Darkness [Neal Cassidy || OUA...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The darkness escaped the sorcerer's hat and has found a new host, Alana Swan. She is the new Dark One, can he... More

1 - The Dark Swan
2 - The Dark Swan
3 - The Price
4 - The Price
5 - Siege Perilous
6 - Siege Perilous
8 - The Broken Kingdom
9 - Dreamcatcher
10 - Dreamcatcher
11 - The Bear and the Bow
12 - The Bear and the Bow
13 - Nimue
14 - Nimue
15 - Birth
16 - Birth
17 - Broken Heart
18 - Broken Heart
19 - Swan Song
20 - Swan Song
21 - Souls of the Departed
22 - Souls of the Departed
23 - Labor of Love
24 - Labor of Love
25 - Devil's Due
26 - Devil's Due
27 - The Brothers Jones
28 - The Brother's Jones
29 - Our Decay
30 - Our Decay
31 - Her Handsome Hero
32 - Her Handsome Hero
33 - Ruby Slippers
34 - Ruby Slippers
35 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
36 - Leila the High Enchantress (Original Ep: Sisters)
37 - Firebird
38 - Firebird
39 - Last Rites
40 - Last Rites
41 - Only You
42 - Only You
43 - An Untold Story
44 - An Untold Stories
Next Book

7 - The Broken Kingdom

605 20 4
By bethanyjanebooks

Flashback: Camelot - Many Years Ago...

Before Camelot was a vibrant kingdom it was a poor village and Young Arthur and Guinevere walked through the village.

"Look around. Someday this village will be the great kingdom of Camelot, and I will be King," Arthur said.

Guinevere laughed softly, "You have some very strange dreams," Guinevere said.

"But they're not just dreams. Come on," Arthur and Guinevere laughed and ran up to Merlin's tree, "Can I trust you with a secret? This tree... A man is trapped inside of it. A great sorcerer known as Merlin. He spoke to me one night. He gave me a prophecy. Told me I would pull a sword from a stone and become King of Camelot," Arthur said.

"King Arthur?" Guinevere said.

"Yes. And you will be Queen Guinevere," He handed her a pink middlemist from his bag, "And on your birthdays, I'll fill the kingdom with flowers," Arthur said. 

"A middlemist? I love it," Guinevere said.

"There's more where that came from. I'll show you," Arthur said as he led Guinevere to a replica of a sword stuck in stone.

"Arthur, is that the sword in the stone?" Guinevere asked.

"It's not. We should leave," Arthur said.

Kay walked up and pushed Arthur to the ground with force, "Go on, King Arthur. Pull the sword," Kay said.

"Leave him alone, Kay!" Guinevere said.

"His mother must have dropped him on his head before she took off, and now he thinks he's the orphan king. They call Camelot the Broken Kingdom because we have no king and we never will. And nobody in Camelot is ever gonna kneel to the boy who cleans the stables," Kay said.

"And you'd be wise to keep that mouth shut," The children turned to see Morgana leaning against the tree, "My, oh my, the boys have not changed in the centuries we've been gone, have they, Merlin?" Morgana said.

"You're talking to a tree?" Kay said.

"Indeed I am, however, he got in here, I do not know, but I love the fact karma got to my dear beloved friend," Morgana said.

"Friend?" Guinevere said.

"My name is Morgana, and I suggest you," She pointed to Kay, "And your little pals run along before I burn you to ash," Her eyes glowed gold Kay pulled the fake sword out and pointed it at her, she chuckled, "Boo!" Morgana said and Kay flinched before running off with his friends.

"Arthur," Guinevere said and helped Arthur up.

"You two alright?" Morgana asked.

"Yes... Yes... Thank you, Miss Morgana," Guinevere said.

"Don't thank me, I'm not really here," She looked at them, "Not yet anyway," Morgana said.

"W...What do you mean?" Arthur asked.

Morgana offered him her hand, he reached out but his hand went through hers, "See, I'm just a vision... Do not pay attention to what... Kay says," Morgana said.

"Maybe he's right," Arthur said.

