Verbatim [h.s]

By harrysugar_png

779K 17.4K 40.4K

Underground, deep in the centre of London lies Verbatim. A super exclusive club that hosts elite rap battles... More

Ten *
Fifteen *
Seventeen *
Twenty *
Twenty-Two *
Twenty-Four *
Twenty-Seven *
Twenty-Eight *
Thirty-One *
Thirty-Three *
Thirty-Seven *
Thirty-Nine *
Forty-Two *
Bonus Chapter *


13.2K 305 1K
By harrysugar_png

Work goes surprisingly slow for a Monday, as always it is busy but for some reason, it just drags and drags. Maybe it is because my mind is constantly occupied by Harry and wanting to see him. I also couldn't stop thinking about Aud and what she was up to? I just hoped that wasn't with Tim. I knew she had work but she could've met him on her break. I just knew I wouldn't be settled until the words

I'm done with him.

Come out of her mouth. Because I know her heart is all in for him even if her mind is telling her to stay the fuck away. I guess time will tell. But my job now is to keep a tight leash on her and hope to god she listens to her head, not her heart.

When the last customer finally left, I couldn't rip my pinny of fast enough. Sal laughed and I practically launched myself out the door. She was staying late to sort through her books, I offered to help but I think she could see how eager I was to get home.

She asked me about Harry, I had told her a fair bit about him and she seemed to approve. Obviously missing out on the huge detail that he's the leader of a gang but what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

I sling on my coat and shut the florist door behind me, I spin on my heel, phone in hand ready to call for an Uber when a voice calls me. My head shoots up, and I see Harry leant against his Range Rover smirking at me.

"What are you doing here?" I squeal and then run over to him, throwing myself at him. he catches me in his arms with a deep laugh into my neck that sends vibrations all over.

"Thought I'd come pick my girl up from work." He pulls me back and I smile up at him. Then I realise what I just did and stepped back away from him and out of his arms. That was very girlfriend-y of me to do. And that is a conversation we certainly have not had. He frowns at me and I quickly pull myself together.

"Sorry about that, I just got excited."

"Don't apologise baby, I want you to greet me like that every time." His expressions softens as I think he sees my wariness about our situation. I don't quite know how to behave but it felt natural to do that so is that okay? He doesn't seem to mind. "Do I get a kiss with it?" He then pulls me back to him, I feel my body relax as a small giggle escapes me.

Wrapping my arms around this neck, I lean up and place a soft kiss on his puckered lips. I pull away looking up into his green eyes and a million words are said without being spoken. He then leans down, closing his eyes and kissing me. It's funnelled with more passion and want. his hands find my lower back pulling me into him more and I arch my back, pulling his neck down.

We break away from the kiss both breathless.

"That was intense." I laugh.

"Always is with you." He laughs too shaking his head. I step away as he opens the passenger door for me. Always a gentleman.

"Thankyou." He nods and goes to his side to enter. Then he starts the car and drives away. "I feel like you're always driving me around."

"I like driving you around."

"Why though? Isn't it annoying? You're a busy man." I ponder.

"I am a busy man but I got time for you." He winks and I punch his arm gently.

"Well thank you anyways." I hum.

"Did you speak to Audrey this morning?" He asks and I reply yes. "How did that go?"

"She knows it's a toxic relationship. I said she needs to stay away from Tim and that I don't want them alone ever, especially in the apartment."

"That's fairs, did she say what happened last night?" I don't know why Harry is asking so many questions and it concerns me a little but then again he too was there when it all was kicking off to I'm not surprised he is curious.

"She said Niall had texted her about Netflix or something and Tim saw, he thought Aud was trying to jump Niall's bones or something and kicked off." Harry just hums in response.

After a beat he replies,

"Is she done with him then?"

"I don't know, she thinks she loves him but she knows that it won't and can't work. So I hope she does the right thing." Silence follows before Harry speaks again.

"I spoke to Tim." My head flies to face him.

"You did?" I can't hide the shock. I was going to ask Harry to talk to him but the fact he did that off his own back means a lot to me.

