The First Daughter (A RWBY Fa...

By Technodude168

24.2K 590 382

Thousands of years ago, there was a young princess named Elise with her three younger sisters and her parents... More

6. The Inquisitor
6.5 Cinder
9. Breach
10. Joint Task Force
11. Winter
12. Traitor's Demise
16. Motives Revealed
17. The Relic of Choice
18. Methuselah vs Elise
19. Battle of Vale
20: Fall of Beacon
Intermission 1/3: The Angel of Death
Intermission 2/3: The Colonials
Intermission 3/3: Life Day Truce


1.5K 33 21
By Technodude168

~Thousands of years ago~

Inside a castle at night time, a young girl with light blonde hair and dark pupils sat on top of her bed. She was playing with four magical spheres she had summoned above her head as she smiled.

She then hears another girl's voice from the bed to the right of her.

Sister: Wow, Elise. And this just started happening after reading one of your lame books?

The young Elise glances over at a girl with blonde hair as well that was braided and had greyish eyes.
(Or are they silver? I actually struggle in telling the difference between certain colors so I can't tell. I mean seriously, I could mix up dark blue and purple if I don't have someone point it out to me!)

Elise: Yeah, those "lame" books actually helped me get magic faster than you, Hilda.

Hilda: Hey, I'm sure I'll get magic soon too. Mother said that magic develops differently for everyone.

The two hear another voice from the bed to Elise's left.

Second Sister: By everyone, they meant the people they came from. People today don't have magic, just semblances.

The two look over at their other sister pitching in. This sister had a darker blonde hair and emerald eyes.
(I think. Again, Author-kun has trouble with colors)

Elise: That's true, Agatha. But...maybe mother hopes for us to bring magic back humanity?

Hilda: What makes you think that?

Elise: I overheard her talk about it to father a bit after I showed them my magic. Father sounded....upset though.

Last Sister: Why was Daddy upset, Elise?

Elise looks the bed beside Hilda's to see her youngest sister. This sister had platinum blonde hair and a tanned skin complexion like their father, but reddish eyes like their mother, though a bit lighter. She was playing with a toy that looked like a dog.

Elise: I don't know, Circe. It could be because he doesn't like the idea of us being used like breeders or something. It does have me worried though.

Agatha: I'm sure you're just overthinking it, Elise. Mom wouldn't make us do something to that extent.

Elise: Maybe...

Hilda: Well, I'm gonna get some sleep.

Agatha: Yeah, King Harald is coming tomorrow. We should be presentable and awake.

Circe: Especially you, big sister. That Prince Richard seemed to like you last time he was here. Maybe you can also show off your magic when you see him.

Elise blushed slightly with a smirk as she rolls her eyes while her sisters giggled before laying on their pillows to go to sleep.

Elise: Good night, sisters.

Sisters: Good night.

Elise laid down as well before using some of her magic to create some wind that blows out the candles. She closes her eyes for several minutes as she tried to sleep. However, her mind was racing due to curiosity on her magic. So she quietly got up and out of bed and quietly made her way to the bookshelf in the bedroom and used her magic to create a light sphere that helps her see, but not too bright so it doesn't wake her sisters.

Elise grabs one book that her mother wrote regarding magic and sat down on nearby chair and started reading it with enthusiasm for a couple hours. Eventually, this reading would be interrupted when the bedroom door opens, causing Elise to look up. She sees a man with platinum blond hair, tanned complexion, and brown(?) eyes walks in. He was clearly anxious and distressed.

Elise: Father?

Ozma: Elisabeth, help me wake your sisters. We need to go, now.

Elise's eyes widen in shock and worry. She didn't know what was going on, and she wouldn't realize that her life would be completely changed in a matter of minutes.

~The present~

Claire: Queen Elise?

Claire places a hand on Elise's shoulder, snapping Elise out of the daydream she was having. Elise was sitting on a bench in the courtyard by the Beacon CCT Tower. Claire was standing nearby, but the other three Royal Guardsmen weren't here. That's because Elise gave them the day off... she can already hear the scolding she's going to get from the head of the Royal Guard and also the Prime Minister. She would smirk from the thought, but she won't...or can't.

