Supercorp one-shots

By The_Phantom6

118K 3.5K 661

A journey between Kara and Lena, from complete strangers, to 'best friends', to a couple and to a married cou... More

It's always been you
A true love story...
Happy Birthday Lena!
I never got the chance
The life she once lost
Put a little love in your heart
We fall in love 3 times
A little help from my 'twin'
"God complex"
Little bundle of joy
Silver age of heroism
Don't touch her...
She's perfect
10 letters to Kara
What's a soulmate?
What was she like?
A Day at the beach
Family is not perfect
Quantum Entanglement
Our secret...
Catch me
I will join you one day
Approval and blessing
The way we were
It's a curse and blessing
Their only legacy
Sweet but cold
A soulmate would love their soulmate no matter what
Bite me...
Bite me...Part 2
Fight for our love?
Fight for our love? Part 2
From whom is that...HICKEY!?
When she loved me
A little glimpse
Back home...
Back home...2
Rewrite the stars
Changing the future
Unexpected genius
Unexpected talents
Late? 2
Parkour! 2
A letter to Lena
Die for you...
Die for you...2
She'd die for her too...
The long lost kitten
The long lost kitten 2
The long lost kitten 3
Jealousy fits you darling
It's about time
Your care is what I fell for
What would her life be?
What would her life be? 2
It's the jealousy for me
I want you back...
Home is here
Home is here 2

Blue gems

1.8K 41 44
By The_Phantom6

I want to thank @uncommonshipper12 for collaborating with me and writing this amazing story together! I absolutely had fun and would definitely want to do it again. Thank you so much!

Just before you read, I wanted to inform all of you, that the story is written in POV, so you might also notice the different writing style. Lena's POV has been written by the fantastic writer @uncommonshipper12 and I wrote Kara's POV.

Hope you enjoy the story!

Kara's POV

All I could see were people. Men buying weapons from the blacksmiths, kids admiring wooden toys, women looking through food to prepare for supper...A very busy day indeed. The market was so crowded it was easy to snatch a few coins or jewelry from wealthy patrons passing by. As I continue to look around, stealing a few riches here and there, I see a little boy, who is a few stands further from me, getting himself into a little trouble. Without a second thought, I walk towards the problem.

"You little imbecile! How dare you steal my apples!" I hear the market seller yell. The boy looked like he was shrinking in fear, as if the woman were becoming taller and taller, casting a shadow over him.

Not tolerating this behavior, I immediately step in. "My lady, don't worry I will pay for your fresh apples." I hand the exact change to the woman, giving the young boy the apples. She flares her nose as she looks disapprovingly at me as if she wanted this child to have some type of "justice". Without thanking me, she turns around and walks to her stall...Well, definitely someone who has not deserved my coins.

"Thank you, good lady." A weak voice tells me. I look down, seeing the little boy giving me a thankful expression. "No worries, young one. Now you better go, before your mother gets concerned." I say, ruffling his hair a little before I see him running to the part of the kingdom I know all too well...The place where the ones suffer most from poverty in the kingdom.

In all honesty, I am disappointed in the royal family of National Kingdom. I have hoped that the Luthor's would end poverty once and for all, but all they have done was worsen the situation. The poor have become poorer, while the rich have become richer...

Queen Lillian and King Lionel aren't the worst rulers, but they belong to the category of: "Worst rulers of the century". But I must say their heir, Prince Lex is even worse than them. He's the golden boy that only knows how to mingle with his mistresses. Arrogant and snobby from Heaven to Hell, thinking he is the almighty, but I know for a fact I could easily bring him down with one hand. He clearly has made it his mission to suck the life out of the kingdom by his tax laws.

I know there is a princess, Princess Lena, but not much of her is known. She is almost never seen in public and I would bet good money she is some spoiled brat. It would be fun to throw the royal family into the streets and see how long they could survive...For sure they would start whining around and give up. Maybe even expect a servant to show up with a four-course meal. I would love to see their faces when they realize how hard real work is...Well, all I can say is, that the world is very, very cruel...And that is why I steal from the rich.

I continue to walk out of the market, once again snatching a few goods from wealthy people I see around.

I stop by a food stall and grab a loaf of bread. I seem to be minding my own business, as I was paying for the loaf of bread, until I heard some voices, catching my full attention:

"Did you hear? The princess is going to get married to the neighboring prince! She is leaving tomorrow and there will be a grand royal wedding at the end of the month!" A woman says with a squeal of delight.

I raise an eyebrow at the information and two plans start to form in my head...Perfect.

Excitement courses through my veins, just thinking about the big loot my crew and I could get...The gold could be possibly enough to help half of the poor people in the kingdom, maybe more.

Hearing the news, I pull up my dark blue hood over my head and leave a bag of coins for the owner before I take off to my horse.

It doesn't take me long to reach my horse, he is a white Friesian Horse, named Comet.

As he sees me, he starts neighing in relief. "Okay boy, we better go," I say, as I see royal guards roaming the market from afar with the Captain close behind. I swing up onto Comet, and I start to ride into the forest, the tension in my shoulders fades, as I ride further away from the market. The loud noises from the kingdom slowly fade away, as I continue to ride into the deep forest...


Lena's POV

I rest my hands on the railing of my balcony, as I look towards my kingdom. The buildings around the castle were elegant and made out of fine metals and stones. With the sun rising behind them, the view looked almost surreal. That's why it is my favorite time of day...

Everything is calm and peaceful, all of my problems fade away, while I look at my kingdom.

Well, my problems don't stay out of my mind for long...

It isn't my kingdom and it will never be my kingdom, no matter how badly I want it to be...

My father is the king of this land, but the queen is not my biological mother.

You see, my father had a torrent affair, which got my mother pregnant.

When my stepmother had found out, that the king had an affair and had a bastard child, she didn't want anyone to see, that her and the king's marriage was anything but perfect, so she had my mother killed (Because she is a Bitch) and took me in as her own from a young age.

Yes I know, mother of the year award goes to Queen Lillian.

I hear a knock on my door, so I walk back into my chamber and call out, already knowing who it is.

"You may enter."

I smooth out my nightgown, as my lady in waiting and best friend, Sam Arias, walks into the room.

She curtsies slowly to me, which confuses me, until I see my mother enter behind Sam, who stands as she announces my mother. "Princess, her majesty, the queen, has requested to have an audience with you."

I nod and say: "Thank you, Sam. Could you please go warm up the bath for me? I would like to take one before we go on our walk around the gardens." She bows to me, before walking into my bathing room to draw a bath. I turn my attention back to my mother as I say: "Mother what can I do for you?"

I don't show it on my face, but fear is sinking through my whole body.

My mother is smiling...

That is never a good sign. The only time she smiles is around Lex, when she has found a new way to suck the life out of the kingdom, or more often than the others, she has found a new way to punish me.

I would bet my whole inheritance, that she is here for the very last reason.

"You need to start packing. You will be leaving for the Daxam's territory tomorrow afternoon."

My eyebrows raise in surprise, as I say: "What? Why?"

Her smile grows as my dread grows bigger and bigger. "We have finally secured our alliance with the Daxam Kingdom. You will go to their kingdom, as a show of good faith, until the alliance is secured at the end of the month."

I know my mother. I have this sinking feeling, I know what she has planned, but I still need to know for sure.

"And how exactly will this alliance be secured?"

"You are too be wedded with the first Prince of Daxam, Mon-el"

Rage boils deep inside me, but my mother wants a reaction, so I keep my face neutral as I say. "The Daxamite Kingdom has been our enemies for centuries. How do you know they won't kill me, while I am there?"

"I don't. That's part of the fun." I dig my nails into my arm trying to quell my anger and rage, as she continues: "Now get packed. Your father and I expect you at dinner tonight to say your final goodbye." She is all too happy, as she says "You won't be seeing us for a loooong time dear." Before she sweeps out of my chamber.

The door slams shut and my anger boils over. I take the nearest object to me and throw it as hard as I can to the wall.

Sam runs into the room, with worry clear on her face, as she asks: "What happened?"

"We are going to the Daxam Kingdom." I say, my anger fading into resignation.

"What why?"

"My mother has arranged a marriage...She wants me to marry the first Prince of Daxam"

Sam knows I like women. It isn't a secret between us. She's into women too.

Being gay is a taboo here in National Kingdom, but we have archaic beliefs, compared to other kingdoms, that are becoming more accepting.

The only reason we know about each other is that we have been friends, since we were little kids and confessed that we both had crushes on one of the Ladies of the court, Cat Grant.

We were close before that revelation, but we became attached to the hip after that point.

"You are joking right?" I shake my head, still in shock from the whole thing. "Can't you talk to your father? Beg him to not send you."

I shake my head again, as I say: "Sam it is no use. My father will always choose political gain over my wellbeing same as my mother. This is going to happen regardless of what we do or say."

"You can't be serious-." I raise up a hand, immediately silencing her.

"Sam. You know how much my mother hates me. She will not budge on this; it is too perfect. I will be out of the kingdom and her hair and we grow as a political power. The only relief I can hope for is if they let me bring you with."


The next day

Kara's POV

It was a rather peaceful day in the forest. I hunted a little, getting food for my crew and I. Suddenly I heard a noise from somewhere, carefully looking around for the source until I heard it again and immediately took out my bow and arrow. Slowly, I aimed my arrow towards the noise, concentrated, and let the arrow go. I swung onto Comet and rode towards the direction of the arrow, and there I saw a deer on the ground, perfectly aimed to the head.

Making sure that there was no danger nearby, I whistled loudly and in an instant, my crew was in sight. "What's going on?" My sister, Alex, asked. Her sword was already ready and so were the others. I couldn't help, but chuckle, which confused everyone.

"Nothing's wrong Alex. I just needed help to bring the deer to the Pines." I say, which caused everyone to lower their weapons. One of my merry men, J'onn, picked up the bag, which he carefully tied it to the back of his horse.

"You gave us a heart attack." Winn said dramatically, putting his sword back into his scabbard.

"Don't I do that to you all the time?" I joked, getting a punch to the shoulder from Winn. I give a sign to my crew, indicating they should go back to the Pines and do their duties.

They all started to disappear into the forest until it was only Alex and me. "Want to go ride around a little?" I ask, to which my sister agreed immediately. We got onto our horses and rode into the deep forest towards Daxam Kingdom. Alex was speeding up with her dark brown Cleveland Bay Horse, named Biron. Not allowing defeat, I sped Comet up, but by seeing Alex's facial expression, she wasn't ready for defeat just yet. We continued our race, our horses getting faster and faster by each second. "Are you going to yield?" Alex yelled.

To which I answered: "Never!" And sped up.

We both finally stopped and by the look Alex gave me, I definitely won. We made our way to the road, which was leading to the neighboring kingdom. Alex and I waited for a while, hoping to see the royal carriage sometime soon.

Luckily we didn't have to wait long. I finally saw a luxurious carriage from afar...Better get ready.

"Alex, look." I whisper yell, pointing towards the direction of the carriage. My sister nodded, knowing the simple plan we both arranged: First, take position. Second, wait. Third, hit the coachman with one of our arrows, and fourth, ambush and steal their riches.

Quietly, we tied our horses to one of the nearby trees. Then we quietly approached the moving carriage, still making sure we were out of sight for the passengers and coachman. I noticed rather quickly, that the passengers seemed to be distracted...Typical royals. Alex immediately took her position, while I carefully ran a few yards away.

I finally took my position and looked at Alex, who was waiting for my signal...

Slowly, I counted to 3 with my fingers...


Lena's POV

"Ouch," Sam says as we go over a big root. She glares in the direction where the wheels are and says "I hate fucking carriages."

I giggle at my best friend's struggles, but my smile immediately falls when I remember why we are in this carriage.

I am getting married. To a man.


He is probably some spoiled brat royal, who has been given everything he has ever wanted in life...And that is not my type, not near.

At least in this marriage, I will have some power to change laws.

I release a breath and Sam takes my hand in hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze.


Our eyes widen at the sudden noise and the slowing of our carriage.

I stand from the comfortable bench and move to the front to open the partition.

Normally you could see and talk to the driver through it but all I could see was the horses patiently waiting for someone to tell them what to do.

My eyebrows furrow and I move to the door.

I can sense Sam following behind me as I step out of the carriage.

I move to the front towards the horse trying to find the coachman but to my shock, I find him on the ground with an arrow in his shoulder and blood seeping into the ground.

I run to him and try to stop the bleeding with my hands as I say: "What happened?"

Before I could say anything else there is something cold and sharp pressed against my throat.

"Turn around slowly. Any sudden movements and your friend will pay the price."

I slowly raise my hands as I stand up and turn around to face the voice.

I am met with two of the most piercing blue eyes that I have ever seen...

If she currently didn't have a knife pointed at me, I would have blushed.

I sent her the best glare I could muster, as I firmly say: "I am the Princess of the National kingdom. You are committing treason by threatening me. If you let my friend and I go, I will make sure your head doesn't end up on a pike."

The woman chuckles quietly and says: "Dear princess you are not the first royal to threaten me with treason and you will not be the last. Not until your family is off the throne." Who is this woman?

I glance and see Sam being held at knife point as well. I could see the panic in her eyes. I give her my best calming smile, but my attention is drawn back to the criminals, as she says: "Now you are going to kindly and slowly show us where all of your money is because we know it's in that nice carriage of yours and as long as you two behave you will make it out of this just fine."

I glare at the women, but agree: "Alright." I keep my hands up as I turn and slowly walk toward the carriage, while I quietly mumble "Asshole" under my breath giving her a side glare.

