By Bossforlife75

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You are the son of Vergil, the dangerous older brother of the famous devil hunter Dante. After your village i... More

(Definitive) Prologue.
Bio (slightly updated)
Part 1: Welcome to vale
Part 2:The Shining beacon
Part 3: The initiation
Part 4: The badge and burden
Part 5: Jaunedice
Part 6 :Forever fall, but never forgotten
Part 7 :The Stray
Part 8: Black and White and Demons awaken
Vol. 2 Part 1: Best Day Ever
Vol.2 part 2: Painting the town red, pasts can't stay buried.
Vol.2 part 3: Extracurricular Field Trip.
Vol.2 Part. 4: The Boogeyman's Tale.
Vol.2 part 5: Breach (The Showdown) pt.1
Vol.2 part 6: Resurgence (The Showdown) pt.2
Vol.2 part 7: Retribution (The Showdown Finale)
Vol.3 part 1: Round One's New Challengers.
Vol.3 part, 2: It's Brawl in the Family.
Vol.3 part, 3: Never miss a beat.
Vol.3 part, 4: Fall.
Vol.3 part, 5: Destiny.
Vol.3 part, 6: PVP.
Vol 3. part, 7: The battle of Beacon.
Vol.3 part, 8: Heroes and Monsters.
Vol.3 part, 9: The Beginning of The end.
Vol.3 part, 10: Don't say goodbye...
Vol.4 part, 1: The Next Step Is Always The Hardest.
Vol.4 part, 2: Long time no see.
Vol.4 part, 3: Two Steps Forward, Three From Hell.
Vol.4 part, 4: Against All Odds.
Vol.5 part, 1: The Menagerie.
Vol. 5 part, 2: Keep Walking The Line.
Vol. 5 part, 3: The Approaching Storm.
Vol. 5 part, 4: Don't Fear The Reaper.
Vol. 5 part, 5: Restful Reunions.
Vol.6 Part, 2: Alone in Darkness.
Vol.6 part, 3: The Grimm's Reaper.
Vol.6 part, 4: Dead end.
Vol.6 part, 5: Something wicked this way comes.
Vol.6 part, 6: This Is The Way.
Vol. 7 part, 1: The Greatest Approach.
Vol. 7 part, 2: Ceremonial Circumstances.
Character Bio and Announcement.
Vol. 7 part, 3: A Cordial Night Out.
Vol. 7 part, 4: The Road to Hell...
Extra Chapter 1: Tale of the Fallen Swordsmen.
Extra Chapter 2: Eclipse
Special Chapter 1: The Devil's Rose.

Vol.6 part, 1: Argus Unlimited.

246 5 4
By Bossforlife75

3rd POV.
Somewhere in Mistral.

In a snowy mountainside, the sound of a train horn could be heard blaring in the distance, soon followed by the train itself with Manticores flying close behind. As one of the Grimm shot down by Ruby while it's body lands and rolls across the top of the train car, only to be sliced in half by the red hooded girl.

Ruby: "Got him, now who's next?"

Suddenly two more fall from the sky dead courtesy of (Y/n), holding a smoking Blue Rose in his hand. Standing next to Ruby, (Y/n) sees one of the Grimm still clinging to life and proceeds to walk over and crush the remaining Manticore's skull in, it's body dissolving shortly after.

(Y/n): "Looks like there's a lot to go around."

Cocking Blue Rose and grinning happily, before pointing the revolver behind himself at a Manticore that managed to sneak up behind them as it was blasted away by large icicles

Weiss: "Thank me later!"

She says zooming past the two on her glyphs. While moving forward, Weiss takes down two more Manticores.

(Y/n): "Weak! You took my kill!"

Shouting to Weiss and following her lead. Meanwhile, elsewhere on the train Blake uses Gambol Shroud to swing herself into the air.

Blake: "Incoming!"

Wrapping Gambol Shroud's ribbon around a Manticore's neck, allowing Yang to punch through it as she and Blake land back on the train.

Yang: "Good to see you're not rusty."

The two push forward as team RWBY continues to take down more Manticores. A few cars down, Jaune, Nora and Ren as well as Oscar are seen climbing on top of the car with Oscar running towards the front of the train.

Nora: "Why is it always something?"

Ruby: "Just keep it towards the back!"

The members of team JNR join the battle with Jaune using Crocea Mors to block an incoming fireball. Nora transforms Magnhild into a grenade launcher to shoot a Manticore point blank as Ren provides suppressive fire with StormFlower. The turrets mounted on the train also assist the young Huntsmen and Huntresses in ridding the sky of Grimm.

Nora: "Ren!"

Running towards Ren, he turns and grabs her hand to swing her over to the next car. Firing off a couple of grenades before transforming the weapon into it's hammer form and smashing a Manticore in the head.

(Y/n): "Coming through!"