Claire: I have heard the tower in Atlas is by far the largest of the four main towers.

Elise: Correct. Which allows Atlas to have better service compared to the other Kingdoms.

Claire crosses her arms while she looks up at the tower.

Claire: I still can't wait for us to unveil the GCS Network to the world. That will surely knock that smug Atlesian pride down a notch.

Elise glances at Claire.

Elise: Claire...

Claire: I'm just saying, the Atlesians could use a lesson in humility. Going around claiming they're the greatest Kingdom when they're obviously not. Persecution and exploitation of Faunus, a massive wealth gap between Mantle and Atlas, thousands in the poverty line while the bourgeoisie sit up in their mansions living high and mighty, doing nothing to improve the lives of their fellow citizens.

Elise: It's hard to care when you have everything you need. But we should be careful not to allow that perception of Atlas to overlook our own problems.

Claire: Ah yes, the trains from Falkenstadt to Sidonia is running slower than usual. Oh, and we have a housing shortage in Monarchia so we have Monarchians migrating to nearby cities for housing. Yes, we have so many domestic problems of our own.

Elise shifts a look at her again, her body language indicating she was entertained by the sarcasm. Yet she was annoyed at the continued arrogance at the same time.

Elise: Never underestimate how easy it would be for domestic issues to arise back home. Especially if a war ever breaks out.

Elise looks forward as she crosses her legs while thinking. She does worry about the impact the rivalry between Mimar and Atlas has on her people as distrust is rampant between the two Kingdoms. Why did this rivalry happen? Because Elise's actions in rapidly developing Mimaran technology had sparked a panic in Atlas that if they don't get creative, Mimar would overpower them as a dominant world power. Elise did want technology to continue developing after the War. And what better reason to develop all kinds of new technology than to one-up a rival in a cold war?

Of course, some of those developments were not quite what Elise expected. And seeing what the Cold War has done to her people and the Atlesians, she feels responsible. But perhaps it was only inevitable after she brought Monarchia out of isolation. The people of Solitas have always been competitive and driven to improve the terrible conditions they live under in their icy and barren homeland.

The two kingdoms are more alike than either side would care to admit. After all, many in Atlas are descendants of Mimarans. It's kind of like a child competing with one of their parents to prove they are better and don't need them..... except in this instance, the child is willing to kill or seriously maim the parent if given the opportunity.

Snapping out of her thoughts again, Elise notices two female students wearing combat outfits with combat skirts walking towards the tower. One has white hair and light blue eyes with a scar over her left eye while wearing a white outfit. The other had black hair with red highlights and wore a red cloak. The white haired one looked familiar.

Elise: A Schnee...

Elise leans forward as she listens in on a conversation the girls were having. The girls were apparently talking about the tower as the white clothed girl was talking about its history.

Weiss: Atlas developed the Cross Continental Transmit System to allow itself, Vale, Mistral, and Vacuo to communicate with one another. It was their gift to the world after the Great War. We did offer to build a major tower in the United Kingdom, but the Mimarans rejected it in favor of their own local network. The most they did was allow a small tower in their southern plains to help with the line of communication between Vale and Vacuo.

Ruby: Oooh, look at me! My name's Weiss! I know facts! I'm rich!

She snorts into her hands when she sees Weiss frown.

Weiss: Don't be a pest! Besides, the only reason we're here is because you like the tower so much! We could have just as easily made a call from the library!

Ruby: I know, but it's so coool! Ooh, I'm going to take a picture!

She grabs her Scroll from a pocket on her clothes, but in her excitement, the device is launched from her hands, bouncing along the pavement until it lands at someone's feet.

Penny: Oh!

Weiss and Ruby see the girl known as Penny Polendina pick up the Scroll and extends towards the clumsy teen.

Penny: You dropped this.

Ruby: *shocked* Penny?!

Penny: Uuuh...

Ruby: Where have you been? We haven't seen you since that night at the docks!

Penny: S-Sorry. I think you're confused.

She suddenly hiccups, throwing the Scroll into Ruby's hands.

Penny: Uh... I've got to go!

She turns quickly and walks away. Weiss turns to Ruby with a confused look.

Weiss: What was that about?

Ruby: I don't know, but I'm going to find out.

