By sadhentaiboi

204K 4.4K 1.6K

@/Waffle_Cakes_Games is my old account! Requests: CLOSED! Pronouns used: he/him, they/them only! More

::before reading::
::Quackity x Male Reader::
::Wilbur X Male reader::
::Karl x Male reader::
::Eret x Male Reader::
::Sapnap x Male reader::
::George X Male reader::
::Wilbur x Male reader::
::Sapnap x Male Reader::
::Tubbo x Male reader::
::Tubbo x Male reader::
::Dream x Male Reader::
::Jack Manifold x Male Reader::
::Fundy x Male!reader::
::Karl x Male!reader::
::BadboyHalo x Male Reader::
::FoolishG x Male!reader::
::Quackity x Male reader::
::Karl x Male Reader::
::Dream x Male!Reader::
::Dream x Male reader::
::George x Male Reader::
::Authors Note::
::Awesamdude x Male!reader::
::Tubbo x Male Reader::
::Punz x Male!reader::
::Quackity x Male!reader::
::FoolishG x Male! Reader::
::Wilbur X Male!Reader::
::George x Male!reader::
::Wilbur x Male!reader::
::FoolishG X Male!Reader::
::Tubbo X Male! Reader::
::Wilbur x Male! reader::
::Sapnap x Male Reader::
::Quackity X Male! Reader::
::Wilbur x Male! Reader::

::Punz x Male reader::

3.5K 92 30
By sadhentaiboi

Not proofread
Warnings: arguing, that's about it
A/n: does anyone know which cc's aren't okay with fanfics?
"Punz!" I shouted as soon as I stepped inside the very dark house. "Jesus, it's so dark in here" I said to myself as I dropped my keys inside the bowl beside the entrance. I dropped the bags I brought from shopping and placed them on the kitchen counter. I walked around and turned on certain lights so it wasn't so lonely.

I walked around and didn't hear any movement until I heard a few thumps upstairs followed by a set of giggles. I took off my shoes and took them with me upstairs with a small sigh. My back has been killing me the past few days but I can't afford to get more expensive prescriptions so Tylenol will have to do.

I saw the LED lights from under Punz's on indicating he was playing or streaming. I smiled softly as I stopped myself from walking inside and headed to my own room. I turned on the light and changed into some shorts and walked over to my mirror. I turned around to show the worn out patches I put on yesterday.

I placed new ones making sure they were comfy under my shirt. I made my way downstairs and unpacked the food I got from the grocery store. I got myself a drink and laid on the couch in the living room.

I got the controller to turn on the tv but stopped for a bit. I glanced towards the stairs and bit my lip. 'Should I ask if he wants to watch something together?' I thought as I stood and walked up the stairs again.

I lightly knocked on his door. No response. I knocked again but a bit harder. "Come in!" He shouted normally but for some reason this time, it didn't sound right to me. I shook my head and walked in with a smile. "Hey! I've missed you-!" I said excitedly. "One sec (y/n) I'm streaming" Punz said not even turning in his seat to look at me. I didn't let my smile falter waiting for him to mute so I can talk to him.

He glanced over and pulled his headphone off for an ear and looked at me questionably. "What? Did you say something?" He asked. "O-oh! I just wanted to know if you wanted to spend some time with me?" I asked shyly. I rubbed the back of my head looking away. We've been together for a long while yet he still makes me nervous. But I tend to think to myself, does he still get butterflies like I do?

"Not now, maybe later?" He said not waiting for a response as he slipped his headphone back on and smiled towards his monitor, instead of me. I didn't know how to react. I know he has days where streaming occupies his head but he never ignores me like this. I walked off from his room and slammed the door out of anger or sadness.

I walked down the stairs and got my shoes back on and took my keys from the bowl and slammed the front door. I didn't know where I was heading but I wanted to relive some stress. I drove downtown where there's a bunch of stores owned by neighbors and it was very brightly colored.

I parked in the reserved area and started walking around aimlessly. It was quite dark out but it was still evening. I crossed my arms across my chest as wind started to blow lightly making me cold.

I walked for a bit until I saw the familiar pet shop. I used to roam inside the store for hours after school and I would always get scolded by my mother. The owner who was a sweet old man didn't mind me though. It kept the animals company he said.

I walked in, hearing the bell ring on top of the door making me smile remembering the sound. "Oh well if it isn't (y/n)?" A very weakened voice said. The very old man walked in front of the register and waved me down. "Holy shit I'm surprised you're still standing big guy" I said but slapped my hand over my mouth. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say that-"

"Don't get so worked up (y/n), you're like a son to me" he said giving my shoulder a slight tap. "So, what brings you here at...six o clock" he said placing his forearms onto the counter. I shifted my feet slightly as I turned around and found most of the animals sound asleep.

"Came to see the new fellas but it seems they're quite tired" I said walking over to an unfamiliar face. I crouched down to its cage level and admired the little thing. It was a small black kitten asleep against their own brothers and sisters. I read the little about sticker and it read that it came in just today.

"A lot of people wanted that little girl but not a lot can afford to take care of her" owner said making me raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean? If they come in here they have to expect spending a bit of coin" I said standing up hearing my knees crack a bit.

"She has anxiety (y/n)" he said making me look over at her body sleeping. She looks so wonderful just sleeping there. "How much?" I asked kneeling back down to observe her beautiful features. "(Y/n) you'll have to feed her medicine-" he tried to warn me but I shook my head. "Cmon, you know me. When I see something I like, I make sure to take care of it" I told him with a smile. He nodded and stepped back knowing he can't convince me out of it.


