In the Shadows |Bakugo x Read...

By lovelyxkatsuki

62.5K 2.4K 1.6K

You're a well known villain that every hero has their sights on. When you move your hideout to a new district... More

Boss Bitch
Your Goal
No Shit
"Fuck yes"
To Hell And Back

"I fucked up"

2.6K 121 195
By lovelyxkatsuki

You sighed opening the door to let your doctor come in. You answered the questions she asked then did the stuff needed for any test she needed to run.

You sat in the kitchen finishing your food as you waited for her to tell you the results. Footsteps were heard behind you so you lifted your head ready to hear whatever she needed to say.

"Well boss....the reason you're experiencing these symptoms is because you're pregnant"Your doctor hesitantly told you



"Me?"You questioned pointing to yourself "Pregnant?"

"Yes, that's what the test results have shown"

"Does that mean I can't fight?"

"If you want to keep the fetus safe and healthy then yes that means no fighting. And you'll also need to limit quirk usage. Don't overexert yourself while using it"

"Can I still summon things?"

"Yes. The main thing I wouldn't recommend is teleporting constantly by using the shadows. Your shadows you summon are technically a part of you but they also control themselves so you aren't really affected by what they do. Therefore you won't be overexerted by them moving around too much or anything. That's at least what I've observed. I'm no specialist on quirks while pregnant so just be careful with your quirk if you care about the fetus"

You sighed dragging your hand down your face and dismissing the doctor. You cleaned up what you had left of your food. Then you snapped calling for Dusk to come.

Yes Boss?

"I finally got checked by a doctor"

What did they say?

"Nothing much she just told me I was pregnant"You spoke laced with sarcasm

By Ground Zero?

"No it was Fuji..OF COURSE IT WAS HIM. WHO ELSE WOULD IT BE FOR DUSK?"You questioned in disbelief that she really asked that

I don't know what happens when I'm not around or what things you hide from me. I'm just asking to assess the situation. How do you feel about the news?

"I would love to say I'm surprised but I'm not. The more I thought on it I realized a lot took place without protection so I'm not surprised"

Will you tell Ground Zero?



"I don't know if I'm keeping it. It's pointless to tell him if I'll just abort it"You shrugged making your way to the sofa

So you're debating on aborting it?

"I'm not passing the thought up. It's a possibility. I like to be hands on when it comes to killing our targets. That's hard to do if I can't fight and can't use my quirk too much because I'm pregnant. Well I can't teleport and that's one of my main uses for my quirk"

What if you could do all that while being pregnant? Would you keep it then?

"What are you trying to get at?"

I'm just trying to see if you actually want the abortion because you don't want the child or if you just want it so you can continue being a villain.

"There's no point looking at the what ifs. I still can't fight while being pregnant. That's the fact I'm focused on"

That doesn't answer the question boss.

You rolled your eyes turning a bit to look at her.

"I guess you can say it's a mixture of both. I never planned for a child nor do I want to stop fighting"

Well you have time to think about it. Maybe you can talk to Master Fuji about it. He could possibly say something that helps you decide.

You hummed in response and said nothing else. She walked away having nothing else to say and left you to your thoughts. After a good bit of thinking you decided to call Fuji.

"Am I seeing this right Boss Bitch called me?"He exclaimed answering the phone

"Don't start with me"

"I want to start but first thing first. What made you call?"

"I finally saw a doctor"

"Mhmm you're pregnant aren't you?"


"What will you do? I know you're mad you can't fight right now"

"Come over, we can talk about it in person"


You heard a knock on your door and you didn't respond instead looking suspiciously at the door. You were about to snap for Shaw until you heard a voice.

"Y/n it's just me"Fuji said knowing you'll know it was actually him since he said your real name.

You lowered your hand and walked to the door opening it with a blank stare.

"You're lucky you spoke quick enough. If you were a second late you would've been being restrained by Shaw"

"Trust me I know"He responded walking into the house "Why did I need to come over instead of talking on the phone?"He asked sitting down

"Did you not want to come over?"

"I was kind of supposed to be getting ready so I can go somewhere with Kirishima"

"Oh? What's been going on with you and him?"

"Nothing much. We talk very often and we meet up when we can. He seems like a really nice person"

You noticed how quiet and shy he sounded so you moved a bit to see his face. He looked like he was fighting a smile just at the thought of Kirishima.

"You really like him don't you?"