Ruby starts walking in Penny's direction as she shouts back to her partner

Ruby: You go make your call! I'll meet up with you later!

Weiss reaches toward Ruby as the girl runs off

Weiss: Wait!

Seeing the futility of stopping her teammate, she lowers her hand and sighs angrily.

Elise: What was that about?

Weiss turns around with a mildly startled expression as she sees Elise and Claire standing behind her.

Weiss: Uh, just some stuff between friends... I guess?

Elise: Huh. Anyway, are you Weiss Schnee by any chance? Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company?

Weiss smiles as she is being recognized. She then does a respectful bow.

Weiss: Why, yes I am Weiss Schnee. And who might you be, ma'am?

Elise bows as well as she introduces herself.

Elise: Queen Elise of the United Kingdom of Mimar. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Weiss blinks.

Weiss: Uh, I'm sorry, "Queen Elise," as in the mysterious ruler of Mimar that there isn't even a picture of you in public records?

Elise: Sounds about right.

Weiss glances at Claire, as if trying to confirm that she is a Mimaran as their troops are well-known for their gasmasks.

Weiss: What does the queen of Mimar want with me?

Elise: Nothing, really. I merely wished to extend my greetings to a member of Atlas's most prestigious family outside the royal family.

Weiss huffs with a bit of pride. She is receiving recognition from a head of state, that is something to be proud of. Even if that head of state is from a rival nation. Weiss then remembers what she was here for.

Weiss: Oh! I need to take my leave. It was a pleasure to meet you, your majesty.

Elise: Likewise, Miss Schnee. Perhaps we can talk again later when you are not busy?

Weiss: Of course.

Weiss bows before leaving to enter the tower. Claire looks at Elise.

Elise: If you're wondering why I went up to talk to her, it was just an urge. The Schnee family has fascinated me for decades and Weiss was the first one I met. The ISB has little information on the family's origins outside what the company tells the public. Supposedly, the family first came to Solitas two hundred years ago...

Claire: That was when you took the crown. Maybe they were refugees from the Revolution?

Elise: Here's the thing, WE have no records of Schnees in our kingdom from that time.

Claire tilts her head as she and Elise start walking towards the courtyard.

Elise: I believe that whoever the first Schnee was, they were probably trying to avoid being found by the fledgling ISB, so they invented a new name to do just that.

Claire: But what does it matter? It was a long time ago.

Elise: True, but we have a lot of missing war criminals from King Ulrich's reign. Trying to confirm something through Weiss may help bring an answer to the fate to at least one of them.

Claire: I see. And if she can't help you find anything?

Elise: Then at least I can make a friend.

Claire: Which you are apparently terrible at making usually because of your cold exterior. Now that I think about it, the Schnees have a reputation for being ice queens and kings. You sure you're not related?

Elise rolls her eyes.

Elise: I only had two sons, Claire. As far as I am aware, neither of them ever had children before they died.

Elise then stops for a moment.

Elise: would've been nice to have a grandchild... But maybe it was for the best my powers weren't inherited by others.

Claire looks at Elise as the queen walks towards the Beacon entrance at the courtyard.

~Hours later~

Ozpin was sitting in his dimly lit office late at night as he sips his mug. He was reading a report pulled up on his desk regarding pieces of an Atlesian Paladin being found in a nightclub tonight. He smirks when he sees a mention of rose petals in the report.

Over these past few months, Ozpin has developed a keen interest in the progress of team RWBY. They're not too special on the surface as they're grades are iffy depending on which member you look at, and there are certainly better fighters in Beacon. But what Ozpin likes about this team is their initiative and willingness to fight for good no matter what. And Ruby Rose herself, she is in many ways like her mother. A capable fighter, brave, and she has that spark that can inspire others in dark moments. He expects Ruby to be a great Huntress in time.

There is then a chirp from Ozpin's desk, somebody is in the elevator and waiting to enter. Perhaps it is Glynda?

Ozpin: Come in.

He looks past the report to see who is at the elevator. When the doors open, Ozpin is surprised to see Elise standing in it before she starts walking towards his desk. Seeing his first daughter again makes him feel happy and excited. After all, after all these centuries he is finally spending some much needed time with her.

Ozpin: Elise! Ahem...