"I did. I told him to leave her alone or else." He shrugs.

"Or else what?" I don't know why I ask, it doesn't matter to me. He deserves the worst things possible really. I'm surprised Harry gave him a chance.

"Or else." He just reiterates.

"I'm surprised he's not –" I motion a slicing motion across my neck, hanging it to the side and sticking my tongue out which makes Harry laugh. "-considering what he has done to Aud." I can't help but feel a pang of anger towards Harry or Tim, I don't know which, I think I wish Harry would hurt him and make him pay. He deserves that.

"Trust me, it was hard holding back. Not just me either."

"What do you mean?"

"The boys were there, I had to pull Niall back and the others were on the edge of their seats."

"Oh wow."

"Yeah, we don't tolerate that behaviour ever, if it was anyone else then yeah they probably would be-" He copies my motions with the slicing neck.

"What do you mean if it was anyone else?" There's no hiding my bitchy attitude now.

"There's more to this than you know baby, we need Tim close." His knuckles whiten on the wheel and he huffs out.

"He hurt Audrey." I deadpan, getting angrier by the minute. What could possibly excuse that behaviour? Nothing. That's what.

"I know that Zuri, but you need to trust me. Once we have had our use out of him, he will pay. For every single time, he laid a finger on her." He hisses at me. His eyes are dark and dangerous. I have never felt scared of Harry once but that look, right there, sends shivers down my spine and I feel the smallest dose of fear flood my body.

Harry must read my expression because he softens and reaches over, I flinch slightly when he touches my hand and he notices that for sure. No hiding it.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you. I just need to do my job and as much as I want to kill Tim, I can't. Not yet. But I will, I promise you that." Each word is laced with honesty and a promise. And for some reason, the promise he made to kill Tim, which I know isn't a passing comment made by common folk, doesn't unsettle me. You'd think being told that someone will be murdered at the hands of your... well your very close friend? Either way, that should be scary and unsettling. But it's not.

Tim deserves that for every laying a hand on my best friend.

"Okay." I just hum and then turn in my seat to face outside, only then do I see we have pulled up outside my apartment. "Hey, Harry."

"Yes, baby."

"Why haven't I been to your place yet?" I swing my head back to his, I see him freeze up a little and then relax.

"You wanna stay at my place?" I think about it for a moment, I don't particularly want to leave Aud alone right now. I need to see if she wants to see me tonight first. Although Harry means a lot to me, if my best friend needs me then I'll be here for her.

"Let me call Aud first." I pull my phone out and dial Aud's number. She is still at work but answers within seconds. She says she's actually going back home for a few days because she needs to get away from the apartment, basically away from Tim considering he knows where she lives. I agree that would probably be best but I feel slightly disheartened to not see her. We don't spend much time apart but I know it'll be good for her to get out of her head for a few days.

"Can we nip in to get an overnight back?" I throw my thumb back to my apartment after hanging up the phone. Harry nods and we head up to my apartment.

The tensions from before have eased, I don't have as much anger running through my body especially when Harry intertwines his fingers with mine, caressing my knuckles with his thumb. In the elevator, I rest my head on his arm and close my arms. And all of a sudden, a wave of exhaustion comes over me and my eyes sting. I need to sleep.

I managed to pack my overnight bag in record time considering how tired I am, but I just know the sooner I get it done the sooner I can cuddle in Harry's bed with him and sleep all night long. A part of me hopes that Harry doesn't want to have sex because I cannot promise my performance will be up to par tonight.

"Okay, let's go." I swing my checkered rucksack over my shoulder and head towards the door with Harry at my tail.

When we step into the elevator, I hit the ground floor button then stand back next to Harry. His hand comes around to hold the back of my neck, brushing his thumb back and forth on my hairline at the nape of my neck. I hum in enjoyment, closing my eyes.

"Hey wait!" We both hear a mans voice shout and Harry shoots his other hand forward to stop the doors from closing. They open back up and the man behind the voice appears, out of breath from running.


