Second Chance (a North and So...

By tini_25

119K 1.9K 506

Different take on North and South. It starts when Mr. Thornton leaves Margaret after his disaster of proposal... More

Chapter 1: Roses have Thorns
Chapter 2: Twisted every way
Chapter 4: Walk in the Park
Chapter 5: Going through once more
Chapter 6: First contact with the past
Chapter 7: Hurry to post the letter
Chapter 8: What happened?
Chapter 9: What's her condition?
Chapter 10: Further explaination of present circumstances
Chapter 11: Men's conversations
Chapter 12: Time to blush
Chapter 13: Working out new strategies
Chapter 14: Bessy's letter
Chapter 15: Missing her slightly
Chapter 16: Chasing her
Chapter 17: Keeping her promise
Chapter 18: Cosy little coach ride
Chapter 19: Frederick Hale
Chapter 20: Flashbacks
Chapter 21: Illuminate forgotten events
Chapter 22: Comparing memories
Chapter 23: A sibling there in hard times
Chapter 24: What father never told
Chapter 25: New way of thinking
Chapter 26: gasping for forgiveness
Chapter 27: Conversations
Chapter 28: Conversations 2
Chapter 29: Secret Happiness
Chapter 30: The shadow of death
Chapter 31: Leaving the country
Chapter 32: The other man
Chapter 33: Last farewell
Chapter 34: Engagement
Chapter 35: The Confrontation
Chapter 36: Wedding bells
Chapter 37: Family tragedy
Chapter 38: Lost children
Chapter 39: One's Despair
Chapter 40: Distrust and Dismissal
Chapter 41: Lullaby
Chapter 42: Trying to mend it
Chapter 43: Dear Fred
Chapter 44: Remembering Oxford
Chapter 45: Being left alone
Chapter 46: Recollection
Chapter 47: Coming home
Chapter 48: A sorrowful message
Chapter 49: How the world collapsed
Chapter 50: Supporting columns
Chapter 51: Back to London
Chapter 52: Confession against Depression
Chapter 53: Helstone
Chapter 54: The Lennox's Philosophy of life
Chapter 55: Ungrateful business
Chapter 56: A very generous gift
Chapter 57: Looking South
Chapter 58: Coming after her
Chapter 60: Spain
Chapter 61: Complicated
Chapter 62: Sincerely, ...

Chapter 3: Revelation

3.2K 40 2
By tini_25


When I gained my consciousness, at last, I was examined by someone. My view was blurred, but I acknowledged the voice. "Dr. Donaldson? What happened? Is my mother worse?" I finally got out, but my voice only a slight audible and crackling sound.

"No, no" he chuckled slightly what irritated me. "This time you are my patient, not your mother."

What? What happened? Oh please clarify doctor! But somehow I couldn't get my mouth open to speak again, a sudden weakness forced me to stay silent.

"It seems we have to add memory problems to the list as well but don't worry, the memory will come back. But I can't give you any information about how long this will take to occur. I wrote down everything she will need. And you don't need to tell your wife, Mr. Hale, it wouldn't be good for her health to worry about her now. I am sure she will be herself in no time. Just see that she gets her rest and don't forget about enough fresh air." He said towards the opposite direction and only now I noticed father standing in the room.

"I will do whatever is in my might to do. Thank you, doctor."

I saw the two men withdraw from my room, leaving me alone. My head ached at the back of it and I had a sick feeling in my stomach making me feel as if I would start spitting over the floor any second. Dixon entered the room, a bucket in her hands. Just in time, she handed me the silver vessel when my stomach released its contents. I felt awful. Now wasn't the best time to get sick. Mother was worse and she shouldn't worry about me as well as my father. I knew that he couldn't handle two ill people at once. I had to get up, but when I tried to I felt the strength in my limbs fade and it made me fall back into the mess of pillows and blankets. I found I was too weak to move anymore.

"You should rest Miss Margaret." I heard Dixon say, a concerned expression on her face.

"I don't need to rest, believe me, I am fine." I managed to mutter.

"Of course, I saw that. Don't be so irresponsible. You just spewed, what seemed to have been your breakfast, out I wouldn't recommend you to over exert yourself. Just lie here until you get better." She said in a demanding but affectionate tone.

"But how could I possibly lie here, my mother is ill and you need my help. I just can't be so lazy..." I couldn't finish my sentence as my stomach returned to its earlier purpose to empty itself completely and cut me off.

"I won't hear more of this Miss Margaret, I will convince your mother that you are alright, so don't worry about that." She got another blanket and covered me up with it. And after she gave me one last reassuring look she left me to rest.

"Thank you, Dixon." I felt guilty. She had to do so much and I, instead of helping her, added a new burden on her shoulders. But there was nothing I could do now. I was tied up here. I will have to rest until I was better again.

"May I come in?" My father put his head into my room. He came in and stole silently to my side and bend down on his knees. He started to stroke my cheek gently. "How are you?"

