Darkness [Neal Cassidy || OUA...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The darkness escaped the sorcerer's hat and has found a new host, Alana Swan. She is the new Dark One, can he... More

1 - The Dark Swan
2 - The Dark Swan
3 - The Price
4 - The Price
5 - Siege Perilous
6 - Siege Perilous
7 - The Broken Kingdom
8 - The Broken Kingdom
9 - Dreamcatcher
11 - The Bear and the Bow
12 - The Bear and the Bow
13 - Nimue
14 - Nimue
15 - Birth
16 - Birth
17 - Broken Heart
18 - Broken Heart
19 - Swan Song
20 - Swan Song
21 - Souls of the Departed
22 - Souls of the Departed
23 - Labor of Love
24 - Labor of Love
25 - Devil's Due
26 - Devil's Due
27 - The Brothers Jones
28 - The Brother's Jones
29 - Our Decay
30 - Our Decay
31 - Her Handsome Hero
32 - Her Handsome Hero
33 - Ruby Slippers
34 - Ruby Slippers
35 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
36 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
37 - Firebird
38 - Firebird
39 - Last Rites
40 - Last Rites
41 - Only You
42 - Only You
43 - An Untold Story
44 - An Untold Stories
Next Book

10 - Dreamcatcher

543 23 4
By bethanyjanebooks

At Alana's house, Regina, Emma, Amy, Killian, Neal, Robin and Belle stood on the porch.

"Showtime. Henry says he's got Alana occupied," Regina said.

"I don't really like using our son like this," Neal said.

"You think I do?" Regina asked.

"You didn't tell him what we were doing did you?" Emma asked.

"No, but he'll let us know when she's headed back. Let's do this," Regina reached for the doorknob but was repelled by magic, "Oh!" Regina said.

"You okay?" Amy asked.

"Protection spell," Regina said.

"It would appear she doesn't want you trespassing," Neal said.

Regina sighed and looked at him, "You want to try?" She asked.

"Well, I know she doesn't want me to," Neal said.

"She might let Hook in," Emma said.

"What?" Amy and Killian said.

"Try," Emma said.

"Why would she let me but not you?" Killian asked.

"This is getting us nowhere, just try to open the damn door," Neal said.

Killian sighed and walked to the door, opened it with ease, "You and Henry," Killian looked at Belle, "It's you or Henry she'd let it," Belle said.

"I've never been jealous of a relationship my sister's had with a bloke, until you," Emma said and tapped Killian's shoulder and walked inside.

"Thanks, Captain, you're our hero," Amy said as they all walked in.

Flashback: Camelot - Six Week Ago...

At Granny's, Henry set a cloth table with fancy silverware and flowers. He lit a candle as Only You by Yaz played in the background, he gently shooed Calla away. Calla giggled as she ran away into the back of the dinner.

Violet walked in and saw Henry, she giggled and Henry turned to her, "Uh... hi, m'lady. I mean, uh, Violet. I mean... P-please sit down," Henry said nervously.

Violet chuckled, "Thank you," Violet walked over and sat down as Henry took her cloak and gently pushed her seat in, "I was really happy to get your note. I was worried when you disappeared from the stables," Violet said.

"You were?" Henry asked.

"Yes," She stammered, "You wanted me to worry?" Violet asked.

"Yes. I mean, no. I mean... Are you thirsty?" Henry said.

Violet chuckled, "Sure," Violet said.

Henry went to leave the table when a cloud of smoke appeared on the table and two soda cans appeared. Henry and Violet turned to see Calla quickly hiding behind the wall. 

Henry chuckled, "Thank you Calla, goodnight," Henry said and he watched her poke her head out, she waved and ran off again.

"She's so sweet, just adorable the way she ran in with your note... She really loves you," Violet said.

"Yeah," Henry looked at her and smiled, "Usually my family had to protect me, but it nice feeling needed by someone," Henry said and he opened them and Violet looked amazed.

"Is that magic?" Violet asked.

"No. It's soda," Henry poured her glass, "Here," Henry said and handed the glass.

Violet drunk the soda and giggled, "It's like a carnival in a can," Violet said before laughing. 

Henry chuckled nervously, "So, uh, this is Granny's. It's pretty great. She had some lasagna in the fridge that didn't go bad, so I was able to heat it up," Henry said.