It's the guy in the suit. I haven't seen him since the last time.

"Thanks." He heaves out of breath then steps back in, he goes to jab ground floor but sees its already lit up so steps to the side.

Once he has caught his breath, he turns to us and that's when his eyes narrow on me.

"Hey again." He smiles. I shift uncomfortably. I don't know why I feel unease around him, he hasn't exactly given me a reason to.

"Hey." I nod back and I can see Harry frowning looking down at me. "Visiting your friend again?" I ask. I don't know why I choose to make conversation with him but something compels me to know more. why is he here? Something tells me it isn't just to see his friend.

"Yeah, now I'm off home." He smiles brightly with his pearly whites. There's something unsettling about it.

"Nice." I hum and turn to face the doors once again. I feel Harry's hand drop from my neck and he digs them into his pockets. I feel cold due to the loss of contact but don't say anything.

The doors soon open and the man leaves first, then Harry and I glare after him wondering why he just stormed off without me. I jog a little to catch up but Harry has long legs. It's useless.

Harry is stood at the passenger door with it open, I give him a stern look and stop to stand in front of him, frowning.

"We'll talk in the car." He sneers and I'm taken back but climb in the car anyway. And anxiously wait for Harry to climb in and then drive off.

"Did you sleep with him?" I see his jaw pulled tight as he grits his teeth.

"What?" I gawk in shock. Excuse me? Did I what?

"I felt the way you stiffened and then the visiting a friend remark." He mimics me. Erm what? My head pulls back in shock, my mouth opening and closing. What is with this sudden change in mood.

"No of course not, Harry." I scold when the words eventually get out. He glares at me like he doesn't appreciate my tone. Well, I don't appreciate his.

"How do you know each other then?" His tone still doesn't calm down and reeks of ...accusation?

"Well Harry, if you'd have asked me nicely I would've told you that I saw him once-" I emphasise on the word once. "-in the elevator and he said he had come to see a friend. He gave me weird vibes and that-" I now emphasise the word that. "-is why I stiffened up because I felt uncomfortable." I snap back at him with so much attitude his eyes grow wide. Yeah Harry, I won't put up with your shitty mood swings. I will not.

It's now his turn to open and close his mouth in shock.

"That's what I thought. Now let's go to yours." I snap finally, folding my arms over my chest and face back forwards.


"Nope." I interrupt him. "Just drive."

And so he does. All the way to his place. Which I soon notice is around the corner to Verbatim because he drive past that desolate area and my head turns to Harry in confusion but he doesn't look to me.

I made it awkward. Shit.

When he stops his car in front of what looks like another abandoned building, my heartbeat skips slightly. Then Harry turns in his chair to face me, his eyes seem sad and his shoulders have sagged.

"Zuri, listen, I'm sorry for presuming that. I shouldn't have. I just-" He mumbles a fuck under his breath. "- I like you a lot. And I haven't done this in a long time. Last time I was in a relationship-" He goes to say something but then stops himself. "-It didn't end well and it fucked me up so I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm sorry." He finishes with a heavy breath and then sits waiting for me to reply.

Reaching forward, I take his hands in mine.

"Harry, it's okay. Well, it isn't because I won't put up with you getting mad at me over something like that, especially without asking first. I forgive you but you can't use your past relationship to guide ours. There's a reason that ended, and when you're ready to tell me more, I am here but I won't hurt you, Harry. Ever."

I know my words could hold empty promises to Harry, as his ex probably said the same thing to him, but they don't. and I just hope he can see it in my eyes that I will never hurt him.

"Okay." He gulps then opens his door. I take that as the conversation over and grab my bag following him to the front of the vehicle. "So this is your place?" I ask warily. I thought Harry would live in some penthouse considering the money he makes and the cars he drives. But then again, he doesn't swing me as the type to want to live in some fancy-schmancy building with a load of suited and booted businessmen and women.

"Sure is. Come." He grabs hold of my hand which I'm glad he did, it was reassuring to know that hopefully all of this has been buried. But something about him tells me that his head isn't quite clear of the conversation. I'm hoping that maybe he is considering telling me about his ex but he did say that was a conversation that was off the table.