Shouting for Nora to move as he rides on a Manticore's back across the top of the train with Fox plunged deeply into it's neck before flying back into the air, using the opportunity to fire Blue Rose at incoming Manticores, (Y/n) blows off two of the Grimms heads and watches their lifeless bodies hit the train then dissolving.

Oscar: "TUNNEL!!"

Everyone stops and notices the tunnel approaching fast.

Ruby: "Go!"

She says to the others, who proceed to get below into train cars. Following Ruby a fireball lands at Weiss' feet, causing her to lose her balance and fall off the train, (Y/n) catches Weiss by her wrist and lifts her with one arm while using his other to fire Blue Rose at the pursuing Grimm.

(Y/n): "Rubes! Heads up!"

Tossing the girl over his head, Ruby catches Weiss.

Ruby: "Thank me later!"

Smiling to Weiss as she uses her semblance to get herself and Weiss to safety, while (Y/n) slowly steps backwards to the gap which connects the train cars.

(Y/n): "I gotta say. It's great having everyone back together again."

Smiling to himself and dropping into the gap right before the tunnel approaches.

Mistral central station.
An hour earlier.

Yang: "And?"

Ruby shows Yang and everyone a gift bag she had just purchased, Weiss sighs while watching the sisters antics.

Weiss: "What an absolute waste of time-"

Yang: "What did you get me?"

Ruby:*Singsong* "You'll just have to wait and see!"

Yang: "No fair!"

Ruby stucks her tongue out at her sister, Yang attempts to grab the bag from her, Nora then jumps between them.

Nora: "Oh, I can't believe we're taking the train to Argus! The beautiful coastline... You really think it's too early for beach season?"

Soon Nora and team RWBY, minus Blake all daydream about a shirtless Ren and (Y/n).

Ren: "Unfortunately, but we will be one step closer to Atlas."

Weiss:*Unamused* "Well, I'm glad you're all excited. But I don't think you appreciate the trouble I went through to leave Atlas."

Ruby: "I know you're worried, Weiss, but trust us. Team RWBY won't leave your side for a second! I promise."

???: "No one's gotta be worried with us around."

A pair of Huntsmen confront Ruby and the others with proud looks on their faces and holding their weapons.

Nora: "Aaaand you are?"

Dee: "Why Dee and Dudley of course. The Argus Limit's very own Huntsmen. We'll be keeping everyone safe as we pass through Grimm territory."

Dudley: "But for a generous tip, we can make sure your car gets extra special attention should things get dangerous."

Winking at Ruby, as she, Weiss, Yang and Nora give unamused looks at the two with Weiss rolling her eyes and Nora crossing her arms. (Y/n) starts laughing and stands up from between Oscar and Weiss as the girls turn to him.

(Y/n):*Chuckling* "Yeah, I've got a tip for you. Why don't you piss off?"

Standing between Ruby and Yang, as the sisters make faces at Dee and Dudley, mocking the two.

Dee: "Hey! You're talking to a-"

(Y/n): "Professional Huntsmen, right, right. Look listen, I'm not sure if you're lovers, or brothers, or both."

Everyone snickers at (Y/n)'s last comment as the young man steps forward.

(Y/n): "But it feels like you should being doing your jobs, instead of trying to swindle a few extra bucks and harassing women who are obviously not interested. Oh, and it looks like one of you heroes forgot to close the door to the caboose."

Dee and Dudley turn around in surprise at the revelation.

(Y/n): "Be a real shame if you boys lost your jobs so soon after you got them."

Dudley: "I... I didn't do it!"

Dee:*Scoffs* "Come on, dummy."

Watching the pair turn and leave, Ozpin speaks in Oscar's head as they do.

Ozpin:*Mentally* 'I do hope those weren't Beacon graduates.'

Oscar: "You know the burden of saving the world feels overwhelming.*Turning to everyone* But then people like that come along and make me grateful that it's our jobs and not theirs."

Ruby: "Uh-huh."

Jaune: "Yeah."

(Y/n): "Got that right."

Everyone collectively agrees with Oscar as Qrow walks next to Yang.

Qrow: "So, you kids ready to go? Bike all loaded up?

Yang: "Yep!"

Weiss: "Just waiting on Blake. As usual."

(Y/n): "Oh, that reminds me. Weiss, listen very closely to my next sentence, 'cause I'm gonna need you, and follow me on this one, not get mad at me."

Weiss: "Why?"

(Y/n): "Because I gave Naomi my wallet to go buy a new pair of clothes."

Weiss immediately stands up and grabs (Y/n) by his jacket's collar, as she shakes him violently around.

(Y/n): "It's fine. Logan went with her and I gave her Yamato, so she'll be alright. Just stop shaking me!"

Weiss: "You gave her a sword?!"

(Y/n): "I-I've been training her over the last couple of weeks, and I was already training by the time I was five."

Letting go of (Y/n)'s shoulder as Weiss' hair covers her eyes, a dark Aura builds around her.

Weiss:*Sinisterly* "You've been secretly training my daughter without my knowledge?"

(Y/n): "I-If it makes you feel better she's my daughter too."

