Supercorp one-shots

By The_Phantom6

115K 3.4K 660

A journey between Kara and Lena, from complete strangers, to 'best friends', to a couple and to a married cou... More

It's always been you
A true love story...
Happy Birthday Lena!
I never got the chance
The life she once lost
Put a little love in your heart
We fall in love 3 times
A little help from my 'twin'
"God complex"
Little bundle of joy
Silver age of heroism
Don't touch her...
She's perfect
10 letters to Kara
What's a soulmate?
What was she like?
A Day at the beach
Family is not perfect
Quantum Entanglement
Our secret...
Catch me
I will join you one day
Approval and blessing
The way we were
It's a curse and blessing
Their only legacy
Sweet but cold
A soulmate would love their soulmate no matter what
Bite me...
Bite me...Part 2
Fight for our love?
Fight for our love? Part 2
From whom is that...HICKEY!?
When she loved me
A little glimpse
Back home...
Back home...2
Rewrite the stars
Changing the future
Unexpected genius
Unexpected talents
Late? 2
Parkour! 2
A letter to Lena
Die for you...
Die for you...2
She'd die for her too...
The long lost kitten
The long lost kitten 2
The long lost kitten 3
Jealousy fits you darling
It's about time
Your care is what I fell for
What would her life be?
What would her life be? 2
It's the jealousy for me
Blue gems
Home is here
Home is here 2

I want you back...

1.6K 62 18
By The_Phantom6

Thank you @Louzzaza for giving me this incredible, awesome idea!

I really enjoyed writing this one, and hope you guys like it. And sorry guys for not updating for awhile, life has gotten a little busy. Anyway, hope you have all a wonderful Monday!

The air in the room was filled with so much tension, that they tried their best not to suffocate by it. So many unshed tears were in their eyes, trying to keep their emotions at bay...If only time travel were not so risky, Kara would have done it without a second thought, just to avoid this situation, just to make things right...But isn't it a typical thing that the universe loved to play with risky things? 

"You lied to me." Lena spat out those words like venom. Her whole face has been covered with a cold mask, hiding every emotion, except for anger and hatred. Kara stood in the other side of the office, letting her tears finally fall. "Lena..." She whispered weakly, trying to sooth the Luthor. "You lied to me. You lied for the past 5 years in front of my face, acting to be my friend...I thought you were different Supergirl. But let's be honest, you are just like all the others from my past, just worse." The Luthor's voice was laced with anger and so much hatred, and if words could kill, Kara would have been long gone. 

Those words were daggers to Kara's heart, her tears falling free from her pained blue eyes. "I never meant to hurt you..." The Super said, her voice breaking a little. All she heard was a scoff from the other woman in the room. "Well you did. But I should thank you for this...Because you exposed me to the worst of humanity." Lena kept her stone cold glare, causing Kara to feel the warmth in her heart to slowly fade away, and be replaced by emptiness and coldness. "Please, let me exp-." Kara did not have the chance to finish that sentence, when Lena interrupted: "EXPLAIN?! FOR WHAT? WHAT IS THERE TO EXPLAIN? ALL I KNOW, IS THAT YOU DID NO TRUST ME ENOUGH AND THSI WHOLE TIME OUR FRIENDSHIP WAS A LIE! A DAMN LIE!" The mask broke, and here stood Lena Luthor in a breakdown, while her voice was filled with so much anger...So much hatred. "There is nothing to explain, because your actions are enough to tell  me...Words can't fix this, there is no hope speech that could mend the damage." Kara's heart started to break upon hearing those words, showing just how hopeless this situation is, how hopeless the damage she has made to be fixed...There was nothing that could be done. Nothing.

"Our friendship was never a lie..." Kara whispered, afraid that she might just break something more. Anger was fuming inside Lena's body, and she spat out words, that were too late to take back: "I never want to see you again, Supergirl. I never want to see you near me again. From this day on, our path finally ends."

And like that, Kara accepted her painful fate and flew out of the office...Leaving the life she once had with Lena.