"That's good. I was wondering when you'll find yourself a man. Also let him know if he hurts you I won't hesitate to hurt him"You said sitting next to him

"I will warn him. But gurl I can say the same about you. I was wondering when you'll find a man"

"The difference between us is I'm never looking for one you are"

"Oooh the shade. Touché, one point for Boss Bitch zero for Fuji. But let's acknowledge the reason I'm here. You weren't looking for one but you found one and you let him knock you up"

"Shut up"

"I'm just saying the truth. I know the dick had to be good for you to let yourself get pregnant. Honestly it should be beyond good it has to be great. Also didn't you say it was multiple rounds? You must've not been caring about protection at all"He said quickly dodging a hit coming his way

"Shut the fuck up. I know what I did. You don't have to speak it to me. This isn't what I told you to come here for"

"What I'm hearing is you're confirming I was right when I said the dick is good?"He said ignoring your last sentence

"Well no shit Fuji"

"I'm not even surprised he looks the part"He chuckled looking at your annoyed face "You know I had to tease a little. Now let's focus on the main thing. Have you told him yet?"

"No, I haven't decided if I wanted to keep it or not"

"Awe boss you should keep it. I'll love to see what type of demon spawn you produce"

"I'm this close to fucking you up"You warned him holding your hand up to show him how close your fingers were

"Why? I'm serious. I'm curious on how the child would act. Why don't you want to keep it?"

"The main reason is I can't fight. Another thing is I never planned on having a kid. Let's also focus on the fact that I'm pregnant with a hero's child and I'm a villain"

"Okay and? What you both are shouldn't matter. You both seem to do a pretty good job at ignoring that so keep ignoring it"

"We can ignore it but the public won't. What if someone finds out I'm pregnant with his child and they start keeping their eyes on me. While they're watching me they'll probably realize I'm a villain. I don't need that happening. That's troublesome for both me and him"

"Talk to him about it. You two can probably come up with a solution for that"

"So in the end I still have to tell him even if I don't know if I'll be keeping it?"You groaned

"I say keep it. A baby would add some flavor to our lives. But your body your decision. It would be nice to add someone to our small family though. For the past few years it just been you and me. Granted it's because you're a villain so it isn't easy to trust people. They can always be plotting to double cross you. But it's different with your own child. You'll be able to show them the truth and let them know you're not an evil villain. Hell the child would also have a hero dad. I think it's safe to say they'll put two and two together and realize you're not bad. So it'll be easy to trust your child and they're less likely to double cross you compared to other people. But that's just the way I look at it"He said shrugging at the end

You nodded thinking about what he was saying. Your family was quite small. You only had one person you could fully trust. Ground Zero was working his way there but he still isn't fully trusted as much as Fuji.

You did wish you could have more people close to you instead of Fuji. You also had Dusk but she isn't technically a person. Although you wished this you just couldn't easily trust someone to let them get close to you. Maybe adding another person wouldn't be so bad.

You stood up from your seat and walked to the restroom, looking in the mirror and looking at your stomach. Unintentionally, you put a hand on your stomach, eyes never leaving the mirror.

Another person I could trust? A family? You thought to yourself as you looked in the mirror, before you smiled.

It would be finally have something of my own..something that can't betray or harm me.

You looked in the mirror at your face.

"I know it's not very me-like...but...I guess I've kinda wanted a child since I was little"

You turned the light off, before walking back to the room where Fuji was standing talking with Dusk.

"Well?" he asked, crossing his arms with a smirk on his face.


"You're keeping it aren't you?" he spat out with a smile.

Growling, you grabbed a dagger from the counter and threw it at him, and he ducked and dodged.

"Shut the hell up and let me speak Fuji!" you growled.

"Point taken" he shrugged.

"I'd like it if you'd stop reading my thoughts."

"I can't do that in the first place."

You glared at Fuji, before shaking your head.

"WillyoudrivemetoGroundZero'shouse?" you muttered looking at the ground

"Mm?" he hummed, leaning closer to you.



You growled and grabbed Fuji's shirt, pulling him right up to your face.


Fuji smiled softly, before patting the top of your head.

"Of course boss bitch!"

"Did you just head pat me?" you asked, putting a hand to the top of your head.



You knocked on the front door of Ground Zero's house, and the door opened immediately.

"You-" you barely managed to get out before you were pulled inside and the door slammed behind you.

"The hell!"