Weiss: "It doesn't."

Sweat dropping and panicking, (Y/n) looks around for the young lady and was relieved to see Logan, barking at his master as the Grimm looks back to Naomi, sporting a new set of clothes.

(Y/n): "Oh, there she is."

Turning around, Weiss gasps while her eyes light up at the sight of Naomi's new getup, everyone turns to the girl with a look of amazement on their faces at the sight of her new her outfit.

(Y/n):"Hey sweetie, find something you like?"

Naomi: "You bet! I love how freeing this feels, my old dress felt so constricting, no offense Mama."

Sighing and shaking her head at Naomi's response.

Weiss: "There's no denying that you are your father's daughter."

(Y/n) and Naomi exchange a quick grin and high five each other, making Weiss shake her head again.

(Y/n): "Well, I guess I'll go look for Blake. There's someone I also gotta say goodbye too."

On the floor above, Blake and Ilia converse with each other, with the latter seen wearing a black casual outfit, instead of her usual White Fang attire.

Ilia: "I still don't believe that I deserve the freedom you and your family granted me."

Blake: "Well, you're going to have to get over it, Ilia. Saving Haven had a huge impact on how people see Faunus in Mistral. Now it's up to you all to take the progress and keep running with it."

Ilia: "Right. The White Fang may have been a failure, but with your father starting up a new movement, I've got more faith than ever."

Running up to Blake and hugging her.

Ilia: "Thank you, Blake, for everything.*Choking up* I wish you didn't have to go."

After a brief moment, the two part from the hug.

Blake: "I know, but my team needs me. We're going to track down who's responsible for the attack on Haven and the Fall of Beacon."

Ilia:*Giggles* "Always trying to save the world."

(Y/n): "Boy. More than you realize."

The two turn around and find (Y/n) standing on the railing as the young man jumps off.

Ilia: "Hey, (Y/n). Good to see you, before you head off."

(Y/n): "Likewise. By the way, if you guys ever need help you know who to call."

Giving her a smile and scratching the back of his head.

Ilia: "Haha, thanks (Y/n).*To Blake* Hey, I know your parents already saw you off but where's-"

Sun: "Sun? He's right here!"

The monkey Faunus shows up a few feet behind as Blake and (Y/n) walk up to him.

Sun: "What? You two seriously didn't think I would miss your big send off, did you?"

(Y/n): "Might've crossed my mind once or twice. Hey Neptune, good to see you again man."

Noticing Neptune hiding behind Sun's back, he pops his head out and waves to (Y/n).

Neptune: "He definitely overslept and absolutely almost missed this."

Growling and turning to Neptune

Neptune: "Hey, Blake. Hey, (Y/n).*To Sun* Now would you hurry up? Need I remind you we have our on trip to plan? Oh, I didn't know Ilia was gonna be here. I'll, uh, I'll give you three a moment."

Noticing Ilia standing a few feet behind them, Neptune pushes Sun towards Blake and (Y/n) as he walks over to Ilia.

Neptune: "Hey, almost didn't see you there, 'cause, you know, the camouflage?"

He says to Ilia while walking past the three Blake helplessly reaches her hand out to stop Neptune, but fails to do so.

Blake: "Wrong tree..."

Sun: "I'm sure he'll get it."

(Y/n): "You really headed back to Vacuo?"

Sun: "That's right! Seeing you and Blake reunited with the rest of Team RWBY really made me realize something - I'm a terrible team leader. Me and the boys were cool with a little hiatus, but we're gonna make up for lost time. Shade Academy's not dealing with any problems like Haven right now. Plus, that means I can show the guys my old stomping grounds!"

Blake: "I have to admit, I think I was kind of getting used to having you around."

Sun: "I go where I'm needed!

Standing proudly as a yellow backdrop appears, (Y/n) chuckles and shakes his head at Sun before smiling back to the monkey Faunus.

Sun: "And... you don't need me anymore."

Blake frowns at this as (Y/n) speaks up.

(Y/n): "Sounds kinda sad when you put it like that."

Reassuringly putting his hands on both of their shoulder, Sun smiles at Blake and (Y/n).

Sun: "Look... despite all the drama and the fighting and the numerous attempts on my life, I had a lot of fun! But you're with who you're supposed to be now."

Causing both of them to look down at their friends on the level below them.

Blake:*Smiling* "Sun... I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you enough. I'm still-"

Sun: "You're still working stuff out, I know. But you can do it with them. And in the future, who knows? I've got a feeling you both haven't seen the last of me."

Smiling and balling his fist in front of him, as Sun has a proud expression while Blake and (Y/n) smile at him.

Blake: "I certainly hope not."

(Y/n): "You better take care of yourself, monkey man."

Sun: "You too, you handsome devil."

Fist bumping each other as the three says their farewells. (Y/n) gives Sun a hug, before finally parting ways.

Small Timeskip.

Walking through the door leading to Team RWBY's cabin, (Y/n) freezes and stares at the girls and the familiar layout of the room.