Weeks passed...And paint just grew within Kara. Seeing Lena's emotionless face, when her name gets mentioned by anyone...She never knew that could hurt so much. Seeing the Luthor on TV, doing a killer speech, as if nothing ever happened...It was like she was okay without Kara in life, and that just made the stinging pain in her heart stronger, to soon unbearable. The pain was too much...Her heart felt empty and everyday the warmth just faded bit by bit...It was like she was becoming a ghost, her soul getting sucked out of her little by little.

Kara felt miserable everyday, not even reporting or superheroing made fun...It was like, those important aspects in her life, slowly didn't matter anymore...What was the reason of being Supergirl, when all it did was hurt the people closest to your heart? What was the reason of being Kara Danvers, when the cheerfulness was caused by one person? What was the reason staying on Earth, when there was no place where she could find comfort? What was the reason to stay, when the one person that held her together, now despised her?

The answer was simple...Leave Earth.

For days, Kara packed her stuff, that needed to be brought to Argo, only leaving her furniture and a few certain things in her apartment. Kara filed a leave in CatCo, getting questioning glances from her co-workers, especially James...Who expected that Kara Danvers, the Kara Danvers who was so dedicated to her job, would leave? Well, broken hearts can change a person completely. 

She even announced a leave at the DEO, getting bombarded with questions why she had to leave...Because no one was prepared to see someone so passionate about being a superhero, about being a symbol, get so apathetic. Seeing that no one could convince the girl of steel to stay,  Alex and J'onn eventually had no other choice, but to accept that Kara might not be on Earth for a while...Maybe she will not even come back.

A few days later, Kara got her ship ready, with the navigation to Argo and all her belongings in the back of the ship. She gave a goodbye hug to everyone, but to one person she wanted to say goodbye the most , was not there...Lena. "Tell Lena goodbye for me." She whispered to Alex, before boarding the ship and blasted out of the Earth's atmosphere minutes later.

But nobody knew, that would be the last time they would ever see their Kara...

7 months have passed and nothing was heard from Kara, and Lena...She didn't seem to care. She did get the goodbye from Kara, just through Alex, but she just didn't care. Everyday she would see reports on the TV about the 'missing' girl of steel, but nothing seemed to waver her or even worry. She threw away that that life with Kara, exactly 7 months ago...So what was the point of still hanging onto it, when she was the one who threw it away?

For those months, she kept herself busy with L-Corp's newest projects and a a little bit of negotiation with the DEO, since crime rate went up a little higher, after Supergirl has left.

Her days seemed to be the same constantly, it's a different day for her, but the same bullshit. She wakes up at about 5am, goes to work at six, locks herself in her office, skips lunch or eats a little salad and buries her head into work. She hates business meetings, and sometimes has to stop herself from murdering one of the board members. She leaves work about at midnight and when at home, she drinks scotch,  yells in anger about Kara and continues drinking until she forgets about her existence and passes out.

Everyone seem to notice how hollow the CEO now looked. Even when she kept a strong posture, her words were laced with fake emotions. In reality she is numb and cold...Because why feel, when the one person that made your heart fill with warmth, is the one who broke you heart the most? To her eyes, there was no reason to continue to be happy, when it never existed in her life...

But that day changed, when she entered her office as usual on a dull day, a cup of black coffee in her hand, and was rather surprised to see Alex Danvers sitting on the white couch in her office. "Need my help again to take down a rogue alien?" Lena asked, her voice monotone, not a single emotion could be heard in it. The agent sighed, looking at the CEO, who took a seat on the chair behind her desk. Silence crept in the room for a short moment, until Alex slowly stood up and walked to wards the CEO. "Yes...Crime rate has sky rocketed and Dreamer, Guardian and the DEO is not enough to handle it." Alex paused, thinking carefully what she should say next, while Lena just listened and signed paperwork at the same time. "We need your help to get Kara back." That's when Lena's hand stilled, anger washing through her body, as she heard the all too familiar name. "Why do you need me?" Lena asked, her tone cold and dangerous. She was fisting the pen in her hand so hard, might be almost breaking it into half.

