The Date

By Dream74

253K 7.5K 310

Kate Smith's life hasn't been easy, with a dark past and what looks like an even darker future, Kate finds he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 12

4.6K 135 10
By Dream74

Chapter 12


"Do you have to drive so fast?" I said fearing for my life. He was doing over a hundred along the motorway speeding past all the other cars so fast that they just looked like blurs of colour.

"Don't tell me how to drive" was all he said.

"Well if you stuck to the speed limit I wouldn't have to" I laughed nervously.

"Do you wanna drive?!" he snapped.

"I can't. I haven't got a licence" I had only ever been in a car a few times in my life. Taking the bus and train most places.

"Then shut up," he said in a mocking tone. Most likely shocked that I was questioning his driving when I couldn't drive myself.

It was quiet for a few minutes until a felt the car slow down a bit. I saw he was back under ninety which was better than before.

"There you happy?" he said sarcastically.

"Ecstatic" I whispered in reply.

"So why haven't you got a licence?" he asked.

"Never felt then need to living in London" I didn't think it needed to be said that I couldn't afford it.

"Have you always lived in London?" he asked another question about me that confused me. Why does he care? What was he trying to get out of this? I turned to look at him showing a confused expression. "What? I'm making small talk. We've got another two hours of this"

"Manchester, Chatsworth" I answered.

"You don't sound like you're from Manchester," he said matter of factly.

"I moved around a lot" I was being rude which I didn't mean to be. I was just trying to remember what Jay said about keeping my real life a secret but Jake was making it hard with all these questions.

"Why?" he asked. I didn't know what to say that my real Mum and Da had to keep running from gangs they owed drug money too so we had to hide. My foster family abused me so I ran away. I'm scared they will come back that's why I can fit my whole flat in one bag. No, I don't think that's the story Jay wants me to tell but maybe something near the truth might stop Jake's questions.

"That's what happens when you're put in care," I said which seemed to silence him.

"So how did you end up in London?" I had to answer this carefully.

"I was born originally in Dagenham so I always wanted to come back down here. I left my foster home at sixteen to start over. To build a new and better life"

"How's that working out for ya?" he asked.

"Better than when I was sixteen that's for sure" I mumbled. I could tell that he wanted to ask more and I'm glad he didn't. I already said more than I should have.

I started playing around with my hands nervously.

Jake put the roof up as we came on the motorway so the wind didn't bother us. I was thankful as the wind kept blowing my dress up my legs I had to keep my hands there. Luckily he didn't notice.

So I was thankful for the roof. However, it just made the silence worse. It was about an hour since either of us spoke, with only the radio as background noise.

I needed a wee. We've been on the road for three hours and I've tried to hold it as much as I could but I really can't anymore. I waited up till we drove past a nearby welcome break.

"Jake?" I said nervously.

"Yer," he said looking straight at the road still with the same poker face expression.

"Can we stop?" I asked with my hands in my lap.

"No," he said groaned. Somehow I know he was going to say that.

"Please we've been in the car for hours I need to use the loo" I pleaded trying not to sound like a childish little girl, I don't think that would make a difference with the likes of Jake.

"You should have gone before we left," he said angrily.

"I'm not a child... and I didn't need to go then" I need the loo and he's being a beast about it.

"Look I told you when we got in the car we weren't going to stop and we're not" his voice was strong and louder than before, I could tell he was trying to intimidate me and normally I would shut right up and keep to myself but I needed the toilet.

We were only a mile away from the turning to the welcome break and this was my last chance to get him to stop.

"Please," I said after a moment of silence in a whisper. He hits his hand hard on the steering wheel that made me jump. If he keeps scaring me we won't need to stop for me to use the loo.

"Fine," he said pulling into the slow lane to take the exit. A small smile of relief reached my cheeks.

"Thank you," I said as soon as we stopped outside the building and I unbuckled and jumped out the car.

"Whatever just be quick" was the last thing I heard before running into the building.

Thank God!


She was driving me crazy and she wasn't even saying anything!

