Dream SMP (Hogwarts AU)

By LuminaStarCrest

80.9K 4.5K 2.2K

A series of connected (but not chronological), stand-alone fics revolving around members of the Dream SMP, al... More

Info List
Tommy, Your Hufflepuff's Showing (Part 1)
Niki Got a Letter
The Tale Of The Pink Hair
No...No.. Sapnap Don't Do It!!
Tommy, Your Hufflepuff's Showing p.2
Letters To Phil
Ranboo's Debut
Chaser Down!
Big Brothers
Niki Wants In
Wake Me Up After Astronomy, Would You?
The Best Friendships Form During Train Rides p.1
We Lost Him Already?!
A Little Fun at Hogsmead
You Reek of Vinegar
Have You Met Clementine?
Remind Me to Tell You to Never Be a Healer
Henry Goes Missing
Baking 101
Potion Delivery Mishap
Wilbur's Valentine
Tommy's Magical Achievements
Tommy Your Hufflepuff is Showing p.3
Of Braids and Flowers
A Hippogriff In The Castle
The Little First Year
Pfff, I'm Not Scared Of Techno
And Then I Got Kids! (Part 1)
And Then I Got Kids! (Part 2)
The Better Brother
Bad Idea
So You Want To Be A Prefect?
Flying With Style
Tubbo No. Tubbo Yes!
Studying for O.W.Ls-Well, Trying To
The Best Friendships Form During Train Rides part 2
I Get To Be Captain!
I Hear "Language" Through the Walls
Karl Does History Homework
The Broomstick Servicing Kit Incident
Tommy, Your Hufflepuff Is Showing (Part 4)
The Best Friendships Form During Train Rides p.3
Invisible Child
Tommy Your Hufflepuff Is Showing p5
Running Errands With A Child
The Case Of The Missing Parchment
Bring Your Kids To Work Day
Fundy's Prophecy
Code-name "Slime"
Dream's Christmas Party
Keith The Dragon
The Craft Children and Magical Creatures
Sam's First Mission
Who's Older?
Hey Hi!
Of Swings and Snow

April Fools!

973 51 35
By LuminaStarCrest


Dream, George, Karl, Sapnap and Quackity decide to do pranks one morning and that lead to a bunch of... we'll generalize it as destruction, yeah?

Note: Callahan is in a year above George so hes already graduated and working at the Ministry.

Suggested by: LoveEmmy21

I hope you enjoy!


"And why would I do that?" George asked as he brought his fork to his mouth, eating his breakfast as he sat together with his friends at the Gryffindor table.

"It'll be funny," Quackity said.

"That and you won't be a pussy," Dream said as he stole food from George's plate.

"Hey, that's mine," George said.

"C'mon George, it'll be fun," Karl said.

"Fun for you guys, you won't be the ones doing it," George said as he pushed away Sapnap's hand that was going for his food as well. "What the heck? There's literally food everwhere, why are you trying to eat mine!"

"It's a simple prank George," Sapnap said.

"Well you guys try dropping Dungbombs in a professor's office," George said.

"Pff, what's the work that could happen?" Quackity waved his hand dismissively.

"Might I remind you that I'm graduating soon?" George said.

The four looked at each other then back at George, "So?" They asked.

"I hate you guys," George said making the other let out a chuckle.

"Oh please, George," Sapnap started. "We all know that you wanna do it."

"Yeah, especially since the DADA professor gave you an low grade in your last practical," Dream said.

George hummed, "Alright, I'm sold."

"Man, you really must not like that grade," Karl commented.

"He gave me an A because I couldn't perform a certain spell non-verbally," George sighed in irritation. "He said a first year could do non-verbal magic, which I doubt."

"Oh that bit's true," Quackity said.

"What?" George furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah, there's a little first year in our house that can do non-verbal magoc 'cause he doesn't really speak," Sapnap said.

"Sorta like Callahan, ya know?" Dream added.

"Oh," George said. "Good for him then."

"So, are you gonna do your dare or what?" Karl asked.

"I would, but I don't really have any Dungbombs in my disposal," George said.

"Well lucky for you, I have a super secret supplier," Quackity smirked.