Alex gave her a stern glare.  "No matter how much I tried to contact her, she never answers. I am worried sick about my sister, and Earth needs Supergirl. All I need is someone who could convince her to come back." The agent said, aware of the conflict her sister and Lena have...But she knew, Lena might be the one who could bring Kara back. "I am the one who sent her away, so I don't think I can convince her to come back...If I haven't made it clear Alex, I don't care about her, I don't care if she stays there, I don't care if she comes back, I don't care about anything." Lena answered, not even thinking what she was saying, but seeing Alex's angry expression, made her regret it a little...Because deep, deep down she cared about Kara, and she would be lying to herself if she didn't miss the Super, because she missed her so much. But she was the reason why Kara left, Kara may not have said it, but it was clear enough that she was the main reason why Kara couldn't stay here. Lena would never admit to herself, but she is worried about Kara...Not hearing her for 7 months? Who knows if she's even alive? Nobody knows...

Tension was now in the room, silence filling the room as they stared intently at each other. "I am mad at you for sending Kara away, but if you can send her away, that means you can get her back. And stop lying to yourself, because your eyes are telling the truth...I know you care for Kara, I know you miss her, I know you are worried about her, so suck it up and come with me to get her back." Alex stated, as she clenched her fists tightly, trying to keep her emotions in control...She is mad at Lena for putting pain into her sister, but she knew there was no reason to blame, because that would not bring her sister back. It was quiet for awhile, Lena was thinking, thinking if it was worth to see Kara again, worth to get her back...But Alex was right, as usual. Taking a deep breath, she sighed in annoyance. "Fine." the Luthor agreed, and Alex sighed in relief that her convincing worked.

They made their way to the DEO, the ship all ready and packed with emergency supplies. "Glad you could come Miss Luthor." J'onn greeted, giving his hand to shake. Lena rolled her eyes mentally, still not really caring about this whole situation. "I am just here, because I am forced to, Director." She answered, while taking his and to shake. J'onn knew that was a lie, he knew she came because she had to, but because she as well needed Kara back, she was just too stubborn to admit it. Instead of saying anything about that topic, he just nodded. "Your DEO gear is in your locker, just so you know." He said instead, and then walked away to the command center. 

Eventually Alex and Lena got themselves prepared, putting their gear on and checking if the navigation to Argo is correct, plus making sure there are are no passing asteroids. "I think we are all set." Alex said, as she buckled up in the cockpit. "All set in here as well." Lena answered bluntly, as she checked the controls. 

Few minutes later after getting the okay to launch, the ship finally came to life and flew out of the atmosphere, within minutes in the vacuum of space. "Ready?" Alex asked, as she typed in a few things. Lena raised a brow, wondering what kind of questions this is. "I was basically forced to come, so it doesn't matter if I am ready or not." And without wasting another second, the ship blasted towards Argo. 

The trip was about and hour, and as they saw Argo from afar, Alex noticed how the place has gotten bigger, much bigger. There wasn't only one dome, but now 5, all near the size of National City. "What happened here?" Alex whispered to herself, but Lena heard it loud ad clear. The Luthor raised a questioning brow, as she looked at the agent. "Everything alright?" She asked, wondering why Alex was staring at Argo wide eyed. She must admit, the place looked incredible and it's nothing like she has ever seen before. Before answering, Alex observed the place a little more. "The last time I was here, Argo was only one dome and wasn't near the size of National City, but now all domes look like the size of National City." The agent was completely astonished, and so was Lena. "Interesting." Is all what Lena said, before the ship got pulled by Argo's magnetic shield and then into the dome. 

They landed safely, to which are both relieved by. As soon as they exited the ship, they were immediately greeted by Kryptonian guards and robots. "Intruder! Intruder!" The robots kept on chanting, as their helmets now flashed red. "Who are you?" One of the guards asked, their swords drawn out, ready for any attack. Lena and Alex put their hands up, showing that they are no threat. But then one of the Kelex robots blasted one of their beams, causing Alex to draw her gun and shoot it, hitting it perfectly on the head. That's what caused the guards to attack, making Lena and Alex to dodge the attacks. 