"No, he's not, and you will find that sword. All you have to do now is follow your heart," Guinevere said.

"Little Miss, is right and as much as I hate to admit it, Merlin knows who he picks and he picks you..." Morgana said, a gust of wind picked up and Morgana disappeared into the wind.

Camelot - A Few Years Ago...

Adult Arthur found Excalibur, pulled it out of the Stone of Destiny but discovered that it was not whole.

"Where's the rest of it?" Lancelot asked.

"How will you take the throne with half the sword? What will you tell the people?" Percival said.

Arthur, Lancelot and Percival arrived back at the village where everyone is waiting.

"All hail King Arthur!" A villager yelled.

"Camelot. Is no longer the broken kingdom! I give you Excalibur, the sword pulled from the stone!" Arthur said and he pulled the sword out, but purposely hid the missing part.

The villagers cheered loudly and Guinevere watched on, smiling. Arthur dismounted and ran to Guinevere, hugging her tightly.

"I see you followed your heart, King Arthur," Guinevere said.

"And it led me back to you... Queen Guinevere," Arthur said.

Guinevere chuckled and kissed him then she noticed something was wrong, "Something's wrong. Tell me," She said.

"Our journey wasn't all I hoped for. Merlin speaks in half-truths. And now my quest has only just begun," Arthur looked at the tree to see the vision of Morgana, she smirked at him, "And there's something..." Guinevere turned to see the vision, "She's not telling us," Arthur said and they watched as Morgana faded away.

Camelot - A Few Years Later...

Arthur watched on his subjects as David opened the doors and walked over to Arthur who was looking out the window,

"You wanted to see me," David said.

"Yes. Yes, we have something serious to discuss. Please, join me. Now that you're a member of the Round Table, it's time to share Camelot's greatest secret," He showed David Excalibur, "The sword that made me king is broken. For years, I've hunted its missing piece... Something known as the dagger of the Dark One," Arthur said.

David looked taken aback, "I've heard tales of it," David said.

"Well, I think you're the man to help me find it. After all, you're the only one who needs it as bad as I. You're desperate to destroy the power of the Dark One," Arthur said.

"Only Merlin can do that," David said.

"Perhaps. Perhaps not. No one knows what Merlin really wants, but we wouldn't need Merlin or Morgana with that dagger. I could reforge Excalibur into the sword it once was with the power to destroy the darkness once and for all. Can you help me in this quest?" Arthur said.

It was night time, Alana couldn't sleep like normal so she was whittling dreamcatchers the way Neal taught her. She heard voices whispering to her and she looked to the side as the Darkness appeared as Rumpelstiltskin at her side.

"Do you hear it? A sweet sound. A strange sound. Let's go have a look shall we?" Rumpelstiltskin said.

Alana put the dreamcatcher down and she walked out of the room, leaving the rest of the dreamcatchers she made behind.

In another room, Killian woke up to the sound of Alana walking past his and Amy's room. He sat up and walked over to the door, he opened it to see Alana walking down the corridor.

"Killian?" Amy sat up, "What's wrong?" Amy asked.

"Lana... She's going towards Regina's room... I'm gonna follow her love," He grabbed his jacket, "Wake Bae up," Killian said.

Amy nodded and she got out of bed, grabbed her robe and they both left the room, going in separate directions.

Alana walked into Regina's room where the voices were coming from. She walked towards a box where the Dark One was laid.

"So that's where it's coming from... Your dagger. Since Regina left it in her room, I say, uh, finder's keepers," The Darkness said.

Alana reached out to take the dagger but a barrier blocked her hand.

"So, she put a spell on it. That's nothing for you. Shatter it," The Darkness said.

"I can't," Alana said.

"It's calling to its other half," The Darkness said.

"Leave me alone," Alana said.

"Your friends cannot protect you," The Darkness said.

"Stop," Alana said.

"Save yourself before it's too late," The Darkness said.

"Get out of my head!" Alana yelled as she turned and tried to use her magic to get rid of the vision of Rumpelstiltskin, but her jet of magic narrowly missed Killian who had followed her.

"Killian?!" Alana said as she rushed forward, worried she hurt him.