"I'll come by to pick up the paperwork. See you tomorrow boss!" I said as he gave me a soft wave as I left his store with my arms engulfing a small creature. I felt her meowing lightly as I shushed her and wrapped the blanket a bit tighter.

"Hey, we'll be home soon don't worry" I gave her a soft peck on her head as I made my way back to my car to drive back home. I sat her down in the passenger seat and stopped for a second. I don't feel like going back home knowing Punz might've not even noticed me leaving. I frowned and took her back in my arms and headed back.

I walked a bit with the little kitten showing her off to certain shops and stores while she stared with her big wondering eyes. She didn't know what she was looking at but it gave color to her past memories. I found the nearby park that was placed in the middle of the small town.

I sat down on one of the benches and let her sit on my lap comfortably. "This is where me and papa met...a year ago" I said out loud my words becoming empty. I looked down at her as she found my finger more interesting than the atmosphere. She tried biting it but then tired herself out. "I wonder if he still knows this place..." I looked around seeing people actively walking around in very fashionable clothes for the weather.

Men giving their big coats towards their lover with a grin. I looked down at myself. Wearing shorts and a tshirt in this kind of weather. What kind of man do I think I am? Tears began to threaten to fall as I tried to change my thoughts to happy ones. "It'll all be okay. It'll all turn out fine. He still loves me...right?" I asked to no one as the kitten looked up at me and started pawing at my chest. I leaned down with trembling lips as she lightly licked my cheek with a small meow.

I wrapped my hand around her and held her tightly to my chest as I let my tears drop profoundly at my lap. I didn't want to bother the people around me having a better time than me so I tried sobbing quietly. I rubbed her fur in a way to calm myself.

"(Y/n)?" I looked up quickly meeting eyes with a very out of breath Punz. His hair was swept back, eyes noticeably red and cheeks stained. "I'm so glad I found you out here" he said rushing to my side but stopping as soon as I he saw a small black figure in my lap. "What is that?" He asked quietly.

I wiped my tears and picked her up like she was a prize, which she was in my heart. "Meet Luna" he sat down next to me as I dropped her in his arms. He quickly cuddled her up against his chest and rubbed her temple making her even more sleepy than before. "I guess she likes you" I said sniffling lightly smiling at how cute she looked. Punz didn't respond as he sighed and turned to me.

"(Y/n) I wanted to apologize for the way I've been treating you these past few days" he said clearing his throat after he finished his sentence. "Don't worry about it! I'm just being sensitive " I laughed it off which Punz didn't buy. "No it's not something to just brush off" he said making me close my lips and let him talk.

"I've seen how you come home everyday. So tired you forget to lock the front door sometimes. I see the patches you put on your back cuz you can't buy those meds. I've seen it all" he said readjusting Luna so she can sleep in his lap as he wrapped the blanket around her neck but not too tight.

"Then why haven't you done anything? Why haven't you I don't know help cook? Or stop playing those games and lay with me for a bit?" I asked him raising my voice slightly. "I have been but if I told you you would've made me stop!" He said defending himself. "Yeah like what? I literally saw you today doing the same thing you've been doing all this time" I crossed my arms not even sure if I wanted to hear him out.

"I've been streaming to earn more money so you can quit your job (y/n)! I've been trying to sign you in a prescription plan so you can get your god damn meds!" He shouted but not too loud others could hear. I dropped my arms and looked at him in disbelief. "I know it seems I don't do shit all day, but believe me I've been doing the best I can. I want to help you. I don't like seeing you come home so exhausted you don't have time to eat" Punz's voice cracked a bit on the last sentence.

"Punz I...I didn't know you never told me anything. I just thought you...you stopped loving me" I said the last part softly making Punz shake his head quickly. "No! No! I'll never stop loving you (y/n) you're my sweetheart, my one and only" he took my face in his calloused hands as he caressed my cheeks. He looked into my glossy eyes and gave me his smile I always adore. I smiled in return, placing my hands on top of his. He placed his forehead on top of mine softly while he sniffled.

"I'm so sorry for putting you in so much pain but I promise I'll make it all right" he said moving back to give me a kiss and sighing right after. "I love you Punz" I said as he returned the same words as we scooted closer and engulfed each other in our arms, making sure we didn't drop Luna.


"Do you...remember this place?" I asked him as he looked around with a smile. He had his arm around my shoulder while the other on top of Luna while she snored. "Yep. This is where I asked you if you knew where the nearby computer store was and you laughed at me for being a nerd" I snorted remembering the distant memories that feel more like yesterday. "To be fair, you did look like one" Punz scuffed and looked away embarrassed by his past looks. "Says the one with the glasses" (if u don't wear them then ignore).

"Hey! I look great in them!" I defended my pride in my looks which he laughed and shook his head. "You'll always look great in my eyes" he placed his head on top of mine as we looked at the stores close for the day. "We should go home it's really late" I said making Punz nod.

"Oh and (y/n)?" Punz asked as I stopped walking and turned around with a nod. "I hope she keeps you company when I can't be there" he pointed to Luna which I nodded. "I bet you she'll like you more though" Punz blew a raspberry and shook his head. "No way, she's gonna know you first than me"

"You wanna bet on it?" I asked him as I got in the passenger seat and buckled on.  "bet on what?" Punz asked his face a few inches away from mine. I pulled back as my ears quickly bricked up at the suddenly contact."b-bet money dumbass what else!". Punz snickered seeing my behavior as he started up the car and drove off.


I'm so sorry for not updating, literally have no excuse other than my mental health:,(

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