Lady Warbler ~ Quinn Fabray

بواسطة youreaqtpi

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Bella Anderson, the only girl allowed at Dalton Academy. Blaine Andersons older sister and best friend. Seas... المزيد

'Never Been Kissed'
'The Substitute'
'Special Education'
'A Very Glee Christmas'
'Sue Sylvester Shuffle'
'Silly Love Songs'
'Blame it on the Alcohol'
'Original Song'
'Night Of Neglect'
'Born This Way'
'Prom Queen'
'New York (NOT)'
Season 3!
'The Purple Piano Project'
'I Am Unicorn'
'Asian F'
'Pot O' Gold'
'The First Time'
'Mash Off'
'I Kissed a Girl'
'Hold on to Sixteen'
'Extraordinary Merry Christmas'
'The Spanish Teacher'
'On my way'
'Big Brother'
'Saturday Night Glee-ver'
'Dance With Somebody'
SEASON 4!!!!!
'Thanksgiving' Pt. 1
'Thanksgiving' Pt. 2
'Glee, Actually'
'Sadie Hawkins'
'I Do'
'Girls (and boys) On Film'

'Swan Song'

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بواسطة youreaqtpi

"Give her some room. She needs space! Breathe, girl, breathe!" Unique said to Marley as I carried her into the choir room.

"Does anyone have anything she can eat?" Kitty asked.

"I have some leftover Halloween candy in my locker." Tina said quickly.

"I may have a juice box." Blaine offered.

"Theres a granola bar in Quinns purse." I said trying to keep it together as I sat Marley down on a chair.

"I'll go get Marley's mom." Joe said rushing out.

"This is bad. Never in the history of show choir competitions has anyone ever fainted." Artie added.

"We got the juice. We got the juice." Sam said handing me the juice box. I handed it to her and she shook her head no.

"No, I'm okay."

"Drink the damn juice!" Kitty and I yelled at her as Finn rushed in.

"Marley? Marley, are you okay? What happened?" He asked.

"She hasn't been eating. She's been skipping lunch." Jake said.

"Is that because you've been telling her to?" I yelled at Kitty as Marley tried to hold me back but her grip was so weak and fail that stopped me alone.

"What? No. Why accuse me? You don't even know me!" She asked nervous as I called her out.

"'Cause you're a crazy, evil bitch." Santana spat as Mr Shuester came in.

"Hey, Marley, you all right?" He asked.

"The nurse is on the way, Mr. Shue." Finn said to the man.

"Quinn, Bella, you stay here with Marley. The rest of you get back out there they're announcing the winners." I nodded my head and held Marleys hand as she drank the juice.

"No im staying here too." Santana protested.

"Fine, just get back out there the rest of you." Mr Shue said ushering them out as Santana stayed.

"There something you want to tell them before your mom comes in?" Santana asked the younger girl making me grow confused but Marley shook her head scared.

"Mar you can tell me anything."

The girls eyes started to brim with tears as she put her head in her hands. "I used laxatives, I caved and I used them."

I couldn't lie and say I wasn't angry but being angry right now could make things so totally worse. I sucked in a deep breath and said, 'When your mom comes in here im gonna talk to her about you seeking professional help, because as much as id love to help you I know help from your peers isn't always a good help. I want you to get better Marley Rose and coming from experience this Is the only way that I know would be a good idea." I pulled her into a hug as she cried even more. I held her head to my chest as her mom walked in. "Its okay Marley. Everythings gonna be okay, I got you."

Marleys mom took her home to talk to her more and in private. I sat down in a chair and put my head in my hands. "Do you guys think I said the right thing?" I asked.

"You handled that the best you could." Quinn said sitting down beside me.

"I actually agree with Fabgay." Santana said with her arms crossed. "It was wrong of me to say that you needed to help her when we all tried to help you and your best bet was a professional."

"Being back here is going to be chaotic, but honestly ive kinda missed it." I said with a shrug. "I mean its kinda toxic but I like it."

"Is it smart to be doing that to yourself?" Quinn asked me.

"I know whats too much now. And what I do know is that I will be staying here until the next semester of Yale opens up. I want to get situated back here spend time with my mom, maybe go visit Kurt and Rachel than I will be ready. Are you okay with that?"