Lena and Alex started to take their guns out, first attack the robots and then the guards. There were three cards in total, which outnumbered Alex and Lena. First they tried to unarm the guards, but it was a difficult situation. They grew tired, their attacks becoming sloppy and weak, but before they could get arrested, a voice echoed from behind: "Stand down! They come in peace." Instantly the guards retreated their weapons and stopped attacking. There came Alura Zor-El into view, a few maids following right behind her. Lena and Alex sighed in relief, as they finally saw a familiar face. "Lena! Alex! It's nice to see you both." Greeted the older Kryptonian, while both humans tried to catch their breath. "Nice to see you too Alura." Alex huffed, as she gave a hug to Alura. "Not that I mind, but what are you doing here?" Alura suddenly asked, as she gave the maids a quick signal to leave them alone, to which they obliged. "Just wanted to say we had a lovely greeting." Lena said sarcastically, getting a punch onto the shoulder from Alex, giving a glare in return. "Sorry, whole Argo is on high alert right now." Alura apologized, still waiting for an answer to her question. "We are here, because we need Kara back. Earth needs Supergirl." Alex answered, causing Alura to go wide eyed. "Let me bring you to my house first." Said the older Kryptonian, Lena and Alex agreeing to come, since fighting with robots and guards was exhausting.

They made their way to the house, and while Alex and Alura discussed about a few things, Lena just observed the place. She noticed how interesting the plants looked, and wondered what kind of science was behind the dome and whole technology. Soon they arrived at the house, but seeing the all too familiar symbol on the door, made Lena's heart fill its anger and a pint of sadness. She really wanted this to be over soon, so she could go back to L-Corp and lock herself in her office once again. "So where is Kara?" Alex asked, peeking Lena's interested, just when they entered the beautiful house. Upon hearing that question, Alura stiffened. "All I can say, it will not be easy to get her to return back to Earth." Alura stated, making both younger women in the room raise a questioning brow. "Why not?" Lena then asked, because now she noticed that this mission wasn't as simple as it should be. Alura took a deep breath, before answering: "She is in war right now." 

And that's when Alex and Lena's eyes widened. "War? What war? Why is she even there?" Alex blurted out questions after questions, while Alura just gave a defeated look and Lena...She simply couldn't care...But she was worried sick about Kara, just she wouldn't admit it. "I can't answer that, because I don't know much. I just know that the war will end today and Kara should be back tomorrow." Alura reasoned, getting a frustrating sigh from Alex, and Lena just tried to keep calm. "I'll go send a message to J'onn that we might need longer." The agent mumbled, before leaving the house and walked towards where they left the ship. 

It was now only Alura and Lena in the house, the whole place soon to be replaced by awkward silence. "Why was Kara sent to war? Didn't she come here for a break?" Lena asked out of the blue, to finally interrupt the silence. Alura gave a sigh, walking to the kitchen to prepare tea. "She did come here for a break or more likely holiday, but she insisted on joining the army. I tried to convince her it was no use, and that being in the army will not bring peace into her...But she must have my stubbornness." Joked Alura, chuckling at her own joke, while Lena just bit her lip, fully aware that she must be the reason why Kara joined the army. "Did she tell you the reason why she joined?" The question just came out of the Luthor's mouth, not even her mind thought about it. Hearing what she questioned, Lena stood stiff and was nervous to what the answer could be...Maybe Alura might snap and blame her, maybe Alura might despise her, just so many what if's that could go terribly wrong flashed through her mind. "She didn't mention much...She just told me that she needed a purpose, after losing something that was everything to her." The older Kryptonian answered, while she poured tea into the cups. Upon hearing the answer, Lena froze...What did she mean by purpose? By losing everything? Was this about her?...Was she Kara's purpose? Kara's everything?

Silence once filled the whole house. Alura was now preparing little snacks, while Lena just stood in the middle of the room in shock. "Are you okay, Miss Luthor?" The older woman asked worried, as she looked at Lena's shocked expression. The Luthor shook her head, breaking the trance she was in. "Just call me Lena." Answered Lena instead, as she gave Alura a smile and took a seat on the dining table.