"Calm down," He slowly walked to her, "There's no one here. It's just us. You and me," Killian said as he pulled her into a gentle hug.

Neal and Amy ran in, "Lana? What happened?" Neal asked as he rushed over to them.

"I don't know," Killian said as he pulled away from Alana.

Neal and Alana hugged each other, "Lana? What happened?" Neal asked.

Alana looked to see the Darkness watching her, "He's inside my head. I can't get him out. He's here. He's always here," Alana said weakly as she closed her eyes and the other three glanced at each other.

Alana was laid down, her family and friends surrounding her as she held Neal's hand whilst the others were watching worriedly.

"What happened to her?" Emma asked as she laid a blanket over her sister and gently brushed her fingers through Alana's head, trying to get a reaction, but Alana didn't flinch, move or make eye contact with her sister she just stared into space silently.

"We have no idea. She hasn't said anything," Killian said.

David walked in, "It's getting worse, isn't it?" David said.

Mary Margaret looked at him, "David, where have you been? I was looking all over the castle for you," Mary Margaret said.

"With Arthur. It turns out he might have a way to help Alana," David said.

"We can't-," Mary Margaret began to say.

"If we give him the dagger-," David began to say.

"Over my dead body, you're handing over the other thing that can kill her to someone we don't know!" Emma said.

"David, listen to me. We can't trust Arthur," Mary Margaret said.

"What are you talking about? Who told you that?" David asked.

Mary Margaret inhaled deeply, "Lancelot," She said.

"Lancelot? The man Cora pretended to be when the three of us got trapped in the Enchanted Forest?" Emma said.

"Lancelot is dead," David said.

"That's what he wanted Cora to think, but he outwitter her," Mary Margaret said.

Regina walked to them, "Hey, not in front of the patient, given the state that she's in, anything could set her off," Regina said.

"Regina's right. She needs rest... Somewhere quiet and away from prying eyes," Amy said.

"I know the perfect place," Henry said.

"I think Henry and I should take her there," Neal stood up and removed the blanket, "Come on," Neal said, Alana looked at him and he smiled softly at her as he helped her to stand then they walked out of the room.

"Whatever is happening to her, I think she was here for the dagger, so I should probably move it somewhere safe," Regina said.

"Agreed," Emma said and they walked over to the dagger.

"Now, hold on a second," Regina and Emma looked at David, "Arthur has a way to use that to help Alana," David said.

"I'm not trusting my sisters' life to a stranger," Emma said.

"Exactly and what did I just tell you? We are not giving it to Arthur. Lancelot said he can't be trusted," Mary Margaret said.

"And Cora said Lancelot was dead. You can't believe everything you hear," David said.

"You really don't trust Lancelot, do you? He married us. He's our friend," Mary Margaret said.

"That was a long time ago and where's he been all these years?" David questioned.

"He didn't say," Mary Margaret said.

"Well, where is he now?" David asked.

"Hiding. It's not like he's welcome in Camelot," Mary Margaret said.

"Because he went after Arthur's wife. And he's back. Why? Why's he back?" David said.

"I don't know, David! I don't have all the answers!" She realised that Amy, Killian, Regina and Emma were still stood there, both looking awkward, "Regina, Emma, Phina, Hook would you all mind giving us a minute?" Mary Margaret said.

Regina nodded, took Emma's hand and the two disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke as Amy and Killian walked out the door.

"Listen, Arthur is already looking for the dagger. If we come clean now, he can still help us," David said.

"So that's what this is about. You haven't met a king in a while, and you're star-struck," Mary Margaret said.

"That's not what this is about. Our daughter is sick. We have to help her," David said.

"So, why become a Knight of the Round Table? How does that help her? Or is it that you need to feel like a hero again?" Mary Margaret said.

"Maybe the Round Table's exactly where I should be," David said.

"We aren't telling Arthur anything until we know he can be trusted," Mary Margaret said.

Camelot - 5 Years Ago...

Arthur was looking through old drawings for clues on how to make Excalibur whole again and the location of the Dark One dagger.