Quinn nodded. "More than okay with that my love." She pulled me in for a kiss.

"Ugh gross." Jeff teased walking into the room. I smiled into the kiss before we both pulled back.

"Wheres Marley?" Kitty asked shyly.

"her mom took her home, they're going to look for affordable professionals as soon as possible." I said resting my head onto Quinns shoulder.

"Well whats the outcome?" Santana asked holding herself in a tight squeeze. These next words made my heart drop.

"We lost."


I sat in my desk with my laptop wide open. Mouse hovering over 'Rachel Berry'

My mom walked into my room. "Someones calling me."

Uhm? "Who?"

"Kurt." She said showing me her phone. "Im gonna answer it do you want me to mention you?"

"Not yet." I said softly. She nodded and picked up the phone putting it on speaker.


"Hi Mrs Anderson."

"Why hello Kurt."

"I uh tried to call Blaine but he didn't pick up so you were the next best thing."

"Yeah, he's been asleep since we all got home."

"Oh okay, I was just calling because Rachel and I were wondering if you guys won."

"No, unfortunately they didn't."

"Oh no, really? Why?"

"Well for starters the warblers they went all out and right after our performance the young girl uh Marley passed out on stage."

"Oh my gosh what happened is she okay?"

"Poor girl developed an eating disorder, I hear." My mom sighed and said, "Right before they went on I felt something was wrong and I gave her a granola bar a-and I really think that that was what helped her get to the end but the warblers were superior." She sent me a smirk. So now she's pretending to be me?

"Im so sorry."

"Its alright, everyones pretty bummed out though hence why Blaines already asleep."

"So thats kinda it for him huh? Glee club is over."

"Yeah, I dont know what he's going to do now. Unless Finn wants to continue he's got nothin. At least Isabella had softball but Blaine doesn't have an athletic bone in his body." She chuckled making me laugh a little too.

"Do you know how she is?"

"She's coming home soon, thats really all I know."

"How soon is soon?"

I held up two fingers. "Two days."

"Oh gosh wow, that makes me so happy to hear. Would you be okay if she came to visit? She could come to New York, just for a couple days, Rachel and I miss her. She has got the winter showcase coming up, Bella can come as a guest. We'd love to have her."

"id have to talk about it with her when she gets back but im sure she'd love to.."

"Awesome I-" "Kurt wheres the milk, my milk!" I heard Rachel say over the phone. "Hold on a sec." Kurt said. My mom hummed. "Left of the orange Juice!" "Okay got it! Thank you!" "Kay im back."

'Ask him how it Is living with Rachel' I wrote down on a paper and slid to her. "How is it living with Rachel?" She asked.

"Its great, sometimes she can be a pain in the ass but its good."

"Thats good." She said as we heard feet padding down the hall. "Uh oh ive gotta go, coopers not been feeling well I think he's gone to well you know, vomit. I must go."

"Of course yes, Ill let you go, I will send more details about the showcase. Its always nice to chat Mrs Anderson. Talk soon."

"Bye Sweetheart, have a good one."


"How could you have let this happen?" Mr Shue asked Finn. I wasn't here this morning when Sue totally took over the choir room. I mean I'm just here cause i have nothing better to do. Okay that's a lie I do have better things to do but like you know?

I was talking with Quinn more about the whole adjusting to real life again thing. She said it would be a wonderful experience for me and she was happy for me. I am so grateful for her. Sadly though she had to go back to New Haven for school.

"It's not rocket science, Will. When the football team loses and the season is over, they are no longer entitled to use the field!" Figgins pointed out.

"Okay but can't they use the auditorium." I said.

"The auditorium now belongs to the McKinley High Drum and Bugle Corps." Figgins said.

"What about the Spanish Room?" Mr Shue asked.

"I've rented it out to the Rotary Club."

"The history classroom?" Finn asked.

"Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous."

"You're telling me that there's nowhere in this school that the Glee Club can rehearse?" Finn asked him.

"That's exactly what I'm telling you, Finn Hudson. It's pure economics. The district is running a seven-figure deficit, and we're sitting on prime real estate." Figgins said causing me to shake my head.