She hears me though and laughs loudly surprising me.

"Dear princess, you may think we are criminals and evil and all that fun stuff, but we aren't. We are the good guys."

I raise an eyebrow towards the knife pointed at my back, as I say: "Oh really? You are threatening a princess and a lord's daughter at knife point, while you steal their money and you are claiming to be the 'good guys? How Pathetic.'"

There is an overwhelming amount of anger in her voice, as she says: "Try living on the streets, starving every day, as you work your fingers to the bone, trying to provide for the people you love. Try watching your father get his head chopped off for standing up to a royal guard, who was beating a helpless old woman to death." My breath catches at her statement.

I knew the guards were evil, but that is more than I realized.

"You royals are oblivious to the real struggles of your people. Your family is taxing it's people to death. Your family is responsible for thousands of deaths..Men, women, children, all of them...Their blood is on your hands."

My blood boils and I spin to the woman, but before I could move forward at all, she has me pinned against the carriage with her body pressed against mine and the knife at my throat.

I choose to ignore the way my body feels to be set on fire by her touch. "You know nothing about me, so don't even pretend to understand me for a minute. I know what my family does to the people in our kingdom and I have spent everyday, trying to make change, but I hold no power. I am the king's bastard child and the queen hates me more than anything in this world. My title is for show and I have zero power or influence. The only thing I have been able to do, is send Sam to rural areas with money to spend on anything and everything, so you better shut the fuck up, because you don't know shit about me or my life." I say with anger and frustration clear in my voice.

I see the anger fall from the outlaw's tense body...

I shove her off me and move to the back of the carriage to grab the money we have, as I say: "Now I am finally getting the opportunity to make some real change, but it isn't in my kingdom and I get it at the cost of my happiness for the rest of my days"

Why the fuck am I telling all of this to a woman I don't know anything about?

"Doesn't every princess dream of finding her prince charming? Shouldn't you be ecstatic about your dream wedding?" In a slightly mocking tone.

I chuckle sadly, as I load a bag full off the coins and jewels slipping my mothers ring discreetly onto my finger hoping they don't notice and take it.

"It's hard to want a prince charming, when you want a princess charming to come sweep you away, from the Hell that is your life."

The woman doesn't say anything but I could see sympathy in her pretty blue eyes.

Both women were wearing masks and cloaks covering the rest of their body so each woman's eyes are the only thing we could see.

I turn and shove the bag of gold and riches into her chest before moving to Sam ignoring the knives and helping her to her feet.

Once she is on her feet, I turn back to the two outlaws and demand: "Now leave. You got what you wanted, now get out of here."

I hold my ground, as the blue eyed goddess approaches me.

It is only now with her staring down at me, that I realize how much taller she is than me.

Before I could blink, I felt my wrist get grabbed and held in between our bodies.

I try to wrench my wrist out of her grip, but she is too strong...If I were not in this situation I would find it hot, but right now I can't...Okay, maybe a little.

I gasp when she forces my hand open and grabs my mothers ring off my finger, as she says: "I saw you take this. This should belong to someone who would actually appreciate it." Before spinning and running off into the forest with the other criminal.

I am in too much shock to respond right away, but Sam rests a hand on my shoulder.

I shake off my shock, as I hurriedly say: "Help our coachman. I will be back."

I run to the horse and quickly unhitch it, before hopping on and taking off into the direction they left, as Sam calls out for me to stop.

I don't obviously.

I ride for 20 minutes, looking around for the duo, but not finding anything...Damn this forest.

I slow my horse down, tie him to a nearby tree, as I try to find a single trail on foot.

I move quickly through the forest. But then...


My eyes widen, as I am forced upwards in some sort of net trap...Great, just great.

I struggle for a solid minute, trying to right myself, before I hear an annoyingly smug voice teasingly say: "You sure are persistent, your majesty."

My eyes meet blue gems, sparkling with humor.

I glare at her and curse: "And you're a smug prick." I stick my hand through the net, as I continue: "Now give me the ring back."

"Yah I was curious about that, your majesty. This doesn't seem to be worth a lot of money.... So why take this of all things? It could be because it's small, but the coins are about the same size and worth more. There are other rings worth more in the pile...So why this one?" She asks, while twiddling the ring between two fingers.

I glare at her and say: "It doesn't matter, just give it back. Now please."

"See, I could do that or I could just leave you up there, until your friend finds you and cuts you down."

She starts walking away, as my eyes widen and I desperately yell: "NO!"

She turns and faces me, with victory shining in her eyes as she says: "So you are going to tell me why this ring is important to you?"

"I hate you and I am never going to give up, until you are in jail, rotting for the rest of your life."

She rolls her eyes and says teasingly: "Oh don't get your panties into a twist princess."

"Stop calling me princess, Robin Hood"

"Oh, so I am Robin Hood now, princess?"

"Well, I am assuming you won't tell me your name, so I have to call you something. You have a bow and arrow on your back and you're an outlaw, it seems fitting." I say with a smirk.

Robin Hood laughs loudly, finding my statement funny and says: "I guess that makes you Marian then."

I can't look away, as I start to blush, just a little. She is just so magnetic...Like I can feel this undeniable pull towards her.

I roll my eyes, clearly 'annoyed' and demand: "Give me my ring."

I see her slip it onto her ring finger, as she says: "Not until you explain why it's so important... It is quite pretty though, I see why you like it."

I growl loudly and cuss under my breath, before I answer: "It's my mother's."

"The queen? You sounded like you hated her, just as much as I do."

"It's not the queen's. The queen is an awful person who hates my guts. She pretends to be the loving mother to the public, but she is not my biological mother. Like I said the king had an affair. That is why the queen hates me so much." I see sympathy in her eyes. "The ring was my biological mother's. It is the only thing I have left of her."

"What happened to her?"

"The queen had her killed..." I say, my voice filled with sadness.

"And you have to pretend to get along with her every day? How do you bear that? I would have snapped and ran away long ago."

I shrug and say: "I could have easily run away multiple times, but there are people in the castle that I care about, who couldn't afford to run away and my mother threatened their lives, if I ever disobeyed her." in a sad tone.

"I am sorry, but the queen sounds like an asshole"

"She is." I say with a laugh. "Now can you please give me my ring back? If I am being forced into marrying someone I don't love, at least I want that as my wedding ring."

I see her tense, before she says: "Some other time princess." Before pulling out her bow and shooting at me.

I close my eyes expecting the impact of the arrow, but it never comes. All that comes is the feeling of falling.

A scream comes out of my mouth, but I never hit the ground.

Two strong arms catch me and set me on my two feet...I wouldn't mind falling, as I already might have fallen for someone mysterious.

"Are you alright your majesty?" He asks, breathing heavily, as if he had run a whole marathon.

I look up to find the Prince of Daxam in front of me, with concern clear on his face.

I release a breath and straighten my dress, as I answer: "I am fine. Thank you for catching me Your highness"

He gives my arm a light squeeze, before he turns to the guards and orders: "Search for the thieves. I want them brought to the castle alive. Understood?"

"Yes sir!" They gallop off on their horses.

"How did you know we needed help?" I ask, glad that rescue came.

"When you didn't show up on time, I got worried, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to just come check on you. I didn't want our new alliance to start, with you getting hurt. We found Sam about 10 minutes ago and she explained what happened. It didn't take us too long to find you after that. A princess on a warpath leaves a bit of a trail."

I laugh at the kind man's humor, before I reply: "Yes, sorry about that, but I am glad you found me."

He smiles softly and asks: "Are you sure you are all right?"

I nod and answer: "I am. I promise your highness"

"Please princess. Call me Mon-el. We are to be married at the end of the month." There is a hint of sadness in his tone, but he tried covering it with a smile, that I could read the pain behind them...All I can say, he is not the only one.

I smile back and softly say: "Then you must call me Lena."

He nods and nicely says: "My men will help and get your suitcases back to the castle, as well as your lady in waiting. For now let us get back so you can relax and unwind"

I nod and he helps me up onto his horse, before climbing up himself.

We slowly ride out of the forest and while doing that, he points things out, as we ride through the outer kingdom.

He is nicer than I expected.

If I have to marry someone I don't love, at least he is a nice guy.


Later that day

Sam is folding my clothes into the closet of my new chamber, as I read a book.

There is a knock on my door. I look up from my book and see Mon-el standing in the doorway, with a knight in full armor next to him.

He smiles at me and says: "Lena, my dear. I hope you are settling in alright."

"This chamber, and the whole castle is gorgeous, thank you Mon-el." I complimented, giving him a reassuring smile, which did not reach from ear to ear...I really don't want to be here, but the hospitality makes me like this place a little more than National Kingdom.

"I am glad you like it." He turns to the knight, as he introduces: "Lena this is Maldon. Your knight. After the attack yesterday and the growing mass of people supporting the rebels in your kingdom, I would sleep better at night, if I knew someone was watching over your safety. They have direct orders to never invade your personal space unless absolutely necessary and they are well trained enough, that you won't even know they are there more often than not."

I smiled thankfully at him and kindly thanked the prince: "Thank you, I think I will rest easy as well, knowing I have some protection."

He nods, but his smile drops and he turns to Sam and the knight, as he kindly asks:"Would you please give my future wife and I a moment alone?"

Sam hesitates, as the knight bows and leaves the chamber. I give Sam a reassuring smile and she bows, before leaving the room.

I turn my attention back to Mon-el who takes a seat across from me.

There is a minute of silence, before Mon-el clears his throat and says: "Lena I am going to be honest with you." I nod for him to continue speaking. "I don't want to marry you"

I gawk at his statement, as I say: "What? Then why did you agree to the marriage at all?"

"Well to put it simply, I need you." I raise a confused eyebrow at him. "Lena. I am not an idiot. I know you like women." I tense and his laugh doesn't help. "Don't worry I am not going to get you in trouble. I am gay so we are in the same boat."

My eyes widen in absolute surprise, as I ask:"You are gay??" I was honestly shocked, but I really appreciate his honesty...At least I am not the only one in this arrangement, who has different love interests.

"Yes, now keep your voice down." He whispered yelled, as I gave him an apologetic smile. "Look, we were both expected to get married, that was obvious, and we were going to be unhappy, because we are forced to marry someone of the opposite sex. This way, we both appear to be happily married, but we can be honest about who we truly love, with each other and have secret relationships, until society becomes a little more accepting."

"You are a genius Mon-el!" I say with excitement. The dread of marrying him slowly fades, as I realize, I have a trustworthy ally with me... , I could possibly date someone in secret, who I genuinely cared for.

Suddenly, ice blue eyes flashed through my mind...Those mysterious yet beautiful blue gems.

I shake them out of my head quickly, but it reminds me of something.

"Mon-El I need your help with something."


Kara's POV

I held one of my daggers onto the princess's throat, making sure that she is unable to move or pull any tricks on me...Not that she has. "Turn around slowly. Any sudden movements and your friend will pay the price." I threatened, pressing the dagger a little, just a little tighter to her throat, indicating I was not joking.

Slowly she turns around and oh my...I have never seen such beautiful emerald eyes. Our eyes meet for a short moment, and for a brief moment, I see an emotion I can't quite place, but it quickly shifts into anger, matched with a glare, saying: "I am the Princess of National Kingdom. You are committing treason by threatening me. If you let my friend and I go, I will make sure your head doesn't end up on a pike."

Who is this woman, thinking that her royal status will get her out of this situation? I couldn't help but chuckle deeply, as a smirk was plastered behind my mask. "Dear princess, you are not the first royal to threaten me with treason and you will not be the last. Not until your family is off the throne." I say, stating the fact, that I despise her family for ruining my home...Yes, my home.

Alex held the other woman by her dagger, and the terrifying face the other woman had was definitely clear, she wanted to get out of this situation as fast as possible...Well at least someone was being a good girl. I looked back towards the princess and I had to check her out...Her lovely sharp jawline, plump red lips, enchanting green eyes, a magnificent body...She was the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Sadly, my very, very dirty thoughts were stopped, when Alex said: "Now you are going to kindly and slowly show us where all of your money is, because we know it's in that nice carriage of yours and as long as you two behave, you will make it out of this just fine."

I see the princess hesitate a bit, thinking if she should give her 'lovely' money...Rao, royals are all the same, snobby and greedy. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she agreed. The princess gently walked towards the carriage, but then I heard the lovely lady mumble 'Asshole' under her breath...Never knew a royal would have such a dirty mouth, I mean they are known to speak eloquently, with elegant words. To be honest, it would be fun to tease the princess...I could already picture her little tantrum.

"Dear princess, you may think we are criminals and evil and all that fun stuff, but we aren't. We are the good guys." I say, still holding the princess by knife point, as she raises a dangerous brow to me, probably thinking how ridiculous my statement sounded.

"Oh really? You are threatening a princess and a lord's daughter at knife point, while you steal their money and you are claiming to be the 'good guys'? How Pathetic." Anger courses through my veins, as I feel my body tense. How dare she tell me this is pathetic? In life you can only be a victim or a survivor, and I am a survivor of a horrible past. Everyday I risk my life, just to help the poor, because I knew how being poor is...I was there...I was there begging for food as a child, surviving through the cold nights with teared clothes. I'm helping them, because no one would help, no one would give them a single coin...Just nothing. How dare a royal tell me this is pathetic, when she doesn't know the struggles of real life?

"Try living on the streets, starving every day, as you work your fingers to the bone, trying to provide for the people you love. Try watching your father get his head chopped off for standing up to a royal guard, who was beating a helpless old woman to death." I say, anger evident in my voice, just thinking about all the trauma I have seen being on the streets. I noticed that she had no idea, that the royal guards were that brutal and evil...Probably she didn't care.

