

Jayden looked over to his bed and a smile appeared on his face. "I thought you were still in London." He caught her as she jumped on him. Her legs wrapped around his torso and one of his hands on her thigh and the other on her back as they hugged. 

She jumped down and looked up at him. "I couldn't miss my best friend's 21st birthday. It's your birthday week." She smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes. 

Jayden noticed this. "I'm glad your here for my birthday week. But, what's the other reason for coming at the way here from London, Elisabeth?" Jayden crossed his arms flexing his muscles. 

"Really, Jayden?! You know how much I hate it when you call me by my full name!" Elisabeth exclaimed.  

Jayden kept giving her a look that told her he meant business. She sighed. "He cheated again." She sat on the edge of his bed. Jayden's features soften and he sat next to her. "I always give him another chance and he always messes it up. God! What is wrong with me, Jay? I keep going back to him, even though I know he will mess it up." She flopped back on the bed. 

"Elisa, sit up and look at me." He waited and she sat up and looked at him with her big green eyes. "Nothing is wrong with you, you care deeply for him and want him to be the best version of himself. But Elisa you don't deserve to be treated this way. You deserve someone who is going to treat you right everyday, not just when it's convenient for them." He pushed some of her hair back as he wiped the one tear that was rolling door her cheek. 

"Your amazing Jay. I love you." She hugged him. 

"I love you, too, Elisa." He hugged her back. As their heads rested on the others shoulder their small smiles dropped. If only they would tell each other how they really feel. 

Elisabeth pulled away with a smile. "Now as much as I love seeing you practically naked. You need to put some clothes on because we are going out." She stood up and walked towards his closet and into it. 

He followed her into his closet and she threw him a shirt, jeans, and a pair of boxers. "Chop! Chop!" She walk out of his closet to let him change.


"In your hesitation, I found my answer...once again." Isabella whispered the last part and looked away from him and turned slowly walking away. 

"I'm sorry." He called out, making her stop in her tracks.  "I'm sorry, that I'm a complete and utter douchebag. I should've told you when I found out. I didn't know how to tell you that I was getting ready to leave. So, I let you walk away all of those years ago. But I will not make that mistake again." He walked towards her as the rain fell on them and he turned her towards him. 

"I love you, Isabella." He kissed her and she kissed back. 

"Aaaaand. Cut!" A voice yelled. He and Isabella slowly pulled away from the kiss and smiled. The fake rain stopped as well. "Guys that was great. We'll start the final act tomorrow. Gather your things and you are all free to go." The drama teacher picked up her papers off the desk and walked to her office.  

"Josh, you were amazing." Isabella smiled as she grabbed her bag. 

"Me? Bella, you were amazing." Josh smiled. 

"Thank you. I just hope when we perform this people will think the same thing. I haven't performed infront of this huge of a crowd since I first got to France to play in Romeo and Juliet. After that the plays I did were small and didn't get sold out." Isabella said as they walked out of the studio. 

"You'll do great, besides we have a week till opening night." Josh ran a hand through his slightly wet hair. 

"You'll do great as well." Isabella smiled as she pulled her hair into a messing bun. A car honked and pulled up besides where they were walking. It was a black SUV and the window rolled down,  revealing a girl with brown short hair with highlights. She had sunglasses that covered her eyes. 

"Isabella Mikaelson, your coming with us." Before Isabella or Josh had time to react 3 huge guys appeared one behind them and theater two in front of them. 

"I don't think so." She flicked her wrist and there was a snap. The man behind them fell to the ground. One of the men in front of her stuck a needle in her arm and she went down. The other man gave a sedative to Josh. 

The men put the two in the car and grabbed the man with a snapped neck. The car drove off, going to the edge of town.


"Sweetheart, why didn't you just tell us how you were feeling?" Klaus asked. 

"I just...you guys wouldn't understand." McKenna looked down at her hands. 

Caroline and Klaus shared a look. "McKenna, we understand what it's like to lose someone you love." Caroline sat next to McKenna and started rubbing her back.

"Mom, you and dad don't understand this feeling. Like I told Aunt Hayley earlier, I feel empty inside and alone. Yeah you guys lost a lot of people but did it ever feel like this?" McKenna asked looking at both her parents.