From the fidgeting to breathing... every moves made me away that she was in my car and I remembered what she tasted like.

It didn't help that her damn dress kept raising in the wind showing me her legs. It didn't help that she then had to rest her hand on her hands to keep it the dress in place. I kept thinking of my own hands resting on those soft milky thighs... Having her in such a small surrounding for the past three hours with this silence that's driven me crazy.

My phone started ringing through the car speakers. Jay's name popped up on the screen. Most likely wanted to see if his little actress was still with me and I hadn't left her on the side of the road somewhere.

"Hello, Jay" I answered.

"Hey, how is it going?" Jay asked sounding worried.

"Swimmingly," I said sarcastically. "Your actress and I are the best of friends" I know I was winding him up. I couldn't help myself.

"Be nice Jake" he groaned. It was more of a plead than a threat.

I'm trying, I thought but she's just making it so hard!

"I am being nice" I replied putting on my best innocent choir boy voice.

"Please Jake. I'm asking you to just let it go. I know what I'm doing" he winds.

Ha! I laughed. He doesn't have a clue what he's doing and I know I'm going to be the one to clean everything up in the end.

"Do you? Do you Jay because I see this all ending in tears and I'm not going to be the one picking up your mess" he went silent.

"It's all going to work out" was all he said. He didn't sound confident enough for my liking.

"Whatever," I said letting it go for now. It was too bloody late anyway to change his mind.

Looking over at the services I see her walking back to the car. She looked like any other random hot girl but little did the world know this small attractive woman had the power too great more drama than my family could handle. And I was the only one to control this shit storm that was headed our way.

"Just keep her out of trouble. We'll see you there" I said putting as she got back into the car.

I turned to her about to give her an earful for being so long

I told her to be quick. I didn't think she would run.

A smile made its way to my lips but I quickly pushed it away. She was a little money grabbing actress, that is going to bring nothing but heartache to my family.

Not if I can't do anything about it.

"Thanks" she smiled at me as she got in the car. "I wasn't long right?" if she was expecting a reply she wasn't getting it.

I watched her put her belt make on and reach in her bag. She pulled out a bag of sweets smiling. As a child, I thought. How old was she?

I just realised I had no idea how old she was. A woman or girl that I jumped on the other night, with a kiss that still made me hard just thinking about. A woman that had perfect tits and a great ass. I kept trying not to picture her naked but as she sucked of those sweets I felt my trousers getting uncomfortably tight.

"How old are ya?" I blurted out.

She popped the sweet out of her mouth, leaving her lips in a little o space. Jesus, I looked away.

"Twenty. Why?" she asked confused. Bloody hell. She was ten years younger than me. When I was twenty she was ten!

Instead of answering her again and speed off.

I didn't get very far when the traffic started up. I hate traffic I thought as we came to a stand-still along with one of the motorways.

"Bloody bank holidays" I grunted pulling my hand through my hair. What was the point of having a car that could go two-hundred miles pre-hour if you just have to sit there waiting for cars to move?

"Soo..." Kate tried to make conversation. She hadn't said a thing since we stopped at the services. I was still thinking of the ten year age gap.

At least all the sweets were gone after so offered me the bag. I could tell now that she was getting as bored and restless. Don't think the sugar helped. So was I.

She started tapping her fingers on her lap. "Do you know them well... the host of this party thing?" she asked looking at me.

"Yeah kind of" I wasn't really in the mood to talk. I was too annoyed with the traffic and the length of time this journey was taking. With the silence again I could tell how disappointed she was with the lack of conversation.

I let out a large shy and gave in.

"Our families have been close for centuries, both being of the same noble wealth... all that blue-blooded pride. Our families were built from the same sociality cloth they would say" I didn't know why I descried to start telling her about me family, something to pass time by maybe or the fact we seemed to have nothing else to talk about and agree on.

