Myriad Colors Phantom World:...

By BlackvoirYanderevoir

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Phantom Catchers are Legendary catchers for Catching Phantoms, but what if Hosea gets one? Kyle Torihiki, son... More

Kyle Torikara and Denwa Genjitsu Bio's
Chapter 2: Phantom Field Day
Chapter 3: Two Battle Styles
Chapter 4: Dimensional Camping
Chapter 5: Parental Rivelry
Sekai Rifuko Bio
Chapter 6: Dynamaxing
Chapter 7: Invoking Legendary!
Chapter 8: Kurumi and the Eternal Dragon
Toko Kashima's Bio
Chapter 9: Phantom Dynamax Adventure
Pinni BajjiTochi Bio
Chapter 10: Hot Spring Sprang Sprung
Chapter 11: Kyle's Ability and Secret
Chapter 12: Opera Phantom Catchers
Chapter 13: Little Ruru's Big Crush
Chapter 14: Sister Meeting
Hanako Izumi Bio
Chapter 15: The Phantom Prince
Chapter 16: Facing the Fear
Chapter 17: New Phantom Catchers
Chapter 18: Where did Kyle go?
Chapter 19: Farewell, Phantom World

Chapter 1: The Legendary Phantom Catchers

267 5 0
By BlackvoirYanderevoir

It's all dark, until the Lights comes on, revealing Kyle Torikara, sitting down.

Kyle: Oh, hey guys! you were expecting Haruhiko? I know.

he gets up.

Kyle: But since this is my story, I'll be part of these intros from now on and I'll be talking about the Phantoms.

He walks up to a interactive board that turns on and shows the 8 different Phantom types.

Kyle: Somethings can be a bit of a pain, but do you know what is a pain? Picking! yep, picking what you want is annoying, but it's how we all go, right?

the board changes to 4 different students all shadowed.

Kyle: But for me, I'm picking Hosea Academy because they have a very unique phantom club their and I want to join. and Team E will be learning about the Phantom world that they never knew!

(Insert intro)

We go to a scene infront of Hosea Academy.

Haruhiko (Narriating) : it's been months after Sealing Enigma, Everything has gone back to normal.

Haruhiko and Ruru goes to the Phantom hunting club, being greeted by Mai, Reina, Koito and Kurumi, in other words, Team E. Everyone else was also their.

Mai: Hi Haruhiko, it's been a crazy few months?

Haruhiko: yeah it was. I mean, being from alternate worlds and Phantoms, it's been a crazy last year.

then Ms. Himeno comes in.

Ms. Himeno: welcome back students, I hope you had a lovely month.

Mai: oh we did.

Ms. Himeno: as a few months went past, I have some good news.

Reina: a new student?

Ms. Himeno: thats right, A transfer student with Phantom Catching abilities.

Koito: Phantom catching abilities?

Ms. Himeno: that's correct, tomorrow, we'll have our first Phantom catcher.

Everyone then murmured in confusion.

Ms. Himeno: I think it will be clearer is this new report will tell.

she turns on the screen, showing a new report that happened yesterday.

Newsreporter(on Screen) : I'm here with the headmistress of Fantamu Oitsuki Academy, who is going to tell why their number 1 Phantom catching team is congratulating early?

Headmistress(on Screen) : heh, well it's been no joke what happened when those poor students from other academies were attacked by Enigma and lost their abilities. but one young man from Hosea Academy sealed her, named Haruhiko Ichigo.

Haruhiko:  wait, she knows about what I did?

Ruru: sounds like it.

Haruhiko: and she wanted to thank Team E for sealing her up?

Mai: don't ruin it!

Headmistress(on screen) : and to the Academies that their students had their abilities stolen, I'm giving you a little surprise, as of this, I'm giving one of the students from Phantom catching Team Alpha to your Academy!

Haruhiko: oh, I know about them!

Mai: shut up!

Newsreporter(on screen) : that's right, Phantom catching team Alpha's students are going to 4 different Academies this year. being their code names: Card, App, Rift and Pin, will be transferred to the Academy they want to go to, as well as their starter Phantoms.