(Y/n): "Woah."

Weiss: "What?"

Peering up from her book.

(Y/n): "Nothing... just, nostalgia."

Setting his bag next to the door and sitting down next to Weiss as he smiles at Naomi laying on the ground with Logan.

Ruby: "All right girls, and boy. I think it's time for an official team exercise. Who wants to play video games?"

Yang: "I mean, if you want me to kick your butt, sure. Let me grab my scroll."

Yang goes to pick up her bag as Blake notices and quickly walks over to her.

Blake: "Here let me help you with that."

Helping Yang get her bag down from the shelf much to the blonde's dismay as she takes her bag.

Yang: "Blake, you don't have to do that."

Blake:*Saddened* "I don't know what your talking about."

Yang: "I'm fine. We're gonna to be fine. It's just gonna be a bit before things are back to normal. But... I'm glad we're all back together."

Smiling at each other with Ruby, Weiss and (Y/n) joining in as well.

Blake: "Yeah, okay."

Qrow: "How touching."

Everyone turns their attention to Qrow standing in the doorway, holding a cocktail in his left hand.

Ruby: "Oh, hey Uncle Qrow! Wanna play too?"

Qrow:*Chuckles* "Kick your butts? Sure."

Suddenly, the train jolts which causes Qrow to drop his drink as passengers are heard screaming in fear.

Blake: "What was that?"

Weiss: "Exactly what it sounds like."

Blake: "Just my luck."

Qrow: "It's not yours... grab your weapons!"

Walking over to the window and looking outside.

(Y/n): "Never an easy day, huh?"

Spinning Blue Rose's cylinder shut and twirling the revolver back into it's holster as Qrow rushes out of the room while Team RWBY follow suit, grabbing their weapons on the way out.

Climbing on opposite sides of the car, as Qrow and (Y/n) notice a group of Manticores boxing in the two Huntsmen from earlier. A Sphinx lands a few cars away, letting out a huge roar as Team RWBY joins Qrow and (Y/n) with their weapons out. Making a battle cry, Dee charges the Sphinx with his weapon over his head before he was sweeped off his feet by a Manticore. .

Dudley: "Dee!"

Watching as the Manticore drags his partner down to his unfortunate demise, causing (Y/n) to shake his head in disapproval.

(Y/n):*Sarcastically* "Oh no. Who would've thought he'd die so quick?"

Transforming Fox and cracking his neck. The Sphinx roars again as all of the Manticores fly forward to attack.

(Y/n): "So, what's the plan Rubes?"

Ruby: "Don't let anyone else die."

(Y/n): "Got it!"

With that, (Y/n), Qrow and Team RWBY charge forward. Down below, Oscar opens up the window to see the commotion, as a Manticore flies by and barely misses him.

Ozpin:*Mentally* 'Shall I?'

Oscar: "No. I'm keeping control."

Walking away from the window, Oscar bumps into Jaune, with Ren and Nora behind him.

Jaune: "What's going?"

As Oscar was about to answer, he was interrupted by the train shaking again, Jaune's face turns into determination.

Back up top, Qrow, (Y/n) and Team RWBY get to work on cutting down Manticores. Dudley runs to the front of the train and takes out his scroll, activating the trains defense systems.

Dudley: "Come on, come on."

The trains armor activates, with reinforced plating which covers most of the train and windows with crossed metal bars. After that, the turrets mounted along the top of the train cars rise up and begin targeting midair Grimm, taking out a group of Manticores as Dudley pumps his fist.

Dudley: "Ah, yes!"

Meanwhile, Qrow engages the Sphinx head on. The Grimm tries to crush Qrow with it's paw, as he turns into his bird form and flies under it's swing before changing back and landing a hit from above. The turrets fire at the Grimm from behind, only angering the beast casuing it to roar.

Two Manticores swoop down, one tucks and rolls under a turrets line of fire and takes the gun emplacement out, while the second avoids the other turrets shots, and spits a fireball at it, completely destroying the turret. As Qrow shouts to Dudley from across the train cars.

Qrow: "Hey! What are you doing?"

Oscar and Team JNR climb up on the car, as the boy runs over to Qrow, firing Harbinger at the swarm of Grimm.

Oscar: "How can I help?"

Qrow:*Still firing* "You can get that idiot to shut off the turrets. They're just drawing the Grimm toward the passengers!"

Oscar: "Right!"

Nodding and running toward the front of the train, dodging fireballs and Manticores diving at him along the way. Oscar reaches Dudley, who was firing at Grimm with his own rifle.

Oscar: "Stop! You've gotta shut the turrets off!"

Dudley: "Are you crazy? No way!"

A turret blows another Manticore out of the sky.

Dudley: "Yes! Another one down!"

Placing his hand on the man.

Oscar: "Stop! We have to lure the Grimm to the back."

Dudley: "What does it matter if they're dead?"