"I'm literally right here," Skeppy, who was seted on the Hufflepuff table with his friends, suddenly said from behind Quackity.

"Just give me the Dungbombs," Quackity whispered, holding his hand out.

Skeppy narrowed his eyes at the other before pulling out a sack from under the table, "Here." He handed the bag to Quackity. "I'll be waiting for my payment."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll get you those snacks," Quackity said before facing the other four once more.

"And what kind of snacks can't Skeppy get without you for him to sell you that much Dungbomb?" Dream asked.

"A shit ton of ice cream," Quackity said. "Getting some from the kitchen elves will be easy."

"Do you even know where the kitchen is?" Karl asked.

"That's where you come in," Quackity told the Hufflepuff.

"Let's just get this over with," George said, standing from his seat.

The others followed his lead and soon enough the five of them found themselves standing inside the DADA professor's office.

"I just have to tie this to the ceiling, make it blend in, then attach an invisible string to the chair so that when the professor sits down, all these Dungbombs will fall," George said as he began doing the things he had listed off.

"There we go," George said as he secured the invisible string on the professor chair.

"Finally," Sapnap cheered, standing up from his seat on the carpeted floor. "You know  yo—" he stopped talking when they heard someone enter the classroom.

"He's here," Karl said.

"What do we do?" Sapnap asked as the five of them went around the room trying to find some other exit.

The door to the office started opening, so George took out his wand. "Reducio!"

The spell made all five of them small. "Scatter!" Quackity said in a high pitched voice.

The five of them hid just in time for the door to open. The profesor entered the room, seemingly in a good mood. The five students rushed to the door, slipping through, just before it closed shut. They made their way across the DADA classroom and out the hallway.

"Well, that was close," Karl said in a small voice.

"Oh cool! We're like Alvin and The Chipmunks!" Quackity said pulling Dream and George beside him to form the color scheme.

"Alvin and what?" Both Dream and George said.

"Aww, that's right," Quackity scrunched his nose, "You two are Purebloods," he said.

"Yeesh, what kind of childhood did you guys have?" Sapnap said.

"Meh," Dream said.

"Just because you two have your muggleborn jokes—" George started.

"I know that reference," Karl said.

"That's 'cause your half-blood, Karl," Dream said.

"That, and you like cartoons," George said.

"Can you turn us back now?" Sapnap asked, both hands covering his ears as Quackity sang beside him.

"Oh, right." George pulled out his wand and undid the spell.

Just as they returned to their original sizes, a loud yelp came from inside the room beside them. "WHO DID THIS!"

"Run, run, run!" Karl said pushing the others forward and skedaddled away.

Once they were sure that they were far enough that they won't be suspected, they proceeded with the next prank.

"If I get you guys a bunch of pie from the kitchen, I won't have to go up to the headmaster's office?" Karl asked once again, just to be sure.

"Yes! Now get those pies Karl," Quackity said.

"Make sure they're different flavors," Sapnap called as Karl walked away from them and headed down to the kitchen.

The four waited for Karl for a bit and was surprised at the amount of pies that the boy brought back with him. "Elevs are uhh very generous," Karl said, gesturing to the pies that could feed a whole party floating behind him.

The four stared at the amount with stunned faces, "Well, that works!" Quackity said, pulling out his wand and gaining control of the floating pies. "C'mon Sapnap! We have an office to decorate." He grabbed the other boy's wrist and pulled him along towards the Gargoyle statue.

Dream, George and Karl following behin them slowly. "You know, when they said Gryffindors were brave, I did not think it was like this," Dream said as he watched Sapnap and Quackity try to make the pies follow them up the stairs, up to the headmaster's office.

It took a while, but eventually the two finished and were walking back down, their robes littered by tiny splashes of pie fillings. "Let's just say that the headmaster's not gona want to have desert when he sees his office," Sapnap said.

"So, Dream, what do you have in mind?" Quackity asked.

"I'm gonna move a statue," Dream declared.

The four looked at him blankly, "What?"

They didn't get a response as Dream ignored the question and opted to walk away. They looked at each other before following after the Slytherin. They stopped in front of a certain hallway on the first floor of the castle.