I do wonder how we're ever going to work and progress without knowing his past struggles, especially with a relationship. That clearly affected him and I don't want that trauma to jeopardise what we have now. I won't let it. even if I have to dig and push a little. But for now, I will give him his time and space. He needs it.

He walks in through the large iron door, these damn buildings always have iron doors. It had a keypad for entry, not a key. Then when we walked in, the room was actually small. I was expecting some huge open space but nope, just some small room with a steel staircase to the right, looks like a fire exit and then an elevator up ahead.

He takes us up to the elevator, types in another code on the keypad and the doors open. There aren't any other floor numbers on the page just an up and down arrow so he obviously hits the up one. I stay silent the whole ride up, I'm purely curious as to what to expect once the doors open. From the look of the building on the outside, I wouldn't expect very much but the fact it seems he is the only person living here with keypad entry, I have other thoughts too.

The doors open and I'm greeted by short hallway that looks to open up to the main space. The natural light from the floor to ceiling loft-style windows come pouring in from the far wall and I've only just stepped into the hallway.

I take slow and steady steps taking in everything around me, to my right there are two doors. I look to Harry as he gestures to the furthest one away, opening it up a downstairs bathroom with a shower.

"And this one?" I ask pointing to the first door he skipped by.

"Just a laundry room." He shrugs but I see how tense his shoulders are and the reluctance in his gaze. Strange.

We carry on walking into the open space. The first thing I spy is a circular staircase in the middle of the room. It's black metal with dark wooden steps going up. The whole floor is open plan, the living and dining room has a high ceiling then the kitchen is covered with the second floor so it sets back a little around a centre wall. On the far wall to the left, the wall is black with looks like brail marks all over it as the design of the wall. The floors are dark wood and there is exposed brick and white painted walls all over.

The whole feel is manly but with hints of sophistication and home, strangely enough. With all the cool tones you wouldn't think you'd get that warmth but I feel it in the little things like the tulips sitting in a vase on the small wooden round table with three metal chairs. That sits on my right with a desk up against the wall.

The living area to my left is towards the large open windows, there's a three-seater navy couch with two grey cushions, then a small coffee table in the centre. There are a few books on there and I spy what looks to be a leather journal out on it too. There's a TV up against the brail looking wall with a wooden cabinet underneath housing a TV box, a PlayStation and some vinyl it seems. Then I spy a vinyl player on the small table in the corner by the window. It's an old wooden style one, completely fitting his whole aesthetic in this apartment.

Around that centre wall, I see the kitchen which has a small breakfast bar with two industrial style stools and some more exposed brick and white tiles. Once again, there are some more flowers, on that breakfast bar that offer another element of warmth. This place looks lived in and I think that is what makes it home. I just wish there were some photos laying about but something tells me Harry isn't really a photo guy.

"Wow." I twirl around at the high ceilings and gaze upstairs to see that the stairs lead to a small landing but then the bedroom is open up to the downstairs by windows.

"You like it?" I see Harry smirking a little and I'm happy to see him relax more since we last spoke.

"Yes, it's nothing what I expected but also exactly what I expected." I laugh, looking back to him.

"What did you expect?" He steps forward towards me, stalking me.

"Well originally some fancy penthouse but nope, this is totally you." I throw my hands up at the space around me. He laughs then pulls me into his chest, his arms wrap around my back and hold my body against his. I hug him back, closing my eyes and listening to his heavy heartbeat.

"I am really sorry about before." He mumbles before kissing the top of my head.

"It's okay, really." I snuggle into his arms more. A yawn breaks out and I lift my hand to cover my mouth.

"Tired baby?" Harry coos pulling me back slightly.

"Yeah." I blink lazily up at him.

"Shall we get some dinner then call it a night?" He asks.

"Sounds like a good plan, can you show me upstairs first?"