I had enough and wasn't even thinking what I was going to say, until it was too late: "You royals are oblivious to the real struggles of your people. Your family is taxing it's people to death. Your family is responsible for thousands of deaths..Men, women, children, all of them...Their blood is on your hands."

Quickly she turned around, but I reacted quickly, as I pinned her to the carriage, putting my whole weight onto her, making it impossible to escape. My knife was on her throat, and if she made any wrong move, there was no doubt there would be a cut. As I looked into her eyes, anger was clear behind those emerald orbs...And I started to wonder, why was she even mad?

"You know nothing about me, so don't even pretend to understand me for a minute. I know what my family does to the people in our kingdom and I have spent everyday, trying to make a change, but I hold no power. I am the king's bastard child and the queen hates me more than anything in this world. My title is for show and I have zero power or influence. The only thing I have been able to do, is send Sam to rural areas with money to spend on anything and everything, so you better shut the fuck up, because you don't know shit about me or my life." The princess spat out, clearly pissed off.

I feel myself soften, upon hearing what she said...Is that what she really thinks? And why is she telling me this?

She pushed me away a little harshly, as she made her way to the back of the carriage, clearly getting the loot. "Now I am finally getting the opportunity to make some real change, but it isn't in my kingdom and I get it at the cost of my happiness for the rest of my days." I heard her say, which confused me a little. What does she mean?

"Doesn't every princess dream of finding her prince charming? Shouldn't you be ecstatic about your dream wedding?" I ask rather mockingly...Rao, truly a spoiled brat. She chuckles sadly, as she loads a bag full of fine jewelry and gold...Wow, that's a lot. Suddenly, I see her trying to steal a ring and of course I act, that I didn't notice at first...But it's just hilarious to see a royal trying to be sneaky.

She's absolutely horrible at it. Someone needs to teach her how to steal.

"It's hard to want a prince charming, when you want a princess charming to come sweep you away, from the Hell that is your life." I kept quiet, as I heard this honest confession...Is the princess gay? I feel sympathy for her, knowing just how she feels...Having love interests, that is forbidden and you have to hide how you truly feel, who you truly are...

The princess looks into my eyes once more, before shoving the bag of riches to my chest, as she walks towards the other woman, helping her stand to her feet, while being threatened with Alex and I's knives...She truly doesn't care and I must admit...I found it a little hot, just a little.

My thoughts were interrupted, when the princess faced me and said in a rather commanding tone: "Now leave. You got what you wanted, now get out of here."

Oh we are not leaving so fast darling, that little ring in your hand is missing...I slowly approach the green eyed beauty, and in a blink of an eye, I grab her wrist tightly and pull our bodies close, as she tries to escape. Without further ado, I force her hand to open and take the ring from her hands, as she gasps in utter shock...Honey, you are dealing with professional thieves and you were not subtle at all..

Alex knowing me, I released the princess from my grip and we both ran into the deep forest, Alex hot on my tails. We continued to run, but as I looked back, I saw the princess swing onto the horse, as she tried to follow us. I hear the other woman call the princess out, but as stubborn she is, she doesn't listen. We quickly stop, as I hand Alex the loot. "What are you doing?" She asks me, clearly confused. "Go back to the Pines, I have a princess to mess with." I wink and see my sister roll her eyes, without asking any other questions, Alex and I separated ways...She better not get caught, since we are in Damaxite's territory.

I run towards where the princess went and as I start to see her, a funny idea comes into my mind. With my quick craft skills, I made a little surprise for her majesty. I see her go to a halt, as she descends from the horse, tying him to a tree. I climbed a tree, observing her from afar, as she quickly made her way into the forest...Oh your majesty, I would not suggest that.

And then I heard: SNAP...I caught my prey.

I jump down from the tree, chuckling as I see the princess struggle. "You sure are persistent, your majesty" I tease, a smug smirk plastered behind my mask. She looks towards me, royally pissed off, that I have taken this particular ring...I wonder why?

Dear princess gives me an annoyed glare, as she says: "And you're a smug prick." I just had to chuckle at her reaction, finding her absolutely pissed off expression adorable. "Now give me the ring back." She demands me, which I definitely do not accept....Darling, I think we know, who is top here.

Someone needs to remind her of that.

"Yah I was curious about that, your majesty. This doesn't seem to be worth a lot of money...So why take this of all things? It could be because it's small, but the coins are about the same size and worth more. There are other rings worth more in the pile...So why this one?" My curiosity took over, wondering why the princess was so eager to get this ring back, which I twiddled around with my two fingers. It's just weird, since I have seen royals run for very wealthy things, but this ring doesn't look to have much worth....It's beautiful though. "It doesn't matter, just give it back now, please." I hear the princess plead, her voice sounding a bit desperate and in all honesty...I have never heard a royal plead to an outlaw. This is something very new...I definitely want to know the reason behind this ring. And I definitely want to hear her begging for other things...

Wanting to know the reason, a little trick forms in my head. "See, I could do that or I could just leave you up there, until your friend finds you and cuts you down." I say, a smug smirk on my face, as I slowly turn around and start to walk away. From behind, I could hear how the princess started to struggle as she yelled: "NO!" I immediately turn back around, smiling mockingly, as I smell victory in the air...Isn't it lovely? Making someone submit...To give in.

"So you are going to tell me why this ring is important to you?" I ask, holding it between my fingers. Her majesty was clearly annoyed at how I played with her, but isn't this the fun?

"I hate you and I am never going to give up, until you are in jail, rotting for the rest of your life." She snaps at me giving me these threats, that I know very much that will not happen...Not even jail can stop me, and it has been proven. But her little tantrum is utterly adorable and I wish to tease her more...This is absolutely amsuing.

I roll my eyes at the threat, knowing they are just white lies. "Oh don't get your panties into a twist princess." I say with a mocking tone, just wanting to get a reaction from her. (Rao, I am so 'mean')

I just look at her for a moment, patiently waiting for the answer, until she replies: "Stop calling me princess, Robin Hood." I couldn't help but find the shot back funny, it's so cute and I actually like the name Robin Hood...It's fitting to me.

"Oh, so I am Robin Hood now, princess?" I tease back, seeing her roll her eyes in utter annoyance.

"Well, I am assuming you won't tell me your name, so I have to call you something. You have a bow and arrow on your back and you're an outlaw, it seems fitting." I see her smirk, and I never knew a smirk could be so seductive. I start to laugh, upon hearing her statement...I mean, she does have a point. But I will definitely not reveal my name, I like to leave a little mystery...She will know it, when she is screaming it, begging for more.

I don't know what just happened, but this little part of me started to awaken, as I replied: "I guess that makes you, Marian then." I flirt, loving to make the princess blush...And oh, I think I see a little blush on her beautiful face, but I'm not sure. Her expression shifts back to annoyed as she demands "Now give me my ring."...Rude. Someone needs to be taught a lesson.

I fiddle with the ring in my hand, as I look at it more clearly. "Not until you explain why it's so important...It is quite pretty though, I see why you like it." I say, very much agreeing that it is a beautiful ring, but not with much worth in it. I hear her mutter a few curse words and growl in annoyance, which I found hot, not going to lie. But let's be honest, everything this haughty annoyed princess does is hot.

"It's my mother's." She answers, and I get confused...Didn't she mention that she despised the queen?

"The queen? You sounded like you hated her, just as much as I do." I had to ask, curious about what she meant...She did mention about the king having an affair, and having a bastard child...Why do I even care?

Silence krept between us, until she answered: "It's not the queen's. The queen is an awful person, who hates my guts. She pretends to be the loving mother to the public, but she is not my biological mother. Like I said the king had an affair. That is why the queen hates me so much." I feel sympathy for her, changing my mind about the princess...Maybe she is not a bad person after all.

She then pauses, before muttering the last words with sadness in her expression: "The ring was my biological mother's. It is the only thing I have left of her."

I start to regret stealing this ring from her, it's very important to her, but then I start to ask myself, what happened to her biological mother? I had to ask: "What happened to her?"

I see her face expression fill with absolute sadness and pain. "The queen had her killed..." I hear her answer softly, having this feeling she might start to cry soon...Rao, I'm making things worse...Damnit Kara!

I start to think about what the princess had to go through...Get her mother murdered, live in an awful family and watch as the kingdom she calls home, get destroyed by her own family...Maybe she is just a survivor in life, just like me, like Alex, Winn and the others in my crew. "And you have to pretend to get along with her every day? How do you bear that? I would have snapped and ran away long ago." I ask, wondering why she would stay with people that have taken away her mother...Because if I were in her shoes, I would have already snapped.

I see her shrug, seemingly aware that she had the chances to get away, but did not. "I could have easily run away multiple times, but there are people in the castle that I care about, who couldn't afford to run away and my mother threatened their lives, if I ever disobeyed them." I see her emerald eyes flash with sadness at the mention of the people she cares for in the castle...And right then, I could feel how my heart warms, as I see the thoughtfulness of the princess...She looks to have such a heart of gold, that deep, deep down I desire to hold and protect...

Seeing that she was sad, I thought of an idea to lighten up the mood a little. "I am sorry, but the queen sounds like an asshole."

I heard her laugh and it became my favorite sound in the entire universe. "She is." She replies, still laughing a little from my answer before.

We laugh for a bit together, enjoying the company, even though she is trapped in a net. "Now can you please give me my ring back? If I am being forced into marrying someone I don't love, at least I want that as my wedding ring." I tense, as I hear that she is arranged for a marriage... I knew the princess was to be married, but now that I know the princess...The last thing that I want would be for her to marry someone she doesn't love...She deserves more.

Sadness starts to fill my body, as I realize that I might never see the princess again, that I might never look into beautiful green eyes ever again...That I never get a chance to be with her...I was about to throw it to her, but then I suddenly hear hoofbeats close by.

A pained smile creeps behind my mask.. "Some other time princess." I say, a hint of sadness evident in my voice, as I take my bow and arrow out, carefully aiming the arrow to the rope. I saw her close her eyes, as I release the arrow and let it cut the rope, when I heard multiple men from close and without wasting a second, I disappeared into the deep forest. Quickly, I climb a tree that is not far from the princess, but also not too close.

I saw the Prince of Daxam catch the princess just in time, and the sight made my body fill with a bit of jealousy...Okay, a lot of jealousy.

Knowing he is going to order his men to go search for me, I made my way towards where I left Comet and Brion. Seeing that Alex had already taken her horse, I swung onto Comet and made my way towards the Pines. While I rode through the forest, I once again looked at the beautiful ring, smiling softly as it reminded me of the beautiful princess...

It means so much to her, I need to find a way to bring it to her...

It didn't take me long to reach the Pines, and as I arrived, food was already served. I quickly brought Comet to his stall, with the other horses. After giving him enough water and food, I made my way towards the hidden house...Our hideout, we call it the Pines, is right in the middle of the deep green forest, making it impossible for people to find us, since this part of the forest is unknown...And people seem to also stay away from it, believing that there are monsters, which we of course take advantage of...Scaring guards, people and so on.

As I entered the little dining hall, everyone was already there, celebrating the rather big loot Alex and I stole...But no matter how hard I tried to look happy, I feel sadness wash over me, thinking that I had to leave the princess so suddenly. The odds of me being able to see her again are small and being able to talk to her are next to none. The only hope is in my hands now, the little ring that belonged to the princess's mother.

I slipped it onto my finger and it...It fits perfectly and the overwhelming feeling of how perfect she is...How perfect everything she says and does seem to be.

My sister looked at me from across the room and noticed my little sad expression. Alex gave me a look, meaning 'We'll talk later'. I sighed and took a seat, grabbing as much food as I can, trying to distract myself, but every second...I see emerald eyes flash through my head. The princess has been engraved into my brain with her stunning beauty and I don't think I will ever be able to get her out of my head. (Though I wouldn't want to.)

Absolutely one of a kind and I so deeply desire to be the princess charming to sweep off her feet...I won't deny it, but maybe I am falling for the green eyed goddess. I scoff at myself. I have known her for less than 5 hours and I already feel way more about her, then I have ever felt for anyone else...But I feel this aching pain in my heart, reminding me that she will be marrying the Prince of Daxam...I hope he treats her right, she deserves someone to treat her like the queen she is meant to be.

My thoughts were interrupted, when Alex gently shook me. "Kara?" I shake my head and look towards my sister, failing to hide my sadness. I look around the room, and see everyone has left.

"Sorry, just thinking." I mutter, stuffing my mouth with chicken.

Alex raised her brow, and by knowing her, she knew something was bothering me. "What's wrong? You barely touched your food." She asked rather worriedly, and I just sighed in defeat...My sister knew me all too well, lying to her is nearly impossible.

I kept quiet for a while, just thinking about what I should say. "The princess." Is all I say, clearly making my sister confused.

It only took one look and Alex already knew what was going on. "Does someone have a little crush?" Alex asked teasingly, which made me groan in regret...Why did I tell her? Okay, I technically didn't really say anything.

"Fine, you got me...But I see how you looked at the other woman." I shot back, causing Alex to blush a little. We both looked at each other, suddenly bursting into laughter.

"Okay, Okay...I might have a little crush as well." My sister confessed. It's not a secret between us that we are both in the Pines, we are all honest about our sexualtiy. For example: Winn is gay and we still love him, Nia came out as trans a couple of years ago and we still love and accept her no matter what...This is what I truly love about living in the Pines, the whole crew is accepting and loving. There is no judgment or disgust, just love and acceptance.