Karl gave a nervous laugh, "What are we doing in front of the cursed hallway?"

Dream rolles his eyes, "It's not cursed," he said. "That's just some rumor that started a long time ago and ended up accepted as true in our generation."

Quackity chuckled weakly, "Yeah, last time I heard in one of those classrooms, the Bloody Party happened."

"No textbook specified that the party happened here," Dream said.

Karl shook his head, "Nope. I've seem freaky stuff happen in that hallway," he whispered.

"Seen?" Sapnap furrowed his eyes at the Hufflepuff.

"Read! Yeah that's what I meant," Karl said.

Sapnap stared at him for a moment before shrugging his shoulders dismissively.

"Mind explaining why your prank has to be here, anyway?" George asked.

"Well, as you know, no student really likes taking this hallway," Dream started. "Because of that, the professors use this hallway a lot."

"Alright, alright," Quackity nodded at this. "Where does the statue come in?"

"Since they use this way a lot, I'll move the statues a little," Dream explaines, "so that everytime they pass by something will feel off, but since i barely moved them, the professors won't realize."

"Oh! That's actually really smart," Karl said.

"Well, you're on your own Dream," George said. "There is no way I'm walking in there."

Dream stuck out a tongue at the others, "Fine, I'll go alone then," he pouted.

Sapnap laughed, shaking his head, "Yeah, alright, I'll come with, " he said before following the other through the hallway.

The two pulled out their wands and began moving the stautes. "Don't move it too far," Dream scolded.

"I barely moved it!" Sapnap said.

"Too far!"

"You know what," Sapnap said. "Don't look."

Dream furrowed his eyebrows but complied. "Alright, you can look now."

"Alright, what the hell?" Dream said.

"Is it too far now?" Sapnap asked.

Dream observed the statue and hummed, "Yeah, I think so."

"Ha! Jokes on you! I didn't move it one bit!" Sapnap said.

Dream rolled his eyes at that, "I did not just get fooled by that."

"Uhh, pretty sure you were," Sapnap said.

"Yeah, yeah," Dream said dismissively. "I'll finish up this statue and then we're done," he added.

"Alright, I'll head back to the others then," Sapnap said, leaving Dream.

Dream lifted his wand and pulled the statue forward. "There we go," he said and was about to leave when he saw a strange red glow from behind the statue. "What's this?" He asked himself, approaching the light.

He stared at the red glow. A strange whisper coming feom it. Dream listened attentively when his ears was filled by Sapnap's voice. "C'mon Dream!"

"Yeah! Coming," Dream yelled back, pulling away from the glow.

"How long do you think it'll take before theyfl figure out it's us?" Dream heard Karl ask as je got back with the group.

"I'd say 3 days minimum," Quackity said confidently.

He was wrong.

Three hours later, the five of them were pulled out from class and were lead to the headmaster's office.

Karl sniffed the air as they entered. "It smells good in here," he said.

"Yes, I'd say that would be the result of having pie all over your office walls," the headmaster said, spinning his chair to face them. "Hello, problem children, 1st batch."

"There's more?" Quackity said in a whisper that either went unheard or was ignored.

"Now, I'm sure you five are not wondering why you're here, yes?" The headmaster said.

"Yes, professor," they said in sync.

The headmaster hummed, "And I suppose it's safe to assume that you guys are also responsible for the Dungbombs in the DADA office?"

A nod.

"And the statues?"

Another nod.

"Very well," the headmaster said. "Mind sharing your reason?"

The five looked at each other. They didn't really have a reason, they just wanted to have fun. Quackity broke their silence.

"Happy April Fools?"

"It is February."

"Close enough!"

Whoo Happy April Fools everyone! o7 for anyone who fell/are gong to fall for any pranks today!

For anyone who suggested any event that happend in HP Book 4 (tri-wizard, yule ball, etc.) I actually have bigger plans for this AU and  those events are important for it to happen. So I'm really sorry that I won't be able to write them here!

I feel like I missed a lot of typos since I'm on my phone, so if you saw any.. Uhh ignore them.

Thank you for reading! Comments and suggestions are appreciated.


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