After awhile of a little banter, till Alex as well joined the little conversation, it had gotten pretty late. "You ladies go get some rest, because you look very tired." Alura said, as she looked towards to the two younger women, seeing that they had little eye bags under their eyes. "Thank you." Alex replied, as she yawned heavily, causing Alura to chuckle. "The guest room is up the stairs and at the last door to the left." The older Kryptonian gestured the way, soon seeing two sleepy humans go up the stairs.

A little time passed and Lena was now all changed into comfy clothes, now on bed thinking deeply. Her thoughts were questions about why did Kara hide her identity, and what was the meaning by purpose? Especially by everything, what was the meaning behind it? "I can hear you thinking, Luthor." Muttered Alex from the other side of the room. Lena just huffed in annoyance, turning away from the older Danvers. "I know you are thinking about Kara." The older Danvers said, as she turned to face Lena's direction. "Shut up, Danvers." Huffed the Luthor, as she tried to calm down her thoughts. "Why should I, when I am exposing the truth? You can't deny it." Alex shot back, clearly frustrated that Lena would not accept the truth. "This time is not your right to say what I should do or choose, Alex." Lena replied back, pulling her covers up, a sign that the discussion was over. All she heard before sleep consumed her was a muttered 'Whatever' from Alex. 

The next day came and Lena had a restless night. Her mind kept on running about so many questions, about how Kara was doing and so many other things. Sighing to herself, she got out of bed and made her way downstairs, already seeing Alura preparing breakfast. "Morning Miss Zor-El." Lena greeted, as she approached the older woman. "Please call me Alura, Lena. I think we are passed the formalities. And morning to you as well." Answered Alura, as she gave the Luthor a welcoming smile. "Do you need any help?" Lena asked, trying to distract her mind from Kara. Alura nodded, as she pointed towards the basket of bread. "Could you cut out a few slices of bread?" The older woman asked, getting an immediate nod from Lena. 

Lena started to cut the bread, her mind getting distracted with the little conversation with Alura. Soon Alex came downstairs and joined with preparing breakfast. Soon they all sat on the table, having a few conversations here and there, but Alura was mostly talking, since the older Danvers kept on asking how Argo had such an economical change. After awhile, silence was filled the atmosphere in the dining room, all of three women just continuing their breakfast. Time kept on ticking and ticking, making Lena internally nervous, because she was dreading to ask a particular question. But a voice in her mind kept on chanting: You don't care about Kara, you don' care about Kara, you don't care about Kara...And so she believed it, she believed that she truly did not care about Kara and was only here, because she was forced to.

"Is Kara arriving anytime soon?" Alex asked, her nerves getting all over the place. Alura swallowed her food and took a deep breath. "I have gotten a message that the whole army is back, for sure including Kara. But to be honest, I haven't seen her for 6 months." The older woman answered, making Alex's eyes go wide, while Lena kept straight face (Even when she's not straight, but you get the point right?). "Do you know anything from her life here?" Alex asked worried, her mind racing with different scenarios and they were all awful. "Not much...She seemed distant and when I try to contact her, she would just shut me out...I only know that she must be in the military headquarters." Alura answered frustrated,  kind of disappointed to herself that her own daughter would not talk to her or even distance from her...She felt like she had failed as a mother. But how Kara was acting reminded her so much of Astra...When Astra had gotten older, she became distant towards their mother and seeing how that came out in the end, she definitely did not want to do the same mistake. "Military headquarters? Where is that?" Lena suddenly asked, as she now wondered what was going on with Kara. "I can't come with you, since I have no authority to enter, but you can borrow my pod, and with my connections I could arrange you a way to get in." Alura explained, getting nods from both younger women. "We really need her back..." Alex whispered more likely to herself, but Alura gave a sad smile, understanding the pressure the older Danvers must be in. 