"But I'm sad that I might never see the princess again.." I blurt out, seeing Alex give me a look filled with sympathy. "We do have a plan to ambush the royal wedding...Maybe you can see her there?" Alex tried to lighten up the mood...But then, a lovely plan forms in my head...Maybe I do get to see the princess very soon.

My eyes widened, as I completed my plan in my head. "What if I enter the castle a little earlier?" I ask rather excited, causing Alex to make a questioning look. "What do you mean?" She asked, taking a bite from one of the sliced apples...Fruits, gross.

"What if I disguise myself as one of the knights there? Not only do I get to meet the princess, but it's also an advantage for our plan. I could find out a few things and probably form escape routes and so on...Maybe I would even hear a few plans for the grand wedding and prepare things beforehand. We were wearing masks, so they wouldn't recognize us...It's perfect" I explained, as I looked at my sister, hoping that she would consider the plan. After waiting for Rao knows how long I finally got my answer: "Alright, but I'm coming with you." Right there and then, I wanted to squeal in delight, buth Alex shushed me, before I could even open my mouth.

"Don't...We don't want wolves eating our food." I gasped mockingly at my sister's dramatic statement, making myself chuckle. "Yeah, yeah...I'll sharpen our swords, since they are a little rusty." I say, leaving the hall. As I made my way to the weaponry, I couldn't suppress the smile creeping onto my face, holding the ring tight in my pocket...Looks like I get to see the princess soon.


Lena's POV

It has been a week... One freaking week!


AND she still has my fucking ring...My fucking ring!

I mean part of me wants to smack her or try and stab her and the other part of me wants to kiss her and then give her that ring as a marriage proposal-

Okay well Lena that's a little forward, considering you have met this woman once, while she held you and your best friend at knife point and robbed you, but still something about her is so intriguing.

I want to know more. I want to know everything.

I looked up from the book. I was failing to pay attention, when I heard a knock on my door.


A smile comes to my face, when I see Mon-el walk into the room.

He smiles back as he says rather excitedly: "Lena I have news!"

"And what news do you have?" I ask, very excited for the news...Okay, I'm way too excited.

"We have found someone to be your more permanent guard. They have the same orders as the other, but it will be easier to have just one person focused on your protection."

"That is wonderful! When will I meet him?"

Mon-el smirks and says: "Right now. And I thought you would enjoy having a female guard more...Better eye candy." With a teasing wink, but before I could argue he is already opening the door.

A guard in a nice set of armor walks in, with oddly familiar brown eyes walks in.

I couldn't place were I knew them from though...But it's right on the tip of my tongue.

She bows lowly, as she says in a firm voice: "It is an honor to be of service your majesty."

"I look forward to getting to know you...?" It sounded more like a question, than a greeting...Gosh I'm a mess.

"Robin. It's a pleasure." She introduces, bowing to me.

I freeze at the name, remembering the blue eyed thief. Everything seemed to remind me of her this last week. Her short red hair was pushed out of her eyes as she stood from the bow.

"The pleasure is mine." I reply, giving the night a welcoming smile.

My attention moves away from her to Mon-el, as he says: "Robin will be your knight, but you still may see other guards when Robin needs a rest. She has the same orders as the other guards so you will not see her unless you want to."

"Perfect." I say, giving Mon-el a thankful smile.

He winks at me discreetly, before kindly saying: "I hope you will join me for dinner tonight my love, we must continue planning our wedding."

I resist the urge to laugh and roll my eyes at my 'fiancé', but what surprises me, is seeing my guard stiffen lightly...Weird.

I side eye her, as I say: "I would be honored to join you for dinner, but I have some things to do in my library. I will see you in a couple of hours"

He nods before he walks out of the room.

I smile after him, before I say to Robin: "We are going to my library. I will show you where it is and if you are ever looking for me 9 times out of 10 I am there or with Sam. Or both." as I walk out of my room.

I see two guards walking the hall, the opposite way as Robin catches up to me.

It takes 5 minutes for us to reach the large library that Mon-el let me take over as soon as I moved in.

I open the doors and lead Robin in.

I smile when I see Sam sitting at a table reading.

I plop down next to her and introduce my new guard to my best friend: "Sam this is Robin, my new guard. Robin, this is my lady in waiting and best friend Sam."

Robin bows to Sam and kindly says: "It is an honor to meet you my lady" I could hear a smirk in her tone that makes me questiongly raise an eyebrow...Indeed weird.


Kara's POV

As I see the princess and Alex walk towards the library, I dismiss myself from my fellow guard and we separate ways...What was his name again? Ugh, doesn't matter for now.

Quietly I walked towards the princess's room. Before entering, I looked around, checking if there was anyone nearby...There was no one, which is good. Gently, I sneaked into the chamber, and as I opened the door, I was rather amazed how amazing the chamber looked like...Beautiful wooden furniture, a comfortable bed and so many things, a person would dream of. I took a deep breath and I could smell the princess's wonderful perfume...Mhh, vanilla and flora...An odd combination, but it smelled wonderful...It's fitting to the princess.

Noticing I only had limited time, I quickly grabbed the note from one of my pockets and carefully laid it onto the nightstand...Rao, I could already picture the princess's reaction...Her adorable little tantrum, when she gets annoyed or frustrated. Before leaving the room, I looked around a little, observing every little detail...I noticed there were rather a lot of books on one of the chairs and funny...One is Robin Hood's story.

As I looked towards the bed, I couldn't help but have these...These romantic fantasies. Cuddling after a tiring day, waking up next to each other, after a very romantic night...Bring her breakfast to bed, while I see that enchanting smile of hers...Make love to each other, because our love is so deep that words can't express how deep our love runs.

But then, my heart once again starts to ache, just remembering that I might not be her princess charming, who takes her out of this hell life...But deep down in the core of my heart, I do hope to be the one for the princess...To be the one to protect her, when the world is being cruel and mean to her. To be the one to open her eyes, how much she deserved to be loved and praised...So many things.

As I see that my time has run out, I finally left the room and made my way to do my 'guard' duties...Which in reality is only admiring the princess from afar and spying a little...You know, ambushing the grand wedding and so on.


Lena's POV

I open the doors to my room as I wave goodnight to Robin.

I release my hair from the clips that were holding it in place and kick off the heels I was wearing...Gosh, heels are so painful.

I release a nice sigh and take a seat at my vanity to gently brush my hair out, before I fall asleep.

My eyebrows raise in confusion from a folded note on my desk.

I opened it...

Sorry our conversation got cut short. I loved seeing you get all fussy over something you care so much about. Stay beautiful, feisty Princess ;)

My eyes widen and I run to my door and throw it open, looking around desperately for those blue eyes anywhere...Just anywhere.

The guards in the hallway all glance at me, like I am nuts, but only for a second, before going back to what they were doing, but I still don't see her...Where is she?

I growl and turn back, walking back into my room, as I slam the door hard.


My eyes widen as an arrow sticks into the door, right next to my head...I could have died for fucks sake!

There is another note attached to the arrow.

I quickly opened it.

Oh I forgot to give this back to you.

I look back at the arrow and see my mother's ring tied around it.

I ignore it for the moment and turn to the window which is the only place the arrow could have come from.

I stick my head out the cold hair hitting my face

I look around, but once again I don't see her.

God Fucking Damnit!

"I will find you Robin Hood!" I yell out.

A minute later another arrow thunks into the window above my head...Seriously, for fucks sake!

Sure you will Princess.

I growl and rip up the note, before I slam the window shut and walk back into the room.

I walk back to my door and grab my ring off the arrow.

I slip it back on my finger and release a breath..At least I have my mother's ring back.


I always hated my title, but the way she says it...

With that annoying teasing smirk.




Do I want to kiss her?


Yes, very much so yes.

Literally nothing would make me happier than kissing her. Than smacking her, for holding me at knife point and making her stupidly gorgeous blue eyes, get permanently engraved into my brain.

Most people would think I am nuts, but hey! I am a Luthor, what did you expect?

Robin, odd name matching to my guard, but not the point..

She- She is good.

I am not sure how else to put it...

It's this feeling in my gut that she is good. That even though she threatened me...The way she spoke tells me she wasn't doing it for herself.

She knows the pain of having nothing and is trying to help others.

I release a sigh, as I twiddle the ring on my finger. Blue eyes flashing in my brain over and over again.


Kara's POV

As I see the princess finally enter her chamber, and prepare herself for her beauty sleep...Rao, seeing her raven hair open so flowy...I could feel how my breath gets stuck in my throat. The beauty I see before my eyes is something absolutely breathtaking...One of a kind, it is a blessing to see it from afar...To see it at all.

The princess was done with her nightly routine, and I just waited patiently, until she noticed my lovely note. Then, I suddenly see her storming out of her room, which confuses me at first, but then I noticed that she must be looking for me...Oh darling, I'm a little more outside, not inside.

Hearing her door being slammed rather hard, I readied one of my arrows, with a nice note and the ring...Being the charmingly, annoying person I am, I slowly aimed it to the side of the princess's head. Finally, I released it and I couldn't help but snicker a little, seeing the startled facial expression from the lovely princess.

She looked rather annoyed, after she saw the note and stuck her head out of the window...For sure looking for me. It was hilarious, but then I suddenly heard her yell: "I will find you Robin Hood!"

I rolled my eyes in utter amusement, upon hearing her statement. Quickly I took out a piece of paper and scribbled another note, tying it to my arrow, before I carefully aimed it once again next to her head. I almost bursted out in laughter, seeing her completely pissd off expression...Rao, it's adorable.

I see her slam her window shut, and frown a little, that I will not be able to see her till tomorrow...Well, only if I'm lucky enough. But it is entertaining to hear Alex's report about how concentrated the princess is, about trying to find me...If the princess only knew that I was right around the corner.

Slowly, I climb down the tree and make my way to Alex and it's chamber, remembering that I should get ready for my night shift...Ugh, I don't want to. But as I made my way, beautiful emerald eyes kept on running through my mind and I...And I did not have the power to suppress my smile...How could I?


1 week later

I storm into Mon-el's personal study, completely ignoring the two guards, who briefly try to stop me, but Mon-el stops them.

"I demand you send out wanted posters for someone." I demand a little more harsh, than expected.

He raises an eyebrow at me, as he questions: "And why would you want posters sent to be out?"

I growl and say: "Do you remember how you swooped in and saved me from falling from that net trap?" He nods, waiting patiently till I get to the point. "Yah well the person who got me trapped in there has been leaving notes in my room."

I had told him that I was slightly...Okay majorly crushing on the thief, after he confronted me about being distracted a couple of days ago.

Suddenly, there is a crash behind us.

We both glance around to see one of the knights had something fall on their head. Luckily they were wearing full armor including a helmet.

I quickly move to the knight and help them up from their knees where they fell over.

"Are you alright?" I ask worried.

The knight nods and the other says: "I will bring her to the infirmary to get her checked out. Our shift is about to end anyways."

Mon-el nods and kindly says: "Thank you for your good work."

Both knights bow to Mon-el and as I turn my attention back to him, the injured knight says: "You are too kind, your majesties."

My head spins so quickly, it probably should have fallen off, but the door is already shut and the knights are gone....That-That voice was so, so familiar and slightly sounded like music to my ears.

I sprint to the door and swing it open.

Unfortunately, it is the middle of the day and there are far too many people in the halls. I couldn't find the knights anywhere.

I curse under my breath, before returning to talk with Mon-el, about the wedding preparations...


Kara's POV

Rao! That was so embarrassing!

Upon hearing that the princess wanted posters to be sent out, to go find me and tell the damn prince that I was sending notes to her...Rao, it nearly gave me a heart attack, that I accidentally hit a vase with my speer and let it fall onto my head...That hurt a little, might get a bump on my head, I'm sure.

Alex quickly picked me up, and made sure to cover my face, knowing the princess might recognize me instantly...My eyes must have been racing through her mind.

"Are you alright?" A lovely, familiar voice asked and I felt butterflies fill my stomach, hearing that she cared for other people's wellbeing...It makes me even fall for her even more...Rao, I do have it bad for the princess.

Noticing she might check me, I quickly moved my visor, covering up my face. I was now standing on my two feet, and admired the princess's beauty through my helmet slits. But sadly, my dreamy thoughts were interrupted, when Alex replied kindly to the princess: "I will bring her to the infirmary to get her checked out. Our shift is about to end anyways." Thank Rao our night shift is done, I was nearly falling asleep...

Alex and I were about to turn around, and run to our chamber. "Thank you for your good work." We heard the prince say, and to our respect, we both bow to the royals...I slowly turned around once again, but then a funny trick came into mind. "You are too kind, your majesties." I say a little teasingly, shutting the door, before Alex and I scurried away. We came to a stop and observed from afar, and I had to snicker, which caused Alex to roll her eyes. Seeing the princess swing the door open, desperately searching for us, but found nothing, I almost had to burst into laughter...Rao, her pissed off expression was hilarious.

We then slowly made our way to our chambers, and after a couple of minutes, we finally arrived. As I made myself comfortable, taking out the armor and sword, I finally laid on the bed. "Are you going to tell her?" My sister asked me out of literally nowhere, which caught me off guard.

I raise my brow confusingly, wondering what she meant. "Tell her what?" I asked, making Alex slap her hand on her forehead, probably regretting her life choices.

"Tell her who you are and how you feel?!" She shouted a little loud, making me flinch a little....Now I know what she meant...Rao, don't need to be so rude Alex.