"Let's face facts. The New Directions! Are finished. You have no place to practice or perform. The only thing left to do is to hand over the keys to the choir room and inform your students that Glee Club is over for the year. And if that's too much for your feeble constitution, I'm happy to do it for you two." Finn pulled the keys out from my pocket and handed them to sue.

"No. we'll do it." He said looking over at me. "Cmon. You're a part of this now too for as long as it may last."

I smiled looking up at him from my seat. This can't be the end can it?


"So, that's it? No more Glee?" Sam asked us.

"Until next September." Mr Shue said.

"Sugar already bailed." Artie said. I looked around for the girl and it was true she wasn't there.

"Can I just say what everyone is thinking? This is Marley's fault. New Rachel, my butt." MY eyes widened at Tina. "I knew Rachel Berry. I was friends with Rachel Berry, and you, Marley, are no Rachel Berry."

"Mm-hmm. Praise." Artie said agreeing with the girl.

Momma bear came out and I tried to step in but Liz got to it first. "Oh no no no no, this is not gonna happen just because Marley has an illness that many people have doesn't mean you can pinpoint the failure of the team on her. We are not blaming this on her, you wanna blame it on anyone you blame it on me. O-Or I dont know the girl who gave her the Eating disorder. Ahem! Kitty." She glared at Kitty.

Thats my Liz, Id like to think she's the new me.

"It's not like it's over. The holiday concert is later this week, and we are going to be preparing for it all week long. If this is our swan song, let's make it the best one it can be." Finn said. "And we've got help from Bella as well."

"You really expect us to go up in front of the whole school and parade our loserdom for all to see?" Kitty said ignoring mine and liz's glares.

"Yeah, Kitty does have a point. We agreed to do the show when we thought it would be on the heels of another Sectionals victory. Now it just feels like a pity party." Artie said making me roll my eyes.

"I love to sing and dance as much as anybody, but without a competition to prep for, it's hard to get motivated." Kylie said glumly

"I understand that we need a little shift in perspective, but let's just enjoy this week, and look forward to our big comeback next year." Finn said with a smile.

"What about those of us who won't have a next year?" Sam asked making Finn Mr Shue and I go silent.


I haven't been sleeping lately, ever since Kurt called and Quinn left ive been thinking about Yale and being a psychologist. I mean i've never thought about it In depth before but after I discovered it I haven't stopped thinking about it. So I decided to ask the one woman who knows me more than anyone. "Hi Miss Pillsbury." I said stepping into her office.

"Oh Hi!" She said fixing her pamphlets.

"I've just come to visit, I caught up with Mr Shue and thought id come see you."

"You're always welcome here." She said with a smile. "So how was it?"

"It was certainly helpful. I can say that for sure. I enjoyed it though you know after I got through the rough of it all."

"Understandable. How long are you gonna be here for?"

"Couple weeks." I shrugged. "Until I can go for the next semester at Yale. I still have my scholarship so, and Quinns there I think I might want to get an apartment near the college but thats just a far fetched thing."

She wiped her desk before leaning on it "I dont think its far fetched, I think it may be smart. If you really like it there maybe living there wouldn't be a bad thing."

"Whatever Quinn wants Ill do. Whether thats live on campus or off."

Miss Pillsbury smiled, "So psychology huh?"

I nodded, "Yeah Ive been meaning to thank you actually." I said with a smile. "You really became an important part of my life and you were one of the biggest reasons why I wanted to do this. You helped me and I want to do the same for other kids too."

She smiled and hugged me. "Im so happy to have helped."


I stood before the room ready to sing a song until almost everyone walked in in other uniforms.

"I can't believe it's been, like, what, two days, that most of you have all gone in completely separate, and totally insane, directions." Finn said to them all.

"We lost Sectionals. Our season is over. You can't be upset that we've moved on. It's the healthy thing to do." Tina said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Is it really? Is it the healthy thing to do to take orders from Sue Sylvester for the rest of the school year? And Artie, man, you basically dragged me out of the tire shop, telling me that this club was part of my destiny somehow. What did you even join? Your costume is ridiculous." Finn said to the boy angrily.

"Dude really It looks like a peacock died on your head." I said.

"It's called a plume." he said.