Ozpin quickly recomposes himself, as Elise is likely not here to embrace her father but rather here for business.

Ozpin: How can I help you tonight?

Elise: I didn't feel like turning in just yet, so I felt like coming up here.

Ozpin: So... this is a social call then?

Elise: Yes and no

Better than nothing. Ozpin sips his mug and smiles at Elise as she walks past his desk and looks out the window with her arms behind her back. She stares towards the night sky as Ozpin smiles. He remembers how much Elise loved looking towards the stars when she was a little girl. It seems she still does.

Elise: I have questions, and I'm sure you do too.

Ozpin: Yes, I do. There's so much that I missed in your life, Elise.

Elise: Go ahead and ask then.

Elise turns her head and glances briefly at the report still pulled up on Ozpin's desk before glaring at him with a cold stare as she awaits his questions.

Ozpin: How did you survive that night? From what I was able to find out, nobody but Salem got out of the castle alive.

Elise: To simply answer the question, King Harald found me in our castle. I was in a state of shock after I was rescued and saw my sisters' bodies....or what was left of them. When Harald found me, he concealed my survival and took me in and nursed me back to health. He even adopted me and changed my name in order to prevent Salem from finding out about me. That's why I also changed my hair and eyes when I learned I could. Obviously I had my name officially changed back, but I kept the hair and eyes.

Ozpin smiles.

Ozpin: King Harald was a good man... I wish I could thank him for doing all that to protect you. But...I wish I could explain why that night happened, but I-

Elise: You don't need to, Jinn already told me everything.

Ozpin's eyes widen as he stands up.

Ozpin: What??

Elise: You think I sat around for thousands of years doing nothing? I spent much time adventuring on and off and researched various subjects at the University. And I too searched for those Relics once I learned of them and found the Relic of Knowledge before you did. I was hoping that it may provide...clarity for me at the time. But when I found the Relic and Jinn told me what happened between you and Salem...

She then crosses her arms and closed her eyes for a moment as she remembers a feeling that makes her uneasy.

~Thousands of years ago~

??: Are you alright?

Elise opens her eyes to find herself on her knees in a large room of what appeared like a temple. Her clothing were white robes. Her hair and eyes were their natural colors. She was staring a fairly large blue nude-like woman with pointed ears and blue hair and eyes. She was wearing a golden chain headdress, big hooped earrings, an extra earring in the right ear, a choker, cuffs on her wrists with chains dangling from them like broken shackles, a single bracelet on her left forearm, anklets, and a belt of chains around her waist that ends in a large ring with three prongs. The spirit of the Relic of Knowledge, Jinn. Elise had just asked Jinn what happened between Ozpin and Salem to cause their fight.

Elise: It was all pointless. It was all for stupid reasons....MY SISTERS DIED FOR NOTHING!!

Elise clenches her fists as tears run down her face. Having suppressed her emotions for years, when she finally understood why her life was turned upside down, she couldn't hold them back anymore. Hilda, Agatha, Circe, all dead because her parents couldn't handle each other's differences like rational adults. Somehow, that makes Elise develop a grin that appears almost psychotic. Somehow, it was almost funny to her how pointless it all was.

Elise: Heh... hehehe..... hahaha..... HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Elise continued to maniacally laugh while still crying in a mental breakdown for several minutes while Jinn watched her with pity in her eyes. Eventually, Elise began to quiet down and Jinn closes her eyes and vanishes, returning to the lamp that is the Relic of Knowledge.

After what felt like hours of continuous sobbing, Elise hears footsteps approaching her. She doesn't turn as her own sorrow had practically paralysed her.

Elise: Hilda, Agatha, little sisters..... I'm so sorry I didn't die with you.... I'm so sorry.... I'm sorry... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry...

The person was approaching steps in front of her before getting on his knees to look her in the eyes with their light blue eyes. Elise saw a man with snow white hair. His outfit consisted of a white robe and cloak with a phoenix pin attached to it. Elise could not address him, but he was King Richard, her husband.

Elise: I'm sorry.... I'm sorry..... I'm....

Richard sympathetically and gently pulls Elise to him for a hug. Elise slowly begins to calm down after a few minutes before returning the hug with tears still rolling down her cheeks.