He heard the lock on the door unlock and he quickly hid the sword from the person's view as festive music played in the background.

Guinevere walked into the room, "Don't worry. It's only me," Guinevere said.

"My Queen. I'm so glad to see you. I've almost translated the Carmarthen Scroll. I had to pull language fragments from a dozen different books. But can you believe how close we are to the other half? This time I'm right. Directions to the Dark One Dagger as clear as day. It's just these symbols I can't figure out... Star, eye, and sun. What do you think it means?" Arthur said.

"It means... Come to the party, dance with your wife," Guinevere said.

"No, no, no, I can't. I can't. Not until I finish this translation. Don't you understand? This is Merlin's test. Why else would he lead me to this? The broken sword to rule the broken kingdom. It's a cruel joke. The world's most maddening riddle," Arthur said.

"I know. But this one night, your wife needs you," Guinevere said.

"You're right. Give me five minutes, and we shall dance until dawn," Arthur said, Guinevere nodded and walked out of the cabin.

"You sure know how to lie to the lady of the hour, don't you Arthur?" Morgana said as she appeared next to him.

"Morgana... You're back. I have many questions, and you are the only one who gives me straight answers," Arthur said.

"Ah, Merlin and his riddles, he sure does love them," Morgana said.

"Indeed he does... Why a broken sword? Why a broken kingdom?" Arthur asked.

"The sword has a history," Morgana placed her hand over it, "It's past is not its future, and this kingdom..." Morgana walked around the table and looked at Arthur, "May be broken but one day it will be fixed," Morgana said.

"Are you trying to copy Merlin?" Arthur asked.

Morgana chuckled, "Arthur, this quest is yours, this journey is yours, you must go at it without handholding, you're not a boy anymore... Besides... My vessel, her powers will be back soon and I will note able to slip away again," Morgana said.

"Your vessel? I do not understand," Arthur said.

Morgana walked to a bookshelf and pointed to a book, "This one, will explain my story," Morgana said.

Arthur walked over and took it, he opened it and looked at the pages, "You tried to destroy Camelot?" Arthur asked.

"No, I tried to rule it and turn it dark," Morgana said.

"Why?" Arthur asked.

"My reasons are mine alone... I was banished to a realm, I claimed as the Shadow Realm, in a way, Merlin cursed me to never reproduce, but with my shadow magic and my realm I was able to give myself a family, people born from the shadows in my realm," Morgana said.

"This says 'When the strongest High Enchantress'... What's that?" Arthur asked.

"A female ruler of the Shadow Realm," Morgana said.

"'When the strongest High Enchantress arrives in Camelot with a child, born from them, Morgana will be released'..." Arthur looked at her, "You will destroy Camelot," Arthur said.

"I haven't decided yet... Now, these symbols, what do you know of them?" Morgana asked.

"Not a lot..." Arthur said.

"And you're meant to be the king... Merlin sure has slackened in our many years apart," Morgana said.

"Yeah? And what have you been doing?" Arthur asked.

"Working with the Apprentice inside my vessel, to make sure Merlin's wishes are answered, even though I don't care but it is part of my punishment," Morgana said.

"Can I really rule a kingdom?" Arthur asked.

"You weren't given the guidance he had hoped, only you can answer that," Morgana looked out the window and saw Guinevere and Lancelot talking, "By the way, you're looking in the wrong books for the translation, try the black small leather-bound book," Morgana said before she faded away with a smirk.

Outside with Guinevere and Lancelot, they were dancing together with everyone else.

"A birthday gift from King Arthur to his Queen Guinevere!" A village said as she threw handfuls of pink middlemist petals over Guinevere and Lancelot.

Guinevere laughed, "Middlemist flowers," She said before her face fell. 

"What's wrong? You don't like them?" Lancelot asked.

"I'm not a fool. I know he didn't plan any of this," Lancelot didn't say anything, "The fact that you won't deny it tells me all... Thank you," Guinevere said.

Arthur walked out of his home, "Where's my queen?" He said.

Guinevere looked at him happily, "You made it!" She said happily.