"Whatever! Okay, look, I-I'm not going to waste all six minutes we were able to book the auditorium for yelling at you guys." Finn said

"Six minutes?" Lacy asked.

"Yeah. Emperor Sylvester swooped in and carved the reservation hours into tenths."

"So the only other time I was able to get was 9:54, Friday night, and I'll be here ready to rehearse, and I hope you will, too. 'Cause if you don't, I think you're going to regret missing that opportunity for the rest of your lives." Finn said matter of factly

"Ill be here!" Jeff said happily. I smiled at him

"I'll definitely be here." I smiled and nodded at Marley.

"We will too." Shannon said looking over at Sophia and Lacy.

"Count me in." Kylie said with a smile.

"Im not lame so obviously ill be here." Lizzie said sending a smile to the others.

"Yeah, well, we'd all be here if Marley hadn't face-planted at Sectionals."

"Tina, enough!" Liz yelled at her going to lunge. I grabbed her arm in the nick of time. "Im so fed up with her." She said to me as the others slowly but surely left the room.

"Me too but thats not how we handle things."

The last one that had yet to leave was Brittany. "Sunshine stay, please."

"Im sorry Bee I have to go."



I knocked on the front door of the Kurtchel residence. Last time I saw them I was leaving for Denver. That feels like forever ago. Kurt slid open the door and dropped his phone. He froze as I said, "Surprise?"

"Ah!" He yelled bringing me in for a tight hug. "It's so good to finally have you back!"

"Its good to see you too." I said back with a laugh squeezing him tight. "Where's Rachel?" I asked coming into the apartment.

"Bathroom, we were just about to grab dinner come with and we can catch up." I nodded setting my bag down near the couch.

"Do you mind if I crash here?" I asked.

"Not at all. Mi casa es su casa." He said with a beaming smile to which he just had to hug me one more time. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too Kurt."

"Oh uh also my return flight leaves Friday at 6:30. Finn needs me back by 9. They dont have a choir room and everyone's quitting its not pretty." I said taking off my jacket as Rachel came out of the bathroom.

"I heard you're scream and assumed you either were being kidnapped or there was a spider." She hadn't looked up until I said something.

"Just little old me."

She than copied Kurts scream and rushed over to me engulfing me into a hug. "You're back! Oh my gosh It feels like forever how are you?" She asked.

"Im better, hangin in there you know?" She nodded with a smile.

"Im so happy to hear that. Ugh I have so much to tell you.

"Ladies are we ready?" Rachel and I nodded. Oh this is exciting.

Kurt Rachel and I sat down at a table at their favorite restaurant, Sardis. It was nice and there was a Scarlett Johansson photo on the wall so it was cute.

"So hows everything back at lima? I assume you went there first." Rachel asked.

"Well its kinda crazy, Finn is trying to find a place to rehearse since sue finally got her glee club death wish but everyone in the club seems to already have joined other things, except Marley and Jeff and the softball girls. Uhm Athena had to go back to Oxford which actually really hurt. Quinn and I are going strong. I feel like I really have a family now you know? With copper and my mom home. It makes me happy. I needed that my whole life and now I have it and im finally really at a place where I can see all the colors. Oh but I haven't talked to Blaine in a few days-"

"Okay im gonna stop you there, why?" Kurt asked cutting me off.

"Well, I- uhm heard what he did to you. I didn't think you'd want to see me after what he did or even hear from me but it gave me hope when you called my mom about sectionals. Im really sorry for what he did Kurt I dont even know who he is anymore." I said with my head down.

"Oh stop it, you are not your brother. You dont have to apologize for his idiot mistakes. My wife and my ex boyfriend are two different people." He said with a smile making me smile too.

"Okay good, cause I felt really guilty and I know now its not good to keep all that in."

"No its not." Kurt agreed with me.

"When is it that you're going to start at Yale? cause I would love your softball schedule. Yales not that far by train." Rachel asked.

"Next semester im moving in with Quinn and her roommate Miranda."

Rachel looked at me with an eyebrow raised, "A female roommate huh?"

I nodded, "Yep."

"How do you feel about that?" Kurt asked taking a sip of his drink.

"I mean I dont necessarily like it but I cant do anything about it."

Rachel asked, "You dont think they, you know?"