"You really are from another world," Violet said.

"Is... Is that okay?" Henry asked.

"Yeah, it's great," Violet said.

"So, I thought after dinner, we could watch a movie. Ah. It's easier if I show you. On my phone. The screen's small, but here... Look," He showed her his phone and chuckled, "If I'd known I was coming, I would've loaded more, but I brought 'Commando' and 'Harold and Maude'. We'll do 'Harold and Maude'. It's a good date movie, I think," Henry said.

" A date? What's that?" Violet asked.

"It's, uh... Never mind," Henry said with a shake of his head.

"Are you... Courting me?" Violet asked.

"Uh... Maybe," Henry said.

"Uh... You're sweet. But..." Violet said.

"Oh, no," Henry said.

"I just don't think I feel the same way about you as you do me," Violet said.

"Your father told you what happened, didn't he?" Henry asked.

"What? No. I mean, yes, he did mention he met you, but no, that's not it," Violet told him.

"He doesn't think I'm a hero. Well, I am," Henry said.

"Henry, please... Listen, I...I thought we were just spending time together as... As friends. And... I liked it better that way. I'm sorry," Violet said.

End of Flashback

In Regina's office, Merida slammed the storybook onto the desk. Then she turned the page to where Rumpelstiltskin was holding the chipped teacup in front of Belle. Merida smiled and closed the book.

Merida made her way over to the pawnshop, an arrow thud into the door and unlocked it. She walked inside and she started searching the back until she opened a cabinet finding the chipped teacup, "There we go. That'll do " Merida said.

Meanwhile, Henry and Alana made their way to Peter's Pumpkin Stand.

"Mom, this is genius!" Henry said.

"Yeah, when the first curse ended, this Peter guy opened this place. I wouldn't have known about it, but it got so many noise complaints. Guess 'Peter Peter' likes his parties. Hadn't thought of it till you mentioned the pumpkins though," Alana said and they hear Nicodemus whinnies.

"Violet wasn't kidding. Look!" Henry said.

"Would you look at that. Come on," Alana walked closed and Nicodemus was weighing then shied away from Alana, "Careful, Henry. I got this," Alana said as Nicodemus neighed again as Alana stepped closer.

"Mom, I guess you need to step back and let me handle thing," Henry said as Nicodemus continued neighing.

"I didn't do anything," Alana said.

"You're the Dark One. Now get back," Henry said.

Alana stepped back as Henry grabbed a piece of pumpkin as Nicodemus was snorting and stamping, "Henry..." Alana said, worriedly.

"It's okay. I got it," Nicodemus grunted, "It's okay, Nicodemus. Come here, boy. It's okay, Nicodemus. Come here, boy. Come here. Yeah. Here you go," Henry said as he lured the horse to him by the pumpkin, the horse ate the pumpkin piece from Henry's hand as Henry used his other hand to grab the reins, "There we go. See? Told ya," Henry said.

"Now that you've got your girl's horse, don't you have a dance to get to?" Alana asked.

"You coming?" Henry asked.

"I don't think so, kid," Alana said.

"You did good today, come on, mom," Henry said.

"I'm the Dark One, kid, I doubt I'll be welcomed. Go on, put a smile on that girls face," Alana said as she walked over to her car.

At Alana's house, everyone had gone down into the basement and they found the cave.

"Why does Alana have a cave for a basement?" Amy asked.

"I don't know, shall we ask her?" Regina asked and Amy rolled her eyes.

They saw Excalibur in the Stone of Destiny, "Now we know why she didn't want you down here, Neal," Emma said.

"Yeah, I dont think she wants anyone to see this and I think I know the reason why. Take a look. Excalibur looks kinda familiar doesn't it," Neal said as he pointed to the blade.

Belle took a closer took a closer, "The dagger. It's the same design...The same edges," Belle said.

"What the hell does she want with this? And with Gold. What is she up to?" Regina asked.

"Well, given our missing memories... I'd wager whatever it is, it's not good," Robin said.

"Let's take a better look at the damn thing and find out," Killian said and reached for the sword's hilt.

"Stop!" Killian looked at Regina, "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but it could be booby-trapped. You could get killed," Regina said.