Shoving Oscar's arm off and continuing to fire at the Grimm. Suddenly, they notice the Sphinx and Manticores pull back and keep their distance.

Dudley: "Where are they going?"

Realizing and quickly looking behind him, Oscar turns back and yells.

Oscar: "TUNNEL!!"

Dudley: "Huh?"

Taking notice of the fast approaching tunnel, Oscar swiftly gets below the train while Dudley does the same, but inadvertently leaves his arm out as it impacts the wall of the tunnel.

Back to the present.

Teams RWBY and JNR run into the train car, followed by (Y/n) as Oscar tends to Dudley, holding his bruised arm in pain. Qrow enters and approaches the injured man, picking him up and shoving him to the wall.

Qrow: "I said, turn those damn things off!"

Dudley:*Groaning in pain* "Those things are keeping us alive!"

Qrow: "Us, sure, but they're putting the passengers in danger!"

Dudley: "I'm the one they hired for this job, okay?! I'm in charge here!"

Qrow: "Forgive me if I'm not exactly reassured."

While the two argue, Ruby looks out of the window and sees that the Grimm have entered the tunnel as she looks behind her friends, a baby could be heard crying while passengers murmur amongst each other.

Dudley: "Get off me!"

Qrow: "Look if you bozos had been doing your job instead of shaking down passengers, maybe we wouldn't be in this-"

Ruby steps forward and stops her uncle.

Ruby: "Please, just shut off the turrets."

Jaune: "Trust us, we know what we're doing?"

Activating his semblance to heal the Huntmen's arm, looking surprised at the students before giving his answer and pulls his arm away from Jaune.

Dudley: "Fine."

Ruby nods and turns to her friends.

Nora: "Ren, can you use your semblance to mask everyone on the train? With the guns off and emotions hidden, they might lose track of us!"

Ren: "Hm, I've never affected this many people before."

Ruby: "Well, you've never had Jaune's help before!"

Weiss: "He could amplify your Aura!"

Qrow: "Yeah, that's an alright plan."

Nora: "Don't look so worried, Ren. You can totally do this!"

Noticing the growing look of concern on Oscar's face, (Y/n) crosses his arms and speaks up.

(Y/n): "So, Oz. You gonna leave everyone else in the dark, or you gonna tell them?"

Ozpin:*Mentally* 'May I?'

Oscar's eyes glow as Ozpin takes control.

Ozpin: "Yes, I'm afraid there's one complication... the Grimm are attracted to this."

Gesturing to the Relic of Knowledge on his hip.

Dudley: "What's that?"

Qrow: "None of your business. Oz, are you serious?"

Yang: "Why didn't you tell us that?!"

Ozpin: "I-"

Ruby: "It doesn't matter now."

Yang frowns and crosses her arms as Ruby looks to Ozpin.

Ruby: "Every second we're on board this train, we're putting everyone else in danger. Get the passengers to the front cars, you'll still mask emotions and kill the turrets... we just can't come with you. If we cut the back cars with us and the Relic on them, we can deal with the Grimm. You just make sure the train gets safely to Argus."

Upon hearing this, Jaune finishes healing Dudley's arm and walks over to Ruby with a conflicted expression.

Jaune: "Only if you promise you'll meet us there. Both of you."

Looking at her and (Y/n) as they smile back to Jaune.

Ruby: "Promise."

(Y/n): "Deal."

Fist bumping Jaune, Naomi and Logan push themselves through Nora and Ren.

Naomi: "Umm, papa? Can I help too?"

(Y/n): "Naomi? I, uhh..."

Looking over to Weiss, shaking and rubbing her forehead in annoyance as she gestures her approval.

(Y/n): "Alright, just stick close to Logan and once we cut the cars you stay with Uncle Jaune. Okay?"

Naomi: "Got it."

With that, Team JNR begins evacuating passengers to the front half of the train. An elderly woman stops and looks behind her as Naomi bumps into her by accident.

Naomi: "Sorry, ma'am. Do you need help?"

Elderly woman: "Ah, thank you dear. Would you mind taking me back there?"

Pointing to the car behind her with her cane, making the young lady raise her eyebrow.

Naomi: "Are you sure?"

Nodding to her question, Naomi helps the old woman into the car with Logan leading the way.


The turrets shut off, as Blake jumps down and decouples the train cars. When she looks back up, Blake sees a hooded figure resembling Adam on the car in front of her as she reaches over her shoulder to grab her weapon, but then realizes no one was there. (Y/n) drops and hangs off the side of the car and offers his hand.

(Y/n): "You okay, Blake? Come on, we've gotta move."

Taking the boy's hand, (Y/n) lifts Blake up to the roof of the train car. While Ruby is seen looking at her scroll, as Nora's signal was gradually fading. Taking a look back, Ruby notices the Sphinx and Manticores exiting the tunnel. The large Grimm flies over and lands back on the train cars as Ruby signals Nora.

Ruby: "Now!"

Getting Ruby's message, Nora signal Jaune and Ren. The two combing their semblances, with Jaune boosting Ren's to the point where the front half of the train was grayed out by his semblance.