Arthur approached her, "Look!" He was holding his maps and scrolls, "I completed the translation. The dagger is only a day's ride from here. By this time tomorrow, I will hold it in my hand," Arthur said.

"Let me fetch my horse," Lancelot said.

"No. No, not this time, old friend. I need my best knight to stay here and protect the queen. After all, she is the most precious thing I have," Arthur said, he gave Guinevere a quick kiss on the cheek with a crazy look in his eyes before he left.

Guinevere watched him before she walked over to the tree, "Morgana? Morgana?" Morgana stepped out from behind the tree, "You helped him didn't you?" Guinevere said.

"I wouldn't say I helped him, more like misled him to prove my theory," Morgana said.

"What theory?" Guinevere asked.

"I cannot say... But I will say this, you better hurry before you lose your husband forever my dear," Morgana said and disappeared.

Camelot - Five Years Later...

Amy was in Merlin's tower and she looked at a small leather-bound book.

"Oh, you found it!" Morgana said in her head.

"Jesus!" Amy flinched and dropped the book, "Stop doing that!" Amy said.

"Not like I can walk up to you," Morgana said in her hand.

"Love, you talking to the devil in your head again?" Killian asked with Calla on his lap.

"That's one thing to call her," Amy waved her hand and the mirror appeared at the side of her so Killian and Calla could see and her Morgana, "So, what's this book?" Amy asked.

"Your heritage," Morgana said in the mirror.

"Wonderful, more books I learn about myself from... Been doing it long enough," Amy said.

Killian chuckled, "What's in it, love?" Killian asked.

Amy looked through it, "Spells, enchantments, potions... I recognise all of this... This is literally the first book of the Origin of the Shadow Realm... Well, the magic side of it," Amy said.

"Correct, Merlin and I, we got our magic the same day, in the same way, and we both worked together to understand what we had become, we both made little books of spells, enchantments and potions that worked with our powers... I believe the way to release me would be in there," Morgana said.

"But we need Merlin to do that," Amy said.

"I know, but finding it now, shouldn't put you behind anything, at least I can be freed as soon as," Morgana said.

"You're immortal right, love?" Killian asked as he walked up, carrying Calla.

"Not anymore... Delphinia is the last High Enchantress, who will ever be cursed with me inside her soul... Basically, it's the end of me and..." Morgana said.

"How my story ends," Amy said as she looked at the mirror.

"In a way, yes... There will be nothing new appearing, no new power... It'll be a simple journey from the day I'm freed to the die your immortality ends if it ever does," Morgana said.

"Meaning?" Killian asked.

"Calla is the next High Enchantress, but it doesn't mean she will be able to take everything from Delphinia as Delphinia could with Leila... Calla is the first to be born naturally, a lot of things could be different for her... But that doesn't make her any less a ruler," Morgana said.

Amy was reading, "The Saviours weren't the only ones prophesied to arrive were they?" Amy looked at Morgana, "I was..." Amy said.

"You and Saviours weren't destined to meet, destined to come here and to have us freed," Morgana said.

"What happens if Arthur gets the dagger? I know he san unite Excal-," Amy began to say.

"He cannot," Amy and Killian looked at Morgan in the mirror, "Excalibur will only be reunited when Merlin is free and when Alana has passed a test," Morgana said.

"Lana doesn't strike me as a test taker," Killian said.

"If she wants the darkness gone, she must... Arthur cannot get the dagger, he cannot unite Excalibur... I may have tried to turn Camelot dark, but Arthur will destroy it... Because of him not getting the true guidance, he was meant to receive, he has become obsessed and his obsession has blinded him, truly blinded him," Morgana said.

"What do you mean?" Amy asked.

"I wish you didn't bring your little girl to Camelot," Morgana said and she disappeared from the mirror.

"Mummy, Daddy, am I in trouble?" Calla asked.

"No, sweetie," Amy placed Calla on her lap, "Of course not... Do not worry, mummy and daddy will sort this," Amy said and kissed her head.

Elsewhere in the castle, David walked down the corridor alone and entered the room where Arthur is looking over the Excalibur.

