His Joy {Peter Parker X Stark...

By areyoutonystankk

65.3K 1.2K 437

"Friends. I have friends. Friends who aren't superheroes. Oh Josie, if only you knew." Ever since Afghanistan... More

{Quick message!}
{Josie meets the world}
{Josie meets school}
{Josie meets some random woman}
{Josie meets Peter}
{Josie meets emotional trauma}
{Josie meets overprotective Dad}
{Josie meets Obadiah}
{Josie meets celebrity crushes}
{Josie meets Tony, again}
{Josie meets academic decathlon}
{Josie meets birthdays}
{Josie meets Stark screaming matches}
{Josie meets flying}
{Josie meets Spider-Man}
{Josie meets her dad's suit}
{Josie meets Aunt May}
{Josie meets Iron Man}
{Josie meets forged signatures}
{Josie meets insane murderers}
{Josie meets Tony Stark}
{Josie meets the start of all her issues}
{Josie meets lying to Peter}
{Josie meets the truth}
{Part 2} || {When they argue}
{Josie meets the Stark Expo}
{Josie meets a hangover}
{Josie meets the new CEO}
{Josie meets Joselyn Stark}
{Josie meets Natalie Rushman}
{Josie meets crashing at Peter's}
{Josie meets Monaco}
{Josie meets total confusion}
{Josie meets Tony's attempt at food}
{Josie meets the Fun Avengers}
{Josie meets birthday parties}
{Josie meets homecoming}
{Josie meets hammeroids}
{Josie meets being alone in a crowded room}
{Josie meets heart-to-hearts}
{Josie meets apologies}
{Part 3} || {When they're happy}
{Josie meets the Avengers Initiative}
{Josie meets a date}
{Josie meets Loki}
{Josie meets banana splits}
{Josie meets the battle of New York}

{Josie meets awkward teenage relationships}

929 20 1
By areyoutonystankk

Present Day

"So, you just said no to being an Avenger?", Josie asks, giggling, as the two walk down the corridor.

"It was a test- I was meant to say no!", Peter exclaims, defensively.

"This is Tony Stark we're talking about, I'm eighty-seven percent sure it wasn't a test. He's not that big on morals and stuff."

"Eighty-seven percent? Could be worse. You could be... eighty-eight percent sure.", he shrugs.

"It was definitely not a test, he was actually asking you to be an Avenger. Big news! Well, it would be, if you hadn't had said no."

"Shit, I messed up, didn't I?", he face-palms.

"Yeah. Yeah, you did, Pete.", she nods, trying to stifle a laugh, "Maybe it's for the best that you wait until you finish high school to become a full-on Avenger."

"I guess, I would have been living in your house and who knows how that would have gone."

"You what? He asked you to move in and didn't even let me know?", her jaw-drops.

"What? You wouldn't want me moving in?"

"Well, it's not that I wouldn't want you to move in, just- A bit of warning would have been nice, or checking with me first. Since, you know, we're...", she trails off.

"We're what?", he asks.

She panics slightly, they still haven't actually discussed putting a label on their relationship. So, she comes up with the vaguest response she can think of, pinning it on Peter to answer, "You know what."

"Uh, yeah. Yeah.", he nods, also having no idea what they are.

The two walk into the cafeteria, "I'm going to... sit down with MJ. I've got a packed lunch.", Josie says, as Peter walks into the line.

He nods and she rushes over to MJ, "Hey, Josie.", MJ smiles cheerily.

"MJ, I need help.", Josie says, sitting down opposite the girl.

"Ugh, I'd rather not.", she groans, "Can't you go to your boyfriend for help?"

"You mean Peter?", Josie raises an eyebrow.

"Ha! You admitted it!"

"No, that's the thing! I have no idea if he's my- Or what we're- But he thinks I know and he seems to know.", she explains.

"You're confusing me. So, you haven't put a label on things, and you don't know what you are?"

"M-hm.", she nods.

"But, Peter knows what you are?"

"Yes! What are we?", the two of them look over at Ned and Peter, who, little do Josie and MJ know, are having the same conversation.

"So, she thinks you know what you are and you don't?", Ned asks Peter, as they queue up to get their lunch.

"Yeah, basically."

"And you're coming to me for girl advice? Really?", Ned raises an eyebrow.

"Well, who else am I supposed to go to?"

"Jo- Oh, no. Not Josie. Uh... Fair enough.", they get their food and start to walk towards MJ and Josie, "So, I'll just pressure her into saying what you two are. That's the plan."

"Well, don't pressure her. I mean, do, but don't.", Peter says.

"Huh?", by now, they're at the table, so the conversation has to end, as the two boys sit down opposite the two girls.

"Hey, Ned!", Josie smiles.

"Hi, Peter's girlfriend!", Ned says, Peter kicks him very hard under the table for this.

She grins, "That's what he's calling me?"

Peter panics, "Uh..."

"No! Uh, I just-"

Josie narrows her eyes, confused, "Hmm..."

"Yeah, that's what Peter's been calling you.", MJ lies, just trying to start something.

"It is?", Josie blushes, trying to hide a smile.

Ned nudges Peter and whispers, "She likes it."

"I never called her that though!", he whispers back.

"Dude, just go with it.", Ned says.

"Wait, why didn't you tell me, MJ?", Josie asks.

"Because I... wanted it to be a surprise!", MJ lies.

"Oh, right... So, I was panicking over nothing.", she says.

"You were panicking?", Peter asks.

"Yeah, I didn't know if we were like an official couple, or just taking things slow, or...", she admits.

"Oh my god! Me neither!", Peter exclaims.

She sighs, "Seriously? That's relieving."

*     *     *     *     *

(a/n) Hey guys! Remember to vote, comment, and all that jazz!!! Sorry this is late, I walked home from school with my friends and it took us, no joke, 3 hours.

Coming up soon:
Present day:
Josie and Peter go on a date!
Battle of New York!

Next chapter title:
Josie meets the Avengers Initiative

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