"Sure thing, baby." He interlocks our fingers and then leads me to the spiral staircase. I follow him up, it creaks every so often which scares me a little as these don't feel very safe but Harry assures me they are.

The landing isn't very big but there are three doors.

The one to the right leads to Harry's room, he opens the door briefly to show me then the one straight ahead is the huge bathroom. There's a wetroom open shower with two showers heads. That looks fun. There's a jacuzzi bath in the corner. Then his and hers sinks and a toilet, obviously. The third door is to the left and that leads us into his office.

It kind of resembles the one at Verbatim with the dark wood and brick but he has more metal and a pale cream rug which brings a hint of light to this otherwise dark room. I notice this room also has windows opening up to downstairs but the blinds are closed and Harry says he likes it being dark in there when he is busy, he turns on one of the lamps that doesn't brighten up the room by much but enough that he could work at his desk.

As we're leaving, I spy a guitar in the far corner and I holt in my tracks. I tiptoe backwards and stare, gawking at it. I raise my arm pointing and then look to Harry who is frowning at me. He steps back into the room then rounds to the door to see where I am pointing.

His cheeks instantly heat and an intense blush takes over, which I can see in this dark room and now I'm jumping up and down giddily.

"You play guitar." I practically scream in excitement.

"Yes." He grunts and turns to leave but I grab his arm, tugging him back to me.

"Please play me something." I plead, trying to use my puppy dog eyes.

"Stop that." he laughs and looks away. "I will one day but not now."

"Please." I keep the puppy dog eyes and pucker out my bottom lip.

He looks back at me and laughs, then lifts his finger to strum my bottom lip and I can't ignore the pleasure that shoots straight to my core from that one touch. He must've felt it too because his eyes fall dark and I see the hunger. That one look he gives me.

"Let me feed you, then we can discuss that." he takes a step out of the room and heads back downstairs.

I go to follow but then realise I haven't seen the bedroom yet, I call down and say I'm checking it out which he replies with an okay. The room isn't huge but it looks much bigger with those open windows. I notice they do have blinds too but they aren't closed. He has a large king-sized navy bed with light grey bedding. There's a warm brown rug down against the harsh dark wooden floors. The bedside tables are similar to the bar stools in that they're industrials with wood and metal.

On the far wall to the left, there is a large chest of drawers with a mirror hanging above. It's cosy in here. I spy that there is also a TV on the wall opposite the bed which makes me smile as I envision us both cuddled up in the duvet watching something funny on Netflix.

I place my bag down on the furthest side of the bed from the door and then head back down to Harry. The stairs scare me once again but once I'm back on solid ground I'm fine, I see Harry already slaving away cooking something.

"Watcha making baby?" I ask taking a seat on one of the stools, resting my elbow on the counter and my chin in my hand. he looks up to me, a smirk and dimple gracing his face.

"I haven't got much in but I have some chicken, curry sauce and rice? Fancy that?" He asks whilst already cutting up the chicken.

"Sounds good. You cook much?"

"Not a lot but I try to when I can. Busy man and all."

"I see that. Do you own this whole building?" He hums a yes. "What do you do with the rest of the building?" His apartment isn't huge and this building is. So what is all the extra space for?

"I wanted it to be able to convert into a house. I just haven't gotten round to that part yet."

"That's nice. It'll be a damn big house." I laugh looking down and gliding my finger against the marble counter.

"Well I want enough space for my kids to grow up, I want them to have anything they want. A happy home being most important."

"You want kids?" I ask. I am kind of surprised he does considering his lifestyle.

"Eventually yes, with the right woman." He flashes his eyes to me then back to the chicken. I can't help the way my breath catches in my throat and I remember harry saying how he was set with me now.

Considering he and I are dating, we aren't even in a relationship, we have had some pretty serious conversations and for some reason, they really aren't scaring me off like I first thought.

"That's sweet." Is all I say unsure of what to say.

"Do you?" He looks up properly now, putting his knife down. "Want kids that is?"

