Spark (GH Series #5)

By CS_official

1.1K 61 0

Jack, happily with the woman she see's a future with, has her dreams torn apart by the revelation that she wa... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Part 45

30 1 0
By CS_official


The party continued and shortly before eleven, Caroline bid us farewell as she had to get to work. I don't think I would particularly like being a DJ working well into the morning, but Caroline appears to love it. "See you at the club sometime, thanks for having me, I had a blast."

"You are more than welcome. Let's hope we all can hang out again sometime." I walked Caroline to the front door and waved her off. Stepping back inside it felt so surreal, that this was Jack and I's forever home. I remember the state that it was in, the vision Jack had to make it new again and she's done in justice, I will give her that. Thinking back on the long hours she put into 'work' when she was really here, crafting our forever home with her own hands and I'm in awe.

Looking out into the backyard where people were still mingling, chatting away and I caught Jack swigging back a bud and then looking at me. Her smile, her laughter, it's just absolutely everything to me and if you told me a year ago that I would be setting up a home with a woman, I would have laughed in your face. Ironically, today is the day before Carson and Damien's first wedding anniversary and whilst they stated no fuss, Jack made sure that they had gifts to open tonight in front of everyone.

So much has changed in this past year. From the harmless flirtation I had with Jack, to the shite that Grant put me through, to realise that Jack was my anchor, my strength, my hope and my love. I never once thought about settling down with Grant in the last year or two in our relationship, I just kept plodding on. Maybe, just maybe if I had left him sooner, I would have evaded the abuse that he heaped upon me, but I can't change that now. All I can do is to continue to look forward, to building a life with Jack.

"Bye guys, thanks for coming, we need to do this again sometime!!" Jack was a little tipsy, but do you know what? Good on her. She deserves this moment to shine and as I wrap my arm around her waist, her arm thrown over my shoulder as we seen our guests out. The door closed quietly, the lock echoing in the hallway and we wandered back into the house. "This place, I thought it would look like a bomb had hit it after that party...but we have considerate guests." I chuckled and nodded my head.

"Are we staying here tonight or heading back to the apartment?"

"Since we've both been drinking, why not crash in our nice new comfy bed?" Jack wiggled her eyebrows, and I couldn't help but laugh. "Plus, you look like how I feel."

"Which is?"

"Absolutely shattered." She had me there. Despite being up all last night devouring each other, sleep was light and then being whisked out to dinner and a housewarming party, I was shattered. I started to climb the stairs and as I looked over my shoulder, I could see Jack biting her lip and a contemplative look came across her face. "Babe?"

"Yeah?" We had made it to the top of the stairs and walked towards our bedroom. Opening the door, I could see Jack looking a little worried. "What is it babe?"

"Are you happy, I mean genuinely happy?" My heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest when Jack asked me that. "I'm more than aware what tomorrow is and..."

"Stop. Jack, I am more than happy. Yes, tomorrow is anniversary of two things, but I choose to focus on the positive of tomorrow. Carson and Damien had a lovely wedding ceremony that I was so proud to be a part of. I had a kick ass dance partner to keep me entertained and despite her growing feelings for me, she remained chivalrous and well, you know the rest." I pulled her so we sat down on the edge of the bed together and she touched my face so gently, you wouldn't have thought her hand was anywhere near me.

"I love you so much Ellie. You have to know that there is nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for you." I honestly could have cried. It wasn't the sentiment in the words that got to me, it was the way Jack said it and it just solidified things for me even more. I slid off the bed and kneeled before Jack and smiled.

"Marry me?"


"You heard me..."


This past weekend was so much fun with clubbing, the housewarming party and then our first wedding anniversary all in the one go. Carson and I had opted for a quiet Sunday together, talking about how fast the past year had gone and everything that happened during that year. My highlight, apart from marrying Carson and our honeymoon to Germany, was of course, getting to hang out with Chelsea on Saturday night and I bet you any money, Jack probably creamed her boxers in excitement that they exchanged numbers and that they were somewhat related now.

After my last heart to heart with Jack, the Grant visit laid heavy on my mind. I know that Jack isn't too bothered about me visiting him, Carson is dead against it, but part of me still can't help but wonder why he so badly keeps reaching out to me. I swirled the envelope in my hand and decided to bite the bullet and made my way to the jail. "Hey babe..." I had pressed the button for Carson's number, and I know she's going to lose her shit when I tell her that I'm on my way to see Grant.

"Hey, you...listen, I know you weren't to enamoured about me going to see Grant, but there is something telling me I need to." Carson's sigh penetrated the car.

"Damo, are you mental? He's a sadistic mother fucker!! Not only did he nearly ruin our wedding, but he went on to not only make poor Ellie's life a living hell but raped her as well. What in the hell are you thinking!?"

"That these visitation invites are going to keep coming until I make an appearance. I'm going to hear him out Carson, I need to. That way I can cut ties with him for good. There is a reason I'm doing this, just trust in me, please?" Another sigh.

"Fine. But if you come home saying you miss your best mate; I'm going to string you up myself!!" I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Carson even remotely trying to take me on. "Just promise me you will stay safe. That you won't fall for his bullshit."

"I promise you babe."

"Good. Call me when you are done visiting that fucking walloper of a man." She hung up and no wonder she cursed the air blue. Turning off my engine in the parking lot of the prison and stepping out and looking at the entrance, it was a little daunting. Who knew I would be scared shitless to step inside a prison but here I am, willing to hear Grant out.


I still can't get over the weekend's events and to finally top the weekend off, Ellie proposed to me. I sat there stunned and then the look of panic swept across her face when I didn't give her an answer straight away. Slipping off the bed and kneeling down in front of her, I cupped her face in my hands. "I always thought I was going to be the one to propose to you... you know? After all, you got to declare that you were in love with me, to ask me out... you couldn't give me this one thing, could you?" A smirk appeared on both our faces and she shook my head at me. "Yes. I never thought I'd see the day I was going to be proposed to, or to even be engaged. But you are my everything Ellie, so yes, I would love nothing more than to be your wife." Tears slipped down both our faces with the utter joy and happiness that we were feeling, and I stood up, pulling Ellie with me and walked to my side of the bed. Opening up the bedside cabinet, I pulled out the ring box that I had buried inside it in hopes that one day that I would propose to Ellie. "Ellie, will you marry me?" I opened up the box and showed her the ring I had purchased and if you thought small tears running down our faces were bad; Ellie now had a waterfall cascading down them.

"Yes Jack. Yes. A thousand times, yes." Slipping the ring on her finger and I smiled.

"Looks like we got engaged on my sister's wedding anniversary. She's going to kill us." We both laughed and sealed our love with a tender kiss. 

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