"Huh, I didn't know you cared," Killian said as Belle walks over to the gate behind the sword and saw ropes.

"You didn't seem that bothered with me opening the door and possibly being zapped," Killian said.

"Zapped?" Amy questioned.

"I don't, but right not, you're useful... Ish," Regina said.

"I'd think he's very useful, if Lana's allowing him to walk in whenever he wants," Neal said.

"He was here. Rumpel was here," Belle said.

"And now he's gone. Let's try searching the rest of the house," Robin said.

Regina's phone chimed and she looked at it, "No time. It's Henry, she's on her way back," Regina said.

They all left the basement and were about to leave the house when Neal saw something as the rest were on their way out of the front door.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Amy asked.

Neal opened a box to reveal a brown dream catcher with three seashells and brown and white feathers.

"What the hell is that?" Robin Hood said.

"It's a dream catcher. I gave her one similar to this a long time ago. But this, it's different," Neal said.

"Wait a minute. Why would she have it?" Killian asked.

"Because they can be more than just objects of folklore. When imbued with magic, they can be quite powerful. I think I know how Alana took our memories," Regina said.

Flashback: Camelot - Six Weeks Ago...

At Merlin's tree, Alana, Amy, Regina and Emma were making the potion to free Merlin.

"Go on, Alana. Do it. Arthur could be here any second," Amy said.

Alana started putting all the ingredients in the pot, there was just one ingredient left.

"And now for the final ingredient... The tear," Regina said as she handed Alana the vial. Alana poured the tear into the pot, the potion poofed, smoked and then the smoke went back into the pot.

"That was anti-climatic," Amy said.

"It should've worked. It should have worked!" Regina said annoyed.

"Regina... It's simple. Your heartbreak wasn't strong enough," Alana said.

Regina scoffed, "What?!" She said.

"No, no, no. We know it was real. But you have Emma now. You've moved on, you've healed... Neither of us can do this... We've both healed..." Amy said.

Henry walked up, "Hey. Sorry, I'm late," Henry said.

Alana noticed the sad look on his face, "Henry, are you okay?" Alana asked.

"Yeah, I'm... I'm fine," Henry said.

"No, you're not, what happened?" Regina said.

"Henry?" Emma said.

"I don't want to talk about it," Henry said.

"You can tell us anything," Amy said.

"I tried doing what you said. I tried acting like myself," Henry's voice began to break, "But she didn't want anything to do with me," Henry said.

"Henry," Alana said as she put her hand on his shoulder.

"Violet's right. In this world, I'll never be a hero," Henry said as tears ran down his face.

"You may not be a hero in her world," Regina wiped his tears with a handkerchief, "But you will be in ours... This'll work. This tear," Regina touched his cheek, "Your tear, Henry," Regina said.

"It can free Merlin?" Henry asked.

"You can save me," Alana said as Henry sniffled.

Arthur arrived with his knights, "Stop! Stay away from the tree. I won't ask twice. You and your people have done nothing but lie to me ever since you got here. You're no powerful Saviours. You're frauds," Arthur said.

"Go ahead. Call us frauds again. I dare you," Regina said.

"We welcomed you, celebrated you and in return, you bring the former Dark One's spawn as well as the newest Dark One into the heart of my kingdom, endangering all who live here. Give me the dagger!" Arthur said.

"You want it? Come and get it," Amy said and her eyes glowed gold.

"Now, Alana, Emma," Regina said as she handed Alana the handkerchief.

Alana ran over to the pot and threw it in, suddenly she got surrounded by light and dark magic, "It's working!" Alana said.

"Charge!" Arthur yelled.

Alana used both light and dark magic, with Emma's light magic combined to free Merlin from the tree prison while Regina shot fireballs at Arthur and the knights while Amy controlled the shadows, grabbing the knights and absorbing some life force, knocking them unconscious.

When the magic stopped, the tree was gone and there stood a man in a cloak. Everyone stopped in what they were doing and looking at the man as he removed the hood of his cloak, Merlin.

Merlin smiled a little, "I've been waiting for you two... Alana, Emma," He turned to face Arthur, "And you... The boy who would be King. My great hope. How you've disappointed me," Merlin said.

"I disappointed you? You gave me false prophecies. Sent me on an impossible quest! You ruined my life!" Arthur said angrily as he touched Excalibur.