"Eventually yes. I've always wanted to be a mum, I want to run around after them picking up their toys and clothes. Take them to school. Read them a book at night and cuddle them when they have a nightmare." I imagine them right now, my little children running riot but loving me unconditionally as I would them. I already know that if I am lucky enough to have a child, that I will cherish that being with all my might.

"I like that." Harry says before taking the chicken and turning his back to me, putting it in the pan to cook.

Now I think about it, I can see Harry running around after a small child, playing with them. throwing them into the air and listening to them squeal. Then at night, seeing him lying with them cuddled up on the couch or in our bed... our. Wait. Now I'm imagining our kids together. Fuck no.

I blink multiple times to try rid that image but I can't help the way a curly-haired brown-eyed little boy or girl would look. His hair and my eyes. Or imagine his ivy green eyes imprinted on our child.


Our child?

No this needs to stop now.

"I'm going for a wee." The words fly out my mouth urgently as I shoot up off my stool, I hear Harry laugh behind me as I run into the downstairs toilet.

I don't use the toilet because I do not actually need it but I needed to escape.

I splash my face with water and look back at myself.

God, I'm in deep.

When I go back out, Harry asks if everything is okay. I say it is obviously and then we talk for the rest of the time whilst our food cooks. Once it is done, he plates it up and then we sit at the breakfast bar and eat it.

I love getting to know Harry, the little things mean the most to me and hearing about his adventures. He has been all over the world due to business with the gang. He told me about their trip to Vegas which ended up a very messy night The Hangover style.

Harry actually went into a few more stories about Louis and by the sounds of it, he truly sounded like the life of the party. He and Liam and were a force to be reckoned with. He told me about how Niall once had a foursome with three girls and I'm not surprised in the slightest. Niall really is a charmer. He isn't loud and in your face all the time, he holds his own and exerts this confidence that screams I'm great at sex.

This then led to a conversation about Harry's sexual past, skirting around the fact he was in a relationship for three years between the ages of 23-25. That's a long time to skip but he does it anyway. He says when he was in uni he went wild and slept around a lot, he can't remember most of them because he was into drinking a lot and drugs. But as he got older he chilled out then after his relationship exploded he got back into random hookups more frequently.

He said he has had a few threesomes but never a foursome, he has also had two gay experiences which were fun hearing about. The first time he was fucked out of his head and dint know if he liked it or not. The second time was confirmation that he liked it but wasn't his preference. He said if he was attracted to a guy he would happily pursue but he didn't go out looking for a man as he did a woman.

The elephant in the room of his past relationships seems to keep lingering all night and it started to grate on me. After we finish our food, I clean up the plates whilst Harry goes for a shower. I was going to offer to join but I know it will lead to sex, and not just because of Harry but because if I see him naked I won't be able to take my hands off of him. I'm slightly dreading getting in bed with him because if I feel his cock against my ass when we spoon, I know I won't resist.

I know.

I will spoon him.

Yes, that'll work.

When I make it back into the room, Harry has a towel wrapped around his waist and is led in the middle of the bed, one flexed arm resting behind his head and the other holding phone. My mouth actually drools and I quickly, squeal running in to grab my pyjamas out of my bed and then run back out the room with Harry calling after me laughing.

I'm too tired to be this horny. What am I doing?

I shower at a slow pace, trying to put off going back into the room. I need to calm down my libido and chill the fuck out.

You don't have to jump Harry's bones every 5 minutes Zuri. You do not.

I keep telling myself this as I shower, then as I get dressed into clean underwear and my large oversized T-shirt. Even as I'm walking back into the room and I am thankful to see that Harry is now led under the duvet, and the TV remote is in his hand, not his phone. He smiles at me as I waltz in and to my side of the bed. I place my clothes back into my bag and take out my phone charger, placing it on charge.

On the TV, I see Harry flicking through Netflix for something to watch.

"Find anything?" I ask as I pull back the duvet and climb in next to him.

"Not yet, got any preferences?" He extends his arm, beckoning me to slide into his side and wrap my arm around his waist whilst resting my head on his shoulder and chest.