(I just won't bother putting other Academies in because the series doesn't show us any other academy)

Headmistress(on screen) : and here are their final choice's: Pin, Rift and App will be going to three different Academies and, oh, it looks like Card will be transferring to Hosea Academy...

Some of the students were excited, but some were confused if he will come.

Headmistress(on screen) : and Card Did say will be coming to Hosea...Tomorrow to see what it's like.

Everyone then cheered at Cards decision, then they all calmed down.

Ms. Himeno: I know everyone's excited to meet Code Card tomorrow, but remember, he's coming to see what Hosea's like.

Everyone moaned and sat back down. Mai and Ruru Laughed a little.

Ms. Himeno: as of Tomorrow, I want a team to show him around. any volunteers?

Everyone's arms shot up in excitement. Haruhiko wanted to put his arm up, but didn't because everyone was already putting their arms up.

Koito: enough! Code Card is just another student. if you guys don't remember last year, Reina and I were new students and did everyone go crazy for us? no, and so will Code Card.

Student: don't you get it? Code Card is the son to a legacy of Phantom catchers!

Team E looks at the screen, focused on Code Card.

Haruhiko: wonder what makes him special?

The Next day, we get a view of a mansion. we get a closer look inside one of the rooms that belonged to Code Card, A.K.A, Kyle ToriKara. He wakes up, rubbing his head a little.

Kyle: this is it, todays the day. I'm going to see Hosea Academy.

then Two Phantom's comes in.

Kyle: morning Mes, Camel.

Mesmo: morning Kyle.

Punimellia: you excited?

Kyle: sort of.

After getting his stuff ready and having breakfast, he puts his bowl in the Kitchen, not before he was greeted by his mom.

Kyle's mom: Are you excited to go see Hosea?

Kyle: a little bit, but Team E has some...unique abilities that I can't do.

Kyle's mom: don't be nervous, you will be fine, aswell as Mesmo and Punimellia.

Kyle: yep, just yesterday Mes wasn't their and the other, He was.

Kyle's mom walks over to him and hugs his back.

Kyle's mom: Don't worry, if their is a problem, related to Phantoms, they will be behind your back.

Kyle looks at Mesmo and Punimellia, who were looking at him, Smiling. then he smiles.

Kyle: thanks mom.

Kyle goes to collect his stuff and heads to the front door.

Kyle's mom: oh and Kyle.

Kyle stops, looking at her.

Kyle's mom: don't forget Mesmo or Punimellia.

Mesmo and Punimellia both hop towards him.

Kyle: I don't always forget them.

Myle's mom laughs a little as he walks out.

*Timeskip, brought by Chibi Kyle heading to the train station*

After a short train ride, Kyle makes it to Hosea Academy.

Kyle: woah, this is nothing like Fantamu Oitsuki.

Mesmo: yeah, and I kind of miss having the others around.

Kyle: well if these guys have Phantom's, then you guys will make new friends.

they all walk in, seeing some students running away for some reason. as of that, there was a bit of an explosion that went off.

Punimellia: what was that?

Kyle: Phantom!

they all rushed to the battle. that all saw a giant red Phantom fighting a blond girl.

Mesmo: is she crazy? that's a heatwave Phantom!

Kyle: she's a bit of a skilled fighter...

then they saw her trip over a rock.

Kyle: ...but to unreliable on bigger Phantoms.

Kyle then brings out a Phantom Summoner.

Kyle: Time to trade the game! C'mon out, Mesmo and Punimellia!

He puts a purple and a red card on the summoner and they both summon to battle. Mai, Haruhiko, Reina, Koito and Kurumi all looked at Kyle with his hood up.

Kyle: miss, I don't want to be a pain, but I would get out of their if I were you!

Mai listened and got away from the ground. Mesmo and Punimellia both rushed to the Phantom.

*Goes to Mesmo's Bio*

*Goes to B00st's Bio*

Mesmo and Punimellia are still fighting the Phantom. Having enough of it, Kyle yelled at Mesmo.

Kyle: Mes, use your move!

Mesmo: oh yeah!

he then jumped up and got ready for something.

Mesmo: Feather Fury!

Rhen he started slicing the Phantom rapidly, finishing it with a final blow.

Kyle: yeah, thats it!