You growled as you saw Ground Zero glaring at you.


"You dumbass! Do you want to be seen and thrown into jail!?" he yelled.

"Like you care." you huffed, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms "Most people don't know what I look like so I doubt I'll be thrown in jail that quickly."

"The fuck you wanted anyways? To come and be a pest?" he asked.

"Yes and no. My existence is to be a pest, but that's not why I'm here" you smirked.


You tilted your head in confusion.

"Whatever you need, no."

You growled.

"I don't need your help anyways. I came to tell you something you might like to hear" you snarled.

"Spit it out then."

Having enough of his bullshit, you pushed him into the wall and held onto his neck, choking him slightly.

"Although rough play and choking turns me on, that's not the point."

He gasped for air as you tightened your hand.

"Listen closely you fucking hero" you whispered, putting emphasis on the word hero.

"Remember what we did all those few weeks ago? I just took a test, turns out-"

"You're...a hundred percent that bitch I hooked up with?" he choked out with a laugh.

You cackled slightly.

"Yes, and also the bitch you got pregnant."

His eyes went wide, before he put a hand on your arm.

"Don't even think about using your quirk" you growled.

He shook his head.

"Wouldn't dream of it" he gently removed your arm.

He coughed slightly, before he took a deep breath.

"DID YOU NOT HEAR ME?! YOU GOT ME PREGNANT YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" you yelled, hitting him on his head.

"BUT HOW?!" he yelled back.

You took a step back.

"Excuse me?"

Growling, you jumped at him, continuously hitting the top of his head.



He grabbed both of your hands and stared at you.

"It isn't even my fault. It's yours-"


Even though you both had excuses, you knew it was both of your faults. It takes two to tango after all.

You took a deep breath before looking at him.

"Look, you don't have to say anything, or be part of the child's life, but I thought you should know."

"Why do I want to know about some thing that was never supposed to fucking happen?"

You pulled a dagger from your pocket and put it to his throat.

"Do NOT call it a thing."

"You're keeping it?" he yelled.

You pushed the dagger slightly, breaking skin.

"As much as I love killing those who harm me and my family, I can't kill something that hasn't done anything wrong. It didn't ask to be made. I'm keeping it, like it or not."

"Then I want nothing to do with it" he said, before knocking your dagger away and walking off.

"Find yourself out the door."

He walked down the hall and slammed his door shut.

What an idiot!, you thought, before opening the door and slamming it shut.

You climbed into Fuji's truck and put your head on the dashboard.

"What happened?"

"Did I..just ruin everything?"You questioned yourself not answering Fuji's question


Immediately as Ground Zero made it into the room he began to panic. He paced back and forth for a good bit before picking up his phone and calling someone.

"Hey Bakubro, what's up"

"Mystique's pregnant"

"And it's safe to assume it's yours?"He asked confused


"Seriously Bakugo you got a villain pregnant?"He asked not receiving a reply. "Did you just find out?"

"Some minutes ago yea"

"What did you tell her?"

Ground Zero then gave him the run down of your prior conversation. He didn't leave out a detail.

"What the fuck bro why would you say that? You do realize who you were talking to right? She's going to kill you. You're lucky she didn't do anything at that moment. You better find a way to explain yourself before she gets back to her regular way of thinking"

"I don't know why I said that. There was a lot of shit running through my head after finding out she was not only pregnant but also keeping it. I just panicked and said something. That was the first thing to come to mind"

"Saying eff the kid and making her leave was the first thing you thought of? You didn't think to talk about the situation as two adults?"He asked letting out a sigh "I'm not sure if you've realized but Mystique actually likes you. So turning around and doing that has probably initially hurt or confused her but she'll be pissed after she processes everything. Like I said she's going to kill you"

"I fucked up"

"Big time. Especially since it's Mystique we're talking about"

There was a pause in the conversation then another question arose.

"Do you want to be in the child's life or you seriously want nothing to do with them?"

"It's my child of course I do. The situation surrounding it just isn't ideal. It's not everyday a hero gets a villain pregnant"

"Hmm true. You still shouldn't have reacted like that though. Hopefully whenever you try to speak to her she won't be too aggressive"

"Doubt it. She'll be pissed"

"Yea, anyways I have to go get ready for something bye"


Ground Zero hung up the phone and went to the mirror looking at his neck that was stinging in pain. He looked at the small cut you put on his neck and groaned.

"I really fucked up"

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