"Put it away, Arthur. We both know that broken sword cannot hurt me," Merlin said.

"This is not finished," Arthur said as he put the sword away and walked away with his knights.

"Ah!" Amy grabbed her head and Regina steadied her, "Ugh! I cannot wait to get this noisy woman out of my head," Amy said.

"I take it she's still not happy with me?" Merlin said.

"Ya think?!" Amy said.

End of Flashback

At night, at the Harvest Festival, David, Mary Margaret, Neal, Killian and Amy were telling Arthur about Excalibur being at Alana's house.

"She had Excalibur?" Arthur asked.

"Trapped in a stone in her basement," Neal said.

"Well then, we need to get it back at once. It would be disastrous if the Dark One took possession of it," Arthur said.

"That have anything to do with its striking resemblance to the Dark One Dagger?" Killian said.

"How do you know about the dagger?" Arthur asked.

"I've spent a lifetime trying to end the Dark One's existence. I know much about the dagger. What I don't know about is your blade. Care to enlighten us?" Killian said.

"Yes. There's a reason they resemble each other. They were forged as one weapon and then broken in two. I've spent years trying to reunite them," Arthur said.

"Did dad tell you this?" Neal asked looking at Amy.

"Not a word," Amy said.

"That's why you were so interested in the dagger when you arrived," Mary Margaret said.

"I apologise for not telling you sooner, but I had to make sure I could trust you. The restored weapon has great power. It can eradicate all dark magic forever," Arthur said.

"That's a good thing," David said.

"Of course. But in the wrong hands, it can also destroy all light magic," Arthur said.

"That's her plan. To snuff out the light forever?" Neal said.

"What happened in Camelot? How did Alana fall so far?" Mary Margaret questioned.

At the festival, everyone was playing games as Calla, Violet and her father, Morgan, walked past some.

"Just try to have some fun tonight, okay?" Morgan said.

They heard a horse whinnies and they turned to see Henry riding up to them on Nicodemus and he got off the horse.

"Henry. Henry, you did it," Violet said.

"Hen-Hen," Calla said as she walked over to him and he picked her up, she hugged him instantly.

"Well done, lad, well done," Sir Morgan said.

"Henry, this is my father Sir Morgan. Father, this is Henry," Violet said.

"You've made my daughter very happy. We owe you a great deal of thanks," Sir Morgan said.

"It was nothing, sir," Henry said.

"Heroic and humble," Morgan said and Violet chuckled.

"You're a good man, Henry. You'll make a fine knight someday," Sir Morgan said.

"Thank you, sir," Henry looked at Calla, "Been good?" Henry said and Calla nodded with a smile.

"Now, you three... Enjoy the festivities," Sir Morgan said as he walked away with Nicodemus.

Violet chuckled softly, "Thank you, Henry," Violet said and she gave Henry a kiss on the cheek. They smiled at each other before they walked further into the festival.

In the woods, Merida kicked Mr Gold on the bottom of his shoe to wake him up as he was tied to a tree.

"Well. Glad to see the bears didn't get ya," Merida said as she cut him loose.

"Please. Please. I...I...I can't fight," Mr Gold said.

"No. You won't fight. Big different. You know, my father used to say, if you want a lad to fight, give him something to fight for," Merida said as she knelt in front of him and pointed her sword to his neck as she reached for something in her satchel.

"W-What are you doing?" Mr Gold said.

"Oh. Reminding you what you have to fight for," Merida said as she revealed the chipped teacup and dangled it from her pinky finger as she backed away from him.

"Where did you get that?" Mr Gold asked as he got serious.

"Oh, means something to you, doesn't it? Oh! If you want it, your gonna have to fight me for it," Merida said as she threw him a sword.

Mr Gold threw it away and reached for the cup, Merida kicked out his wooden cane and tripped him up easily.

"Oh! I see it's still an ordinary rope even if it is gold. We wouldn't want to damage it, now, would we?" Merida said as she gently tapped her blade against the teacup as she knelt next to him.

"No, please. Please don't. Don't," Mr Gold said.

Merida cut Mr Gold on his shoulder having fallen back to the ground, "So, what happened? Did your Belle see the yellow-bellied man you really are? I bet you she did, didn't she? Ooh! That had to sting!" Merida taunted.