After Alura had arranged everything, Lena and Alex were ready to go. They got into the pod, with the direct coordinates to the headquarters. The flight wasn't long, but it felt like an eternity to both women. Through the whole trip, both women kept quiet, their feelings all over the place, that they might not be able to build correct sentences. Finally the pod stopped, right in front of the entrance and Alex almost jumped out, while Lena took her time. "Come on Luthor, we don't have much time." Alex scolded as she made her way to the entrance. Lena rolled her eyes and made her way as well. Passing few security checks, they finally made it into the lobby. "Gosh, I thought airports were worse, but this reached a whole new level." Alex commented, and Lena understood to what Alex meant by 'this', and she must agree that security checks in Argo are much stricter than on Earth. 

The lobby was filled with soldiers and different rankings of lieutenants, captains and so on, walking into every direction of the huge building. "This his a huge place." Lena said astonished, as she observed the place a little more. "It is." Alex answered back, as she noticed a few wounded soldiers being brought to what looked like the medical bay of the building. Both shook their thoughts off and together they walked to the reception. "Greetings. Do you know by any means a Kara Zor-El?" Alex asked the receptionist, who had suddenly stiffened. "Excuse me Miss, do you have an appointment with Miss Zor-El?" The receptionist asked, as she typed a few things on a hologram screen. "No, but we need to see her urgently." Alex replied, wondering why they would need an appointment to meet Kara, she remembered that they Alura had said they would have easy access to Kara, since she was an average soldier. "Let me quickly make a call." The woman behind the desk said, pressing a button and soon started speaking with someone. "Yes Miss, uh...What is your name?" The receptionist, while she was still on call. "Lena Luthor and Alex Danvers." Lena answered this time, noticing that Alex was too deep in thought to answer.

Minutes passed and they finally got the okay to meet Kara. A guard guided them to what looked like some type of portal. The guard did not utter single word, and only pressed a few Kryptonian letters and the portal opened to another floor. Alex and Lena swallowed, kind of creeped out to what is happening...They never knew that Kryptonians would be so extra. "This way." The guard said, as they walked through the portal and were now following him to an entrance of an unknown room. "Miss Zor-El is in here." He said, before leaving both women alone. They took a deep breath, having this feeling that something bad must have happened to Kara, but of course Lena ignored her feelings and kept on telling herself she didn't care. "Ready?" Alex asked and Lena had to scoff at the question, but that was a good enough answer for Alex. They opened the door and what they saw made their eyes go wide...

It was not some laboratory or hospital room, no...It was a neat office and behind the desk sat Kara...But she looked different, so so different. "Kara?" Alex whispered, when she slowly walked towards her sister, who didn't even mind looking up from her work. "It's general, Alex." Kara answered, her voice missing that ray of sunshine and was filled with coldness. That's when Kara finally looked up and she was not recognizable anymore...Lena just stood frozen as she looked at the woman who had such  familiar face yet felt like a stranger now. As her emerald eyes scanned Kara's face, she could not see the light in those ocean eyes, no, ocean eye anymore, lacking the glimmer of hope and love in them, but was now clouded with no emotions and only coldness. A horrible scar ran through Kara's right eye, which was covered with an eye patch. Her hair looked very different, there were no more long, golden locks, instead there was short, dirty blond hair. Her armor looked very different, she was never one to be wearing gold and silver, but her armor was painted with only those colors...Forget of not caring, because she could not deny it anymore, she cared for Kara and seeing her like this broke her heart. 

"W-What happened to you?" The older Danvers asked nervously, not knowing how to act anymore, because the person behind the desk was not like her sister. Kara just shrugged and leaned back onto her chair. "Joined the army, had a few wars and promoted till I have become general." The Super answered bluntly, looking at two women that were once her most important people in her life. "All of that in 7 months?" Alex was the only one who had the right mind to ask, since Lena is in such a shock and was washed over emotions, that she couldn't respond or even ask something, let alone utter a proper word. "Time passes here a little different Alex, instead of 7 months it felt 3 years to me." Kara replied, her words having no emotion nor compassion behind them. "Anyway, get to the point. I don't think you are here to visit me." The Super said, as she sighed to what sounded in annoyance, as if they were waisting her time. 