I sighed and hugged Rachel, "Oh Rachel Berry I love you, but dont stir the pot just yet." I sat back and added, "Quinn would never."

"I mean... I didn't think Blaine would either and your talking about someone who's had a pretty shitty track record."

"Okay lets not." I said with a tad bit of attitude. "We've been through this once and I refuse to do it again." They just stared at me for a second before I said, "Im sorry I raised my voice at you both I just dont like when people talk about Quinn like that."

"No." Rachel said, "Its my fault I brought it up."

"I added fuel to the flame, im to blame as well. I apologize." Kurt added.


I sat on their fire escape with my phone in hand. The sounds of honking cars and bustling night time streets filled my ears as the phone rang with a face time call joining the noise.

"Just who I was hoping to speak with." I said biting my lip trying to hide my smile

"Well id like to hope you'd want to speak with me." She said with a cheeky smile. "Hows New York?"

I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on top saying, "Well its nice but its really noisy. Although it is quite comforting."

Quinn smiled and rested her phone beside her as she laid her head on her pillow. "How has everything gone? Do you like it there?" She asked pulling her blanket up to her shoulders.

"Ive missed Kurt and Rachel a lot more than I thought I did, im glad my mom let me come. Ive always had a love for the city Q, you know that. Its really breathtaking." I flashed a smile causing one to grow on her face.

"Im glad you love it baby. You think you'd ever want to live there?" I sighed and shrugged.

"Why's that?" She asked with soft face.

My heart raced at the sight but I calmed down and said "I wouldn't want to unless you wanted to. I want to be wherever you want to be Quinnie."

Quinn smiled noticing how happy I truly am. "I hate sleeping without you princess." She said softly.

"Me too." I said with a smile.

"You make me so happy." She said yawning. My heart beat faster than normal and the cherry red color on my face definitely showed that she made me happy too. "I wish you were here. I would get to share a bed with you again and we could deal with Mirandas boy problems together." She smiled. "She's got a new guy over almost every day. I dont know how she does it. I Just want to see your pretty face every second."

"I love you." I said softly.

"I love you too. Will you sing to me?" She asked in a whisper. "Like old times." I nodded and thought of a song...

Space Cowboy by Kacey Musgraves sung by Isabella Anderson

That was the first time ive truly sung since I got back. I did it for her. Only for her.I looked back at the screen to see Quinn fast asleep. I smiled softly hearing her quiet snores through the phone. I wiped a loose tear that fell from my eye. "Goodnight Quinnie. I cant wait to see you soon. Ill talk to you in the morning." I said softly before hanging up with a sigh.

"Oh gosh." I heard someone mutter.

I turned to my left and saw Rachel nudge Kurt in the ribs, "Look what you did!" She said.

I chuckled and stepped back into the apartment, "Sorry, I was just saying goodnight to Quinn."

"Dont even apologize, t-that was adorable." Kurt said dramatically.

I smiled and slung my arms over both of their shoulder "oh how ive missed you guys."


"Are you ready for this?" I asked Rachel grabbing onto her shaky hands.

"Yes and no." she said, "Im freaking out but im also very confident that I got this."

I gave her an encouraging smile and said. "Well Miss Berry, if there is one thing you have taught me it is that you are a star."

She smiled back as a man who looked quite familiar walked up to us. "Hi Brody." Rachel said, ah Brody I remember the name. Finn mentioned him.

"Hey Rachel. Am I intruding?" He asked looking at the both of us.

"Oh no, I was just giving her some encouragement, your free to take her."

He held his hand out for me, "Brody Weston."

I shook his rough hands, "Isabella Anderson."

He nodded and said, "Nice to finally put a face to the name."

"Likewise." I lied and I hugged Rachel quickly. "Break a leg." I said with a wink walking up the stairs to Kurt.

I found my seat in the back as Carmen Tibbideaux stood from and center. "Our next performer is from the freshman class. Please welcome Miss Rachel Berry." I clapped for my friend as she took center stage. Kurt and Brody found their seats beside me. Between you and me this Brody guy? Not it.

"Hi, I'm Rachel Berry, and, um I'm just going to sing for you." I popped two thumbs up at her as she smiled and started to sing.