"Something easy, maybe funny. Brooklyn Nine-Nine?" I ask.

"I haven't seen it." Instantly my head jolts up as I stare at him in shock, he laughs then guides my head back down and I snuggle into him.

"How have you never seen it?" I ask as I watch him look through the American TV Shows for it.

"I don't watch much TV if I'm honest."

"Me neither but I've still seen Brooklyn Nine-Nine."

"What's it about? The police?"

"They're detectives in Brooklyn, obviously, and it's a comedy. One of the funniest TV shows I've ever seen, you're going to love Jake and Boyle, oh and then Holt, you remind me of Holt."

"Why's that?" He laughs softly.

"He's all stern and authoritative, the big I Am, in the beginning, but then you see his humour more as it goes on. I mean you're not as deadpan as him but I see similar traits." I hum. "I see a lot of Niall in Jake, then Liam in Gina Linetti, she's confident and out there. Louis is probably more like Diaz, she's mysterious and mean, not that Louis is mean but he's definitely mysterious."

"What about Zayn?"

"Hmm I'm not too sure, I don't know Zayn that well yet, maybe Doug Judy? I don't know, I'll update you on that one once I know Zayn more."

"Okay." He says just as he finds the show and loads up the first episode of the first season. I have seen all the seasons up to date several times, it's a comfort show of mine that I will never not find funny.

We sit for a while just watching the show, Harry laughs along which I'm glad because if he didn't like this show I would've been disappointed. I slowly feel my eyes fall droopy but I don't want to sleep just yet. I'm enjoying the sensual sounds of his soft laughter and the way his chest falls up and down.

I don't know how much time passes but it clearly is a few hours because the room is pitched black. Or I haven't opened my eyes yet.

Nope, my eyes are open.

It's night.

There's a soft glow from the moon outside that lighting up from behind me but it's a soft light. Barely visible.

Reaching over, I check my phone and see that it is 3:12 am. Why am I awake now?

Groaning, I turn over and that is when I see someone sat on the edge of the side of the bed.

"Ahh!" I scream and the head of said person spins around quickly to me and I see that it is Harry. I don't know who I thought it was but that scared me.

"Sorry baby." He mumbles but doesn't turn back around.

"Whatcha doing over there?" I mumble, rubbing my eyes and sitting up, trying to steady my fast-beating heart.

He seems to be hunched over and tense. Very tense.

"It's okay, go back to sleep." His voice is soft and almost empty. My heart rate suddenly picks up again and I panic. Something isn't right. I know it.

"Baby, come here please." I urge him and I see him turn his head to me and then huff out, turning and climbing back into the duvet. I hold my arms open and he curls up beside me laying his head on my chest this time as my arms wrap around him.

His body is cold, so I rub his back that covers in goosebumps as I hear his heavy breaths.

"Are you okay?" I whisper, kissing his head.

After a beat, I get a reply.

"No." his voice is barely audible but I hear it.

"Aw baby what's wrong?" I begin caressing his back more and placing more kisses on his head. He snuggles into my chest more and the arm wrapped around my waist tightens.

"I- I need to- err I- Fuck." He curses and grunts.

"It's okay baby, take your time. I'm here." I coo into his ear, keeping my hand moving on his back. I hear him take a deep breath and relax a little.

"I need to, no I want to tell you about my past." It's rushed and pained and I hate that he is doing this to himself but I don't stop him. if he truly wants to then I will be here to listen and if not that is okay, but he must make that decision alone.

"Okay baby, take your time."

"I want to tell you about my ex-" He shudders, the pain in his voice is breaking me, it's taking everything inside of me to not want to cry right now. "-She broke my heart." 

// I've been so unmotivated to write today but with the power of manifestation from my besties on Twitter, I've gotten there! 

So, Harry is now ready to share a glimpse of his past, the next chapter or two might be a bit intense.

I've missed you all and it's only been a few days but I'm excited to get writing especially now I have two weeks off for the Easter holidays! 

I hope you're all well and safe!

(Also all photos of Harry's flat where found on Pinterest)//

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