Lena clenched her fists, trying to keep herself up float from the wave of emotions washing over her like a tsunami. Alex gulped the lump in her throat, terrified of her sister. "We need Supergirl back...Earth is in danger and we could really use your help, Kara." The older Danvers said, trying not to burst into tears upon seeing how much her sister had changed, and not in the positive side. Kara scoffed, finding the reason ridiculous. "You don't need me. And why should I go back? I have no reason to stay there, because I have nothing to fight for." Kara answered, her voice now filled with anger and...Pain? 

"Kara, we need you so bad...We need Supergirl now than ever!" Alex yelled, making Lena flinch in the room, while Kara was now fuming. Kara slammed her fist onto the desk, making a little crack. "Don't! You don't need me! I am not going back!" She shouted in anger, her eye dangerous with hot flames of anger behind that blue orb. Alex's brown eyes were leaking tears, the glint of hope slowly fading away, seeing that she might not get her sister back. "Get out!" Kara yelled and it was not a suggestion, it was an order. "Ka-." Alex's interrupted by Kara once again: "Get. Out!" Noticing that her younger sister and she herself was not in the state to talk, she left the office. 

Alex tugged onto Lena's arm, but the Luthor pulled away. "Let's go." Alex said, her voice breaking a little just by two words. "No...Let me talk to her." Lena whispered, as a single tear fell out of her eye. Alex was a little surprised, but knew that Lena might be her only chance to break through Kara. She nodded and let the office, wanting to give them privacy. 

"Kara..." Lena whispered, as she slowly walked towards the office. Kara looked at the direction of the voice and noticed she didn't even know Lena was here. "Lena." She never knew that hearing her name being said, would hurt so much...Instead of sounding with joy and relief, it sounded it was spat out with anger and hatred, it sounded so venomous. "Why won't you come back?" Lena asked, as she heard Kara chuckle...But it felt cold.  "Why I won't come back? Why would it concern you Lena?" Kara asked, standing up from her chair and slowly walked towards Lena. The Luthor felt she was shrinking, getting casted over Kara's shadow. "Please...Just come back." Lena pleaded, her eyes getting filled with unshed tears, as she looked at a face that she had truly missed. "I though you didn't want me in your life anymore." Kara stated, but her voice had a small crack, like she was trying to hold her tears, tears that were clearly not visible on her face. "I was angry Kara, I wasn't in my right mind, I-." She didn't have the time to finish the sentence, when she got interrupted by Kara:  "Because you were angry?! Not in your right mind?! Are clearly joking now?! That day you made it pretty clear that you didn't want me anymore, that day you were filled with anger, because of my secret that was only meant to protect you! To protect you!" Every word made Lena flinch, and she just looked at the ground. "Kara I'm sorry..." Lena whispered, no other words coming into mind. She then heard a scoff, clearly Kara was not believing her. "Nowadays sorry doesn't even have a meaning anymore, but has only lies and promises that will be broken." Kara explained, as her tone was indicating that this was ridiculous.

A single tear fell out of Lena's eye, as she looked at Kara, her eyes pleading to come back, to come back not for her, but for the people of Earth. "I never meant to hurt you..." The Luthor whispered weakly, and all she heard was a scoff from the other woman. "Well you did. And I should thank you for this, because you showed me how useless emotions are...All it brought me was pain, so much pain I felt like I was suffocating in my own body." Kara spat out, as she clenched her fist tightly, her eye glistening with a little water, but they read anger and utter pain...The pain was clear as the sky on Earth. Lena just let her tears fall, unable to keep the weight of them in her emerald eyes. "Please, let me-." But before Lena could even finish the sentence, she was interrupted by Kara: "Explain?! What is there to explain?!...There is nothing to explain, because you actions are enough to tell me...Words can't fix this, there is no hope speech that could mend the damage...Especially the damage in my heart." Kara almost whispered the last part, as her voice just wavered a little and Lena's eyes went wide as she heard the very familiar words, the exact same words she just spat out without even thinking...Now she felt the pain Kara had gone through, or is still going through...