"Better I guess, I am sorry." I didn't know what, but I wanted to say it for some reason.

"For what?" When I didn't respond, he continued "I am grateful that you look better. You seemed so exhausted.

Well, in fact, I still was, but I didn't know why, and I didn't want him to know that. I tried to lift myself into a straight sitting position and finally found the strength to do so. He helped me immediately and rearranged some of my pillows so that I could sit more comfortable and lean back. A small smile grazed his face as he examined me in the dimmed light my closed curtains still let through from the transparent glass panels of the window. Father was so caring, I was really lucky to have him as my father. How would I be without him? My thoughts were transferring to Mr. Thornton almost immediately, a young boy, left without the guidance of a father but having to take over and be the head of the family. I shook the thought of, not inclined to explain what I was thinking of if I was caught and trying to concentrate on the task in front of me. Get to know what happened.

"What did Dr. Donaldson say, father? What happened to me anyway?" I nearly pleaded him to tell.

"Well, I came into my office and saw you lying on the floor. I think that you must have lost your consciousness and fell, but unfortunately caught the corner of my desk with your head on your way down. Dr. Donaldson was here and examined you. He said that the exhaustion of the last days must have caused your dizziness. As to your head, he said nothing bad happened. You just should be more careful in the future and avoid any falls. And you should get more fresh air, I presume you have neglected your daily walks since your mother got a little worse. But now I want you to take care of yourself, alright?"

"Yes, I will, thank you; father. But how are you?" I was afraid of the answer he would give me, I had to ask him nevertheless.

"Don't worry about me. I am alright as long as you are."

" ...Ah...." He turned to me again, after he already lifted himself up to his full length and went into the direction of the door. "When I talked with Dr. Donaldson he mentioned something about another head wound you got two days ago. What did he mean Margaret?"

What? Another wound on my head? I searched through my brains to find any memory of an injury. But nothing happened two days ago....wait two days ago....yesterday was the dinner party, so two days ago....I was home all day long with mother and I don't recall Dr. Donaldson visiting us. So, even if I had injured my head back then, he wouldn't have known. Something strange was going on. Father looked concerned at me, but still a slight glint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Margaret?" He asked after I didn't respond to him.

"I am so sorry father, but I have no idea what he was talking about. Two days ago I was at home with mother, the whole day in fact. So I really. ..." he didn't let me finish.

"Wait, no, you went outside to post some mail, and after that, you went to call upon the Thornton's. Your mother wanted something, I think, a water mattress or something like that."

I gave him a questioning look of astonishment. Water mattress....yes I do recall something of that kind...yes, of course, Funny told me at the dinner party about it and that my mother should try it. But I know that I didn't leave mothers side the day before it because she was worse. God, what is going on?

"Oh no, please not." I hear my father growl. "Dr. Donaldson said something to me before he left."

I stared at him, anxious to hear an explanation for what was happening.

"What is the last thing you remember?" He asked after a long pause.

"Father what did Dr. Donaldson..."

"Margaret please, I will explain later. What is the last thing you remember? "

"Wait let me see" I frowned, trying to find an answer. "I think the last thing I remember clearly is when I talked to Dixon before going to bed after the dinner party yesterday.

"Thursday you mean." He corrected me, a faint smile formed on his face as if it was against his will.


"Yes, you know the last thing Dr. Donaldson said before he left was that with two head injuries in such a short period of time it is very likely that you will have memory problems."

Memory problems rang in my ear. What happened in the meantime? I was still in my thoughts when I heard myself say those words out loud.

"I don't know most of it, I am sorry to disappoint you. I was at work the most of the time. I know that you went to Malborough Mills and when you came back you were with your mother, at least I have been told so. Shortly after I came home a young girl named mary called upon you and you went with her. You came back only after the dark started to rise. Oh, and I nearly forgot, apparently after you left the Thornton's there was some sort of violence, but I don't exactly know what happened. I heard a young woman was attacked and hit with a stone or something. But you know I don't think much of rumors." He said the last sentence with a wide and cheeky smile, trying to make my laugh.

"I don't recall any of this. Do you know what Mary wanted from me? She is too shy to just walk up to someone's door. It must have been something important."

"It doesn't surprise me anymore that you don't know anything about it. But Dr. Donaldson said it's only a matter of time that it will all come back, so don't worry."

"And a matter of time is how long exactly?" I asked him teasingly.

"I don't know. But I hope it won't take long. " He smirked at my comment, obviously relieved that I could think clearly again. He left my room with the words "Rest a little longer, and if you wish, I will take you outside later. " and gave me one last grand smile before he disappeared out of my view. I tried to get some rest but sleep kept avoiding me. Well, I had enough to think of now. Maybe if I tried hard I would remember something. I hoped I would.

Picture: Daniella Denby-Ashe as  Margaret Hale

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