Being Good Isn't Good Enough by Barbra Streisand sung by Rachel Berry

When she finished the entire place went up in applause. "Yeah Rachel! thats how you do it!!" I yelled cheering for her.

"Encore!" Brody yelled from beside me so Kurt and I joined in.

"Encore!" We all yelled and luckily Miss Tibbideaux let it happen.

"Um, this is my favorite holiday song that I'd like to sing for you today." She said softly.

O' Holy Night sung by Rachel Berry

I cheered for my friend yet again as she rushed over to us bringing us one by one into a hug.

Carmen Tibbideaux took center stage again and said, "Rachel, that was wonderful. No it was superb. And now we're going to have a brief intermission, and when we come back, if he thinks he's ready, we'll have a performance from Mr. Hummel." My eyes widened as I looked over at Kurt who was super shocked.

"Carmen Tibideaux is an insane person. Asking me to sing in front of the entire NYADA faculty? And all those theatrical luminaries? I mean, why would she do that?" He asked me.

"She's giving you a second chance at your audition. Im sure she just wants to see how you perform under pressure." I said back.

"I'm gonna fail, that's what's gonna happen. Uh I have nothing prepared."

"Kurt, Oh, my God. You have an entire repertoire." I said to him.

"I guess I could do "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again"?"

"Phantom? In front of this crowd. No, no, no, no." I cringed.

"With One Look? Sunset Boulevard?"

"Same thing." I said with a shrug.

"'Being Alive"?"

My eyes widened, "Yes. Oh, my God, I just got chills. That's perfect!" I said.

"There's only one problem I think that's a song that Carmen hates and I can't do it without a costume or props!" He said pacing around.

"You don't need any of that stuff!" I said in an encouraging tone.

"Yes, I do. You know that I'm at my best when I have my careful assortment of bells and whistles, like steel scaffolding or my gold lame pants."

I sighed and stepped up to him putting my hands on his shoulders. "Kurt. You said it yourself that is exactly what Carmen does not want to see. You know when you were your absolute best? My favorite performance ever? When you sang "I Have Nothing" in the choir room. It was so just simple and emotional and I don't know, I I get chills every time I think about it. Do you remember that?" I asked.

"Of course I do. But things were different, Blaine you know. I dedicated it to him. Who am I supposed to dedicate this to? Carmen?" He asked.

"To yourself." I said assuringly. "Now get the hell back out there because I have a plane to catch." I added with a smile.

"Uh, uh Hi. Um I'm Kurt Hummel, and I'll be auditioning for the role of NYADA student. Tonight I am going to perform a song that I've loved since I was six. But, um I think for the first time in my life, I finally understand what it means." He looked at me and I gave him an assuring smile and nod.

Being Alive by Stephen Sondheim sung by Kurt Hummel

I quickly stood checking the time as I cheered for Kurt. I knew he could do it. "Rach." I said as I snuck past her. "I really have to go or ill miss my flight, tell Kurt he kicked ass and that ill call him when I get the chance. I love you and you did fantastic as usual and ill visit again soon okay?"

She nodded and hugged me. "I love you too Bella thank you for coming. Its good to have you back."

"Its good to be back." I turned to Brody to be polite and said, "It was nice meeting you."

He nodded, "Nice meeting you as well." I took one last look to Kurt and blew him a kiss and a wave as I left the room. I rushed to the room where my bag was. I put it over my shoulders and ran outside for a taxi.

Arriving at the airport I rushed through and with little time left I boarded my plane.


Pulling up to the Hummel-Hudson household I knocked on the door. I hadn't changed so I was still all dressed up as Carol answered the door. "Oh!" She said shocked, I guess Finn didn't mention I was coming. She engulfed me in a hug. "Its so good to see you!" She said.

"Its good to see you too Carole!" I said with a smile.

"Oh ive missed you so much around here. I didn't have a girl around to gang up on the boys with me."

"Well im back now and better than ever. I also missed you so much too."

"Who's at the- Oh man!" Burt said making me smile. "Are my eyes working or am I really in the presence of the Isabella Anderson?"

"It is in fact me yes" I said with a laugh.

"Ah come here kid give the old man a hug." I smiled wider and gave him a big hug.