Oscar takes one last look at the train as it disappears in the snowstorm, before he was attacked by a Manticore and manages to fend it off for the moment. Logan pounces on the Grimm's back as a blade was thrusted through it's head and dissolves shortly after, with Naomi flicking Yamato clean of black blood as she turns to Oscar with a smile.

Naomi: "You okay?"

Oscar: "Yeah, thanks for the help."

Riding on a Manticore's back and forcing it's jaw open, (Y/n) shoves Blue Rose inside it's mouth and blows the lower half of the Grimm's jaw off, letting bits of skull fragments and blood coat the top of the train car (Y/n) lands next to Ruby and the others, holstering the revolver as he slicks his hair back while glaring at the Sphinx.

Ruby: "We need to ground it!"

(Y/n): "On it! Blake! Yang!"

He shouts as they nod and follow, jumping on the Sphinx back (Y/n) stabs Fox into the Grimm for leverage, causing it to roar as he dodges it's stinger before grabbing and holding it in place.

(Y/n): "Do it!"

Taking out a Manticore, Yang runs toward the Sphinx and slides underneath it, standing back up on the other side, Blake throws Gambol Shroud toward Yang, who continuously punches it around the Sphinx's torso. Punching it one last time, the blade embeds itself into the train car as Yang runs over and helps Blake keep the beast tied down. Weiss uses her glyphs to freeze the Grimm's wings, while Ruby and Qrow shoot at them, shattering them into pieces.

Both niece and uncle ready their scythes, as Sphinx prepares to fire another fireball. Qrow and Ruby launch forward, spinning their scythes together, and rapidly gaining more momentum as they close in, before bisecting the Sphinx's body.

Before the Grimm's upper torso dies, the Sphinx launches a fireball at the rails in front of the car, destroying them. Weiss activates her black Glyphs to hold everyone in places as the train derails and crashes into the snow.

Small Timeskip.
Mistral mountainsides.

The back half of the Argus Limit lies in the snow completely derailed, with all of the other cars laying scatter behind it. As Oscar, Qrow, Team RWBY, Naomi and Logan all get back up.

Qrow: "Is everyone okay?"

Weiss: "I'm fine."

Blake: "Yeah."

(Y/n):*Popping out of the snow* "Yup, although I can't feel my arms."

Looking down at his arms, calmly staring at the twisted appendages for a moment before letting out a loud cry of pain.


Oscar: "(Y/n)!"

Running over and kneeling to his level to check on him, while (Y/n) looks down with his hair covering his face.

Oscar: "Are you okay?"

(Y/n): "Did I get him?"

Qrow: "Yeah."

Jumping back to his feet as his arms snap back into place, (Y/n) looks at Oscar and laughs.

(Y/n):*Laughing* "You should've seen the look on your face!"


Rubbing a bump on his head courtesy of Yang, (Y/n) looks at her scared.

Yang: "Not the time."

(Y/n): "Sorry, damn."

Then an unfamiliar voice is heard coming from the car behind them.

???: "Still alive!"

The elderly woman Naomi had helped earlier, shuffles her way out of the train car.

Elderly woman: "That sure was a close one, huh?"

Several days ago.
Underground lake, underneath Haven Academy.

Cinder's body floats unconsciously in water along with chunks of ice, as she opens her eye while her arm also twitches to life, in the distance Cinder could see a figure swimming toward her before her vision faded to black.

The next scene, Cinder was being dragged out of the water as she stares up at Sanji panting and holding his still healing torso, glaring down at the woman next to him.

Sanji: "It's disappointing to see you lost. We even managed to lose the Relic and the Yamato."

Cinder: "You... lost...? I... I find that hard to believe..."

Sanji: "It's true... whether you take my word or not... he's grown exponentially stronger since our last encounter."

Cinder: "Wh-What now...?"

Groaning and standing back up, Sanji notices a crack in the cavern wall in front of him, with a small amount of light peering through, Sanji ponders for a second before unsheathing his sword and slashing the stone, it opens up as the rain pours outside Sanji looks back to Cinder still trying to stand.

Sanji: "Come on... We've wasted enough time here already..."

Staring at Cinder using the wall for support as she stands, Sanji looks outside and spots a women carrying a basket of food.

Sanji: "Wait here..."

Pulling his mask over his face while the eyes of the mask glow red as Sanji brandishes his sword.

Same time.
Team RNJR flat.

Ruby: "We need to take the Relic to Atlas?"

Back at the house in Mistral, Teams RWBY and JNR are seen sitting around various parts of the living room.

Qrow: "That's right."

Everyone turns their attention to Weiss, who has a scowl on her face at the mention of Atlas.

Weiss: "You've got to be kidding..."

Nora: "I mean, bright side, we finally be out of this house."

Kicking her legs in the air while Weiss sighs.

Qrow: "Well trust me, I'm not crazy about it either. I'm guessing (Y/n) even more so."