Arthur looked at him, "David?" Arthur said.

David closed the door behind him and approached Arthur, "We need to talk. Ever since we came to Camelot, we've been lying to you about why we're here. That stops right now. It's not easy for me to be here, and people I care about told me not to, but the darkness is threatening someone I love, and I will do anything to destroy it. So, we're gonna restore Excalibur tonight," David said.

David finished telling Arthur about Alana being the Dark One and that they were here to free Merlin to get the darkness out of her.

"I'm glad you told me about your daughter. Of course, I will help you defeat the darkness inside her," Arthur said.

David sighed in relief, "That is a relief. My wife and eldest daughter thought this was a bad idea," David said.

"What put them off me? It's the beard, isn't it?" Arthur said with a slight chuckle.

"Something a bit more serious. Lancelot. He's back," David told him.

Camelot - Five Years Ago...

Guinevere was trying to sneak off in the night unnoticed.

Lancelot walked up to her from behind, "You must not think much of me. And what would I tell Arthur if his queen ran off on my watch?" Lancelot said.

Guinevere turned to face him, "Tell him I'm going to find the dagger myself," She pulled out the gauntlet, "I broke into Merlin's tower and took this, a magic gauntlet, and it has shown me the true location of the dagger. Arthur has it all wrong," Guinevere said.

"And how did Arthur not find this remarkable magic object in all his years of looking?" Lancelot asked.

"He would never think to use it because he believes the dagger will be his strength and this gauntlet... It leads you to a person's greatest weakness. So I'm going to finish this damned quest and get back the man I love. Morgana told me to hurry before I lose him. And you cannot stop me," Guinevere said.

"Stop you? I'm joining you," Lancelot said.

In the morning, Lancelot and Guinevere arrived at the entrance to the Dark One's vault with the guidance of the gauntlet which Guinevere is now wearing.

Guinevere sighed, "I told you it would work. This is it," Guinevere said.

"The vault of the Dark One," Lancelot said.

Guinevere walked over to the vault, "These symbols... They are the same ones Arthur showed me on that damn scroll of his. Star, eye, sun," Guinevere said as she moved her hand over the three symbols and the door to the Dark One's vault opens, and slowly, a stairwell leading underground appears.

"Shall we?" Lancelot said.

Guinevere and Lancelot walked down the stairs into the vault, before making their way through the tunnels, looking for the dagger.

"This way," Guinevere said.

The two continued walking through the tunnel when the darkness suddenly came and attacked Lancelot.

"Lancelot! No! You cannot have him!" Guinevere used a torch on the wall to fend the darkness off, resulting in Lancelot falling to the ground, she rushed towards him, "Lancelot. I thought you were dead. I was sure I'd lost you" Guinevere said and she kissed him passionately.

Guinevere pulled back, "I'm sorry. That... will never happen again," She said.

Lancelot stood up, "No. Never," He said.

"We need to remember why we're here. For our King. For Arthur," Guinevere said.

Camelot - Five Years Later...

Arthur looked at David shocked by the news of Lancelot being alive.

"Lancelot's alive. And here in Camelot. Serious news, indeed. Can we keep this between ourselves?" Arthur said.

"Of course," David said.

"Sometimes a husband has to go on the defensive. I wouldn't want my wife to learn that he's here," Arthur said.

Guinevere walked into the room, "She already has. Where is Lancelot?" Guinevere said. 

Arthur stood up, "He doesn't know, my love," He said.

"So tell me how to find him so I can make him pay for what he did," Guinevere said.

"From what I heard, you both had some culpability in that," David said.

Guinevere chuckled, "So you heard the old story? Believe me, the legend is only the beginning. Lancelot coveted far more than a kiss from a queen," She said.

"I'm afraid my wife is right," Arthur walked over to Guinevere and stood by her side, "I didn't want to speak ill of a former knight, a former friend, but if Lancelot is in Camelot, that dagger isn't safe anywhere... He was getting whispers from Morgana a few years ago, he wanted to finish what she started," Arthur said.

"Then it's a good thing I brought it with me," David said as he opened the box, but found it empty.