Elise: Please.... don't leave me too.

Richard: I won't, I promise.

Elise soon after passed out from exhaustion. It was a lie, Richard eventually did leave her by dying of old age while her immortality kept her young even when she was 80. It wasn't Richard's fault and it wasn't fair of her to have him make such a promise, but Elise did hate how her immortality resulted in her feeling so....alone. Everyone she ever or will ever love, her husband, her children, have or will die in time while she is left alone.

All Alone

~Present Day~

Elise glares out the window with her stoic expression reflecting off the glass.

Elise: Let's just say it caused an emotional breakdown that I don't like to think about.

Ozpin blinks before reaching towards Elise.

Ozpin: Elise...I'm so, so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen to you or your sisters.

Elise takes a sidestep away.

Elise: Most people rarely mean to cause pain to their loved ones when they make a mistake, Ozpin. But I know you were trying to protect us and that compared to Salem, your actions had the greater good in mind. That's why I tolerate you and why Mimar has assisted you from time to time.

Ozpin lowers his arms down and sits on his chair again. He grabs his mug sips it as he thinks.

Ozpin: Well, at least you don't completely hate me.

Elise: Hate is not something I can afford at the very moment. Now, I have a question of my own.

Ozpin nods and gestures for her to ask.

Elise: What do you think it will take to unite mankind under a single banner?

Ozpin sets his mug down.

Ozpin: I know where you are going with this, Elise. You want to say that making Salem a common enemy for us to rally against, we could unify faster and more effectively than my way.

Elise: I won't deny that was on my mind.

Ozpin: The problem with your view is that you want to use that method to gradually have Mimar dominate the other kingdoms, slowly integrating them into the Mimaran system. By doing this, you hope to erase the different cultural identities that currently exist in favor of one singular and larger identity through propaganda and indoctrination.

Elise: A multicultural society only invites future division if it does not already exist.

Ozpin: But a diverse world that celebrates individual thought and different cultures can bring new ideas and a greater tolerance to those that are different.

Elise: True, but it can also breed animosity between cultures if you don't do some considerable cultural reprogramming to the various cultures of Remnant to also hold your multicultural views. Coincidentally, your multicultural society could turn against itself if at least one of the cultures feels threatened by another if one starts having major influence on the others.

Ozpin: So you would erase other cultures and even suppress free will?

Elise: Long-term stability at any cost. I will never claim to be a saint because of the things I have to do for the greater good. I can accept local traditions in Remnant, but differing national identities threatens our progress as a civilization because it can make one people think of everyone else as the "others." Atlesian, Mimaran, Valean, when we should be one people. All should strive to view themselves as Elysians.

Ozpin smirks at her. Elysian, a very old term that references to what Remnant used to be called many eons ago.

Ozpin: I can agree that we should all strive to be part of a larger identity. Where you and I differ is how we can achieve that, and that is okay. It reminds me that we are both human at the end of the day, and we can both be wrong and right at the same time.

Elise nods before looking back at the window.

Elise: I suppose, in any case, be careful with what you do with your pieces in our game of three-way chess. Salem is more than willing to sacrifice her own pawns without a second thought in order to take out your more important pieces and ruin your goals.

Ozpin presses his fingers together as he leans back.

Ozpin: And how about you? Are you willing to do the same?

Elise turns and looks at Ozpin.

Elise: I don't have the same disregard for life like she does. So I only sacrifice when I need to. But unlike you, I am willing to cross the line so that line will still be there in the morning. At the end of the day, someone has to make our enemies afraid of the dark and I'm willing to get my hands dirty so that the world's stay clean.

Ozpin nods at Elise. He might not fully agree with her tactics, but he still finds them more reasonable than Salem's. Plus, it's not like he can do anything about his daughter's strategies. If he opposes her, he could at best slow her down as she has an entire Kingdom at her disposal unlike himself and Salem. A kingdom that has been rapidly developing technology, especially military technology capable of wiping out massive swaths of Grimm in an instant, though very few know of the Mimaran capabilities like he does. He has seen them rule most of Remnant once simply because they had the ambition to do it. And that makes them even more dangerous if Elise unleashes them.

~End Part!~

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