(Y/n):*Distant* "Damn right!"

Shouting from a different part of the house, Qrow sighs and looks back to Weiss.

Qrow: "And without the spring Maiden here to seal it back up in its vault, it's our best option."

Ren: "Atlas may be the safest Kingdom we have at the moment, but their borders are closed. General Ironwood called everyone back."

Qrow: "Eh, not everyone."

Activating his scroll, as it displays a holographic map of Argus and the land surrounding it.

Qrow: "The city of Argus is a ways north of us and its the primary trading post between Anima and Solitas. They've got the largest Atlas base outside the Kingdom. There's no way they'd leave it abandoned, and if we play our cards right, I think there's a good chance we could convince them to escort us straight to Ironwood."

Blake: "I mean, we do have the Heiress to the Schnee Dust company."

Weiss: "Ex-Heiress, actually."

Yang: "True, true. But if there's a chance of reward money, I say we go for it."

Dashing out of the hallway and sliding into the wall, (Y/n) zooms next to Yang.

(Y/n): "Now you're speaking my language."

Weiss: "Ugh..."

Qrow: "Hopefully the first option will suffice."

Noticing Oscar enter the room, the boy lets Ozpin take control from him.

Qrow: "Glad to see you feeling better."

Ozpin: "Likewise, and while I'm sure we could all use more time to recover. I'm afraid time is of the essence."

Blake: "Right, as long as that thing's out in the open, its power could fall in the wrong hands."

Jaune: "Speaking of, what does it do? Qrow never told us."

(Y/n): "My guess is, the Relic of Knowledge probably gives you knowledge of some kind, if we're going by name."

Everyone looks at (Y/n) surprised by his sudden display of intelligence.

(Y/n): "What?"

Blake:*Sigh* "Nothing."

Everyone then turns their attention to Ozpin as he clears his throat.

Ozpin: "Right, great deduction (Y/n)."

Taking the Relic off his belt, as it enlarges to it's original size.

Ozpin: "The Relic of Knowledge has a wonderful, and incredibly dangerous ability. It's user can ask any question, and the lamp will provide an answer."

Setting it down on the coffee table as the Relic begins floating on it.

Ren: "Intriguing."

Blake: "That's incredible."

Ozpin: "Indeed. However, it's not without drawbacks. The lamp cannot tell of events that have yet to happen, and it will only answer three questions every one hundred years."

Yang: "Well, I guess that's not so bad. Adds a lot of pressure though."

Nora: "Then let's put it to a vote! What should we ask first? Oh! Can we ask for more questions? CAN WE ASK FOR MORE QUESTIONS?!"

Zipping around the room, startling Ruby and causing Qrow to spit out his coffee as Ren facepalms.

Ozpin: "I'm afraid you won't be able to ask it anything at the moment."

Chuckling at Nora's eagerness as she grunts in frustration at being denied her question.

Ozpin: "The questions were used before I sealed it away."

Ruby: "Well, at least now we know what it is. And we'll be sure to keep it safe!"

Present Day.
Mistral mountainside.

Ruby scours through the train wreck and picks up some Dust bullets, before noticing the Relic of Knowledge slightly buried in the snow nearby. Yang struggles to get Bumblebee out of the snow as she complains about their situation.

Yang: "Great! This is just great! We're stranded, we lost a third of our party, and we've gained a defenseless old lady!"

With one final heave, Yang excavates her motorcycle and falls back in the snow along with her bike.

(Y/n): "Yeah, what's up why that? Were we pulling a geriatrics ward or something?"

Elder woman: "My name is Maria! And I am not defenseless! I'm just a little hard of hearing. And blind without my eyes, that are in desperate need of repair."

Tapping on her prosthetic eyes, which open wide and close before returning to normal.

Maria: "Okay, I'm starting to see your point.

Qrow: "Yang, knock it off, will ya? If we lose our cool now, we'll just be inviting more Grimm."

Blake: "Does it even matter? Apparently, we've been attracting Grimm ever since we left Haven."

Yang: "Oh, and how could I forget about that? What happened to no more lies and half truths?"

Turning to Oscar, helping Maria walk as he turns to the others.

Oscar: "Yeah, I think it's time we got an explanation."

His body shimmers green as Ozpin takes control, furrowing his eyebrows at Yang's accusations.

Ozpin: "I did not lie to you..."

(Y/n): "Well, that's a funny way of putting it."

Ozpin: "Please, now is not the time."

Yang: "No, we're past that! I wanna know why you're still not telling us everything!"

Ozpin: "It is true that the Grimm are attracted to the Relics. It's faint, but undeniable. I believe it has to do with their origin, but I'm not entirely sure. Regardless. I feared that making you all aware would only add anxiety and negatively. It seemed like the safer option."

Weiss: "You know, I'm getting real sick of people choosing what's best for me."

Yang: "Is that why you chose to lie to everyone about Lionheart too?"