I took a deep breath, feeling my nervousness grow, just thinking about the millions of possibilities that could go wrong. "I don't know Alex...I dont think it's the right time..I don't think I will ever tell her." I answered, my fear a little evident in my voice. My sister took a seat next to me, draping her arm over my shoulder. "You've been looking at her from afar, for I don't know...Two weeks? You've been sending her notes and clues...If you want to know your answer, want to know if she feels the same way, want to know if you are not late, want to know if your chance is still open...Then you should go and tell her." She reasoned, and once again, she was right....Older sister's are always right, that's a fact no one can deny.

I bit my lip a little nervously, contemplating if I should risk it or not...I can't leave this in a forever mystery, I need to know the answer, the possible chance...I need to know if I still can have her heart. I sighed, looking at Alex, before answering: "Fine...I'll tell her soon." And by the look Alex gave me, she wasn't completely satisfied with my answer but she thankfully dropped it for now.

Rao, I need to get my nerves together...I'm going to tell her and there is no turning back.


Lena's POV

I release a breath as I shut my door and lean my head against it.

I have spent all day, surrounded by maids and servants, asking me a bazillion questions about the wedding...What about this and that? Is this and that fitting? How about this and that, your majesty? Uhg, it was too much!

The wedding is in 1 week.

1 week...

Mon-el is amazing, but a part of my heart has been hurting...Aching in so much pain.

He deserves to marry a man he loves, and I deserve to marry the woman of my dreams.

Well, one particular woman of my dreams...The one with those enchanting blue gems for eyes.

"Hey princess." I stiffen at the still familiar voice...Too familiar.

I slowly turn and find her sitting on my chair...How in the world did she get in here?

She is wearing a cloak and a mask, so I still can't really tell what she looks like, but her eyes shine in a mischievous way...It sends a shiver through my spine.

"Robin. Why am I not surprised that you are breaking into princess's rooms?" I say with an eye roll, as I let my hair down from the way it was held by a ribbon.

I wrap it lightly around my wrist, as she answers: "Well as much, as I loved watching you throw a fit over not being able to find me...I missed looking into the green of your eyes and hearing the sound of your voice." The confession was so honest, that not a single hint of a lie could be heard...

I try and keep the blush off my cheeks, as I teasingly question: "And what's stopping me from calling out to my guard and having you arrested?"

Robin stands and slowly moves closer to me, and I could see the little, charming smirk behind her mask.

She moves like a predator stalking her prey...Not going to lie, but it's hot...Why is the room getting a little hot?

I slowly back away from her, but my back hits the wall.

I try to put even more space between us, as she rests a hand next to my head, trapping me where I stand, as she leans in and gently whispers: "Because even though I am a criminal, you can't get me out of your head." And just by hearing that answer, I felt how my heart started to beat out of my ribcage...

Her scent invades my nose...She smells like pine trees and oceans, as she slowly leans closer and closer .

"And what if I did?" Something flashes behind her eyes at my words...It was mysterious.

She leans in a little closer, as she huskyly answers: "You did...You just won't admit it dear princess.." And I knew, I could not run from this truth...

I lean in closer, but then Sam flashes in my brain...Ivy, Jess, Regina, everyone that I love and care about, that are still back in the palace and would be killed, if I did anything to ruin this marriage...I can't risk this.

I rest my hand on her chest, stopping her movement, as I firmly say: "Stop." But I never wanted it to stop, what she was just about to do...I desire it so much, but the risk is too great.

Blue eyes turn sad and I regret inflicting this sadness into her. "Why? You clearly don't love that prince. You clearly feel something for me...Why don't you want to be happy? I-." She gulps, her eyes slowly turning teary, as she continues: "I could make you happy..." I shake my head and her eyes turn stealy, as anger seeps into her tone: "What about your happiness, huh? When do you get what you want? What you deserve...What do you even want, princess?"

"I-." I look away from her eyes...I can't look into those blue gems, filled with sadness and anger. "Like I said, it doesn't matter what I want..." I reply in a whisper, afraid that I might scare her away...That she will just fade away.

"No. If you are going to marry that prince, I need you to look me in the eyes and tell me you love him...If-If you do, I will never bother you again." The masked outlaw says firmly, her desperation clear in her voice, needing to know the answer.

"I-." My gaze flies from the floor up to her eyes, trying to say the words, but seeing the anger, sadness, hope and...Love? In them makes me pause, but I still had the energy to answer: "I will marry him. If I love him or not, it doesn't matter...It never mattered."

She punches the wall, anger so clear in those ocean eyes, as she angrily yells: "God damnit princess, you are a liar!"

I storm up to her, backing her into a wall, as I yell with fury: "You don't think I know that? I have to lie every day of my damned life about who I want to be with...You think I want to be here marrying the prince? He is wonderful, but he-." I pause, lowering my voice, feeling my body fill with pain and sadness. "He isn't the one I love..."

"Then fight for who you love!" She yells, frustration filling her voice as she tries to reason..Tries to reason, that I should fight for the one I love...For her.

"I can't! I will never get my happily ever after...I will never get to kiss you...Or-Or hold you! Be held by you. Make love to you. Have a family with you...Those things aren't in my future, no matter how desperately I want them...No matter how deeply my heart wishes them to be true."

The softest lips meet my own and I sink into the feeling, getting lost in the way her lips move with mine. In the way her hands hold me, like I am the most important thing in the world to her...It feels like time has stopped, that nothing matters and for a too short moment...I felt all my problems fade away...

I feel tears sting my eyes, as I shove her away...Even though I didn't want to.

I finally got a full view of her face, as she slipped her mask off to kiss me and...Gosh, who knew such a beautiful face would be hiding behind that mask? I feel my breath get taken away, seeing kissable pink lips, amazing confined jawlines, soft skin...So many details, that I start to believe that this woman in front of me is a greek goddess herself...But then my dreams get disturbed, as my mind goes back to reality.

She looks shocked, as I rest my fingers against my lips, as I shockingly say: "You shouldn't have done that."

"I regret nothing princess." She answers, her voice only filled with love and confidence.

I storm up to her and smack her repeatedly, but she grabs my arms, stopping me, as I angrily yell: "God!? Why?! Why did you do that?!" More tears stream down my cheeks, as I collapse into her. "I had enough trouble, trying to get your eyes out of my thoughts, it will be impossible to forget your lips...It will be impossible to forget you."

She chuckles and softly replies, with a hint of hurt in her angelic voice: "That's the point...I don't want you to ever forget me...Could you just forget me?" While cupping my cheek softly.

"I don't think I could, even if I wanted to." I answer honestly, knowing that lying will not do anything.

She lifts my chin, making eye contact with me, silently asking if she could kiss me again.

I nod softly and our lips meet once again.

This kiss feels different...So different.

The first one was filled with love, passion, longing...Many indescribable emotions.

This one feels bitter sweet to me...More of a goodbye. A savoring. A wish for what could be, but never will be.

I pull away after a minute. "You should go." I say, hearing my voice crack a little. I slip my mothers ring off my finger and force it into her hand.

I couldn't marry the person I loved but at least the person I loved could have the ring that means the world to me.

She nods and picks me up, resting me on my bed, before tucking me in and placing a delicate kiss on my forehead...The gesture was so soft, it would only make letting her go more difficult...But while she's still here, I should cherish this...Cherish this forever in my heart.

But before she jumps out the window she says: "One more thing, princess."

"What is it?" I ask, wondering what kind of mystery she is going to give me this time...

"Will everyone you care about be at your wedding?" She asks, as I hear the sadness yet caringness in her voice...God, it's too hard to say goodbye...I can hear my heart and my mind yelling to go run to her, kiss her until I nearly collapse of the lack of oxygen, until I feel there is no tomorrow...

"Yes. My whole family and friends are coming from National Kingdom...Why?" I answer, taming my thoughts, that are aimlessly running through my mind, and my emotions aching my heart.

"It doesn't matter." She answered rather quickly...Which I find suspicious.

"Oh and princess?" She says softly, as my eyes start getting droopy.

I hum softly, indicating for her to continue.

"My name is Kara, princess...Not Robin." She answers, hearing her chuckle a little at my sleepy state.

I sit up abruptly, but she is already gone.

Kara...A beautiful name. It fits her perfectly...

I flop down onto my bed and let sleep take over, and let my dreams get filled about blue eyes and soft, kissable pink lips...


Kara's POV

Tonight...Tonight will be the night, I will finally tell the princess. I will tell her who I am and how I feel...Deep down, hoping that she will feel the same way. Hoping that she will accept me, for who I am...

I quietly snuck out of my chamber, Alex helping me, by distracting the other guards. In a flash, I made my way through the whole castle, looking around that no guard or maid had seen me, but it would be impossible, since I learnt the whole castle by heart and all the places it will be guarded the most.

After a few minutes of speeding around the castle, I finally made it to the princess's room. I was just about to open the door, when I suddenly heard footsteps. Reacting quickly, I jumped out of a nearby window, hiding myself in a bush. I saw two guards looking out the window, probably sensing that someone was here. Waiting for who knows how long, they finally left. I didn't want to risk getting caught, so I quickly climbed to the princess's window.

The climb was rather short and I finally entered the chamber. Her smell directly hit my nose, and I could feel how my heart softened, just by smelling her wonderful scent. I shook my head, getting these lovely thoughts out of my head...There were still things needed to be done.

I gently sat on one of the unoccupied chairs and waited patiently. While waiting, I made sure that my mask was still on and observed the room a little more. I noticed that it was messier than the last time I was here...She must have had a chaotic day. Still waiting, I started to toy around with one of my daggers...Why do I have a dagger with me?

Suddenly, the door opened and there stood the princess in all of her glory...I feel how my own breath has been taken away, just by seeing the beauty...She didn't even try to be looking so breathtaking, but no matter how many times I see her...My breath gets kicked out of my lungs.

She finally closes the door, letting the chamber get filled with darkness and the faint light of the moon. I see her lean her head onto the door, meaning that she must be exhausted...Poor princess. After hearing her take a few deep breaths, she finally moved, signaling me it was my time to shine: "Hey princess."

My greeting sounded more seductive than expected, and I suddenly saw her body stiffen. Slowly she turns towards my direction. Her emerald eyes shine with shock and relief, upon noticing it was only me...She must be delighted to see me.

She raises a brow, continuing her nightly routine. "Robin. Why am I not surprised that you are breaking into princess's rooms?" I almost had to chuckle, hearing my new name. I look towards her, a smirk plastered behind my mask, as I discreetly observe how she unties her hair, letting raven black hair fall into beautiful waves.

I sight, making myself a little more comfy on the chair. "Well as much, as I loved watching you throw a fit over not being able to find me...I missed looking into the green of your eyes and hearing the sound of your voice." I answered honestly, not letting my mind lie to her or myself.

I see her blush a little, feeling how my heart skipped a beat. "And what's stopping me from calling out to my guard and having you arrested?" I knew deep down she wouldn't do that...I knew it, because her eyes are yelling at me to stay here with her...Plus Alex is her guard, so I won't have a big problem.

I stand up from the chair, slowly walking towards the beautiful woman. Each step felt like slow motion, while we both looked into each other's eyes intensely...It was so intense, it could be felt in the whole room. She moved backwards, until the wall stopped her, making me lay my hand right next to her head, blocking her way for any escape. We continued to look into each other's eyes, trying to search for answers we want...Questions that we want to be answered so badly. "Because even though I am a criminal, you can't get me out of your head." I whisper gently, making it sound as if the wind were howling my words into her ears.

Our eyes continued to gaze into our bare souls...I could feel my heart racing in my chest, and by the way her chest was heaving, I bet her heart was racing too. "And what if I did?" I heard her say, a little teasingly...But that tiny smug smirk on her face, sent shivers through my spine...Through my whole body.

I lean in a little closer, soon sharing a breath with her. My lungs start to suffocate, as her lovely scent invades my nose...It was like, that I didn't need oxygen to live...I needed her and only her. The beautiful woman right in front of me, in all of her glory. Once again, I lean in just a little closer, feeling love and excitement course through my veins. "You did...You just won't admit it dear princess.." I answered in a husky whisper...And by the look in her eyes, it was the truth.

I see her start to lean in closer, almost closing my eyes, awaiting for a soft pair of lips to touch mine, but a hand on my chest slightly pulls away. "Stop." She says, but how her voice sounded, meant she didn't want me to stop...She never wanted to ruin this chance.

Sadness fills my body, as I look with shock at her...Did I do something wrong? "Why? You clearly don't love that prince. You clearly feel something for me...Why don't you want to be happy? I-." I blurt out my questions in desperation, questioning myself if I had read the signal wrong. But as I start to remember, seeing her with the prince, she never looked happy...She never did.

There was a pause between us, looking in her eyes, I could see so many emotions going through them. "I could make you happy..." I whisper, sandness lacing my voice, feeling how tears start to build on the side of my eyes. The princess shakes her head, and I could feel anger fill my body, knowing deep in my core, that she was lying...It was so obvious, it was so clear that these feelings are not a one sided thing...It never was in the beginning.

My eyes fill with anger and sadness, as I angrily question: "What about your happiness, huh? When do you get what you want? What you deserve...What do you even want, princess?" Her face was filled with pain and regret, but the question was...Why was she lying to me? To herself?

"I-." She said, but something interrupted her...Thinking about something. The princess was avoiding my gaze, looking everywhere but me. As she finally looked towards me, all I could see was that she was stopping herself from what she truly wants. "Like I said, it doesn't matter what I want..." She whispers, her voice laced with so many emotions...Regret, sadness, pain...Hope.