"Finn, Bellas here!" Carol yelled for her son as he came out of the kitchen with a container of chili. I gasped and rushed over to him.

"I put extra cheese on it just like you like." Finn said handing it to me.

"Thank you so much oh my gosh im starving."

Finn pushed me towards the door and said, "You can eat it after rehearsal, we are gonna be late."

"Bye! Ill visit again soon I promise!" I said to Burt and Carol as Finn shut the door.

We were both sitting in the car when a song came on. I went to go turn it up and Finn reached for the dial the same time i did. "You like this song?" I asked him.

"Uh YEAH. i love it Turn it up!"

Cake By The Ocean by DNCE sung by Finn Hudson, Isabella Anderson

He looked over at me amazed as I sung the last bit by myself. "What?" I asked after it was all finished.

"No just I haven't heard your voice in months and it still blows me so far away."

I smiled and said, "Keep your socks on Hudson I still haven't made my comeback yet."

"I know I know." He said. "Im excitedly waiting for that."

"So you really like Cake By The Ocean?" I asked.

He nodded, "One of my favorite songs actually. Along with Boston's More Than a Feeling, Neil Diamond's America, Drops of Jupiter by Train and U2's I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For."

"Interesting. Ill probably forget that but good to know."

Finn and I sat in the auditorium waiting for someone to show up. I was munching on the chili as he asked, "So how was it? You know seeing everything."

I swallowed my food and said, "It was really nice. I liked seeing Rach and Kurt again. I might go back soon but for now I guess im in it with you and these kids for whatever's left of it." I said taking another bite.

"Im glad your here with us. Just don't give up on your own dreams, you can do it day by day. Diamonds they dont turn to dust or fade away." He said with a smile.

I smiled and hugged him. "I love you Finn thank you."

"I love you too bells dont forget it." He said as Marley and Jeff walked onto the stage.

"Shmarley Toes! Jeffery Dahmer, so great to see you." I said finishing up the food.

"Your back!" Jeff said happily.

"Eh I could've gone longer." Marley said with a shrug and a smile.

"Oh you liar." I teased.

"No one else is coming, are they?" Finn asked.

"Other than us, who all had to carpool, no." Liz said as the four others walked in behind her.

"I got to ride shotgun." Sophia said with a smile.

"We had some good news for everyone, but maybe it doesn't matter anymore." Marley added.

"We found a place where Glee Club can practice. It's not great, but we know for a fact that no one can kick us out." Jeff said.

Finn and I looked at each other wanting to hear more.


Dear Glee Club,

I realize most of you think it's stupid to still call us that. I mean, our season's over, so what are we now, really? We lost Sectionals, so what do we have left? Nothing. We've got nothing. I got a phone call from Rachel last night. She just won the Winter Showcase at NYADA, which is, like, this huge deal. Like, not once in history has it ever gone to a Freshman. And she reminded me why I joined Glee Club in the first place. It's about music. Every one of us loves music. And no one can take that away from us. I'm not giving up on you. Marley found a place where we can rehearse, and I want us to meet there today after school at 5:00. I hope I see you all there.

~ Finn Hudson

Hey! So I guess im in this for the long run. I know some of you don know me yet but this is just a stepping stone for us. The others who I do know you guys are my family and im not giving up on this either, I will fight for you and I will fight with you. You all are here for the music and no matter how bad things may get music is eternal. Its a medicine. We all need it right now more than ever. So please consider coming. We need you.

~ Isabella Anderson


"It gets dark so early now." Jeff said as I shivered.

"I'm really sorry, you guys." Marley started to say,

"Marley, don't." I said teeth chattering.

"No, I mean it. You're all being so nice about this, but it's my fault. I was naive and insecure and self-centered, and now Glee Club's over."

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and Shannon said, "Well, we're still here, right?" I looked over to Finn and grabbed his hand and than down to Jeff who smiled and the other girls.

"I think we're a pretty neat group regardless." Lacy said fixing her mittens.

Don't Dream Its Over by Crowded House sung by the New Directions

I hugged Finn tight and he hugged me back. Everyone ended up showing back up. Everyone. This, this unity is what we aspired to have. And here we are. I smiled at Brittany as she came to hug me.

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