Mr Gold suddenly started to attack Merida with a sword which she blocked.

"Oh! Did you feel that?" Merida asked.

Mr Gold was panting, "Feel what?" Mr Gold asked.

"That swing right there! You weren't thinking of yourself or the limp. You were thinking of her. That was an act of true bravery. Ready to try again? Eh? Eh?" Merida said.

Merida hit his sword and Mr Gold grunted angrily, "Good! Because we've got a long way to go before you're ready to take on Alana," Merida said.

At Regina's house, Emma and Regina were inside looking at the dreamcatcher they took from Alana's house.

"If Alana used this to rip our memories, maybe it can tell us what happened in Camelot," Regina said.

"Are you sure? What if we see something we shouldn't? With Ana, I've seen and heard too much I shouldn't, especially with Neal... Oh, the nightmares," Emma said and shuddered.

Regina looked at her, "We have to, Emma," Emma paced backwards and forwards, "I can do this on my own if you're that scarred from not knowing how to knock," Regina said.

Emma looked at her, "Let's just get this over with," Emma said as she walked to her.

Regina looked at the dreamcatcher, "Alana clearly thought she had good reason for what she did. Who knows what happened to us there?" Regina said.

"Which one of us is trying to talk us out of this now?" Emma asked.

"You're right," Regina said and sighed before she waved her hand over the dreamcatcher to see Henry and Violet in the sables.

"I'm Violet," Violet said.

"Henry," Henry said.

"Are these Henry's memories?" Emma asked.

"No. No, I think it's the girl he has a crush on," Regina said.

"Why would Alana have her memories in her living room?" Emma asked, both were unaware Henry had walked into the room, he went silent before they noticed him, the three of them watched the memories.

Flashback: Camelot - Six Weeks Ago...

At the stables, Calla ran in, "Violet, Violet," She called out.

"Oh!" Violet turned to her, "Hello, you lost Henry?" Violet asked.

Calla shook her head quickly, "No, no, no, important message for you!" Calla said and bounced before holding up a note to her.

"For me?" Violet took it and Calla nodded, "Thank you," Violet said with a smile.

"Bye-bye," Calla said and ran out giggling.

Violet giggled and smiled she opened the opened, "Dear Violet, meet me this evening at Granny's Diner. I have a surprise for you. henry," Violet said and giggled.

"Violet," She turned to see Alana, "Can you keep a secret?" Alana asked as she walked to her.

Violet chuckled, "Of course," She said.

Alana's eyes were watery, "Good, because Henry can never know about this," Alana said and she ripped out Violet's heart.

Violet gasped and looked at Alana in fear, "Violet, listen... You will get this back, I just need your help first," Alana said.

"W...W...What do you need?" Violet asked.

"I need the tear of a lost first love... A fresh tear," Alana's voice broke, "I need you to break Henry's heart," Alana said as a tear fell.

End of Flashback

Regina and Emma stared in shock, "Wha..." Regina said.

Henry dropped a bag of popcorn and they turned to him, "Henry," Emma said as Henry looked crushed as he stared at the dreamcatcher.

Flashback: Camelot - Six Weeks Ago...

At Granny's Diner, everyone was gathered together and Merlin cut his hand, pouring blood into a vial before handing it to Amy who walked off into the back.

Merlin took the spell off David and Mary Margaret, "There, that should do it," Merlin said.

"Alana. We're so sorry," Mary Margaret said.

"If we would have known how bad Arthur was... We never would've confronted him on our own," David said.

"It's okay. I'm just glad Merlin could help," Alana said.

David saw Merlin, "Merlin? Y...You're... Merlin?" David said.

"Expecting someone..." Merlin said.

"Older... Definitely... Older," David said.

Merlin sighed, "Yes. Well, let's just say that being a tree... Good for your skin," Merlin said.

Meanwhile, in the back of Granny's, Amy was mixing a potion with Merlin's blood. She poured it into another vial and grimaced before drinking the potion. She coughed and staggered backwards before she fell down and a light came from her body.

Amy turned to see Morgana stood at the end of the hall, Morgana removed her hood, "You did it," Morgana said.

"Yeah... I did..." Amy said.