The Phantom then exploded into a glitch, seeing that it was ready to be sealed. Haruhiko and Reina were about to do something, but Kyle threw a blank card sized piece of paper at the Phantom. the card then sealed it away inside.

(the sealing process is like Haruhiko sealing them by drawings)

Kyle then went over to the card, seeing that it was now looking like a trading card.

Kyle: Heatwave Phantom. Beasto(Beast like Phantoms). Fire type. Single strike. yep, don't have this one.

He then opened his card binder and puts the card in a new page. after doing that, he closed it.

Kyle: got it!

Everyone then clapped at the performance, all except Haruhiko, Mai and Reina.

Mai: what? but that was suppose to be our Phantom to fight!

Haruhiko: his phantom's fort for him and then he sealed it?

Reina: he did it so fast.

*TimeSkip, Brought to you by Chibi Haruhiko drawing something*

Everyone went back to the Clubroom, talking about Kyle and his Phantoms. Mai was still unimpressed.

Haruhiko: He was faster that anyone else. He did keep the damage minimal and he caught it without hesitation? that must be the Phantom catcher that wants to transfer here.

Mai: I hope not! He can be in another team is all I care.

then Ms. Himeno comes in, as well as Kyle and his Phantoms.

Ms. Himeno: everyone, I would like to introduce our new club member, Mr. Torikawa.

Kyle opened up his hood, showing his face to everyone in the club room.

Kyle: hey guys, I'm Kyle, Phantom catcher Card and the guy you saw catching that Phantom.

Shosuke: yeah we saw, that was awesome!

Kyle: thanks, but my Phantom's should take the credit as well, not me.

Mesmo and Punimellia both waved their hands/wings to everyone.

Random girl student: so cute!

Kyle: alright, I hope everyone will be good friends and I hope you have good Phantom's by your side.

Ms. Himeno: oh how about joining Team E, they have Phantoms.

Mai: what? no no no!

Ruru: I don't bother with him.

Reina: yeah, I mean he was quick.

Mai: why?!

Ms. Himeno: you can have a seat next to Reina.

Kyle: urrr...alright!

Kyle walks over and sits next to Reina.

Shosuke: Hey Kyle, can we see the Phantom you sealed up?

Kyle: alright, only because you asked.

Kyle opens his binder again and shows the Phantom card. Everyone looks at it, until Mai was chanting something.

Mai: Of the power of the five elements, water extinguishes flames! from my kidneys to me fists!

then as she punched the card, the card did a blast that knocked her back, deactivating her ability. Haruhiko and Reina went over to help her.

Haruhiko: Mai, are you alright?

Mai: yeah, but how did that card punch me back?

Kyle: oh yeah. These cards are made from Catch-wood trees. No elemental attack can destroy them.

Ruru: learn something new with Phantom catchers.

Mesmo: haha, funny!

Reina saw Mesmo on her shoulder and jumped away.

Reina: what kind of Phantom is that? another talking one?

Kyle picks him up and shows him.

Mesmo: sorry for making you jump like that. on yeah, I'm Mesmo, but you can call me Mes if you wish.

Kyle: he's my Phantom, as well as Punimellia, my starter.

Punimellia floats over to Kurumi and looks at Albrecht.

Punimellia: I like you teddy bear.

Kuruki: urrr...thank you.

Punimellia: I'm Punimellia.

Kuruki: Kurumi Kuramakura and this is Albrecht.

Punimellia: cute!

Kyle: well, it's our first day and my Phantom's are already making friends.

Mai: we'll see.

Mesmo: whats her problem?

Kyle shrugs.

then Haruhiko said something that made him jump.

Kyle: yikes! what is it...sorry...urrr...your name?

Haruhiko: oh sorry...I'm Haruhiko Ichigo.

then a small genie like Phantom pops out from no where.

Ruru: I'm Ruru!

Kyle: she's yours?

Haruhiko: Yeah, she's like a sister to me.

Mesmo: and I'm like a butler to him.

Mesmo was still on his shoulder.

Kyle: we're both on the same chapter here, right?

Haruhiko: don't worry, once she gets annoying, you'll get use to it.

Kyle: right, so anyway, what do you need help with?

Haruhiko: well, I thought we could team up and go Phantom Hunting. this could be your first job.