Upon hearing her fragile voice, my desperation only grows, wondering why she was denying the truth...A truth that cannot be denied, when all the facts are placed. "No. If you are going to marry that prince, I need you to look me in the eyes and tell me you love him...If-If you do, I will never bother you again." My pain is evident in my voice, but I will not go, without knowing the truth...But I am someone ture to my words, if she truly loved the prince, I will leave her be and never turn my back again.

Once again, the princess looked around, until our eyes met again....But they were written with so much pain, it almost couldn't bear to look into them. "I-." I look at her with hopeful eyes, hoping that she is not going to deny the precious spark between us. "I will marry him. If I love him or not, it doesn't matter...It never mattered." And those few sentences made my hope drop to its deepest level...But my frustration and desperation only grew, feeling how my whole body was filled with it.

I slam the wall in anger, not being able to contain it. "God damnit princess, you are a liar!" I yell, letting my emotions get the best of me...I shouldn't have let that happen. I felt the anger in my body fade away, upon noticing the mistake I have made.

Fury and utter frustration invades her emerald eyes, as she storms at me, pushing me back into a wall, while yelling: "You don't think I know that? I have to lie every day of my damned life about who I want to be with...You think I want to be here marrying the prince? He is wonderful, but he-." Her eyes soften, as she realizes the truth and reality. "He isn't the one I love..." She lowered her voice, which was filled with utter pain and sadness...Reality does hurt, doesn't it?

But it doesn't mean you have to stick up in this horrible reality...There is always a chance to make it to the reality you dreamed of, you wished to be true. "Then fight for who you love!" I yell, trying to knock some sense into that intelligent mind of hers.

I see hope yet a lot of sadness in her facial expression, as she looked at me, once again enchanted by those beautiful emerald orbs. But then, my lovely trance was broken. "I can't! I will never get my happily ever after...I will never get to kiss you...Or-Or hold you! Be held by you. Make love to you. Have a family with you...Those things aren't in my future, no matter how desperately I want them...No matter how deeply my heart wishes them to be true." She whispers the last few words, making her broken voice crystal clear...

I had enough of her yelling, of me yelling...Of this emotional rollercoaster...If words can't reason, then action is the only way. And without even thinking twice, I took off my mask and kissed her....I kissed her.

The kiss was...It was magical. It was filled with so many emotions...Love, passion, longing. There were so many, that words were useless to describe the feeling. We kissed like we were lovers before, like this was our thousandths kiss. Our lips were moving in a dance, in a perfect rhythm, that this one kiss was meant to be. I gently wrapped my arms around, holding her as if she was my most prized possession in the world...In the universe, and she is my most precious treasure. This one kiss, felt like it had the power to stop time...And it did. For a very short moment, it only felt like the princess and I were in the world...

We break the magical kiss, and look into each other's eyes. There was a short moment of silence between us, as the princess finally got to see my face for the first time. Her eyes roamed my body, as she tried to scan every little detail into her memory...And I just felt that my heart was beating rapidly, that any moment, any second it could jump out of my chest.

Then her eyes fill with fear and shock, resting her gentle fingers on her beautiful lips. "You shouldn't have done that." She whispered, the fear clear in her whole expression...But I don't regret a single thing. She can call the guards, have me captured and have my head chopped off...If it would ever happen, I wouldn't care a single bit.

"I regret nothing princess." I answered honestly, not denying anything...Because why should I? Out of all of the things I have done, this kiss was the one I never would regret, never.

She suddenly stormed at me, her facial expression changing in anger and fear, starting to slap me repeatedly. I grabbed her wrist, forcing her to stop hitting me. "God!? Why?! Why did you do that?!" More tears stream down her cheeks, as she collapses into me. "I had enough trouble, trying to get your eyes out of my thoughts, it will be impossible to forget your lips...It will be impossible to forget you." She yelled, seeing her eyes get filled with tears...

I chuckle softly, wrapping my arms around her, sensing her calming down. "That's the point...I don't want you to ever forget me...Could you just forget me?" I asked, cupping her cheeks gently, softly rubbing my thumb on her cheek bones, as I wiped her tears away.

She sniffed for a couple of times, probably trying to find the right words. "I don't think I could, even if I wanted to." The princess answered, and by hearing her voice...She was telling the truth. Finally she was telling the truth...

We stayed quiet for a moment, cherishing each other's presence...But sensing this will end soon, I gently lifted her chin, looking into her eyes, asking a silent question if I can kiss her again. She softly nodded, and once again, our lips connected...But this kiss was so different. This one was soft, like it was our last...Telling each other goodbye, but not having the words to say it. We both just cherished the kiss, kissing in a dance that was meant to be...But saldy, we had to break it soon...

"You should go." The princess said, hearing her voice crack a little, as she tried to hold back her tears. She takes my hand in hers, resting something small and metal in it. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but when I looked down into my hand, I saw her mothers ring. She closes my hand around it, immediately I tried to push it back into her hand, but she won't let me. She lets out a broken sob, before collapsing into my arms. I gently picked her up, and brought her to the bed. Slowly, I laid her onto the soft bed, tucking her in, as I gave her a kiss onto the forehead.

I gave the princess a sad smile, before turning around and quietly walked towards the window. I just wanted to jump out, but then something came into mind. "One more thing, princess." I said, looking towards her sleepy form, as she looked at me with tired eyes...Probably exhausted from all of these emotions.

"What is it?" I heard her angelic voice ask, her exhaustion clear in those emerald eyes of hers. I took a deep breath, contemplating if I should even ask. "Will everyone you care about be at your wedding?" I couldn't suppress the sadness in my voice, knowing it wasn't long anymore until the royal wedding...Rao, just thinking about it already makes my heart ache.

A short while of silence creeps into the room ,as I wait for her answer. Both of us just looked at each other, neither for us ready to say goodbye, just not yet...Maybe never. "Yes. My whole family and friends are coming from National Kingdom...Why?" She finally answered, her voice filled with many pained emotions, that I want to kiss away so bad. "It doesn't matter." I replied quickly, trying to hide about the truth, to why I was asking about the wedding. Looking towards her again, her facial expression changed to curiosity and I knew that it wasn't the right time to answer.

Once again, I made myself ready to jump out of the window, as something important flashes through my mind. "Oh and princess? I questioned softly, not wanting to startle or wake her up. I heard a quiet hum, indicating that she was still awake and listening. I sighed deeply, making myself ready for what I am going to say. "My name is Kara, princess...Not Robin." Right then, I jumped out of the window, running aimlessly into the deep forest.

I kept on running and running, my vision becoming blurry, feeling all of my emotions coming up into the surface. Suddenly I stopped running, falling onto my knees, as I looked at the beautiful ring in my hand. "You will never know how much my love has grown for you, dear princess." I whispered, swallowing sobs, as I clutched the ring onto my chest...Right where my aching heart is.

Finally calming down, I made my way to the Pines, needing the comfort of my home. It took me some time to arrive, but without even thinking I made my way to my room, falling onto the bed, still holding the ring in my hands. As I layed on my bed, I observed the ring a little more, slipping it into my finger...It fitted perfectly...It fitted so perfectly, that it was like a puzzle piece of a love that wished to be true, but perhaps couldn't be...

Sleep started to take over my body, slowly closing my eyes...Dreaming of how I would kiss the princess, with all the love in me...A dream a wish my heart makes, a dream where I lose my heartaches...No matter how my heart was grieving, but if I kept on believing...Maybe one day, my wish, my dream will come true...


Lena's POV

"You look beautiful Lena."

I turn at the sound of my mothers voice...Well isn't that a lovely sight?

Today is the day...I am marrying Mon-el.

I give her my best fake smile, but I can tell it doesn't reach my eyes, as I reply: "Thank you mother." God, you could almost hear the disgust in my voice.

She gives me a venom filled smile, that reminds me once more, that if I do anything to mess this up, it will cost my head, and the heads of everyone I love on a pike.

At least she doesn't know about Kara.


I hope she isn't here today. I don't think I could go through with it. She will be though...I know she will be...I can feel it. (In my belly) (AN: If you get this reference I love u)

Someone knocks at the door. It's a guard and my father, who says: "It's time. Are you ready?"

I nod and answer, hiding my pain as best as possible: "Yes. Let's go."

And we walk out of the room...It's too late to turn back now.

My father was waiting for us outside of the room, where I got ready.

He took my mom's hand and escorts her to their seats in the hall, without a second glance at me...Don't I have a lovely family? Nope, I absolutely don't.

"Bitches." I grumble under my breath, when I am sure they are out of ear shot.

I take a deep breath, as I hold the bouquet tighter...Having this urge to throw it onto the ground and run away, run away from this horrible reality...

It is another minute, before I hear the music start playing and another little bit before the doors open. And then I slowly walked down the aisle, plastering a painful smile onto my face.

I see friends, family, lords, ladies, people from my kingdom and Mon-el's kingdom all stuffed into the large hall for the service.

My eyes are drawn back to the front, where I see Mon-el in a nice formal tunic, giving me a sad smile...Upon seeing that smile, I could only feel sympathy for him.

We both accepted a long time ago, that our happiness doesn't matter...What is best for our kingdom is all that matters.

We are lucky we have found a friendship, where other royals in the past have not.

I smile back at him, as I reach the halfway point to the altar.

I see more guards, than I was expecting, lining the walls of the hall...It's weird.

I was convinced Kara was going to be here, but I can't see her anywhere.

I feel my heart break, but it makes sense that she wouldn't be here...If I was in her position, I would do the same thing, so I can't really blame her.

I finally reach the altar and Mon-el helps me up the steps, as he compliments: "You look beautiful Lena."

"Not so bad yourself Mon-el." I say, with a watery smile.

I don't pay attention as the official starts the wedding.

I can't hear or register anything, because all I can think about is Kara...My kind was only Kara, Kara, Kara...

I can feel tears start running down my cheeks, but luckily everyone just sees them as tears of joy...If they only knew how much pain and sorrow were behind these tears...If they only knew how awful my family truly is, and I am also one suffering under their iron fist.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, as I feel a ring being slipped onto my finger.

It isn't the ring I was expecting to wear on my wedding day, but my love has my ring and that is what matters...That's the only thing that matters to me now.

I take the ring from the official and slip it onto Mon-el's finger, as the official says:

"Now if anyone has any reason why these two should not be marri-"


My eyes widen, as a body slams into mine and a different one slams into Mon-el.

I look around and find the official, coughing up blood with two arrows piercing his chest...Someone needs to help him!

I glance and see Kara laying on top of me.

"You alright princess?" She whispers, as she helps me to my feet, putting her body between me and the crowd.

Mon-el is being helped up by a shorter man, who is glancing at Kara with concern clear in his eyes.

My mother storms to the front of the church, as she yells: "WHO IN THE HELL JUST TRIED TO KILL MY DAUGHTER?!" There is a hint of anger in her tone that surprises me...This is utterly suspicious.

She hasn't given a crap about me before, so why would she now? Absolutely useless.

"You did..." My voice isn't loud, but it silences the whole church in a moment.

She spins on me and says: "What? Lena you are talking nonsense."

I hear Kara whisper something to the man, but can't discern what she said, as I firmly say: "You put a hit out on me. If I was dead you would still have the alliance with Daxam Kingdom, but I would be out of your way. And if Mon-el, the only heir to the throne dies, it would be easy for you to invade and take over...This has never been about strengthening a friendship, it was about expanding your power."

She sputters out a flurry of denials, but it becomes clear to everyone that what I said was the truth.

My brother stood up and yelled: "You have no proof!"

The doors swing open and I see Robin walk in with a masked man in her grasp and another person in armor next to her holding another masked criminal...Well, I think proof is served.

She shoves him forward into the aisle, as she demands: "Who hired you to kill the princess?"

"I will never say." The man spits out, but in the blink of an eye there is a knife pointed at his throat. I see him gulp, before answering in total fear: "The National Royal family...."

There are loud gasps and murmurs around the room, before my mother yells angrily: "KILL THEM!"

Followed by Kara yelling: "NOW!"

My eyes widen, as I see swarms of my family's personal guards attack the crowd, but they are quickly met by the Daxam guards and a different group I didn't know...

I glance at Kara, who is protectively standing in front of me, as the hall turns into a chaotic battle.

She glances back and follows my eyesight. She smiles softly at me and says: "You have those you love and care about...Those are the people I love and care about"

A guard charges us, but Kara quickly fights him off...Not going to lie, that looked so badass.

Confusion takes over my face, as to why they are here: "Why are you all here?"

Kara freezes, before answering my question: "Originally we were going to rob everyone here, but after I got to know you, we decided to try and kidnap your friends so your parents couldn't threaten them anymore."

I smack her arm and say: "First that is incredibly kind of you and second that could have gotten you killed you dumbass." (She is my dumbass, so better fuck off!)

"If it meant dying for your happiness, I would gladly do it again." She says, before pushing me towards the guy who saved Mon-el. "Winn, keep them safe at all costs." She orders the guy, named Winn.

The man, Winn, nods and draws his sword, as he puts Mon-el and me behind him.

I glance around and realize that my parents' guards were quickly being outnumbered.

I smile and glare at my family, who are the last to be apprehended...I mean save the best for last, am I not right?

Guards are already hauling the attackers to the dungeon, seeing many of my kingdom guards try to escape the grips of the Daxam guards, but have no chance.

Kara and Robin bring forward my parents and brother and hold them at sword point.