Klaus sat in the chair across from McKenna and Caroline. "McKenna, I know what it's like to be alone. Always feeling empty inside, having no one to understand what you feel. I felt that way for a long time, even with your aunts and uncles by my side I never felt like they understood. Then I meet your mother and she changed my life, she understood why I did what I did and the way I felt, like no body else did." Klaus sighed. 

"Aunt Hayley said that the pain will slowly go away, but there will always be a void. Is that true?" McKenna asked.

"She's right. The pain you feel now will slowly go away as the time passes. And they small void you have will be there but once you meet someone else, he will fill that void." Caroline said. 

"You guys are great parents." McKenna smiled. 

"We try, sweetheart." Klaus looked at Caroline. They started at each other for a moment, having a silent conversation with their eyes. 

"McKenna, your grounded for skipping school. I talked to Rebekah and Alaric, they are gonna be keeping an eye on you to make sure you go to class. Also, if you ever feel like you just want a day for yourself, tell Alaric, Freya, Stefan, or Rebekah. Okay?" Caroline looked at McKenna. 

"Okay, Mom." 


Alexander was at the Grill and was currently setting up the pool table to play a game. The grill was loud with noise. Music playing, people eating, people drinking, and people celebrating a small party.

Alexander looked towards the door and Esme had just walked in. She looked around and when she laid her eyes on him she gave him a small smile. She walked towards him to where the pool tables were. 

"Hey, sorry I got here late. I was getting Monday's homework assignment." She said. 

"It's alright, I just got here a few minutes ago." Alexander said. "Do you play?" He gestured towards the pool table. 

"No, can you teach me?" She looked up at him. 

"Sure, here you go." He handed her the pool stick that was in his hand and grab another one for himself. 

A while later and they were now sitting in a booth, waiting for their food. "That didn't really happen, did it?" She asked with a smile. 

"It did. My brother Nolan and sister Brielle were so mad at me and Nevaeh for doing it." Alexander smiled at the memory of him and Nevaeh pranking Nolan and Brielle. "So, tell me more about yourself. I feel like we've only been talking about me." 

"You don't want to hear about my life, trust me." Esme said. 

"Come on, the whole point of coming here together was to get to know each other better." Alexander said. 

"Okay, um...I grew up in Arras. I have-had two younger sisters. Both of my parents were witches. My Father left us when I was 4, he got remarried a year later and had five kids with his wife. After he left my mom got into dark magic. It turned her into someone she wasn't and When I turned 10 the dark magic ended up killing her. My grandmother took my sisters and I in, which meant we had to leave Arras. We moved to Portugal."  Esme drank some of her soda. 

"I'm sorry to about your mother. Also what do you mean had two sisters?" Alexander asked. 

"Thank you. My sisters and I were very close growing up, we were all each other really had. When I turned 15, I went through a very dark period in my life, I felt alone and started practicing not only dark magic but expression magic as well. I made a few enemies and they killed what was left of my family." Esme leg was shaking under the table. She only ever did that when she lied. 

"After that happened I got help from some witches and the performed a spell on me, it expelled the dark magic and expression out of my system. I lived with them for two years and they told me about this school and then I moved here." she lied. 

"Wow, I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, no one deserves to got through that much loss and pain." Alexander grabbed her hand from across the booth. She squeezed his hand and gave him a small smile. 

This is going to be too easy. She thought. 


A burning sensation shot through her whole body, her head all the way back and her mouth opened as a liquid was poured in her mouth, burning her throat as they forced her to swallow it. "She should be out for a while longer." A male voice said. 

She heard them talking as they walked out the room she was in. Her heard slowly fell forward as it felt heavy. She fought the vervain, she wouldn't let it make her unconscious. 

"Do they want us to send a message to them now?" Another male voice asked. 

"Yes, I'll be making a surprise visit with Lucien to the Mikaelson Mansion. I'll need you guys to stay and keep an eye on Isabella and her friend, Josh, I believe his name his." The female voice said. 

"Yes Sofya." Both of the male voices said. 

Isabella looked to the side of her where Josh was unconscious and tied to a chair. She had to get out of here. 

To Be Continued...

Sorry It took forever to update. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. 

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