Kyle: deal! what types of Phantom are we facing?

Haruhiko: Utility Poles are back and we need your help with them.

Kyle: Utility Poles? well I do know one female who likes Objectu Phantoms.

Haruhiko: Objectu?

Kyle: Object Phantoms.

*TimeSkip, Brought to you By Chibi Ruru sitting on Chibi Kyle's Head*

Haruhiko, Mai, Reina, Kurumi, Koito and Kyle all goes to a field where the Utility pole Phantoms were before.

they saw the Phantoms parting and doing the limbo.

Kyle: yep these are Objectu Phantoms, but where's Code Name App?

???: you don't have to call me that, Kyle!

Everyone saw a girl looking on her Phone.

Kyle: Sorry Denwa.

Denwa: no Biggy.

Koito: another friend?

Kyle: yep, meet Denwa Genjitsu, a fellow Phantom catcher and my team member.

Denwa: so this is your new team?

Kyle: yep.

then they saw Haruhiko, Reina and Mai about to limbo under the wire. as well as Mesmo, Punimellia and Ruru dancing to the beat.

Denwa: you all will get shocked by that wire!

Haruhiko: Don't worry, we did this before.

Kyle: if this doesn't work, team up catch?

Denwa: why not?

then they heard Haruhiko get shocked by the wire and Reina falling on the ground. Only leaving Mai, who was bouncing her boobs for some reason?

Denwa: what's even going on here?

Kyle: don't ask.

then something happened to the utility poles. they now had a dark aura coming from them.

Reina: what's happening?

Mai: they never did that before?

then one of them whiped a wire at her in anger. Mai dodged out of the way.

Kyle: we got to do something!

Denwa: right!

Kyle summons Mesmo, while Denwa summons B00st into battle.

Kyle: Mesmo, Trade the game!

Denwa: B00st, come to reality!

Mesmo came from the card and B00st came from the Phone.

Kyle: Mes, use Feather Fury!

Denwa: B00st, use Full-Throttle Blast!

Mesmo starts doing the same attack again, while b00st brought out a blaster from it's shoulder, as it blasted a beam at the Utility poles.

after beating them, they exploded into a glitch. Kyle and Denwa both did a nod at each other as they were ready to seal them.

Kyle threw a card and Denwa scanned the Utility Poles at the same time. Doing that fused both the Card and the beam into a powered card that caught the Utility Poles. After sealing them, The powered card goes back to normal, giving Kyle and Denwa the Utility Poles.

Denwa: Utility Pole Phantoms. Objectu.

Kyle: Electric Type. Rapid Strike.

Both Kyle, Koito, Kurumi and Denwa both looked at a Fried Haruhiko, Embarrassed Reina and a Blushing Mai, still hugging her boobs in embarrassment.

Kyle: I think we're done here?

Denwa: Yeah...

Kyle: Want to come to My new Academy?

Denwa: ...yeah.

*TimeSkip, brought to you by Chibi Denwa playing Pokemon Go on her Phone*

Everyone goes back to Hosea Academy, including Denwa. Kyle looks at the Utility Pole Phantom's card in confusion.

Haruhiko: I don't get it, the first time we did it, they we at peace, but I don't get why they went angry?

Denwa: Some Phantoms have short tempers, but that was different?

Kyle: did you guys see the aura they had over them? that must of made them angry.

Denwa: well it's getting late, I'm going home. See you and the other sometime soon?

Kyle: we'll see.

Denwa leaves while laughing, as Kyle, Haruhiko, Reina and Mai all were talking.

Haruhiko: Kyle, well since you stopped those Phantoms...

Kyle: I know what your gonna say and yes, I would love to join your team.

Ruru: oh yeah! we have our very own Phantom catcher!

Ruru hugs Kyle's cheek, making Mesmo, Punimellia, Haruhiko and Reina laugh, all except Mai, who was still mad.

Mai: we'll see who's way is better.

(insert outro)

A/n: this chapter was long, but it's finished. It's a little weak for a first chapter but i'm happy with it. if you guys still want to know about the Phantom types, I'll put them all in the beginning of the second chapter.

Up Next: Phantom field day

Word count: 2806

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