"Rupert... he's the host, was best friends with my father's father, through their school years up to the moment my grandfather died years ago. Rupert took Da under his wing after that and helped him with our family business. Rupert's like a second father to Da. It's through Rupert that Da met Mum. His late wife Dorothy was Mum's second cousin or something like that" I said. Saying it out loud like this made it all very incestual. "So we're close to him and his new wife but his family is a little different. Da doesn't like them. Rupert has two sons that are full of themselves. They only care about wealth and status. Da doesn't get along with them atoll. I think Rupert sees him more of a son than his own"

I didn't know the rest of Rupert's family. Which also seemed strange due to how close we were. He had two sons just a little younger than Da but they never got along, we always thought that one of the brothers had a soft spot for Mum but nothing ever came from it. Lilly worked with Jessica Anderson, Rupert's Granddaughter sometimes as they were both models but from what Lilly's said and from what I've seen the girl seems a bit of a harlot or in Lilly's words a bitch. Grandson Joseph was two years older than us at school, he seemed like a nice cool guy but he was always a bit of a loner and we never really got close but he seemed alright when pasting.

"So will many people be going?" she asked after a while of taking in everything I just said.

"I. Knowing Maggie. That's Rupert's new wife. Well, not new. They've been married for fourteen years, she would have invited everyone. She's lovely Maggie, you will like her" I said not know where that came from. How would I know what she would like?

Finally, the traffic started moving again. Thank God!

"I imagine we will be spending most of our time with the Howards," I said kicking up the gears once more. I thought she might have made some sort of reaction hearing she'll be spending time with the Howards but nothing

"The Howards? As in Christian Howard... ring any bells?" I asked.

"No. Should I?" she turned to look at me with a confused face. Huh... I guess not.

"Howard Enterprise. They're a big deal in London. Thought you might know of them. Anyway, we're close with the whole family" I said focusing back on the driving. "Jonathan Howard was... is my Da's best friend. He was such a nice guy. Didn't have much in the world when it came to money and status. Not sure how he and my Da very became friends when the Howards weren't in the same social groups but they did" Why am I telling her all this? I thought.

I wanted to keep her from knowing too much about our family and here's I am just telling her everything like I've known her forever.

"Anyway it was Chris, John's son that made the money in the family, he and I went to school together and became great friends... still are. It still amazes me how he managed to work his way up the top on nothing, taking no help from anybody. It's just a damn shame John couldn't live long enough to see how well Chris has done" That was a hard time for everyone the day Chris lost his Da.

"He died?" she asked.

"Ten years ago. Cancer" my voice was straight with no emotion. It had to be. Otherwise, she'd see a side of me I didn't want her to see.

Christian changed when his Da died. Before, he was always full of life and up for having a laugh. Then after Uni, he got more serious about making his Da proud he hardened a little. He shut himself off from the world. He wasn't carefree Christian anymore. Busy making money for his family. It was all work no play... well, maybe a little playing here and there.

"That's so sad," she said genuinely sounding saddened by the story of the Howards.

"Yeah. It is"

We went make to our silence but instead of feeling uncomfortable, it feels normal. Nice even.

To my better judgement, I took one last stop coming off the motorway to put the sunroof down. We were in the country now and it would be a shame not to enjoy the sun. I passed her my jacket.

"For your legs" was all I said and we were on our way.

I kept taking quick glares over to Kate now and then. She had her head leant back on the headrest, enjoying the sun on her face and the breeze in her hair. She liked the comfortable. Unlike my family.

This surprised me. She didn't care about the wind in her hair or the little makeup she had on being ruined. She looked relaxed.

She looked sexy.

At least her legs were now covered... with my jacket. Which was touching her thighs... That lucky blood jacket.

"Take the next right" the SatNav voice instructed. "Then in four hundred yards, you have reached your destination"

"We're here," I said with far too much relief in my tone.

"Oh... wow," she said leaning followed to look around. We drove down a long grand drive. Maggie had arranged for lanterns and flowers to guide us to the main entrance. I had to say the place did look amazing but to someone like Kate and her background, this place most likely looks like a palace.