Ozpin: "Yes, as a matter of fact, I believed the Kingdom of Mistral deserved better than the truth. And i believed Leonardo deserved to be remembered for his lifetime of service, and not for the unfortunate missteps he made in his final years."

Yang: "Missteps?!"

Ozpin: "What Professor Lionheart did was reprehensible. I am not here to argue differently, but does one lapse in judgment truly negate all his good? Do we not all have regrets? You may have met Professor Lionheart, but you never met the man he was before Salem found him."

Yang: "Look, we're supposed to be in this together. You can trust us! We're not going to turn our back on you."


Raising his voice as everyone stops, causing (Y/n) to glare at Ozpin.

Ozpin: "That he didn't say those exact same words to me? I'm sorry, but you have to understand that my behaviors are backed by experience. I'm not saying that I have a reason to think you will betray me. I'm saying that I have reasons for the things that I do, the secrets I keep, the reason I..."

Suddenly stopping his rant and realizing something.

Ozpin: "Where's the Relic?"

Ruby: "Right here."

Holding it up as everyone turns to Ruby.

Ruby: "It got scattered in the crash."

Ozpin: "Please, hand it over."

Reaching his hand out, but Ruby hesitates to do so.

Ruby: "So, all those times you talked about having faith in humanity, that was just for everyone else?"

Ozpin:*sigh* "That's not what I meant to suggest. Miss Rose, the Relic is a powerful item and I simply feel as though it is my burden to bear."

(Y/n):*Narrowing his eyes* "Thought it couldn't do anything."

Blake: "Why does it matter who carries it?"

Ozpin: "I need you to listen to me-"

Reaching his hand out again, as it freezes in place while his body was also stuck.

Qrow: "Oz?"

Oscar groans as he fights for control and manages to speak.

Oscar: "Hurry... he's... trying to stop you!"

Yang: "Stop her from what?"

Oscar: "He's afraid... you'll find out what he's... hiding!"

Collapsing to his knees Weiss and Blake look at Oscar with intense glares, while Ruby holds the Relic defensively.

Oscar: "Her name is Jinn. Say her name to summon her."

Ruby: "Her name?"

The wind gradually picks up, blowing snow even harder as the Relic glows in Ruby's hands.

Ruby: "Jinn?"

Suddenly the snow along with the wind stops blowing, while the snow floats in mid air.

Qrow: "What?"

Ruby let's go of the Relic as it floats a short distance away, before cyan smoke emanates from the lamp. Causing (Y/n) to point Blue Rose at it. Suddenly a semi-nude woman with blue hair and skin emerges from the Relic, stretching her arms and moaning.

Jinn: "Wonderful."

Everyone stares at her in awe, (Y/n) drops his revolver while his jaw also drops and his nose bursts blood at the sight of the woman, before being punched into a tree by Yang as she looks back to the woman.

Jinn: "Tell me, what knowledge do you seek?"

Maria adjusts her goggles to get a better view of what's in front of her.

Jinn: "I am Jinn, a being created by the god of Light to aid Humanity in its pursuit of knowledge. I've been graced with the ability to answer three questions every one hundred years. You're in luck, as I am still able to answer-"

Ozpin: "That's enough!"

Everyone looks over to Ozpin, who had managed to regain control over Oscar's body.

Jinn: "...Two questions this era."

Everyone has a shocked expression at the woman's words, despite Ozpin telling them the Relic would not function.

Jinn:*Chuckles* "It's a pleasure to see you again, old man."

Ozpin: "Ruby, please... don't."

Begging Ruby to stop, Qrow glances at Ozpin and steps forward.

Qrow: "Hey."

Suddenly, Yang, Weiss, Blake and (Y/n) get defensive, standing in front of Ruby with their weapons at the ready as Qrow backs down.

Qrow: "Do whatever you think is right, kiddo."

Pondering her question for a moment, Ruby turns around to face Jinn, who has a look of curiosity while Ozpin grits his teeth in anger.

Ruby: "Jinn?"

As the entity looks down at Ruby.

Ruby: "What is Ozpin hiding from us?"

Ozpin: "NOOOOOOO!!"

Lunging at Ruby, who turns around and gasps as Ozpin was about to grab her, (Y/n) quickly stands in front of Ruby with his hand over his shoulder, ready to unsheath his sword before suddenly finding himself in a blank white space. Looking around in confusion, (Y/n) begins walking through the empty void while calling out for the others.

(Y/n): "Ruby? Weiss? Blake? Yang? What the hell is this place?"

Then, an environment manifests, with a long road leading to a castle in the distance while a woman could be heard humming.

Jinn: "Once upon a time, there stood a lonely tower..."

Watching as grass forms around him, the scenery then changes to a room with a rather beautiful woman sitting in front of a mirror.

Jinn: "...That sheltered a lonely girl."

As (Y/n) approaches her, she turns as Jinn speaks once more.

Jinn: "Named... Salem."

Stopping in his tracks and staring at the woman in shock.

(Y/n): "That's Salem?!"

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