In the front room of Granny's, "Well, not that the Great Sorcerer is among us, maybe he'll tell us. Can you do what your apprentice said?" Neal asked.

"Sure...," Merlin looked at Alana, "But with a caveat. Darkness like this takes a hold of a person, find its way deep inside, where nobody else can see. So, if I am to free you from its grasp, I must know one thing. Alana, is your heart truly ready to be free? Because it is as much up to you as me," Merlin said and Alana nodded.

"Isn't he just..." They all turned Morgana and Amy stood together, "Perfect?" Morgana said.

"Morgana... You... Uh," Merlin smiled and glanced at the others before her, "You sure you want to do this now?" Merlin asked. 

"I'm plenty sure... You backstabber!" Morgana yelled and blasted him backwards with her magic.

"I'm taking it, friendship over?" Killian asked.

Morgana walked over to Merlin and slapped him across his face, "You sealed me away! What did I do wrong?!" Morgana asked.

Merlin stood up, "You tried to turn Camelot dark!" Merlin said.

"Not of my own choice! You... You! Ugh! IDIOT!" Morgana yelled.

Amy walked to Killian, "And you're related to that," Killian said as he pointed to Morgana said.

"Very distantly, yes," Amy said.

Morgana turned to Amy and Killian who both instantly quietened down, Morgana walked to Amy who stepped back a little.

"Trust me," Amy looked at her and Morgana gently placed her hands on Amy's cheeks, "My daughter, so powerful, so loving... You've been manipulated by the darkness just as I once was, haven't you?" Morgana said.

"T...The man who raised me. I was lied to, told our home was destroyed, but it wasn't... He was the last Dark One... He tried to turn me dark and it worked, but I found my way back out," Amy said as she took hold of Morgana's hands.

"We may have shadow magic, we may be the darker side of the purest magic, but that doesn't make us dark," Morgana said.

End of Flashback

On the front porch of Regina's house, Alana knocked on the door and Regina answered.

"Alana," Regina said angrily.

"Hello," Alana said.

"What the hell is going on? What are you doing here?" Regina asked.

"I'm here to see Henry," Alana said.

"Alana, you know that's not what I mean. You took our memories, and now Gold. What are you trying to do? Alana, there's nothing you can't come back from if you just tell us," Regina said.

"What I'm doing is my business, but it's for the best. Trust me," Alana said.

"I was starting to. And, like Henry, I was seeing the good in you. But I was wrong. I thought you could be different. I thought you could escape the darkness. But then you had to go and rip a 13-year-old girl's heart out," Regina said.

"Now you're breaking and entering?" Alana said.

"Oh, no. You don't get to be self-righteous with me. Not after what you've done. Henry saw what you did. He's devasted," Regina said.

"I was trying to make it up to him," Alana said.

"Make it up to him? By reuniting a girl and her horse? Oh, let me guess. You let the damn thing out in the first place. You forget... I have some experience with Dark Ones. Everything's a manipulation," Regina said.

"It all would've been fine if you could've just helped yourself and stayed out of it. Maybe you're the one causing pain," Alana said.

"Wow. Listen to you trying to justify everything. If I'm the one on the moral high ground, you've fallen quite a ways, Miss Swan," Regina said.

"Don't Miss Swan me. We've been through too much. You know I never would have done that to Henry if I didn't have a good reason," Alana said.

"'Good reason'. You know, that's exactly what my mother said to justify what she did to Daniel," Regina said.

"What I did in Camelot, I did to protect Henry," Alana said.

"She thought she was protecting me, too," Regina said.

"I didn't have a choice," Alana said.

"There's always a choice, Alana. You've said that to me a thousand times," Regina said.

"We were running out of time. It was the only way to free Merlin and get Morgana out of Amy," Alana said.

"Merlin? Morgana? Wait... we freed Merlin and Morgana in Camelot? But if that's true, why are you still the Dark One?" Regina said.

"This is a waste of time. I want to see my son," Alana said.

"Well, I don't think he wants to see you and neither does your sister. Goodbye, Miss Swan," Regina said and walked back into the house and slammed the door in her face.

Alana walked away from the front door and she looked up at Henry's room to see him in the window, he looked at her and closed the curtains before leaving.

Alana took a deep breath before she walked away from the house, a tear ran down her cheek and she disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

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