"Where is it?" Arthur asked.

Elsewhere, Mary Margaret walked into Granny's Diner.

"You can come out. It's me," Lancelot walked out from the back, "It turns out I need your help. There's something we must hide," Mary Margaret said as she showed Lancelot the Dark One Dagger.

With, Neal, Alana and Henry they were walking towards the stables, Neal and Alana walked arm in arm as they followed their son.

"Come on, Mom," Henry looked at her, "Keep going. We're almost there," Henry said as he took hold of Alana's hand.

"Sorry, kid," Alana said.

Henry looked at her shocked, the first words she's said to him all morning, "I...It's okay, I just want you to rest," Henry said as he smiled and she returned it with a smaller but softer smile as they walked into a barn.

Alana and Neal looked around curiously and Henry watched them, he noticed his mother relaxing her shoulders, "It's nice here, right?" Alana looked at him, "A good place to rest," Henry smiled, "You'll feel better in no time," Henry said.

"It's a quiet and isolated little nook. How did you feel such a place, bud?" Neal asked.

"Well... There's this girl," Henry said.

"Is there?" Neal grinned and glanced at Alana who looked at Henry and he turned back to their son, "Well, I like this story already," Neal said.

"I...It's not like that. Her name's Violet. She brought me here. The stable belongs to her family," Henry said.

"So, you two are getting close?" Alana asked.

"N...not at all. We're just hanging out," Henry said.

"Hello? Who's in there?" Violet called out from the outside.

"That's her. Hide. Hide. Go on. Go on," Henry said as he shooed his parents away and Neal and Alana quickly hid behind a stable door.

Violet entered holding a pitchfork and she chuckled seeing Henry, "Henry. What are you doing here?" Violet asked.

"I was wondering if you'd be interested in taking me riding," Henry said as his parents peaked a look from over the stable door carefully.

"Yeah. I'd love to. Come on. I'll introduce you to Nicodemus," Violet said.

"That's your dad?" Henry asked.

Violet laughed softly, "No. It's my horse. I hope you're ready to get your heart racing," She laughed again, "Come on," Violet said and she left with Henry following behind her.

Neal left the hiding place first and Alana followed him, "Well, you can hide buried treasure or a winning poker hand, but you can't hide the blood of first love," Neal said.

"Yes, he has a crush and he straight-up lied to our faces. And I'm the Dark One," Alana said.

"And you're his mother," Neal said.

"But you're his father... Which is scarier?" Alana said.

"To him? That's up for debate," Neal said.

"You've been around Killian too much, with the buried treasure comment," Alana said as she looked out the window.

"So..." Neal looked at her, "Speaking of your Dark One-ness," Alana looked at him, "Don't you think it's time you tell me the truth of what happened? You attacked Hook," Neal said.

"I...I didn't mean to," Alana said.

"I know and he knows and Phinia knows... Talk to me," Neal said.

"It's your dad... Rumpelstiltskin," He looked confused, "Or at least something that looks like him. I've been seeing him in my head ever since we got here... I was attacking him, well...Trying to attack him not Killian," Alana said.

"He was there when we first found you, with the red-haired woman," Neal said.

"I almost crushed her heart because of his voice," Alana said, she looked forward and saw the darkness in the figure of Rumpelstiltskin standing at the door, Neal turned to look at the door but he didn't see anyone.

"So... He didn't turn dark because he wanted to," Neal muttered and looked at Alana, he walked to her, taking hold of her hands, "Look at me," She looked up at him, "When I was in Neverland as a young boy" Neal said.

"When was that again, 500 years?" Alana asked.

"Cheeky, more like 300... But back then, I battled with a lot of demons in my head, and I was able to push them away when I thought of Delphinia, the way she was growing up... The way Calla is now with Henry," Neal said.

"I wish it was that easy for me to push it away," Alana said.

"It can be... That girl promised to get our son's heart racing on a horse. You and I are gonna do the same," Neal said, he kissed her forward before looking over at a saddle.

"You're kidding me right?" Alana asked.

"Nope," Neal said with a smile.

End of Flashback

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