Mon-el gently steps around Winn, before turning on his king voice as he loudly yells: "According to international war rules and our peace agreement, a direct attack on the other kingdom will be sentenced, as the highest form of treason! Because you hold rank, you will be stripped of all titles and ranks and your trial and sentencing will happen one week from today."

My family's eyes widen...I don't think they were expecting to fail.

My mother yells: "You can't do that! We are royalty!"

I step forward and say: "Actually we can. As the only standing member, with any power left in this family. All of you are banned from the National Kingdom. If you enter, you will be killed on the spot. Because your crime is against the Daxam Kingdom, you will also face a trial from the King Mon-el."

"And we will not be lenient." Mon-el includes, which I agree to...With such people like my family, there is no reason to play nice.

The guards force them out of the hall, bringing them to the dungeons, as cheers ring out around the room.

Mon-el raises a hand silencing the crowd, before he happily yells: "Long live the new queen!"

The cheer is repeated back at me and everyone drops into a low bow, but my eyes only rest on Kara ,who is smiling softly up at me...Her eyes shining with happiness, which only made me fall for her a little more...

Knowing many members of my kingdom were forced to attend this, I decided I need to say something.

"People of both the National Kingdom and Daxam Kingdom...My family has ruled with an iron fist, squashing the very soul of our kingdom and the surrounding land. I am here to tell you that it will be different from now on...Taxes will be lowered, borders will open, trade will increase, and the economy will bloom!" Cheers spread out through the crowd and people take off to spread the word of the events...Finally after years of only hearing bad news, good news will be spread out into the kingdoms, giving the people finally hope...

I turn to Mon-el, smiling happily, as I say: "Mon-el I don't think either of us would want to get married if it weren't for my family and the peace agreement. We are friends and reasonable, so why don't we call off the wedding, but keep the peace agreement?"

He nods happily, as he says: "Sounds perfect, Queen Lena" I laugh loudly and he gestures behind me, as he whispers: "As queen, you know you can marry whoever you want without your mom controlling or threatening you."

I glance behind me and see Kara walking towards us.

I smile thankfully and raise an eyebrow towards the man who saved him. "Same goes for you Mon-el." I say, patting his shoulder, showing my support.

He blushes deeply and whispers: "I don't even know if he is gay."

I roll my eyes and reply in a hushed whisper: "Please, he radiates bottom energy. Shoot your shot. You're a king, who would say no to you? And hey, I think he knows my future wife. I will have her put in a good word for you."

"Oh so I am your future wife now princess?"

I spin around and don't let her tease me any more, because I need to feel her lips against mine again.

She stands shocked for a minute, as fireworks erupt in my belly, but she quickly pulls me closer and kisses me deeper, with a bright smile on her face.

We pull away and I rest my forehead against hers, as I ask: "So what do you say? Want to help me run a kingdom?"

"With you by my side, I would take on the world."

We hear a throat clear behind us and we both turn to find Mon-El standing with Winn by his side, both with light blushes on their cheeks...For sure both are having some type of gay panic.

Mon-el offers Kara his hand, as he says: "You and all your friends have my sincerest gratitude for saving myself, Lena, and everyone else here present."

Kara smiles brightly and takes his hand, as she replies: "It was my pleasure. I am just glad that peace will come back to the lands." Kara smirks at Winn. "I see you have met my friend Winn. He is a wonderful engineer, maybe he can help Daxam's Kingdom. Though it would mean he would have to spend a lot of time with you, but only if that's okay with you."

I snicker, when I see Mon-el blush deeply, as he says: "If Winn is alright with it, then our kingdom would appreciate the help."

Winn nods enthusiastically, before they walk off already, talking quietly to each other...They look so adorable together.

I am tackled to the ground by a mass of bodies.

I open my eyes to see Sam, Regina, Ivy, and Jess all piled on top of me.

Sam grins happily, as she yells in pure joy: "WE ARE FREE FROM YOUR BITCH MOM!"

We all crack up, before we slowly stand up.

Kara clears her throat and I smile brightly, as I turn toward her and say: "Kara. I would like to introduce you to my four best friends, Ivy, Jess, Regina, and Sam...You met when you guys robbed us"

"Nice to meet you."



"Good to see you again."

Kara smiles at all of them and says: "Good to meet all of you."

A familiar knight walks up and slings her arm around Kara's shoulder.

"Robin?" I question confusion evident in my voice.

Robin and Kara burst out laughing, before Kara speaks again: "Sorry princess. Let me popularly introduce you. Lena, this is my older sister Alex, or known as Robin or your guard."

"Nice to meet you properly Alex." I say, a little shocked and surprised...

She smiles brightly.

Reality hits me like a truck.

I spin to look at my friends, as I worriedly say: "We need to leave at once. The castle will be in chaos once news reaches. A lot of the castle hated my parents and didn't want them ruling, but there are still those that are loyal."

Sam nods her agreement as she says "I will arrange a carriage right away." Before leaving with the others.

I turn back to face Kara who looks sadly at the ground. I was leaving, but she has no clue what I have planned for her.

I rest a hand on her cheek making her look up at me.

I smile softly at her, as I say: "You didn't think I was going back without you did you?" Her sadness disappears, as I slowly see all of the people who helped in the fight, who weren't Daxam's guards. I know now they are Kara's friends. I address the greater group, as I say "You are all welcome at the National Palace as my honored guests for as long as you want and if you want jobs we will find a spot for you within the castle." I turn and face Alex as I say "And I was hoping you would specifically become my new captain of the guard." Her eyes widen in surprise, but quickly nods her agreement.

"What about me? Am I going to be a guard?"

I shake my head. "Nope. That's too dangerous for the future queen."

Kara looks shocked, gaping like a fish, as her face becomes a deep red. "You were serious about marrying me?"

I shrug and say: "Not right away obviously. We are going to need to get to know each other better and go on some dates, but I barely know you and I already care about you more than I have ever cared about someone, so yah I am serious about this. Now let's go change the freaking world."I grab Kara's hand, dragging her with me, as we both made our way towards the waiting carriage...If there is even one.


Kara's POV

It's the wedding...Today is the wedding.

So many emotions were running through my mind...It only made a mess out of myself, it only made my heart ache more, just thinking about it...But reality does hurt, doesn't it? But I should have faith in my dreams, my wishes...Maybe they do come true, but only the universe can tell...

A hand on my shoulder interrupts my thoughts, which I am thankful for. I looked towards Winn, seeing him give me a sympathetic smile. "We have to get ready." He reminded me, making me nod as I signaled my crew to take their positions. We all knew that the majority of the royal guards were at the ceremony, making sneaking in a lot easier. All of us quietly made our way, some separating into torah regions of the castle to reach their position. Winn was right behind me, as both of us arrived at our positions.

The place was packed with people, kind of making the surprise a little more difficult, but we were still going to proceed with the plan. My position was relatively near the altar, which would give me a perfect view of the princess's face...Rao, how much I wish to be in the prince's position.

Looking around, I saw Alex doing her 'guard duties', actually making sure that the crew and I had escape ways. Then I checked if everyone was in their right position, which they were. All we had to to, was wait for the princess's arrival and then ambush the wedding.

While waiting, my thoughts once again invaded my mind...My mind was filled with the princes, her lips, her eyes, her smile...Just everything about her. I glanced at the ring in my hands, giving a sad smile, that this might be the little hope I have...This morning, I was actually contemplating if I should even come to the wedding, but something told me that I should go, even if it was painful to see the person I love, marry someone she doesn't even love...But no matter the pain, deep down i always wanted to be by her side, even if it meant not being able to marry her...Just being at the very presence of the princess was enough for me.

Music started to play, the large doors soon opening and...I have never seen such a beautiful goddess. Instantly my breath has been taken away, at the first glance at the princess...She looked indescribably beautiful, there were many words, but just none of them would be able to describe her one of a kind beauty...Rao, I felt jealousy rise in my body, as I desired to be in the prince's shoes, being able to get the opportunity to have such beauty right in front of my eyes...Rao, she looked to beautiful, and I suddenly felt this urge to run to her, kiss her like there is no tomorrow...

But I noticed quickly that that smile on her beautiful face was filled with sadness and pain...With so much pain, that I desperately want to be the one to make those bad feelings fade away. Her eyes started to roam around the crowd, probably looking for me, and my belly filled with butterflies, seeing that she was searching for me...But don't worry princess, I am always right around the corner...Always.

She finally made it at the end of the aisle, the prince helping her up the steps. She gave a smile to him, but I knew that smile wasn't meant for happiness, absolutely not. The pastor officially starts the ceremony, talking about marriage and things...Things that a couple who love each other should do...Who knew it would be painful to watch this?

Looking at the princess, I tried to hold back my tears, seeing her beautiful eyes screaming pain and sadness...Just the sight made my heart ache, feeling how piece by piece fell apart. If only I could change this reality, if only I had the power to change it...Then none of us would be in such pain, in a reality we wished to flee from.

I saw the prince slip a wedding band onto the princess's delicate fingers, her sad smile already saying the answer, that she doesn't want to be here, doesn't want to marry someone she doesn't even love. Her eyes looked towards her wedding band, and then I wondered why she gave me her mother's ring? Didn't she want that as her wedding ring?

My deep thoughts were stopped, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw two archers, probably assassins, aim their arrows towards the prince and princess...Then It hit me, the wedding was an assasination attempt...

Winn also seemed to notice the assassins, and as we looked at each other, we knew what we had to do.Without a second thought, Winn and I jumped out of our hideout, forcing us to reveal ourselves. Time seemed to slow down, as I jumped towards the princess and Winn towards the prince.

"GET DOWN!" I yelled loudly, slamming my body into the princess, dodging the arrows right on time, but sadly the pastor got hit by them...Oh no, someone needs to help him immediately!

I looked then down at the princess, who was underneath me, fear evident in her eyes."You alright princess?" I silently whisper, to which she gave me a nod....At least she was okay, that's good. My gaze moved to Winn and the prince, both giving me worried faces, but most important both were as well okay..

I was about to say something, when Queen Lillian yelled: "WHO IN THE HELL JUST TRIED TO KILL MY DAUGHTER?!" Seriously, can royals even act? Like her yell was so fake and who the hell would yell 'Who tried to kill blah blah' crap? Someone needs to give the queen a little drama class, because she can't act at all...Plus she is always suspicious, and I mean that literally.

Everyone's attention was on the queen, it was silent, so silent that a single water drop could be heard. But then, I suddenly heard a soft whisper behind me, knowing exactly who it was. "You did..." The princess said, her voice sounded angelic, yet filled with shock and a tiny hint of fear...She herself must have come to realization.

The queen immediately turned towards the princess, acting a face expression of disbelief and confusion. "What? Lena you are talking nonsense." The queen said a little too quickly, revealing the truth a little more, but of course in this room there were people who didn't believe the queen, while others did...Rao, this is one of the reasons what makes the world so cruel and unfair.

While everyone was busy booking at the queen and the beautiful princess, I looked at Winn, and his facial expression was worried. "Keep an eye out for any other assassins, I have this gut feeling that something is going to happen." I whispered to Winn, who immediately nodded, his facial expression becoming dead serious...Rao serious Winn can be scary.

Right then , I heard the princess say: "You put a hit out on me. If I was dead you would still have the alliance with Daxam Kingdom, but I would be out of your way. And if Mon-el, the only heir to the throne dies, it would be easy for you to invade and take over...This has never been about strengthening a friendship, it was about expanding your power." A few gasps and surprised looks could be seen in the whole room, some still not believing this was the truth...But I could only assure you, the queen's facial expression already told everything...It was the truth.

Queen Lillian blurted out useless excuses, quite making a fool out of herself...Okay, making a big fool out of herself. But it was quite amusing to see it, actually hilarious and I tried my best not to burst into laughter right there and then.

Suddenly Prince Lex, the douchebag himself, appeared from nowhere. He's facial expression seemed pissed off, and it was a clear sign to me that Queen Lillian wasn't the only one in this assination attempt...Rao, they would be so busted. "You have no proof!" Prince Lex yelled, causing everyone's attention to avert towards him...Looks like they do love attention.

The doors busted open, and there came Alex, dragging two tied up assassins, probably the archers that I saw...I could already feel the drama. She kept on dragging them, till the end of the aisle, shoving them onto the ground. "Who hired you to kill the princess?" Alex demanded, giving a stern glare to one of the assassins, one of them looking at Alex in utter fear...I must agree, that my sister can be scary as hell, and I mean that.

"I will never say." One of the assassins spat out, acting all tough, but soon...I'm telling you soon, he would shit his pants. Alex immediately held her sword to his throat, and that's when he's whole tough persona changed to a scared person, who wished he wasn't in this situation. "The National Royal family...." He answered, fear and regret so crystal clear in his voice.

Gasps were heard in the whole room, as finally everyone heard the truth. But then, the queen yelled loudly, clearly angry that her plan was failing: "KILL THEM!" National guards appeared from everywhere and I know my crew was needed. "NOW!" I yelled, and my whole crew stepped out of their hiding, immediately attacking a few from the enemy's guards. Daxam guards started to fight as well, swinging their swords or spears onto the enemy.

I stepped protectively in front of the princess, making sure if there was any attack coming, I was ready to take them now. Then I looked behind, gazing into beautiful green eyes, while giving her a soft smile. Her eyes were filled with shock and a lot of confusion, which is very much understandable. She must be clearly confused who the other people are, which is my crew. "You have those you love and care about...Those are the people I love and care about" I said, giving her a loving smile, while she gave me a smile back.

Suddenly I saw a guard charge at us. I dodge his punch, taking a right counter step with my left foot, doing a 180 spin and hitting my right elbow right onto his face, making him fall knocked out onto the ground...If I heard it right, his nose might have cracked, so someone's going to aid that broken nose of his.