"Nice hu?" I said looking at her as her eyes grow weirder and her month slutty open from the wonderful view. It looked like a child at Disneyland, looking around.

"It's so big," she said.

"The Andersons are never shy when showing their money"

"Kind of like you and this car" she mumbled as a nervous little chuckle escaped from her lips but I heard her. It was true and I didn't care.

"Some buy houses, others buy cars. Some buy both" I laughed.

"Is this their home?" she asked turned away from the hotel she was looking so intensely at.

"It's always been owned by the Andersons but it was Rupert that turned this palace into a privet golf resort and hotel. I think it was once owned by a Duke or an Earl. It's quite something when you see the old ballrooms and gardens" I pulled up outside the entrance where the staff came to welcome us.

"I feel like I've stepped back in time like I'm in a Jane Austen novel," she said leaning back in her set taking a deep breath from all the excitement.

She then jumped as the door was opened by one of the butlers.

"Ms, welcome" he smiled holding out a hand to help her out of the car.

Letting myself out before the other guy could get there I gave him a quick smile and node letting him know I didn't need help. An unspoken language to the upper class I'm sure Kate know nothing about.

"Thank you. That was very kind" she smiled at the young guy that opened her door. Jesus love, all he did was open ya fucking door. Tone it down, I thought.

I walked over to open the small boot taking out a travel bag.

"Your keys sir?" the guy asked. It always hurt passing the keys into someone else hands.

Swinging the bag over my shoulder I asked "Has the other Minster party arrived yet?" walking around the car to where Kate now stood.

She was looking up, shifting on her feet nervously as she brushed her hands down her dress. I had to admit to myself, she did look cute in her little summer dress, however much I sent the last four hours hating the damn thing. It showed off her little short legs.

"Other than the young gentleman who arrived by motorbike sir, no. They haven't arrived yet" the guy answered. Good even with the traffic we still got here in good time.

"Very good, thank you. Come along" I said. Walking inside I noticed how short she was. I knew I was tall at six-foot but she didn't even reach my shoulders. I could tell my height affected her as she tensed next to me.

Out of habit I dropping my hand to the bottom of her back to anchoring her through the lobby. This had the opposite effect then I had planned, causing her to jump about six feet to the desk. Either she was that scared and nervous about being around me or she just hated to be touched in any way. I couldn't work out why it annoyed me so much.

I wanted her to fare me, didn't I? I wanted her to know that either my family or I wasn't to be messed with. But I didn't like the idea of her moving away like that. I needed to know if it was because I touched her or because anybody touched her. This girl was a mystery to me in such a way I couldn't work out if I needed to get closer to her to find out more or run the opposite way. The issue being I know I'm not the type to run so that only meant...

"Let's get booked in our room," I said ignoring her push back and walking alone to the front desk.

"Our room?" she stopped in shock.

"I meant your room. Yours and Jays"

"Oh. I think I'll wait for Jay. I wouldn't know if they even have a room booked for me. I should phone Jay and ask" she said looking through her bag. A very expressive I just noticed. I imagine Jay brought her that. Unless she had other guys. That thought left a bad taste in my mouth.

"Well, I imagine you'll be sharing with Jay, seeing as you're his girlfriend and all," I said to remind her of her little part.

"Oh... I hmmm... Yes. I imagine we would be" she said with wide eyes and a pale face. Come, one love. You better get good at this otherwise everyone will know what my brothers up to.

It seemed that the very idea of sharing a room with my brother scared her more than my touch before. She didn't know that Jay was no threat to her. Which meant that she didn't know he was gay. Interesting...

I checked us both in and I signed my name in the book.

looking through the hotel we came across our rooms which were next to one another. I knew this by calling in last night to arrange it but she or Jay didn't need to know that.

"Hey, look at that. Our rooms are next to each other. What better way of keeping my eye on you" I said a half teasing half-serious tone.

"I'll see you later than" she pushed herself in the room to get away from me. I laugh deep in my throat like a villain from some freaky film.

"I'll look follow to it" 

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