Before the Luthor could even utter a word, the Super said: "I don't wish to see you ever again, and I will never come to Earth, especially when I had lost everything." And right then, two Kelex robots bursted into the office, grabbing Lena by the arms as they tried to pull her out of the office. "No! No please! Kara, please no!" Lena yelled desperately, trying to convince Kara to stop them, as she fought the robots back. "Take Alex Danvers as well, and make sure they leave Argo this evening." Kara ordered in a harsh tone, looking at Lena with such cold eyes. Two robots grabbed Alex, pulling her towards the portal, but she as well was fighting the robots.

"Kara! Please, please don't make us leave! Please, I want you back...B-Becasue I love you!" Lena yelled, tears streaming down her face, as she looked at Kara. The Super raised a hand, immediately the robots let Lena and Alex go. "You don't mean that." Kara answered rather coldly, gritting her teeth in a bit of anger. Lena swallowed a sob, as she slowly stood up, so her green eyes met a blue one, the blue one was filled with pain, anger, hatred, coldness...But looking a little deeper, relief and...Love could be seen, but they were very clouded with a huge storm, causing big waves of pain to wash those feelings away. "I mean it...I have always loved you...Every time I saw you, I wanted to kiss you and tell you how much I love you. Your betrayal hurt me the most, because you were the one holding my heart..." Lena whispered the last part, but every word she said she meant it. The very last part of Lena's sentence, Kara heard it loud and clear, and those words finally broke her walls off, causing tears to leak down her eye. "I am so sorry for the pain I caused you Kara...But please, I am begging you to come back...I am begging you to come back, not only for Earth, but because I want you back."

A second was not wasted and Lena felt a soft pair of lips on hers. It took her a little time to register to kiss back, but then she did and the kiss never felt so magical...Their lips were kissing in a perfect rhythm, like they were meant to be. Both were crying, the kiss soon to be mixed with a  salty taste of shredded tears. Finally, they broke the kiss and Lena saw in Kara's eye a glimmer of hope and love. "I love you too, and I always have..." Kara whispered softly on Lena's lips, not wanting to break their little bubble. Lena gave a soft smile, as she went to kiss Kara again. As they broke the kiss once again, both just sighed in relief, like this was what they exactly needed. "I left Earth, because I thought I had lost you for good, that I had lost everything...I left, because you are my everything Lena." Kara whispered, as she swallowed a sob. Lena couldn't resist and kissed again, full of passion and love that was held back for too long. 

But then their little bubble was broken, when someone cleared their throat. "I am happy to have General Kara Zor-El back, but please you two go get a room." Alex commented, causing both women to chuckle. "Does this mean you are coming back to Earth?" Lena asked, her eyes shimmering with hope and love. Kara could not resist and pecked Lena's soft lips. "Wherever you are, that's where I belong." Kara answered, looking at Lena with love.

Months later, after dealing with all the trouble on Earth, the couple were cuddling on Lena's rather large sofa, just enjoying each others presence. "Honey, don't you need to go back to Argo?" Lena asked suddenly, remembering her girlfriend was the general of the whole army and needed to return. Kara just chuckled, as she looked down at Lena, whose head was on her chest. "What's so funny scarface?" Lena teased, getting a pout from Kara. "It's a crime to look incredible cute and hot at the same time." Lena grumbled, knowing Kara's pout was irresistible. "Hey, the one who is breaking the crime is you. You look incredibly hot in anything and absolutely adorable, so please. Anyway a few days ago, I retired as general...Because why should I return to Argo, when I have everything here on Earth?" Kara said, causing Lena to lift her head from Kara's chest in a blur. "You are really staying here?" Lena asked, her voice filled with happiness and she could not suppress smiling. Kara chuckled again, and seeing that made Lena's heart flutter, knowing that her Kara was back. "I love you." Lena whispered, connecting her lips with Kara's. "I lover you too." Kara whispered a little breathless, as they broke the kiss...And both were thankful, that they have finally gotten each other back...

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