I then turned towards the princess, making sure no one had harmed her, while I fought the guard. A quick scan with my eyes, and I sighed in relief upon seeing that nothing happened to her. She looked at me, still very confused, and asked: "Why are you all here?" Instantly I freezed, when I heard the question.

I just gave a sheepish smile to the princess, while rubbing my neck awkwardly. "Originally we were going to rob everyone here, but after I got to know you, we decided to try and kidnap your friends so your parents couldn't threaten them anymore." I answered, taking a deep breath at the end, as I blurted out everything in a single breath...That was exhausting.

Dear princess then punched my shoulder, while giving me an amusing smile...Rao, she looked so adorable and happy, despite the hall being a battlefield. "First that is incredibly kind of you and second that could have gotten you killed you dumbass." I couldn't help but smile like an idiot in love I am, upon hearing her words. She found it so sweet and it just made me happy, even though she called me a dumbass...

But the thing is, I may be a dumbass, but I am her dumbass. I am hers so completely and utterly that I can feel it in my bones. Her name is engraved into my soul. And that is why no one will ever hurt her for as long as I live and breathe.

I just pray to Rao that she cares about me the same way I do her.

Once again, I looked into emerald eyes, feeling just how I was falling a little more for the princess, just a little. "If it meant dying for your happiness, I would gladly do it again." I said softly...It was true, if it meant dying to see her happy, I would do it again and again, even when it's in a different life...I loved the princess so much, that I would even sacrifice myself, if it meant to bring her happiness. I would die just for her, if it meant that it would bring her precious smile, I would die again if it meant to bring her emerald eyes to light up with life...I would do it over and over again.

My demeanour changed to serious, as I came back into reality, fully aware of the dangerous situation we are all in. "Winn, keep them safe at all costs." I ordered, as I turned towards my fellow friend. Winn gave me a nod, drawing his sword from his scabbard, while standing in front of the prince and princess very protectively. I as well take out my sword, running into the battle, taking enemy guards down. I swung my sword guard after guard, throwing a few punches here and there. Rather quickly, my crew and the Daxam guard outnumbered the National guards, causing the Luthors to get apprehended at the end...Well, they tried to flee from the whole battle, but some of my friends and Daxam guards thought fast, quickly arresting them, before they even got the chance.

Alex and I take the Luthors to the front of the aisle once again, while a few national guards were already brought to the dungeons. I gave the royal family a dangerous glare, warning them if they ever try to harm the princess again...I will not hesitate next time from torturing them.

"According to international war rules and our peace agreement, a direct attack on the other kingdom will be sentenced, as the highest form of treason! Because you hold rank, you will be stripped of all titles and ranks and your trial and sentencing will happen one week from today." The prince said, while sounding mighty and powerful, like the king he is meant to be. I smirked at the Luthors facial expression, upon hearing what their punishment is and that they have failed their mission terribly...Seriously, it was relieving, to see such awful people to get the punishment they deserve. Finally after National Kingdom has suffered for years, finally the kingdom is free from the torture...Finally there is hope, that the world does become a better place for everyone.

"You can't do that! We are royalty!" The queen yelled angrily, as she looked at the prince and princess with venom filled eyes, still thinking that her so-called rank will bring them out of this messy situation...Dear queen, welcome to the reality of the world, it isn't all rainbows and unicorns...It is cruel and unfair.

I had to stop myself from laughing, because hasn't she heard? She, the king and prince are being stripped from their titles, for the crime they have committed....Someone get a hearing aid for her please.

I see my beautiful princess step forward with confidence...Rao, she looked so beautiful. "Actually we can. As the only standing member, with any power left in this family. All of you are banned from National Kingdom. If you enter, you will be killed on the spot. Because your crime is against the Daxam Kingdom, you will also face a trial from the King Mon-el." She said matter of factly, hearing the delightfulness in her tone...I have to confess, that she looked indescribably hot, that the room suddenly felt a little warmer.

How is it possible that everything someone does is hot? It's unfair.

The prince or now called king, stepped forward as well, looking down at the fallen royals. "And we will not be lenient." He added, to which I very much agree...Such criminals shouldn't be treated nice or played kindly with.

A few guards forced the Luthors up on their feet, guiding them to the dungeon, where they will mostly spend their rest of their life. I gave them a growl, as they looked at me, suddenly seeing their faces fill with fear...They may not know me, but I make sure they are aware of what I could do to them.

As the Luthors were finally out of my fight, I looked at the princess with utter adoration, as the new king happily cheered: "Long live the new queen!" I smiled proudly, clapping my hands, hearing happy cheers from everywhere. I was so happy that National Kingdom finally got a queen worthy to rule...The princess, I mean the queen will be an amazing ruler and I know for a fact she will do amazing things...I just know it deep down in my gut. Everyone started to bow at the new queen, as I did as well, but I could feel someone looking at me and I am 100% sure it is the queen...You know what, I'm still going to call her princess.

As everyone arose from their bow, I then saw the princess give a happy smile to her people, taking a deep breath, as I knew she was going to say something now. "People of both National Kingdom and Daxam Kingdom...My family has ruled with an iron fist, squashing the very soul of our kingdom and the surrounding land. I am here to tell you that it will be different from now on...Taxes will be lowered, borders will open, trade will increase, and the economy will bloom!" One again, cheers have erupted everywhere, people running our of the hall to spread the good news...Finally after years of only hearing terrible news, there is good news to be spread.

I could only feel happiness and love wash over my body, finally seeing the princess happy that she now had the chance to make the world a better place. Looking at her, she was the light in a family filled with darkness and poison. She was the hope for National Kingdom, the hope for the poor, the sick and many others...And she was my hope. I remembered thinking badly about her, that she was some spoiled brat, thinking that the world was just some playground...But as I got to know her, I finally met the real her. She wasn't a spoiled brat at all, she was a survivor of life as well, just like many others. As I got to know her better, I started to see what was inside in that beautiful soul of hers..She was filled with beauty, grace, braveness, intelligence...So many things, that there were not enough words to describe the beautiful soul in her.

I then see the king and queen whisper something to each other, wondering what they were talking about. I looked at Winn, who was right next to me, being a whole gay mess. Looking more closer, his eyes were averted towards the king and I just had to smoke. "You should go ask him out." I said teasingly, causing Winn to jump in surprise. "I-I don't even know if he's into me and he's the King of Daxam for god's sake!" He whispered yelled at me, making me almost burst int laughter, just seeing how much of a blushing mess he is...I think he might be having a gay panic.

But then I saw a smirk plastered onto Winn's face. "What about you Kara? Aren't you going to ask out the queen?" He teased, causing me to choke on my own spit. "Oh shush." I said, giving him a hard punch onto his arm, immediately stopping his amusing laughter.

Winn and I slowly walked towards the two royals, but then we heard a little something: "Please, he radiates bottom energy. Shoot your shot. You're a king, who would say no to you? And hey, I think he knows my future wife. I will have her put in a good word for you." The princess said in a hushed whisper, but I hear it loud and clear.

"Oh so I am your future wife now princess?" I teased, an amusing smirk on my face. She turned her head towards me, but seeing her facial expression, she was serious about it...

Rao, I had to make sure my heart did not fly out of my chest. I completely blanked out, but then I felt soft lips on mine. It took me a little time to register what was happening, but then I kissed the princess back, with so much love and passion, pouring the repressed emotions out. Butterflies filled my stomach, hearing my heart, beat in happiness...I have missed those lips so much, it felt like I was drowning and I finally got a breath of fresh air. Time seemed to have stopped and I grabbed her tightly around the waist, not wanting to let her go ever again.

We broke the magical kiss, even though I didn't want to stop. We looked at each other, our chest heaving, trying to inhale oxygen...Rai, the kiss did make me breathless. "So what do you say? Want to help me run a kingdom?" The princess asked, and I couldn't suppress the huge smile creeping on my face. "With you by my side, I would take on the world." I answered, the love and adoration so evident in my voice, that you could truly say I am an idiot in love...Because I am, I am so in love with this amazing woman.

The princess and I heard throats clear behind us, causing us to turn towards the direction. There we saw the kind and Winn standing very near to each other, with tomato red faces...Rao, they are both having a gay panic, it's hilarious!

The king offered his hand to shake, which I gladly took. "You and all your friends have my sincerest gratitude for saving myself, Lena, and everyone else here present." He thanked me, giving me a warm smile, which I returned.

Something came to mind, and I knew I had to do a favor for Winn and the king. "It was my pleasure. I am just glad that peace will come back to the lands." I said, giving a huge smirk to Winn. "I see you have met my friend Winn. He is a wonderful engineer, maybe he can help Daxam's Kingdom. Though it would mean he would have to spend a lot of time with you, but only if that's okay with you." Both have gotten impossibly red on their faces, and I had to do my best not to ruin the moment.

The princess snickered at something, while a playful smirk was plastered onto my face. "If Winn is alright with it, then our kingdom would appreciate the help." The king replied a little shyly, his face getting another shade of red..How much more red can their faces get? Winn gave me a thankful look while nodding at the king happily. Together they walked off to somewhere, while the princess and I just looked at them...They looked so cute, like they were made for each other, which made me happy for both of them.

Suddenly multiple bodies tackled the princess onto the ground, one of them yelling in so much joy: "WE ARE FREE FROM YOUR BITCH MOM!" The princess and four other women bursted into laughter, making me chuckle. But the woman, who tackled the princess first onto the ground looked so familiar...Was she the one Alex had a huge crush on?

Knowing it will take some time, I cleared my throat, getting all the women's attention. The princess got up onto her two feet, while smiling at me. "Kara. I would like to introduce you to my four best friends, Ivy, Jess, Regina, and Sam...You met when you guys robbed us" Now it's confirmed, not only was Sam the woman my sister had a huge crush on, but also the other woman we robbed from...The world is truly small.

I heard multiple greetings from them, kind of losing who is who, but I will get the hang of it...I'm not really good at memorizing names. "Good to meet all of you." I kindly say, giving them all a small wave.

Alex came from behind, swinging her arm onto my shoulder, while she sighed tiredly. The princess looked at us very confused, and then I remembered that Alex hasn't been properly introduced yet. "Robin?" The beautiful princess asked, raising an eyebrow at us. Alex and I looked at each other, before bursting into a fit of laughter. After calming down, I took a few breaths, since laughing made me breathless once again.

"Sorry princess. Let me popularly introduce you. Lena, this is my older sister Alex, or known as Robin or your guard." I see them give each other warm smiles, which relieves me very, because I thought Alex was giving the princess a death glare or something...Thank Rao she didn't, at least not yet. "Nice to meet you properly Alex." The princes replied, still kind of shocked and surprised.

She then turned towards her friends, worry written on her face. "We need to leave at once. The castle will be in chaos once news reaches. A lot of the castle hated my parents and didn't want them ruling, but there are still those that are loyal." The princess said urgently, as Sam nodded in agreement. "I will arrange a carriage right away." Sam replied, before walking away with the others, to probably get the fastest carriage ready.

Sadness washed over my body, realizing that the princess had to go so soon. I knew that as queen she had new responsibilities, but I did wish to get to spend a little more time with her. I just looked at the ground, trying to distract myself...I also didn't want the princess to know I was sad about it.

I felt a soft hand cupping my cheek, forcing my eyes to look into emerald orbs. "You didn't think I was going back without you, did you?" The sadness immediately drained out of my body, hearing that she wanted to bring me. She then looked behind me, probably seeing my whole crew for the very first time. As much as I wanted to go with the princess, I had friends to protect and a whole crew to lead...I couldn't just leave them...

"You are all welcome at the National Palace as my honored guests for as long as you want and if you want jobs, we will find a spot for you within the castle." I heard the princess say to my crew, and I tried my best not to tackle her to the ground, and kiss her like there is no tomorrow...Rao, have I told you how much I loved this amazing woman? Because I love her so much!

She then turned towards my sister, a thankful smile on her face. "And I was hoping you would specifically become my new captain of the guard." She suggested, Alex's eyes go wide, making her nod immediately...But wait, for what am I going to the palace then?

"What about me? Am I going to be a guard?" I asked, a little disappointed that I did not get a cool position like Alex..I also wanted to be a captain. I started to give my powerful pout to the princess, who nodded her head side to side, causing me to activate my puppy eyes. But she still nodded a no. "Nope. That's too dangerous for the future queen." My eyes went wide, as I opened my jaw in disbelief...Was she serious about marrying me? My heart rate spiked up in seconds, causing me to hear it in my ears.

A huge blush started to creep onto my face, as I still looked at the princess in disbelief with opened jaws. "You were serious about marrying me?" I asked, feeling my lungs becoming breathless...Rao, this woman is going to be the death of me, for the many times she is making me breathless...But I still love her with all my heart.

The princess shrugged, chuckling at how shocked I looked, while giving me a soft smile. "Not right away, obviously. We are going to need to get to know each other better and go on some dates, but I barely know you and I already care about you more than I have ever cared about someone, so yah I am serious about this. Now let's go change the freaking world." She said, as I was still in a shocked daze, taking my hand, while dragging me towards the probably waiting carriage.

I truly thank Rao for making me ambush the royal carriage, which led me to this day, with the love of my life holding my hand...

You know, it was worth believing in my dreams, because at the end, they did become true...It brought me to a reality that stopped my heart from grieving, stopped from aching...Instead, it brought my heart everlasting love and happiness..

And they all lived happily ever after, the End 

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